Yaser Birjas – The Ramadan Marathon 06

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of reading the Quran in a timely manner to avoid mistakes and avoid mistakes. They emphasize the importance of reading it in a timely manner to avoid mistakes and the use of it in a timely manner to avoid mistakes. The speakers also emphasize the importance of being mindful of the number of days in a given month and managing workload with flexibility.
AI: Transcript ©
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Want to think about it? So the first thing, you have the journal Why? Because I want you to start writing down and pointing out to the moments of guidance that you get from the Quran. Obviously, if you don't understand out of it, you're gonna have to read translation with it, Ruby.

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So therefore, you take these moments of guidance. Again, a journal Second thing, a reminder,

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you a human being will forget, that's what they say, in some some way, I'm assuming in Santa inlet in St. Louis, that the insan was called Insan. Because he or she is forgetful we forget a lot. So what does the Quran do to us, reminds us, Allah subhanho wa Taala says about the Quran, there's a word in the kratom for a minute, you remind for the reminder benefit the believers, add your joy. Now, those reminders, things, they're not necessarily new to you, but you keep forgetting them.

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So put yourself a reminder, a lot of might notice you added them.

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Every time you read something, I'm just like, wow, suppiler forgot about this. You go back and you put that as a reminder,

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you have the guidance moments. And you have reminder moments, guidance, probably for something you didn't know before. And reminder for something that is actually you knew from before, but you realize you missed out on it for a long time because you just completely forgot about it. Remind yourself number three, the Quran has Allah subhana wa COVID what he found,

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he found olema for sudo means healing it here's the thing that on the in the chest, you know what happens in the chest that requires healing. In addition to all these ill feelings of animosity and hatred and envy and so forth, we have also an anxiety

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and anxieties worries this and that. And so the Quran is healing. So therefore, therefore, look for those moments that are considered healing in your journal, healing moment. You know, some people don't like to use colored pencils or pens. So I do it. One color, for the reminders, one color for the guidance, one color for the healing. Look at some of those moments of revelation to you that when you read them it just like

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suddenly it just got removed that from my heart instantly that I felt so relieved. We didn't have that moment of relief, then this is a moment of healing. I want you to write it down. What is that moment of feeling that you have received in from the book of Allah subhana wa tada and there will be tons of these moments are Allah because Allah azza wa jal, he guaranteed, it's healing. And if you read it with open mind and open heart, you will receive it in shallow water codata number four, living miracle. Some people when they come when they read the Quran, what they focus on the most is how can they really see the poor and as a living miracle, you know, I know people are interested in

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what, in having this kind of intellectual intellectual, I would say, understanding of the Quran, intellectual debates with other people in regard to the to the Quran and the truthfulness of the words of Allah as Odin and so on. Therefore, I find this to be a little bit technical and academic approach to the Quran. I read them.

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Somehow you read in the last part are speaking about, let's say, the miracle of the mountains, when you read it, just like wow, this is interesting, this is amazing. I read down something that will increase the amount of somebody through Of course, intellectual and understanding of these miracles. Sometimes the last panel is speaking about the miracle of the clouds, the miracle of the rain, you write it down. Sometimes it's just something that is completely oblivious to it. So when you read the translation, or you understand, or you hear at a seal of an eye and it just like wow, is amazing, right down

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to the miracles of the Quran, because Allah subhanho wa Taala called upon what emerges is actually it's just it's miraculous. So what is the what's the miraculous nature of the parameters because it afterwards inshallah will go down. And number five, it's a life for the soul. Allah has given him the Quran, Allah subhanho the Quran in the ground on Route,

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instead of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that we have sent down to you through henneman emelina. brew, is the soul from the command of Allah soprano that it says spirit from the command of Allison, the elements an interesting lecture seven, Mr. lagana. He says that, just like how the soul how the soul is the source of life for the body. The Quran is the spirit which means the source of life to what your soul

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just like the soul is the light source of life to your body, the core is the source of life to your soul. So therefore, in order for you to function properly as a human

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Maybe you have to strengthen both your soul and your body. How is that? The way Allah xojo created us last Hannover that occurs from two components, right? What are the two components is human you have an earthly component, you have a heavily component Do you guys agree or not? What is your earthly component? What is

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the body? Metal? What? steel?

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What's your body metal vizima of the earth? The basic the basic, basically just the basic and ingredient is dirt, dust, earth, right? That's what it's from Earth. So if you are going to nurture that body, or that, that that material has to be format, from the exact same ingredients. So if you're going to nurture your body, what are you going to need provide your body with what?

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What are the earthly nutrition that you provide to your body? Like what the GMO food, water, drink, whatever that is required from Earth, that will sustain Of course, your body. What about your soul? Your soul is not from this world. How do I know that? Allah subhana wa Taala mentioned and sort of earlier Allah when Allah spoke about Adam alayhis salaam, and how he has taken all the souls and spirits the souls of Benny Adam from LA he from his back, and a shadow Milan for simcard, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala give them ask them for to testify and testified that You are our Lord. That's the fitrah in the hadith of Abdullah Mr. de la rionda, the Messenger of Allah Salah

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Sam said, when the child is developing in the homes of the mother, after four months, then the angel comes down, getting the soul of that baby to blow the soul in the rooms and then rise the four things relate to this into this individual or this human being. So the point from this hadith He said, The angel comes down with the soul, which means it's not from here. It's from above. So if the soul and the spirit is actually is from heaven from heaven, how are you going to nurture your soul has to be also heavily agreed?

