Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-039D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 286
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Then Allah subhanaw taala says that lay you can live Allahu nevsun Illa wasa Allah does not charge a soul except with that within its capacity law you can live you can live always from the root letters calf lamb fat and can liver to cleave is to cause someone to bear something difficult Okay, any to make someone bear something in which is Musharaka in which is difficulty, okay. So Allah does not charge a person with something that yes could be difficult, but that difficulty is within its Wisser within the capacity of that person, meaning Allah will not make you bear what you do not have the power to bear. And in that was our her was her. Well Signorina is the root, Sahara is spaciousness,
right? And it's used for spaciousness in terms of place in terms of state and also in terms of action. So spaciousness in place means that that place is wide, it's big enough to hold something, it's roomy, it has a lot of capacity. So for example, a huge hall. Okay, Allah's parenthesis in the early West era, my earth is worse here it is vast, it's very spacious, it has a lot of room in it. So if you cannot live in one place, you can move to another spaciousness and state and condition is, for example, a person's wealthy state. So Allah subhanaw taala says Leofric Lusardi mentality, the person of capacity, meaning of wealth should spend from his wealth, spaciousness and action means
having the ability to do something. And that is what is meant over here, to have the ability to do something, when an action is within one's power. All right, they're able to do it. So now you can live Allahu nevsun Illa was Arha, meaning Allah does not charge a soul except with that within its capacity to do in sort of Hajj is 78. Allah says, that woman, Dr. Laura Lee confit Dinniman herbage. Allah has not made any difficulty for you in regard to your religion. So whatever Allah subhanaw taala has commanded us to do, human beings are capable of performing those actions. So human beings are capable of going for Hajj human beings are capable of fasting, right? Human beings are capable
of praying Salah five times a day, human beings are capable of earning Halal lawful income, right? This is within our capability. Now, of course, individuals vary in terms of their competence. So even in that Allah subhanaw taala does not charge a person with more than their capacity. So in sort of the Bacara Iowan 84 We learned from uncanny min Maria Don or sefarim vitamin A, yeah, we know that when a person is not able to fast, right, because they're sick, then what can they do? They can fast on other days, and on the people who are not able to fast at all, even on other days, then they have to be Vidya the prophets of Allah who already has that I'm set for either or more to convey
info to men who must have or to, when I command you to do something, then do it as much as you are able, and so that the Laguna is extended Allah says, Allah Mr. Thorton fear Allah as much as you are able right? Now lie you can live alone Epson, Allah was our HUD This also means that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada only expects from us to do what is within our means. So for example, in truth Allium, Ron is 97 with regard to Hajj Allah says what Allah here Allah Naseeha glbp Minister Tara ilesa villa, that hajj is mandatory on people, it's the right of Allah that people perform Hajj, but this is for who the one who is able to find a way over there. So if for example, a person cannot financially afford
a person is physically unable a woman does not have a Muharram. Right, then they're not obligated to perform Hajj. Likewise, everyone's ability to comprehend is different. Right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the pen is lifted from the mind or from the child, because children do not have the self control that adults do. Right? So they are not responsible for their actions. All right, likewise, the insane person and the one who is sleeping while you're sleeping, you don't know what time it is, you have no idea that you're going to miss your Salah. You don't have that ID. So the pen is lifted from such people meaning because they are not able to comprehend what's happening.
Allah is not going to burden them with what they're not capable of doing. Likewise, you know, what's there includes opportunity. All right. If you don't have the opportunity to do something, you're not responsible. It's not expected.
