Tom Facchine – Minute with a Muslim #057 – Surah Al-Qiyamah – Tafseer Reflections

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the concept of margins and how they relate to one's behavior and experiences. They explain that margins are not something that is just a general thing, but rather a fruit of a process of evolution. The speaker also discusses the concept of conscious behavior and how it can be a reflection of one's personality.
AI: Transcript ©
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And solo piano, Allah azza wa jal swears by something very interesting. He says an absolute Allah when it says, well, the Augustine will be enough silhouette that the soul or the self has this part of it, which is blaming the WAM comes from loan, which is to blame that Why am I the one who often blames or continuously blames, and so there's a component of our soul or our self, that is our we could call it our voice of conscience, right? The one that feels good, when good is done and feels bad when bad is done. The Prophet salallahu Salam was asked about before the past about righteousness Well, Ethem and about sin and he's he said a stuff the Hollaback he said, Ask your

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heart. And he said, clarifying it. Sin is something that sticks in the heart, you keep thinking about it, you don't feel comfortable with it, right. And this is for the vast majority human beings except for the you know, the few out there who are just completely gone in their fifth row is wrecked and they just are happy with with sin. But for most of us, Allah subhanaw taala has at least created the instinct or this sort of default position that we have, where we feel internally, when we did something good, or we did something bad, we hurt somebody else's feelings. We said something maybe got angry, right? And you said something mean to somebody else, most of us feel bad about it.

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Right? That's the neffs allawah That's the part of our soul that is blaming us that is ready for accountability. And part of the thing are those significance when Allah is found to Allah swears by something, it shows us how important it is because he wouldn't swear by something, unless it was an important feature of creation, something that's assigned, right? And so a lot of people, you know, atheists and materialists and stuff like that, they want to imagine that we're just randomly evolved from monkeys, and we're just, you know, these sorts of sack of cells, etc, etc. How do you explain conscience? How do you explain enough salah? Well, I don't think it can be satisfactorily explained

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the way through evolutionary sort of survival of the fittest. Well, we live in communities, and this is, you know, evolutionary biology. And we had to figure out how not to offend other people, because that increases our survivability, that doesn't really account for the extent to which we have enough similar web, right? Because there are situations where you can get away with a nobody will know, and yet you feel bad, right? Where it doesn't have anything to do with your survivability as an individual or the survivability of the group. So a very poor explanation would be sort of this evolutionary explanation. No, it doesn't account for the extent to which how many people have and

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the degree of guilt that they feel when they do something bad, not enough. The actual and the much more convincing account is that we were created with these things. We are created with this moral culpability inside of us. We have an instinct for moral culpability. We have a moral sensitivity, and that's part of our makeup and we're hardwired for it, which is a demonstration about what all this life is about that this entire life is about proving whether you're a sincere person or not, whether you're going to be grateful or not. Whether you are somebody who is moral and righteous or not.

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