Yaser Birjas – Halaqa 2012 10 10 How To Deal With Peoples Mistake Part 2

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The importance of correcting mistakes and identifying individuals in Islam is emphasized, along with avoiding mistakes and being clear about actions is emphasized. The historical context and significance of the Qumran-Osman-Osman movement, including the use of hand holding during protests and the court's investigation into the origin of the term "ma'am," is emphasized. The speakers emphasize the significance of these movements and their global impact.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ready, okay

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100 a lot of Milan amin Salallahu Salam Baraka Nabina Muhammad Ali was seldom at the Sleeman kathira Mama, welcome to part two.

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correcting how to correct people's mistakes and people's errors. If someone ever makes a mistake in front of you, what is your responsibility? To what extent are you responsible to correct their mistakes? This is something we discussed last week. And we talked about the principle itself as it was mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we learned that even in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala he sent down some of these principles and some of these etiquettes for us that even some of the examples were about the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam just like in the story of Alabama, the blind man who came to the Prophet sallallahu

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wasallam even though the Prophet was so eager to invite those elite and dignitaries of Mecca to Islam, this man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so much love to learn more, but then the Prophet just he frowned in the face of that man again, remember, the man would not have seen the Prophet sallallahu wasallam frowning in his face. So if Allah subhanho wa Taala did not reveal the ayah to the Prophet, no one would know what happened. But Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to teach us lesson. It's not about the person knowing that it was a mistake or wrong or not. It's about knowing that it was a mistake regardless and should avoid making these mistakes. So Allah

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subhanho wa Taala mentioned that in the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that and as soon as he told us some of these principles set out to LA he was said on Monday, last last time, we also discuss some of the some of these etiquettes and principles that need to be observed when you go and you correct people's mistakes. And number one, we said that you have sensitivity to Allah subhanho wa Taala. You remind yourself, why exactly are you doing that form? Are you doing it just for yourself? Are you doing it to win some sort of worldly gain? What is exactly that you're doing this for? You're doing it first and foremost for the sake of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala Allah Allah, Allah azza wa jal number two, knowing that making mistakes is natural when it comes to dealing with people, because that's how Allah subhanho wa Taala created human beings they are they're prone to error to make mistakes. Number three, we said that when it comes to correcting people's mistakes, you need to make sure that the mistake you're about to correct you have an evidence you have an evidence from the Quran or from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam telling you that this is a mistake and an error, you need to have an evidence for that. So you cannot just make haram haram and halal haram on your own. And then you start you know,

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fixing and correcting people according to your own criteria, number of number was set number four, that we looked at priorities, we look at the major sense First, the greatest sins and the greatest mistakes, don't go with minor ones, when there are some major problems that needs to be fixed first, and tonight inshallah tada we continue with the law we about when it comes to the person who's making the correction or given the advice, we need to observe and see someone who's more qualified than us all the time. You know that if the Imam is there, you shouldn't be talking. Someone else needs to talk someone who's more qualified. So you, you delegate that to the Imam, if your teachers

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were there, if the teacher was there, you delegate that to the teacher. So all what you do is that you should convey the message to them saying there is something going on over there. And I would like to see your input on European on this issue. What can we do about that, just like in the story of Abdullah episode about the Allahu Allahu orba when he received a younger Sahabi boostered ashari who saw something in medical Kufa. And when he saw the people they were collecting, and this counting their test behind in congregation in a way that he had never seen before. At the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he thought this was better. That's an opening opening a gate to

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misguidance. So it was the kind of concern for the oma at a something perhaps for many people to this considered trivial. They might not take that seriously. But Obama said Actually, he was appalled by that side. I have never seen anything like this at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam so he goes to Abdullah Massaro, knowing that I belovedness would be the senior Sahabi one of perhaps one of the first 10 people who embrace Islam and the history of Islam Hello the Allahu Allahu Allah. So he respected the sincerity of the of the love of mustard, and his position in the city of being the most prominent scholar perhaps in the area. So he went to him and he told him what

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was going on in uncouth and mesodermal Kufa, of course, our beloved Massoud, knowing that Abu Musab he was also not so happy. But what did you do? He said nothing I was waiting for you to see to see what you're going to be doing. So eventually he delegated that to someone who believed who he believed was more qualified. radi Allahu, Allahu Allah. So the same thing if you're in a position of authority, you have the priority, that if you're the father, a more priority over your children than anybody else. If you are the

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teacher in the classroom, you have more clarity over anybody else. If you're in the masjid, there are other people who are more qualified to make that Moncur your job becomes a delegate that govern to the person whom you think that the more responsible talk to them, and they will take care of it in shallow dialogue. The next point here is that whenever we look at the mistake or the error, we need to be very objective, meaning we don't become subjective to see who is making the mistake. Instead, we'll just look at it. Was it done out of complete ignorance? Or does this person did that? And they they knew what they were doing? Some people if you ask them, why did they do what they did

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for they would say what's wrong with that? They had no clue, no idea that what they're making is wrong. Or if this was Haram, even that they were doing is haram. And so how long they've been at habit at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when, when this bed when he entered the method of Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam, a veteran entered the magic of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, he saw the Sahaba gathered in one direction, he went on the other side of the reservoir was empty. And he doesn't have the etiquette of you know, these places. So he went and he stopped urinating. Imagine his soiling the message of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with an agenda.

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Perhaps if someone does this today, a lot of what happens to them. But at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, this man, he took a corner, and he stopped urinating soiling the method of Rasulullah wouldn't adjust the Sahaba, rhodiola and Han they almost jumped the man they almost grabbed him and they beat him up, sort of sort of law history lesson told him told them let us remove leave him just let him Let him finish. Of course, the profits of the law 71 First of all, to protect them from being hit or being harassed by the Sahaba de la donham. He also didn't want them to just to spread all over the place. So he said, just keep him there. Let's let him finish. And

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when you're done, just grab some water, pour some water and then adjust and handle a lot of blood. I mean, we'll be done with that. So when they did then the prophets of Allah said I'm called them and to come. Now in a situation like that the man came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And he was shivering, was terrified, intimidated with what happened what he saw, but when the prophet SAW Allah said and spoke with him, he felt relaxed. So the Allah and the Prophet told him listen, these places, you know, you don't need these kind of things in these places, these places for us for a Salah. What what are these places for a vertical for worship? So the man he was so excited, so

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happy, so relieved, by the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam approached him and he said, he might even do our God, Allah, Mohammed, Mohammed, what other hamana had, he said, Oh, Allah, have mercy on me and Mohammed and have nobody else. Meaning he was just because of what he had seen. He just wanted the mercy to be on him. And also to Allah is Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, in response to that again, ignorance in making that law only to him and terrassa law is the law Salah

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savasana means you're making something so spacious you containing something very spacious is you cannot do that, Miss, but still the prophets Allah Allah said, Did not scold him for that did not be comforted. serrulata lie was allamani another example of a story of a man who made a mistake again out of ignorance. This hybridity Allah has done his name or it was famous and well known for a nickname they call them Zulia Dean, the man with the two long hands seems to have kind of long hands so that's what I used to call them. The normal donut with the two long hands or the Allahu anhu Ah, he didn't know he did not know that speaking Salah was prohibited. So when he one day he came to

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salata Gemma, and just like usual, he stopped he stood in his landline and Salah, and then one of the Sahaba and the Salah, sneezed when he sneezed when his need he said there hammock Allah

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he didn't know that it was prohibited to speak now so you said your hammock Allah Sahaba mucuna Habibi, baby, sarin they start staring at him. Some people start staring at him. So you kinda felt awkward what was going on? So he spoke even more color boyu Kumar? What's wrong with your mother? Lucy, what's going on? What did I do? So they started they started striking on their thighs, you Secchi tuna who just to remind him to alert him to be quiet. He realized that they want him to be quiet so he just kept quiet until the end of the Salah. Now I want you to put yourself in the position of this man. You barely started your Salah, and then you had that awkward incident at the

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beginning of your Salah. How would you feel for the rest of the Salah? You will be just thinking oh my god, what's going to happen next what's happening after Salah just you just now anticipating what the schooling that you're going to get from all those people perhaps even from Rasulullah himself sallallahu wasallam because of what you did, but finally when the Salah was over, then the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he told him he said listen says in the hardiest Salah last few ashay omenka lemonis you see you

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I cannot speak like this anymore. There's this Salah, it's not fitting to talk like this in the salon, the man again he saw the profits of the loss and I'm part of a larger model I have never seen a Marlin model to monument or Hamada. Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. I've never seen a teacher or educator who was more merciful and more compassionate Donna sort of Lucha Salalah salon para la imahara. Nirvana Hooray. He did not. He did not scold me. He didn't yell at me. salatu salam, he just spoke. And he reasoned with him sort of what the lie was ceremony? What are they allowed? Allahu wa. So we need to look into the incident, whenever you see something wrong happening in front

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of you, if you heard someone say something, again, have good assumption. The first thing you need to know you need to realize is, was that a mistake? Or this person did that, you know, deliberately? Did they know what they were doing? Or was that you know, by mistake? So instead of immediately judging people, you need to investigate and inquire. So if you see someone doing something in them as perhaps you see someone picking, let's say something from the message you thought it was it belonged to them as instead of accusing them of whatever you want to accuse them, it is gone. You talk to them says, By the way, I just you know something, I'm not sure if it's if the way I saw it

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is right or wrong. And they will tell you what did you see? So what I started doing this or that, oh, yeah, that's basically so and so on so forth. Simply just inquire and investigate. Perhaps it makes it cleaner for you and shout louder. Maybe when you talk to people that would say, really, is that was that wrong? I don't know that. Because I have dealt with people like this upon line I've seen sometimes you see people carrying amulets, you know, this is an amulet that they carry around their necks, sometimes around their arms, they think that will protect them from harm, not knowing that this is wrong, they thought it would protect them from harm. So I talked to some of those

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people. And I spoke with some of them. And I said, you know, you know that this is actually not you're not supposed to be carrying these things. Many people, they had no idea that it's wrong. They would have been carrying this for the past 10 years, 15 years, maybe most of their lives of Panama. But no one ever told them that this was wrong, or that they shouldn't be actually carrying these things on them again, again, the point is that whenever he talks to people, first of all, inquire and investigate with them. Maybe they just didn't know what was wrong. Law jail, maybe they just ignore the next point. Even when you know that this is basically an act of ignorance, perhaps you

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need also to investigate and to make sure that what you some of those people, they have their own basic HD had, you know, some people that have basic and basic knowledge. So they think that just knowing one eye or two 100 or 200. They think by reading one book or two books will be sufficient for them to make their own judgments. So they start making their own judgments. And when they make their own judgment, they perhaps they make the wrong ones based on the HD hat of what the at least what they think there was HDR Still though, we need also to consider that if these people they thought what they were doing was correct. Or maybe they had the evidence, the evidence for that.

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Answer the law and an abuse of Allah Salim Khan is a hacker man how to move our Saba fellow drawn by the hacker Mufasa fellow Roger Rasulullah. His subtle SM says is a hacker Manhattan, which means if the hacker the judge, the arbiter

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if the master has the arm, the scholar anyone, if they made there is the hand, and it appeared to be wrong to be to be right, fella who are drawn, you get two rewards for making the right.

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One is data for Africa for Roger and you may catch the heart and it appears to be wrong, you will have one reward. So you still rewarded even when you make a mistake, when you make a mistake in the action just simply because you did the effort to learn to try to do it right. But it just appeared to be wrong from this. Also, we learn that sometimes people they do actually make HD hearts on their own. And it appears to be right. And sometimes that appears to be wrong. However, not everybody is qualified to make that SD card, but if they do, we need to check with them. Maybe they have a federal former scholar, maybe someone told them it was heroin, maybe just have read something

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online. And they thought it was okay to practice this thing, or to do that on and so on. So, some of these they had some of these HDI which means when you try to make your own judgment, you need to know that some of the judgments can be tolerated. We call this ht Haddon style, which means it's actually it's suitable. And it's acceptable, HDR you can tolerate that is the highest. And some other forms of HDR are not acceptable at all. So for example, if someone comes to you trying to tell you that it's okay to go to a grave site and start asking whoever is better than whether it is alum or scholarly, and you start asking them for mercy and so on, and they can tell you but yeah, it's

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okay, this Alhamdulillah some of the elements here It's okay. How can you even consider this as he had How could even tolerate and something you call this invitation

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Jihad because it's very obvious uncleared from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we only ask Allah azza wa jal, and you cannot even you cannot even let the dead here, when my uncle Muslim Mumford kobu those are in the grave, they cannot even hear you How can you even justify an HD head like this, you can do that. But sometimes he had the size in other things. It's possible unacceptable. If some people for example, in the form of their Salah, they've done something that they thought it was from the sooner because they have a Hadith, whether it's based on a weak evidence, or maybe weak interpretation, at least, they have an evidence that they

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can cite, whenever the the damage that he had not every single he had, not every single excuse is acceptable, but at least Still, we give the people the benefit of doubt that when they did that, they thought it was okay. So we just eventually we talked to them, we reasoned with them, and we tried to explain what was wrong in their in their practice or their actions. Now, if someone tells you after you know, you see something wrong, somebody was practicing something wrong. You come to them and you ask each other by the way, this is wrong. Didn't you know that is wrong? They will tell you a lesson will lie imitation is good.

