Yasir Qadhi – 3 Benefits from the Hijrah

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the negative impact of social media and the holy month of Easter on Islam. The importance of tapering the curve and practicing is emphasized, along with the holy month's significance in history. The conversation also touches on the benefits of Easter boat and the importance of practicing for better results.
AI: Transcript ©
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Boy you're gonna catch

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never have

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Hi Jana

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Oh oh

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hamdulillah All praise is due to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Who created the heavens and beautified them with constellations and made the earth into mountains and valleys and gave us greenery and vegetation and united us from different tribes and races to make us an ummah one nation and reveal to us the Quran guaranteeing its preservation and sent to us a profit to be a paradigm of emulation. He is the King of Kings on the final day of compensation. May Sadat and Salam be upon our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who shall be resurrected upon the praiseworthy station. Dear Muslims, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada has commanded us to be conscious of him when he says in the Quran,

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yeah, are you Hello, Dina? I'm an otaku Allahu Akbar to call to Walter Mutanda Illa, we're unto Muslim moon. As we're all aware, we have just begun the new Hijiri year of 1442. And every single year, we go back and we remember the beauty, the message, the meaning, the lessons, the morals from the Hijra of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In today's brief reminder, I want to extract three benefits from the Hijra. There are many benefits more than 100 can be extracted. Time is limited, we'll restrict to three. When we look back at the hijra, we see so many things that we can practically apply in our lives here in this situation, first and foremost. Our Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam for 13 years did not migrate. He remained in the face of persecution in the face of anti

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organism in the face of hatred, hostility. He was surrounded by people who rejected Allah and His messenger. He were surrounded by those who made fun of him and the teachings of Islam. around him were people who did shit, who are Kfar who did evil things who drank, who walked around the Kaaba without any clothes. They were a most far his nation, yet still, the Sahaba and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not leave because of the evil No, in that evil they remained so that they can preach goodness, in that darkness they remained so that they can be the light and the beacon of Islam. They only migrated when they could no longer worship Allah, when it became

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impossible to say La Ilaha illa Allah when they could not pray, or fast or be Muslims outwardly. And what this shows us dear Muslims, is that wherever we are, we don't romanticize another nation and land. We do the best wherever we are. We preach Tawheed we preach the Sunnah, we preach our religion, even if we're surrounded by those who reject it. Too many amongst us, we fantasize about other places. Oh, because of the society I cannot be a good Muslim. Because of the society I cannot do anything. There was no society more dangerous and more difficult for Islam than early MCCA. Yet our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remained as a paragon of virtue as a beacon of light. He

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didn't find excusive excuses, oh, if I were only in this land, I could do better. If I only go there. I would do that. No, you make the best of your situation. You see the negative and you work to make it positive. We are living at a time of immorality, a time of fascia, a time of lewdness, a time of great evil a time of heedlessness a time of gopher. Yes, it is true we are. Don't let shaytaan come to you and say oh nothing I can do. I'm just going to sit at home and worship Allah and ignore society. That's not why we are here. That's not why Allah created us. We are here to preach and teach. We are here to be paragons of virtue. We are here to embody. What does it mean to

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be a believer in a land of unbelievers? What does it mean to believe in God in a land that has abandoned God? What does it mean to be a follower of the prophets in alanda has marked the prophets there is so much opportunity here. And unless and until our freedoms are taken away, we shall remain in this land. And we shall continue to preach and teach how many people have converted to Islam during this COVID crisis. Every week or two, we have people coming to our own Masjid across the country, when people are locked up, their brains become free. By the way, when people don't go out in the streets don't party, their brains become free, they start wandering, they start thinking this

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is an opportunity for every one of us to give Dawa online to give Dawa to our colleagues that we interact with, and that ALLAH is given by our manners before our tongue by our deeds before our speech. This is the first of the benefits. The second benefit that we learned from the hijab is that success will only come through sacrifice. Success only comes after sacrifice. You have to give up for the sake of Allah. In order for Allah to give you something more. You have to give up something you want. That is not good for you in order to get something better. That is good for you. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam loved Makkah, it was his birthplace. It was the land of his

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ancestors. For more than 4000 years. He and his ancestors lived in Makkah, he did not want to leave. It was his land, his people, the place he was born, the house he lived in, everything was there. But life became impossible. He gave it up for the sake of Allah. And what happens? Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever gives something up for the sake of Allah, Allah will give him something better than what he gave up. We all have things that we do that we should not be doing. We all have heart arms. Sometimes they're small, sometimes they're large. We all have things that should not be done. Give them up for the sake of Allah. If you're earning through haram, that

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money is sweet. Give it up for the sake of Allah, you will see something much better come into your life. Success only comes after sacrifice. When you sacrifice for Allah when you give up something

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Allah Allah will give you back much more than what you gave up. We learned this from the hijra, because barely nine years after eight years after the Hijrah, our prophets of salaam returned to the city of his birth as a conqueror eight years that's all that it took. In eight years he came back and he conquered the very city that expelled him. And not only that, Allah gave him the entire Arabian Peninsula. When you give up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will give you back much more than what you gave up. And success will only come when you sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. The third and final point and again much can be said, but always time is against

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us. The third and final point of the benefits of the Hijra. Look at how beautifully the plan of the Hijra was enacted. Look at the meticulous planning the care the concern, look at what the prophets Assam did from the beginning, he had a confidant Abu Bakr Siddiq, he had people that were working for him at every level of society, a young boy, the son of Abu Bakr, a lady, the daughter of Abu Bakr, unknown Muslim, the guy that he hired to take them from Mecca to Medina. Our religion teaches us to cooperate with everyone and anyone. Our religion teaches us that for a society to flourish, every segment of that society needs to be utilized. It's not just the elders and seniors. It's not

