Waleed Basyouni – How To Prepare For 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The importance of planning ahead for upcoming vacation plans is emphasized, with emphasis on finding support in community and educating children on technology. The cycle of worship during the 10-day period is emphasized, and individuals can use small deeds and small practices to build for their success. Preaching and praying for the burial are also emphasized, along with the importance of hedging and keeping up-to-date on one's activities. The importance of praying for the burial and keeping it up-to-date is emphasized, along with the importance of focusing on good deeds and not wasting time on hedging.
AI: Transcript ©
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When I will do Billahi min. sharone unfussy nomon Cr Dr. Medina Maja de la hufa mobila womma Euclid Fela howdy Allahu wa shadow Allah Allah Allah Allahu la sharika. Wash Havana, Mohammed Abu or a pseudo all praise due to align His praise and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family, his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. I bear witness that the laws The only one worthy of worship, and Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his last and final messenger. One of the blessings of Allah subhana wa tada upon us, that he give us opportunities during the year always give us opportunities to increase our deeds, and to

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improve our relationship with Allah and also an opportunity to cleanse ourselves to purify our souls from suns.

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And among the seasons, among these opportunities, the 10 days of the hedger that we are expecting inshallah, to Allah start depends on citing the moon, it might start next Wednesday or Thursday, based on citing the moon.

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And these 10 days are very special days that in nibi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam testified that they are the best of the days in the year and in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there is no good deeds will ever match the good deeds that they are done during these 10 days, except someone went and said give the ultimate sacrifice, that he gave his own soul and all his wealth for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and nothing return from that.

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Allah subhana wa tada Proxima be here he swear by these 10 days and anytime Allah Subhana Allah make he swear by something or make an oath with something, it means that something is that thing is very special and very great and very dear to Allah subhana wa tada is like a symbol of him in Alabama who have him What are you Sima La Ilaha Bhima, who are more of them? We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to give us the ability to utilize this opportunity into the best way. How can we prepare ourselves for the 10 days of the hedger that coming right at the end of this week? Number one, nothing can I think of To start with, better to start with then? October Allah subhanho wa Taala repentance to

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Allah azza wa jal. We're tubal Illallah he Jamia and you help me noon, Allah come to flee hoon. Era tell Farah. He had the lash socket de matoba Allah azza wa jal, Allah subhana wa tada sudden the Koran, repent to Allah, all of you. all believers, repent to Allah and see he said, Oh believers, are you on me noon He did not say Oh, sinners are all bad. He said Old Believers, because Allah Subhana Allah knows there is no one perfect even while you're a believer, I'm in a Muslim, you try your best, you will also have a shortcoming. You will have your sense, you will have the thing that you need to change and the thing that you need to repent from and the thing that you should ask

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Allah Subhana Allah forgiveness for it. He said, seek Toba and repent to Allah subhanaw taala all who you believe so you might achieve success. If you want to achieve success in the 10 days of the hedger make sure that European today to Allah subhana wa tada Coronavirus, Salafi accord, la Tokuda anything any

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mineral man parlato Tokuda, netadmin haoran em inhomogeneity hedger wha

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con La Habra, LA and then come see me It had jetan wa a capful djawadi here and in Muhammad of Indy Minato Tata wearable had a shocker and a new force that he said, purifying your wealth from any unlawful income, even if it is very little amount of haram income to purify your income from it, and to stop such things and to repent a lot from it better than making had 500 times and to basically control your senses, your tongue, your eyes, your ear, your hands, your mouth or your basically from saying or tasting or consuming or looking or hearing at what is considered how long in Islam. He said it's more beloved to me than volunteering had. For the sake of Allah. It's easy to

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to hedge what is hard to guard your senses to guard your tongue to guard your eyes and your gaze.

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Another that my second advice will be for preparing ourselves that you have the determination, you have the intention from now, to maximize your work during these 10 days. And that's not enough the intention, but also to add to planning to have a good planning that you basically determined that you are committed that you will improve yourself and you will do something extra than just the regular days of your year. And not like the last 10 days or the last month or you know, the days that comes after that these 10 days will be special. And I will do a lot of good deeds from it. And it during it during these days. And also in the same time you plan for that part of planning is to

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basically plan for your time, maybe you will take a day off, or maybe you will decide certain amount of time I will dedicate it for reading Quran or basically spending in the masjid. So every day during these 10 days, I will make sure to pray my semester, since I'm a little bit late these days. And I will stay all the way until Asia. So I'm planning for it. I'm going to take Friday off. I'm going to take for example one of the days off so I can do is spend more time in the worship of Allah subhanaw taala by coming to the mustard we're spending with my family and so forth. I'm planning to fast these days. So you plan basically for what you're going to do during these days. Number three,