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Honestly, I'm trying to do something good over here. Doesn't mean if they tell you my intention is good, that that's it palace, there is no there is no room for criticism right now country criticize, if they say my intention is good. Should you criticize or even give them feedback that they are doing wrong? Even if the intention was good? The answer is yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And knittel has an LED to better alignment of heart. good intention does not justify errors or mistakes. One little has an Atlanta Journal bottle hochkar the good intention does not make wrong, right, and does not make falsehood into truth. So even though their intention is good Alhamdulillah May Allah reward

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them for their intentions, but the act itself is wrong. And it needs to be criticized. So therefore, whenever you see someone is doing something wrong, even if their intention was good, that doesn't mean that you cannot go and talk to them. And let them know that that practice was wrong as an evidence for that the same story of Abdullah Massoud or the Allahu taala nwaba and Abu Musashi and so on. So under him

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when he came to the gathering of those people that they were piled these pebbles and making them disappear together. He told them in manickam Allah Hadean Hiraman * Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on Nakamoto, Jehovah de la la. He says you do you guys are doing one of two things. Whether you have received guidance better than the guidance of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I mean, this is what you're doing. If you think this is better than what the prophet Muhammad did before. That's your that's your judgment over this issue, or you're opening a gate and his guidance. What was the response to this? I mean, if some might say but this is too harsh, but Abdullah said he

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wants us to make them, make them realize how grave The situation is, when it comes to dealing with the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they said God,

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Rahman, Allah, Allah, Allah Hara says this orientation was good. We didn't really intend anything except good. When we were doing we were just thinking we were doing good color come in meridional higher, let me know below how many people were intending to do good, but they never reached it.

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You might have a good intention. But the practices are on their way to get there is also wrong. So regardless of your intention, good or bad, the practice, we judge the practice, not the intention, your intention is between you and the last panel data. But when we criticize, we just criticize the act, we become objective, regardless of who's doing it. The Act itself was wrong. If you have good intention that's between you and the last panel to Allah, may Allah reward you for it. But what I have seen in front of my eyes was wrong. And I would like to give you that advice under nausea. So you make this difference. you distinguish between the action itself and the person who is practicing

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that you criticize the action, but the intention between them on the last panel with Allah. Now one of the person who's doing that mistake is someone who's very dear to you. What do you think? Should You keep quiet or you still talk to them?

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Gemma, what do you say? Should you talk to your parents if they're doing something wrong? How about if there were kids? What if it was your spouse and you loved them so much? So you don't want to hurt their feelings?

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Should I just keep quiet so I don't want to hurt their feelings? Or should I tell them what has happened? What is true? Definitely, even those whom you love the most, those are the people who really need to care about the most and let them know what you know about their actions if it was right or wrong. Those are the people that you should really care about them. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Call away the call to do well, Canada poorva.

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Whenever you speak, you speak that which is just unfair. While Canada corba even if it was against

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Someone who's relative to you. Even if it was against your relative, you still need to be fair and just with them so that's now not an excuse to say well I don't want to hurt my feelings. I'm afraid that I'm going to create fitna in my in my family will love what they're doing is how long you should let them know but again you need to do it in a very polite way in a nice in a nice way so it doesn't create a shallow data that fit now however of people they don't really accept what has happened to that to Allah so just to deal with them but your job is just to deliver the message inshallah, in the good in the in good manner, and in good UCLA. One of the stories, of course, as we

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know, is the story of Osama bin Zayed are they allowed to animonda Osama bin Zayed when he came to, to to intercede for that woman who used to steal from from the from the women in Medina. Now that woman was from a very elite society, community members zoom, and Osama bin Zayed was the head of the Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam one of the most beloved Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam of all people with Sam Abizaid. rhodiola Han. So when Osama or the Alon came interceding to the to for this woman was Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the prophet didn't just look at Osama and he kept quiet. He said, it's okay. That's fine. We're done. We're not gonna do anything. Now there are sort of lions that have

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lost cell and he made a whole public announcement because of that mistake.

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He told us amakhala ashrafi had given her to delay Osama What are you doing your summer, which was? Do you realize what you're doing you? You're interceding in regard to one of the rules, one of the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He then Rasulullah went to the member and he made a whole hotbar on the subject subject of justice. So Osama bin Zayed made a mistake that provoked our sort of law has sort of lost amid a whole public announcement, because of that one person's mistake, became a handler principle for the Muslim ummah. So even if you love them, you care about them, you care for them, you should still go and speak to them. But again, the approach matters also the most, how you

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approach them, that also matters the most as a sort of life lesson approach these these men and the stories that I mentioned earlier, in a nice way, that when people talk to you, when you talk to them, they realize that you're looking to guide them, not to judge them. This is what you need to do, they need to understand your message is just to guide them, you care about them, and for them, not just to caring about winning a debate over here. The next point, whenever you try to make a mistake, I mean, to correct someone's mistake, make sure that you don't create a bigger one. Let's say someone's doing something wrong. If you're going to fix it, you're going to create a big mess,

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bigger than the mistake that you're doing. Give me an example. I want you guys to think of example, from the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Think of an example from the time of the prophets of Allah salam, when the Prophet he himself he so during this time, some mistakes were going on. But he preferred to keep quiet on these mistakes out of fear that they might lead to a larger one. Can you give me an example, river,

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a river at the beginning River, which was in Mecca. Still, there wasn't an issue. That was not their priority, until they went to Medina, what else?

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Drinking alcohol and wine. People they would use to it so much that it was part of their culture. If he would come from the first day to say don't drink, no one would embrace Islam. As a matter of fact, that's what I even said. When she was asked about about the provision of karma. She said had Islam had the Quran came down with the prohibition of coming from the first few days of Islam, no one would ever embrace Islam. What else something that is very important as well.

