Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #27 – Porn or The Garden of Eternity

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the choice of one of the three biggest habits that one has to take in order to break free from addiction. The habit of drinking alcohol is a choice made by the speaker himself, but it is not a choice made by others. The habit of watching pornography is a choice made by the speaker himself, but it is not a choice made by others.
AI: Transcript ©
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When it comes to making changes, and I'm referring to positive changes in your life, you will always have a choice to make. And that includes bad habits that you've been indulging in for the past many, many years, including *, gaming, Facebook, social media, whatever, whatever addiction, whatever bad habit that you are doing right now, you have a choice to make to get rid of it to break free from that cycle, you have a choice to make all the scientific methods, the spiritual methods are there for you to just apply to just execute, you have chosen to surrender to the situation that you are in at that present moment. So blame no one. But yourself. My brothers and sisters in Islam,

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I remember I have a friend of mine, a very dear friend of mine who moved from one country to another country, and that another country was a non Muslim country. And before moving, he told the supervisor that I do not want to engage in any meetings in any, you know, dinners outside the office hours where alcohol will be served. So he told him, You know what, this is a non Muslim country, and alcohol is just regular and normal and served everywhere in every restaurant. He said, Well, that's my condition. That's my choice. If I want to get that promotion and move from where I am now to another country, that would be my choice. I want to maintain that purity of my faith. And that would

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be not having anything to do with alcohol. They refused that proposal. And the brother remained in that country for a year or so. And then they needed him again to move to that same country to that same non Muslim country. He again put forth the same conditions he said, I will move provided that I will have nothing to do with alcohol. Guess what my brothers and sisters in Islam, he's performed his proposal that time was approved, and he will he and he moved to that country and he excelled in that country. He stayed there for three or four years and he earned a lot of money Mashallah Tamara Colombia, Allah bless him, and he was able to practice his faith according to the commands of Allah

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subhanaw taala that you shouldn't do anything with alcohol. And the same applies to *. You have a choice to make today you had you had a choice to make yesterday you had a choice to make years ago, but it was you who did not, you know, have the guts to go through the challenges that are associated with your choice. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned in the Quran is paradise better or shadow to Zaku or the tree of the comb Allah subhanaw taala is giving you a choice to make. What do you think paradise or that tree of the comb and that tree of the comb prepared for the wrongdoers? Remember, the wrongdoers could be a person who wronged himself by sinning against Allah subhanaw

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taala and that includes falling into * and whatever sins associated with it. And or it could also refer to wrong wronging others wronging your wife, you know, oppressing your wife by by not fulfilling her desires by not fulfilling her rights as a spouse. All these things can be the result of engaging in * the punishment is shuttled to Zakouma Allah. Allah is giving you a choice, Allah is telling you paradise, or what will be your choice. So here is your decision for today in sha Allah that you should make, I will choose tell yourself I will choose to call a friend to ask him to go for a walk instead of watching * I will choose I will make a choice to go

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for a walk or to run or to shut down the internet or to even give up my smartphones for a period of time. Instead of watching * you have got a choice to make my brothers and sisters what with that choice be my brothers and sisters in Islam all the previous episodes and the links are to be found below this video kindly like them, share them and we'll see you tomorrow with another episode in sha Allah Allah Allah title purity

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