Tawfique Chowdhury – Ristalks In The Spirit Of Love

Tawfique Chowdhury
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the spread of Islam in the Muslim world and the importance of staying true to Islam when sick or unable to work again. They touch on the struggles of businesses and the importance of finding small ways to make money. The speakers also emphasize the importance of finding a strong bond between brotherhood and sisterhood in order to achieve Islam, and the importance of forgiveness and the use of words to describe oneself. They end with a brief advertisement for a holiday party.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While early he was sahbihi one woman Wallah

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are respected brothers and sisters in Islam. There is a great scholar of Islam by the name of Ibrahim a sorority,

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who lives in Birmingham in UK at this point in time. He is a scholar that you might have come across because he has translated many books as well as the Quran itself, and done a word by word translation of the Quran. So you might find a book called word by word translation of the Quran, and that's by Dr. Ibrahim Sati.

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know Dr. Abraham, certainly personally. So one day I went to meet Dr. Abraham, I meant to meet him. And his family told me he is very sick. So I said, Why? Why is he sick? What's wrong? He said, Don't you know, say no, what

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don't you do what's happening in the Muslim world?

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And then I thought, what's happening in the Muslim world? Well, at that time, when I went to meet him, there is a war upon Gaza was going on Palestine, where Israel was bombing the innocent people of Palestine, as we all know.

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And so when that was going on, his family told me every single time

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every single time some war or affliction affects the Muslims, then Dr. Abraham, swarthy, become sick. Every single time, his body physically becomes sick, he can't hold himself. He gets the cold, he gets severe flu, he gets a pneumonia, he's bedridden, and but Allah, he needs hospitalization.

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You know, it really shocks me. How many of us love our brothers and sisters to the point of our bodies becoming sick? How many of us love our brothers and sisters, truthfully, but Allah to the point of us, actually not being able to bear it.

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And this is an example of a scholar of Islam who not only has knowledge in his in his mind, but also in his practices until his subconscious self cannot hold itself but it falls sick because someone or the other in the Muslim Ummah is sick.

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And this reminds me of the heavy for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam where he said, and that beautiful Hadith, verily, Muslims to another Muslim Muslims to add to their brothers are like parts of one single body. If one part is diseased than the rest of the body then tries to cure it by becoming hot, by being sick by feeling sick. And this is exactly the way we should be. How can we rest today when our brothers and sisters are not resting? How can we feel satisfied today when our brothers and sisters are not satisfied? How can we go to bed with our tummies full and but Allah with us having a great great rest but Allah tonight, how can we do that when 1000s and millions of

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our brothers and sisters from dalfour to Chechnya to Kashmir to to Palestine and you name it

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are going through some of the most difficult times but Allah, my brothers and sisters in Islam, I asked you all to feel Brotherhood in your heart, brotherhood and sisterhood of Islam, this love that Allah subhanho wa Taala has planted in our hearts is the most beautiful thing that Allah it's a pleasure. It's a gift that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us there was a hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that shows how valuable Brotherhood is in that Hadith. And I remember when I read this hadith and Sunnah Timothy, I prayed and I prayed and I prayed. I wish this had it was authentic. Finally I found that it's not for it and I found it to be unacceptable. The Hadith

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was where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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told me to go for ombre. So Amara de Allahu anhu went for ombre. When he went for Amara, he caught his hand and he grabbed it in his hand. And he said, Yeah, I see that and sun Amina Dora.

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Yes, Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling Mr radi Allahu anhu Yeah, I see my brother. Do not forget

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Get me in your dog. So Oh my god, Allahu anhu said, well, la he, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a word and he called me a word for which I would sacrifice the heavens and the earth if Allah had given it to me. What was it? Yeah.

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My brother, my brothers and my sister Islam,

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brotherhood and sisterhood is one of the most valuable things Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us it is stronger than blood. It is stronger than the ties of kingship. Don't you know? They are your brothers and sisters. Don't you know I am your brother and sister. My brothers and my sister Islam we are all from each other stronger in ties, but Allah then ties of blood in the beautiful incident that has been reported by even a sham in his serum. It was reported that in the Battle of butter

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in the Battle of butter, Musab, Emirati Allahu anhu was passing by. While some of the people the POW in the Battle of butter had their hands tied up. So Moosa may pass by a man and a man had his hands tied up very, very hard. So most of passed by and he saw this man, this answer he was tying his hands up. So Mr. Gomez said

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my friend, tie his hands harder. This man his mother is rich, she will pay a lot of money.

