Wasim Kempson – The Struggle Within – The Prophet Yunus

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including its use as a means of achieving spiritual health and success, the loss of Islam, and the responsibility of individuals to act in a consistent manner. They emphasize the importance of forgiveness and the need for everyone to act in a way that is consistent with Islam. The speakers use the examples of the Bible and how it relates to our understanding of the universe, emphasizing the importance of understanding and living in the spiritual world. They stress the importance of understanding the Bible and its teachings for our understanding of the universe.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam, O Allah I should have an MBA you will see that mursaleen while early he will be he Jemaine or praise belongs to Allah,

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the Lord of the woods and be the peace and blessings of Allah subhanho To Allah be upon His final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa Salam.

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Salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah would occur to all my dear brothers.

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My dear brothers of Aberdeen, masha Allah, Allah is my first time in Aberdeen. So it's very,

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I'm very happy to be here.

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And I asked a loss of panel data that allows us to, to benefit from the the time that we have to give a shout out either.

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So the topic

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or the Yeah, the topic or the title that we're going to talk about?

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Does anybody know what you came to listen to? Anybody know, the struggle within regarding Yunus idea he said, and now.

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But before I discuss that beautiful story that ALLAH SubhanA, Allah talks about in the Quran, I just want to set if you like, a few important points, which I believe will be key, and will help us benefit from the story even more.

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Sometimes you go into a story straight away. Sometimes you pick up a book and you don't read the introduction or the Preface. Okay, you don't read that you just go straight into it, and you miss out a lot of things. So something you know, when you have an effect, I was told this by my teachers that whenever you have a book, you should always always always read the introduction, because that represents the key to that what you're going to read. So am I going to tell you anything different concerning Jonas Ali, salaam, no, nothing new I'm going to tell you because the story of Eunice Ali Salam is is something that is in the Quran not going to tell anything new. So, as Allah subhanaw

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taala tells us in a declarative, infallible meaning, without care, remind people because the benefit will serve as a reminder to all of us, even though you may hear that story once, twice, thrice on the fourth occasion, subhanAllah for whatever reason, Allah subhanaw taala allows you to benefit and feel that story like no other time before. You know, when you go to the Quran, and you read the verse, it's like a new verse, even though you know that you've read that Surah many, many times. And this is what Allah subhanaw taala allows us so that we can benefit what now Iman is raised. And as we know, HUD will be learning will Allah massage you to her, that the most beloved places to Allah

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subhanaw taala or the masjid

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and just having a quick glimpse here that in this particular community, masha Allah, it seems that there are brothers who are from various different backgrounds Mashallah. And also the ages from very young brothers to not so young brothers,

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including myself, nonetheless, but it is a good mix, mashallah Tabata cola is a good mix. And I asked her last panel Tality allows us to to benefit from one another

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that we benefit from the verses of Allah subhanaw taala.

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ALLAH SubhanA, Allah created us,

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and created the heavens and the earth and everything that exists in this universe, and that everything has a purpose. Everything has a purpose. There's nothing that exists in this universe, except that it has a purpose.

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If something has been placed within this universe, without any person, any purpose, that would mean that Allah subhanaw taala placed or created something in this universe without any reason, as Abbath that's like play that's like a joke. And that's not befitting of Allah subhanaw taala. That's not befitting. Now, man, and Jin, what's our purpose? Why are we here? Some may say, I'm here to pray. Here. I'm here to pray to Allah subhanaw taala almost some may say, Well, I'm here to pray and fast. Some others they may say, Well, I'm here to pray and foster in front. If I have the care, maybe, you know, pay my second you know, make Hajj if I can.

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But Allah subhanaw taala tells us why we are here.

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Allah Subhana Allah tells us why Mahalo to Jin now well INSA in larly, Abu Dune,

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Allah Subhana Allah says that I did not create jinn or mankind, except that they worship Me.

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Liang goon and one of the great companions,

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namely, Abdullah ibn Abbas or the Allahu anhu, who was the cousin

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was well known for explaining the Quran. He said Leah go dune which means to worship me. Another way of saying that is Lee your way Dune, which means to single out Allah subhanaw taala in worship. Leah, why don't so tell hate. This is where we get the word tell hate from to make something one to make it unique.

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So when we read about and think about the stories of the prophets, Allah Hema salatu salam, we will find that just as we will all create it to worship Allah subhanaw taala. This is why

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or this is what the message was of all of the prophets and messengers, Allah Hema salatu salam, they came at different times, they came to different nations, in fact that the Sharia the laws that were given to them may have been different.

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This was halal, but in this nation it is haram.

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However, one message that they all agreed upon, none of them differed upon, and that they all taught was to remind their people

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to tell them peep their people to come back to Allah subhanaw taala and if they'd gone away,

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and that was to remind them that there was no one worthy of worship except Allah subhanaw taala No one deserves worship, except Allah subhanaw taala and in our case, that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam taught us La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, there is no one worthy of worship except Allah subhanaw taala and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah.

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So Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, we're Lakota by Santa Fe, Coolio matter of Rasul Allah, that we sent to every nation, a messenger.

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Every nation had a messenger sent to them, to teach them, to educate them about what are the Buddha Allah which tonybet taught to worship Allah, and to stay away from any false deities any false gods? This is what the prophets are they him sudden May Allah subhanaw taala have peace sent His peace and blessings upon all of them. That's what they taught all of their people.

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So Allah subhanaw taala tells us this in the Quran. In another place in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala also tells us warmer out of cell Nermeen Kabila Camille Rasul in new Hey Healy.

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Here Allah subhanaw taala is telling the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we did not send any messenger before you except that we revealed to him. Revelation came to that individual what and no hula inner in a balloon, that there was no one worthy of worship except me. So worship me.