Have you? For instance, we know that we have to make will do before we pray. But if a person does not find water, what do they do they have to make to your mom, what's your includes Power Authority, sometimes you don't have the authority to do certain things. So for example, the state of Muslims in China for example, Allahu Akbar, he can you imagine how difficult it must be? Any one is that yes, your freedom is taken away from you. But the other is that, like Muslim men are not allowed to keep their beards, he Muslim women are being forced to marry non Muslim men. They're not allowed to, you know, practice their religion in any way. And it's not that they will be penalized. No, they're
being forced into concentration camps, literally, where so many don't survive. So are they sinful them? For instance, eating something haram or saying something that is shake? Or, you know, leaving something that is obligatory? No, because it's not in their Wisser. Okay. It's not in their ability. It's not in their authority, they don't have the authority, they don't have the liberty, all right, to worship Allah to do what they know they should be doing. So in sort of the natural eye a 106, we learn Ilam and Oh, Korea, that a person must not, you know, say a words of Cofer except for the one who is compelled, compelled, forced. Any, when life is in danger, there is no way of survival, then
even blood and carrying becomes permissible to consume. Right. And likewise, a person when they're being compelled, yes, they have Iman in the heart. Yes, they have a man in the heart. But on the external, they're not able to practice any of it. Because of their circumstances, they're being forced against their will. So they're not going to be asked, Why did you not fast and Ramadan? They're not going to be asked, Why did you marry a non Muslim man? They're not going to be asked, Why did you remove your beard? Why did you remove your hijab? Why did you not pray? Because now you can live Allahu nevsun Illa was our her knifes is mentioned over here. And each individual varies in
terms of their capacity, in terms of their means, in terms of their competence, in terms of their faculty of comprehension, in terms of their wealth, in terms of their liberty, and Allah subhanaw taala knows each person and Allah in sort of Palakkad seven we learn where you can live Allahu nevsun Elana data, Allah does not charge a person except with what Allah has given that person. Right? And in no was our Ha, any. You see what, sir, that what this means is that Allah subhanaw taala gifts to people what is within their taka within their ability? Okay? So he does not command us with anything that is above and beyond our capacity. And he, we haven't been told that fast, even
though you're at the verge of dying, you know, know, if fasting, while you have diabetes is going to cause great difficulty, then do not fast. If fasting while you're pregnant is going to cause you to experience great hardship, then don't fast. It's not like No, you must be at the point of death, and then you are pardoned. No, there is ease. So this means that every command of Allah, every command of Allah, whether it is the cliff Kony or taglib, shattering the cliff konia those obligations which are related to our worldly matters, so for example, illness, okay, or the cleat, shatter ear, religious obligations, anything that Allah subhanaw taala imposes on you, you as an individual,
remember, it is something that is possible for you. It is something that is doable for you, because Allah created you, and He knows you. Sometimes we don't know, our potential and our capacity. Allah subhanaw taala knows this. And this is why Allah subhanaw taala gets to choose what tests to put us in. We don't get to choose our trials, right? We don't get to because Allah subhanaw taala knows what we are capable of. And he sends our way, what we are able to handle. And yes, we find it hard to accept we find it hard to manage. We're learning every day. We know we make mistakes every day. It's a struggle. It's a constant struggle. And yes, life is a constant struggle. Right? Yeah, you
will insane in NiCad cara de Haan Illa Rebecca Callahan formula key, all mankind or human being you are laboring toward your Lord with great exertion. Right you are constantly laboring this life is live
neighbor, it is hard. We want, you know, ease we seek ease. And Allah subhanaw taala brings us difficulty in our lives, sometimes in the form of short days and sometimes in the form of long, endless seasons, that the difficulty continues for a long time. But remember, it came with the permission of Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala knows what you are capable of doing what you have the capacity for. Now, this does not mean we ask Allah for hardship. No, we ask Allah for ease. Right? But at the same time, when we're going through any hardship, we don't question Allah. Oh, Allah, why, how come? Why this? I can't do this? No, we ask Allah subhanaw taala for awful, and for raffia
for pardon, and for safety. And we know we recognize that La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah there is no power in mind except with Allah. Now, basically, what statement means is that Allah does not burden people with more than their capacity. And so each person is only accountable to the extent that they have capacity over when something is beyond someone's capacity, they're no longer accountable. So for example, in the context, our feelings, our thoughts, right, the whispers of shaytaan that's not in your control. Right? What is in your control is what you say what you do in a state of sanity? Okay? So you are accountable for what you have power over what you don't have power
