Friday Prayer

Tom Facchine


Channel: Tom Facchine

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WARNING!!! AI generated text may display inaccurate or offensive information that doesn’t represent Muslim Central's views. Therefore, no part of this transcript may be copied or referenced or transmitted in any way whatsoever.

AI Generated Summary ©

The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of words and phrases with no discernible conversation or topic.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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you know the last time around anything minutes D E XR Google en el Janissary they'll say oh stuffy slang all along that

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they are later we'll find out all the

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the ENFJ for a good athlete

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he was slowly finding out who won the LSAT Amman

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in so

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send me all along remember trying to get

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oh boy

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a lot

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money on washing

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the the

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II and Jenna stereos they'll say oh Stephanie so you're on 13 and I'm Tammy they're claiming to be on a new one out on the

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all go to the

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Miana chef Marina as one young chef play mossy data and about one year on the chef and fast anti funeral funded wanting to shut it

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suddenly all along with a man coming up

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along with

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oh boy

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oh boy

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so my god