Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-036C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 268-270

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the importance of shaping one's wealth to bring pleasure and relief to others, and emphasizes the need for forgiveness and disciplined spending. It also touches on the importance of avoiding violence and setting boundaries for one's spending. The speaker emphasizes the need for guidance and understanding of one's finances and spending patterns before making any decisions. The importance of fulfilling promises and setting conditions for individuals to fulfill their vow is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Last pantherella tells us a che plan or URI do como fakra Where Moodle Conville fascia a shaitana de shaitan URI do calm he threatens you Alpha Accra of poverty. Your Edo is from the root letter as well or in dal. And this can be from the word word which is promise and it can also be from the word worried which is a threat. Okay. And typically word promise is for hate for something good and worried morning is against something that is shoved against something that is evil. So shaitan threatens you. This is worried Okay any shaitan threatens you puts you in fear of fuckery fucker is poverty when a person is poor, any has nothing. Social icon puts you in fear that if you give sadaqa

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or if you give from the time that you have or you give from the harvest, okay, of your garden, then what's going to happen? We you will become poor, a Shangela no URI the goal fucker, if you think about it, zakaat Okay, is how much 2.5% All right, 2.5% only, it's a very small percentage of your wealth. Okay, if we are taught in the previous slide to give sadaqa from the harvest from our Halal earnings, we're not required to give everything you know, for example, you have harvested an entire basket of cucumbers, okay? You don't have to give everything you can give to you can give three, you can give five, all right, you have a whole lot of chilies, you don't have to give all of them you

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can give just a handful. But look at Shavon Shavon threatens you that you will become poor, you will have nothing left for yourself you will go hungry, you will not have enough if you give in sadaqa and this is a complete lie. Because you do not become poor by giving the cat by giving sadaqa you don't become focus by giving because you're not giving everything anyway you're only giving a small percentage. So you will not become needy. You know for instance you have food in your refrigerator. You have two dishes, one you give Shaitan puts you in fear that you will become Fakir you will have nothing for yourself and that is a complete lie because Masha Allah, Masha Allah, you have a lot,

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you still have one dish that is prepared. And if that runs out, you have a freezer that has food in it. You have a pantry that has food in it, you have other ingredients in your kitchen, you have money in your bank, you're gonna go for groceries tomorrow, you are able to get more so Shaitan puts us in fear when we're thinking about giving sadaqa and be aware of this, that shaitan will threaten you shaitan will make you afraid, but don't believe the lies of shaitan and then what does shaitan do were Mortal Kombat fascia. He orders you He commands you Hamza, meanwhile, to do fascia fascia is immorality, for her sheen. So on the one hand, he tells us not to give all right, and on the other

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hand, he tells us to do what is bad. Now the word fascia means many different things, depending on the context, in general, the word fascia includes all moral sleep, all types of sins, and in specific cases fascia can mean Zina. Okay, fornication, it can also mean homosexuality, it can also mean other such actions of lewd nature, this is from shaitan and this is fascia. Likewise fascia can also refer to indecent acts such as verbal abuse, foul language. In some situations, it can also mean stinginess here fair shout means all sins. Okay, so yet Mortal Kombat fascia che Pon tells you to do what is immoral to do what is outrageous, what is clearly clearly wrong. How, think about

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this, on the one hand shaitan is telling you don't give because you will become poor. Okay, and then he tells you to do fascia. So because you feel guilty, you must give something. So then he tells you to give what is rotten, to give what is spoiled, to give what is broken, to give what you will never receive yourself. Okay, what you would never like for yourself. So that is fascia choosing the Hadith, giving the Hadith that is far shot. Okay, secondly, for shout over here can also mean stinginess. All right. The Chapin commands you. He orders you to be stingy to be selfish to only look up