over your feelings, you are not accountable for them. Right? What you don't have power over, for example, a person saying something in a state where they're not in the right state of mind, and sometimes psychologically, a person goes through certain states so they're not accountable. Then Allah subhanaw taala says Lahoma cassava to rla hammock the Sabbath Lucha for it meaning for each knifes is maca Sabbath what it has earned meaning each soul will get the reward of what it has earned. Okay, cassava is from calf seen by customer is to earn something Okay, and here Lucha means in its favor. So each person each soul will get the reward of what it has earned. So, if a person
does something good, a righteous action, then they will be rewarded for it. Why lay her MCDA seventh where I lay her and against it is Mao what it does, but it acquired of sin. Now Allah means against all right, meaning a person will have to bear the punishment of the sins that they have acquired. So they will get the reward of the good that they do, and they will get the punishment for the sins that they acquire. Now notice the word IQ test about IQ test. There's additional letters over here. And remember additional letters mean additional meaning, right IQ test server denotes effort and desire Subhanallah and this shows us that you know to do good is easier than to do sin to earn
reward. Remember that hadith if you just make the intention of doing something good, you are rewarded, but to earn a sin, you don't just have to make the intention. Okay know for the intention. In fact you don't get a sin, you actually earn a sin when you do that sinful action. So, this shows us that for good deeds, Allah subhanaw taala has made them easy and sins require more deliberation more effort somewhere and I must say that it does have an effect ISAB denotes repetition. Okay, so Lahoma cassava to rla hammock so what what this means is that each person is responsible for their deeds in Surah Nisa, I have 111 all those Panthro says women exibit men for endemic Cebu or Lanuf
See, whoever earns a sin than he is earning it against himself he will have to bear the consequences into the najem ie 38 to 39 Aletheia zero was the ultimate wizard okra will lay still insanely ill MSR that no bear of burden will bear the burden of another and that a person will only get what they strive for. So you are responsible for what you do. And no one else is going to carry your burden. All right. And whatever you do, is something that you will see you will see it in sort of the fact that I am 18 We learn while at 10 00 to 100 o'clock our entire month Cullerton Illa him Himley Hello Ironman men who shaman one Oh Canada, Cuba, no one will come to carry your burden on the Day of
Judgment even if you call someone who is very close to you who loves you
nobody's going to come to carry your burden, you have to carry it yourself. And this is something that we need to take very seriously. We are responsible for our deeds, you know, sometimes we say, oh shaitan made me do this, or she made me angry, or he forced me or so and so expects me to do such and such, you know, what people can force you try to force you, they can expect certain things from you. They can, you know, use different forms of pressure, social pressure, they can use blackmailing, etc. But at the end of the day, you are responsible for what you do. Of course, Allah knows what your Woeser is, right? But you are accountable for what you do for the choices that you
are making. So within the frame of freedom and liberty that Allah subhanaw taala has given you, you have to be careful about what you choose. Now, again, we're not perfect, we do get angry, we do get impulsive, we do get lazy. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala what have been led to AF Hiner in nesina, our partner Robina our Lord, led to Ask Edna, do not punish us don't impose blame on us. In nesina. If we forget our thought now or if we make a mistake, led to our hidden to our head now this is from the root letters Hamza Ha, then a hada is to cease to take and more harder is to see someone for something wrong that they're doing meaning to punish them, to punish them there is record over here
there is punishment here. So Allah do not punish us, do not hold us responsible do not impose blame upon us. In the case where we forget or we make an honest mistake in the Siena Messina. This is from the letters known SR Nihan. Miss Yan is that you forget something. So for example, you forget what you're supposed to do. You forget that something is a sin, something is wrong to say, you know it, all right, but you forget at the moment at the time when you're supposed to act on it. So for example, you're fasting and you know the rules of fasting, you're not supposed to eat or drink, but you're a human being, and you forget that you're fasting. And so you end up eating, you end up
drinking, and what do we learn in Hadith that a person is not sinful for that right? Ha ha ha ha Hamza is the route. This is to make an honest mistake. Okay, where you intend to do something in the right way. But you end up making a mistake, you end up doing it wrong, you make an error. Okay? So for example, you are praying Salah and you know that you're gonna praise Allah you know how to pray. And in your Salah, you make a mistake. Like for example, you miss your the Shahada. Okay, so, is it possible for you to make mistakes? Absolutely, because you're human. So sometimes you forget, and sometimes you make a mistake. In fact, with an uncertain Noosa 92 Wilma can only move meaning a year
or two Lamode Minella haha, it is not possible for a believer to kill another believer except as an error. Okay, and these errors can also happen that can cause someone to die literally, accidental murder, where a person intended to shoot, let's say at a target and accidentally that shot ends up hitting a human being and they die. Right? When Musa alayhis salaam punched that man, did he intend to kill him? No, a punch typically does not kill, but it ended up killing that men. So this is how you didn't intend it. It was an honest mistake, right? So layer two hidden in the Cena Oh.