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avoid as much as you can sending until the distant days. Start because send block your heart. block that intention, pull you down, push you away from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah sends are like a wall that every time you do, it will be built as an OB sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, time for an

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annual mercy on a young kid to fill Calvino, Dr. Tom soda. It's like a darkness in your heart. How kulu Bala Calvin? Calvin Ashworth Abaddon kokusan wijaya ne monarcas s with my Tara, Lisa v nor what is the V helia lamming Dotty while I'm in college, you know, maracas and Nabi sallallahu Sallam saying that this heart, which is always accept the sense and practice the sun will be so completely dark ups like the burned

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mug, and this mug is upside down. So it is dark by its nature, and it's upside down, no light coming into it.

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Number four, make sure that to plan yourself for this 10 days with terashima harnick bitadze marathahalli, basic bitadze mariamman who Caribbean a mink will actually enter in sanil if you host in LA Latina man who saw the heart, what are our soul will help What are also the sub that part of what will help you a Taurasi, which is basically to find buddy to find help or to find someone that you will plan with will help you to do your best during these 10 days. If it is not your family, it will be your friends, not your friends, your community. And so far, and if you couldn't find any community member you're not, you're not that kind of people who have real friends, go to your

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artificial friends online, maybe something that you can remind one another and the social or the virtual world, whatever it takes from you to have people to encourage you to stop or give you that support to do what is to do the best during these 10 days.

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Also, one of the good preparation for this for these 10 days is to start now, preparing your family for it is spend a quiet time this weekend. Please do that. You know, maybe take a summary of this whatever you remember from it and share it with your children, with your with your with your spouse, let them know about the virtue of the 10 days of the hedger let them do know what we can do during these 10 days. What we can do together as a family. Let your children give suggestions. Let you guys ask them what do you think we can do as a good deeds during these 10 days? You know, explain to them what people do during the head that people go to head. What is how much as maybe it's a good

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conversation to share with your children, your experience in head if you've been or if you haven't tell them how you feel about going to head and why would you like to go to heart

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and so forth. Make this basically a time for you to educate your kids about the 10 days of the header. Teach them the tech beer have filled the room and limit them see attack Kabir Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah wa ala Hill hemd comme mechanical kabiru sir ew g job a while you can see every tick below

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these 10 days among the virtue of it that Allah made an oath with it, he said well federally while I are in ash parlor and see our lawful federal when a Corolla palaia Lee Lin ash, Nicola, when Akira hoonah to feed to fog LA, wa cassata alpha, what am I using her and Vidya that Allah made an oath by the word, the 10s. And these 10s are the 10 nights of the 10 days of the hedger as an ambassador, they allow and, and he mentioned it in indefinite form, because that shows you that the verge of it is so vast so much there's so many rewards are so much rewards and so many virtues for it for these days, number two, these are the days that Allah mentioned in selected Hajj as the well known days

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well known for what non well known for their virtues well known for their ibadah well known for because of the action that take place during these days with Kuru smilla heafy Yami marylu Matt Pilar mufa Sharon Hale ashram in the hedger

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Canaccord opinion Omar bass are the Allahu anhu ma one and home while at him in LA FC.

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Also among the virtue of these days, that in it, there are the best days of the of life. Pilot nibio sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of Bala yummy dunya Yamuna ash yeah in the Ashanti ledger,

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de la vida Miss Luna v sebelah Kala Mithra una feasability La La La Jolla afar our job, Matt Well total fee Alma aka the Tinder bees are seldom said they are the best days in your life. These 10 days are not not the best days in your life, your last vacation and Cancun or in Canada, or in Mexico, or in Bahamas, whatever you been your best days and your best days that you will ever have. Are these 10 days as in the business of themselves, then is this in your solo? What about some of them spend part of his life making geography cemetery law? He said not even these days will be equal to the 10 days of the head. Except someone went and he died for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

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during the battle,

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and maybe your sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told in these 10 days that is the day of alpha, which is a head drill, Akbar. The day of forgiveness, the day of freeing from Hellfire, that I love free people from Hellfire, so many people from the Hellfire and forgive so many people and that day, and no other day will match it. I'll head to alpha. Yeah Polina bu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hajj is

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also the day of the deal for either of the prophets of Salaam said if these 10 days are the best, the best of the best will be the day of color of Bala yummy, dunya Yamuna, the best day, not days. The best day if you have to pick a day, it will be the day of reading of the day of nap. Then the day of course.

