Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-005C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 18

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the blindness and failure of believers to adopt the right path of belief. Speaking truthful and appropriate language is crucial for achieving success in life, and honesty and sincerity are crucial for protecting one's faith. The importance of praying and fulfilling prerequisites is emphasized, along with the need for patience and understanding of the concept of light.
AI: Transcript ©
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So these people when their light is taken away, they are someone book Monroe Mian, for whom lie or do your own. They are deaf, dumb and blind, so they will not return to the right path. So if we take the first interpretation in this world, what's happening? They believed, and then they disbelieved. they disbelieved internally. But on the outside, they're still pretending to be Muslim. You have your own Allah who are living. And then we learned earlier that when they go to the believers, they say we believe, but then when they're with their people, they say, We don't actually believe. So in this world, when they become hypocrites. What is their condition? Their condition is that there are

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deaf, dumb and blind. What does that mean? How does that mean that they literally are unable to hear they're unable to speak they're unable to see know what this means is their deafness. This is referring to their inability to hear to listen to the good, the Quran, the warning, the invitation. So for example, in the previous verses, we learned that what either P Lella home when it is said to them Do not cause corruption on the earth. Do they benefit from that advice? They don't benefit from that advice. In fact, they don't pay any attention to it. They say that in the monogamously home, right that we are actually reformers, we're making peace we're actually doing good things. We're

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either Pinella home amino comm I am an ER nurse, when it is said to them that you believe just as the people have believed, do they benefit from this advice from this invitation? They don't. They say a note me no comma, I'm gonna sofa. They say Shall we believe as a foolish have believed? So this is the deafness that they are deaf to the truth. They're deaf to any warning that is given to them. They're deaf to any invitation to goodness. In surah tool and file is number 21. Allah subhanaw taala tells us while at a Kuno can Lavina kar Lucerna wa Himalayas Marone that oh, you will believe you should not be like those who say we have heard, but in reality they don't hear. So they

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are deaf. Think about it. At the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam people got to hear the hutzpah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Can you imagine? You know there are some scholars we listen to them and instantly their advice touches our heart, we feel so good. Can you imagine directly hearing the words of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam for a person who believes those words would be so healing, so encouraging words that would empower them from the inside that would strengthen their faith, but the same hypocrites these people, they would listen to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they would come to the masjid, they would listen to his

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hotbar they would listen to his advice, but they would not benefit from it. So they are what they are deaf, unable to hear unable to benefit from what they hear. And they are Bookman mute, unable to speak what is right, they fail to speak what is true. So we learned in the previous verses that when they're told, do not do facade call no in no manner and mostly when they say something, but what do they say? They says that we're actually doing what is right. And they're not speaking the truth. When they're told believe. Instead of accepting that invitation, they say I don't mean Oh, come at me on a sofa. They make fun of the believers. And when they're, you know, with their friends, they

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say we are with you we were just mocking we were just making fun of the believers. So this is their mutinous their inability to say what is truthful, to say what is beneficial to say what is right, this is muteness. You see, the real ability to hear is not simply being able to perceive sound. The real ability to hear is that a person is able to accept the truth accept the beneficial advice that is being given. The real ability to speak is not that a person can speak very eloquently, or they can speak for long, or they can speak you know fancy words or expressions that are very eloquent. That's not the real ability to speak. The real ability to speak is that a person speaks what is

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right. They speak what is truthful, they speak what is appropriate. So they speak the hypocrites talk, but they're actually book one, they're actually mute.

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They fail to speak what is true what is right. And then they are immune they're blind, meaning they're unable to see are literally their eyes blind, no, they can see what their eyes, but the thing is they fail to see their own error, they fail to see where they are going, they fail to see the wrong in their actions. So, we learned earlier when I assure rune they do not perceive while Akela Schroon but they do not perceive well Akela Allah moon, but they do not know. So it says if they're blind, someone Bookman or Omean, for whom liar June, so they will not return. You see these three the ability to hear the ability to speak the ability to speak the truth to express the truth

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to say La Ilaha illa Allah right and then the ability to see these are paths of guidance. These are ways of guidance, these are doors of guidance you can see and they do not return meaning they will not return to guidance. Why because their eyes have gone blind their ears have gone deaf Allah subhanaw taala told us and so little out off i a 179 that there are people who love him khubilai Of Kahuna Bihar they have hearts with which they do not understand. Well Uh huh. Are you gonna lie yep Sirona Bihar, they have eyes with which they do not see what to whom and then Elias Morona beha they have ears with which they do not listen. So, the way to guidance is now blocked for them, how will

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they acts as guidance? And again, Allah is not being unjust to them, this is what they have brought upon themselves. Right. So, someone Bookman neuroimmune, for whom lair June then the second interpretation, that Allah will leave them in darkness on the Day of Judgment. So, this is what will happen to them on the Day of Judgment that they will be like, deaf, dumb and blind, any You see sometimes a person becomes like this, when they are in complete shock. And they are any completely dumbfounded, surprised. You need despaired, right, they have despaired, so they're not able to see what is before them, they're not able to hear any person who was talking to them. They're not able

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to say anything. So they will be an absolute shock on the day of judgment. And this is not because it's a surprise to them. Of course, they were trying to deceive, they were deceiving themselves, right? They thought they were deceiving Allah but in reality, they were deceiving themselves. So on the Day of Judgment, when they will realize what deception they were in how they were only lying to themselves, they were only fooling themselves, they will be left shocked, speechless. And that is how they will be thrown into hellfire, own law, your drone, they will not be able to return they will not be able to go back to the world and fix things and believe sincerely. So what's the lesson

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in this example for us? You see, a man is a blessing. A man is a blessing. And what we need is honesty and sincerity with Allah subhanaw taala. Because if we're not honest with Allah, if we're not sincere with Allah, it doesn't matter how long we can pretend, and how much we can impress people, and how nice we can be on the outward, the reality will be exposed sooner or later in this world, or in the Hereafter, may Allah protect. So Amen. Faith is light. Sincerity is light. And what is darkness on the other hand, darkness is of ignorance. In contrast to the light of knowledge, darkness is kufr disbelief in contrast to the light of faith, darkness is disobedience, in contrast

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to the light of obedience, so the hypocrites, they had light, they had that blessing, but they gave it up themselves. And as punishment, Allah left them in darkness. So now they're in ignorance, they're in disbelief, and they're in disobedience. They are deaf, dumb and blind, and they're not even able to recognize what they're doing. How on earth are they supposed to get back? And this also shows us that just because a person has believed it doesn't mean that they're safe. Right? So we should never feel secure about our faith. That you know what, I'm Muslim, I'm fine. No, realize that the Eman that you have the faith that you have is the greatest treasure that you have. And you can

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only have it with the Tofik of Allah with the help of Allah. So ask Allah subhanaw taala to pray

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deserve your faith to strengthen your faith, this light of faith that Allah has given, ask Allah to increase it for you. You know what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when He would return from a journey, he would seek refuge with Allah He would make dua, that Allah Houma in the road to becoming worth that is suffered. What can Ebert Hill mana Club? Well howdy bardell code, we're Darwin till maloom was so ill manga Phil le Well, man, and part of the story is that oh Allah I seek refuge with you from a holy bardell code. I'll holy bardell code, you see this is an expression code is when a turbine is wrapped and it signifies when things are in order. Okay, and how old is the

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unraveling of a turbine? When things are not in order? Okay, how would he bardell code is like things becoming disorderly after having been orderly, or that a person loses their faith after having faith that a person loses the ability to do good after having the ability to do good. So this is something that we should also be asking Allah subhanaw taala for that he or Allah protect my faith. Yeah, Allah preserve my faith. You know, every time every era, every place brings its own Fitton, right its own trials. So often it happens that people fall into the wrong company, and they lose their faith. Sometimes, you know, people study something and they think that they have

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discovered the Absolute Truth and then they belittle everything. And they even belittle Islam, may Allah protect us. So make sure that you ask Allah subhanaw taala for the preservation of your faith. And you see in these verses light is compared with what light is compared with Eman right? So we ask Allah subhanaw taala for news. We ask Allah subhanaw taala Allahumma Gylfi kalbi, Nura that Oh Allah, make light in my heart. This is a dua which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, between the Sunnah and the father of Fajr prayer, or on his way to the masjid so we should also make a habit of making this there are Allahumma geography's Calvino law, with the bursary, Nura and

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there's different versions of this dua, we were asking Allah subhanaw taala for light in another da we learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to ask Allah when a gene Amina lumati, ILA, note that Oh ALLAH deliver us from darkness to light. Bring us out of darkness and make us enter light and make a stay there. Don't take that light away from us. Allahumma Atomy Milena no Rana or Allah perfect and complete our light for us. So this is something that we should be praying to Allah subhanaw taala for now, one question, How can a person increase their light that this light of faith that Allah has given us? How can we strengthen it? How can we preserve it? How can we make

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sure that it stays safe? Well, there's many different ways. The first is yes, absolutely making dua. Another is in surah, Hadith Ayah 28. We learn Allah subhanaw taala says Yeah, are you Hello Dina Amano, it. duckula Or you will believe be conscious of Allah. What amino Beulah SULI he and believe in His Messenger, what will happen? You can give Laney Marathi, Allah will give you double portion of his mercy. Where do I let him know Ron and Allah who will make for you a light Allah will give you a light when when you are conscious of Allah and you believe. So what do we need to do? How do we increase our light with strengthening our faith and increasing in our taqwa and you know what

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Taqwa is? That we have to be more and more conscious of Allah, the more conscious you are of Allah, the more light you have. Secondly, another thing that we can do is that we follow the light that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed and what is that light? It is the Quran. So you know, at the beginning, we were talking about how we have to have the right mindset, the right approach to the Quran. Don't say Quran is hard. It's difficult. This you know, understanding the meaning of the Quran is very hard. Don't be so negative. Don't say such negative words. Say positive words say words of hope. ask Allah for help. Allah subhanaw taala told us in solitude Aarav I 157 that

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fillerina Iman will be he was a rule we want us a rule whatever Nora lady on Zillow, Mara, who when I come home on roughly one, that the people who believe in Him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the people who honor Him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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The people who help him sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and the people who follow the light which Allah has revealed. Right? Then such people are those who are successful. So the Quran, we have to follow it. And when you know you have to follow something, then you try to understand it. I'm sure in school you have tried to understand the most difficult the most complicated concepts you have read chapters, not once, but twice, three times you have approached your TAs, you have approached your professors and you have asked them I don't get this, please explain this to me. And you try so many different times in so many different ways. You google you research, you know, you watch videos, you

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ask people, you ask your classmates, you make sure you understand what's important to be understood, because you know, it's important. So the Quran, we have to follow it, this is a light, and remember, the more we follow this light, the more we increase in our light. Right? So when you study the Quran, be grateful to Allah Alhamdulillah this is light Alhamdulillah I have the opportunity to connect with these verses. What a privilege what a gift that I spend time with the Quran. So be happy with this gift. The third thing is that increases light is will do you see the muffler hone those who are successful, what do they do? They establish prayer and part of establishing prayer is

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what? That you make sure that you fulfill the prerequisites. That's part of establishing the prayer right we studied this and all of those things is that we make sure we do proper will do in Hadith, we learned that on the Day of Judgment, the people who make will do their lives will be shining, there will be naughty on them. So on the Day of Judgment, how will people have knowed they will have no they will have light because they used to make wudu

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right and the hypocrites they will not have light because a hypocrite doesn't pray. Honestly, he prays without will do even the widow is not even proper, lazy in making will do negligent in making will do or just making will do to satisfy people because the saliva is just off pretense, right? So when we're making Moodle, let's make sure we're making it properly. That every part that needs to be washed is washed. If we'll do breaks, then go make will do again, don't keep praying because it's embarrassing to go make will do while people are watching they will know that I lost my will do know this is about being honest with Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And we see from his

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example that in a hadith we learned about how once he was you know about to lead the people in prayer, he was in the masjid and he went quickly and he made loosen and he came back out and the water was dripping from his forehead. Because this is not about how we look in the eyes of people. This is about what Allah knows about us. So make will do properly. And the fourth thing is, pray properly. Pay attention to your Salah. In a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever guards his prayer, it will be a light for him on the day of judgment. Can Atala who knew run? What would happen and one a jaton yomo piano Salah will be a light of salvation

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for that person on the Day of Judgment. We learn about hypocrites that they pray but they pray lazily just to please people you don't own announced just to show to people that look I'm praying Why does a believer pray up Munna Sonata they established the prayer internally, externally? Why? Because you're praying to Allah. This is your commitment with Allah. So when you pray properly, you have no on the Day of Judgment. Number five recitation of the Quran in an Irish and we learn I lay kabhi Tila what will Quran for inner will no rule laka fill up, that you must recite the Quran because it is a means of light for you on the earth. And remember we learned about pseudo Bacara and

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earlier Imran that on the Day of Judgment, they will come you know as flocks of birds providing shade as bright clouds. So Tilawat of the Quran, and especially recitation of Surah will have on Friday, because we learned that whoever recites suit will have as it was revealed, then it will be a light for him on the day of judgment. Right. So recitation of the Quran is also a source of light. And then being just number six being just in a hadith we learn that in Al Muxia cleaner in the law here Isla manera Abirami noting that indeed, the people who are just will be on podiums of lights on the Day of Judgment near Allah. Imagine poor

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beams of light, so they will have light on the Day of Judgment, people who are just and then patients, being patient in times of hardship and sometimes patience is required in class. Sometimes patience is required in taking your notes. Sometimes patience is required in doing your homework memorizing your lesson, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, was so brutal, the patience is light, any it is a means of light in this world, and also on the day of judgment. And then sadaqa giving charity, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said was sadaqa to No, charity is a light. So all of these things are a means of light and there's more as well. So we're getting the same

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concept that Eman is not just simply saying, I believe, yes, it includes saying I believe, but then you also have to follow it up with the right actions, the actions that will increase your light, not the actions that will diminish that light. May Allah protect us. So this is the first example

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