Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 236D Tafsir Al-Saffat 99-113

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the importance of showing anger and controlling oneself in life, as well as the age of puberty and the need for children to show their true values. The conversation between a mother and her son touches on the difficulties of a trial and the importance of giving children their fairest input. The segment also touches on the history of the term "monarch" and the importance of showing love for others and not giving up small small things for the sake of others. Finally, the segment emphasizes the importance of obeying commands and praying for the right thing to grow and keep with others.
AI: Transcript ©
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So Ibrahim alayhis salam he said in neither Hebron Isla or B, I am going to my Lord, look at how he's changing such a negative situation into a very positive one. Imagine being shunned by our people threatened by our people thrown into the fire by your people. And then your own father tells you you either stop or I'm going to kill you myself. Just these words are even difficult to say. How could a father say that to his own son? But Ibrahim alayhis salam look at what he says in Neva Hebron, Isla be if I'm leaving this place, then where am I going to my Lord, He's converting negative into positive this or leave he said I am going Where do my Rob I'm not alone. Rob be

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heavily and he also turned to draw he asked Allah Rob be heavily Oh my lord, you grant me mean Asante hain, among the righteous asylee he employed of silence. He said, grant me of the righteous meaning grant me a righteous child. He didn't just say I want a child. But he said I want a righteous child. So what happened for best shall now who so we gave him good news below lamb in Haleem, of a lamb of a boy who was to be highly, very forbearing. And remember, the way the story is mentioned over here, it might appear as though his dog he was instantly given a child. It didn't happen instantly. It happened when, after many, many years, but the point is that when you make a

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dua to Allah, then remember that Allah is Nirmal Mooji. Boone. When we ask Allah, it's always that request is always accepted, always accepted, because Allah says, or the Rumi, I studied bloco you call upon me, I will give you I will accept it, Allah who always accepts and the way he gives us, the way he responds to our prayers is in different ways. At different times. It's not according to our standard, it's according to Allah standard. So for Bashar now, who would be gulaman Haleem. Out of all the descriptions, what description is given over here Haleem. That boy, and this is referring to is married on his son, he was Haleem. What is Haleem? Haleem is the one who has hailed and Haman

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is the ability to control oneself from anger, meaning from showing anger. This is what helps is that when you're upset, you have the ability to control your anger.

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Control as in, not display it. How do we display anger? Through our words, the volume of our voice, right? Our physical aggression, maybe the way we slam the doors, or the way we throw things? Or maybe by our walking our expression, right? There's so many ways of showing anger displaying anger, hidden is that you control yourself.

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And this has to do with age also. Because little children, what happens with them? Do they have any self control? Generally they don't.

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They're upset because they didn't get the right color. Right? Or the right candy, or the right spoon, or the right fork, or something is not according to their desires. And they don't even use words to show their frustration. What do they use? Screams cries, right? physical aggression, tantrums. So him comes with Hello. Hello. Lamb is the age of puberty. All right, it's the age of puberty. So it comes with age, this inner strength, the ability to control oneself develops how with age, but it's amazing how even as adults sometimes we behave like children when we don't display any hints.

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But it's my Eli's son I'm he was Haleem even as a lamb even as a boy as a young child for the show now who below lambing Haleem. And he was the son of who the Brahim or Islam and how he was composed. He had self control, even as a young child tolerant patient composed, calm, understanding boy, and this is a big deal. Because generally we say that all boys are just like that. You know, they're just rowdy, it's okay for them to be rowdy. No, it's not okay for them. We think that for girls, it's not okay to display such behavior and for boys. It's okay. This is not

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Right. But anyway, we see over here that olam and Helene he's being praised, how Haleem was he? phenomena. Then when Bella he reached who reached Ismar era Sam, he reached Maha with him with whom, with Ibrahim Arneson and with his father Assyria,

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the exertion the running, meaning the age of exertion. He reached the age off a salary, what the salary mean, saying is to endeavor to strive to run, to proceed hurriedly. And, sorry, is referring to Ahmed meaning he was able to do work

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at the age where he could go about with his father and work. Okay. And some have said, this is the age of seven, he was seven when this incident happened, and some have said that he was 13 when this incident happened, regardless of whether he was seven or 13 730. Not much of a difference today, because both are treated as children. Right. So follow Bella Hama, who Surya when he reached this age, Carla, and you know, when children when they're little, you have many, many dreams and hopes and wishes. And when they start walking around, and they're actually able to do their work. You know, when your child brings in homework from school, their science project or something like that.

