Yasir Qadhi – 4 Defining Traits of Jahiliyyah

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The segment discusses Jeunate Helia's various characteristics, including "has been done" meaning "has been done," "has been done" meaning "has been done," "has been done" meaning "has been done," and "has been bad" meaning "has been bad." The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting one's group and culture, citing the use of shrouds and clothing to protect their clothing and their culture. They also discuss the four pillars of the Jehovah God, including theology, laws, morality, and religion, emphasizing the importance of finding common balance in personal lives and community.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while early he was so happy woman wala Hammerberg today's brief hotter is going to be about the concept in the Quran of Jah Helia we all know that Jehovah is a timeframe. We all know that Jehovah is pre Islam in the famous incident of jafarzadeh. Sorry, Jennifer. Whenever you thought of going to the Joshi and explaining to him What is Islam, the cousin of the process of childhood he says in Hakuna fija Helia we used to be in a time of Jah Helia and a time of evil. Then Allah azza wa jal brought Islam. So Jah Helia the utter state of ignorance is pre Islam. The Quran mentions the term Jah Helia four times and only four

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times. And it is extremely profound that each one of these four times presents a very powerful reality to what your Helia was about. And all four of these times all four of these verses are found in the Madani surah is not in the murky, because then the muck can FaZe Jaya hilliest was still not fully eradicated in society, society was still mixed. So in Medina, now you had an Islamic society and Jah Helia was completely eradicated. So Allah references the negation of Joe Helia, and references for things about Joe Helia. In Medina, we in our times should study these verses so that we understand what are the four defining characteristics of Jehovah and we avoid them, we learn evil

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in order to recognize and avoid it, we learn what is wrong and evil so that we avoid it. So what are these four verses? The first of these verses is in surah. Al Imran and Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that the hypocrites of Medina vedantam villanelle Jaya Helia, you had presumptions of Joe Helia? What are these presumptions? Your coluna * and I'm in an embodiment shape. They said, What have we got to do with anything? The reference is the battle of good. And the reference is those people who didn't want to go and fight they wanted to stay here. And they said, if you had followed us, you wouldn't have died. If you had remained here, then death would not have happened to you. But

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because you disobeyed us, you know, the Hipparcos. Remember destroyed because you disobeyed us and you weren't there, then you all face your death. Allah calls this presumption Villanelle Jaya Helia. Why? Because it is based on a theology of secularism, a theology of no God, a theology of cause and effect being based upon what I do and you do. And that's where Allah says Paulo Quinto, feeble ut comme le Barraza, Ladino kuchibhotla. Mobile geranium, if you were in your houses, and Allah's decree was that they would die, the people on whom decree was done, they would have left their houses and they would have died in their death point. In other words, you do not control Allah

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controls. The assumption that I control Vaughn Naja Helia, the assumption that Allah is not in charge. This is one Naja Helia. This is Jay Haley of theology. When you eliminate God from the picture, you are Jay Haley, this is point number one, point number two surah Telma Ada, so memorize this. This is the god of theology where God is removed and natural causes only are in effect, and if you believe this, you're living in Gehenna, it is Allah who is in control. He is Allah is Musa bibble ASVAB and there are ASVAB what I do has an impact but that is by the will of Allah that's what we believe. Point number two surah Telma ADA have a hook myalgia Helia to your bone. Do they

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want the law and order of Jaya Helia so this is in reference to once again groups of people that Bani Israel and others rejecting the law of Allah and wanting the law of their lands, the previous laws. And Allah says will you reject the law of Allah, morality of Allah? Will we reject the laws of Allah of Llucmajor Lee at the award? Do you want to hook him up Jana Helia. So this is the second type of Joe Helia Jaya Helia of laws. Allah is the One who legislates the Shediac comes from Allah azza wa jal, and anybody who says the Sharia comes from other than Allah, the Shediac comes from a majority vote what is ethical or what is what not is what not this is something that is generally

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Yes, society has its ways of doing it, but we as Muslims believe it is Allah who is the Shatter one of Allah's names is an HECM. And Allah's name is isn't Hakeem, he is the one who does

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Jews in the law who will come the halal is what Allah has made halal and haram is what Allah has made haram. So, this is the second type of Jah Helia and that is the Janelia of laws. The first one JD of theology, when you reject God being in the picture, the second is JD of laws when you reject God or Allah is the One who legislates The third type of Jamelia. The third type of Jai Leah is mentioned in sorted Zab

