Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-008D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 35-39

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The segment discusses Jana's birth, marriage, death, loss of childbirth, and loss of childbirth. The concept of "oppression" and shayGeneration is discussed, as well as the origins of "has been" and "has been." The speakers stress the importance of following guidance and avoiding harms, as well as following guidance to achieve contentment and reward. The segment also touches on the " evils" concept and its impact on one's life.
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So in the next day we learn we'll pull now yeah Adam was gonna enter was ojochal Jana and we said oh Adam, dwell you and your wife in paradise or skin Sakinah is to live somewhere to inhabit a place sukhna is home. So you live in Jannah that is your home was Oh joke and also your wife. So from this we can infer that first Adam or a sunnah was created and then his wife was created and we learned in Surah Nisa wahala caminhada xojo that Allah subhanaw taala created his wife from him. Okay, so Ozcan antha was electrical Janna live in Jana and what is this Jana? Some say that this was a garden in the earth somewhere near Yemen. Other say that no, this is not a garden in the world. This is
actually Jana this is actually paradise. Okay. Why? Because later on we will see that they're told get down from it. Get down from Jana. Get down from it and go to the world. So what does that mean that this Jana is not in the world? This Jana This garden was a specific garden. Okay, that's possible that this was paradise. And it's possible that this was some other garden whichever it was. The point is that in this Jana Adam Ernie Salam and how both of them lived and they were granted so much freedom and so much blessings. So they were told Wakulla minha Raha than haste wishek Toma and eat from this garden rather than in abundance Raha and you see is someone It is also said that rod
is a plural of the word ragged Some say that it's actually a noun Some say that this is is some far ill meaning one who lives a comfortable life in either case, ragged as you can see in the translation abundantly I should love it is a life of plenty. Okay? Meaning a life in which a person has a lot of things to enjoy. Okay, there is no restriction there is absolute comfort. They can enjoy it to their heart's content. All right. So what could I mean her rather than what does that mean? Eat from Jana, to your heart's content. There is no restriction, no limitation whatever you want you have it eat to your heart's desire Wakulla minha. Rodan and eat from where Hazel ship Toma,
wherever you will, any part of Jannah the middle the edge, the right the left any part of John eat whatever that you want. However, one test while at Aqaba had his Shudra do not even come near this particular tree. How do you shudder the tree was pointed out don't even come near it? Why don't even come near it because if you come near it, you're going to want to eat of it. The closer you go to something, the more tempted you will be. So don't even go near it. And you cannot eat of this tree because for the cool nominal barley mean, then you will be among the wrongdoers while him is someone who commits oppression. Okay. Question is Who would they be committing oppression against because
when we think about oppression, we think about a victim. So who would be the victim? If you eat up this tree, you will be of the wrongdoers wronging. Who yourself exactly. So the point over here is not what tree this is and what fruit is it and what benefit does it bring if a person eats of it? Because you know there's a whole lot of discussion, especially in the Bible, you know tree of life. If you eat of it, you will know the good and the bad, etc. Any that's not the point. The point is Allah has forbidden you from eating the fruit of this one tree. So Don't disobey Allah because if you disobey Allah, you will be wronging you will be harming yourself. Now, what do we see in this
ayah? first of all, we see that before Adam millesime is sent to the world, Allah subhanaw taala makes him live in his original home. Right? The real home and that home is what it is Jana and in Jana, there is complete freedom for other Raisa and his wife, there's only one prohibition and that prohibition is a test. And the same is the case in this life, that everything is allowed except for certain things and if you make a list of the things which are permissible and the things which are forbidden, the list of forbidden is much shorter than the list of things which are permissible. And if Allah subhanaw taala wanted, he would not have forbidden anything to us. Why has he forbidden
certain things? This is a test that who was going to obey Allah and who was going to disobey Allah right?
So there is just one test do not go near this tree for the Konami, nobody mean. Now what happened for as Allahumma shaitan are unhappy, but shaitan caused them to slip out of it out of were out of paradise. And he shaitan made them commit an accident or mistake. And as a result of that, Roger Houma, McKenna fee, he got them out of what they were in the state that they were in the Paradise and all its enjoyment that they were in, he got them out of there. Now, one question is, how exactly did shaytaan make it inside Jana? So remember earlier shaytaan asked for respite and freedom and Allah subhanaw taala gave that to him. I mentioned to you other verses from soothe of hatred from
which we learned that shaytaan asked for respite for freedom and he was granted that so part of that was shaytaan had access to other monies that I'm in howa in Jana. Okay. So that is how shaitan managed to come in there. Now another thing is the Bible mentions that this was a serpent. The Quran does not mentioned it was a serpent. The Quran mentions that this was shaitan shaitan came to them. And he caused them to slip. The Bible mentions that first the serpent went to Eve, right? tempted her. She ate and then she gave to Adam, so she's the one who misled Adam, right? And this is why you know, women have pains of childbirth, menstrual pain, etc. As punishment, this is not true. Okay.
What we learned from this is for Azealia, home mesh shaitan shaytaan caused them both to slip both of them okay. And he got them out of paradise. Now, question, Allah subhanaw taala told other organisms so clearly that do not eat of this tree. So how to check on manage to make them slip and stumble? How did that happen? We learned and so they are off by a 20 to 21 that shaytaan whispered to them, okay. And he basically adorned the sin for them. And he said, that Manohar kumara bukhoma and herdy his sheduled it in LA and takuna Mala cany, otaku nominal holiday. The only reason why your Lord has told you not to eat up this tree is so that you don't become angels. You don't become
eternal dwellers. So basically what he's saying is that if you eat up this tree, you will become an angel. If you eat up this tree, you will live forever. So what happened? Either an s&m Hawa or an s&m Any shaitan adorn the sin for them right? And he didn't say disobey your Lord don't care about Allah. No. He tempted them with something good. He tempted them with something good that if you eat this fruit, you will become an angel and how obedient are angels? How beautiful are angels, how close the angels are to Allah, how they worship Allah imagine you will be able to do the same, to cool nominal holiday and you will be able to live here forever close to your Lord worshipping Him
all the time. So shaitan lied to them basically. And when they didn't believe him, we'll call sama Houma. He swore an oath to them, that in the law, Komal, Amina, Nazarene, I am to you of those who are sincere, I want the best for you, I am sincere to you, I'm telling you, you eat this, you will become an angel, things will be great, you will become such good worshipers of Allah. So basically, it bleeds light to them, and swore an oath to them. And when he swore to them, that is when they fell for it. Because it is said that IBLEES was the first one to take a false oath, first individual ever to take a false oath. And otherwise Sam could never imagine that someone would lie about Allah.
So Adam or listener, any he thought IBLEES was speaking the truth. And he kind of believed in bliss. So for a Harajuku mommy McKenna fee, but ultimately IBLEES was lying to them, at least deceive them, and as a result, they were expelled from Jana. Okay for her Jehovah mimma canovee And why is Allah subhanaw taala telling us about this, so that we realize that shaytaan is an enemy first of all, and che Pons enmity is very tricky. And he shaitan is very deceptive. He lies and He adorns the sin and He will sometimes come to you from a good way. He will portray something evil as something good
Right, so be careful. So shaytaan deceives people just as he deceived Adam or a sinner. So what happened then? Allah subhanaw taala tells us and pseudo Arafa 27 That Yemeni Adam left in a nakoma Shaitan. Oh, come on Roger above a communal Jana, that all children of Adam, do not let shaitan tempt you, just as he got your parents out of Jannah and he don't let him win against you. And don't let him deceive you in sort of theater is six. Allah says in the shaytaan la coma I do one factor for you who are the were, indeed shaitan is an enemy to you. So take him as an enemy. So for as Allahumma he caused them both to slip. Right this was an accident, and he if other listening
realized what was happening, he would never have listened to IBLEES but this was an accident. Shaitan tricked him what color beautiful blue calm liberal Bernardo and we said go down all of you as enemies to one another, who build is to go down from above to descend. So this shows us that disobedience to Allah causes loss of blessings, right? And now, that they were all sent to the earth, as each other's enemy, meaning a bliss is an enemy to human beings and human beings are an enemy to Bliss. And this is something we need to remember that shaitan while he is trying to harm us, all right, we should also realize that we are an enemy to Iblees and he we also have some power
against bliss. Okay, Allah subhanaw taala has given us the tools, the weapons the means to not only defend ourselves but to also break and weaken the plot of shape on you know, for example, we learned that when a person goes out to give sadaqa he breaks the jaws of 70. Shale clean because 70 shale clean will come to stop you from giving sadaqa but when you keep going you keep going. You keep going and you go give it you literally break the jaws of you literally defeat 70 shale clean. So we're Colombia to borrow.com liberal dinner I do an enemy and what is the enmity of shaitan we learn in certain Nyssa i 119 Shaitan said well Oberlander home I will definitely mislead them I will
indeed mislead them well Omen Nia no home and I will indeed arouse in them sinful desires. Well, I am what I know him and I will indeed command them. I will order them fully you but Tikona Agana and Iran so they will slip the ears of cattle they will mutilate animals they will be very cruel to them. While I am moron know whom fully you will you don't know how Allah and I will command and so they will change the creation of Allah constantly modifying their bodies and things like that. They will do that in obedience to shaytaan Allah Subhana Allah says in surah nisa 120 URI to whom a human need him shaitan promises them and arouses desires in them. This is what Champon does. So we need to
remember that Chopin is our enemy, when it comes to auto li most of the Korean War mutter on either hain. And you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time will come all of you, meaning the Earth is a home for you, but not a permanent abode. This is the first thing we learned from this, because remember in the GRE landfill or the Khalifa and Melissa was supposed to be on earth. You know, some people say, if I hadn't really seen him had not listened to shaitan we would all be in Jannah and life would be so good. No, my dear, you are meant to be on earth because go back to the beginning. What happened in Niger a landfill or the Khalifa I am going to place on