Now when the Companions recited this, Allah azza wa jal said cutfile to I have pardoned you for what you forget. And for the errors that you make, Allahu Akbar, in Hadith we learn Verily, Allah has pardoned for me my oma in regard to their mistakes and their forgetfulness and that which they have been forced to do. All right. But remember when it comes to mistakes,
okay, if a person ends up making a mistake, because of neglect, okay, or they end up doing something wrong because of intention, the end they intended to do it wrong. They intended to for example, killed someone, then they're responsible for their actions. In total AXA by a five we learn well as Alikum, generic and female to be, well our key Maritima that Kulu Bukom there is no sin on you for the mistakes that you made.
But there is sin for what your hearts earn for what your hearts intend. So when a person does something wrong deliberately, knowingly, there is sin. But if a person makes an honest mistake, then there is no sin. And this means that the NASCI, the one who forgets is not held accountable. So for example, if a person forgets to pray, there is no punishment for it. All right. However, when a person remembers, then they must pray. Okay, so the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said that whoever forgets a Salah then he should perform, that's all when he remembers it. You are, you know, let's say the time change and now you are, you know, doing something and you get so busy with it that all
of a sudden you realize you have missed your load. You forgot to pre load, you're not sinful, because you didn't deliberately leave load. You forgot, however, what should you do? The moment you realize the moment you remember, then you pray. All right. So forgetting remember, this is something that humans are not free off, even the best of people forget. We learned about you Charlize Sinha, right when he was going with Musa alayhis salam, and on the story and total crap that he forgot the fish and imagine he saw the dead fish jump into the water. He saw the fish swimming away, making a tunnel he saw miracle after miracle. And he forgot to mention it to you. Mousavi said I'm until much
later. The Prophet sallallahu already has set up set about himself in Nama and abbatial UNSECO method. So I'm a human being I forget like you'll forget. So, when a person forgets, okay, remember there is no sin. But when a person realizes then they must make amends. All right. When it comes to Hatha when it comes to making a mistake, an error again, there is no sin. But there is a Farah All right. So for example, accidental murder, a person is not sinful, but there is Kafala. So when you do something, when you make a mistake, an honest mistake, you do have to make amends. So Alhamdulillah Allah azza wa jal response that led fall to I have done so meaning I've forgiven you
for what you forget. And for the mistakes that you make. Then the door all Robina will attack Mila Elena is son como Hamilton, who are an Aladdin and Catalina our Lord, while at the Himalaya, Elena Do not lay upon us isn't a burden. What kind of a burden come a Hamilton who like you laid upon Allah, Latina and Commelina those people who came before us? Let me let Elena This is from the letters how Meem lamb, okay, how Mala is to carry? All right. And hammer Allah Allah is to lay any a burden on someone, okay to lay a burden on someone. And the word for burden is is Hamza Sodre is a is a weight, okay? Or a burden. It's also used for a covenant, a contract, and it's also used for a
sin a crime. And it's called Israel. Why? Because when you have, you know, a covenant, when you've made a contract with someone, then it's a burden on you, you're responsible for it, you're not free. And if you break it, if you go against it, then there is sin. There is serious consequences. All right. So insert refers to those religious obligations and responsibilities or even punishments that are very hard on people. Okay, very hard on people. So even our best for the long horn who interpreted this as responsibilities which were not able to uphold? So for instance, Allah subhanaw taala could have obligated us to perform 50 prayers in a day. And initially, that was the case. But
Allah subhanaw taala did not do that. Right? He reduced the 50 to five. If Allah subhanaw taala obligated us to perform 50 prayers a day, would we have a choice? No, we would not have a choice. Would it be hard? Absolutely. It would be incredibly hard. Our thought said that is or over here refers to punishment of sin. Okay, and this is that, you know, the previous nations, we learned that they were turned into Pirata Cornue, para Tenkasi. In they were turned into apes. So we ask Allah that don't punish us in that way that we are turned into apes and swines and somewhat Malema say that this means that let there be nothing sinful except that there is a Toba and kuffaar for it. And
this is what we see in the beautiful shittier that Allah has given us, that even if something is a very serious offense, there is a way out. There is a way to repent. There is a way to expiate for that sin for that crime. So
Are the people before us Alladhina and Commelina. They were burdened with very heavy responsibilities and very serious punishments. In total Bukhara IFT, four we learned about how, when the Bani Israel worship the calf, what was their punishment fucka Tulou and full circle, murderer, and he was capital punishment, they have to be killed, those who worship the calf had to be killed. But if you know, for example, a Muslim ends up committing an act of ship. All right, then there's Toba is default. So for example, the prophets of Allah who already was set up said that if someone takes an oath by someone other than Allah, then he should say La Ilaha illa Allah, it hasn't been
said that that person should be killed. All right. Likewise, we have learned about the you know, some rulings related to the hara, related to purification, especially with regard to hate menstruation, right for the Bani Israel eel, the rules were very hard. And I mentioned to you some verses from the Bible, all right, that show how impurity was actually transferred. So for example, if a woman touched someone, that person became impure, the bedding became impure, the coding became impure. And to attain purification, a bath was not enough, you had to wait for a certain amount of time to pass before a person could obtain purification. So we ask Allah that don't lay on us a
burden such obligations that were laid on the people before us difficult commands. And in Surah Al Anam Ayah 146 We learned Allah subhanaw taala mentioned that word Alladhina her do haram na Kula Nilofer even when it comes to food, dietary laws, you know, the fat of animals, you know, certain kinds of fat basically, were forbidden on them. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that I was not sent with Judaism or Christianity. I was sent with Hanafi Yes, somehow, right for a stupid honey fee it is somehow the easy religion. And Allah subhanaw taala has responded to this Dora, when he said could fall to I have done so. So the religion that Allah has revealed, this
religion is easy. In Edina. usahawan this religion is easy as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in strudel Arafa 157 We learned that the religion of the Prophet sallallahu Urdu cinema has been given, what is it like? It is such that you Hallo la Motta, you bet where you heard him or Elaine will haba its way Allah or is Surah whom will Allah Allah, Allah T cannot lay him that the Prophet sallallahu ever has and removes from the people, their burden, and the fetters which used to be on them, meaning the difficult commands that were on them have been abrogated. And yes, when you look at the law in the Bible, it's incredibly hard, very, very hard. And the Prophet sallallahu Urdu
Sena was sent to remove those burdens from people. So alhamdulillah for that, that Allah subhanaw taala has created ease for us in our religion, or bene will add to her Milner mela pocket Allah Nabi, another request we make here, that our Lord do not burden us with that which we have no ability to bear led to her Milna same route as the Himalaya Elena, but different form. Her Mala was che Hammam lamb hamdulillah will shape is to make someone carry something or irresponsibility in spite of the difficulty and the trouble and the inconvenience that it causes. Okay. And to make someone carry it any, you're not giving them an option. And it is hard on them, but you make them
bear it, you make them carry it anyway, this is the meal. So Robina wala to hamdulillah do not make a scary. Mullah Takata Nabi what we do not have the power over, you know, to bear to carry vaalco from Bowell cough. And specifically this is referring to we're intubate do Murphy and fusi come out to follow your Hasebe convenient law Allah can hold you accountable for what you conceal in your chests, or what you reveal. So we don't have control over what is in the heart. So we're asking Allah don't burden us with something that we have no ability to bear. So Allah subhanaw taala replied Cathar I have done so. And so we learned from this that we should ask Allah subhanaw taala
for ease, right? That in terms of religious obligations, and in terms of other matters in our life, we should ask Allah subhanaw taala for ease Yeah, Allah make them easy for us. Yeah, Allah don't impose on me. What is too hard for me to bear? And then we ask Allah subhanaw taala Why are foreign and part
As well Filipina and forgive us what Hamner and have mercy on us. Two different words for forgiveness have been mentioned over here. What does that show? We should ask Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, and for more forgiveness and for more forgiveness. And in the different words Yes, there is emphasis, but also each word is referring to something different. Wherefore Anna? are awful. I infer Well, it is to pardon, okay to pardon someone, but it is to pardon them while you may not have concealed their sin, okay. So for example, someone does something wrong. And you tell them why did you do this? Or how come you did this? And then you say, I forgive you? This is awful. Well,