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So this responsibility was placed on the shoulders of the prophets, Allah Himself to teach people are Ilaha illa Allah, what is our responsibility.

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I am not a prophet. I am not a messenger. But we still have the responsibility to teach people that ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah,

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we still have that responsibility, to teach people to educate people, to tell them why they are here, living in this worldly life, not just here to make money, not just here to become famous, because all of that will end.

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When that person, whatever age that they are on death, it knows no age, it can come to any of us at any time, that fame, money, all of that won't help you at all. Nothing will help you. The only thing that will take it will help you and benefit you, when you're buried in the earth. The only thing you can take with you is your actions, your deeds, that what you did for Allah subhanaw taala so it is very important that when I start talking about my deeds, my actions, I want to make sure that they are only for Allah subhanaw taala because if I want to be rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala

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if I want to be rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala have to make sure that I offer and I directed that a bad that worship to Allah subhanaw taala if that person directs their worship to other than Allah subhanaw taala it will be rejected Allah Subhana Allah will not reward you for it, in fact, may punish you for that because you're setting up partners and rivals to him Subhan Allah.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam gave us an example.

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He said, he said, the fear or the matter that I fear for you most. And here it is that the Prophet alayhi salam was talking to companions, Abu Bakr,

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Rama, Richman and Ally all great companions are awful my I fall for it. The math which I fear for you most Shere Khan asker is the small shirk

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the Companions they said

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Ursula. Well, Michelle can ask God what is this small shirt? What is this?

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The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said earlier, showing off, showing off how you show off. So when you come into the masjid, and maybe you're the first person to come into the masjid, and there's nobody around. So you pray, like maybe you usually pray and you pray really quickly.

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However, on this occasion, when you enter the masjid, there's a few people around and you're ashamed to pray quickly, you're embarrassed that you would pray quickly. So therefore, of course your Salah is not for them. Your Salah is for Allah subhanaw taala but your there are the way that you stand. The way you make a record the way you make sujood you make it really nice really slow movements and Masha Allah following the Sunnah, so that the people won't say anything about your prayer. So there's an element of your prayer showing off

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or you give charity and you start to boast about two people. I gave this and I gave that you're showing off.

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This, this could render your deed, no good invalid bouton.

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So it is important that we make sure that our intention is always in purely for Allah subhanaw taala.

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the importance of towhead you may have heard it before you may not have heard it. First of all, what do we mean by that? A towhead is to single out Allah subhanaw taala. To make Allah unique. When we worship, we worship only Allah subhanaw taala only Allah subhanaw taala

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this is what we were talking about when we talk about tel heat. It is very important. It is not something you read in a book. And then it sounds good. Okay, this is what Islam sounds this is what is why Islam is the hug because I read it in the book. No, I believe and I'm certain in my heart

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that Islam is the truth, because I understand

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because I understand why I am worshipping Allah subhanaw taala and I am fulfilling

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the role of why I have been created to worship Allah subhanaw taala remembering this is what all the prophets and messengers are the hymns salatu salam, that is what they taught their people. And many a time we find our last panel time tells them the Quran their people, the people of Musa alayhis salam, the people of Isa Elisa them and Ibrahim and Mohammed Reza Saddam, they rejected the call. They said we don't want to hear this. We don't want to hear about Islam.

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Many a time now. Subhanallah in this day and age now people don't want to hear about Islam. When you tell them to worship Allah subhanaw taala they may even make fun of you.

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Is this a new thing? No, it is not new.

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Even though Allah subhanaw taala mentions all of these stories in the Quran.

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The role of the prophets, the job of the prophets was to teach people that Ilaha illa Allah and the people rejected them.

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But the way that those people rejected each prophet was different.

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Some of those people who rejected some of the prophets is because they thought that they were, in fact like Allah and Allah bakoma Allah like frown. May Allah curse him.

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He thought, how can you move Silas and how can you tell me what to do? How can you tell me to let Bani Israel the children of Israel to go, I am in charge I give life and I take away life. So he rejected that because he believed that he was greater than Allah subhanaw taala Yes.

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There were other people who rejected Islam, because all the prophets they taught Islam to submit to Allah subhanaw taala just to submit to Allah and worship Him alone. Some of them they made fun.

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They were mocking the Prophet, like who an example know, Allah. He said,

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We know Halle salaam spent 950 years calling his people to Allah subhanaw taala. They mocked him. They made jokes on him. They don't everything that you can imagine.

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This is another type of rejection. And sometimes you may tell people about Islam and they may they mock and they make fun of Islam. This exists as well. Likewise, a people who worship clearly other than Allah subhanaw taala the worship idols, like the people of Ibrahim, Alison.

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Those people they worship idols and statues, the sun and the moon, and they didn't want to follow Ibrahim alayhi salam Ibrahim Ali said at the time was only the only individual who is a Muslim at that time on Earth.

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As Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Ibrahima

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And Martin Cornett unveiled

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that Abraham a sedan was an OMA and a nation and a guide by himself, submitting to Allah subhanaw taala.

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And our dear beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, his people rejected him as well.

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Because they didn't want to give up the idols. They didn't want to give up Makkah. They didn't want to single out Allah subhanaw taala they wanted to reject tau heat.

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They understood and they, they, they knew ALLAH existed.

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They knew that Allah created everything. They knew that Allah subhanaw taala provided for them.

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They did not believe that, for example, Allah subhanaw taala needed help in the creation of the heavens and the earth.

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So they believed in Allah subhanaw taala is existence in that, but it wasn't enough.

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It's not enough for somebody to say yes, I believe in Allah. There is one God, He created everything. He's in control of everything. That is not enough. You have to go a step further. And that is to what to then worship Allah subhanaw taala alone, not just recognize his lordship if you'd like, but to submit and worship Him alone.

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So when you practice and you fulfill the job that Allah azza wa jal placed us here for it means that you are not a slave to anything, or anyone except Allah subhanaw taala your Lord, you're a slave to money. You're not a slave to people, even though people may punish other people or oppress other people, by maybe putting them in prison on telling to do things which they don't want to do. You will never be a slave to that person.

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Because maybe physically they try to oppress you, but they can never enslave your heart. Your heart will always be for Allah subhanaw taala.

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And as one of the pious scholars of the past, when he was being punished in a prison, he said, What can the people do to me?

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What can they do? They can punish me, they put me in the prison, they may even hit me. They may even banish me, they send me to another land.

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They can't do anything to me. My heart is attached to Allah subhanaw taala I am submitting myself to Allah's panel data is the most important thing.

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And as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us,

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in Allaha, la yawns Oroku lianzhou Illa. So when they come, well, I just said Miko, that Allah Subhana Allah does not look how you look, look at and how you how you look out from the outside.

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While I can young vor

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ala Kulu, become an ally.

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But Allah subhanaw taala looks at you and judges you by your hearts and your actions.

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This is why as Muslims, when we are in the masjid, when we are at the home, when we are at school, we are muslims at all times. And we try to teach people as much as we can.

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But you're not a slave to any of, of the creation.

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Bearing this in mind, and the importance now of towhead that we are fulfilling by teaching others, this issue of utter hate.

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We are following in the footsteps of the prophets.

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We are following in the in the footsteps of all of the prophets Allah Himself. So it is a great and noble and a blessed path that you will follow.

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So Allah subhanaw taala

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tells us about Eunice la Salam,

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you will receive no matter.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I give you a small example of

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the impact and how having a little bit of knowledge

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or you giving a little bit of knowledge can have an impact and affect another person.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he was in Makkah and the people who rejected him and they oppressed him. So what did he do at least assume he went to another city? This city was caught up by a thought about 100 kilometres, okay, about 70 miles away,

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away from Makkah. When he went there, He called these people to Islam. Again, they rejected Islam. In fact, they asked the small children.

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They said to the children, the elders days, pick up the stones and started throwing stones at him and running out of here.

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So they ran the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam out of a dive until the stones were hitting him and his sandals. They were filling with blood because he had been beaten so much. The prophets I send them on a short way away outside but if I sat down to caressed, sit down and took a rest. As he sat there, a young man came to him

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A man came to him and gave him and he saw that the prophets I said was in a bad way. This young man brought and gave you some grapes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, some grapes,

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the Prophet sallallahu ala some said, Bismillah and that ate some of the grapes. This man said, What did you say?

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He said, The Prophet said, I said, Bismillah

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he said, Who? Who taught you that?

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He said, My Lord taught me that. So the Prophet sallallahu alyssum asked him, Where are you from?

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He said, I am from a place called Nineveh.

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He said, You are from Nineveh. Then you are from the place from my brother, UNICEF. Numata.

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The man was amazed. He said, How do you know about Yunus?

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The Prophet sai Sam said he and I are brothers in Abuja, our brothers in prophethood.

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This man he embraced Islam, just by that small piece of information that was given to him.

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So the Prophet sallallahu irisin told us about Yunus earlier he said, and Allah subhanaw taala tells us about Yunus Alehissalaam.

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Not like Yusuf Ali Salaam in that you find one chapter, one chapter and you find the whole story of use of Elisa.

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The story of Eunice Ali Salam, just like Musa Ali Salam is spread throughout the Quran, of course, Musa alayhis salam, from the beginning of the Quran from the first visit to the last visit, Musa alayhis salam is mentioned. Jonas has mentioned, you know, a lesser level, but nonetheless, it's in two or three chapters in the Quran. For example, you find it in Surah sofort Surah Al Anbiya. And, in fact, there is a chapter called Surah to Yunus, the chapter of Yunus.

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what do we want to benefit from? What do I want to take from this story? Number one, I want to learn the importance of being patient.

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The importance of being patient, when a difficulty comes, that I just don't give up, I need to be patient. Number two, is the reward that you will receive from Allah subhanaw taala, for acknowledging your weakness, that you are weak and you are in need of Allah subhanaw taala

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This is another benefit and to learn from.

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Thirdly, is the importance of repenting, the importance of asking Allah subhanaw taala to forgive you.

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And number four, the importance of always and constantly thanking and praising Allah subhanaw taala.

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So you will miss Ali Salam was chosen by Allah subhanaw taala to deliver the message and teach his people in Nineveh Nainoa which is where do we know where this is? Yes, we know where this is. Now. If you go to a map, and you go to and you go to a country called Al Iraq, and there is a city called Mosul, Mosul, that is where it is.

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So Allah subhanaw taala chose this prophet to go to this place and to teach the people, these people had turned away from Allah subhanaw taala.

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They had turned away from Allah subhanaw taala.

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So you're gonna say salaam began teaching his people and teaching them the truth.

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And they rejected this message.

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He persisted. He was continuous. He tried, and he tried and he tried with them. But they rejected him.

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This left us Alehissalaam, frustrated, upset, even angry, because he knew the truth. And his people were rejecting the truth.

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You know, when you talk to somebody, and you know the truth, and you know it to be the truth. And then you tell them, This is how it is one, two, and three, or ABC, this is the truth, this is how it is. And the person says nice, no, I'm not interested. I'm not interested.

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Well, they I don't understand. It's not like this. It's another way. And you keep telling them and you try to educate them, you say in a different way. You say a different time and in a different place, in the hope that they will take the message, but they don't.

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So where do we take the guidance is from Allah subhanaw taala

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you can say to a person, this is the Huck 1000 times

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a person is maybe looking into Islam

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or person is that the you know, is disobeying Allah subhanaw taala and you say, you know Allah Subhana Allah says this is how

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He told us tells us this, how long should stay away from it?

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Or the person who say, well, we should understand that, you know, Allah subhanaw taala does not have children and does not have family because it's not befitting of the Creator. And you make it very clear. The person says, Yes, I understand what you're saying. But you know, I just don't know. I just don't get it. I don't get it.

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This is all that is in our hands. You and I,

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as Allah subhanaw taala tells us to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, we're in naka de la serata, no stopping that you guide to the straight path, meaning that you can make clear to the people what is the straight off?

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However, that person accepting that

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this is not in our hands. And if there was any person who had that right to have the ability

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that they would that person I could guide that person it would be it would be the Prophet sallallahu asin because he was the best man, the best color the best preacher to Islam,

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and his uncle Abu Talib, who helped the Prophet racism so many times. However, on his deathbed, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Yeah, Oh uncle, Kula Allahu La se la ilaha illAllah. Another Day of Judgment. I will ask Allah subhanaw taala to help you. His uncle did not say it

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and died as an idol worshiper. So guidance was not even in the hands of the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam.

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Likewise, Eunice la sarin, he didn't have any in his hands to guide the people, but to deliver the message.

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To deliver the message. The Prophet SAW Selim performed Hajj only once in his life only once, on the day of our offer.

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On the day of an offer, he raised his hands, he said, Allahumma Allahu Akbar looked, oh Allah have I not delivered the message.

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He said this a number of times, I have delivered the message to all of you.

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Everything has been given to you.

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So when you're talking to somebody, you ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide them.

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You ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide them.

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So Musa alayhis salam, or rather Eunice Ali Salam

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began speaking to his people, until Allah subhanaw taala

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was then going to bring his punishment close.

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eurosai salam said to his people, that Allah subhanaw taala will punish you. After three days.

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Of the three days the punishment of Allah azza wa jal will come down upon you all,

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as ad and ThermoWood. And the people of New and for our own, they were all destroyed, because they disobeyed Allah subhanaw taala. Likewise, here, these people, they were not listening.

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Us or they said to his people, that after three days, the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala, will come down and destroy you all.

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Upon hearing this, they continued at the beginning.

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They continued in their disobedience.

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Even after that, they were told that the punishment of Allah is close. They still went along in their disobedience. So Yunus alayhi salam, he left them.

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He went away from them and he left them.

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When he left them,

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he went towards the sea

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to a port

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during this time,

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the time for three days it came up.

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And the people realized that the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala was close.

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So what did they do? They realized their mistake. They didn't want to be punished by Allah subhanaw taala.

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You know, a person

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who has a lifelong of sins, lifelong of sins, they turn away from Allah subhanaw taala. And then

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maybe the age of 50 or 60, or whatever age, they say, Subhan Allah or have an awareness and they think to themselves,

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I've been doing wrong.

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I've committed all those sins. I want to turn back to Allah subhanaw taala maybe 40 years of disobedience. 40 years of haram

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in a single moment, that person sincere in their heart. Says, hola, hola. McFeely or says a Stableford Allah, Oh Allah forgive me. I turned to you forgive me of my sins.

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It is with Allah subhanaw taala who has the ability over everything and that He is Allah for Rahim. He is the old forgiving the All Merciful. The 40 years of sins have are forgiven instantaneously. Like this forgiven. Allah subhanaw taala forgives you of everything because

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As Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Allah YogaFit of the noble Jamia Surah to Zoomer, verse number 53. Allah subhanaw taala says that indeed I forgive all sins.

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You are sincere at that time. So Allah azza wa jal forgives you of all sins. These people, they recognize their mistake.

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So the men and the women, the children, the very old people, the very young people, they all went out into the desert. And they all asked Allah subhanaw taala, to forgive them

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to ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive them. Allah subhanaw taala tells us concerning the previous nations with previous prophets, that the punishment came to them, nothing changed it. They remained on their disobedience and that they were destroyed. However, except for the communists, except for the people of Eunice alayhi salam, because they repented. At the last moment. They turned back to Allah subhanaw taala.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the in the Quran in the meaning was there any nation of people

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after seeing the punishment coming to them, the image saved them, only one nation.

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The people of Eunice Alehissalaam

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we removed from them the punishment of this world and the disgrace that was going to come to them in this world. And we gave them a time to enjoy themselves.

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You want to say salam was unaware of what happened was unaware.

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So as Allah subhanaw taala says concerning Yunus within

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the noon, so your Salah Salem has two names that we know, Jonas, and Junoon is the one who has the owner of the whale, the whale

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is the hubba Mahadeva that he left his people he was angry. He was upset. It was patients with these people.

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And he thought himself that Allah subhanaw taala would not make it difficult for him. For one hola naka de la.

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You wanna say salam thought himself that Allah Subhana Allah will make things difficult for me.

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So what happened is that Eunice la Salam, he went to the ship, or the port, and then he found there a ship and got on the ship.

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And then he's going to sail away. While on the sea. A storm came a big storm. And the people feared that the ship or the boat was going to sink.

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So what do you do? You throw overboard or those things that you don't need? People's baggage, people's belongings, foodstuff, we don't need all of this, just throw it overboard. We don't want the ship to sink. We don't want the ship to sink. Everything had been thrown away. Only that what remained on the ship was the people. But there was still a problem. There was still a problem.

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They believed at that time, some of them that it was

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a bad omen

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that Allah subhanaw was angry with somebody. And they didn't know who.

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So what to do. They said, well, we don't know. We don't know we're going to throw overboard because it's got to that stage that we now have to choose somebody to leave the ship.

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So they decided to draw lots. What's drawing knots? That's for example, like you know, all of us here we put our names on a piece of paper and we put our names in the bag and then we draw out that nameless called drawing lots in Arabic is called Al Qura. So what did they do? They put the all the names out. Jonas

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Jonas Antara Julian Salah that you are a pious man, we know you to be a good person. Now that can't be put back.

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So there are a second time

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But it says Jonas, it can't be when nobody would you find somebody else for a third time. Jonas. They then realized until monkshood Jonas or a sudden they said Jonas, we've done it three times. Now.

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It seems that there is an issue with you.

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So Jonas Ali Salam, without hesitation. What did he do? He jumped overboard.

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In the middle of a storm, he jumped overboard Subhanallah

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they this is the courage that Allah subhanaw taala gave to this great prophet.

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Destruction surely for this individual who jumps over the ship? No.

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Allah subhanaw taala decreed that a whale a whale. A whale came to swallow Eunice alayhi salam, not to kill him not to swallow him to eat him? No, but to swallow him to preserve him.

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Now so

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Some of us, we may have heard about the story of Jonas Ali Salam and the whale. And maybe you tried to picture in your mind that a whale? What was the color of the wheel? How big was the wheel? How did the whale know to do that?

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And how is it a human being could live inside the belly of the whale? How is that? So the human being maybe he's like 564 that means he wants to stand up that means the way it has to be this. Forget all of that. Forget all of those details.

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But we do know that it happened. That is not a fairy story is not Jackanory wasn't made up. Last month, I did tell us this in the Quran.

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And even though a person may say you believe that 100% I believe in them, without any doubt, I believe in Al Hamdulillah.

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So your Sunday Salah was swallowed by a whale and remained in the

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in complete darkness.

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When he was in there.

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What did he do?

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He realized himself,

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he realized himself.

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And what did he do?

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As one of the pious predecessors, they said that when you and as I said, I'm found himself in the belly of the of the whale. He had thought actually that he had died. He thought he had died.

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But then after he realized he could still move his legs, he could still move his body. So what did he do? He frustrated, he made sujood?

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And he said, Yeah, Robbie, Oh, my Lord, I have taken this place where I'm making frustration, as more of a burden as a place of worship. And I know that no other person on earth has prostrated here.

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Only me and the only one to prostrate here.

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So he began to remember Allah subhanaw taala. At a time of difficulty,

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he turned back to Allah subhanaw taala. Just like we should do, when there's a difficult time when I need help,

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that I turn back to Allah subhanaw taala because I'm calling upon the one I make dua to the one who put me in this place and deferred and put me in a situation in the first place. Who decreed who gave me this trial. It is Allah subhanaw taala. So when I need help, who do I go back to? I go back to the one who's testing me. Allah subhanaw taala.

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So Eunice la Salam,

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that he began to remember Allah subhanaw taala praise Allah subhanaw taala make vicar and do many things.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, in a very beautiful Hadith. Manda be dua Yunus Soo Ji Bella, whoever makes the dua of Yunus, Ali Salam, his dear I will be answered. His do I will be answered. This is an authentic hadith. And also in another Hadith in the meaning that no Muslim ever makes or praise to Allah Who makes a dua to Allah subhanaw taala with these words are the words of Eunice la Salam, except that ALLAH subhanaw taala will answer your DUA. Now,

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if I ask you or you ask each other, what's your How do you make your personal say, your hammock Allah? The person will say, Oh Allah,

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guide me.

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Oh Allah, give me a pious wife. Oh Allah give me good children. Oh, Allah give me a good house. Oh Allah give me a nice car. Your understanding of DRA is that you are asking for something.

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Is that correct or not? It is yes, we will say this is one type of Euro. In fact, there is a type of dog which is greater than that. There is a type of dura which is greater than that. Subhanallah What is this?

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This is a type of dura where in essence, you're not asking for anything how you read and you understand it. You're not asking for anything.

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But you are returning and calling upon Allah subhanaw taala with his names and attributes.

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So if you've ever attended in Ramadan

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and you hear the Imam he makes dua, he always begins at the beginning of the era by praising Allah,

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saying how great Allah is how perfect Allah is. Okay? This is Da

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Da is not only you asking, that's only one half. Well, they call it the output of the supplication of you asking the other type of Durga is a bad

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the DUA where you are praising Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now remember, now, Eunice la Salam in this very difficult situation. You may

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think oh Allah save me from the belly of this whale.

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Oh Allah remove me from this place Oh Allah allow me to return to my people Oh Allah I will go back and call my people to worship you these are maybe there are types of do other you may think would be set at this time

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but Allah subhanaw taala tells us

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and I want you to think about if you can how merciful

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and how forgiving Allah subhanaw taala is not only for Jonas Alehissalaam but what comes after that

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okay what comes after that?

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So Allah subhanaw taala tells us for now with Zulu met, that you will not Ali Salaam in the complete darkness okay in the depths of darkness he called out to Allah subhanahu wata either Allah Allah IL and superhigh Nick in the consuming of volume it

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was translated in the meaning that there was no one worthy of worship except you. Glory be to You. Indeed, I was the wrong do I did wrong.

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This is what Jonas said. And this is what he said.

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So Allah subhanaw taala tells us first Jaya burner Allah. So We answered the DUA.

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We answered, it means that you want to say Sam said something. And Allah Jalla answered it. This is how we know it is a type of dura.

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So Allah subhanaw taala saved him one A J now hoomin l hum. And we saved him from his distress.

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From the difficult situation that he was in we saved him from that. What Calverley can mean? And also Allah subhanaw taala tells us, not only Eunice Ali Salam was saved and saved from his distressed but Allah subhanaw taala tell us and likewise we will save the believers.

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You and I Insha Allah, we make this dua that Allah subhanaw taala will save us as well.

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Now you want to say Sudan did he make dua for all of us, he may do for himself at this particular time. But Allah subhanaw taala with his mercy, answered the door of Eunice and also gives us the blessing gives us the blessing that we make the same dua, that Allah subhanaw taala

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will save us as well.

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So this dua the university Salam has three parts very quickly, okay. The first one is La ilaha IL and

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there is no one who is worthy of worship except you.

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Only you are worthy of worship Allah subhanaw taala

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when you see something you must say subhanallah Subhanallah what does that mean? Subhanallah you say it means Glory be to Allah.

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What does Glory be to Allah mean? It's like praising him. But that's Alhamdulillah

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we'll call it the hurdle or whatever. And they say that Allah has taken a son

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Allah is whatever tells us in the Quran, they say that Allah took a son, Glory be to Allah

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subhana which means what? That Allah subhanaw taala is perfect. When you say Subhan Allah, you are saying that Allah is perfect, that Allah subhanaw taala is free and away from any imperfection.

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He is the perfect for every possible way that you can imagine.

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The third part in econ two minute volley mean that you done wrong, and we all do wrong.

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And we say I stuck with it Allah and again, you will do wrong. And you say, I'll start with Allah and you will do wrong again. And you say yourself that Allah and Allah Subhana Allah will forgive you through His mercy and you will fall into error again. Subhanallah

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how perfect Allah subhanaw taala is because you and I, you and I, if I do something wrong to a person, and I say Forgive me, they might say for the first time.

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Second time I've done the same mistake to him. He says, okay, third time,

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how many what was going on him? How many times you're going to mess around last time? Fourth time he said, Celia, I don't wanna be with you anymore.

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You can make too many mistakes. You keep harming me What is this?

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Allah, Allah, Allah does not deal us with us like that.

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We were made we are created we made many, many mistakes. But Allah subhanaw taala if you are sincere, you're sincere. Your heart is with Allah azza wa jal, he will forgive you Subhana

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so this is the dua of Yunus alayhi salatu salam, so Allah subhanaw taala

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saved him this door.

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This door I was so important finishing

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this dua

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so important, I'll take us to have two companions. So even though we were cos, an Earth man and alpha, two companions, okay, they will walk into the marketplace. So these two individuals, by the way, will promise Jana from the 10 or the Allah and human side even accosted As Salam aleikum to Earth man.

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Earth man, I looked at him just walk straight past him and did not return Salem.

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what is this? I'm gonna go to the Messenger of Allah Salah sentence. He said Yara surah Allah I gave salam to Earth man, he looked to me in the eye and I looked at him. I gave him Salam and he didn't say nothing to me. The Prophet says instead of call off man,

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Earth man, Roger, he came. And the Prophet Sal said, said he saw you and you saw him. He gave salami. He didn't respond. What happened?

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He said, Where did he see me? He said, when we're walking in the market, he said I was in the marketplace. Yes. He said, Wallahi I didn't see him.

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While I didn't see him.

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He said, So what do you mean you didn't see me? He said that during the market, you know what I was thinking about?

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I was thinking about the dura of unis Alehissalaam.

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Either Isla IL and the Super Hornet getting the container volume in. He said, I was thinking about that so much, that I became unaware of everything around me. This is how much this particular dua meant to some people.

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So Jonas Elisa them who saved and went back to his people, when he went back to his people, what did he find? More than 100,000 believers because they embraced Islam. They accepted Allah subhanaw taala as their Lord.

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So looking at this story, it is a story of hope. It is a story of recognizing that even though you may fall short, if you turn back to Allah subhanaw taala.

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The loss of planet to Allah can open up so much for you. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us all. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be good examples for other people. May Allah subhanaw taala guide us and guide our families. May Allah subhanaw taala have mercy upon us all. And join us all in janitor for DOS Allah Allah wa Salatu Salam o Barack and Vienna Muhammad wa early he was soft behavior AMI Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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How long did he live inside the will? I mean there's nothing specific bolo I love some say Bethel after Laird. But three nights were Allahu Allah. By three nights. There's nothing specific Allahu Allah. Okay, some say three days something more than that. You know, but you know Allah subhanaw taala.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us concerning Jonas Ali Salim and you can find the reference

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is in surah to sofort Okay, we got to sort of suffer in verses 143 and 144. But Allah subhanaw taala says, follow Allah and know who can Amin al Musa behind

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that if it wasn't the case,

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that he was from those who make the spear either if he didn't make tisby He didn't praise Allah subhanaw taala Lala Bertha V Bajpayee laomi ueber assume that Allah subhanaw taala would have left Eunice la Salam in the belly of the whale until the day of judgment. If he did not make any they could remember Allah Spanish Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah would have left him there. But of course in being a prophet Allah subhanaw taala made plenty of vicar and so Allah subhanaw taala saved him

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Mallanna we don't have no knowledge on that we don't have a high as I mean so the question is that does that mean that the whale has not died

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either yummy about a minute if of course if if it was the case that that he didn't when of course he did that it means that the way will be alive now in unison so that would be alive inside but that's not the case. Okay. So it is we cannot speculate as to Okay, so then what happen to the will we don't have no knowledge

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in the end, Kulu Manali Huffine and the end everything will die

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it says specifically, this dura And it mentions Musa between saying Subhanallah and things like this. So we know specifically what was said there, and in general praising and making vicar of Allah subhanaw taala that's what we do know worldwide.

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So the question is, that it is our responsibility to teach people to worship Allah subhanaw taala however, there are some people who they may want to debate and argue with you and they just simply say, you know, it's good enough to be a good person. Okay, that's it.

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First of all, whenever you call and you give that out to another person, you do it in

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The way that Allah Subhan Allah has told us or Drew lsap Rebecca Bill Hekmati well more either till Hassan Elijah did from bility here, the culture the path of your LORD with Hekima if you just translated his wisdom, it is not giving justice really means that you're going to use the Quran and Sunnah in teaching people.

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Well, more edited Hasina. And also, if they're not accepting that, then you can be a bit more serious when you debate with them. If they come back with you fiercely debating with you what your ideal home Bill Leti here is, and then debate with them in a good way. All of us have relationships, we have three relationships, okay?

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If they don't believe in a creator, in the first place that we have to start here, where did everything come from? Okay, if I get for example, this this, this chair, and I take it apart, and then I throw it in the year will it come? When it comes together? If I just throw it in the air? What's the chances of that coming together? The person will say, Well, no chance, how will you can leave this entire universe became just like this makes no sense. So you can have that kind of logical debate if you want about the existence of a creator, okay? If they do believe in the Creator, that there is a there is a God, then we can say we have three relationships. We have a

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relationship with myself, I respect myself, okay, I don't disrespect myself. I eat healthily. I dress properly, I behave properly. The second relationship is with other people. I treat people with compassion and mercy and kindness. And thirdly, that they have a relationship because they believe in Allah, they believe in God, you have a relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. You must put ticks in three boxes, not just one of them. I want to be a good person, good person to who? Good other people. Okay, that's ticking one box. But the most important relationship is with Allah subhanaw taala. Why you being good to other people? Why? And if it is that you believe in God, you believe in

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Allah subhanaw taala Why should you not thank him? Why should you not worship Him? So it is important that all three relationships, you need to take all three boxes, no person say, Well, you know, I'm just being a good person. You're being a good person to other people. But you're being disrespectful and turning away from the One who created you.

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You can say like this, maybe they will accept

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you right that many people, many people have a bad impression of Muslims and Islam. Yeah, Islamophobia. So, do you know what?

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In a nutshell, in one sentence,

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I'd like the person to be guided.

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And if they have issues with Islam, or they have issues with Muslims,

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that is probably because they have not always maybe they had a bad experience with Muslims. Maybe Muslims behaved badly, maybe they did.

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But with Islam, of course, because Islam is of course perfect.

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It is because they are not thinking for themselves.

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They are allowing themselves to be influenced by others, whether it's people, or television, or the media, or whatever the case may be.

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All I want from that person is just think for yourself. Okay? Don't be affected by all of these other things that you're hearing. Make your own investigation

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to find the truth. Okay, take or take real control of your own mind. Because the vast majority of people don't do that. They just listen and say, Boy, this is London. No, I don't need to do that. Don't be lazy. Don't be lazy. It think for yourself. If you can try to arrive at that point by whatever means then a shout out to you. Of course you ask Allah Subhana Allah to

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to guide them. But you want to arrive at that time, think for yourself, and don't be influenced by anything else.

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Who do you make Dawa to first Muslims or non Muslims?

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There's nothing stopping you from doing at the same time. Allahu Allah. Because it may be that you can do both at the same time. There's not one or the other. You're not saying Right, let's focus on Muslims and non Muslims or focus on Muslims and leave the non Muslims. You know, we need to be a little

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kinder, if you say

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talented enough that depending on my environment here, for example, okay.

00:54:29 --> 00:54:58

We're giving our Muslims. So you teach at the Ministry and the moment I step outside, I may see non Muslims. So I need to do things differently. So it depends on what situation you're in. But we have a responsibility to everybody. We have a responsibility to everybody. And it's not for us to say focus on Muslims and leave most non Muslims know. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam gave the our help the Muslims educated Muslims and also non Muslims showed them the beautiful side of Islam and how many people they embraced Islam by seeing good manners and good interaction things like this. So you can do both in Charlottetown

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because we say it is in his belly

00:55:09 --> 00:55:24

because Allah subhanaw taala says that if it was not his annual condominiums that behave Elisabetha fi botany Illa yoga yoga soon then he would have reigned remain in his barn here is a stomach, not feed me here not in his mouth. So we've seen that the Quran clearly tells us it was in his belly

00:55:26 --> 00:55:28

there's another point of course I was we stopped early

00:55:32 --> 00:55:36

that Allah subhanaw taala saved and got me going, but I nearly said Musa

00:55:38 --> 00:55:51

Yeah, saved you want to say Sarah and of course David Musa alayhis. Salam from from Iran. Yeah. So, you want to say Sudan was saved and one came on the side of a beach and then Allah subhanaw taala caused

00:55:53 --> 00:56:16

a tree your tree Nan to to grow which is called the good tree which is a particular type of fruit, which gave energy and revived Jonas it Salem. So that he was then able to go back to his to his people because it is said that when he came out that he was in a very very very weak state. That being that again, maybe his his skin some

00:56:17 --> 00:56:30

these are Israeli yet okay, we can authenticate them Allahu Allah, but concerning his skin, because he was inside the hood of the belly of the whale, his skin had been infected. You know, like this, Allahu Allah however Allah subhanaw taala

00:56:32 --> 00:56:36

allowed Eunice la salam to recover his strength and and go back to his people

00:56:42 --> 00:56:47

that it's not mentioned to us specifically. But we will assume the way that he went in