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wala tuber Regina tuber Rojo Jaya Healy yet Hola. This is the jar Haley of morality. Number one jelly of theology. Number two Jayla of what guys? Laws number three Joe Hillier of morality. Do you want to Tuber Raj means to discard your clothes and be naked? Be *? Do you want to go back to the Tabata route of jaw Helia. So, those who are wanting to have fascia, and you understand what I mean by fascia, those who are embracing this version of life sensuousness and of *, and nakedness and complete free for all. This is Jaya Helia. And Allah has revealed a Shetty to protect our old to protect our dignity to protect our clothes. Allah says in the Quran, and Xia bunny, Adam a cadenza,

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Alikum Lieberson are Children of Adam, we have sent clothes down to you what a powerful verse clothes leave us and Zelina the same answer that Allah reveals the Quran, Allah reveals the rain Allah reveals the Rama and Allah says I have revealed clothes. What does it mean revealing clothes? It means the desire to be clothed is from Allah and the material to wear clothes is from Allah. What do we use to wear our clothes is our blessings from Allah. So both the desire and the material, but and Zanna, they come, it's ingrained in us and that's why our mother and father they were clothed in Jannah they were clothed in Jannah there were no other human beings there was still clothed the

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default of the adults man or woman they are clothed, then when they committed the sin, which was the tactic of Shavon lube the Allahumma who the young man mr. ottima Shavon wanted to unclothed them and that's why Allah says in the Quran yeah Benny Adam, lie of tin Anna comerciais upon are Children of Adam, make sure shaytaan does not test and tempt you come a ha boy communal Jannetty like he tempted your parents and caused them to be expelled, causing their outer to be exposed. Allah says do not fall prey to shape on this is the third Jahangir Jaya Helia of what? Morality fascia? Anybody who wants to go backwards in this this is Jah Helia This is not rocket dome. This is not progression.

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This is regression. And what is the fourth Jaha Leia in the Quran? Surah Al Fattah Hemi Yetta. hammy yeah tell Jai Helia Hermia tell Jaya Helia means the tribalism of Germania, the partisanship of Jehovah, the division of mankind of Jehovah. And this is in the in the in the context of tribalism, this is the context of each group thinking just because I belong to this group, I must protect and defend this group tribalism. And of course, this Jah Helia my people, right or wrong are going to be right, let's Jania whatever my group does, whatever my ethnicity does, whatever my tribe does, whatever my nation does, this is Jania and Allah calls it Hemi Yetta. Jaya Helia. This is the the

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anger of tribalism, or the the if you like the false jealousy of tribalism, and we see it all the time in modern nation states. This jingoistic type of mentality that my country, my nation, yeah, what is a country a nation? How long has the country been around is a country a God, a country as a group of people imagining a collective identity? These lines between countries are imaginary, and they are fictional, and they are temporary. And they are something that only goes back 100 200 300 years, and they change from time to place. So this notion of a country being something supernatural, this is Jackie Lee, yes, it's okay to be divided into countries and have civic order, no problem.

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But when your country identity becomes more important than anything else, when your tribe, there's nothing wrong with tribes, the Prophet says was Karachi. And he said, I am the son of Abdullah methodic. And he talked about the blessings of the Quran the blessings of the unsolved no problem with a tribe, but when your tribe or your race or your nation state becomes your defining characteristic, this is Hemi yet Elijah Helia and that is the Jehovah of society. These are the four pillars of Jehovah God of theology, Jehovah of laws, Jehovah of morality, jalahalli of society, Islam has came to destroy

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All of these Jaya helias in our lives. Allah azza wa jal is the one who tells us with the theology number one, our whole worldview is shaped by our Eman and Allah subhanho wa Taala number two our halal and haram comes from Allah. Yes, we follow the laws of the land we live in. But the laws of the land do not make it halal and haram, we follow them for civic order. But even if the country allows alcohol, that's their allowance in our shutdown, it is our home. And the laws of morality, same thing the country can say whatever, we have our laws and the laws of society as well. So these were the four Jah helias Islam came to eliminate. And if you look at the the perfection of the laws

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of Islam, and if you look at the goals of the laws of Islam, and the Civic order that would come if these laws are implemented the laws of Islam, you will find a very different worldview than what we find in our times. Problem reality is that we are not living in those times. Still, we try what we can in our personal lives, in our communities, in our families, even as we obey the broader laws of the land. We understand that in our personal lives, we have the law of Allah and in our personal commitments, we have the law of the Shetty and the laws of the Ummah, this is what we tried our best to strive. Long point here, I'm not going to go into too detail. Sometimes there's a clash and gray

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area and that's where we have to work with and be frank with living in the lands we live in. But we try our best to find that common balance and we ask Allah azza wa jal for hidayah and Nicholson tofield until next time, good luck we'll look at said I'm wanting to catch up

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by the F La Mina

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a levena woovina sala de force your own well levena

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We want to mourn when levena Homeless Zanka de lune will levy now only 4g him have you hone in

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as waggy you

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get amen in our home while you Malou me

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