fiddler, now Mahavira Kleinfelder. Mafia is to conceal also. Okay, Mafia is more than awful it is to pardon and conceal. So we're asking Allah first to pardon us. And then we're saying yalla pardons, but also conceal our sins. Don't mention them to us. And don't expose them. Don't bring them to light, don't let them be known. Just let them stay hidden. And then just erase them. We're foreign, will fiddle enter some more in a mercy that were foreign. Now we ask Allah subhanaw taala for awful for leaving an obligation for when we fall short in our obligations and duties, our responsibilities and mofetil We ask Allah when we commit a sin when we do something wrong. And if you think about it,
both of these matters are matters over which we need forgiveness. There are times when we fall short in our obligations, we mess up we forget salah or we know that you know we have to pray and we make a mistake in Salah. Right? But awful is what we're asking Allah to pardon. When we pardon us when we make such mistakes in regard to our obligations. And mafara is for sin. Any when we commit a sin that he or Allah, pardon and conceal our sins. Okay, so when it comes to our obligations that we neglect, pardon us, don't hold us responsible. Don't punish us. And when it comes to our sins, pardon us and also conceal our sins. And then we ask Allah subhanaw taala what how now have mercy on
us. This is from Rama Raha meme, we are forever in need of Allah's parents heart has mercy. So why are we asking Allah subhanaw taala for Rama? Remember that Rama is needed in regard to our past and also in regard to our future in regard to our past. That yeah, Allah have mercy on us in regard to what has happened in regard to what we have done. So our sins, we need your mercy so that you can forgive us our sins. And in regard to our future, make us firm on the right path. We need your karma. So we're one Pardon us. When we fall short in our obligations, our duties, erase our sins will fit learner when we commit sins then conceal them fully. What Hamner Have mercy on us make a
steadfast in the future and thermo learner, You are our Protector. And anti Mowlana means You alone are our molar we have no molar other than you. There's the cease over here. Allahu Allah, you live in Amman, right Allah is the Wali, the friend of those who believe he is their protector. Instead of Mohammed i 11. We learned that it could be an Allah mon Alladhina amanu Allah is the molar of those who believe and sort of hedge I 78 Who am I welcome he is your Mona. So you are our molar. We have no one else to turn to but you and if we fall short in our duties, who can pardon us? Only Allah if we make a mistake, who can forgive us who can conceal our sins? Only Allah so you are our molar. We
are in desperate need of you. You are our guardian our protector our friend. From sadhana I will come will caffeine so help us against the disbelieving people or give us victory against the disbelieving people from sadhana is from noon solid rock NASA to help or to give victory. So from so now a little common caffeine. What does this mean? This means that your Allah users Allah your army as your people, make us people who are on your side and the people who turn against us in the process you help us against them. funciton are a little cold will caffeine. When we believe in we surrender some Erina Well, Darnell, we ask Allah for truth.
beings, we ask Allah for leniency when we forget and air and we ask Allah subhanaw taala for ease in worldly and religious matters, give us what we can handle, give us matters that are easy on us. And then we ask Allah subhanaw taala for for things for pardon, that our neglect is erased for forgiveness that our sins are concealed for mercy in regard to our past and our future. And also we ask Allah for help that yeah Allah make us of those who are on your side. And this shows us that yes, when you obey Allah then there will be people who will turn against you, who deny what you believe in and who will turn against you and you cannot deal with them on your own. You ask Allah
subhanaw taala for help and Allah subhanaw taala says In response to these duras cutfile to I have done that. So let us make these drawers let's listen to these verses again and make these neurons
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Amin. So at hamdulillah and Hunter Allah that Allah subhanaw taala gifted the sunnah to us give us the ability to read it to reflect on it made the surah be a part of our lives may we be of those who recite the surah and made the surah be a light for us and intercession for us on the Day of Judgment. And may Allah subhanaw taala gathers together under the law mama, the cloud or the line of birds that the surah will come in the form off on the Day of Judgment, may we be under its shade. I mean, inshallah I will conclude over here, subclinical Lahoma will be handed a shadow Allah Illa Illa. Anta stock Furukawa to buoy lake was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh