Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #08 – How do you want to die

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © A woman describes how she received a call from a man who claimed to be a Muslim, but she quickly realized that the man had done something wrong. She asks the man to stop the phone call and recount the story of the man's death. She also talks about how her brother's addiction to pornography has increased and how she wants him to help her kill a woman who died. She encourages people to practice worship and increase their acts of worship, as they will receive reward from Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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One of my teachers once asked me, How do you want to die? And I was surprised. I told him shake, like, come on what sort of questions that he repeated it again, he said, How do you want it to die? How do you wish to meet Allah subhanaw taala that what he meant, and I reflected on a pose and I was a bit taken, because what are the chances for me and you to die upon something which is pleasing to Allah? Subhana ttan? And that's the question that I wanted to ask you today in this episode, how do you want to die? And in fact, I want you to pause the video right now and think and reflect how you wanted to die. And I would be waiting for you, obviously. But I guarantee you that your answer was

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not I wanted to die while watching *.

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I was one sitting in my office and I received a phone call. I said that story many times what's worth repeating for the purpose of reminder, I received the call, my friend told me that there is a person who passed away somewhere and none of the Imams in this area wanted to pray janazah for him the funeral prayer for and I immediately realized that that person have done something wrong. And as a result, the man's refuse to pray the funeral for him. I immediately said I owe for it. I'm going to pray for the brother no matter what he did, but tell me more. So he said that this brother was found dead in a hotel room. And he had a girl with him and she left a note describing what happened

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and then she disappeared. The hotel management apparently they came to know that he's a Muslim, so they contacted the closest mosque. And this is where the Imam refused and so on. And I requested for the name of the brother What was his name? Do we know him is he known in the community and he mentioned his name and immediately I remember the brother who came to me before this incident a couple of months before his demise, and he requested for help to get rid of * addiction. I work with the brother for a couple of weeks and then he disappeared but I remember one thing about that brother He said, I'm afraid to commit Zina.

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I am afraid to commit adultery. I'm afraid to commit fornication. My addiction to * has increased so much to an extend that now I'm trying to control myself from going outside and finding a partner, a haraam partner to engage with that partner sexually. And guess what my brothers and sisters he died while performing Xena. He died in that position. What are the chances for you while sitting on your screens? *, watching *. And all of a sudden the Angel of Death visited you What would you say to the angel of this? Will you have a chance to repent and say a shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah, I bear witness that there is no God but Allah will that be your last

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words? Because the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned

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Monash Elisha in matale, Whosoever lived for something, Whosoever dedicated his life for something will die upon the thing. And whosoever died upon something, the last action that you have performed in this dunya that will be the action that you will meet a loss of the Hannah hautala with what a reminder, my brothers and sisters, your decision today and my decision today is I will increase my acts of worship because that's the secret how you want to die, increase your acts of very bad, increase your acts of righteousness, perhaps a loss of a handout Allah one day we'll decide that this is the act that I want you to come to me with, and Allah subhanaw taala will cause you to die

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upon that righteous action action and as a result, you will be resurrected with that righteous action on the Day of Judgment mean your brother mean, may Allah subhanaw taala grant us the right understanding. Remember, increase your acts of worship, increase your acts of righteousness, and as a result, a loss of the hand on what Allah will cause you to die upon that righteousness me.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, as always, all the previous episodes are to be found below this video. Kindly share them like them so that you may also gain the reward from Allah subhanaw taala and we'll see you tomorrow with another episode titled I don't have any time

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