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So this man looked up and said Musab am your brother blood brother. That happened to be his blood brother.

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I'm your blood brother in Islam. I'm your blood brother in in biological relationship. I'm your blood brother. And you're saying this puppy. Do you know what most upset?

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most upset? Or skirt?

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in hockey do knuckle yo.

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Keep quiet? He is my brother today rather than you?

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My brothers, my sister in Islam. This is what Brotherhood is. It transcends all blood barriers. This is what Brotherhood is. It transcends every single relationship that we have. brotherhood transcends every single thing, because our brotherhood and our sisterhood in our religion. But Allah, this cannot be beaten.

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Amara de la Juan who it was reported

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that there was one thing that would cause armour to not sleep well on Monday is to say I always used to sleep well except when I remember two of my brothers, more either the javelin

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and Abu Zubaydah mogera. He said, I used to love these two brothers of mine so much that whenever I remember them, I could not sleep at all.

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My brothers and sisters in the audience, do you have friends like that? people that you love so deeply and dearly you wish that there were your brother and sister in blood?

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Because Subhana Allah This is what brotherhood and sisterhood is that but Allah you can hardly sleep, except if you're in their presence or with them or have met them so panela yesterday, when I came to Canada, and I landed in Toronto, Mashallah had a great time with the brothers had a great time with the aureus crew. And there are a couple of brothers over here in Toronto that I know that are part of my team.

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They didn't know I was meant to come at that time. Apparently, they had some miscommunication. They didn't know that was meant to come. And you know what happened? One of them said, I'm sorry

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about you. So we'll meet you Nate another time.

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And I feel so bad.

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I feel so bad that these are my brothers in Islam. And yes, they have to go to their family.

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But these are my brothers in Islam. And I wrote to them This is bad. I came from 27,000 kilometers away, and you're not going to meet me. Make time for me. Because by law, my heart is soft. My heart is weak. Don't give me pain in my heart. I want to meet you all.

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I will hamdulillah I stayed up till two o'clock with them. And but Allah the happiness that I had, could not be replaced by sleep.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam. Nothing is as beautiful as sweet as brotherhood. amaravati Allahu anhu used to say Jalla Lika only one. What does it mean? He used to say to remove your sadness in your heart, go and meet your friends.

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Meeting of the friends is the removal of sadness from the heart. How beautiful is that?

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Is that not the case? How many times we meet that with our friends upon Allah and our hearts feel so nice. hamdulillah Hey, how you doing? hamdulillah

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Just to grab his hand just to sit with him this to speak about something what other? Yeah Allah how much sadness is removed from a hot liquor? Only one jala.

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Also, Sofia Nola Sofia Marina al macky Rahim Allah used to say he used to say my mother ish when he was asked what is the water of life. And he used to say leka only one to meet with your brother and sister in Islam. My brothers, my sister in Islam, I do not have any friends. I don't have time for friends. I don't have time to actually have a bum chump guy you know, someone you can just chill with. Because I don't have time to chill. I'm either working or I'm with my family, or I'm traveling for down. So my friends are you all you all are my friends. A few minutes ago when I was there in the speaker's lounge. And we're sitting there and the brothers were talking I kept on saying to the

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brothers Let's go out. Why? Because we're lucky from my heart. Well, lucky from my heart, I love to meet my brothers and my sisters in Islam. Just to find out what's what's happening to them, just to find out what's in their mind will allow you one

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Zakouma lucky. We're lucky nothing is sweeter than to meet your brother and sister in Islam, and to put some happiness on their faces. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said an authentic hadith, there is nothing that Allah rewards for someone who puts happiness upon the face of a Muslim except gender, except gender. So my brothers and sisters in Islam,

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remember brotherhood and sisterhood. This is the strongest thing that Allah subhanho wa Taala has ever given you a love of