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You feel like Oh, my baby is big. And then you have even bigger dreams for them. Ibrahim, imagine the kind of dreams and hopes that he has for his son for what happens. Ibrahim Hassan has a dream. And the dreams of the prophets. What are they? Why they are command from Allah? In a hadith we learned Oh al anbiya wa Hyun the dreams of the prophets our inspiration from Allah. So Ibrahim is I'm had a dream and he mentioned this dream to his son Carla. He said yeah, buena Yeah, oh my dear son, in nee indeed i i saw Phil Miami, in the dream in the sleep Manam from Noah Rabin gnome is sleep and miam is a messiah, it can also be understood as love the place or time of GNOME or sleep

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itself. So I saw in sleeping while I was sleeping in my dream, I saw that any of the hookah indeed I was slaughtering you the word other than the hat the

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the what does it mean?

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There is to slaughter the Bihar, which we say very easily the Bihar Alright, the Bihar what is the Bihar that which has been slaughtered the correct way so that we can eat it. It's Hello. Right. So

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I saw that I was slaughtering you. What is it mean? That means that I have to do it. If I saw it in my dream. That means I have to do it. But there's a Brahim on this and I'm saying that to his son. No, he doesn't. He says Fonzo. So look, Mother Tara, what is it that you see? Meaning think about it. Tell me what you think. What do you say? What do you think I should do? Carla is married at his Sadam? He said yeah, a birdie. Oh, my dear father.

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You see Ibrahim on his salaam addressed him with respect. Yeah, buena. Yeah. And how does the son address the Father? Yeah, I Bertie. Oh my dear father. Because you create the culture around you. You get what you do. You get what you give. So Ibrahima is Santa treats his son with respect and how does the sun respond to him? with equal respect? Yeah, other tea Oh, my dear father, if I'm meant to do what you have been ordered, meeting what is my opinion matter here? It's the Command of Allah. So do what you have been instructed, said that you do ni soon you will find me while Jeem dal, what are the to find? You will find me in sha Allah if Allah wants Mina Savarin amongst those who are

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patient, meaning I will be patient over this in sha Allah. Notice he's not saying certainly I will be patient because he knows he's a human being after all, right, giving up your life is not easy. He says in sha Allah, if Allah wants and this is where we say in sha Allah, not when we are unsure about something. When do we say in sha Allah, when we don't want to do something? Right? When our father asks us to do something and we don't want to do and we say Inshallah, inshallah. Allah See, your mom says, load the dishwasher like inshallah. Alright, I'll do it Inshallah, like it may be if Allah allows me, you know, it's all my fault.

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Right. But look, it's Marina, as I was saying Certegy Dooney in sha Allah Mina Sabeti. He's acknowledging that the strength comes from WHO? From Allah, the ability to do something comes from WHO? From Allah. You raised your hand. This is wanted to say that, like, I looked up, yeah, but the on quran.com. And there were only like three or four verses that came up with the word Yeah, up at the end. It was it's my ilardi Salaam and use of it Islam. And I think maybe one other person who said that, but I just found it so beautiful that, like, basically every father's child relationship that's mentioned in the Quran has the ability, like a beautiful, respectful way of addressing their

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parents. And that comes when the parents also treat children with respect. Yes.

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The father of the Son. And nowadays if he asked 13 or seven years boy who's given importance to give him about, what's your idea? Well, I'm gonna give my shout out to so you give me your opinion. So this one gives him importance a small child to discussing give him as a prophet, like spending the time with your child, and give it important for what you thinking? Yes, very true. There's many lessons over here. First of all, what we see in this ayah is the fact that it's my reader and his son was truly Holly.

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If somebody were to say to you, I have been instructed to kill you, for example. Okay, if somebody were to say, what would be our first reaction?

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Right, this is not help

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him is that you calmly listen to the full story.

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him is that you process the old story and you think about it. Why? Who's saying it? Where is the order come from? Why, what am I supposed to do? What right do I have over here? What choices do I have over here? You analyze the whole situation this requires him. So the reaction of its marina on his Sadam really shows that he was highly, because to say such a statement like that, you can't just say unless and until you truly believe in it. And if you believe in something like this, if I'm told, it shows a lot about your character, your belief, so firstly, we see that he was truly Helene. Then I see father and son are both on the same page.

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Despite the fact that Ibrahim alayhi salam he was ordered to leave is married at a time in the desert and go away, remember, isn't that what happened?

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So Ibrahim and his son wasn't always there for Ismar either his son, but despite that father and son are on the same page. It is indeed a blessing from Allah, to have your family to have your children understand their religion and cooperate with you in this path.

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This is truly a blessing from Allah because what son would cooperate with his father, unless and until he also believes in Allah because you see, it's my reloaders and doesn't say I love you, I do anything for you. He says, If ALMA to morrow, do what you have been ordered to do, ALLAH is commanding you.

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Then we see that Ibrahim on his sunnah he's, he's consulting is Marie learning, Sam in a way. He's mentally preparing him. Because what do we see in the eye of firstly, that he shared the dream with Ismar elearning, Sam, and then asked him for his opinion. And by the way, this is the best way of convincing someone instead of telling them, this is what you have to do. You present the situation to them and you say, what do you think about it?

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You understand? Like, for example, if you have to go with your friend somewhere and you want to convince your husband, if you ask him, I want to go out he's gonna be like, No way I'm not putting the kids to bed. I'm not doing this and that there's no way

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that if you say, you know, I've had a very difficult week, and this friend of mine, she I haven't seen her for like, two months almost. And she really needs to talk to me. What do you think? Should I go? And he's gonna be like, Of course you should. You understand. You gain the answer you want but through a different strategy. What strategy are you using of consultation? Asking the other person have their opinion?

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Because it's different when we are told and when we are asked.

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It's completely different. When we are told we feel lesser. When we are asked we feel greater we feel in authority. So this is one of the best ways of convincing someone

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that I see that as a father and look at how he is training

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In his child, all right, that he is allowing his son to think about the situation. He gave him the space to make his decision. He trusted him and showed his confidence in him. That Oh, my son, this is what Allah has ordered me, what do you have to say about it?

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But what happens generally,

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we want to make decisions for everyone who's around us, we think authority means, you know, women power authority. That means I'm the boss, and I make all the decisions in the house. So that means the cops go where I want them to go, the shoes go where I want them to go. Right? The husband was what I want him to wear. The younger brother wears what I want him to wear. Right? Everybody has to do what I want them to do. This may be authority, but it's not leadership. Leadership and authority are very different authority, is that, okay? You're the boss, fine. Everybody fears you, they don't care about you, they'll just do everything that you want them to do, because they're just pure

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afraid of you.

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Leadership is when you create change. When you take people with you, when you lead them in a particular direction, to achieve their goals.

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And this happens how with consultation, this happens how by discussion, this happens by showing your confidence your faith in people. What do you think about it? This is the situation what do you think about it funded? Amanda? Tara?

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One more amazing thing. Is that is Marina is Sam had spent more time with his mother, if you think about it, right? Because it's Marina is Sam. He was in the desert with her. She raised him.

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Ibrahim and his son I would visit but if you think about it, there are no trains, no airplanes. How frequently would he visit? Not that often.

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So how old is the one who mainly raised is married to his son? Um,

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sometimes what happens is that if a mother is raising her children all by herself as a single mom, she doesn't have that much confidence. Be confident. Yes, the father has a role to play. Definitely. But you as a mother can also accomplish a lot. You as a mother can also teach your children a lot. Because what do you think taught is my healer isn't about oh, he made him think good about his father. Because a typical woman will be like your father left us in the desert.

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Your father, your Father, not my husband, your father. Left is here and you know what you are about to die. I ran seven times. And then Allah saved us. Not your father. Allah saved us.

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Seriously, this is how women will talk about their husbands do their own children. As if your father is a worst man is so evil.

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The way is my read on his son was responding to his father. What does it show? They're on the same page. He loves his father. Yeah, although he loves his father, and will instill this love it must have been the mother. Yeah, beautiful motto.

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And then we see later on that is my reader this time when he said if our motto motto Saturday Dooney in sha Allah Homina slavery. He didn't just say it, he actually meant it. Because he didn't just comply verbally and then later on, he changed his mind. No, the following verses show that he said this with all his heart. He was 100% with his father on this matter, because Allah says Philomena Slama. Then when both of them surrendered, a slum out both of them surrendered how Ibrahim and his son and the father was surrendering His love. His heart is married, his son was surrendering his life. phelim Slama

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would you like to say anything else about the previous verse?

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About how Ibrahim was set up, you raise your hand? Yes.