the earth if Khalifa the reason why Allah subhanaw taala made Adam artisan and live in Ghana for some time was to teach him and through him to teach all of us that look, this is supposed to be your goal. This is supposed to be your home. And shaitan doesn't want you to get there. And if you listen to shaitan his lies if you believe his lies, if you fall in his trap, then you can't get back to Jim. So the earth is what the earth is most the cover and matar The Earth is a place of settlement, meaning a place of residence for you for some time, and also matar a place of enjoyment meaning a place where there is benefit for you. There is some enjoyment for you. But remember, this home and
this enjoyment is not forever, it is Elahi in for a time and we need to remember this because we live on this earth as if we are going to live here forever. The stuff that Allah now inserted Arafa 25 We learn quite a fee had the Halona Allah subhanaw taala said in the earth you will live with he had to move tuna in the earth you will die women had to hold June and from this earth you will be resurrected. So it's not our eternal home. Now what happened for tilaka Adam O'Meara he kalimat in Fatah, Barili then Adam are listed and received from his Lord somewhere
It's and he accepted his repentance. This is so beautiful. Allah subhanaw taala taught Adam or listen him how to repent. And Adam already said and learned how to repent. Okay, and this is also Allah's favor if Allah did not teach us what doba is and how we're supposed to repent. How would we do Toba? For the love of God, Adam will be Rob be Kalimantan. What does that mean? That Allah taught Adam our lesson on how to repent, and other any sin and put that knowledge into action? All right, he used those words to seek forgiveness from Allah. And when he did that Fatah Alayhi Allah subhanaw taala turned in mercy to him, meaning Allah accepted his repentance. What were these words? We learn
in sortal Our love is 23 These words were or Bunnell alumna and fusina What Ilam toffee lenah with our Hamner, Lennar Kona nominal, ha serine. Both of them Adam and Howard said, that our Lord we have wronged ourselves. And if you do not forgive us, and you do not have mercy on us, we will be of the losers. Meaning we need you to forgive us. We need you to have mercy on us. Please forgive us. Please have mercy on us. So what did they do Adam and howa confess their mistake, and they begged Allah for forgiveness and Allah forgave them. We learned about the angels earlier that they also realized that their questioning was not appropriate. And they glorified and praised Allah. What did
he please do? At least refused, he became arrogant. So there's three examples given over here. There's the example of the angels there's the example of a bliss and then there's the example of either Marni Sinha now photog are lay in the wall with the web Rahim indeed Allah is Accepting of repentance, the Merciful. Now I mentioned to earlier about the meaning of the word tab right tab it literally means to turn back.
And when we're talking about people making kilobyte means people turning back to Allah, seeking forgiveness from him, but when Allah taba to his creatures to his servants, what does that mean? It means that first of all, Allah subhanaw taala turns in mercy to his slave. And Allah subhanaw taala enables the slave to seek forgiveness, to realize that they have done something wrong to turn back to Allah. And then secondly, when the servant repents, Allah subhanaw taala again turns in mercy to his slave by accepting the slaves repentance. Whoo hoo, ality Jacoba Lu Toba, he accepts the repentance. So Allah is the web. How that first Allah gives the servant the ability to realize the
ability to seek forgiveness, the ability to stop their sin, the ability to feel remorse, the ability to turn back the ability to seek forgiveness, right? How would Adam or esalaam know how to seek forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala did not teach him where did those words come from? Allah subhanaw taala taught him those words, but otherwise salaam, any he chose to seek forgiveness after that? Right. And when he chose to seek forgiveness than what happened? Allah subhanaw taala accepted his repentance, Allah subhanaw taala forgave him. So Allah is a to Webb and he is a Rahim. He is very merciful. He forgives his servants, even though they disobey Him. And if you think about it, if
you tell your children for example, play in this room, you can play with anything, just do not touch my computer. This room is filled with toys you can do whatever you want, do not touch my computer. And when you come back, and you find them, you know, doing something on your computer, what would you do? You're grounded. That's it. You cannot do this. You cannot do that any week become so vengeful, we become so angry. We become so hateful a StuffIt Allah, He we're not merciful towards one another. Even an Allah azza wa jal when Allah Allah, Allah, Allah is so merciful, that he forgives his servants, even though they disobey Him for when they turn back to him in regret, he
welcomes them. fullness, Butoh min Headjam era we said go down from it, all of you. This is repeated again. All of you go down from it. And for inmate dn nickel mini Hooda. And when guidance comes to you from me, meaning in whatever era, whatever time when guidance comes to you from me and what is mean by guidance over here, a messenger a book of Allah, then from antebi era who Dahlia whoever follows My guidance, how by believing and by obeying. Then Fela Hoefler la himolla homea has an own there will be no fear concerning them.
nor will they grieve. What is fear? Fear is when you Cove is for the hope and are leaving without whom he or his own Cove is when you are afraid about something bad that might happen in the future, okay? You expect that something terrible, something dangerous, something hurtful, something harmful may happen in the future. Okay? Like for example, we're afraid of death. We're afraid of getting sick, we're afraid of losing money. Okay, this is COF. What is horizon? Horizon is grief over what over something bad that has already happened. Okay, so hope is of the future and horizon is of the past. So those who follow my guidance will be free of fear and grief. How did the Prophet salallahu
early said I'm not experienced fear and grief. Absolutely he did. Right. So what does it mean by this? This is talking about Jana. First of all, this is talking about Jana, that such people will be able to get to Paradise and Paradise is the place where there is no fear. Because there is no death. There is no loss. And there is no grief either. How is it that you overcome grief? You know, for example, you lose your phone, and that makes you sad, but then you get a new phone and the new phone, Allahu Akbar makes you forget about the phone that you lost, you don't care about the phone that you lost. So in Jannah, there is so much reward and so much blessing that people will not have
any grief at all. So how is it that you get to join? How do you get back from an TBR who died you have to follow the guidance that Allah has sent. Follow the book that Allah has revealed, follow the messenger that Allah subhanaw taala has sent. Secondly, Phala joven Arlene, Willa, whom yours and moon can also be understood in another way that to a certain degree, this is also in the world, that when a person follows the guidance that Allah has sent, then it frees them of fear and grief, meaning that faith brings a certain level of contentment that helps a person deal with their fear and grief. Okay, it doesn't mean that a person has no sadness, no fears, nothing. As I mentioned,
the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent them all to experience those things he cried Dinty he was worried he asked one of the companions to guard him at night so that he could sleep and peace. So these things you do experience Absolutely. But there are also those times when you experience so much contentment you experience so much Sakina so much tranquility, like the Prophet sallallahu Ortiz and have experienced when he was in the cave the enemy was right outside a book on was crying and the prophets of Allah who already have said him said Lata Hassan in Allahu Marina Allah is with us. So then, even when you're going through so much difficulty, you know that Allah is with you.
And yes, yes, that fear is there that sadness is there. But there's also an overwhelming feeling of contentment and trust in Allah that brings you peace and tranquility. But this is possible how from antebi era who Daya when Medina Cafaro were killed, there will be a attina and those who disbelieve in denial or signs, whether it is the revealed verses, or it is the signs and the creation that point to the existence of the Creator. Those who deny Allah equals harbor now, those people will be the companions or the fire homefree Holly dune and they will abide there in eternally into the Lucha Iowan. 22 onwards Allah subhanaw taala says regarding Adam Rene salaam, that when he made the
mistake so much Tibet, hula boo Fatah alayhi wa Harada, that then Allah subhanaw taala chose him and turned in mercy upon him and guided him. Follow up your time in her Jumeirah Bardot calm liberal Denardo for ma tn Nico mini Huda feminine Tabara who Daya Fela yo Lilu eliasch pa when guidance comes to you from me, whoever follows My guidance, then such a person will not go astray, and nor will he be miserable, meaning he will not be a failure. Woman artl Darn victory for Inilah humare Schatten bancha and whoever turns away from my message, then he will live a miserable life when I should Oyamel PMT Arma and we shall gather him on the day of judgment we shall bring him to the
gathering in a state while he will be blind a stuff that Allah and he's such a person will suffer in the world and also in the Hereafter. May Allah protect us. So what's the main lesson from the
story. We human beings were not created in vain. We were not put in this world for no reason. We were sent here by Allah we have to return to Allah our real home is Jana. And the way to get there is to follow the guidance that Allah has sent. And to recognize that we have an enemy who is out there every day working really hard to lead us astray. So we need to be careful, sort of thought 122 to 124 Inshallah, we will conclude here for today's Subhanak Allah humo behenic A shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Astok Furukawa to buoy lake was Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh