Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-038A Translation Al-Baqarah 282-283 Tafsir 282 Part 1
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Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who are with bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Karim Furbish roughly Saudi were Sidley Emery wash Lula rock that Emily Sani of Kahu Kohli along Maddy Colby was suddenly Sunny was flutes of hematite Colby Amin Yoruba al Amin, lesson number 38 pseudo Baqarah verses 282 to 283 two is Yeah Are you her or a Lavina those who know they have believed either when Diane Tom you all contract with one another B then in a loan ILA Julian for a term Musa specified factor woohoo then you all right it while yak tube and he should write Boehner comb between you all Kathy Boone a scribe Bilal
injustice, well area burka T Boone and a scribe should not refuse on that. Yet tuba here right writes karma, just as or Karma because I lemahieu Allah, Allah taught him fairly Aktobe so he should write while you live and he should dictate Allah the RLA he'll help the debtor while yet the key and he should be conscious of and he should safeguard himself from Allah Allah robber who his Rob while he has and he should not diminish men who from it che anything for in so if can Allah de la he'll help the debtor is Sophie hon foolish Oh or blurry fun week. Oh or la noche yes they'll tell you he is able and that you may Allah He dictates who himself valium lil Walia, who then his guardian
should dictate Bilodeau in justice. What does he do and he will call as witness Shahi they need to witnesses, men among rigidly come your men. For in so if Lemmy Hakuna, there are not Raju lane two men. For Julian then Amen. One more attack men and two women, men men from home the loner you all are pleased with Mina Shuhada as witnesses and lest the winner is the Homer, one of them two errors for to the cura irida Homer, then one of them too will remind Aloha the other Wallah by Shuhada and the witnesses should not refuse either when do they are called while at US Mo and you all do not get fed up and tuck taboo with writing it silly run small o or curvy run great Isla a jelly he including
its term Valley calm that acquistato is more just or in the in the sight of Allah He Allah will occur one and more suitable li shahada for the evidence, what are the NA and more likely Allah that not total taboo, you are will have doubts in law except an in the case that the corner it is the gelatin a transaction how little attend immediate to the Runa ha You will exchange it. Boehner calm amongst yourselves Felisa then there is not our lay come upon you all Juna when any blame Allah that not duck to woo her You all right it what does she do and you all call witnesses either when the buyer to whom you will trade with one another what are you blah blah and he should not intentionally
harm or and he should not intentionally be harmed. Kathy Boone a scribe wala and Nora Shahidan a witness we're in and if the for our Lu you all do for in the hood and indeed it for zuccon is defined disobedience become in you all what the call and you will be conscious of or and you all safeguard yourselves from Allah Allah where you are only mohkum Allah and Allah teaches you all will Allah Who and Allah be Coonley of every che in thing I Limon is ever knowing what in and if control you all are Allah upon suffered in a journey while I'm PEGI do and you all do not find Cathy burn is
cribe fairy Hannon then collateral Mokuba one that is withheld. For in then if Amina barrel dokkan Barbra you all feel safe trusting each other value a D then he should return a lady to Mina the one who was entrusted Amanda who his trust will yet the key and he should be conscious of Allah Allah La Bahu his Rob will attack to move and you will do not hide a shahada, the testimony or the evidence, woman and whoever yet to her he hides it for inner Huth and indeed he athey one called Boo is one whose heart is sinful. Well Allah Who and Allah Bhima of what Dharma Luna you all do our Limon is ever knowing all right let's listen to the recitation of these verses yeah
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daddy od Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. Before we begin today's lesson, there's a few things I wanted to mention regarding the previous ayah verse number 281, where Allah subhanaw taala says What the Who Yeoman to Giroux, Nephi. He is Allah and fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah Soma to a Falco Luna ypsomed Cassava wahome la YOLO. More than every soul will be compensated for what it earned and they will not be treated unjustly. Regarding this idea. We learned that this is one of the last verses to be revealed to the Prophet sallallahu early he was settling in fact some Sahaba said that this was the last idea to be revealed to the Prophet sallallahu early he was Sadler and
there are other narrations in which we learned that, you know some other IRA or some other surah was the last to be revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the thing is that every companion reported according to their knowledge, meaning according to what they knew, and it is also said that it's possible that this is actually the law
last verse to be revealed regarding riba regarding interest because there are many verses in the Quran, other than the verses in Surah Baqarah, which mentioned the prohibition and the dislike of riba of taking or paying interest, and this was the final idea regarding riba to be revealed. And in this idea, there is a clear warning, that fear the day when you will be returned to Allah, all of you will be returned to Allah. And notice the word to Gerona to Gerona you will be returned not you will return as if even if you don't like it, even if you don't want it, you will be made to go back, you do not have a choice, in regard to this matter, you will be taken back to Allah, you will face
your Lord, and then what's going to happen, every person will be given in full what they earned in the world, every person will be compensated in full for the deeds that they did in the world, and there will be no injustice. And basically, we are being taught over here that we should not put our akhira at risk for the temporary gains of this world for the temporary gains of this life. And we are being warned through the ACA over here, because the one who fears the matter of the alcohol, the person who fears the last day, then such a person will stay away from all forbidden things, including Riba and we see that in the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala mentions, you know,
different laws, commands, prohibitions, these verses are intertwined with, you know, verses that talk about hisab, accountability, Day of Judgment. Why? Because, you know, the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has given us, they're not just, you know, legal issues that we need to abide by. These matters have real consequences for us, in our future, in our hereafter our eternity. So, you cannot separate belief from action. Because correct belief leads to correct action when a person has correct belief that the day of judgment is real, was sad to help the hour is true, and that we have to stand before Allah. When now it will help and the fire is true. Well, Jana to help and Paradise
is true, when a person has European conviction in these matters, only then can their actions change in this life. So correct belief, remember, it leads to correct action, and corrupt belief, when a person does not have the right kind of faith, they have shuck, they have doubt, then what happens is that their action also becomes corrupt. So here we are being advised to have fear of Allah and especially fear the day that we will be returned to Allah, that the things of this world are not going to stay with us forever. The things that we obtained through riba they're not going to stay with us forever. What is going to stay with us is the choices that we make right now. So don't just
think about temporary gain. Don't just think about what you're going to get now think about the hereafter also, and make your decisions with the ACA in mind. All right, let's move on to the next idea. Verse number 282. Year A U haul ladina Armano. Either today, Ian Tombi, Deignan Illa Edgerly musalman fact to boo, all you who have believed when you contract a debt for a specified term, then write it down. This idea is number 282 is called Aya to Dane, the verse of Dane, you can see the word Dane be dining in the eye. And Dane is a debt a loan. So this idea is about borrowing, how one should borrow a loan and how it should be returned. All of these matters are mentioned in this idea.
And this idea, if you see in the most half covers the entire page. So it is the longest verse of the Quran in the longest Surah of the Quran. So it is the longest is in the longest Surah of the Quran. And even though it is the longest I have the Quran, it actually does not contain all of the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet. It is the longest ayah but it does not contain all of the alphabet. Now Yeah, a you Halina Avenue Allah subhanaw taala addresses us that all you who have believed either today in tune when you contract a loan with one another B day
In in with a loan meaning when one party is taking a loan from the other, then what should you do? First of all, it should be ILA a jelly Musa, it should be for a specified term, meaning it should be specified until when the borrower gets to keep what he has borrowed. And when he is supposed to return what he has borrowed, and this loan, it should be fact to woohoo, you all should write it down, it should be recorded in writing. So, what is a danger, the words that I yanked home, and then both of these words are from the root dal, yeah, noon, and then is basically a delayed payment. All right, a delayed payment, it could be in the form of borrowed money, which one has to return? Okay.