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for yourself to put yourself first and last year Mortal Kombat fascia to not think about others to just think about yourself. Likewise, fascia over here can also refer to harshness and verbal abuse and insults. That shaytaan threatens you with poverty, like someone comes asking you for something Associaton tells you don't give, don't give, you won't have enough for yourself. And now, the poor person asks for the second time, and now you just go off at them, you start insulting them, you start humiliating them, you start yelling at them speaking harshly to them. So this is also fresh up. Okay, fascia over here can also refer to wasting your money, for example, you will have just

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earned money. Okay, let's say you just earned a paycheck. And now you have all this money with yourself, Allah subhanaw taala tells you spend out of what We have given you spend out of what you have earned. Okay, so now you have let's say $5,000 That you just earned, or $10,000 that you just received through inheritance, or a gift. Okay? Now shaitan tells you don't give because you will become poor. And this is a lie. Because if you were to give 200 500,000 out of that you're not going to become poor. Okay? But shaitan tells you don't give, be stingy, be selfish. Put yourself first and last. Alright, don't give now the money that you have with you, what are you going to do with it

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shaitan tells you whispers to you that you buy things that you have always desired. Perhaps it's a very expensive thing that you can finally buy now, because you have the money and now that expensive thing you carry around and you show off you carry around to be seen by others. So, now what this is for shop

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or now you get to buy that expensive dress, which you can walk in with pride with arrogance or you are being wasteful now, so you buy a dessert for like $40 Because you got the cash, you got the money, all right. Or now you buy so many things, for instance as a woman, and yes, we are allowed to we are encouraged to beautify ourselves as we like. However, there are some guidelines, you know, for instance, we should not do the Baton Rouge the Baton Rouge is to go out of one's house to garner the attention of others, while one has completely beautified themselves. Right? So now a woman is you know dressing up like that going out like that. In order to get the attention of others this is

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pleasing to who this is all pleasing to shaitan this is all fascia wear Moroccan Bill fascia. So be very aware that Chapin doesn't just tell you to speak in a way that is displeasing to Allah shaitan also tells you to use your wealth in a way that is displeasing to Allah, He Moroccan Bill fascia, be aware, don't let shade upon interfere with your wealth. Your wealth is a huge gift to you from Allah, something through which you can earn the home of the Hereafter something through which you can earn the approval of Allah something through which you can bring delight and relief to so many people ease to so many people. Don't let shaitan use your wealth as a tool of sin as a tool of

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immorality. Don't let shaitan have a share of your wealth. So be aware. And you know, when you develop the habit of giving sadaqa and you find joy by giving others, then you know what happens? When you earn something, the first thing you think of is what good thing can you do with your wealth? And the moment that one tries to give you you know, vice versa, you say no, I have to give and you give it and Allah subhanaw taala saves you from fascia from indecent immoral actions, like showing off being wasteful, you know, walking with pride, and things like that. So a shaytani R ecoman fakra were Mortal Kombat fascia. You know, sometimes the whispers of shaitaan are very

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interesting. Shaitan will say things like, you know, you deserve your money. You deserve to keep what you have. You have worked very hard to acquire it. Or this might be your only chance. Who knows what if you don't earn anything like this ever again. Let's say you get a bonus at work. And now shaitan will tell you like what if this is the last and final bonus you ever receive in your lifetime? If you give it an sadaqa your where how will you earn money again like this, alright, there is no need to give so much. You know, for example you intend to give $10 shaitaan will tell you what is enough

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Do you intend to give 100 Shaitan will tell you 10 is enough. So sometimes you don't you have these thoughts go against them. For example, you intend to give 100 And shaitan puts in your heart, you know, give 50 No, now add 50 More give 150 If Allah subhanaw taala has given you more, give something more, why, because you want to break the influence of shaitan on you remember that sadaqa is very hard on shaitan very heavy on shaitan we learn in a hadith that when a person goes out to give sadaqa he breaks the jaws of 70 devils, and he it's like shaytaan after shaitan after shaitan who is trying to hinder you trying to stop you from giving sadaqa So, when you actually go and give

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it you have broken the jaws of 70 Devils, this is how you break the power the influence of shaitan on you that you go and give her the cut anyway, why does shaitan prevent you from giving so the topic of sadaqa is very very beneficial, it is very rewardable we have learned from the examples right how sadaqa can bring so much reward. So of course had gone does not want you to earn that reward. Because of sadaqa Your sins are removed you earn forgiveness you draw closer to Allah you will have shade on the Day of Judgment shaitan does not want you to have that will love who URI do Kumar FIRA to men who are fog Allah will Allah Who URI to come and Allah promises you of what

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forgiveness mofetil men who from Himself will funnelin and more.