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And the Vu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Allah subhanho wa Taala actually told us and the Sherry I told us that during these 10 days, the greatest act of worship take place and had a Salah, a cm, a sadaqa these are the pillars of Islam, and all are recommended to be done during these 10 days. As you heard me saying, what the prophet sallallahu Sallam saying that they are the best of the days in this life, as Kim also inherited a bass and had eaten neuroma radi Allahu wa, which it means any deeds that you do during these 10 days. Any deeds that you do during these 10 days are better than doing them outside these 10 days. Or also any deeds that you do during these days. If you compare

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them to any other deed done outside these 10 days, this one during the 10 days of the hedge are better. And I give you example, if you donated $1,000 during the 10 days of the ledger, but you donate it

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$5,000 may be in Mahabalipuram or any other month that $1,000 into the word much higher than this 5000 the two Raka that you pray here are much better than the sadaqa that you give in another month, and so forth that reward is so much multiplied during these 10 days. What is recommended for us to do number one, doing Henton Amara for those who are planning to go number two, a Salah come early, stay more in the masjid, pray in congregation, make sure that you do your volunteer prayers. Make sure that you have extra horseshoe, make sure that you do pm and leave the night prayers. Make sure that you increase the amount and the length of your prayers during these 10 days. And nebia Salatu

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Salam thoburn alikum sujood increase your sujood increase your Salah, every time you fall down to sujood Allah remove one of your sin an elevated one degree in general. Fasting is the highly the most highly recommended day is out of a for those who are not going to Hajj. That's the most recommended data fast, but you can fast before the day for alpha as well. It's been reported that it'd be so solemn Simon disarming the hedger

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we had easy Hinata

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and lucky Raja to hinder Tobin to Holiday Inn and

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Anima T, and Ababa assuaging Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Paul Simon abuse all this fame ababu and in an husar mateesah amended hadrianic this Aquila, that some of the scholars understood from this narration that she said the professor fasted the ninth lacking eyeshadow, the Allahu anhu, she said, Well, I never witnessed the process of them faster than 10 days of the headship. I never witnessed the tea fast the whole 10 days. He only fast it's also lamium out of the day of arafa. And what it seems to be that fasting is recommended for you by the statement of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, not necessarily that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he himself fasted during these nine days.

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Also among the best the prophets of Salaam said you can do is to

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increase the Kabira saying Allahu Akbar Alhamdulillah Allah Subhana La La La La La La La La La La La quwata illa Billah There's our one of the best thing that the process alum in any recommended us when he talked about the virtue of these 10 days he said, So, say as much as you can see pantalon hamdulillah neither La la la kebab and Illa will add La La La quwata illa Billah istockphoto la Kar Wai in Ibiza, Salah mentioned these words, not mentioned thalassia because they are easy. You can increase it so much. You can say day and night as much as you can, during these days. And Kabira center during these days can have the room or the allow and you kept gurashi where you kept

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beautiful at where you kept beautiful suka where you kept beautifully ma'am Shah where you kept beautifully juicy rhodiola and voila. He used to make the computer when he walked and he's walking when he's sitting before go to sleep woke up go to the market. Anytime you find yourself doing nothing walking from maybe you know one job to another increase your say Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allah Allah.

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When these things, they start a sadaqa charity, reading Quran, staying in the masjid and waiting for the next Salah. It's about visiting people who are sick, or visiting family or even visiting friends with the intention that you're doing this for the sake of Allah and this visitation. It is basically what's done and it's something held on being, you know, Senator or ham can connect yourself to your relatives, reach out to them, even your own family, spending time with them with the intention is to do this to please Allah Subhana Allah to Allah no doubt, it is one of the most rewarding act of worship in Islam, exchanging gifts with people. And that's why one of the things that we doing every

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day of how that we put the toy drive for either of which is I recommend you all to participate. We take these toys by eat and give it to the needies and those kids who are less fortunate than most of our children to make them happy during the day, the days of eat, and I cannot pass the good deeds that is recommended to do during the 10 days without mentioning beruwala Dane being beautiful being good to your

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Parents, they are alive or dead.

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saying to them how much you appreciate what they have done to you showing to them verbally and through actions, your love, thanking them making out for them, giving them gifts.

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Please pleasing them. It's one of the most rewarding deeds that you can ever do.

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A man came to the province of Solomon he said yeah Rasul Allah. * Yep. Carmen Barry abaya Shea by the mighty Hema my birth parents passed away.

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somebody like myself lost his birth parents.

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How can I be good to them? How can I be beautiful and make Britain validate after they passed away? And many of us as well their parents passed away. That enables us on them said by doing four things.

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Carlos Salatu Allah Hema yeah and you pray for them.

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When you still follow lahoma pray for a lot to shout them with his mercy. Pray that Allah make it easy for them in their graves elevate their level and then you make a stepfather you say Allah forgive their sins. were infected father ID Hema member de Hema.

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Then in NaVi salatu salam said that you basically anything that they put in there well and it is halaal you should fulfill it. I'm saying this

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because part of Brazil validation. If your parents have done something wrong,

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have done something How long have taken somebody whose money have taken things that or abused someone in their life

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from barrel Wally Dane is to fix these problems that they have left behind.

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If they have the intention to fix things and they couldn't do it before they die. It tells your barrel validate to take care of it after they die.

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Or Scylla to Rahimi lucky tala to solo inla Bhima. If they have relatives, that they used to be the only one who used to visit like my dad, for example, have one of his uncle's was just great uncle to me. He always used to visit him. He's the only one that I don't really know that great uncle, but my father. Now if I go visit that great uncle of mine, or my mother's maternal uncle, who my mother used to take care of him, if I start taking care of him that's been invalidating to my mother that's been invalidated to my father.

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Kind of economic, the Hema, so the Hema

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to honor their friends.

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And this head is showing you the value of friends that even after that you should value your parents friends.

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Not only relatives, but also friends.

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This is a word for those who are going to hedge learn the rules of hedge before you go make a lot of setup during had a lot of good words spread good words using had control your tongue from argumentation, don't get angry. This what had Jim abroad is these things that I just mentioned.

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Write down what you want to pray for. Many people forget what they want to pray for.

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Please consider your deeds. I don't need to see your Instagram pictures and arafa

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I need to see your shoe and tawaf in your Snapchat. You can do that when you go into the restaurant.

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But when you pray to Allah, when you make that a bada when you give the sadaqa you don't put it online

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i'd such a shame

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that our iba that became you know, for for showing off

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will lie. We living in a time that sort of Alameda land test a fastener machine. If you have no shame, do whatever you do you know that there is people now put advertising online $100 for a special Duran

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I'm not making this up. I saw this before I talk about I heard about an a demand to see it.

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$50 a mystery 400,050 after model

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and if you couple up, maybe you can get a discount.

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No shame.

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someone telling me

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share what you want me to make up for you and out of telling me the thing that you

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Want me to make the offeree? I said happy because if you're an ally, you're the last messenger Allah send and

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who are you asking? Are you telling me to tell you what you want? The whole entire life I know that people go to the people have said, Please pray for me. But for people to say, hey, send me an order, I'll take care of it.

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What kind of messed up attitude is those?

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We're living in a strange, weird world these days.

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Take advantage of your time and muck. Don't waste.

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make sure to understand if you're going to hedge that hedge is not about to make it difficult for you. Hey, not because you choose the hardest things you take the word more that doesn't work this way. I will say that again. Choosing the hardest way doesn't make you may get more reward. If you choose to walk over riding you didn't get more reward than those who are riding used to stay in the sun over staying in the tent you didn't get more reward used to to check to choose to stay in a fan versus AC you didn't get more reward. You get to ride an old bus versus a new suburban you don't get more reward. There's no such things in Islam like that.

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But if the AC goes off, the car turned off. If it's not traffic and you got unintentionally enter hardship that inshallah increase your reward. But for someone to intentionally want to make it hard for himself, that's nothing Islam are not part of the Sharia as rules and principles.

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Please don't harm anyone, just to come closer to the cat bar to make the offer to do the Jamaat.

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And finally, I'd say to those who are going to hedge unfortunately today when they ask when people go to hedge all what they think about when it comes to hedge is a list of things that I'm not supposed to do. That's all their focus. Hey, I'm not gonna scratch my head. I'm not gonna scratch my mth I'm not gonna do this. I'm not gonna cut that I'm not gonna wear perfume, all the list of No, no, no, no, no.

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That's why the hedge became such. Yeah, in the not as you expect it to be, in my opinion, what you need to focus on good to know the nose, but you know what you need to know more the dues. What are you going to do? How are you going to increase your amount and had just not about the list of things to do? This way. It's in a positive thing, what you are going to offer

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make up

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for your community for all of us, but the Muslim Ummah, for your parents mcdow for yourself that Allah forgive you, and make sure that you make a general throughout. So Allah Subhana Allah accept from all of us, pull him aside to muster for a lot of stuff.