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The cover the cover, basically the cover the structure of the Kaaba, was supposed to be larger at the time of Ibrahim alayhis salam. But when the people of Mecca the they rebuilt the Kaaba, they made it a little bit shorter. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he said on the day of the conquest of Mecca, he said Lola Ito was speaking to eyeshadow, the Allahu Allah, God, Lola and anatomically howdy to Adam BJ de la Martin, to cover the phenomenon. I would have already said, if it wasn't that your people are still close to the time of jelenia, which means they're, they barely became Muslims. They're very close to the time of arrival and jelenia. I would have ordered that the knock down the

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Kaaba, and they rebuilt it. According to the foundation of Ibrahim Allah is center. And he gave the description of a lot of the Kaaba. But he didn't do it salado cinema as a matter of fact, he passed away and the building of the Kaaba stayed remained the exact same structure before during his term salado. So he didn't change that. Why? Because they realize Yes, but leaving the cover like this. It's a mistake. It's wrong. However, keeping the most people the people on Islam was much more important somehow

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Even the sanctity of the Kaaba, even the sanctity of the Kaaba is not more important than the sense the sanctity of towhead and seeing La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah to that level, this is something very important. And also another example from Medina. Then when African donatien Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the description many times in the Quran As a matter of fact some of the incidents like the story of

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Abdullah obey even salute Allah so generated part of his statements in the Quran, para la Jana el Medina region and as

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he said he spoke when we come back to Medina, he says the one who has the upper hand the one who's honorable, will drive those who are the low we say the low class out of Medina speaker about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam a lot. He quoted that in the Koran, many exposing him as an openly munafo hypocrite. Still, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not kill this man.

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He didn't kill him. And even when he passed away and he died, he went and he prayed Salah to janaza on him on his janazah so what Allah was allamani that even honorable hubub honorable hapa he was holding the prophets Allah said not to do that jasola don't do it, you know, Miss Manasa but also de la COVID Omar celigo Yama, and he let you know that even the Quran Allah subhana wa Taala revealed and so the Toba that Omar was right, telling Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam it shouldn't have stood under on their graves are seeking forgiveness for them. So eventually, we know that sometimes sometimes there are mistakes happening at the time. Yes, you are in your Masjid. There is a problem

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going on. If you're going to go and just you know, throw a statement to create fitna and not follow up with this law and correction and fixing the situation. What is the point? What is the point of opening a subject that you're not going to follow up on to fix or incorrect, it's a long term process when it comes to dealing with people, guiding people to Allah subhana wa Tada, it is a very long process. So you have to be patient, you have to be patient, and something we learned from Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, that, that even at the time of the profits or loss of the message was complete before the law surgeon, the message was complete. However, the Sahaba came after

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Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and they continued the mission, the Prophet did stablish a state however, the state the sophistication of a state like that what happened at time of the long run, and then a man and then afterwards, and so on, it came after the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So it's a long process for the oma to be established. And this is the same thing happens in a very small scale. Even in the masjid small community, something is going on there, some fitness happening here and there, it's very important that you care about the major things and just let things you know, die out and be patient, you hold on, just don't say I want to just throw this statement, just

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leave like I've seen it in many places, SubhanAllah. Some people, they just really sit there. And they don't even have great interest in bringing us law as much as they just want to be vocal. So they throw a statement. And that's it. That's all their contribution. And they never follow up on fixing the situation. It is a long process. And you have to have that really, that you have to care for your people, you have to care for your community, you have to care for the group that you work for, and you work with, you have to care for them to guide them and to be patient, they're not going to always do what you tell them. But you still need to be patient, be with them and share a little

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bit about a katana. We need also to know now that we know we cannot really we cannot fix a mistake by creating a bigger mistake. If you know that what you're saying is going to create a bigger fitna, just let it go right now, seek the right time for it inshallah, to Allah and then bring it up. Sometimes in the heat of the discussion, it is wrong to bring up issues that will escalate the situation. So the best way of doing that, just let it go. And then add more more appropriate time and shout louder. I'll discuss that in a very civilized way. And a very discussed that of course with the with open mind and open heart and hopefully inshallah data that people would listen at that

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We also need to know, whenever we try to fix people's mistakes, try to realize and understand the nature of the person. Maybe the person was is coming from, let's say a broken a broken family or broken out. Someone's going through an emotional crisis. They're more likely to say things and do things that definitely devastating. You know how many times you've seen someone that you knew was a friend perhaps, or maybe even close to you relative to you. You just spoke with them. And suddenly they just throw this statement on you just made you kind of go back and just wonder what's going on what's happening to them. Oh, the villa. What is it? What are you saying? What's going on? Maybe

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there is something serious happening in their lives that is causing them to feel that way? That doesn't mean to justify their mistake, you're still going to try to fix it. But at least you understand that the motive behind that mistake. Why did they do that?

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did what they did an example for this. When I'm dealing with a workers different their loved one was working in one of the areas of Medina. He meets one of the Sahaba of the lot that I'm the handler for Allah gave us a handle like saying good morning. How are you doing today? Berlin Africa. hamdulillah handler told him I'm gonna talk today.

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Mommy, that's a dangerous statement, right? How could you say something like this about yourself even Carlin Africa handle I know myself. I'm a hypocrite.

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Workers deal. Of course now it's just kind of surprised was taken by surprise, Carla, no matter who is what exactly. You're saying. So now he's explaining to him he was not inquiring investigating. He didn't judge him? No, he's not an inquiry into what is going on. Got an akuna and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam who had eaten African and our genital Narayan says every time we go to the sola sola salon, we sit with him and we listen to him. We just start you know, feeling as if we watching agenda, we're not as if we really look at agenda on what I can do first. And as soon as every time we leave, and we go home and we interact with our friends and our families. nesina kathira we tend

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to forget a lot. We get so much of that beautiful reminder the Prophet sallallahu has given us our workers now understand the nature of that mistake and the motive for it and the reason behind it. He's kind of stressed out from his own practices. He just eventually he sympathized with him. He said Karbala in illegitimately Alec. He says this, if this what you call hypocrisy, I feel the same way too.