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Okay, this is what Allah subhanaw taala promises you. So what is the promise of shaitan? The threat, the empty threats, the lies of shaitan and the other are true promises of Allah woman us the coming Allah healer. In Allah Allah you Fluffle mirrored right Allah does not go against his promise. So Allah promises you forgiveness. What is mofetil? Lane fala is the route mofetil is awful and sutras are awful pardon, and cetera to conceal. So this is when Allah subhanaw taala pardons the sins of a slave and also concealed them Subhanallah and are we not in need of our sins being concealed? Any? Sometimes if you recall, you think about your sins, the kinds of things, you know, maybe that you

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said or what you did, how you behaved. Just recalling those events in your mind is so embarrassing.

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How could I stoop to that level? What was I thinking? When I said that? What was I thinking when I did that? He our sins are so ugly, that thinking about them is embarrassing, recalling them is upsetting. So we are in need that our sins are concealed concealed from us. So we never have to see them. All right, we don't repeat them. We don't have to see their ugly consequences. We are not reminded of our sins, we are in desperate need of molfetta. And we also need pardon forgiveness. Right so mafia has two things to pardon and conceal. And Allah subhanaw taala will say to the believer on the day of judgment that I conceal your sins for you and today I forgive them and I

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completely remove them from you. You will not be held responsible you will not be held punishable. They are removed from you and they're concealed. So Allah subhanaw taala will preserve the dignity of the believer also will Allah Who URI Docomo Farah, but this Mo Farah is promised when when you give sadaqa so if your sins bother you, this is a huge lesson for us if your sins bother you, if they embarrass you, thinking about your sins is very upsetting to you. You want to move away from them you want to just bury them in your past and you just wish that they could be erased. Then give Sadaqa Allahu yeri the Kumar filata, Minho and Minho from him. What is from Allah is huge, huge. So

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yes, the sin that you committed huge okay, but Allah subhanaw taala this forgiveness is even greater than that, even greater. So with hope and with regret, okay with both feelings, give sadaqa seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala and also give sadaqa to earn forgiveness from Allah for your sins. And Allah subhanaw taala also promises you what fuddle fuggle is zyada more increase and this is referring to reward, right favor and he Allah subhanaw taala also promises you more in return. What this means is that when you give sadaqa Allah subhanaw taala promises you a return in this world, right usually for who Allah's parents are I will compensate it for you here. So yes, you

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earned a bonus

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You give sadaqa from it, Allah promises you even more, don't despair that you will never get a chance like that ever again. No, Allah is a result, not your job, right not your paycheck not your boss. It's Allah subhanaw taala, who gives you so Allah subhanaw taala is able to give you even more than what you're giving right now, even more than what you received in your annual income, or in your annual bonus, Allah subhanaw taala is able to give you even more. And you will experience this in your life when you continue to give sadaqa Allah subhanaw taala continues to bless you continues to give you so keep giving and keep receiving, you know the wealth that Allah gives us is not for us

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to keep. Because if we keep it any what's the point, we have to part from this wealth sooner or later, either that wealth will go away from us, right or we will have to leave it when we die. So we are not going to keep our wealth with us forever. Anyway, the wealth that Allah gives us as a tool that use this wealth to earn the home of the Hereafter. So give, give it an earn reward, Allah will give you more, and then you give that and earn more reward continue to give will law we are the CO Muffuletta men who have hodler and the struggle is not just in dunya it's also in the Hereafter. And we have learned many verses before. Like for example in terms of Bukhara 245 That mandala the Euclid

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Allah told and Hassan for you Laurie for hula who adore often cathedral. This is how your money will grow. When you give, not when you hoard, when you hoard your wealth, when you keep it it will decrease in its value in its worth. It its blessing will Allah who is here and Arlene, and Allah is all encompassing he is ever knowing. Allah is Wes here. What does this mean over here in the context that whatever you spend, whatever you give Allah is Ozar. Allah subhanaw taala is more vast and he's able to give you way more than that in return than what you gave. And Allah is Aileen, he's knowing he knows the one who gives for the pleasure of Allah and the one who gives for the pleasure of

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people. Allah is our Liam he knows the one who gives from the Ube and the one who gives from Hobbes, Allah knows the one who intends the pleasure of Allah, the face of Allah and the one who does not intend that Allah subhanaw taala knows everything, nothing is hidden from him. So believe in the promise of Allah. Allah fulfilled his promise and give generously give without fear of poverty, and don't believe the lies of shaytaan will Allah who is here and Arlene, then Allah's pantalla tells us, you deal HC Mata mania SHA U T, he gives meaning Allah subhanaw taala gives an Hekmati the wisdom may Usher to whomever that He wills. Well, may you tell Hekmatyar and whoever is given the

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Wisdom fucka the OTO hyaluron Kathira then in fact he has been given a lot of good okay, Allah gives wisdom to whomever He wills. What is wisdom, wisdom hikma from the root letters haircalf meme hecho means one through Che E Fi mulberry He Allah be you need to put something in its right place okay, which is fitting place that is appropriate for it. Okay. Hikmah does not mean just to do what is right. Rather it means to do what is right, in a way that is right. At the time that is right. In the place. That is right. Okay. For example, a child misbehaves. Okay. A child misbehaves, does something clearly wrong? What does the child deserve to be disciplined? Right? Now there is a place

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where the child should be disciplined for what they did. And a place where the child should not be disciplined for what they did in a situation where the child should be disciplined for what they did. And another situation where the child should not be disciplined for what they did. What is the situation where the child should be disciplined? The child is 12 years old, or let's say 13 years old. All right, and they deliberately, knowingly, foolishly launch their hand towards you and crash you on your arm. So you're gonna say something that this is not appropriate. You need to be careful, because you have scratched my arm and it hurts, right? You're going to teach the child through

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whatever way you think is appropriate that this is not correct. You cannot be physically violent. All right, the same thing a four month old child does with their sharp nails.

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They swing their arms and they scratch you. I remember one lady, I saw that, you know, there was a big bandage on her eye. And I was like what happened? Like her entire aisle was covered. And she told me that her baby swung his arm in such a way that his nails basically scratched the inside of her eye, the inside of her eye SubhanAllah. And she needed like a small procedure for that, you know, in order to get it fixed. Now, will you discipline the baby? That this is not how you should be swinging your arms? This is not right. You know, you need to have some level of self control. This is hurtful. No, you're not going to say anything. You're not going to discipline the child,

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because it's unwise to do so. Are you going to yell at the child? No. If you do that you're going to frighten the child. Right? So what teaches you that in one situation you should discipline the child and another situation you will not discipline the child what teaches you it is common sense? Right, it's common sense. And this sense is hikma. Now, Allah is the One who gives hikma to whomever He wills. Why is this mentioned over here? Because in the context of sadaqa, some people are very wise, mashallah they know what to give, when to give, how to give how much to give, and like that they continue to give in the way of Allah and they earn so much reward. They know how to manage their

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wealth. So for example, they have food, they know what to give, how much they can give, when they can give, and they keep giving, no food gets spoiled. Everything gets used on time, everything gets enjoyed. And some people they don't have to the food just keeps sitting, sitting sitting. And they keep thinking I'll eat it. I'll eat it. I'll eat it. I'll use it. Nothing gets used. Everything goes waste. What's missing over here, hikma? So Allah gives Hikmah to whomever he wills will. May you tell hikma and whoever is given hikma to make the right decision at the right time to give in the right way at the right time. fficult oto Hiram Kathira is given a lot of good because such a person