00:56:48 --> 00:56:50

through his mouth and out through the mouth

00:57:01 --> 00:57:11

so I mentioned Israeli at I'm not talking about the countryside. Okay, it's slightly the other what slightly out are no narrations, okay, that reached us

00:57:12 --> 00:57:53

via the Jews and the Christians. Because as you know, that in the Bible, that there are many stories which talk about similar stories that we find in the Quran let us say salam you find the story of Jonah. Okay. Even recent, according to them, you know, Jesus, he said that my example he spoke about Jonah himself. When the Pharisees were asking him questions, it says in the Bible, by the way, they said, Oh, Jesus, you know, when, when some signs, you know, who are you? What is this? So in order to test him, he said, My sign would be the sign of Jonah. My sign is the sign of Jonah. And then you say, Okay, who is Jonah? Then you go back to the story of Jonah, the book of Jonah, and it tells us

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about the story of Jonah. There may be certain things in those stories which Islam did not authenticate to us. So we call this like Elliot, because they are narrations like stories that came to us from other nations. Okay. Sometimes you find that they have no basis they go right against what Islamic teachings are. Okay, so we will say that Islam is an authentic. We don't we don't believe that because Islam tells us otherwise. And then there are select yet these particular types of narration, which Islam agrees with what Islam can confirm, so we can authenticate those. And then there's the third type, there are type of healer. So the Iliad, which the Quran or the Sunnah does

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not deny or confirm.

00:58:41 --> 00:58:50

Okay. And as the prophet Allison said, lead was at the equivalent table. And we don't say it's a lie. We don't say it's the truth, Allah. We don't know. Okay?

00:58:53 --> 00:59:12

But it's important that whenever we start reading stories about the prophets I named salaam that we take the the Quranic narrative, the Quranic story, and don't become confused. As you know, you might read it, or the children might read it from somewhere else and might get distorted view.

00:59:13 --> 00:59:30

Yeah. Have you know, Ibrahima, they said I was going was audited and commanded to sacrifice his son. Okay? Which one of his sons was to be sacrificed is my Elisa love man, but according to other traditions that do Judeo Christian it's hot

00:59:31 --> 00:59:39

he was there to be sacrificed so it's important that this is like for example, that would go directly against an Islamic teacher so this time we reject because Islam tells us otherwise.

00:59:41 --> 00:59:57

mentioned some Muslims actually believe it was held was yeah maybe the case there's someone who's very realistic goes clearly goes against what is mentioned in the Quran, but it shows the importance okay shows the importance of, of learning and educating ourselves about the stories of the prophets and what is in the Quran.

01:00:04 --> 01:00:20

was Eunice Ali Salam and nubby or Rasool a prophet or messenger? Now on this issue, is there a difference between a prophet and a messenger? The correct opinion? Well, Allahu Alem is that there is a difference between the two. Okay, there is a difference between a prophet and a messenger.

01:00:21 --> 01:00:50

Now, what are the difference? Or what are the differences here the scholars have further discussions, some of them say that, and maybe a prophet is sent to a people who will agree with him, they believe in him straightaway. Whereas the messenger is sent to people where they will reject him. Okay, this is one potential difference. Another difference is that a newbie is or he comes with a revelation that is or confirms the previous one.

01:00:52 --> 01:01:07

Whereas the Rasul will come with a new, a new Sharia, if you like, a new Sharia a new law. So that's a messenger of Prophet will come to confirm the previous law, a messenger will come with a new law. Okay, that's another potential difference.

01:01:12 --> 01:01:19

There about, you know, maybe three or four, leaving five differences that people mentioned, the scholars mentioned concerning a prophet and a messenger. However,

01:01:22 --> 01:01:29

these opinions may not apply to every single one. Okay, so maybe not all of them. He's a messenger, a new revelation.

01:01:31 --> 01:01:36

However, they say that Allahu Allah, universally so it was originally was a prophet or not messenger on the whole island.

01:01:37 --> 01:01:38

Which is that have you?

01:01:39 --> 01:01:56

used on Salman? When he met the guy in a desk? Yes. Yeah. Not necessarily because of that, but when based upon the opinion that he wasn't given a new Sharia, he would have given it a give it he was, you know, come to confirm the Sharia that came before. Therefore, he was unhappy.

01:01:57 --> 01:02:25

Another one, yes. Another another difference would be that a prophet is not commanded to make tablets to go out and tell people about it to propagate to everybody. Where is our soul is, for that reason, they say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam was a prophet when it came to him. And when you hit him, a defeat came to him, then he became a messenger, because he was then commanded out to go and propagate to the people. So that's another difference.

01:02:30 --> 01:02:32

Yeah, so

01:02:34 --> 01:02:35

there are certain

01:02:37 --> 01:03:18

men who are could amend the profits or messengers who are given like a book, okay, and those that we do know of, like, the Injeel that was given to her Issa. And the Torah that was given to Musa and the Quran that was given to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and there's a board that was given to the Lord, and the serve that was given to Ibrahim alayhi wa salatu salam. These are physical books that we know or scrolls that were given to prophets. It may have been the case that other prophets were not given something physical. It wasn't written down in the form of a new Sharia in a book like this, but maybe revelation that they kept with them and then informed the people so some like this

01:03:18 --> 01:03:40

and some not having a book although it does have an OK button sisters we all feel time I'm really happy that you know, that probably had much. Not much in the same in terms of accepting the invitation but I'd like to thank the brother and who all those brothers involved. Allow me to come here and visit you and I hope inshallah maybe I can come again. Charlotte, Allah, Allahu Allah. May Allah bless you. Bye bye

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