So one is that, for instance, you are with your friend, and you borrow her pen, you use it, and you return it right there. Okay. But the other is that you borrow money, and you say, I will return it to you next week, I will return it to you next month, or after six months or after a year. Okay? So Dain can be a delayed payment in the form of borrowed money, which one has to return, or it can be in the form of goods that are purchased on credit. Okay. So for example, a person buys something, but he does not make the payment right there. And then the payment is going to be delayed by let's say, a month, two months, three months. All right. So it could be goods purchased on credit, ordain
can also be in the form of wages that are to be paid. So for example, you hire someone to, let's say, cook something for you. They cook the food, and they deliver it to your house, and you tell them that I will pay you next week. Okay? So wages that are to be paid, or it can also be in the form of Muhammad, the payment of which is delayed because remember, at the time of marriage, the man has to give the money to his wife, right? But if he does not give it then he says I will give it to you in a year. All right. This is also a form of Dane. So basically, Dane is any transaction where payment is delayed, it is not made immediately. All right. And some orlimar they say that Dane is
different from God. God is also a loan. It's well known called. But it's different. Because for Dane, there is an appointed time of return there is as we can see, in the IR Edgerly massamba. There is a specified term and for called, there is no specified term. This is the difference between Dane and code. So for example, when you specify the return date, you say I'm borrowing $2,000 from you for six months. Okay, six months is what? ajilon massamba. So this is Dane, but if you borrow the $2,000 without specifying a return date, okay, then that is not a Dane that is a quart. So some orlimar say that this is the difference between Dane and now here we are told either Today young
Tom, Today young Tom, today, Ian is when two parties, okay, are buying and selling or taking giving on credit. Okay, so one party is taking something the other party is giving that thing, okay, and the payment is delayed, all right, or it is being bought and sold on credit. So this is the Diane tomb, there's two parties involved over here. So when you all contract with one another, okay, meaning you are engaging in a transaction with one another and this transaction involves then so be dining, then again is mentioned over here and this is for Tokido for emphasis. So, when you contract with one another a loan or when you engage in a transaction that involves a purchase on credit or
delayed payment, I gave you examples, the payment of the mod is delayed. So when this is the case, then there are some rules that you have to follow. So either today and to be dining, what is the first thing Isla agilely Musa Isla until agile? Agile is a term it's from the root letters, Hamza Jeem, lamb, so a period of time, for example, six months, and the word agile also applies to a specific point in time. So for example,
On September 1, okay, so until a term that is Musa Musa means specified fixed Musa is from the root letters while seen meme the word ism is from the same root and what this means is that it is named when it is named, it means that it is specified. So Isla ajilon Musa until a specified term a fixed point in time, then fuck taboo, then you all should write it down fuck taboo, this is from the root letters calf, the bad Kitab is to write to record so first so oke to boo boo boo you all right, meaning it is your obligation or believers that you must write who it what is the it referring to the Dane, the loan, that transaction on credit or the payment that is being delayed. So you must
write it down, record it. Now we see over here that the command is to the believers, those who believe so this shows us that doing things even you know financial transactions, doing these things properly is part of iman Eman. You know to be a believer doesn't just mean that you pray five times a day and that you eat only halal food. Yes, it includes riba that all right, but Eman also includes more omelette, riba that acts of worship but also more I'm allowed any dealings how to deal with one another. So, Allah subhanaw taala guides those who believe in regard to different acts of worship, and also in regard to their dealings, financial matters also. So, this is all part of Iman and when
a person follows the instructions that Allah subhanaw taala has given regarding these matters, then guess what financial transactions also become a means of pleasing Allah, they also become a means of earning reward from Allah subhanaw taala. Now, this part of the IOE this statement teaches us many different things. First of all, this shows us that engaging Indane is permissible Okay, meaning borrowing, lending, buying on credit, selling on credit, this is all permissible, why because Allah subhanaw taala is giving us instructions over here regarding how to go about this matter. So, when these instructions are given this means that engaging in such a transaction is permissible, what is
wrong is charging interest okay agreeing on paying interest or giving interest that is incorrect, but borrowing, lending, purchasing things on credit selling things on credit etcetera, all of this is permissible. Secondly, we learned from this that when there is a transaction like this a contract like this, then it term should be fixed it should be specified meaning the term or the time when payment is due, when the borrower has to return what he borrowed, then that term should be specified it should be agreed upon otherwise, it is not in vain and the same rules will not apply. Thirdly, we learned from this that such a transaction should be recorded it should be written down now, is it
mandatory to write such a transaction down there is a difference of opinion in regard to the some amorphous Zune say that this is an MRI of a job any This is mandatory, it is mandatory to record such transactions. So, for example, if a man at the time of marriage says to his wife that I will give you your mug after one year, then it is mandatory to write this down. Other Allama say that no, it is not mandatory, rather, the command over here is off it shad it is of st hubba meaning this is something that is preferable. Okay, this is something that is recommended. And the majority or the MA hold that it is most the hub it is recommended. And there is a lot of benefit in this meaning in
writing such a transaction, because when the payment is being delayed, then it's possible that over time one of the two parties gets mistaken. You know, for example, it's possible that, you know, the husband said I'll give you two after a year, it's possible that the wife, you know, misunderstands, and after six months, she demands that look, you said you were gonna give it to me, it's been six months, give it and he says that, but I said one year and she says no, you said six months. So it's possible that you know, she forgets or he forgets. He says, I'll give you $5,000 And when he gives them a hug eventually after a year, he
gives $4,000. So it's human to forget to make mistakes. And the thing is that when it comes to financial matters, no matter how generous people are, no matter how forgiving people are, you know, people also care about their wealth, or they care about their rights. So when people don't, you know, record such matters, and one or both parties, you know, they're making a mistake, or they forget regarding the amount or regarding the term, then this can lead to disputes, this can lead to argumentation, this can lead to, you know, Sue Ozon thinking bad about one another, and it can ruin relationships, and it can lead to a lot of evil. Right? So it's always best for your own safety, for
the other person safety and for the preservation of a good relationship, that such transactions be recorded, written down. So Allah subhanaw taala says over here, fact taboo, that you all write it down. And the thing is that human beings remember the word Insan. I mentioned to you at the beginning of the course that one of the opinions is that the word UNECE is from the root letters known seen yet NIS yen, meaning people are, by nature, predisposed to forgetfulness. All right. And we learned that Adam Marley has Salam, our father, he forgot, right? He forgot Allah subhanaw taala commanded him very clearly to not eat from the fruit of the tree, but he forgot in a hadith in a
Timothy, we learn a very interesting incident, we learned that when Allah subhanaw taala, created Adam or his salaam, he wiped his back, meaning the back of Adam Alayhis Salam and every person that was to exist until the day of judgment came out, meaning Allah subhanaw taala created the souls of all people at that time, and all of the children of Adam, basically were shown to Adam or to his son. All right, so otherwise, I'm asked that who are these people? And Allah subhanaw taala said that these are your children. And Adam really salaam saw one person among humanity, who's basically the light between his eyes was very amazing. So he asked that, oh, Lord, who is this? And Allah
subhanaw taala told him that this is a man from your progeny. And he is that wood. And basically, other Moroni Salam saw that the wood early Saddam's life was going to be very short, 60 years only. So otherwise, Salam said that add 40 years to his life from mine, okay, meaning give him 40 more years, okay, so that he lives to 100 and deduct those 40 years from my life. Okay, so now what happened, that Allah subhanaw taala accepted that, but when the angel of death went to Adam, Ernie, his son, Adam, that now it is the time of your death, Adam relisten, I'm sorry, I still have 40 more years, okay. And the angel of death said to him that no, you don't because you gave those 40 years
to your descendant that would, but we learn in the Hadith that for Jehovah, Adam, Adam and his Salam argued over there, and he denied basically, that no, I did not give my 40 years to that would. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when ESEA our demo fantasy, yet the RIA to who Adam forgot, and so, his children also forget, will hardly Adam or for Holly Ludia to who and Adam and his salon made a mistake and so his children also make mistakes. So, this shows us that if our father, you know, he forgot otherwise Salam forgot, then we are also prone to forgetfulness, it is completely human to forget and sometimes you know, the best of us people who you know whose memory
is excellent, even they can forget, right? You know, sometimes Subhan Allah would have happens is that you know, a surah so well, you know, so little Eclass you know, Surah Fatiha, Henny, you recite to to Fatiha every single day. But what happens? Sometimes, you can even make a mistake reciting Surah Fatiha right, you can make a mistake reciting circle as long as you can make a mistake reciting something that you know so well because you are human. So, because we are predisposed to forgetfulness, Allah subhanaw taala tells us fact taboo write it down, because there is a delayed payment over here. And delayed payment whether it is of a day meaning the payment is due after one
day or after one month or after one year or after one decade. Any you can forget over
Time. So we learn that when you record the transaction, then you are protecting yourself, you are protecting the other party, and it is in everyone's best interest. Now, like I mentioned earlier, the writing of this transaction is something that is most the hub, it is something preferable, it is not mandatory, this is the opinion of the majority of the scholars. So how do you decide whether to record the transaction or not decide that based on the nature of the transaction based on who you're dealing with? All right. So for example, if the relationship is new, like I gave you the example of a husband and wife, at the time of the marriage, the husband says, I'll give you this much money.
After one year, it's always best to write it down because the relationship is new, right? You don't want to, you know, damage the relationship over some money. And you don't want to begin this relationship, you know, with negative or with bad thoughts about the other party, right? And you don't want unnecessary conflict. Or, for example, you are dealing with a huge sum of money, you're dealing with $50,000 you're dealing with, you know, $10,000, then write it down. But if it is a very small amount, like for example, $10 $5. All right, $50, and you feel like there's no need to write it down, then you don't have to write it down. All right. But if either party wants the transaction
to be recorded, then yes, it should be recorded doesn't matter whether the amount is big or small, doesn't matter how buddy buddy, the two parties are, if either party wants the transaction to be recorded, it should be recorded, and especially if the payment is delayed for a long period of time, then again, it should be recorded. So basically, both parties can use their judgment and come to an agreement as to whether or not the transaction should be recorded. But certainly, it is preferable. And even if you are dealing with your relatives or your friends, still, it's better to record the transaction, because a lot of conflict stems from forgetfulness. Now Allah subhanaw taala tells us
that while yuck to Boehner CommCare tibone Bilal while he Aktobe. And he should write, this is from the root letters Kafta keytab. Writing and well Yocto Busey, the lamb over here with the sukoon. This lamb is of armor, it is off command, meaning a command has been given over here that he should write Boehner con between you all meaning between the two parties who should write Kathy Boone a scribe? How should the scribe write the transaction Bill rather, with justice? All right. Now, what this means is that if the creditor the debtor, so I'm going to use these two terms from now on, the debtor is the one who is borrowing, who is taking on the debt. All right, and the creditor is the
lender, who is selling something on credit or who is giving something, you know, lending something, so it will be returned to him after a period of time. So while yet to Boehner calm, he should write between you all meaning between the creditor and the debtor, who should write this transaction, Kathy Boone is cry Bill idle injustice. Now, if the creditor or the debtor, one or both, if they can write the transaction themselves, then any one of them can write it. But if they are not able to write it down themselves, then they should get a third person, a Khatib, a scribe, to write it for them. And this shows us how important and how beneficial it is to write the transaction that if you
can do it yourself, do it and if you cannot do it yourself, then get a third person to do it for you. Now, remember that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam writing was not something very common, very few people wrote. And when the Quran was being revealed, few people knew how to write so this is why this instruction is given over here that get a scribe to write that down for you. Because the average person at the time was not able to write. So a scribe can record the transaction the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith and in our own mutton Omiya, that we are an unlettered nation, because the people who were there when the Quran was being
revealed, those people did not read and write, right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the statement, he said that the month is like this and like this, this any he showed with his fingers, that it's either 29 days or 30 days. All right. So at the time, not many people could read and write