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my brothers and sisters in Islam. This brotherhood that Allah has given you and the sisterhood Allah has given you is more important than every single thing that we do in our life, including business. It was reported from Abdullah mouth that he was a he was a horse merchant of the rough man that was a

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a beautiful Companion of the prophet SAW Selim and a very wealthy man. It was reported that he was a horse merchant. But he used to love Muslims so much, that whenever a Muslim man or woman would come to buy horses from him, he would say, Wait, wait, wait before you buy this horse. Let me show you all the problems with it. See, look there over there. See that hoof over there? It's a bit broken. And see come here a bit of hair is missing from the side. Oh, by the way, the horse this horse is quite difficult to get to drink water. And by the way, this one's a fussy horse. We should be wary of it. And that one by the way, you know it's so and so and that that he would point out every

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single fault and then when he had agreed on the price, let's say 1000 dinar he would say no, no, no, no, no, let's make it less. Let's make it 900 No, no, you know what? It has more problems? Let's make it 800 No, no, I can't select you for 800 This house has even more than these problems that problems until they would say that what law he

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he couldn't make a profit from his business at all until his people who would work for him You said that you go back home will sell for you will sell for you because you're gonna dry gonna drown this business. Because a man used to love people so much. There's no way no way he could make a profit from his brothers and sisters. Because in business, even if you are doing it ethically and islamically there's always a little bit of possibility of some mistake, or perhaps a little bit of exaggeration in marketing, isn't it? And but Allah Madoff would love his brothers and sisters so much that he could not even profit from them.

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And my brothers and sisters in Islam it was reported that Zubair radi Allahu anhu, one of the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, he used to have 1000 people working for him every single day in his date blood plantations. It was reported that as Zubair, radi Allahu anhu, at the end of the day, he had no dates left. Every single day, whatever they had picked, he would give it to the people. So his wife would say yes, where were his plantation? He said I given to the workers. I said, What do you mean you've given to the workers, the workers fees only so much? So where is the rest of the dates? And he used to say, don't you know, they're my brothers?

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Yes, Allah. They are my brothers and sisters. What can be more important to me than to make them feel happy? What can be more important to me than to put happiness on this face of this man? Yes, Allah.

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My brothers and sisters Damn, this is the blue wire that we are missing today. This is the love for our brother and our sister in Islam that we're truly missing today. Something that truly permeates every single thing out there.

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And really touches our hearts. And in the authentic narration from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we find a fantastic example of brotherhood. We find that a man in the authentic narration in Bukhari Muslims reported that a man came to the Prophet system and said, Yeah, Rasul Allah, I want to spend a night in your home, meaning a guest of Rasulullah Setsuna. So the process is some stood up and he said, who will look after the guest of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So one of the Sahaba put up their hands, I will do so. So what did he do? He said, I'll look after the guest guest or a solar system. So I took this man, and I took him to his house. He went to his wife,

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he said, Is there enough food for us? She said, what there's only food for one person, one person, one person. He said, Okay, do this, put more water to cook, and then put the fire on? And keep stirring the pot, and put the lights out? and make you think like it's cooking and cooking. And whenever the kids say, where's the food? Where's the food? Tell him it's cooking. It's cooking, it's cooking. So she kept on doing it for an hour until the kids said where's the food? Where's the food man? And in the tiredness, they fell asleep. poor kids hungry, they fell asleep. And then the wife put the food in front of the guest and this companion with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And

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because the lights were out the companion What did he do? He kept on putting his hand into the plate but not taking anything out or putting his hand to his mouth, pretending that he's eating and the guests continued to eat. So the guests continued to eat thinking that his host is also eating until they finished off the food. They finished off the food who ate the guest only ate and the host didn't eat.

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And Subhana Allah the host, his wife, and these blesser children's vanilla went to sleep hungry.

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Yes, Salam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed divorce.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed a verse in the Quran while you Runa Allah unfussy him voila, can I begin kasasa What did the prophets have some say in the morning, the prophet has some smile and said, Allah was amazed with how you were with your brother in Islam. Allah was amazed.

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My brother and my sister in Islam, when was the last time you did something special for your brother and sister. When was the last time you did something really special.