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That means I do go through the same thing too. And sometimes when you hear somebody saying something wrong, perhaps you need to know what exactly is going on. So you tell them is there is there something going on? Do you have an issue with your school, with at work with your family? What exactly is happening here? Are you under stress right now? what's what's going on? So try to understand, there's so many things happening in the society. There's so many, we know so many people, they do things that they wish they don't. They do things they wish they really don't do them. But they're under circumstances, they're under some circumstances, fear, they feel compelled

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to do these things. Please, before just these people try to understand where they're coming from.

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We need also to realize that mistakes done on an individual basis against an individual it's different than someone making a mistake against the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Let's say someone is saying something on their own about themselves. That's fine. we tolerate that. But someone saying something about our sort of law is sallallahu wasallam. You have all the right to get upset and defend the honor of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam

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and the result of Lhasa Madiba nfcu he never got upset sola Salaam and he never get upset if anyone does anything against him salado Southern personally he never got upset for a personal matter. When I can even do it at home in law. Unless the harm of Allah the limits of Allah subhanho wa Taala have been violated. When the limits of a law being violated. That's when he gets upset that I want to lie was that Amani multiple Rasulullah nfcu katene ever got upset for any personal matter? Build onto the hammock, Taka Mahara Mala. So when you see something, someone is doing a mistake, that is personal mistake. That's easy, you can tolerate you can forgive them, you can just, you know, talk

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to them at different times and so forth. But when you see a mistake that has been done, a mistake has been done against the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You have the full right to go and stand for your deen. Again, that doesn't mean to go and do it in the wrong way. I know that that brings to our minds right now the incidents that happen in the Muslim countries because of that.

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The ridiculous YouTube movie that that came out. And we have seen how Muslims reacted to this. They acted in a very passionate way. But unfortunately, they practiced that they translate this passion and the wrong way. people were killed. buildings were destroyed. political relations were severed, so many things they put so much pressure on themselves and the Muslim Ummah because of that, had they been wiser, Subhana Allah they could have they could have employed this incident for the benefit of the deen of Allah azza wa jal, and even to the sort of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, people by nature, they don't like injustice, by nature, they don't like injustice. And if

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we just approach them in a nice way, they will stand by you. But now that you come out, and you just try to defend the honor of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and then you act in a way that completely confirms what this movie is talking about. What you expect the people to think about you regardless how much you try to convince them. Islam is the Dean of peace. They say your actions speak louder. I cannot see I cannot see what you're saying because what I cannot hear what you're saying because I see differently. So therefore

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Again, yes we do have the right to defend our Deen and defend Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam but we also need to understand the circumstances and doing it in the proper way, doing it in a way that it would please Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam himself, and also has lots of hanel what Allah

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we need to understand

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the difference between a hot pot that is considered major sin and a minor sin. When you see some when you see someone doing a minor sin, and even Allah azza wa jal says inland lemon, even Allah subhanho wa Taala said he would forgive, he would forgive a lemon means these minor sins. But for the major sense, these are very serious, even though they fall under the punitive system in Islam, so there is actually a duty of punishment for that. And even with the duty of punishment with this, we are to take people by that by mercy, not by by judging them right away, even Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he commanded us that if we see someone doing something Haram, if we could conceal

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that, there'll be bad, and then we're going to advise them and talk to them. But you need to classify you need to realize whatever, you don't treat a minor sin like you treat a major sin. When you see someone stealing, someone drinking, someone committing Zina, now that is a major sin, it's a very serious matter needs to be taken seriously. But if someone just speaking things, you know, or maybe doing something that's concerned from the miners, whether on the internet or speaking about a speaker at the message, gathering and so on, you should tolerate that a little bit, should just be tolerated a little bit, and have again a better environment and Charlottetown and circumstances to

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advise them and talk to them.

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We also when we talk to people, we need to take in consideration to take into consideration someone who makes mistake for the first time and somebody who does mistake every now and then you know if someone does mistake for the first time now

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basically, we have been commanded a karate lotta rot, which means to forgive these wounds when people trip they call them so when they miss forgive them once or twice, and so on. But if someone is keep doing the same thing over and over again over and over again, those are the people who needs to be taken seriously. And even not just in all of the time to be nice for them. Sometimes those are the people that need to be brought to justice and they need to be actually taking take any consequences of their actions. But if someone does something wrong for the first time forgive them you know what's interesting,

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the story of Abu hurayrah or the Allahu Allahu Allah abora he was guarding some of the treasures that arrived in measured indivisible Arsenal, he was assigned to God the treasures that the Prophet salaallah some left in the masjid for them for later distribution. So, one night I will Herrera the law of the land, he hears movement, some movement going on and the message around that area. He immediately goes that he finds someone trying to take which means which means he trying to steal now what he saw what our era so he saw a man was taken from the Ghana and will formulate from these treasures without any permission that means he is stealing that's what you really see. So he grabbed

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his hand got a lot of fun Nikita rasulillah you know what I'm taking a doodle sort of lies to the lesson. So the man start basically, you know, making this sob stories, you know, I'm this person, I don't have much you know, money my family, my kids, I don't have anything I need to feed my family part of America over the allotted time. He felt sympathizing with him. So he said, Okay, don't do that again. And I let him go

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Subhanallah I mean, stealing this could actually only have punishment, but I will later on he said okay, fine, go don't do that again. So he let him go. So on the next day, the professor allows me says Abu hurayrah karma falassarna bucola Alba Barrera, you know your friend what he did to what he did with you last night? He was surprised how did the Prophet know about that man? He said gerasa He said he's not going to come back again. I'm sorry. Which means I let him go because he promised he's not going to do that again. column I know caravaca also failed. You know, he's lying. He's going to come back

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to and say oh, Nicola rasulillah no sale. So I realize it's coming because a professor he was coming. So whatever this time was hiding for him. It's not like now he's he knew he's coming because the Prophet said so he was hiding for him.

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When this man came aboard I grabbed him again. Part of a lot a lot of fun naka rasulillah You know what, I'm gonna do this. This time to take you to the sort of lies so the lesson for the long run after Of course this man again the same story. hollows? I'm not gonna do that again. That's it. Trust me, please. This and that promising. So, again, Carlos. Okay. Then he let him go. Next day. Rasulullah says Abu hurayrah Tara Mahara cibulkova your friend what do you do last night? Carl? jasola busy. You knew about it again. But he promised this time he will never do that again. God no. No. cabaco so Pharaoh he lives and he's coming back.

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So what I was waiting for him for the third time, he said this time call us knowing that you're coming with me. I'm taking it to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Then the man told him he says, Listen, shall I teach you something? If you if you let me go, I'll teach I teach you something that is very, very beneficial to you. So part of the Sahaba they allowed that on him. That's what they care about their Dean, someone is going to teach you something for your dean. Of course, I value that better than anything else. Why would I even get from your punishment anyway? And if you get punished, what am I getting out of this? But tell me if you have something beneficial to you, to me,

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call me jack. Every time you go to bed, make sure that you decide to QC Allahu La ilaha illa heyoka you know, Jin or no shaytaan whatever approach you if you decide to curse you when you go to be when you go to bed, meaning it becomes like a shield protecting you. So our IRA was very excited that that of course and then eventually he let him go. So when he met Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he told them what happened, but sada Taka hookah? Do you know he told the truth, even though he is known to be a liar, called Ursula, the demo. So I asked him, he says, Do you know whom you've been talking to all these past three nights? He says no, yada. So a lot of sylvana. He said there was a

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he came in the form of a human being eventually for that. So somehow, the point here, as we can see, Abu hurayrah he let go the man the first time

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and then the second time. But then the third time he was supposed to take him to the solar cell, he let him go because of that benefit. Again, don't keep in your mind that punishing people is the solution. Punishment might not be the solution. Doesn't really matter. What do you get out of their punishment? Unless of course there is no escape. That's a different story.

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Let's say the story, the same story. When the man who committed Zina adultery he came to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and he asked Rasulullah to purify him, called Ursula is a native attorney. I committed adultery I want you to purify me. So sort of La he immediately turned his face to the left side.

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As if he's telling you what, just go school. I did, which means I did not hear that. Just go go means go and repent to Allah azza wa jal. So the man turns to the prophet SAW the lesson from the right side to the left side. Then eventually he said, Yasser Allah, I did it. I committed a sin. I want you to purify my kind of live this life. I cannot live anymore like this. I can't take it anymore. Then the Prophet still trying to find a way not to punish that man. So he looked at the people around him.

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Probably asked them how to be human. To be human best. Do you know if this man is okay? Is there anything wrong with this man called Ola? Ola? malamala. I mean, we don't know anything wrong with him. He's okay. He's now investing in if he's if he's saying he's sound mind. The man was with full sound mind. Then the Prophet tried his best to convince the man that he did not do what he thought he did, which is adultery. Para la la la la Sol trying to just let him know that maybe perhaps you just touched you did this. You did that meaning trying to convince him it wasn't the actual adultery act. He said, You're a sola. I did it. And he described it to those sort of lies. So the lesson I'm

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only then that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed them to be punished for that. So the man came volunteering to be punished because he just could not live with that sin or that feeling of guilt, or the law and, and even, even when as he was being punished, actually, for this act for his art. He tried to escape unfortunately, people chased him until he until actually they finished him under sudo. La felt so upset with their actions. And when he left when he ran away, that's it. Just let him go Leave him. And this we did our part. So the point here, what I'm bringing from this heading, is that a sort of like a subtle asylum, he wasn't about punishing people. It's not about

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punishing people. So just taking people for punishment. It doesn't make you anything, it doesn't bring you anything unless, again, unless these people they deserve it. in a certain way. They don't show any remorse, no repentance, not seeking forgiveness and so forth. In this case, yeah, Allah azza wa jal even said, welcome to salsa Hayato. Alba, even emphasis on capital punishment, there is life, meaning it deters people, other people from committing something that might be dangerous for other people is one of the community. So the point when, when it's needed, yes, it is. But if you can forfeit that punishment, and forgive the people that this should take priority, so for you, if

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you ever see someone doing a mistake, and you can really deal with them, so that they don't do it again, it's better than taking them to an authority so they could be punished for that. As an example, you see a friend, your friend did something wrong.

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And you know that the parents know about it. It's going to be a big, big problem, and huge disappointment. So what do I do in this case? Do I

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Go and just put it on my Facebook so you know finance on so there is this girl My school she did science, why would we need to expose people this was even called to share in the Arabic language is basically just put them in public in a shaming them like this. And it's also punishing but punishable in Islam. So the point is that you don't seek for the further for the punishment. Rather you try to seek you know, take them on the path of mercy and with compassion that may Allah subhanaw taala, forgive them, and then you try with them, try with them to help them out to leave and get out of that, that practice or that wrong action. So if you see some others at first time, that's no

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different than for the person who's keep doing it over and over and over again. Someone is doing it for the first time just appeal to authority with someone who is known to be his handler, upright but they just tripped one day they made something wrong. They said something wrong one time. In this case, you should try to forgive them. But some of those people how do you know that these people they really feel that their mistake is great. Take the example of a Sahabi are generally allowed to run

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ability bla bla bla bla nwaba, when he was sent to Burnham parada when he was sent to one in Florida to negotiate with them. So because he was kind of a friend with them before Islam. So when they asked him they said to him, what do you expect Mohammed judgment what is going to be doing? So what he did throughout the Allahu terranova he did something. Maybe for us. It's kind of trivial. He did like this.

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He just pointed with his hand just like that, which means one. So I think is going to be fun is going to be finishing you guys for what they did the betrayal they've done the treason that they've done. This is going to be the judgment. But when he did that, or the last one, he felt that he betrayed Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.

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He felt that How? How could I even bring this up in front of them? When this is considered perhaps the secrets of Rasulullah sallallahu taala. He immediately left the fortress of the Ubuntu Khaleda went straight to the masjid and he tied himself up in the Muslim. He tied himself up to the pillars of the masjid one he just did not show up on time the property as inquired about what happened to him. Call your Salah he's in the masjid. So he asked what's going on? So he said he told them what exactly he did. And he said he's not going to let go until Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam comes in freedom of Allah, Allah eventually his job and he came back afterwards. And Alessandro sola is sort

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of lost me freedom. But the point is, it was it was an you could call it an innocent mistake. I mean, he didn't mean it. It was just in the course of the conversation, that he said something would be considered like a treason again, disclosing the secrets of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. But it was, it was once it wasn't acceptable, it was actually tolerated, but also Allah has said a lot of them. But if someone keeps doing the same mistake over and over and over again, then those are the people who need to take them by their to their actions, and maybe teach them that there are consequences for these things. Again, remember, whenever we deal with the people, we deal with them,

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of course,

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what the by mercy, and by compassion, not just for the sake of punishment. And the last point I would like to mention over here is that whenever whenever we deal with the people, we should also take in consideration the level of a man the level of Eman. Some people that a man is so high, is so high that when they make mistakes, we just we go sometimes hard on them. Why because we know that their man will protect them.

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Their Eman will protect them from doing something wrong. But some other people that a man is very, very, very soft and tender. They still knew perhaps in it or maybe very weak. So you don't take them by harshness, an example. For the people who have very weak Eman still, you know, in the process, they're still learning, just the sort of like we mentioned the story of rebuilding the cover, or sort of lotto nyesha these people of Mecca they're still new in Islam, which means I don't really I don't trust that if I read this, rebuild the curb according to the to the boundaries and the foundation of Ibrahim, that they will they will stay in Islam. Those people they respect the Kaaba

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so much. They think that I'm actually violating the sanctity of the Kaaba, so he left them because of the weakness of the man.

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But when the story of salata, mohalla foun, the threes have already allotted on him, who did not go out with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam photobook. Now the Prophet when they wanted to go and fight against the Romans, as they were gathering, you know, in their own northrim belts of the Arabian Peninsula rasulillah ordered all men who will capable of riding camels, and can carry them carry arms, that is they should go out with a sort of law is sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to fight against these people. And there was no excuse. And that wasn't the best system.

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of the year, the season of the harvest, when the fruits are becoming ripe and fresh, and it's hot and extremely hot in the Arabian Peninsula, who wants to go to fight and walk on one go an entire month in the desert to go all the way up north and then come down another month. And Alana knows how long they're gonna stay there. So it was actually very challenging season for them. So that's why he told the property or all people to live, no one has excuse to stay behind.

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Now many hypocrites, they came to us through law seeking excuses, the other sort of law, I cannot go my wife, my life, this and that and so on. No one came to the sort of law, you know, but he says it's your excuse, excuse, except for three. These three were from the Sahaba there are lots of them. One of them was gab, even Malik rhodiola. Han capital, Maliki said Yasser Allah, if anyone is clever enough to give you excuses, in you know, being clever and speech that will pursue it, it would be me. However, I know, even if I tried Allah, Allah was telling the truth about me. I had no excuse at all so loving and going out with him.

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He said, I had no excuse. So Pamela, this is the honesty coming up forward. And I wish that the Muslim Ummah can get to this level of problematic and carrying responsibility of their actions instead of always blaming other people of their failures. Cabin manacle the Lord and he came and he knew that there will be continuous consequences. Colorado, so if anyone would hide and just thirsty, wet, whatever, I would be the person to do that. But I know Allah subhana wa tada was telling the truth about me. And again, he said, I have no I had no excuse was laziness. Then the Prophet when this one when basically as is when he said his statements

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about saddam. So for this, he told the truth,

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but will lie. That's how some of the Sahaba of the law that they they wished they wished that they were in that position, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that statement that he told the truth, because the Prophet testified that he told the truth imagine there are sort of law testifying for you. You're telling the truth, that means you're a truthful person. That's a great honor. I still wouldn't be going you know, on punishable. Just like we said, having good intention doesn't make your action right. So the prophets Allah Sam says, As for you, and two other Sahaba were with him are they allowed around the same situation, that they confessed that they had no

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excuse not to attend with Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Rasulullah told them As for you, Allah subhanho wa Taala will judge you, Allah wait for Allah subhana wa ISON judgment for you. So what they did rhodiola on home, they went home, and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam gave the command and the order for the Muslim Ummah, gave the oma an order that these people they need, you need to boycott these people. You don't talk to them, you don't respond to them. You don't deal with them. Can you imagine living in a community like coming to this method for instance, and no one is speaking to you.

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You say Salaam to people, and no one is even saying why they come send them to you. Can you imagine? You will try that one day, two days, three days. And what do you do after that? You stop coming.

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And then you try to relocate even go on somewhere else. I'm not even live in the entire city to go somewhere else. Now this However, there's no there's nowhere else to go. So the two of them, they felt so weak to face the people in such a condition like this. So they stayed in their houses crying and weeping.

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Cabin Malik was the youngest, the youngest among the three. And he said and I was the strongest among the three. So I used to go to the marketplace. I used to go to the masjid and I used to go and face the people. And I could see in their faces that no one wants to talk to me. Now remember, they didn't hate him. They were just following the commands of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, just following the commander of Russell not to talk to them. So I gave him a medical alert. And at one point even he went to his cousin, his beloved cousin. And he told him as applicable law. as applicable. I asked you why Allah zildjian Don't you know Don't you know me? Don't you know I love

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Allah and His messenger and so on his cousin. He said I loved him so much we were so best friends. His cousin then he said called Allah or sort of Allah said Allah and His Messenger another best.

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Even though he knew that he knew his cousin to love him so much, and he loved Allah and His messenger. But he just didn't want to give didn't want to please Him by a statement. He said a lot, what a pseudonym means. I'll leave it to Allah and His messenger to that level, that will not capture the medical of the law of the land. He broke actually into tears and he just couldn't take it too much. It was too much for him. He used to come to the masjid, and he would come by Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and he would say as Salam Alikum just to hear the Prophet response, and the prophet will not respond out loud. Basically will just sit

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quietly. He will

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Hear him. And then he said that I used to pray close to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And as I'm making my Salah, he says, I will try even to see and glance of the Prophet is looking at me. And he said, when I start my Salah, they're probably looking at me. But when I finished, he just takes his face away. Not only that Rasulullah he would love to talk to him, but he's under oath right now, not to talk to him. After 30 days, you think that was it? Look at this punishments of hannula after 30 days, you think it was over, then they receive another command that they should not, they should not approach their wives. That's it your wife, the only person who talks to you at home, and you're not

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allowed not to communicate with them or deal with them. So kababayan Malik, he said to his wife, you know what, pack your stuff. Go, go to your family's house until Allah subhanho wa Taala judges between us. So now in the last 10 days, most stressful days to carry Malik are the Allahu terranova. And instead one of those occasions look at the greatest tests of handle. I mean, how a lot of people according to their Eman. Now radi Allahu Allahu Allah. He was in the marketplace. And then he said he said that he heard some people Romans basically or the Arabs of the North, who are representative of the Romans, they came and they were looking for cabin medic. Or you can cabin Malik or you can