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Training and Toby of the mother, that she brought all the confidence thinking that tribe stayed there and she built connections with them and she raised him in the desert and she bring that kind of positivity and that he answered like that and respected his father. But I love her I loved it so much that made it

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so now for Umrah and Hajj for people to do that. And remember her sacrifice? Yes, that sorry, is a part of our rituals. Go ahead. Awesome. Hola, Salam Alikum. I was thinking about Ibrahim when

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His father was like argue with him he said yeah but you to him so his son also his senior our soldiers our lesson in a lesson if we are good to our parents inshallah our key this will be good to us.

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So phenomena a slammer what Allahu Lille Jabeen one they both had surrendered. And Ibrahim de la who? Lil Jabeen Tenma, who is from the letters that lamb lamb, and tundla is to put something face down. Okay, so Ibrahim alayhis salam de la who he put his marine how face down on what little Jabeen for the forehead meaning upon the forehead. Why? So that he wouldn't see his face, and his marine wouldn't see his father's face because you can't do something like this one, you're looking at each other. It's very difficult, and it really shows how much they were sacrificing their ego, their heart, their love, everything for the sake of Allah. And Linda bean is married, his forehead was on

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the ground. It's as if he was in a physical position of surrendering before Allah subhanaw taala because it's so good. We put our forehead on the ground don't wait. So what 10 level little Jabeen and the word Jabeen means forehead. Basically the word Jabeen. It is said that Jabeen is the side of the Jabba

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Jabba Jabba is the space, okay, which is between, you could say your brows. Okay, your eyebrows. All right, but it's not just limited to the center of your forehead, but it's the entire place, which is rested on the ground when doing such though. Okay, so Jabeen is one of the sides of the Jabra. Okay, and the face has to Gibbins. All right. So the lagoonal Jabeen, meaning he put his entire face down his entire forehead down. He was in the state of Sabah, literally. And where was this in Mina? Right as we learn that this was in Mina one day now who and we called out to him and that yeah, Ibrahim, Allah called out or Ibrahim certainly said Dr. Woo, yeah. You have fulfilled the role. Yeah. You

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have fulfilled the dream, South Dakota, South Dakota, meaning you have carried out what you are commanded with. In what in the rural area in the dream in indeed we go there. Lika likewise, Nigel, is ill Merci, nein. We reward the doers of good. How is it that we reward the doers of good by removing from them their distress by making a way out for them? Because was Ibrahim and Islam in a difficult situation right now was extremely difficult. What about a smart leader? It is very difficult. It's Marina is Sam is on his forehead. Ibrahim on his time is about to pass the knife. And Allah intervened nowaday now aka Ibrahim. I'd said Dr. Ruja. It's done. It's done. You've

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carried out what you were commanded. In a hadith we learned this is an Musa Muhammad Ibrahim Al is an MLA is my reader. Listen, I'm on his forehead is my reader. Listen, I was wearing a white shirt at that time. And he said, Oh, my father, I do not have another shirt in which you could bury me. Meaning this is the only shirt I have. So remove the shirt, so that you can shroud me in it. Because if it's stained with blood, then how can you shroud me in it so remove the shirt when you do slaughter me? So Ibrahim is an unreached forward to remove the shirt when he was called out from behind that Oh, Ibrahim, you have fulfilled your dream. And when he looked back, there was a white,

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big horned and big eyed sheep standing right there.

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In that Cavalli ConEdison Marcin industrial ward the more city meaning we take them out of the distress that they're in. Allah says in the harder indeed this law was surely it was and Bella onmobile in the evident the clear trial, there is no doubt about it. This was a clear trial. This was a very difficult test for Ibrahim and Ismar eel but they both aced it. Below remember is used for a trial, okay? Which could be good and it could also be bad in the sense that it's very difficult as Allah says in the Quran, wanna blucon Be Cherie will Haiti fitna we just you with sharp and with high with evil and with good. It is said Abdullah hula, meaning Allah dusted him as in a

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I lay here that Allah bestowed a favor on him, because blessings are also a huge test. So in the hasta, La Bella Olmo been Bella over here can be understood in both ways. This was a huge a great and evident a clear trial, a clear test, very, very difficult and been clearly very difficult. Is there any doubt about the difficulty of this test? No, there is no and then this can also be understood as this was a great blessing. What was a great blessing

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that what are they now who be the behind Alim that we ransomed him meaning this marine with a great sacrifice that is my read on is I was not slaughtered over there instead what was slaughtered and animal was so this was a huge blessing for Dana who fight dial Yeah, video what is video mean? around some that is given in place of a person to set that person free. So we ran some him, meaning we saved him. How did he begin? I'll leave the the meaning was war that witches slaughtered? Are we in great a great sacrifice? We rescued him by substituting for him with a great sacrifice and what was a great sacrifice that big, horned big eyed sheep

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what Arkansas and we left Alaihe on him meaning for him fill it in among the later generations.