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But Allah for once, one day one day but Allah for one day, try and go hungry because you've given your food to your brother or sister. Try it for once, and live the spirit of Islam in your life. Live the spirit of brotherhood in your actions. But Allah give food to someone who was hungry, and see how sweet it feels the pangs of hunger in your heart. But Allah nothing more sweeter than that. Because you're fed someone hungry and you've gone to sleep hungry. And you know our man knows about you but Allah and He will give for you some of the most blessed food in general because of that action.

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My brothers and my sister Islam, this is what is brotherhood,

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that you prefer your brother and sister over yourself that you prefer them

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over yourself because by Allah you would have wanted that for yourself too. This is the brotherhood and sisterhood that we want in our dean. This is the brotherhood and sisterhood but Allah that our religion has become so well known. It is for this reason why you mama Rahim Allah used to say they used to ask him Yeah, Imam, why is it that you don't like to meet much people? And he would say because it is so difficult to leave them.

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It is so difficult to leave them. And I don't know how difficult and I don't think you know how difficult it is for someone like me to meet people like you and then to leave you on. Well, life is tough. Well, law is tough. And this is what Allah the brotherhood and sisterhood that you should all have.

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They used to say

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Imam Abdullah and Barak rhodiola and Rahim Allah when he used to say goodbye to his friends and to his colleagues, he used to say, into * Haha, internal higher, my life is finished, my life is finished. Meaning you would feel so empty in his heart, but Allah that he's missing his brother or sister, he would feel like something has been taken out of his heart. My brothers, my sister in Islam, I urge you all to taste the sweetness of brotherhood and sisterhood. Like all of these people used to feel.

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It was reported that Omar radi Allahu anhu you

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To love Abu Zubaydah, so much so that he would always want to visit him. And the only thing that will prevent our for 10 years of his life from visiting a Buddha more than anything, was the fact that he had the affairs of the Islamic government to look after. So once he wrote to Abu Zubaydah, who was then at that time, I will I will, I will obey the algebra. He was then the Emir of Sham at that time. So he wrote to avoid us and said, I want to come and visit you. So what did Abu Zubaydah say said No, Your Honor, don't come. I don't want to give you sleepless nights, and I don't want your eyes to be read. So Omar replied, No, no, no, I'm coming. I'm on my way already. So it was

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reported in the authentic seal of Amara, the Allahu Allah Manu Bula, for the Hubby, that amaravati Allahu Allah who went to meet Abu Zubaydah, and they stayed up the night talking about Allah and His messenger. And they cried and they cried. They cried. And Abu Zubaydah said Yama Didn't I say, don't come.

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I didn't want you to sleep. I didn't want you to not sleep at night, and I didn't want to see your eyes read.

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Yes, I love

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my brothers and sisters in Islam. It was reported that below rhodiola

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made a promise he would not give the other Ever After the death of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. He said he made a promise after the Prophet son died, I will never give the other

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so in the timer a model of the Allahu anhu when Jerusalem was conquered, and beta muck This was taken over by muslimeen it was reported that when all the Sahaba went to beta muck this and hamdulillah they went there, then Valera, the Allahu anhu was there as well. And when Billa de la one who was there, they went to Bilal and they begged him say, yeah, beloved, please we are beloved one other.

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He said, You are beloved one other one is one other. So Bella agreed to break his promise. And he gave one other and they said, But Allah, they had to delay the Salah for hours because they cried and cried.

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Because they missed the other with Rasulullah.

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And they miss me with

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my brothers, my sister Islam, this is the sweetness of brotherhood. This is the sweetness of friendship. This is the sweetness of loving your brother and your sister with you art but Allah and Allah This is a sweetness that Islam. Islam teaches us. It was reported that about the Torah the Allahu anhu, one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would love his brothers and sisters so much that you would remember them by name at night, every single day. 70 of them and you would beg Allah Allah forgive that brother. So he would remember Oh Allah Abu Bakar ALLAH forgive Abubakar, then you remember Omar So ALLAH forgive Rama, and make the word for armor

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and his family. Then you remember the next one, the next one next 170 companions 70 of his friends every night but Allah would make dua for them.

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It was reported that a chef Rahim Allah when used to visit Imam ashmead Rahim Allah chef he used to say, Well, hey, bizarrely he was coming home. He used to say I love the righteous people, but I'm not from them. So at that time you mama Schmidt is to say, but rather a he my brother to help bizarrely Hema antamina you love the soil in the righteous people and you are from them, and used to give Imam Shafi Rahim Allah only positive thoughts. And when he mama Shafi Rahim Allah had passed away Mr. Mohammed used to go to his son and he used to say well La Jolla make dua for your father every single night.

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Every single night, this is Mr. Smith making the Alfa mama chef moolah, his friend, Allah

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I you know, where are we?

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Where are the scholars Islam and the dwad making dua for their brothers. We are my brothers making dua for me and my sisters making dua for me and me me making the law for you.

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This is what strengthens our community. This is what ties us together This is what Bond's us but Allah This is the essence of brotherhood and sisterhood my brothers and sisters.

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It is for this reason. Why are the hubby reports in seal Amanullah certain principles regarding djawadi jerawat ideal is the science of talking about the narrator's of Hadith.

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And he says that because the principles of brotherhood is so strong in Islam, that if two scholars of the same era ever make the mistake of debating each other and arguing and fighting and speak against each other publicly

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Then but Allah we do not listen to each other statement against each other. So imagine, for example, my brother, Yasser fuzzer for example, in the audience here, if I were to speak against him and saying yes sir so and so and then the answer comes down and he forgets his brotherhood with me and sisterhood with me. And what is he saying? He says, the fake is so and so.

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Then by Allah what would you do? The ignorant amongst the Muslim in some of you will follow through fake and some of you will follow yourself.

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But the intelligent one amongst you will remember that but Allah we were mistaken. We were. We were overtaken by shaitan. We should never have spoken about each other in that manner. So the intelligent amongst you will close the books. This is why the hubby's to say in his book and Sierra Manu. Bula

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Bula kronberg goofy bog youth voila you used to say what?

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Two scholars at the same time they speak against each other. Their statement is rejected against each other and not reported.

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Why? Because the brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam is so strong.

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It is for this reason why I enjoy what I do in the science. Science looking at the narrator's of Hadith the scholars Islam do not accept the statement of one scholar about another scholar of the same era and of the same caliber and level.

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My brothers and sisters Islam, Allah ghazali Rahim Allah reports and authentic narration Hello, Medina, for the love Norma. And this is the narration. He said well, la he an authentic narration for the love nama. He said well, like

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if I give all my wealth, mountains and mountains of it in the path of Allah and if I were to pray all night and never sleep, and if I were to fast and never break my fast, and then I ended up meeting Allah on the day of judgment was I have not loved the people of goodness and hated the people of evil. And whilst I have not loved my brothers and sisters in Islam

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and have not hated the people of Khufu and then I will be afraid that Allah would throw me into my on my face into the fire

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What is he trying to say? He's trying to say that if you worship Allah and you pray and you fast but you fail to love your brother and sister in Islam, then do not think that you're a bad is complete. Do not think that your obligations have been already looked after do not think loving your brother and sister Islam is merely a recommended deed. It is obligatory my friends it is part and parcel of your deen

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and but ally cannot find an example of brotherhood or sisterhood something that is more touching than what was reported by a Mullah and instead of seen in the Battle of Al Yarmouk about this man by the name of Eva, either we Rahim Allah for the flag w Rahim Allah

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was a man who fought in the Battle of Yarmouk. And when he fought in the Battle of Yarmouk, he went searching for his cousin. It was reported that they thought was not harmed in battle, but his cousin was severely harmed, and he's about to die. So he went searching, and he found his cousin on the ground. So when he found his cousin on the ground, he tried to give him water. When he was going to give him water, this man heard the cries of another Muslim, that was also wounded another part of the battlefield. So he said, No, no, don't give it to me Give it to him. So they wouldn't know what to do in a rush. He went to the other one, the second one, when he came to the second man, he was

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about to drink. And then he heard the cries of another man, to his left, somewhere a little bit further down, and says, No, no, my brother over there, go and give it to him. So had a full run. Where do you run? He ran to the third one. When he ran to the third one, he found the third one dead. So he ran to the first one, his cousin and he found him dead. And he ran to the second one, and he found him dead. Yes.

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Well, you feel rude to see him when O'Connor became kasasa

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at the most difficult time, with one sip of water but Allah He could have said let me sip of water and then you give it to my brother. They didn't.

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And but Allah Jose fire was reported that he saw in his dream that Allah subhanho wa Taala entered all the three handed hand into gender.

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So my brothers my sister, Islam, this is where brotherhood and sisterhood is that you prefer your brothers and sisters over yourself even if you were in severe difficulty.

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So my friends towards the end

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Have my lecture.

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Why should we have brotherhood? Very simple

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because Allah subhanho wa Taala said so he says in that beautiful book in the middle movement, were very early brothers and sisters, very early Muslims are nothing but brothers and sisters of each other. We are brothers and sisters. That's it, end of story. And but Allah this bond of brotherhood and sisterhood is so strong that nothing can destroy it.

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Even if you backbite me You're my brother and sister in Islam. Have you not seen what a les is not put on? Are you Hey boo, boo Kuma yaku de la Murphy Melton fuckery Timo. There's any one of you want to eat the flesh of his dead brother or sister, but you dislike it. So use the word eat the flesh of your dead brother and sister meaning therefore you're actually he's still your brother and sister even if your back bit him.

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And then of course, what is the worst thing that can you that you can do to me?

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Can you tell me what's the worst thing you can do to me?

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Kill me right? Some of you said, No, I can think of something worse that you can do to me.

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What is worse that you can do to me is not kill me but kill my child. Would you agree? If you kill my child, it's worse than killing me. Would you agree everybody? If I were to kill your child, would it be worse than killing you or not? Yes, well, like everyone would agree. But look at what Allah says in the Quran.

00:31:35 --> 00:31:51

He says about the Mk tool that he is still your brother. What does he say? He says, Yeah, Xena Manu. Kuta Bali como Casa soufeel catella. Allah horrible, horrible Abu Dhabi. labadi will own Serbian famine, Rafi Allah homina II show you on?

00:31:54 --> 00:31:58

What is Allah saying? Allah says all mankind verily quotevalet

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Verily, the punishment of manslaughter is death in the book of Allah.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:18

The free man for the free man the slave for the slave, the woman with the woman, then what does the law say? For man oh fella who mean uh, he shaved on. So whoever his brother forgives him, meaning what?

00:32:20 --> 00:32:26

Whoever, the murderer if he's forgiven, by the guardian of the one who is dead.

00:32:27 --> 00:32:31

He is your brother still and Allah uses the word.

00:32:33 --> 00:32:43

Meaning even if you've killed the man's son, he is still you. If Allah didn't call Wali, Allah use the word, a fee.

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Can you understand that? That even if you were to kill my son, you are still my brother or sister? Can you understand that? If this is the worst thing that I can do to you, and this still will not break my brotherhood or sisterhood with you? What is wrong with muslimeen today that we break our brotherhood and sisterhood and a love for each other? for something more simpler than that? A simple thing like look at the way he looked at me. Look at the way he spoke about me. Look at the way he jeered at me. Or he didn't come to my party or he didn't do this and he didn't do that. What are you talking about? Wake up. What are you talking about? Stop being childish.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:39

Your brotherhood and sisterhood is far stronger than anything but Allah. There is no one in this audience that I ask that you leave this hall except that you forgiven your brother and sister in Islam.

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Can I ask everyone honestly but Allah in my last few minutes that I have? Can I ask you everyone in the audience to find someone next to you to your left or to your right? That is your friend, a friend Islam? Can you find that person? Just look?

00:33:57 --> 00:34:00

Can you put that person's hand in your hand?

00:34:01 --> 00:34:04

Put the person's hand in your hand. Give them a hug.

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Give them a hug. Give it to it.

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And say I love you for Allah.

00:34:12 --> 00:34:16

I love you for Allah for Allah. For Allah

00:34:17 --> 00:34:18

Yes, hello.

00:34:21 --> 00:35:00

Yes Allah. Do you know what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he said what Shabbat Mohammed Betty lil Mata have been a fear while in the sci fi world metabo de Waal in Mutasa we Rena fee What did he say? He said, Indeed, my love has become obligatory for the ones who love themselves for my sake, for the ones who sit together for my sake, for the ones who give gifts to each other for my sake for those who visit each other for my sake. So my brothers and sisters, this is the essence of brotherhood and sisterhood. It is for this reason why the process

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam said lanta, the whole Janata Hatter to me no one and to me no Hata to have boo. You will not enter gender until you believe and you will never believe until you love each other. And this is the essence of love. And my brothers and my sisters in Islam.

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I end with a very beautiful Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It's what another Hadith that I prayed and I prayed and I prayed and asked Allah Allah make it authentic.

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Sometimes you find a really great idea, right? It's like, Ah, it's not authentic. But Allah please Allah, please somehow make it authentic make it acceptable. So I can tell my brothers and sisters because it's so powerful. And alliance with my daughter. And I found that it's not for it and I found it to be husband. And it's an authentic narration reported by

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and asked to who fitted MIDI and the the chain that is the showerhead for it is intermeeting suited MIDI so the rewire is off is Hassan insha Allah acceptable. What is this narration? The narration is about the Day of Judgment. When the believers are on the controller which is the last plane before the gates of the Day of Judgment, gates before agenda. Then it is reported that Allah subhana wa tada will at that point, divide between the believers and fix their problems with each other. So at that point, any believer who has a problem with another believer will say, oh god, this person, he wronged me. So Allah will say, Take his good deeds and put your bad deeds to him. So he will fix up

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the relationships in that manner.

00:36:45 --> 00:37:21

So the Hadith narrates that two men will be brought out one man who is a friend of the other and at that point, Allah will say, Did anyone wronged each other? And one of the men the first man will say yes, or Allah, this man, this friend of mine, he wronged me. So Allah will say, Okay, take his good deeds. So the man number one starts taking all the good deeds for man number two, takes takes deeds takes deeds, and that Allah says is there more Yes, so Allah He said this to me on that day, he did that to me on that day. So he keeps taking his good deeds until that man has nothing but bad left on him.

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And the man the first man says, oh, Allah is still more wrong than he has done.

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So Allah will say, therefore put your bad deeds on him. Until the man number one starts putting his bad deeds until man number two, until Subhana Allah man number one only has good and man number two has only bad and what is the destiny of those people who have only evil deeds is jahannam, isn't it? And what's the destiny of the one who has only good deeds is Jelena isn't it?

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So at that point, Allah Subhana will listen to this Hadith, listen to it, attentively. This is the only thing you take back from today, then but Allah it is beneficial.

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It is said that inauthentic Howdy. insulted medium is acceptable Hadith, that Allah will tell this man also. And so to this first man also. And so I will give you this and that. And I'll give you this and then I'll increase your agenda, this man that and you are meant for this level, but I'll increase you to that level. And the man every time will allow will say this and that and more and more reward, the man will start smiling and getting happier and happier. And he will say Oh Allah, why Oh Allah, you're giving me all of this. Allah says one condition. What's the condition that you forgive your brother?

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So the man will cry. And he will say well, law era by your by your greatness and your knowledge, I forgiven my brother.

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So Alhamdulillah they make up

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the Hadith doesn't finish. Watch this. At this point, this first man will start to walk into paradise. The Hadith narrates that he will be stopped at the gates of Paradise and he will not be allowed. So he will look up to God and say, oh god, what happened?

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I thought you let me enter Paradise and I have only good deeds and I forgiven my brother. Let me enter

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and Allah will tell him enter into Jana, with your brother's hand in your hand.

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La ilaha illAllah enamal Muna Aqua. For us. Lee Holbein, Afro Aiko, zachman, la fere, Caracalla freak everybody.

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I hope to see you again in shall another year.

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I have a flight to catch. And we will

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be your brothers and sisters of each other preserve your unity in this beautiful country. May Allah subhanho wa Taala look after you and your families and give you all that you have to design so am I going to love it?

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