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hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala ala via VEDA, my brothers and sisters, this Monday, we all as you heard expecting an eclipse. And this eclipse in Houston will start about 1146 and last all the way to 245 the center of the prophet SAW Solomon Eclipse happened that he would never sell and pray to our archives. And we'll pray to Allah subhana wa tada and this is very sad to me and there is very I should have spent more time on this issue as well. But this what's sad about this there's a lot of people talk about Eclipse you know, as if it is just a phenomenon that it is also cool we're going to go put the glasses and we're going to watch it we taking the kids out to watch it that's fine.

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But the whole point in the sin of the prophets are sunlamp that the person will eclipse happen that he feel that sense of fear from Allah subhanaw taala and somebody with a very cold a man in his or her heart will tell me why should I have a fear

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you know, it's where we are now we have technology we know why the eclipse happening

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That doesn't make your smart things such thing like that.

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Because the whole point of nebby saw Salim was afraid in the day when the eclipse happened and nebby so Salaam knows that he's not alone. I'm not gonna destroy him. I'm not gonna destroy the people of Medina. But the whole point is this is a reminder that the thing that we take it for granted every single day in our life can be taken away from us in any reason, in any way.

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That's something that you enjoy every day it can be taken away if a loved one and he gives you just an example

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if he wants to take away

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Everything that we take it for granted. The air, the clean air, the health, the night, the day, the moon, the sun, whatever you have this just a reminder.

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It shows that we appreciate that

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that your law keep these blessings coming and showering us with a blessing. Don't be angry because if he get angry at you, at one point he can stop it.

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And if you stop it, nobody can give it back to you.

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So law to conserve, it's highly recommended. And it is similar to do it in congregation men and woman ash and have surprised with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it starts from when the eclipse start until the eclipse finish. And if you don't know or it's became too long, and you stop the rest of the time you spend in making the and Vicar enemies of Samson when you see it, you go to salah and you go to do a vicar.

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There is no advance for it and nobody saw Solomon this time this is a Salatu Jamia

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It is very interesting way of praying it according to the majority of the heart, the shaft theory and the Maliki and the ham bellies. It is different than any other salon because it starts and that Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim and as soon as in a different format, but this one is the most famous one that he made the Kabir sallallahu sallam, then he read Al Fatiha, then you read a very long Surah ambassade how long he said equal to Surah Al Baqarah.

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Then in the case of Salah maitake beer then went for record a long record then he rise up then he start reading Al Fatiha again. Then you read another surah not as long as the first one. Then he goes to record again sallallahu wasallam then you rise up and he said semi Allahu demon hamidah again, then he goes to salute, then another sujood then he stand up and he will do the second workout the same thing he did in the first

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for some of our barroco at him we are by Sadat sallallahu Sallam obviously a Muslim Salah bc curico at the list of rebaudiana Alba la Femara Salah sutra and so a Muslim in the southern prayed with six record and with for such this but the most famous narration the most famous opinion is to cooler and to seduce an eater aka the Hanafi said no you pray like a regular prayer to like guys like a regular no total coolers for them they did not take these narrations

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with doesn't matter always are correct.

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Always correct but the one with two record is the close to the center. And it is similar to give a speech reminder as in obese or limp dead.

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If you come late in the second rocker, after missing the first record, you stand up and you do the same thing with dual record. If you come to Salatu Yousuf in the second record, you missed the first record you have to make up that whole entire record again

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and if you missed the whole entire Salah you just make the calendar out because it's not something that you do it in your own.

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I asked Allah subhanaw taala jacobina will become when you know your commitment whatever the iottie lama furlanetto been our Hamner wife in our works in our Hamner Allah Milena where the valley Dino the Muslim enormously not many know me not even home Allah ma what a lot of Minnesota can hold our to our alpha Alina, our tuna for Santa

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Monica and tavoli u haul moda robina Tina jr Hasina of Ilakaka, Santa Ana de la, la Mota, Abadi Cal muslimeen and mustafina frequently, McCann Yeah, you know you aloha mahalo Tana well, fairly and I mean, a la la la la la la la la, la la, la la, la, la la la la muchacha de Maria

00:34:09 --> 00:34:12

De La Hoya cinema Lana Vienna Mohamed Abu Musab como la

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