Quran Dua #22

Wael Ibrahim


Channel: Wael Ibrahim


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AI Generated Summary ©

The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols, but they do appear to be discussing a variety of topics including emojis, a hockey game, and a woman eating stuff.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:00--> 00:00:18

How to build him in a shape on emoji. Alladhina ASMI Luna lol show I mean how long will you send via phone or via hmil? Me boy me know who Nabi are you me? No NaVi is dumb Sirona levena

00:00:20--> 00:00:41

burner, Rob Burnett was co Lashay Ross while some fiddling levena taboo from Finley levena taboo What about Sebby? Let go Akima dabble there hi Jehane oben our

00:00:42--> 00:00:47

den net Yardeni Letty what? Woman solar Harmon

00:00:51--> 00:00:53

on solar honey

00:00:54--> 00:01:07

he was watching him walk me through him in NACA and Talas is a hockey game. Walker he must say.

00:01:09--> 00:01:21

Amen tepees say a woman eating stuff although I haven't done well then he got who else I was all Lee