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cabin nomadic, who's charismatic. The people did not even say his name, they were just pointing to him, just pointing to him. Finally, the man that invoice he gave he came to capital Malik. And he said, I have a message for you. He gave him a scroll, a scroll that was sent to him by one of the leaders of the northern tribes like saying the king of the Arab Christians up north. So when he opened that scroll that message, he reasoned that message in our in our pocket Bella Donna Anna Sahiba, Coca Cola. You know, we heard that your friend Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam kala, which means he's boycotting you. He's leaving you alone, and so on. And you are not in a position to live in a

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land of humiliation. Therefore, I'll help when I know asik if you come join us, we will you will live, you will live your life will give you life Come and join us. So what do you what do you expect cavalry Malik at this moment would do. After almost 40 days of boycott, he's stressed out. You can't just live like this, you know, feeling isolated, like you're being you know, in a position that everybody is looking at you suspiciously it's very, very mentally devastating. But he had to go through this test of the law of town and it came to this point, that it's like an exit door for him that he would live life in this dunya it just like unfortunately, like many people today who were

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born perhaps in Islam, they lived in Islam for some time. But then when when the fame of the dounia comes to them through the media and political positions and the prizes and so on. So they betrayed their Dean, and they go on to join these gatherings. And these groups have Panama. Here's cabin Malik The moment he wrote that letter, he immediately he went to a to know like a baker or something like a blacksmith a soda fire. And he looked he said

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in the herd elemental Bella, this is also from that from the tribe from my tribe on my test, Allah still testing me. So immediately he grabbed that and you throw it into the fire, which means no way. He gave the answer immediately. No way, after 40 days and 40 nights, as he was at night making his salah and as a matter of the allotted time, and he said he was praying

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on the roof of his house. He was praying on the roof of his house in his sujood rhodiola Randhawa. And he was making dua to Allah subhana wa Taala to alleviate suffering and help him out in this situation. rhodiola Randhawa and finally the revelation came down as Allah subhanaw taala set out at the lilina holy foo.

00:59:04 --> 00:59:05

Robert, what are

00:59:06 --> 00:59:23

the three the three men who stayed behind? And then they felt that the entire Earth became so tight without Allium unfulfillment their hearts became and their chest became so tight means they couldn't even breathe. Then Allah sent the Toba Allah accepted the repentance on the allow that animal down

00:59:24 --> 00:59:32

to show you how much they love each other. This compound is the habit of the allowed Ramadan. They were running and racing who is going to deliver the message to them.

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People were on horses were running and everybody's everybody's calling at night. Sure, yeah. cabina Malik. He said I just barely finished my Salah. Then I heard someone running from distance calling absher which means good news, good news, yacouba Malik. He said whenever when I heard that word, I immediately bought into servitude into prostitution to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then the man he came to him and he said to him

01:00:00 --> 01:00:40

But Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent down your Toba in the Quran is a lesson revelation in the Quran to show to to accept your Toba and your repentance. Now he didn't. He said, I did not have anything to give this man. So I only had my phone, I took it off. And I gave it to him as a gift. Then I went to my neighbor and I just bought another thought from him from my neighbor, and I put it on. Then I went to listen to the message to meet Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. He said how Allah, people were basically the running to him. They were running to him, hugging him, and just, you know, just give him good news, the good news and shaking hands with him. They were so happy and excited for his

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In our communities panel, it seems that if someone does a mistake, there is no remorse accepted.

01:00:49 --> 01:01:28

No, Tova can be accepted when someone does mistake it forever, that they're stigmatized by that. If someone ever says something to you, you can never forget. Why? Why do we have all these things. And this is a habit they were just acting upon a command from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. They were swore by this by this oath that they would not talk to them as obedience to Allah azza wa jal and to the messenger of Rasulullah sallallahu ala. But when they got the chance, they forgive and they immediately opened their hearts and their arms to obey the law of the land. And then, until they arrived at Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he said, then I saw the Prophet sallallaahu them sitting

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there, and he was smiling. He was waiting for him and smiling and he says, I'm sure yacouba Malik app should be on is the good news for you. This is the best day of your life since your mother give birth to

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this was the best day in your entire life. Since your mother give birth to you that Allah subhanho wa Taala had sent down your toe with acceptance of your Toba in the canal. I mean, can you imagine that you mentioned will be there in the corner. Today after 1400 years, we have the honor to read this ayah and the story of avian cab or cabin medical, the Lauder nwaba. And it will stay and continue there until the day of judgment that one day, Captain America was tested in his he man was tested in his strong amount of the allotted time. And he proved to be sincere.

01:02:20 --> 01:02:42

Can you imagine? The whole point of the story again, is that whatever you test the people whenever you deal with the people, check their email. Maybe someone would work email, you don't go harsh on them. Don't go harsh on the people. But when someone is strong with a man, yeah, you could remind those people to be sad, not necessarily harsh, but be firm with them.

01:02:43 --> 01:03:20

Those who think that they have a strong Eman, you remind them in a strong and in a very, very affirmative language. But those were very weak in their Eman. You take these union, deal with them according to their email to that level, not according to your level, to that level, take them by their hand and you go take them from down and carry them up with you. That's how they're sort of law is sort of law what he was selling. He dealt with his competitors. And he dealt with the entire world. So what the law was said on Monday he was sent as Rahmatullah mean mercy to mankind, he wasn't sent as a judge to judge the people instead, to guide the people. That is one of the biggest

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lesson that we learn about our sort of law hustle Allah salon, and how he was a great successful

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you know, die to the oma a guide to the entire world. Again, whenever we did with the mistakes of people, we should always consider the the circumstances of the individual. Check it out. And remember to have mercy on the people. The purpose of your advice is not to make a point

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is not to make a point across as much as try to deliver and transfer knowledge and guidance to those people. Once you have that on your mind, you do it in the proper way in sha Allah, what about your data? And I ask Allah to give us all the plot and demands of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam that whenever we talk to people that we ask Allah subhana wa Taala first and foremost that we follow what we what we learn or what we know. And then we will be able to deliver that in the best way possible. But hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sola Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

01:04:18 --> 01:04:18

and the question is Mr.

01:04:24 --> 01:04:42

Pharaoh Olivia, this emotional moment of the story of Kava Malik review it is inserted to Toba inshallah, you can check it out vanilla Azerbaijan. It has more details, but Voila. It's a very, very powerful story. Go ahead again, review that story in sha Allah and just reflect on it and learn so much from this. Hola hwadam. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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