When I Was Three Years Old

Mufti Menk


Channel: Mufti Menk

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The speaker describes a situation where their mother used to tell them to walk around the compound and apologizes for their mistakes. They describe their mother as a rough looking man and mention a situation where their child was confrontational and confrontational.

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Know, when I was little, my mom used

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to say that when I was 3 years

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old, I used to walk around the whole

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compound. My dad was imam in the masjid,

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and I was, mashallah, this I'm talking about

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the early seventies, the mid seventies, inshallah.

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Somebody here actually knew my date of birth,

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Now there's a there's a there's a boy

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and he just says,

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I was born on the same day as

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you. And he was right. Subhanallah. Masha Allah.

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Masha Allah. Well done.

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Inshallah, you'll be better than I am, you

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know. But

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my mother used to say,

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or my mother told me that when you

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were little, 3 years old, you used to

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go around walking the whole compound. Anyone you

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say, salaam alaikum, salaam alaikum, salaam. Until one

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of her friends came home to complain, your

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little boy walking all around the compound greeting,

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assalamu alaikum, assalamu alaikum, assalamu alaikum, assalamu alaikum,

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assalamu alaikum. He's forcing us to greet back

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and so on. My mother says, it's okay,

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tolerate him. Masha Allah.

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That was me.

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And I think to myself, I wonder why

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I used to do that. Probably was just

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Can you imagine a little boy walking around?

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So I I when I looked at that

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aunt, may Allah

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give a a good life, she's still alive.

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I wanted to tell

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her, instead of going to my mother and

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telling her, oh, so cute. You went to

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complain. Can you imagine? Allahu Akbar. I must

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