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What are these heavenly ingredients? What is it that we still have on earth? That came from heaven Iijima? What is the Quran

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that's why the Quran is the soul for your soul.

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The more you connect yourself to the Koran, the easier you feel, Allah, He your soul feels comfortable. And as a result, your body feels at ease. Because if hamdulillah you're not stressed out, the farther you are from the Quran, the hungry your soul becomes, you know, when you're starving, what happens? You become weak. You could even walk, you can't even talk because you're so starving, you're so hungry. Imagine when you feel your body so much, but your soul is starving and so hungry. hasn't been contacting with the Quran for a very long time. Don't wonder doesn't matter how strong your body is, the oldest feels weak because your soul is not getting enough nutrition. So

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therefore in shallow data, my recommendation for you in the month of Ramadan, create your own journal,

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tender core and journal. You write about your guidance moments that when you read you just like Wow, very important.

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Read and collect your reminder moments, things you knew from before but you forgot a reminder moment for the healing moment. Something you had in your heart and just you felt so relieved when you read that part of the Quran. For those moments for yourself, living miracle some of you just thought about the intellectual aspect of the Quran. Read about those intellectual points that you see in the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala and then there's also the life for your soul. Try your best to make nutritious moments. What are those? What are those nutritious moments that you've seen as you're going through reading the Quran in the month of Ramadan? inshallah robotic Ouattara So once again,

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one each and every one of you here that are Anjuna. We don't have one ready for yourself. Maybe we should go shopping tonight or tomorrow and buy one and get it right insha Allah Allah you are down on the top Ramadan moments or Ramadan, journal whatever you want to call it and start putting all these down inshallah to Allah otherwise if you want to do digital

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OpenDocument right now and call it the Koran journal of the month of Ramadan 2017 1438 whatever but just make sure that you start with this inshallah terracotta Okay, how can I get all these moments? This is what I'm going to be speaking to you about a charlatan and deception in the lives of Joel How can we receive these moments by understanding the structure of the Quran itself inshallah, when it comes to understanding the Quran, three things I want to focus on for you. In order for you to receive these these moments of guidance, healing, reminder, living miracle and life in shallow Tyler for the soul. I want you to focus on these areas.

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Three things number one, the format of the question

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What's the format of the Quran? So it's the structure of the file itself. A lot of people actually don't understand why the Quran is structured the way it is. They don't know why the Quran so structured like that. So we're gonna talk about this inshallah. The second thing we'll talk about is the language of the Quran itself. What is the Arabic language? Where did it come from? And why why in Arabic, what's so special about the Arabs, that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the Quran in their language, what is so special about it and then we're going to talk about the style so that when we start looking for moments of guidance and moments of Shiva and healing, we know exactly

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where to look and how to find these things in the different styles of the so let's begin with this inshallah Allah talk first about the form of the Quran or the structure of the Quran. If you open the must have, if you open the must have random course, any page from the Muslim?

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So if you open the must have any just random page, what would you see?

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What do you guys see over here?

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I mean, each page if you don't understand Arabic, if you open any part of the Quran, they all look alike, probably. Right? You see just some wiggly lines with some nice beautiful designs here and there. And if you don't understand Arabic, you just like, Huh, I wonder. But Subhanallah The moment you start reading out of it, you realize, okay, these wiggly lines, they have sounds,

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then you might start reading and pronouncing it nice them beautifully, without even understanding a word. But the moment you start understanding the Quran, that's when this whole world of the Quran is open for

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the whole world of the Quran will be open for you. So let's first of all understand the structure of the Quran itself. There is the first thing we need to do we look at you look at is the ayah, the ayat of the Quran, obviously the verses of the Quran. So it has numbers, right? Most the majority of the Messiah have the standard, the standard of the massage I have is that the number of the iron comes before or after previously, ever paid attention to at home and got the Oh look, I don't know which one, which one is the number of days is the one that comes before the IR after the

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after. So the most of them also have some other mazahub actually have them the opposite. But this is the standard is that the number of the verses come at the end of the verse itself. So these verses divided, you know, either divided randomly or divided, you know, in a logical way, how are they divided? Now also, who divided this is

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between who said that this ayah begins here and ends there? Who said, What do you guys see?

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This from Allah subhanaw taala. That's from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. But is that the work of the scholars after the term of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when they organize the Messiah?

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It is the work of the Prophet sallahu wa sallam from Allah azza wa jal. How is that the Prophet Allah said, and he said that, in the Hadith, that the Messenger of Allah used to receive the ayat. So he would tell the scribes, he will tell the scribe to put this ayah to put this in such and such theorem between so and so and so and so on.

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So the Messenger of Allah, he would tell the zahavi the scribe, to place this ayah in between this and that, in this room. So do you understand on this, the structure of the ayah it's coming from Allah azza wa jal to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Right. So it's not the work of the Sahaba or the olema.

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Not the work of the Sahaba or the Ottomans. So that's the first thing second, when the ayah were revealed to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Well, they revealed what was revealed altogether or was revealed in pieces.

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The majority of the IR were revealed at once, which means every Ayah comes complete at once, some is, some is revealed and some additional attitude afterwards, the addition could be one word, part of a phrase, more or less, but the vast majority of the revelation of the Quran was revealed, the I will come complete,

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not have I have come complete, but then addition might be added afterwards and this is a few actually is in the Quran. And the AI obviously has a beginning and has an end does it have to have a specific meaning or does it have actually part meaning and continues afterwards? Obviously, some will have the full meaning and some add will be part of a context. So you will not be able to get an understanding of the AI itself unless of course through the context of the surah or the context of the paragraph or the context of

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The parable or the story that was mentioned, therefore, therefore, when you read translation, when you transition the plan, sometimes you read one line in the translation and just like

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you can't make sense of it. Why? Because it's part of the context.