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just one group of people. The plan of the hijra, utilized all the segments of society. If you want any community to be successful, if you want any corporation to be successful, if you want any civilization to be successful, it needs to tap into the talent of every single niche, every single demographics. And I say this very clearly that especially us elders, that are of one persuasion or one background, we need to tap in to the talents and to the varieties of so many people around us, people of different ethnicities, people of different backgrounds, people of different ages, or elders, you cannot always push the youth away and then expect them to carry the torch of Islam you

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have to give them opportunities. Like the prophets, Assam gave the opportunity to Abdul Rahman iannelli Bucher, who did a very pivotal role, Oh men, you have to give women the opportunities that Allah allows for them like a smart Binti IV Bucher was given the opportunity to undertake a very critical role in the Hijra. Dear Muslim men, if you keep on denying our sisters, the rights that Allah has given them. Don't be surprised when they ask for rights that Allah has not given them. We live in a land we live in a place where everything about gender is going haywire. Everything about the reality of men and women and the roles that they have is being taken up for grabs. If you don't

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give our sisters the rights that Allah has given them, then don't be surprised when they reject the entire system and ask for something that is totally under Slavic. We have to be very clear here. We have mashallah Tabata Cola, many different groups of people, many ethnicities, many backgrounds, many age groups, we have men and women. Just like with the hijra, we need to tap into the talents of all of our demographics in order to have a successful community, a successful masjid and a successful civilization. This is some of what we learn from the sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through the incident of the Hijra. May Allah azza wa jal bless me and you within

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through the Quran, May He make us of those who is vs. They understand and to implement his halal and haram throughout our lifespan. I ask Allah's forgiveness you as well ask him for his the love for the ramen

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah helwa de la Samad Alladhina mera Dwolla mula Mala Mia ko loco one ahead further ado, we are now beginning the month of Muharram. And this is one of the sacred months of our religion. A lot of us don't understand what is the meaning of sacred months. Allah says in the Quran that he has created the calendar year to be 12 months. This is in the Quran. It's in the Quran. In the shoe holder in the law Heath national run fee kita biller he Yamaha customer. It was the day that Allah created the heavens and the earth he decreed that the calendar year should be 12 months. This is in the Quran. And then the Quran says minha or baritone hurum. Four of those months are

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sacred. What does it mean the sacred month and Muhammad is one of them months. What does it mean to be a blessing month? The blessing month is a month

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where we're supposed to do good deeds. The blessed month is the month where we abstain from sin where we try our best to come closer to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And this month, Allah the Prophet Salla, Allahu Allah he was setting them called it sha Allah Hill more haram. He said this is the month of Allah, Allah more haram he called it the month of Allah, Allah Maha ROM. And I should have the Allahu Anhu said that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not fast in any month, after the month of Ramadan, more than he fasted in this month of Muharram. None of the monks have been more encouraged to fasting then this month of Muharram. And on the 10th of Muharram is a very

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important occasion that goes back in history many 1000s of years. It is the occasion of the saving of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada of the Prophet Musa and his people and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever fast on the 10th of Muharram, and preferably the ninth and the 10th, or the 10th, and the 11th, or the ninth and 10th, and 11. But if you cannot do two days, or three days, then at least do one day, which is the 10th of Muharram, whoever fast on that day shall have the sins of the previous year forgiven. So let us try our best to fast whatever we can have this month, and especially on the 10th of Muharram. And if we can add to that the ninth as well or the 11th

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Because our Prophet sallallahu Sallam suggested that we do something separate than the other faith community, that was in Medina, and he said, I wanted to do two days, but he was his death came to him before that happened. So if you're able to fast two days fine, if not, then even one day is best and do something rather than nothing. And also the whole month, do whatever you can, because this is as our Prophet sallallahu sallam said, the month of Allah al Muharram. No other month has been called in this phrasing the month of Allah other than the month of Muharram. May Allah subhana which Allah make us of those who benefit from this timeframe Allah who may need to iron for a mineral,

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Allah Murtha if you had any army them and he loves a Fatah, WA him and Illa for Raja wala Dana Illa Kobita while Maria von Elysia feta what I see you're on Illa you're sorta Allama Fila now what is one in the loveliness of Hakuna been Iman what a treasure I feel Kuruvilla Zilla Linda Nina Amman Robina in Nicaragua Rahim Allah Houma is an Islam our Muslim in Allahumma is an Islam our Muslim in Allahumma is in Islam on Muslim in Allah Muhammad Aradhana Arada Islam all Muslim aw Su and federal Houben FC wedge altijd mero feet at the BT Jaco yards is Roberto Allah in Allah to Allah Amara Gob he been FC within NaVi Morocco, the Kudo se with a lesser become a Johan Mahnomen Jenny were insane

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for color as an accordion aneema In Allaha Ahmed equatorial salona and then maybe you were living in Manuel Solu la he was selling the motors Lima Allahumma salli wa salim were vertical and abductor Sudha Mohamed while the he was so happy he migraine everybody's Allah in Allah to Allah moreover gladly what exactly what it's all about well Jana and fracture it will Moon carry well belly, your elbow Kamala Allah commutator karoun Oh, the Corolla the La mayor the quarter come wash Kuru who yesterday. What are the Corolla? heeta Allah Akbar was name is Allah

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