Wael Ibrahim – Porn Demic #06 – Pornography and Career

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the correlation between porn consumption and unethical behavior in the workplace. The study found that nearly 60% of those who watch porn at work and 50% of them watch it daily. The segment also provides information on how pornography can impact employees' productivity and safety, as well as the potential consequences of it.
AI: Transcript ©
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As we said in previous episodes, * did not leave any segment of the society without impacting it negatively, including your very livelihood, your business, your career, your workplace. The place that had provided for you to survive in this world was not spared the study and the statistics that we wanted to share with you in today's episode will show the correlation between * consumption and unethical behavior in the workplace.

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Welcome everyone to another episode of pandemic sharing academic research about the harmful impact of * today's study titled v effective * on unethical behavior in business Don't forget and as usual, the link to the complete study is to be found in the description below this video in 2018. A survey finds that nearly 60% of those who responded to the survey question watch * at work and 50% of them. They watch * on a monthly basis and 10% of the respondents watch * daily. That's why business owners and employers should become very vigilant when it comes to employees using computers and other internet devices in the workplace.

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Download the necessary software's to protect you to protect them from falling prey to any internet * websites or indeed 70% of all internet * traffic happens between 9am and 5pm. This is where most people are actually at work. According to an article published by Bloomberg they said that watching * at the office is extremely common. Can you imagine paying your employees salary to work side by side with you as an employer as a business owner only to find that they are addicted to * and ruining your business. As a result of this mess. three judges were removed from their post and a fourth was forced to resign as a result of them viewing * at

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work. Can you imagine judges who were placed on the seat supposedly to establish justice for everyone in the locality. Instead of using the technology faithfully to research to read and work they instead of us there to fuel the desire to watch * and unethically betray the trust that was given to them another psychology professor in America as he was about to start his class, he plugged in his laptop to the projector and all of a sudden, a 30 seconds of * film was viewed on a massive screen in front of 500 students and of course these people and so many more have lost their jobs. their career that they are passionate about their very livelihood was ruined as a

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result of the * addiction in the year 2013. Staff hears and members of the Parliament in the UK have tried to access * sites how many times over 300,000 times on the issued computers on the computers assigned to them by the government. This not only results in the financial and productivity losses of businesses, it can severely impact the career progression of anyone the research that we are sharing with you in this episode examine the correlation between * consumption and unethical behavior in the workplace. They have also examined previous studies regarding * consumption and unethical behaviors and they have found that *

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number one, it encourages what's known as delay discounting or instant gratification, the need to act on your impulses without thinking of any negative consequences that may occur as a result of the action and number two dehumanization of others to view others as perhaps six object to feel the urges of maybe stretching your hand and abusing others sexually, verbally or otherwise. These were the findings in a previous study, not the one intended for today's episode. Today's researchers have concluded that there is a relevance between unethical behavior in the workplace and * consumption and they occur in the following five main common traits number one misuse of company time. Of

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course, * is time consuming as those who are addicted to * wants their own * time does not exist number two abusive behaviors whether it is sexual harassment dehumanization, as we mentioned earlier, or even worse rates.

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Number three employee theft unethical behavior is endless. Once you are a dishonest person anything can happen number four line once you're late double reporting once you are not performing well of course what you're going to say about it when you tell your employee that you've been watching *, of course, you will lie to him and number five is the obvious one violating the company internet policy. Of course there is no company in the entire world will allow the employees to watch * during the work hours. That's about it for today. Be aware, stay vigilant and stay away from internet * and don't forget share the content with everyone. Subscribe to our channel and leave

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comment below and we'll see you next Thursday.

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Stay safe

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