Right. So if the creditor is able to write he can write the transaction if the debtor is able to write he can write the transaction, but if neither of them are able to read and write, then they can get a third person to do it. And this only shows us the benefit the importance of writing now Katib farine from the root letters Kafta, Abba same route as Willie Aktobe and factorable Katib is one who writes Okay, so a scribe. Now, how should he record that transaction? How should he put it in writing biller idol be with Alder idol, justice, meaning with justice. So when a third person is writing the transaction, then he has to especially do so with justice. Why? Because remember, a
third person is writing the transaction. Why? Because the creditor and the debtor or either of them cannot read and write themselves. So they don't know what the Scribe is writing. They don't know. Because if they knew how to write, they would have written it themselves. So the Scribe is writing in front of them, but they don't know what exactly he's writing. So this is why the Scribe is told specifically that he must be just he must be fair, he must be fair to both parties, he must be honest in what he is writing, he should not favor either of the two parties. All right, so we'll look to beta compatible biller model. Now better or the other is from the root letters, I mean, the
alarm and idle is justice, right? You want to make sure that each party is getting what they deserve. Now, Bill idle means that first of all, the scribe should be known for his justice, and he should be a reputable person who is reliable, who is trustworthy, who's our dialog whose justice is established. Any if someone is known to be a cheater, or someone is known to be a facet, any an open sinner, then he's not going to be asked to record the transaction. Okay? You want to get a person who's going to write with justice, when will a person write with justice when they are a just person themselves, meaning they don't commit open sin, right? They are reliable, they are trustworthy. So
for example, if someone is accused of theft, you're not going to ask them to write down your transaction. If someone is accused of, you know, taking loans and not paying them back. Again, you're not going to ask them to record your transaction for you, because they're not a reliable, they're not a trustworthy person. So, while react to binary compatible belaga, this means that first of all, the candidate himself should be a person who is known for his justice, he should be a reputable, trustworthy individual. Secondly, this means that he should be just and fair between the creditor and the debtor. Okay. So for example, it's possible that the creditor is his best friend,
he should not be biased towards him, or it's possible that the debtor is his relative, or the debtor is his neighbor, the debtor is his coworker. In either case, whether or not the creditor or the debtor is related to you, there's some interest over there for you, you have to be just so the scribe has to write with justice without favoring either party. And beloved thirdly, this also means that the scribe should know what he is writing, okay? He should know what he is writing about and you should know how to write because how can you write something correctly properly if you don't know the spelling's if you don't know how to write a town if you don't understand the language,
right, or the terminology, you know, some people know how to write very beautifully, but they don't know the meaning of the words that they're writing. You see this in children, especially when they're learning how to read that they read, but they don't pronounce the words correctly, right. So, the scribe should also be knowledgeable of what he is writing about. So for example, when it comes to you know, such documents, there are some legal terminology, he should know the meaning, right? He should know what he's getting into, he should know what he is recording, because if he doesn't know he could make a mistake. And if he makes a mistake in writing that means that the
record has not been recorded, the transaction has not been recorded correctly. So for instance, if he does not know how to write the number seven properly, okay. And he just writes it as a straight line with a slight you know, dent at the top. So it could be misread as one later on. Right. So
Oh, it's supposed to be 37. And now it's being read as 31. So this is a problem. So belaga also means that the scribe should know what he is writing, he should know how to write. So this shows us that a written record is an evidence, because sometimes what can happen is that, for example, someone borrowed $2,000. All right, and the transaction was recorded, and now the debtor passed away. So the one who borrowed the money passed away. So what happens now the creditor comes to the heirs of the debtor that look, your guy owed some money to me, and they're like, No, we didn't know about this. We have no idea he never told us about it. So the creditor now produces the record.
Okay. And with the written record, now, what's going to happen? The creditor will be given what he deserves. So the written record is going to be used as an evidence, especially in the case where there is death, either of the creditor or of the debtor. So the written record is an evidence