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And what is it that was left for him amongst the later generations? Salomon, Allah Ibrahim Salam Peace be upon Ibrahim, that each time his name is mentioned. What do we say? Are they his Salam? This was the good name. The good praise for now hasn't that Allah preserved for his servant, Ibrahim or the Sunnah. And so what the show are i 84 Ibrahim on Assam made dua Jalili Sana cytokinin Phil alkylene. And what does Lisanna mean? Good praise good mention. Cavalli. Likewise, matches in Marcin, we reward the doers of good. This is a message for everyone. Allah rewards who those who do Ersan

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now, this is something that was unique to Ibrahim Arneson, where he was instructed to slaughter his son. Right. And, I mean, it's something that's wrong, apparently, technically, it's wrong. We cannot kill someone. But remember that if Allah orders his servant to do something, then that is what that is founded on that servant. He doesn't have a choice. This is similar to how are we allowed to do such that to other than Allah? Are we? No, we're not. But the angels were ordered to do such that to who? Adam and his salaam, salaam. Likewise, parents are not to kill their children. Not at all. But this was a unique test for home, Ibrahim on escena.

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Because Allah has ordered him with certain kalimat with certain commands, and Ibrahim on his have a Tama Hoonah he fulfilled them. What's the lesson in this? Why was Ibrahim right his son, I'm given this command. What's the hikma? What do you think?

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Raise your hand. What do you think? What's the reason?

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What's the message here?

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Okay, but no matter how much you love somebody, Allah's love comes first. What else?

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Okay, we are often tested through that which we love. He loved his son dearly. And he was tested through his son. Yes.

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Yeah, the lesson is that you do what Allah has ordered you to do regardless of the sacrifice that you have to make in that way. Okay, what else? Yes.

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Okay, that's a very interesting comparison that were able to hear my listen I was thrown by his father into the fire, alright. And the mortar was completely different that was for the sake of the idols. And here, Ibrahim and his service to slaughter his son for whose sake for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala.

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This was a test of complete submission, right? Because in total Bacala, we learned if God Allahu Rabu, a slim surrender, what does it mean by surrender? Give up everything. Everything for her sake, for the sake of Allah because Allah made you and you are for him.

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So this was a test of surrender. Yes.

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See, when anybody sacrifices something for you, whether it is their money, or their time,

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or their, you know, physical effort, whatever they give for you, does that increase them in their status before you?

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Does it? Like for example, if your mom buys you a really expensive gift, you already love your mom. But he or she is spending $500 on you to get you something that you want. Will you love your mother even more?

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Will you? Yes, love. You know, it's very easy to say I love you but love, it has to be expressed. It has to be outwardly expressed. So everyone human is this was an expression. Allah ordered him to test him whether he would do it or not. And Allah knew that he would do it. But Allah dusted him to make him go through that experience of giving up anything and everything for the sake of Allah, even if it meant his son and this is what makes the heart Saleem safe and sound, unblemished, pure, from love, even for any other thing or any other being except for Allah subhanaw taala Is it wrong to love others? No, it's not wrong. But it's very natural that once you love something you love someone

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that love it grows. And when it grows, then there is competition in your heart. You know, for example, if you have two children, there are times when you find yourself judging, am I being fair? And I be fair, am I being equal? So it's something very normal. There is a struggle to Allah's love when Medina Amen No, I shall have the Lilla Go ahead.

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Yes, and that is the lesson what are we are willing to give up for the sake of Allah?

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Because believe in Allah, surrendering to Allah, Islam, Iman that requires a level of sacrifice. What are we willing to give up? And, you know, there are many big things, but it starts with little things also, how much of our sleep, how much of our time? How much of our fun? How much are we willing to give up for the one whom we claim to love?

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Jews and Muslims, a man of all the nations all people consider and then he was in forefathers of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the way Allah Tala being his name and his examples to show us what submission means, to show us examples of we know how and who to follow and how to do it. Yes, I mean, he's an example for us. That submission, there is a test you surrender. And then the status is elevated. Cavalli can ajisen more sin in

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in Iowa for did Allah talk directly to Islam when he said over him stop. It could be and it could also be through the angels. Allah can do whatever he wants. So because then he can matches in Marcin in thus do We reward the doers of good in the home in riba denial mode, meaning indeed he was of Our believing servants, meaning those who truly believed in Allah, well, they shall narrow and we gave him good news. Because how have is how are they his sunnah? Meaning another son that began who wants to be a prophet Mina Sania in amongst the righteous, after a great sacrifice, came a great reward. He had a son, Allah tested him, could you give that up for me? And he did. He showed that he would.

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And what happened? Allah subhanaw taala gave him another son. This is something so amazing. The blessings in this world when we receive them, we love them so much. We want to keep them, we want to keep them with us. We don't want to let go. We don't even want to give up a little bit of it. But you give even a little bit of it for the sake of Allah and Allah who will give you more. This is similar to an investment, right? If you want your money to grow, do you have to take that risk and invest it?

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Do you do but if somebody says no my money, I have to keep it? I can't take a chance. I really can't take a chance. Then okay, your money is not gonna go. You have to take that risk. You have to have faith and you have to

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Start with it, if you want it to grow.

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And likewise, if we want to keep the blessings that we have, what do we have to do? Be willing to give something up? For the sake of Allah be willing to give at least a part of it up for the sake of Allah? You know, for example, our time who thinks they don't have enough time to do what they want to do?

00:35:24 --> 00:35:27

They're too busy. Everybody thinks they're busy, right?

00:35:28 --> 00:35:46

Don't you? We do. So for example, making drawers in the morning, the morning of car, how often is it that we say, I'm too busy? I don't have time to say, My God in the morning. You know what, let me get to work quickly. Let me do this quickly. Let me do that quickly. We don't make time for us.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:02

But we have to steal time from somewhere else to make time for God and when we will do it, then I guarantee you, you will have Baraka, you will have the rocker experience it yourself.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:27

We try to save time in the night. I don't have time to recite even the last two verses of Surah Baqarah. Right, for instance, because the last two verses of Surah Baqarah, the one who recites them in the night, then what happens? They are sufficient for him for the whole night sufficient in what way for his protection and also as if he has done or the other all night long. For pmla. Yes, but we think all two whole verses.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:38

It's gonna take so long, it doesn't take long, it's just Sheriff on telling us that we cannot part with our time. We cannot give some of our time we give it you get more

00:36:39 --> 00:37:22

give and get more money, money. Typical example. You give something and you get more from Allah. Look at the example of Ibrahim Anisa he was willing to give up his son and Allah gave him another one. Yes. So now I'm gonna go. I was thinking so Marin, Allah Dinah. This is truly how we should listen to the Command of Allah. And this is not like Ibrahim alayhi salam said, You know what, I'll wait. Maybe I'll have another dream. So I'm sure about doing this. And we have to see how quickly our veto obey. And last one the last command, we have Quran which is proof you know what I mean? It's not like we are having dreams and we have to wait till we obey commands of Allah we are still

00:37:22 --> 00:37:37

unsure and you know, we take long obeying the commands of Allah Samantha. And also in this eye when Allah said that Salomon Allah Ibrahim, I was thinking about how we read the rules in every salah. Right, Ibrahim.

00:37:39 --> 00:37:45

Samira now while thorough now, what happens generally is that when we learn about something, we logically analyze it.

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Is it okay? Does it make sense? What are the apparent benefits? What is the harm? You know, the benefit must outweigh the harm and we logically analyze it. And then if it suits us, we do it if it doesn't suit our desires, we don't do it. But look, Ibrahim on Instagram doesn't think but it's the life of my son. It's my son. I have these dreams for him and I want him to become like no nothing. Allah has ordered. That's enough. That's enough. If Allah has ordered it's enough so Merna Well, Danna

00:38:22 --> 00:39:07

where was the mother when this was happening? Allahu Arnhem. But what we see in this family is every member of this family how was it surrendering to Allah constantly? Because even had her when she was left in the desert and Ibrahima listen, I was walking away. She kept asking him, what are you doing? Where are you going? What's happening? And he wouldn't respond. And she said, as Allah Who ordered this, and he said yes. And she said, then Allah who will never waste us. If Allah has instructed that we stay here, then he will never waste us. So well the show now will be as hacker we gave him good news. It is how they beat him in a slider Hain a profit from among the righteous meeting.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:59

Ibrahima listen, I'm son is marine was a prophet and also his Hawk on his salaam also was a prophet without or can I lay he and we blessed him who Ibrahim why Allah is help and also upon is help meaning We bestowed blessings. Our blessings upon Ibrahim and his son is help. This can also be understood as we blessed him Baraka Allah. He has an ex Marine, and also his heart meaning both the brothers both the sons were men very Yeti, Hema, and what happened from their descendants were who mercy no one who does good and not so well volumen and one who does well on who enough see upon himself McBean clearly, clearly unjust too.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:26

himself. What do we see here? Ibrahim alayhis salam, both his sons, righteous prophets, and what happened from their progeny. They were those who are Marcin. And there were those who were volume. Who was the Merson, the one who believed and did righteousness and who's the volleyball enough see, the one who denied and the one who disobeyed? And this is one upon oneself.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:36

Parents were righteous and some children were righteous and other children were corrupt. This happened with the prophets also.

00:40:37 --> 00:41:18

The prophets as barons righteous but what happened down the road amongst our generations? There were those who are not righteous in total Bukhara 124 Allah says what he did but Allah Ibrahim Robbo be Kalimantan for utter Mahone. Ibrahim Hassan was tested. And Ibrahim Ali Salam, he fulfilled all of the tests. Allah rewarded him Allah in Niger locally Nursey EMA Allah said, I'm going to make you an imam for the people and a woman giulietti He said also for my children being like my children, Imam also. Allah, Allah and Allah, Allah aalameen My covenant is not for those who do.

00:41:19 --> 00:41:21

Let's listen to the recitation of these verses

00:41:23 --> 00:41:31

be have any Nino's show anything further shall know will be Halim.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:35

Bella was saya

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00:41:42 --> 00:41:47

nee nee the hookah phone

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Saturday do knee

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00:42:24 --> 00:42:28

Canada immersing in a

00:42:33 --> 00:42:39

movie in warfare Dana will be the the hey now Wayne

00:42:40 --> 00:42:45

now I really feel 18 salah.

00:42:52 --> 00:42:55

Masini in

00:42:58 --> 00:43:03

meaning mashallah will be this help on

00:43:05 --> 00:43:08

anything without

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00:43:21 --> 00:43:24

enough See he will be seen

00:43:26 --> 00:43:48

in solid Meriam io 54 and 55 Allah subhanaw taala praises the character of Ismar ILA and his salon where he says what corofin Kitabi is married in the who cannot slaw decal worthy. Where can our su lenah be here, mentioned in the book is Marielle who was true to his promise, and he was a messenger, a prophet.

00:43:49 --> 00:44:31

So, Allah subhanaw taala chose him. Why? Because he was true to his promise in the hotel saw the Commonwealth, and what was the promise that he made with his father? That's a 3g Dooney in sha Allah, meno slavery. And did he show that Southern? Yes, he did. Because Allah Himself says that a slum our both of them surrendered. And Allah said, when it's Marina is Sam was more willing, apparently. Because he is saying to his father, if I'll metal mark, because if you think about it, why is it that you consult somebody? Why won't you just do what you have to do yourself? Why are you consulting somebody asking them of their opinion, because you want assurance,

00:44:32 --> 00:44:39

isn't it? You want assurance, you want to believe that yes, you are doing the right thing, even though you know that what you're doing is the right thing.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:59

Like for example, it's time to pray you as opposed to prayer, but still you say Shall we pray? Should I pray? Of course you should. Why are you asking Shall we pray? Because you want assurance that this is the perfect time right? This is an okay time. This is something very

00:45:00 --> 00:45:14

No, we want assurance and it's Marina said I was giving more confidence to his father. Yeah, buddy, if I lie to you do what you've been ordered. And if you're worried about me, don't worry about me, because I will do something in sha Allah.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:48

And this shows is a very important lesson. When our parents are telling us to do something right. Then what should we do somewhere or should we do something else? When our parents are telling us to do something right? Because Allah is the One who has given that command. Allah is the one who's given that order. It's from his book. It's fun, the Sunnah. Then it is necessary that we obey Allah his Messenger, as well as our parents over there Subhanak along we handle a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta stuff we took our to boiling

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