Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 256D Tafsir Al-Zukhruf 74-89

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of using words like "we" and "we are" in the Bible to describe actions and emotions is emphasized. The use of "monica," in secret meetings and private conversations, is discussed, along with the importance of keeping secret information from others and not resorting to negative language. The need to focus on one's own actions and not try to convince others to change their behavior is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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The friends who are Mata cane, their state will be such that they will be in Jana allottee Otis, the MaHA Bhima quantum Dharma alone. On the other hand in almajiri, Mina, those people in whose friendship was no fear of God. Instead, they were friends who took each other away from Allah. In the almajiri Mina indeed such criminals, the criminals, fear either be Jahannam they will be in the punishment of *, Holly doon abiding eternally. They were friends previously, but they were friends, in their crimes, and they will turn into enemies in the Hereafter. And in the punishment, they will abide eternally. Allah says law you factor on home law, not you fought through, it will be

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allowed to subside. I'm home from them, what the punishment, meaning the punishment will not be allowed to subside for them. You fat total fat, feta photo means to slow down after having been fast. You know, when someone is fast, but then they slow down. Why? Because it's been going so fast, they're getting tired now. And we see this and many things. You know, initially, there's a lot of speed, there's a lot of strength, there's a lot of quality, but then gradually over time, it reduces, it goes down, there's a decline. There's very natural in this world, very normal. But we see that the punishment will not be reduced, despite the passage of years and centuries. La eufa

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Tawaran home, it will not be lightened, it will not be reduced, or hung fie and they will be in it meaning in that punishment, Mobley. Soon they will be in despair mobilis someone who's despaired who's lost hope. The word is also used for someone who's become silent in despair mean there's nothing left to say even what could you say? When you've given up completely. You don't even bother to say anything. This is Mobley soon.

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Lie you factor we're on home or home fee he Mobley soon the flames of the fire will not subside, the intensity will not reduce, there will be no break. And the worst part, there is no hope for the people of *. And that itself is punishment. Because in this world, no matter what we're going through even the most difficult and the most painful experience. If you have hope in your heart, this will be over very soon. And you always have that hope you know a lot or a little that hope itself is light, isn't it? That hope itself brings relief. But inhale there is no relief there is no hope of relief and that itself is punishment. Allah says well while I'm now home and we did not

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wronged them by putting them in this eternal severe punishment what I can can no homeless Ronny mean, but they themselves were the volume

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they did volume they brought themselves to this destination to the state they committed the whole what is the loan that they committed they put something where they should not have put it they put chick with the heat should have been the friendship with that friendship should not have been because what is love to play something where it does not belong? They loved someone whom they should not have loved. They obeyed someone whom they should not have obeyed.

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Who am I well I'm now home what I can can or whom Oh golly me. They are guilty winner though, and they will call out desperately in agony. They will call out yeah Malik. Oh Malik. Who is Malik?

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The keeper of *. Malik is the name of the angel who is the keeper of *. So they will call out to Him. Leah actually, he should put an end eyeliner on us, Rob Book Your Lord Lee Jacobi. He should put an end to us. Lee Jacobi Jacobi from Cuba. And what does it mean to carry out a decision a decree? We learn about other world kabbah other is the decree and kappa is the fulfillment of that decree. So the word of Allah is also used for completing something all right, completing something concluding and putting an end to it. For example, about Musa lesson we learned from workers who Musa facula Allah He

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was Alison and punched that man and what happened? falcoda Allah He finished him. So he should finish us. Your Lord should finish us, meaning make us die. What will happen? Allah, the angel will say, in Accomac his own indeed you will remain, meaning there is no death for you. There is no end for you. You're staying right here. You see, generally people don't ask for that. I mean, if they have extreme pain, they wish for relief from that pain. They don't ask for death, when they realize that there's no relief from this pain, and even if they were to be relieved from that pain, life is not going to be good at all, then they wish for death.

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But we see that in *, people will wish for death.

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And notice how they're not asking Allah. They're calling upon that angel. Why they're requesting that angel to make dua for them to request Allah to put an end to them. Why is that so?

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Because people in * will be far removed from the Mercy of Allah.

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This is the worst part about *.

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distanced from Allah permanent distance that's it.

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No hope even whenever we are Malik Lee, aka the Elena Robuck, we learn in a hadith that the people in * will call out to Malik and they will ask him that look there Elena rockbrook and 40 years will pass

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after 40 years, the angel will say in Accomac Ethan, you're staying right here for two years. Then the people will ask Allah that Allah Allah take us out of here and if we repeat the same mistakes then we are learning that again for 40 years there will be no response and they will be told that you stay here. You're not going anywhere in the Quran. Mackey's own and sort of faulted i A 36 Wheeler and well Lavina Cafaro Laham, narrow Jahannam Lau your Coda or lay him fire Muto wala, you have for for unhuman or there'll be no death, and no punishment will be reduced. You see, when a person believes that the angels make dua for him, isn't that what we learn and sort of the office,

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the angels make dua for those who believe and if a person does not die with this Eman than what will happen in the hereafter a person may beg the angel may draw Metro do something for me. No, the angel will not do anything.

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So we have to do something to protect ourselves from * today leave what will take us to *, whether it is lying, or it is backbiting, any kind of haram any kind of action that takes to * don't justify that sin. Leave it

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legit napkin Bill Huck. Allah says certainly, we have brought you the truth while our kin axacon but most of you then happy carry whom you did not like the truth. You didn't like it caddy whom ca could always to dislike something be averse to it. You knew the truth, but you didn't like it, which is why you turned away from the truth and you held on to your wrong ways. What is her?

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What is the hack that Allah has sent? The hack the truth about who about Allah, His Oneness, the truth about the hereafter? The truth about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right when you call Luca Huck, when the buna Huck when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Huck right and whatever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam brought the teachings that he brought even they are hot, whether it is the command to eat only halal or to leave what is haram? The legislation that for instance, interest is haram. That is also Huck every command of Islam that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam brought is how we need to really look at ourselves. Do I like the hack? Or do I dislike the

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hack? Because the problem over here is what I can act federal criminal how quickly when you disliked the hack. You didn't like it, you didn't want to do it. So you turned away from it. Um overall mu m or a Brano. They have devised, they have consolidated and run a matter for inner then indeed we Mowbray Moon ones who are devising a plan. A Brahma Mowbray man from the root letter is bow rot meme, Ibrahim is to twist two ropes or two strings together. Right bring them together, twist them together, consolidate them so that they form

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One strong rope.

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So to twist two ropes into one, so basically Ebron means come to finally put together something. All right. And from this the word prom is used for deciding upon a matter. With firm resolve and determination, will firm resolve and determination to conclude a, you know, a matter that this is what we're going to do. And yes, we will do it, we have to do it. So the word is also used for planning, planning a certain course of action and deciding upon it with firm resolve. So I've been

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meaning on what basis are they denying? Are they averse to the truth? What plan have they consolidated against the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam to deny the truth or oppose it to avoid punishment? What plan do they have? Whatever plan they have, Allah has a better plan that they cannot escape into the Torah. 42 We learn a Muti Duna Caden for ladina cafardo. Homer murky Dune, are they plotting something? Well, they should know that they are the object of a plan. You see when a person is doing something wrong, and we're always have this plan, I'm going to justify it this way. I'm going to give this excuse of that reason this is a Brom. Alright, I'm going to do this to

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get myself out of trouble. Realize that Allah's plan is stronger. I'm yessuh Bona? Or do they think that Unoh that indeed, we learn a smart rule that we do not hear, sir whom their secrets, sit, secret things, hidden things, secret matters? Want to dwell home and their private conversations? What is network? When people have a private conversation amongst themselves, they don't disclose it. By for example, in the middle of the night, people get together, and they whisper to each other and said, This is what we're going to do. It's a secret plan. private conversation, Allah says, Do they think that we don't know what they keep a secret and what they discuss privately amongst themselves?

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Do the things that are hidden from Allah Bella, of course, we know what Lucy Luna and our messengers meaning angels, lead they him with them, the act to burn, they are right there recording, writing, taking notes, of what they're plotting and planning and what they're discussing privately amongst themselves. It's not only known to Allah, it's being recorded by the angels whom Allah has sent. What is this is about, it's connected to the previous one, because you see the Mushrikeen of Makkah in their denial of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, they would plot a lot, they would plan a lot of things, discuss secretly, this is what we'll do. This is what will say, Allah asks, that you

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think we don't know you think Allah does not know. Of course, Allah knows so well, that even the angels have been sent by Allah to be present in that secret gathering, and attend that secret gathering and take notes. In one there is an important meeting, meeting minutes are being taken, isn't it? Sometimes we think we're having a very important discussion with someone private discussion in which we're backbiting, busy, backbiting, and we think the other person has no clue. Allah is watching. And the angels are there writing every word we're saying? defaming someone, slandering them attacking their honor and their reputation. Angels are taking notes, they're taking

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the meeting minutes.

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And this is something we really need to remember. Because, sadly, in our conversations, most of the time, who is it that we discuss other people, we discuss what they say what they wear, what they do, what we don't agree with, and we criticize them. And we're thinking we're doing something so important, criticizing them.

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And we think oh, they're never going to find out. Allah is watching us and the angels are taking notes. Have some fear of God, and stop what you're doing. Bella will also Luna la de him yak to Boone insolate CalFire 18. Allah says my yellow field woman colon Illa de European, it a person does not utter a word, except there is an angel ready, alert right there taking whatever the person is saying and writing it down.

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To Be careful.

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Say, oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell these people that incana If there was little Rahmani for the Most Merciful Weller than a son. If Allah really had a child than for ANA than I, a well Allah RB then I would be the first of the worshipers. I'll be the employer of orbit meeting, I would be the first to worship that child if Allah had a child, but the fact is that Allah does not have a son or a daughter. Well

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Um, are many. No, he is one. Let me yell it well I'm EULA. So I worship only Him into the Zoomer I have for Allah says lo Arad Allahu ala ducky the weather then love stuff I'm in Maya Maya Shah. If Allah wanted to have a child, he would have chosen one from his creation Subhana who who hola hola hadal kahar The fact is that Allah does not have a child. He is the unique one who does not have children. He does not need children

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Subhana who perfect is he? So behind all of this summer work you will have Subhana Glory be to be summer where the Lord of the Skies will out and also the earth He is the Lord of the Skies and the Lord of the earth belongs to the Lord of the Throne. Subhana Glory be to Him I'm mostly from above what they describe, you'll see found from Wasp wasp is description, meaning the false descriptions they give to him. Allah is above that he does not have any children further home. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is advised over here, leave these people leave them who those who associate partners with Allah, whether it is by declaring that he has a child or he has daughters or

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the run leave them these meaning them which Sikkim those who laugh at you, those who come up with these baseless arguments leave them you've conveyed your message. You've done your job. Now leave them your holdall. They will converse vainly you hold her from hold and hold cow God is too rushed dive into water, right dive into water. Just imagine a pool of water a lake and somebody just goes into the water. Once they're in the water, they're just in it, they're lost in the water. This is called to indulge or to converse vainly to delve into an argument into a discussion. That's useless. You're just like you're just swimming in the ocean. You're not gonna get anywhere. Your whole do.

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Let them delve into these useless arguments way allowable, and they amuse themselves. You allow do Larry, what is Larry? Play? An activity that is done for the purpose of enjoyment, entertainment, relaxation, fun. This is Laurie. So let them yell abou they're amusing themselves in their worldly lives have you laugh until they meet your home their day, Allah you are doing which they have been promised. And what is that day, the day of judgment. So in this ayah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been comforted. You've done your job, you've conveyed the message. These people they will continue with their business arguments and their mockery. And they're having a lot of fun.

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They're amusing themselves let them do what they're doing. Just ignore now. Instead of the rigid Ira three, it has said though home yet Kulu where tomato where you will hear him will Emmylou for Sophie Arla moon, let them be, and in the Hereafter they will know who or who Allah the and he is the one who first sama in the sky, Isla whom God, waffle, RB and in the earth, ILA home God, meaning Allah is the One who is God in disguise, and who's also God in the earth. This doesn't mean that Allah has everywhere, meaning physically present everywhere. What this means is that no matter where you are in this universe, or outside of this universe, wherever in this existence, no matter where you are,

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who is God? Over there, Allah, you see, what happens is, you could be the owner of your house, you could be the boss in your family. But when you go to somebody else's house, you can't play Boss, can you? You're a guest, you are nobody is somebody who could be a president of their country. But when they go to some other land, some other country, what are they a visitor, a guest? They can't exercise their presidential rights. They can't say, well, as a president, I command you to do this. No, you may be president in that country here. You're not a president, isn't it? What does this idea teach us? No matter where you are, in the sky, or on the earth, you're on continent a or continent

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B, you're on this country or that country, you're in the ocean, or somewhere on land or in the desert, no matter where you are? Who is God?

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Allah is God. His Lordship, his Ohia does not change with where you are. No, he is God. His status is always God will who will Hakimullah Eileen and he is the wise the knowing

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And this is a fact that we should never forget, no matter where we are, who is our OB? Allah and who deserves to be worshipped over there Allah What about aka and bless IT is Allah The The one who loves her Miko sama what you will owe to Him belong the dominion of the skies and the earth, the kingship over the skies and the earth is whose Allah was warmer they know Houma and whatever that is between them, were in the who, and with him, is there any Messiah, the knowledge of the Hour, he knows when the Hour will be what he lay, he told your own and to Him you will be returned. So do not forget him. And remember that well and not yum lico he possesses authority, who Alladhina Theodorou

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naman Dooney, he, those whom they call upon besides Him, meaning those who are worshipped besides Allah, idol, whatever it may be, whatever that is worship besides Allah, it does not have any power of a Shiva of intercession. What is intercession that on the Day of Judgment, somebody comes and says, well, this person should not go to * I request I beg you Allah, to forgive this person, and this person should be admitted into agenda. This is Sha.

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Allah says that these false gods on the worship, they have no authority to do so far on the Day of Judgment, they have no right to do it. Allah will not grant them the power to intercede. Intercession will be permitted for who who will be allowed to intercede in law except man Shahida, Bill happy

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those who testify to the truth, those who testify to the truth what truth about Allah, meaning, the one who believes in La Ilaha in the law, will be allowed to intercede on the Day of Judgment. So if there's a person in this world who claims I'm God, so worship Me,

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and tomorrow, I will intercede for you will touch a person be allowed to intercede on the Day of Judgment? No way. Why? Because he did not himself Shahida Bill Hawk, he did not himself believe in the truth. Well, hum, yawn, I'm wrong. And they know they know what they know about those whom they're testifying for all their interceding for also the do they deserve that Shiva or not?

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What is this ayah telling us? That just because someone has some authority today, it doesn't mean they will have authority in the court of Allah as well. Allah will give authority Allah will give status and position and rights to who to who first condition is min Shahida bill how

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they must be a believer themselves will homie Allah moon and they must also know the condition of those whom they are interceding for. Meaning are they deserving of it or not?

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Whether in and surely if CELTA whom you were to ask them, mankind aka whom who created them again the message of though he has been given, if you were to ask these people who are worshipping so many beings besides Allah today, who is it the created them, who created you lay a call on Allah, they will say of course it is Allah for an yoke for cone, then from where? How are they diluted? When they know that Allah is the One who created them? Why do they worship others besides Allah and wish that they will intercede for them on the Day of Judgment? And now you will focus on higher the turned away from the Truth will clearly he and his saying who's saying who statement of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam meaning ALLAH acknowledges the feel, pain is like Cole statement of he meaning of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which statement that he or a B Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he complained to his Lord He said the out of be oh my lord in * Allah He indeed these Oman people lie to me No, they're not believing. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Makkah he complained to Allah that these people are not believing in haha hola como la you mean own?

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So Allah says with regards to the statement, this complaint, oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what should you do? First for her and on whom? turn aside from them. Walk will sell and say peace for Sophia and soon they will know. What should you do first? sad for her soft, soft is to broaden or to flatten something.

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Okay, this is software and the word is used for forgiveness. You see when you're angry when you're upset with someone

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When you're filled with, you know, feelings of vengeance and, and whatnot, then what happens is that you have a very tunnel vision, you're just focused on the hurt that somebody's caused you, you're angry because of the word that they said, the look that they gave that action that they did. So first of all, suffer, broaden your view, stop looking at the hurt they caused you look at everything else. Also, software is used for forgiveness. But it is to not even reproach someone for what they've done.

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You understand, not even reproach someone for what they've done.

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For instance, in the kitchen, I don't know, I always think of the kitchen. For instance, you ask somebody to help you clean the car.

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And they're helping you clean the car. But as they're cleaning, they're being very rough, they slam the door and they, you know, they do things that you don't really agree with, you don't really like you're not really pleased with. And as they're doing it, you're thinking about the wrongs that they're doing. You know, you keep noticing their mistakes, isn't it, whether it's cleaning the car in the kitchen, or something that they're writing for you, if you keep your focus the mistakes that they're doing, what's going to happen, you're not going to look at anything else, you're not going to see anything else. So first five, get over it. That's what it means. Get over it, ignore what

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they're doing, look away from it, look at something else. Think about something else. They're shutting the door wrong. They're not putting the plates as you want them to. They're not writing the way you want them to look away. This is the meaning of software. And it's so important. Because if we don't bring software in our lives, we will be miserable. We will be miserable. We have to learn to overlook the wrongs that others are doing. It doesn't mean that we agree with that wrong. But what this means is that sometimes you really can't change people, can you you can tell them, you can try to teach them you can remind them you can advise them, but you can't put them in your mold.

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Their people they have their free will, they will do things the way they think are best. So fast fire and home. They will ridicule

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their denial, their business arguments, or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, overlook them, ignore them, turn away from them. Because if you will keep thinking about what they're doing, you're going to be hurt. So ignore. And this is so beautiful. When you're dealing with opposition, you have to overlook what the haters say,

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isn't it? You have to overlook what the haters say. Because if you're just constantly concerned about what they're saying and what they're doing, you'll never be happy. You'll never be able to do your work. So phosphor I'm home we're Old Salem and say salam meaning whenever there is some confrontation,

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a heated argument where they are attacking you like the incident that was mentioned in the verses earlier, where they said about reciting his son they presented his example, in these situations called salaam salaam, as in peaceful words, or Salam aleykum See you later. All right, meaning don't delve in those arguments with them for self Iarla moon they will know they will know what the consequences of their denial

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into 285 Allah says phosphor his self help Jamil pardon overlook but how beautifully and how is that phosphor handle war called Salah for Sophia or the moon

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let's listen to the recitation

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Number hall you

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lay down one home more home fee mobilise home well now

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calling me one

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formerly on a you know

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father in

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law luck on the next

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in Mulberry

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Amir Munna

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also known they need to move

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in Walkman one for Anna one BD so the HANA Besana Do you want to Bellagio?

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So you flew home for the warm your homeboy who had

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home will levy if he Santa

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will wall hockey maligning? What about

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moocow Santa what do you

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what are you?

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Musa? It was Elaine you don't Jarrell Hone, wala Yun li Kalevi nya

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Dornie shefa

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Shahi that will help the

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moon Wallah.

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Follow up on layer

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we're dealing here on B

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minnow know phosphor more balls

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for sounds like

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panic alone will be handed a shadow Allah Illa Illa into a stuffy look over to the lake As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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