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Don't worry, go one or two lines before or one two lines after and you will see that would make sense. So based on this, based on this, I want you to understand that insured suris insurance, probably the entire surah is one full context, the entire surah. But in long Sutras, if one ayah you didn't understand, well, then you're going to have to go back a little bit or go forward a little bit.

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Otherwise, you will not be able to put it in the right context. Now how would I know which word whether the context start with as an end? Now that becomes actually an excellent skill that you will earn when you frequently read the Quran?

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There is something in it called a look for it enough. I look for the dinar is basically where to pause, and where to zoom when you decide in the Quran. Now that applies to where do you pause? And where do you continue in one single ayah, but also applies to where to stop and where to decide when you recite a sutra or part of a surah. For example.

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And as an as a native Arabic speaker, when you when you stand behind an Imam who decides

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you can tell if the Imam understands Arabic or not. It doesn't matter how perfect he decides. You can tell if you understand Arabic or not. How's that? You know?

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depends where he pauses. Exactly. Sometimes he pauses in a moment that like for me as an adult speaker, when I hit when I see him stopping this is like oh, still this one Mariah, like, for example will allow, for example, speaks about the people of Johanna. And then he stops there. There's other people of Jen as well and just finish the whole context. But they stopped it. Why? Because for them, for those who don't understand Arabic, they go sometimes by the number of ayat, that's it. One recite only 10, if they go by 10, doesn't matter where that 10 ends, whether it's in the middle of a story, the middle of a context, so they don't have that. But if you do understand

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the Arabic language, you will be able to make difference where to stop or where you don't stop. Also, not just that not just where to stop, which I will stop at sometimes within the same area, you need to make sure that you don't stop in the wrong on the wrong position, as I was watching the whole meaning of the ayah and that is another skill. But this is of course, obviously for those who understand the Arabic language. And just to let you know, some people understand Arabic but they don't have they have no clue about these these specific meaning and subtle meanings of the Quran. So sometimes with the help of a translation, we'll be able to make difference and shout out to Allah.

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So remember that they actually have these meanings. This is number one, number two

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Surah or chapter of the Quran, the source of the chapters of the Quran, they actually they vary in length. Obviously the Quran has how many sutras? One on 115 Sutras, right.

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azima I'm going to Saurus

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season 14. So 140 Gregory, right 114? Are they all the same length? No, they're not the same. And some of them are long, some of them are short, and so on, right. And the longest surah is sort of closer.

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Write the longest Surah Surah

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Al Baqarah and the shortest Surah Surah alcocer. That's not what we know. Some of it actually does show which is three IR and the longest of course. But for all the other we know this is the longest ayah in the Quran exists in which surah

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also sort of one single page on so if I had to then when it comes to the sutras,

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we see that the structure of the surah might not look like what people are used to come to reading books.

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When you read book, there is always chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, all the way to the end, right? When you read the Quran, even though we call the source chapters, but are they related? like are they building on each other?

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Are they they're not right. So when you finish a book or they expect something to build on sort of the bucket right, but they have no connection. In that sense. There's some other element they like to look into what they called mana Sabbath, which means why the sutra was placed at the end of that sutra or after the surah and before that surah so they make this cold when I say bad, which means a special subtle occasion and why their connections here the correlation between the Sooners but that not not from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that we're going to come to that in Charlottetown. So these sutras sometimes they

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not organized. They're not. They're not put in order that would for many people to say but what's the sequence? If there's any specific sequence for that? There is no specific seasickness sequence. Why is that?

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And you guys tell me

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very sort of bizarre philosophy began with something and then start talking about the nessa talk about the hypocrites and start talking about Eben Israel and then went back again to this image going from one topic to the other one. Why is that? Because the Quran was not meant to be a story.

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The Koran was not meant to be a story. The Quran was meant to be a book of guidance.

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When it comes to book of guidance, every aspect of it, in whichever position the most random position of a book of guidance should provide what guidance.

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So it doesn't matter in which order, there was still provided guidance. It's not it was not meant to be again a book a story that people like you read a chapter from the beginning to the end, know every aspect of the Quran that actually is a source of guidance, you look for it in whichever whichever random order you want, is open any part of the Koran and read, you will find some sorts of guns to shallow down. Now when it comes to the sutras. We'll come to the suitors who decided this is the beginning of the sutra and this is the end of the surah.

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Some of this this agreement among dolla dolla dolla is actually coming from Allah azza wa jal Of course of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Okay, what about the names of the students total Baccarat Sora Emraan. So to further get these names from a German

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artist from Allah zildjian

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Where did it come from? From the Prophet salaallah, Salah.

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Some of these students, some of the names came from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And some came actually, from common knowledge among the Sahaba. They used to call them different names. Like for example, one of the famous sutras that people they, they

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they don't really realize that the name of the surah probably sort of cool who Allah had. Right, what's the name of the surah Jima?

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Over the course of the summer, something called salt cola. What was the name of the soda is and the floss? Is there anything any word in sort of sort of Coahuila that has the word floss in it? Nope. Those are the words the floss come from the essence of the sutra itself, which means the pure sincerity to Allah Subhana Medina. Now the surah is called surah Tabarak. But what is the name of Barack Obama?

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You know, most people don't really it's not even tomorrow. It's considered simolke, surah and milk. So the some source has multiple names, where these names come from. They come from the fact that Darla they say that the names of the surah not necessarily an actual revelation, unless the prophets Allah, Allah Himself, He said surah cara, cara, then in this case, they would know it's come from the professor Simon, obviously, the lady that I mentioned earlier, since the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he would i would instruct the scribes to put the surah, the ayah. And in such a surah, in between this Surah Surah tells us that the prophet SAW some give them indications what how to call

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these suitors. So we know the names of the surah. They're coming probably from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, or from the understanding of the Sahaba. And sometimes some of the illuma say why they named the sutras like this. So is it because the general theme of the surah is about this particular subject? Yes, some of the sources are like that. But overall, some other sources have very specific incidents very specific highlight, after which he was named. So for example, Surah Al Baqarah. How many themes how many topics Do you expect total Baccarat to talk about? Probably hundreds.

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But what is the theme that was chosen to be the name of the surah? Al Baqarah, the cow,

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the cow, like the longest suit of the Quran is named the cow. And it when you look at it from that perspective, just like what is so special about it, but Allah Subhana Allah is the Prophet system and the naming of the surah itself is bringing our attention to the significance of that story. The story of the cow, go back to it, read it, look for guidance there.

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What is so special about this story, that the name of the entire surah the longest suit of the Quran was given after that particular story. And it's a very short story, by the way, it's barely a page in the Quran, a patient sort of Bukhara, but the entire surah was named after this incident. Look it up, read it and start thinking about Okay, so the surah was named the cow, then what is so special about it that I need to pay attention to, to get that guidance, get that moment of understanding and reflection. Keep that in mind inshallah. Tada. Okay. Now the order of the sutras. Where did you come from? Who put the most half in this

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is it from Allah azza wa jal? Or is it from the Sahaba? Who compiled the Messiah?

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These are actually two opinions among Allah. Those who say it was an HD had from the Sahaba. The age, the hand of the Sahaba is reset, because when over close to the field called the Sahaba, and that committee that they that they form to compile the must have in one volume, they did their best HD hat and they put the ayah the sutras in that order. That's one opinion. Another opinion says, No, no, no, this order of the most have actually came from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And there is no specific really, there is no specific instruction. Or at least, there is no specific statement from the prophets, Allah sent to say that this is the order of the Muslim didn't say that word they

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understand that from they said in the last Ramadan, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam reviewed the Quran would you build twice? Right? If you if you review something twice? What is the possibility of reviewing it in different orders? almost zero in this case. So therefore, if he reviewed the Quran twice with the Prophet salaallah salam in the last Ramadan, it must be or at least the assumption it should it should it should be in the same order. So he was supposed to the same order. The question is, what was that order?

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Was it the order of revelation?

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If it was the order of revelation will be like an impossible mission? Why is that because the Quran was not a billion full sutras was revealed in segments is different, so it wouldn't be possible. Instead, we will look at it actually, from that the author of the most half pallavaram, I'm actually inclined to say that the order the must have somehow came from the profits of last lm because of the Hadees. And this was fought by the Sahaba de la Donna ran home for them afterwards. Now the Quran was also divided into segments, these segments that you see what we call them just part, the Quran was the most common The most common copy of the most have that actually divided to 30 juices. And

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each juice was divided to two, what they call them has an each has was divided to four quarters. So each juice is made of how many quarters of them are eight quarters, ages. And it just is it almost you could say 20 plus pages from the standard copy. The standard copy of the coda Medina must have been Madina munawwara, the standard copy. So this is another division or this classification, this actually division of the exam. Is that coming from Allah azza wa jal? The answer is no, that is the heart of the dilemma of the Quran at some time in the history of the Muslim oma, the purpose of it to make it easier for people to memorize and study. There are some other standard mazahub that

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actually divides the pages differently. So there is something called monism and one is menza. So it's divided up or an almost half to seven equal justice. And for people to make it easy for them to follow and recite and memorize, and so on, whichever position that you follow, it should be fine. This is not divine, this is just a classification to make things easy, shallow data for the people, but those will open the most of undersea, these actually weird signs, and you see something on the side. And the margin, this actually sounds on the margin, these are the signs that tells you you have finished one quarter of such and such as this is the second quarter of such and such as this is

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the third quarter of such and such, and so on. So eventually, they tell you know, do your benchmarks. That also makes it easy for people to follow the memorize, to put a bookmark for themselves where they finished when they decided so that when they come back, they know where to begin, and where to stop. does it stop an illogical position? Honestly, if you look at it, not necessarily because they went by the number of the IRS and the size of the IRS. So they make it equal for people to memorize, sometimes those are those quarters. And those marks, they don't necessarily reflect a beginning of for context and the end of a context. Don't necessarily begin

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with a story and end with the end of the story. Not necessarily but actually put it based on the size and the length of the IOD and the southern muscle of the serum as well.

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Next, let's talk about the language of the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala says in

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the Quran and Arabic Allah Allah koonta Elune in the answer now for an Albion locum doctor, very simple message Allah subhanaw taala says the Quran indeed was sent down as an Arabic for an that you might understand who is this statement actually was sent to you and who's who was addressed with this statement?

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Who is Gemma?

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Arab, the Arabs, although the Arab over time.

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I wish right but the original Arabs who would own the Quran was revealed to them

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Didn't need a translator. Today even the Arabs of our time sometimes they need a translator. It really surprised me so much in how many people today Mashallah they have so much faith in people to speak Arabic to think that they will understand it very well so they don't bring anyone who speaks Arabic could be a Quran teacher.

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It requires a skill study, thorough study just to understand the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the Quran Allah azza wa jal said it was revealed in Arabic, what is the Arabic language? The Arabic language is actually one of the old and ancient languages? One of the earliest ancient languages? How do you know an ancient language from a new language? Can you guess?

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How do you know that?

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demo? How do you know the language is new? relatively new, relatively new versus one that is ancient?

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The way it's spoken? Nope. Okay, let's say which language do you actually assume to be some of the oldest languages of the era human language?

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relatively new.

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What about say Chinese?

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What is special about Chinese that is unique?

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That would make Arabic also ancient.

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Okay, I'll tell you what, Arabic is ancient. Hebrew, ancient, or at least old language? Not necessarily but old languages older than Latin languages and European languages? Why?

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What's so special about the script?

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Is it about the script and the design of it?

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Or is about the side of the sort of writing?

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side of writing?

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They recognize old languages, if they're written from right to left, and relatively new languages from left to right. Why?

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When people first started writing, what did they use? were the people what did the people put the right things first, back in the ancient times.

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In my work were stone This is they basically go to the stones

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and call them stones right? So when you carving the stone, how do people most people wood carving the stone?

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Most people are right handed most are right handed, right? So you grab a chisel on your left hand, your hand grab the hammer on the right hand, do you move right to left or left to right? Can you try? Can you try to hold it hold the hammer in your right hand and the chisel your left hand and try to try to you know hit it from the left to the right. Can you do that? Awkward. So it's always easier to do from right to left. Chinese obviously it goes actually from up down down all declarations, right? So as much older,

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it's all orientations, basically, because it's a form of art form of drawing. And the Arabic language is also a form of drawing, by the way, because if you look at the original Arabic script, it has no straight lines, everything is actually curved. So eventually we say the Arabic language is an old language. One of these old isn't the old language. So of course, the automatic said goes all the way back. The time of a smile is lm. And sometimes it goes even before this night, but it's made Allison was the first person to speak the Arabic language, as we know as as the new with later on in the Arabian Peninsula. Why? Because he spoke the language of his people, the Aramaic language, and

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that came from Iraq and came from a sham. And then he also he intermingled with the people of Judah who came from Yemen and Yemen, we're from the original Arab, the early early Arab, they brought their own dialect as well. The mixture of these dialects led to the formation of one of those actually famous popular Arabic dialects. That's of course an assumption and also historical speaking on it. That's how the Arabic language came out. Okay, then the Arabic language, what is so special about it, the Arabic language became very, very, very unique and very, very pure, and very actually paler, amazing in terms of structure. Now, I don't know how many of you have taken the chance to

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study that which explains why the Quran was revealed in Arabic. And why the Arabian Peninsula, why among Allah subhana wa Tada. The last message that came down was for izadi salam, before Isa, hundreds of ambia came between Abraham and the salicylic, all of them for Benny Israel. The last one was recently set up from the time of his until the Prophet Salah Salem, over 500 plus to 600 ohms. Right. This 100 years, no other revelation came down. Allah chose in the final version to come to the Arabs in the desert in the Arabic land. What is so special about this? The Arabs themselves they took over the others, but at that time, even though they were nomads, they will fight each other.

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And they always like they don't have much knowledge. There's no civilization they barely could even write and read and write. But they mastered the spoken language.

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Why? Because they didn't know how to read and write.

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If you didn't know how to read and write, but you still need to convey the message and also you need to transfer that knowledge. What do you need to do? You have to learn to memorize.

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So dependent dependent so much in memory, okay? If you're going to be memorized anything, what is the easiest way of memorizing anything as Mr. Ferguson

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has to be rhyming, which led to what the Arabic language, the poetry,

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poetry became something that they excelled in, like, amazing. And they became like, Masters in poetry, okay, when it comes to poetry, what is so unique about poetry? Because if you would like to transfer knowledge through poetry, what do you need to do Delete to have details or delete to make things you know, summarize summaries, they need to create abstracts. So that these upsides give big meanings. You have small words short, you know, sentences that give big meaning. So, when it comes to the Arabic language, that became like, the biggest skill of the Arabic language has done that you mentioned few words, but they give big meanings, which means the other becomes becomes a beautiful,

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amazing abstract.

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And parts of it is the language itself, actually, you can have the understanding of the objects and the principles from the pronunciation, which are there's a huge correlation between the correlation between the pronunciation and also the object that actually they named these things after. And even they sometimes they choose names of things based on the sounds that they produce. So it's a very actually logical language. Let me put it this way. It's a very, very logical language, that the Arabic language even when they start writing it down, they used what was known as a symmetric system, symmetric language. The symmetric system is when every word can be can be traced back to

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three letter root three letters, that will make an origin from which you could produce more words. So every three letters can be the origin of many, many letters, many and many words. This is part of the economic language or sub,

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the morphology of the Arabic language, if you studied you will see the amazing aspects of it. All the words basically the Arabic words had structure and has logic behind it. It is for that reason, for that reason, Allah subhana wa Taala revealed the Quran in Arabic because it's the most accurate, structured, most logical, and the most unique and amazing. So when they received the Quran, because they excelled in poetry, they thought they have reached the mastery of the spoken word. And when the Quran came down, the Quran came down in a structure that surpassed every single, every single level of poetry every single level of mastery they have ever learned in their lives. They could not

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believe or imagine, you could still use the words and put them together even though it wasn't poetry. Look, even though it's not poetry, and it's not even

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something new for them. It wasn't it wasn't poetry, a new style. They're not used to it. They've never heard before they've never seen before. When they hear that, it just like wow.

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Like they thought they mastered it.

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It's just like in the story of Musa alayhis salam, the story musala salaam, Allah subhanho wa Taala sent when a larger sent Musa to throne and Ben Israel. What was the challenge? The mastery of the time of Bani Israel in Egypt was What magic

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musasa brought them miracles that surpassed any level of magic. And then you this cannot be magic, whatever Moses bringing, this cannot be magic. Because you know what magic is? No wonder when he when Moses, they asking Should we start or you start? He said you start and they threw all their staffs and all the you know, magic tricks and so forth. And they saw how to iron a mess as Allah subhanaw taala says they, they they fooled the eyes of the people, they bleached the eyes of the people they said, you know, wow. Then Moosa, he threw his stuff and it became a snake and collected everything. That's when all these magicians that surround himself, he wrote, they fell on the ground

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on their foreheads, you know,

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given the Shahada immediately said, You know what, that's it. We believe in the Lord of Musa whoever he is, we believe in him. Because this cannot be imagined. The Quran is the same thing, the linguistic miracle, I want you to understand that the Arabs because of how structured the language was, how amazing how beautiful how vast and spacious how, how systematic and how philosophical the language was. When the Arabs they mastered the skill of poetry to transfer knowledge in small and short words, rhyming words to with big meanings, that are unkempt, completely to defy all the rules of the language.

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Not the grammar part, but the structure like what they couldn't be

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You can put these words like this together, and we'll give these grades meaning there's something very unique, there was something very special for them. The one that Allah subhanho wa Taala brought the Quran and the Arabic language. Therefore, for my dear brothers and sisters who don't understand the Arabic language, would like to study the Quran and understand the Quran, I want you to try your best this Ramadan shallow data to learn

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to learn basic words of the Quran, if you can learn 200 words from today. Until Ramadan begins, there are four weeks.

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If you can have 50 words every week, divided by seven days, you'll find few words you can learn to shut out every single day. By the time Ramadan begins chalazion, you'll be able to probably understand probably maybe one quarter one third of what you recite. And I've done that when I was actually teaching in Bosnia, we taught people the basic words of the foreign, some words you already know. You don't have to repeat them. So you already probably know, maybe quarter of these words already. So if I tell you, what is the meaning of Rob buscema what you will or what does it mean?

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Lord of the heavens and the earth, most of us will know that. What's the meaning of all

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had to do with saying right yaku Luna

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had to do saying doesn't matter. But you know, it's about saying something right, whoever is saying what to say, but I know it has to do with saying now this is if you remember if you start learning the structure, you will notice also your Kowloon This is they say hola he said or she said and so on. So eventually, you would learn exactly the meaning of the structure and so on. I want you to make a commitment inshallah to Allah for this month, until Ramadan comes to learn 200 words. What are these 100 words, go and ask? Go online, find them on the internet, you can find these. The most common frequent word we use wasn't the Quran. Some of them by the way, are just names like Moosa, if

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I say most of who comes to your mind,

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who else comes to mind when I say Moosa Brown who else what else?

00:42:14 --> 00:42:17

Our own What else? benezra in see these words.

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When I say Moosa all these words come with it, because you know Moosa must be about very solid Harun and so on. So imagine when you start learning these words, and you make the correlation with these words together, suddenly you will find it in shallow data easy to understand the Quran. I remember first time I thought the Arabic language when I was teaching in Bosnia, after five months, after five months, Ramadan came in

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the first night, the first night after taraweeh some of my students they came out crying.

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They came on, and some of them were adults, when they were young, they came out crying, and I said, What's going on? This is the first time I ever understood what the mom was reciting said, Marshall, is it not everything he said, but I understood at least one third. Like they were just standing there in amazement, you know what I mean? They're just standing for the first time in their life standing and Salah, and they just like they were shaken by the fact that they understood what the man was inside at least one line at a time. Maybe they saw one two lines and then they skipped 234 lines and then comes back again, but they can make the context that it's all about this surah or

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that story or that story and so on. So I want you to make this inshallah as a as a commitment for yourself Bonilla, soldier, on to come to Ramadan Shabbat, do your best inshallah, and try your best penological to read to learn few words and these are the most frequently used words in the Quran inshallah make a list and start learning in the natural next, what's the start of the Quran we told you that the Quran you need to focus on what you need to focus on guidance, focus on healing, focus on reminders and something and other things. And so what do I get these things? I get them if I understand the style of the Quran, we said that the Quran is not bookstores. So if you open the

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Quran to start chapter one all over the chapter 114 to see so what is the end? There is no beginning there is no end.

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In the Quran, there is no beginning there is no end. Why is that? Because it's open book for guidance. in whichever position you open it, you will find something. So where do we find where do we find these moments of guidance, moments of reminders, moments of healings and so on. This person has special style style number one, the stories, the stories of the Quran. When we say the stories of the Quran, Allah subhana wa Taala said to us in Surah Yusuf Ali Salam he says that locka locka, Casa him Evora, that in their stories there was a bola What's the meaning of saying

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lessons? So what do I need to look for? When I hear a story in the Quran? How does it start? How does the end are amazing the story was what I wanted to look for. Obviously for the for the lessons, okay. Some stories in the Quran were repeated many, many many times. Which to which story was repeated

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Muslim the Quran azima musasa

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10s of times and every time it was repeated, obviously you would say but why why was repeated again? So what should I pay attention to? When I read that story from a different context? The lesson must be a lesson in it because if you look and check into the stories of the Quran when you check and listen to the story of the answered Muslim particular study the stories of Musa Chile, sometimes Allah subhana wa tada in that particular part of the story focusing on what focusing on the conversation between Moosa and furong. Sometimes the focus is between Moosa and when he saw him sometimes so there is always a specific focus, the story is repeated, but the focus somewhere else,

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wherever you see the focus, look for the aggro over there look for the lesson and that area. You look for there. So if we pay attention would come to the stories up repetitive these moments of guidance, parables. These parables of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala make comparisons to us like because as human beings, we cannot connect with something that we relate to things that we are familiar with. sollozzo john brings examples that people feel familiar with examples of animals sometimes. Right? Speaking about the spiders speaking about the cow speaker about the camels. What's so special about looking for these parables? Sometimes Allah subhana wa tada brings parables of

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other people, other examples happen in history of mankind and so on. So we learn from these things. Look for the meaning of these parables. These parables will not just put them randomly there has to be some significant meaning to it, whatever that is, look for it, and try to understand why would Allah Subhana waterbridge dimension of the ants, dimension of the BS dimension of the spider dimension of the even the,

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the mosquitoes, all these little things? Why? There has to be a meaning behind this example. Look for that moment of guidance, and that reminder in the questions and answer. So how about are they allowed to run home? they asked the professor some questions and answers came down. But there are not too many questions by the way. Why? Because the Sahaba were discouraged from asking the Prophet question that will cause new revelation to come down with with restrictions. So there are few questions were revealed in the Quran. Because the majority of the Quran was revealed

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and was dictated to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam initiated by Allah subhanho wa Taala without any prior question from the Sahaba of the law of Ramadan. So when you read the these questions that gives you historical context, and what the Sahaba were going through, as they were learning their Deen, that gives you perspective on how they landed in oaths. Allah subhana wa tada in many many sewers like shampoo I decided to let the matter of here was shampoo haha well Comrie that Allah,

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Allah Allah swearing by the sun, by the by the night by the moon by heavens and the earth. What's the purpose of that? Obviously when people they give an oath, they want to confirm something right? Allah Subhana Allah has given all these words for us. There is absolutely no doubt in the customer order Allah Subhana Allah has given that's basically a sense of confirmation and gives a sense of sense of of safety and security, that this is true. And it's always always truthful. repetition. Like I said, the Quran brings repetition sometimes sometimes the repetition comes in contrast, alone Allah speaks about the about heaven speaks immediately about what the earth and Allah speaks about

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Jenna paradise he speaks about the Hernan Burwell Allah speaks about dunya speaks about what they after. So, look at these comparisons. Always look at that and find some level of guidance there inshallah with a vertical datum. Next. Now they understand Okay, so I need to pay attention to stories. parables who also in the Quran, repetitions of the Odyssey, I need to pay attention to these things. What should I be looking for over them? Looking for these issues? We said earlier, the Quran was a book of guidance. When Israeli Ministry guidance what is exactly what kind of guidance we're looking for over here, the Quran mainly actually can be divided the ultimate essay can be

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divided to three major areas, three measures number one athlete, the athlete that means matters of faith, matters of faith, speaking about Allah subhanho wa Taala, by the angels, by the prophets about the messages speaks in about the hereafter speaking about matters of faith in general, so need to look for these moments. Because as a believer, you need to know what do you believe in right? So what are those moments that you need to see guidance for? If you have some issues, believing in the hereafter? Look for those moments in the Quran. We have some issues believing in the messengers and the messages look for those moments in the Quran. The second part of the Quran is called folk which

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means worship. So look at the instructions being a believer you need to prove it. How do you prove it? What are the actions that were mentioned the Quran that you need to follow? Look for that. What are the prohibitions that you've been ordered to abstain?

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From look for that moment as well. Number three stories. When we say stories we talk about stories of the prophets 30 of the people in the nations that came before us. Why is that for lesson? So when Allah speaks about various raw people Israel from before, we need to learn the lessons from that, unless Hannah speaks about the power of silence, the prophets way before the 11 parents or before the Prophet Salah Salem, we need to learn from that. So look for these moments and historical moments that are mentioned in the Quran. And other aspects that will be that can be taken from the Quran, which some of them are they put it under aqidah, which means matters of faith, or under faith

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matters of worship, what is it manners, and values,

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they don't give it a special actually category because they believe it is part of your faith, to have good manners. That's why they don't actually put it a separate category. Because they say being faithful. It means being well behaved. So when it comes to values and manners is part of your part of your faith. You can't separate these things and have your manners are not good. Something is wrong with your belief system. Something is wrong with your with your faith. That's why they keep actually the manners and the weather under our feet or under acts of worship. But these are the things that we need to look for as well. You know the Quran even sometimes very specific about

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specific about some of the basic etiquettes like in Surah to noon, Allah subhana wa tada speaks about etiquettes of what seeking permission which means knocking

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knocking on the door lots of has given us is teaching us how to do that even in the Quran. When it comes to eating in food with other people. The IRS is very, very clear about where to sit and how to sit and how long you sit and how not to that level. Did you eat together or should you eat separately these two did to that level so that God is giving us guidance in regard to etiquette and etiquette and love and values. So make sure that you in your journal and journal Ramadan Make sure to mark these actually manners and this and this aggregate Make sure to keep counting Michelle Obama go down next.

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My Ramadan program that's a shout out the slide before the last one witnesses my Ramadan program. What do I need to do now with the Quran? What is hotma? Because when I say that what comes to your mind

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though the Ramadan final hamdulillah

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is that what comes to your mind? Well hotma is basically what is finishing the Quran when you finish it from one from the cover to cover that's what we call hotma but it would come to hotma How often should I do that? Obviously it's highly recommended that you reset the font more frequently like I said earlier it's the soul the spirit of your soul that's what it is the Quran the spirit of your soul The more you read inshallah the stronger spiritually you'll become intelligent a Sahaba a suicide a lot one of them Abdullah and I'm not gonna ask for the last one, he used to decide the for an every single night. He said that for every single of the professors and came to me says I heard

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that you do that he said the Prophet asked him not to do it every single night is do it you know extended time since one month there was a lot in the auto accident mandelic I can do better than this. Okay, one week said I can do better than this the three days because I can do better than is the purposes of there is no better than this.

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Otherwise, if you read in less than three days, it becomes heavier than the shear which means humming what you don't understand

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bringing us back again to the essence of doing your hotma what is the essence of doing your hotma is it just to finish from cover to cover or to understand what you decide she truly try your best to understand what you decide some of these to have a silent hotma was limited to seven hotma is actually they go you know they follow their eyes silently. So they reflect on what they recite

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some they do hotma by reciting quickly just for the sake of coming from cover to cover. This segment is for the Barbican for the world of accounting letters.

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And then there is also the the slow hotma which you open one page and just reflect on it a normal one more than one page and you keep moving on some people they go and I have one eye at a time to understand context and move on so if you want to do hot mess in the Quran Ramadan shallow data by different segments

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if you only use if you're always used to cover from cover to cover, but no understanding maybe this time should go actually with with understanding okay, but I don't understand Arabic. Have you ever done English hotma

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whatever language that you speak? Have you ever done that? If you haven't done it, maybe it's about time.

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It's not just about reading in an Arabic it's also in translation but

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Do I get the same reward? Obviously, the reward for letter letter by letter is in Arabic. But reading in translation, shallow data for the understanding you have a collective reward, because this is part of what we call it a double

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100 reflected in the Quran. And we mentioned earlier in this presentation, the purpose of revealing the Quran was for what reflect, understand and apply into life. In therapy,

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a lot of us come to therapy, and they basically dreading the time they spend in two hours, hating the amount reciting, and they have no clue what the man was reciting, adding to this to this actually, the amount sometimes it is at supersonic speed. Now, even if you try if you want to figure out what it is sorry, he doesn't give you a chance, because he's just running so fast, he will biggest cost accustomed to just doing the hotman. So the Amendment says so quickly, to the extent that I heard about some people actually who visited the use to that style, when they visit some Muslim con some Arab countries, and they prayed behind the man who was reciting so slow, they

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weren't happy with this.

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And their complaint was the man who seems to be actually weak, he doesn't know how to recite

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without restarting slow, because he doesn't know how to decide that's what he's going very slowly and he is afraid to make mistakes, the lungs done we get to that level of misunderstanding how the colon should be decided. So if you would like to benefit from the turabian shallow to Allah, I recommend that you go and

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see the translation, maybe if the shallow that hopefully the message can provide us you know, with a plan on what's going to be decided in each night. So at least we get to know what will be resolved in the lie as well. But mostly, most importantly, like we said earlier, learn the most frequent words of the Quran, the most frequent words of the Quran shallow to Allah, learn about these words vanilla zildjian and start memorizing the Mashallah for the tarawih. So on the memory side, you will get one quarter one third of the citation, you have an understanding for it in shallow terracotta. Finally,

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who doesn't benefit from the Quran? Allah subhana wa Taala says worried

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Jana vena cava Illa de la raza Java Mr. The professor was informed like Listen, don't kill yourself for them. The Prophet was so eager was so eager to make people understand that people you know, believe and he was we want them to be. But a lot of the prophets Allah Salam is not for you. guidance is not in your hand. It's in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala says curato Quran even when you're Santa parang jalna vena cava vinylidene Allah you mineral Aphrodite, Jabba mistura, Allah says we put between you and those who don't believe in the Hereafter, a concealed partition. Like even the Quran is so clear in its in its in its guidance in its in its and its power proofs and

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evidences. But that's it when people decide not to believe in the Hereafter, they will never, they will never open their hearts to understand the words of the Quran. They say well john, Allah can become so heavy there play hearts are very covered with whatever that is, but they won't understand it. And when they hear it, it doesn't somehow doesn't go through, it bounces off, they will just hear the word and nothing affects them at all. So some people won't benefit from the Quran not because the Quran is not beneficial. It's because they chose not to open their hearts and their mind for the Quran. Don't be among these people.

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Don't be among these people and if you're not getting any benefit from the Quran and Ramadan and I highly recommend for you go back again and listen to this presentation and re evaluate what is your goal familia in the Quran in the month of Ramadan. You need to have a goal for this inshallah Allah and seminary. I hope inshallah you guys this evening, you go home and start your core and journal for the month of Ramadan. Get yourself ready.

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collect these moments of guidance, like these moments of healings, these reminders and those moments that will shallow to Allah Helios formulas carmakers among those who listen to the speech and follow the rest of the anime because among those who always occupy themselves with the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah make it easy for us to recite the Quran surah banana mean, understand the Quran yorubaland amin applied into our life melas parameters among those who will witness the month of Ramadan this year, that their sins will be forgiven in Allah and the very minute agenda for those who Allah hamdulillah Bananaman Rama Rama Rama toda la vaca

Ramadan & the Qur’an

This talk was given at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center on May 4, 2017.

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