Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-018B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 124

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The video discusses the message of Islam and how it is not about protecting the idea of a person being a blessing for the world, but rather creating a promise to make Abraham a great nation. The story also touches on the struggles of the legal system and the importance of leadership in addressing problems. The conversation emphasizes the need for acceptance of Islam and fulfillment of obligations, as well as the importance of hardship as a learning and growth process for individuals.
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Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim what Eva tele Ibrahim are a boo hoo be Kalimantan for atma Hoonah. And mentioned when Ibrahim was tried by his lord with commands, and he fulfilled them paella in Niger Iluka li Nasi Eema. Allah said Indeed I will make you a leader for the people on a woman's a Yeti. Ibrahim said Is this also for my descendants, Allah Allah and Allah ideal wali mean Allah said My covenant does not include the wrongdoers. Now, in the previous if the previous verses we learned that the bunny is sloth you were addressed specifically ALLAH subhanaw taala reminds them that with Kuru near Mati ality and onto our lake home remember My favor which I bestowed upon you. And the
fact that underneath Ultra Kumar Allah Allah Allah means that I gave you preference over the world's I gave you preference in so many ways, by giving you scripture by sending messengers to you by giving you guidance when the people around you were covered in darkness. And then they're given a warning that what the cuyama lethargy is enough, sooner enough since che fear a Day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all. And he even a father will not be able to save his son, each person will be concerned about himself and Willa Jacoba lumen heard alone no compensation will be accepted from any soul. When I turn Pharaoh her Shiva and no intercession will benefit any soul.
Well, I will be on solo nor will they be aided, meaning you cannot rely on your great ancestors for your salvation on the Day of Judgment. You have to believe and you have to do something yourself right now. And in the verses before we learned about how the Bani Israel are, you know, reminded over and over again through different ways to believe in the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and fulfill the covenant of Allah and then you know, Allah subhanaw taala reminds them of the different favors that he bestowed upon them, for example, how he saved them from Finnur own and how he gave them you know, mon and Salwa and water in the desert, and also how they made different
covenants with Allah but they broke them, but Allah subhanaw taala still had mercy upon them still give them multiple chances. And then a final warning is basically given in verses 122 to 123. That you know, yes, you are children of Ibrahim, yes, you are children of the prophets of Allah. But realize that on the Day of Judgment, no soul will be able to help another soul. We learned earlier about how the Bani Israel you would say that Linda Messina nodo Illa, Yemen, Barbuda fire will not touch us except for just a few days, or that layer the whole agenda to Ilam and Khanna who didn't own a surah their assumption that they were for sure going to enter paradise. So here their
misconception is basically being removed that yes, you are the children of righteous, but do not think that they will save you on the Day of Judgment. Your pious forefathers will be of no avail. You have to do something yourself. And even when it comes to any compensation that you can offer to ransom yourself on the Day of Judgment. It's not going to work because the Bani Israel, you know, in their history, we can see many times where they were taken as captives and and they were set free. But on the day of judgment, no one nothing is going to set you free. And then no intercession is going to benefit any even the intercession of the righteous will only benefit those whom Allah
subhanaw taala allows, and they will not be helped will commune saloon. So what's the message over here the message over here is that if you don't believe in the way that Allah subhanaw taala wants you to believe if you don't live the way that Allah subhanaw taala wants you to live, you are not abiding by the covenant of Allah. And if you are not abiding by the covenant of Allah, then don't expect that you will be given paradise. Don't just assume that you will have salvation on the day of judgment. And now we see that Allah subhanaw taala mentions in detail. Ibrahim alayhis salam, and this is something very important for us to understand this placement of Ibrahim or his salaams
mentioned right after the mention of the Bani Israel. You see the Bani Israel who are they remember that they are the progeny of Israel and who is Israel Israel is Jakob and his son, the grandson of Ibrahim Ernie his snap so basically the bunny is slightly ill are descendants of
Ibrahim alayhis salam. Now in the Bible, we see that there are many promises that God makes with Ibrahim. All right, right in the beginning, in the book of Genesis, chapter 12, verse 123, it says, that the Lord said to Abraham, go forth from your native land And from your father's house to the land, I will show you, meaning Ibrahim Rolison M is instructed to make his law to leave his homeland in Iraq in route and go to Cannon, and cannon is what basically, is the land of Israel. And it says that I will make all of you a great nation, and I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse him that curses you, and all the
families of the earth shall bless themselves by you. So in summary, we see that a promise is made with Ibrahim, that I will make you and your offspring a blessing for the worlds. Okay, I will make you or Ibrahim and your offspring, a blessing for the world's meaning in New Jersey, local inner city, Mama, I'm going to make you a leader for the people of the world. And also in the book of Genesis and chapter 17. It says that God said to Abraham, that walk before me faithfully and be blameless, meaning obey me and you'll be good, then I will make my covenant between Me and you, and will greatly increase your numbers. So Abraham fell facedown, meaning he surrendered, he submitted.
And God said to him, as for me, this is my covenant with you, you will be the father of many nations. So liberal humanism isn't just, you know, the father of Bani Israel eel. But remember, his other son is married early his salam from his descendants is the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So Ibrahim Al Islam is not just the father of one nation, but the father of many nations, okay, and then later it says, I will make you very fruitful, I will make nations of you and kings will come from you. And I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come to be your God and the God of your descendants
after you. And then it says the whole land of Canaan, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you and I will be their God. Okay. And then it says, As for you, you must keep My covenant you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. So in summary, we see that several promises are mentioned in the Bible that God makes to Ibrahim on his sunnah of land, that he and his descendants will have ownership of a certain land and promises of leadership that they will be the leaders of mankind and that they will have prosperity. Okay? However, it's made very clear that this promise is not absolute. Okay? Any it's made clear that you must keep My
covenant, right that you and your descendants have to keep my covenant you have to do what I tell you. And then you will get this in return, you will get leadership you will get prosperity, you will get ownership of land, etc. Now the money is slow yield. You know, their assumption is that this promise that God made to Ibrahim Arneson is applicable till today, okay for them, regardless of what they do, regardless of what they do, regardless of their actions. But the Quran makes it clear and even the Bible makes it clear that you must do something, you know, these promises are not unconditional. Okay? There's something that you have to do on your part. So the Bani Israel are
reminded that, remember the blessings of Allah on you. And when you remember a blessing of Allah that means you do Shakur, right, you show gratitude. So Allah subhanaw taala, favored you, Allah subhanaw taala promised you prosperity promised you leadership promised you all of these things, not so that you can do whatever you want, but so that you establish the love of Allah, you show obedience to Allah. And now that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has come to you? What does that mean? You better believe in Him, you better follow him. When the book of Allah has come to you, you better believe in it, you better follow it. If you reject it, if you refuse it,
then you're no longer fulfilling the covenant and if you're no longer fulfilling the covenant than the covenant of Allah is not for you either. The promise of lead
worship is not for you the promise of prosperity etcetera is not for you. So here we see that Allah subhanaw taala mentions the background of this promise when was Ibrahim or a synonym given this promise? Why and what does it mean? So, it begins with what Ed patella Ibrahim are boo boo boo Kalimantan for uttama Hoonah. Allah subhanaw taala says we're Eve and recall when meaning Allah subhanaw taala is instructing his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to remember the story of Ibrahim or in his sunnah to talk about it to mention it to reflect over it. And this shows us that you take guidance from the commands that are given, okay the statements that are given in the Quran,
but you also take guidance from the people that Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran. When we ask Allah subhanaw taala for guidance in Surah Fatiha we say it in a certain was the team slotland Lavina. And I'm telling him the straight path is the path of those of people whom you bestowed Your favor on. So, you need examples, you need people to look up to people to take inspiration from people whose you know lives you can reflect on because you cannot be what you cannot see. You know as human beings we need living examples. We need to be able to see how people went through different trials how they will be the last panel Tada how they succeeded. So Allah subhanaw taala shows us the
example of Ibrahim Arliss and I'm over here. So what either Buckler Ibrahim or boo hoo be Kelly Martin. And in particular, recall when Ibrahim was tried by his lord with commands, and these commands, as I mentioned to you earlier are both commands that are Kony and commands that are shuttering Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, any if you think about his life, his life was not easy. Okay. Think about how as a young man, when he is in his homeland, in a with His Father with His people, when he refuses to worship the idols that everyone worshipped. What happened his own father was of those people who gathered firewood, okay, in order to burn Ibrahim alayhis salam, and then when
Ibrahim Alayhi salaam survived, because Allah subhanaw taala instructed that fire to be cool and safe for Ibrahim Ali salaam, Ibrahim Ali, Sam's father said to him, what God milega you need just leave me for a very long time, leave me for good, I don't want to ever see you again. Go from here, because I myself will stone you to death. And he think about rejection and how difficult it is to be rejected by your own parents, your own father, this is not easy. And then this is not just rejection. First of all, his father attempted to kill him. And when that didn't work, he threatened to him again that I am going to stone you to death. This is not easy, knowing that your parents have
rejected you, you know, living with that awareness on a daily basis. This is a trial that many of us cannot even imagine we cannot even relate to. And we see examples of this where people you know, for example, when they accept Islam, literally their family cuts them off their own parents will not want to see them ever again will not allow them to come back to the family home. This rejection is not easy. Ibrahim is Senem he was tested through this. This was of Klamath County and this is something that was decreed in Ibrahim Ali Sam's life some people Masha Allah, they have an amazing relationship with their parents. And there are other people who no matter what they do, their
parents are just not happy, not pleased at all. So this is a huge test. This is a huge test. But Ibrahim Ahmed Hassan, what did he do? He fulfilled every test, every command every decree, and he he did not say that, you know, what good did I get by leaving the idols by worshipping Allah, my own family has rejected me. I can't bear this anymore. I have to go back to my family. I need the approval the love of my father, I need the acceptance of my father. No, he did not give any one preference over Allah subhanaw taala. And that doesn't mean that this test was easy. Remember what I mentioned to you if Tila is supposed to be a trial, that is hard, but as difficult and this pain is
experienced every day, so be kalimat in Kitimat any Kony so thinking about Ibrahim Allison's life, how he was rejected by his own father. And then think about how when he you know is married to sada you know, when he goes
As to Egypt at the king CAPTCHA saga. That was also difficult. Ibrahim Allison's life was in danger, his wife's life was in danger. This was not an easy trial. And then you see how Ibrahim is and he does not have any children for a very, very long time. Right him and Surah eventually, when Ibrahim Al Islam is, you know, becomes a father to his Hulk, we learned that he was in his 90s, he was extremely old. And he being becoming a parent, when you are in your 20s is easy becoming a parent, when you're in your 30s or in your 40s. It's hard. Imagine having a child at the age of 90 Any, what does that mean? That means that, you know, first of all, you've been praying for so long, you have
been hoping and wishing for so long. And we see how when people struggle with fertility, how it affects them. And he again, this is a daily trial. You see anyone with a child, you see anyone that is expecting, you know, it does something to your heart, you want a child, you want to become a mother, you want to become a father, but you cannot be and it's extremely hard to deal with this test. Ibrahim already said I was tested with that. He did not complain to Allah. He did not become upset with Allah, that Ya Allah. You know, you asked me to do this, I did it but you can't even grant me a child. He was not upset. For uttama Hoonah he fulfilled every trial, every command that
Allah subhanaw taala gave him and then we see that with Ismar ilardi is synonym right when he has a smart Edo de Sena. We learned in the Quran about how when is married or Islam was at the age of striving, and he was about 13 years old, something like that. Ibrahim is and I'm had to slaughter him. Can you imagine? This is something that we cannot even imagine but if not here and his son was instructed to slaughter his own son. So what he never tell her Ibrahim or a bumblebee kalimat in for a terma one. And this was not all we learn about how Ibrahima is and I was given other commands as well related to salon related to the huddle acts of purification rituals of hudge. He had to
integrate all of these he fulfilled them. And especially when it comes to the acts of the Hatha, we learn about how he was instructed to circumcise himself and again at that time, he was not young, he was older. So for a term Mahana no matter what command he was given, he fulfilled them in Sirota najem i a 37. Allah subhanaw taala describes Ibrahim Ali Salam as what Ibrahim Eleni, Wafaa, and Ibrahim who fulfilled and who fulfilled everything, every command that Allah subhanaw taala gave him. Now, when we look back at Sudha, to Bukhara, and all different stories that we have read, we see the test of Adam already sent him right when Adam and how were in Jannah. They were warned very
clearly not to eat of the fruit of the tree. And what happened Adam really sent him he forgot. So in a way he failed the test but he repented and the last panel title forgave him. We learned about Iblees what happened he failed, but he did not repent. We learned about Bani Israel eel, they were also tested, right like through the Sabbath, through the different covenants that they made. But what did they do? They also failed. Ibrahim Rani Sinha, Allah subhanaw taala certifies over here that Ibrahim ricin passed the tests. And this is our model B example that we should follow. What EBITA Ibrahim or boo boo Kalimantan for uttama Hoon. So what was the reward of passing all of these
tests? Allah subhanaw taala said in Niger Iluka Nassima. I am going to make you a leader for all people. So this shows us first of all that leadership is given by Allah. Okay, it is granted. Allah subhanaw taala made Ibraheem Alehissalaam a leader, any it's granted by Allah and real leadership, when a person truly leads others. This is not easy. This is after a lot of subjects a lot of patience, a lot of testing a lot of trials in solitude, Gambia is 73 We learn which are now home at inmitten. Yeah, don't be a marina that we made them leaders who would guide by Our command. So Allah subhanaw taala made them leaders Well, cannula not obedient, they were worshipers of ours. So
leadership is given by Allah and in another place in the Quran.
We learn that lemma Savile Row whenever they were patient. So it's after a lot of trial and patience, and difficulty that a person reaches the level of leadership. So in Niger Iluka, leanness II murmur, Allah subhanaw, Taala said to him, I'm going to make you a leader for people. And this shows us that in any work that we're doing, when we face challenges, when we face hardship, there is some wisdom behind it, you know, trials, difficulties, we can view them in different ways. One way of looking at them is, you know, poor me, I'm a victim of all of these hardships and trials. And another way is that of looking at hardship is that this has happened by the permission of Allah. And
whatever Allah subhanaw taala decrees whatever loss puntata decides, there is something good in it, it's not in vain. It's not random. It's not a mistake, there is a purpose behind it. So when you view hardship in this way, then hardship becomes a source of learning and growth and purification for you. In Hadith we learned my god the love will be higher than useless men who, whoever Allah intends good for Allah subhanaw taala puts that person in trial in difficulty. Allah subhanaw taala wants that person to become better to grow. So Allah Subhanallah I will put that person in trial in difficulty, because difficulty teaches you what ease does not teach you. Right. And also, then,
hardship becomes a means of purification. In a hadith we learn the child will continue to befall the believing man and woman with regard to themselves, their children and their wealth until they meet Allah with no sin on them. We also learn in a hadith that the greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah loves the people, he tests them. Whoever accepts that wins Allah's pleasure. But whoever is upset and angry with what Allah has decreed with the trial, then that person earns the Wrath of Allah. So Ibrahim Ernestina, any his life was not easy. Every test every command was difficult. You know, when you travel for Hajj, it's not easy. Imagine Ibrahim Reyes, and
I'm didn't just travel once, from Philistine to Makkah, he traveled many times, many, many times. Because at one point, he came and he left hijo and ismail over there. Right. Then another time he came, and he built the Kaaba. And other time he came, he was supposed to slaughter him. So we know of at least three or four times that Ibrahim alayhis salam visited MCCA. This also is not easy. So Ibrahim alayhis, salam, he went through all of this hardship. Why? Why did Allah subhanaw taala test him just like that? No, for a reason. So that Ibrahim on Islam would be an Imam, a leader for all mankind for all people, and example, own people can follow, and also someone who we look up to. So
in the journey, luckily Nassima Ibrahim alayhis salam, what is his response? Caller woman's reality, he says, Is this also for my offspring, or please also for my offspring, make them an imam also, any immediately, he asks for this favor for his children. You know, there are some people who are very, you can say focused on themselves only. So if they get something good, they're very happy. And there are other people who, as soon as they get something good, they think about others and others, especially those who are closest to them. When you look at Mussolini, Sam was Aurelius and I was given prophethood. And he asks that his brother is also made a profit. All right, we see Ibrahim are
nice and I was given this honor, that you are a leader for all mankind. And Ibrahim really, Sanam says, also my children, also my offspring, this shows that abroad here I said, I was really not a selfish person, he wanted good for others. And also remember that when you truly believe in something, when you believe that something is good, then you want it for your children as well. You know, there are a lot of people who are content with, you know, for example, praying themselves, giving sadaqa themselves, they're very happy. They're content with their lifestyle, their religious quote, unquote, lifestyle. But when it comes to their children, they don't encourage their children
to go on the same path. They're more concerned about worldly success for their children. So they should get into the best schools. They should married at the right time. They should settle well, they should have a good source of income, etc. What about their salah?
But what about their relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. Think about it. If you believe that something is good, you want it for yourself and you also want it for those whom you love. Ibrahima is synonym immediately asks that his children should also, you know, have a share of this goodness of this privilege. So Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear, Allah, Allah and Allah, Allah mean that my covenant does not include those who do wrong. Any, my covenant is not unconditional, it is not for all of your children for all of your offspring. No, it is only for those who do as you did. Ibrahima has to know he fulfilled all of the decrees, right, all of the comments. So among your
offspring, also, whoever will follow in your footsteps, okay? They will share in this privilege, but those who don't follow in your footsteps, those who are lolium those who do wrong, then this promise is not for them. And this shows us that a lot in person and unjust person does not deserve to be a leader, a person who does wrong by disobeying Allah, by harming others falling short in their duty to Allah, then such a person does not deserve to be a leader. When we look at the Bani Israel eel, did they commit one? A lot of them a lot. And he just think about how they were so interested in magic. And they used magic to separate husband and wife. And instead of learning the book of Allah,
they were so eager to learn magic this alone, they made a covenant with Allah, the Meetha elk, remember the mound was raised over them and then they turned away. Right? So we saw many examples of how the Bani Israel were largely mean. So it's made clear over here that even though they are from the offspring of Ibrahim and his sin, they're not in a position of leadership of mankind. And hence the promises that Allah subhanaw taala made to Ibrahim rice and um, they're not for them into soft fat I have 113 Allah's pantile dimensions women's reata Hema more cinnamon will learn Imola Nuptse Mubin that from their offspring are those who are Morrison those who did good, but there are others
who clearly do wrong to themselves, who clearly violate the limits that Allah has set and commit injustice.