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can accumulate so much reward so much. When I get the Kuru Illa Allah Al Bab and Nam takes heed except those who have intellect he and the Kuru from dal Kavre that occur, to bear in mind to remember to take a lesson will allow those who have intellect, any it is only such people who will understand this lesson and who will remember it and who will be able to act upon it and give sadaqa spend in the way of Allah wisely. What does this teach us? This teaches us that we should ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to grant us Hikmah in managing our wealth, so that we can use our wealth we can enjoy it ourselves and we can also benefit others through it. In Hadees, we learn that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah has said that elaphiti and attain, there is no jealousy, permissible except in two situations. And one situation is regarding a man any whom you can be envious off is the man whom Allah gives wealth to and then he spends it in righteous ways. For Salah who Allah halacha T Philhealth. And he spends his wealth why in right in good ways. And so he earned so much reward. There is a huge difference between those who spend and those who don't. Those who spend at the right place and those who don't, you know, for example, some people if they have $100, they will go and, you know, get so much done with that money, and other people, the same $100 that

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will hardly get anything done. For them. $100 is loose change. For some people, it's a huge treasure. They can earn so much with that benefit themselves benefit others. So, pray for hikma ask Allah subhanaw taala to give you wisdom to use your money wisely. Now some random I say that hikmah is a fickle filled Quran to understand the Quran. Some say hikma is fake for Deen to understand the deen to have not just knowledge but understanding of religion. Because when you understand it properly, then you're able to follow it. Right? You know, some people know many rules of Islam, but they don't know what is the right place of applying that knowledge. For instance, some people they

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know the idea of certain Nyssa methanol was to Latha robar right that a man can marry up to 234 wives. All right. And they will use this idea all the time. Some men love this idea. They will use it to you know keep their wife insecure in the marriage, whatever. They will use this aisle all the time. Yes, this is in the Quran. Absolutely.

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Allah subhanaw taala has revealed it as part of his law. But there is a place where you should mention this idea. All right, and a place where you should not mention it because it's not relevant, and it would actually cause more harm. If you think about it so many people, especially among women, why are they so distant from the Dean because a lot of times the verses of the Quran are used against them, to hurt them, so they become more and more distant. This is very, very unwise, that you use verses of Allah as a weapon, to control someone, or to humiliate someone, or to show them that you're doing a favor to them. This is very unwise, a person can have the entire Quran

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memorized. They can have a degree in Islamic knowledge in Islamic law, but if they lack the wisdom, all right, that they should mention an IRA in one place and not in another place, then all of that knowledge is useless to them. So even our basketball de la Mourinho said that Hickman is unfit Caulfield Quran to understand the Quran, Imam Malik said that Hickman is fit for Dean to understand the religion and it is with Che on yuck the philosophy of Colville. It is something which Allah puts in the heart of the slave because of which the slave makes the right decision, or the slave has the fear of Allah, or the slave has the willingness to do something good. In this is something that

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Allah puts in the heart of the slave. So ask Allah for hikma, that out of the fear of Allah, or out of willingness to obey Allah and remembering the right thing at the right time. You make a good decision, because of which you earn so much reward. Ask Allah subhanaw taala to give you hikma, then Allah subhanaw taala says Wilmar and PHIPA to me NIFA Katin owner to me netrin For in the La Jolla Alamo. And wherever you spend our expenditures or make our vows then indeed Allah knows of it was my little boy, aluminium and unsought and for the wrongdoers. There are no helpers. Now, a lot of times we tell ourselves that, oh, I cannot afford to give sadaqa because I don't know where my money goes,

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I don't have enough. Okay. And then you find out about someone else who makes very little money compared to you. But they are able to give sadaqa right? What's the difference? One is wise in their spending and the other is not, or one is wasteful, and the other is not. Okay. So it's very important that before we say things like, Oh, I'm sorry, I can't give. I'm sorry, I don't have enough. I'm sorry, I can't donate, etcetera. Before we say things like that, or before we decide such things for ourselves. We take account of where our money goes, Okay, where is our money going? So Allah subhanaw taala tells us, he informs us of his complete knowledge that Matt and factum

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enough AKA, whatever you spend off Neph aka NEFA is expenditure meaning something that is spent. Okay. So whatever you spent anything at all, Allah subhanaw taala knows about it. So anything that you spend on coffee, on a screen, on groceries, on clothes, on parking, on gas, your subscriptions, whether it is Netflix or Apple Music, Audible, anything you spend, Amazon, shipping, taxes, tuition, your visa bill, anything you spend, whether it is a small enough aka meaning a few dollars you spend or a big enough aka and he a huge amount of money you're spending, okay? Whether you spend publicly or privately, whether you spend in a way that is traceable a traceable transaction. So let's say you

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use your card so it's in your record, or you do so in a way that is not traceable under the table cash, okay, you spend in a good cause, or you spend in a permissible cause or you spend in a sinful cause. You spend for the sake of Allah or you spend in order to be seen by others. No matter what you spend, Allah knows about it. Not only does Allah know what you're giving, but he also knows the reason behind why you're giving and the state of your heart when you're giving. Why your intention for in the law, your Allahu Allah knows where your money is going. And this is two things we have been told about this for two reasons. On the one hand, this is a word, a Promise of Allah, that when

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you give in charity, so for example, you give $5

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Whereas here, $2 here, $10 There $100 There $50 Here, you are not able to keep count or keep track of where you are giving in sadaqa, where you are giving for the sake of Allah. But Allah subhanaw taala knows every single to the code that you have given. And this is also a threat, a warning that Allah knows where you are spending your money, where is it going? Is it that you are spending on permissible things, or forbidden things, or you are wasting your money, Allah knows about it. So be careful, be wise. Because on the Day of Judgment, we will be asked how we acquired our wealth and how we spent it where it went. So, you know, sometimes sit, take a few moments and look at your

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account history, for instance, look at your visa bill, for example, or whatever it is, look at it, and ask yourself, Is this necessary? Do I really need this subscription? Can I live without it? Do I really need to purchase this, to buy this to spend on this? Do I really have to, and you know, train yourself to spend less on your desires. Okay? So for example, having a certain subscription could be a complete desire, alright? or unnecessary, you can easily live without it, try to live without it for two, three months, and then see if it's of benefit to you. Or if it's actually, you know, causing some problem. So check yourself, this doesn't mean that you should be stingy, you should be

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very stingy with your wealth. No, you should be careful with your wealth. Because you see, if you're spending, for example, $5 on a subscription that you hardly use, whatever that subscription, maybe $5 Every month, yes, $5 in a month is nothing, maybe it's nothing for you. But over the course of the year, how much is $5 a month? How much is $10 a month? Right? How much is $12 a month, it adds up? It adds up that same money you could be giving to an orphan child, right? So that that orphan child has access to clean food or to education. So look at your spending habits, look at your money, where is it going? How is it disappearing? Why is there no Baraka? Why is it that you're not able to

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spend in the way of Allah? Why is it that even though you have a consistent stable source of income, a good source of income, you're not able to save up enough to go for Umrah or to go for Hajj or to spend in good causes. That's because the money is just dwindling away. It's evaporating. All right, in unnecessary things. So warmer and factum in NEFA cuttin. Any spending that you spend, Allah knows about it for in the lie, Arlo, Allah knows about it. So this is a warning. And it's also a promise of reward. That Don't worry, Allah has not forgotten it. Allah has not ignored it, Allah has kept count of it. And not just NEFA but also near the owner, the ultimate netrin or any vow that you

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make. Now when it comes to Nadal, to Nether Nether, as we learned earlier, is to obligate on oneself what is not obligatory exam enough see my lions,

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okay? Where, for example, a person swears by Allah and says that they're going to give a certain amount of sadaqa Are they required to give that sadaqa? Is it a must? Any Allah subhanaw taala has not imposed on you that you give 10% of your paycheck every month, this is not filed. This is not last him, but you make an oath and make it last him on yourself. All right. So this is another and remember that nother vows is of different kinds, there's vows that are good. And this is called another tab or another bar where you vow to do something good in order to draw closer to Allah. So for example, you swear an oath that you will give 10% of your upcoming check. Okay, paycheck in the

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way of Allah. All right, for a certain cause. Why do you make that vow to make sure that you actually give the 10% because if you don't make that vow, what's going to happen? That money is just going to disappear. It's going to go in coffee and ice cream and, you know, random things. So, this kind of a vow, if you make, you must fulfill. Okay, and it's actually good to do this, because Allah subhanaw taala told us and so little insan that the abroad the righteous are those who you phone up in Nedry those who fulfill their vows. So, you know, if a person pledges money like this, this is another there is a fundraiser. All right, and you pledge to give $100 a month for the next year.

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Okay, or you pledge

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To give $50,000 you pledged to give $100,000 All right, especially when you take the name of Allah, all right that by Allah lillahi, Aliya Nether, or Wallahi, this is an oath and it must be fulfilled. And even our basketball, the Longhorn, who said that if a person makes a vow, which they are unable to fulfill, okay, so for example, a person makes a vow that they will fast every other day. Okay, and now they're fasting every other day. But what happens, they get sick, and they find out that they have diabetes, they're no longer able to fast, it's not possible for them to fast. So then they have to break the oath and give the Kafala but if a person is able to fulfill the vow, then they

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must fulfill it, they're not allowed to break the oath. Okay? Then remember there is olds that are permissible, that are MOBA. So for example, a person says, I swear by Allah, I will not eat this food.

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Okay, it's permissible for you to do that. Okay? Because it's not followed on you to eat, let's say chocolate. Okay, but to train yourself, or to limit your chocolate intake, you say, I swear by Allah, I will not eat chocolate for the next month. So now what now you're stuck. You cannot eat chocolate. But for such a while you don't get a sin, and you don't get a reward. Okay, now, you can fulfill this vow. And if you want if it's becoming difficult, alright, let's say your spouse gives you chocolate now and they want you to eat it with them. They brought some nice truffles. And now, you know, they expect that both of you will sit with hot chocolate and those chocolate truffles and

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you're not eating and they want you to eat you can break them. Okay, and you can give the Kafala sorry, you're gonna have to, you know, break that vow, you can you have the option, and you're not sinful. In that case. In a hadith we learned that once the Prophet sallallahu oralism saw a man standing in the sun and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked Who is he who the people said this is a Buddhist Surah Eve that was his cornea. And he has vowed that he will stand and not sit that he will remain in the sun and never be in shade, that He will not speak and that he will fast. Okay, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, tell him to sit and tell him to go in the shade and tell

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him to speak and tell him to complete his fast. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam told him to complete his another thorough the vow of obedience, but the other permissible things he told him that you know, the break the oath. So, if it's creating difficulty for you, such a vow or creating difficulty for others, then you should break the vow and the Kafala the explanation is the same of breaking an oath. Thirdly, the third type of another is that which is disliked mcru Okay, and this type of vow is a conditional vow. So for example, a person says you're Rob, if you heal me, if you give me healing through this treatment, I will give $5,000 in South Africa, if I pass this exam, I

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will pray 111 Okay. Now this type of Nether is actually Makau it is disliked, and some orlimar say that it is actually haram it is forbidden. Okay. Why? Because as the slaves of Allah, we shouldn't be striking deals with God, that, you know, if you give me this, I will do this. No, this is very disrespectful. You make such deals with someone who is equal to you, not your master, not your Lord, not horrible. Allah mean, he's not equal to you. So you don't have the right to make such deals with Allah. Allah is not in need of our obedience we should go to Allah as beggars, right without setting conditions. So you want healing? give sadaqa anyway, you want to pass your exam? give sadaqa anyway

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pray. No, I feel anyway. All right. Then the fourth type of Nether is that which is haram prohibited and that is another Marcia. Okay. a vow of disobedience. So for example, a person says, I swear by Allah, I'm never going to pray. I swear by Allah never going to fast this kind of another should not be fulfilled. Okay. Rather it is obligatory on a person to break that oath to break that vow and give the Kafala okay, can follow to the Amin, so four types of valves, four types of method, the first type of No, that is no that was the hub. Another that is good, it is preferable. And this is neither thorough, meaning a vow of obedience. All right, that a person obligates something righteous

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on himself, why in order to draw closer to Allah, and this is good because the vow forces you to actually do it because

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What happens you know, you are expecting some money next month and you think okay you know I can give this much money in charity, but then what happens when the money actually comes in your hand you forget about this other, you know, there's other things that become more important to you. So, when you have taken an oath, then what will happen you will definitely given sadaqa So, this type of vow must be fulfilled and it should only be broken if a person is incapable of fulfilling it okay. And in that case, they will give the Kafala The second type of vow is that which is permissible and this is neither a sin nor obedience the person can fulfill it, they will not be rewarded, a person

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can not fulfill it and give the Kafala and they will not acquire any sin. So, if it is not causing any inconvenience to you or to those around you, you can fulfill it and if it is causing inconvenience to you or to others, then you should break it and give the kuffar okay. The third type of Nether is that which is disliked. Okay and that is the conditional Nether where a person sets a condition with God that God if you do this for me, I swear I will do that for you. This is disliked. And in Hades, we learned that it doesn't really, you know, bring anything to a person, it just brings something out of the stingy person. Okay. And the fourth type of Nether is that which is

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prohibited, which is when a person vows to do something of disobedience to Allah, and this should not be fulfilled. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever vows to obey Allah let him obey Allah and whoever vows to disobey Allah let him not disobey Allah, any, now you have to break the vow. And you have to give the Kafala and the Kafala, the explanation is the same as that of breaking an oath. So for in Allahu Yharnam, or Allah subhanaw taala knows it, he knows what you spend where your money goes, he knows the vows you make, and whether you fulfill them or not. And in the case where you have to break your vow, Allah knows if you have given the Kafala or not, people may not know they're

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not going to hold you responsible. Right? There is no legal system to hold you responsible for your vows. This is a matter between you and Allah. So Allah knows about it. Well, my little glalie, minim, and unsought and for those who do learn plural of the word la Lim, they have no helpers and sought for another word Nasod or in a seat helper. So who are those who do wrong what is loaded over here, little over here is spending for the purpose of the app to show off or spending and then reminding of favors or lowdham Over here is making another making a vow and then not fulfilling it or loaded over here can also be you know, wasting your money. Okay? So those who do wrong will have

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no helpers any no one can help them against Allah azza wa jal, Allah subhanaw taala knows what you spend your personal leads on your desires and charity, He knows your intention. So when I did Wally, minim, and unsought now some are Aloma, they say that this is also shows that the people who spend in obedience to Allah, those who give in the Cause of Allah, then they are the ones who receive Allah's help also. So another lesson we can learn from this is that if you want the help of Allah in any matter, than give sadaqa, give sadaqa and receive Allah subhanaw taala is help, you know, there's lessons that are directly taught. And then there are lessons that are indirectly taught

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earlier, we learned an indirect lesson that if you have a sin, a past sin that is bothering you, then give sadaqa right. And here, another lesson we learn is that if you want the help of Allah in something, any matter, it could be in regard to your financial situation. It could be in regards to your spouse, it could be in regard to your relationships, okay. Any matter that you're struggling with, it could be in regard to your career, your work, mental health, anything physical health, anything that you're struggling with, you want Allah subhanaw taala special help, then what should you do? give sadaqa and how much are the clock? There's no amount that has been specified over here.

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That is up to you. How much help do you want from Allah give accordingly. All right.

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