Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 231C Tafsir Ya-Sin 4-9

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of following the right path of the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam is discussed, including following the Sun menu and not following the wrong path. The use of "has" and "has not" can lead to fear and confusion, and the use of "will" and "will" can describe actions or events. The image of people being stubborn and arrogant is also discussed, with the image of "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "opposed to have their heads and neck" and "
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I allow slit all claim was the theme. You Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Indeed you are Allah upon slit offering was the beam, a bath a slit all that is Mr. Hakim that is straight. The word slit off slit off is from solid raw thought. And free love gives the meaning of massage root, meaning that on which Sarada is done, what the Serato mean? mural was Sura to walk fast to go quickly.

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So you are upon the path that is Mr. Kane, Mr. Clean from cough while meme, meaning one that is of still karma. What does st karma mean is the karma means correctness as well as stability. correctness, meaning when something is straight, it's free of any crookedness. It's free of any error. And it is also stable, it's upright and it's also stable, stable as in most of the team meaning consistent. You know, like we ask Allah for is the karma. What does that mean? That Oh, lucky me steadfast. So our allow slid off, I must have been, you are on a bath, which is straight. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was indeed upon the right path, he was not upon error.

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The right path is of who it is of those whom Allah is pleased with. If you think about it, there are many ways of living this life. There are many ways of doing different things. Right? Same action, right? Same goal, but could be accomplished in different ways. There could be multiple definitions of what is good and what is bad, right? Of what is right and what is wrong.

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Now, ultimately, what matters is that we do something by which Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with.

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Right? That is what matters. Because if Allah approves of something, then a person is successful, then what he's done, was worth it. But if Allah does not approve of his actions, then no matter what it was, how it was, it wasn't good enough.

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So then slid off when was the theme, the right path is of those people with whom Allah subhanaw taala is pleased. And that is exactly what we learned in which Surah Surah Fatiha when we say a then a slaughter Mustafi will Allah guide us to set out on was the team what is slit Alton was talking slit alta levena and learn thoroughly him The path of those people whom you were pleased with you bless them with you favored them, meaning you rewarded them. Why would Allah reward them because he approved of their actions late in malubay rla him one of baleen, none of those people who earn Allah's Anger, nor of those who went astray who got lost.

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So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is either slaughtering Mr. Payne, what does it show then? That the way to attain Allah's pleasure is how? By following the footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in Surah Al Imran Ayah 31. Allah says In Kuntum to hipbone Allah,

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but we FataI Rooney, if you love Allah, then what should you do? Follow me meaning follow the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because if you follow Him what will happen? Your Habib como Allah, Allah who will love you,

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because many claim to love God,

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but they're not pursuing God's pleasure in the way that God approves off.

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You understand? So then what is that way through which we can attain Allah's pleasure by doing what Allah has instructed? And how do we learn of that? From the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is why when a person will follow Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam what will happen you become Allah. Well, Fiddler Komu become Allah who will love you, and He will forgive you your sins. And this is only one way slit almost Hakim is one path. In Surah Al Anam I have 153 We learn what an overhead are slothy Mr. keema and that this is my bath, which is most of the team which is straight, which is upright which is correct and proper. So, who who therefore follow it meaning follow who the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam because he is upon the straight path while at the WHO Sobel and do not follow the other ways why?

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because then further fall rock or become and severely they will take you away from the correct way which way the way of Allah

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so yes seen well Quran Al Hakim in Nicola Amina al mousseline. I allow slit all claim was the theme.

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Normally when we think of the different paths we think of like, totally different, like religions and stuff, but there's also different sects, and we need to be sure of what we believe in. Right? And I mean, if you think about it, even when it comes to Salah, what did the Prophet sallallaahu Selim say, Salou? How pray *, as you see me praying? Why?

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Why? Because the prophets of Allah, who are you? Salams prayer was that which was taught to him by who Gibreel right. Gibreel taught him how to pray. And Gibreel didn't make it up. That was according to Allah's instructions. So that means the prayer of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was the perfect prayer. And that means if we want our prayer to be beautiful, then we have to follow the Sunnah as much as possible as closely as possible. So our last little thing was the theme in every way the Prophet sallallahu sallam was on the right path, which means that anything Rasul allah sallallahu Sallam did any decision that he made any word that he said, any manner that he adopted, that was

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what that was the correct manner. That was the correct decision. It was the correct statement. It was the best way of doing that particular action, because the Prophet saw a lot of Saddam was our last little thing was stalking him.

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Then Z La La Aziz Rahim. This is explanation of what well Quran Al Hakim, that the Quran is this book is 10 zeal, a revelation than zeal, meaning a revelation that was sent gradually, according to need according to situation always relevant, by who revelation from who the one who is alive, Aziz and and Rahim, the Exalted in Might Allah subhanho data analyzes meaning the one who is honorable, the one who is powerful, the one who is capable, the one who can send revelation, and he is also a laheem The merciful a Rahim is one who demonstrates his mercy through his actions. Remember the names of Allah Allah Rahman Al Rahim both translate as merciful, but there is a slight difference.

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All right man refers to the great attribute of mercy.

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And a Rahim refers to the action of Mercy meaning how he demonstrates his mercy through his actions. So over here on Rahim has mentioned why because it is out of His mercy, that he has sent this guidance.

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So this Quran is the message of who the one who is mighty, and the one who is merciful. neglecting this Quran, therefore, will bring the wrath of the Mighty One and observing it, believing in it, reciting it, following it is something that will bring the mercy of the Merciful One. So old prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are indeed upon the right path. And that is because you have been given this then zeal, you have been given this revelation. So what does this mean then? That a person can only find the straight path by following what? This 10 zeal, this revelation? And by following the one who was given this revelation, the Quran, as well as the Sunnah?

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Why has this revelation been given Letona? Zero, so that you may warn, this book has been revealed in order that you warn, don't Vera endow? What does endow mean to warn somebody, but how?

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It's basically to caution someone by arousing fear in them

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by arousing fear in them. How, because you are warning them of the harmful of the harm of what they're about to do, or the danger of what they're about to do.

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Like, for example, many times when children are doing something dangerous, right? You don't need to give them a long explanation. All you need to do is just make a frightening face, right or a worried face or just make some expression that will send the message across right. This is endow

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to warn to caution by arousing fear. And this can be by informing them of that which is dangerous,

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informing them of

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The danger of what they're about to do so Letona zero this Quran has been sent in order that you may warn who omen of people which people, man not own Vera He was warned, who was not warned about whom their forefathers their ancestors. This Quran has been given so that you can warn those people whose forefathers were not warned. So as a result, for whom so they are Luffy loon ones who are ignorant heedless, unaware of often known as a plural off the law of fill often is one who is in overflow. What is love, love?

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Love Love is basically being inattentive.

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Right? Being inattentive. Why would a person be inattentive

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to, let's say, the danger that's coming his way. Why? Because he doesn't know.

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Lack of knowledge, ignorance is the cause of overflow. And sometimes it's not just ignorance, it is also following one's desires, that a person is having so much fun, that he cannot bother to pay attention.

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Like, for example, the person is having so much fun driving fast, that they cannot bother pay attention to who's on the right and who's on their left, right. And who is it that they just passed by? And then the next thing they know, they see some lights right behind them. All right. Did they not know about the speed limit? Of course they did. But they were just having too much fun. So they weren't really paying attention.

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So for whom Luffy noon, they are heedless, they are unaware they are inattentive, meaning they're not paying attention to faith, they're not paying attention to right action. They're not paying attention to the hereafter. Why? Because they don't know.

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And why is it that they don't know? Because their forefathers didn't know? Who was this referring to? This is primarily referring to the people of Makkah to the Arabs, who are the Arabs, when we study the history of the Arabs, we see that basically this area was populated by who by when Ismar either Hassan was settled in Makkah, because when Ismar either listen or was settled in Morocco, we see that there was some there was water and in the desert where there is water then there is life. Right? And then we see that the Duhem tribe, all right, they found traces of water so they went there and they asked permission if they could stay there and they stayed there and eventually what

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happened Chicago was built by Ibrahim Arliss and I miss married or his son and the area was populated. So it's my either listen I'm Yes, he was a prophet Ibrahim. I listen to him. Yes, he was a prophet. But over the years what happened? Over the years, no Prophet was sent to the Arabs. All right. Rather we see that the prophets were sent amongst to the Bani Israel eel. All right. And the last of those Prophets was who he thoroughly his sunnah. After he saw the Sudan for 600 years there was an old prophet. Neither amongst the bunny is Marie Laure in the Bani Israel, no prophet. So that nation from the time of resign, s&m to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or from the time of

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Ismar either listen after Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if you want to focus specifically on the Arabs, then yes, men own Villa Belle home. their forefathers were not warned as in. They were people without Scripture. They did not have a book they were an unlettered people. You see, people generally learned religion from WHO?

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from their parents, right? From the people, the culture that they're born into. Now, the Arabs, they were an unlettered people, they were without any scripture. And whatever they did learn of religion from their forefathers, that was all based on what falsehood and Lies remember, we learned in Superman, about this particular man who traveled to certain areas, and he brought idols from there. Right. And this is how idolatry became common in the region, which is why we see that the Arabs they did worship Allah subhanho wa taala. But along with that, they also worshipped idols. So now generation after generation, what was happening because of ignorance. what were people doing? They

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were doing Schick for home off alone, and unaware of what of the Hereafter unaware of the consequences of what they were doing. So did they not need a warner? Did they not need a profit? Certainly they did. So over here,

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the people are being reminded of this

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A favor that Allah subhanaw taala has bestowed on them that Allah has bestowed a special favor upon them when he chose the final messenger from them Leeton zero coma Mau on the Oba or one for homograph alone in total Jumeirah ayah. Number two, ALLAH says who Allah the birth of Elomi, quinoa Sula, he is the one who has sent amongst the unlettered people a messenger and that messenger is men whom he is from them yet law or lay him he will use a key him where you are only Mohammed Al Kitab al Hikmah we're in can Omen Kaaba Lulu feeble early moving, and indeed surely they were before in manifest error. So Allah has bestowed a huge favor intro to such the ayah number three also it is

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mentioned Bell who will help them Iraq big Leeton DiRocco alma mater townhome in Madeira min publica, la lucha methadone. So the Quran has come to wake up the heedless. Because really, nothing can take ruffler away except the Quran. heedlessness is only treated with a doze off peran Leeton zero coma ma on the robber who for whom Rafi loon. However, what has happened? Leopard, certainly helpful Tolu the word has come into effect.

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Isla architetti him up on most of them the majority of the majority of who majority of the people to whom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been sent and remember the Prophet sallallahu sallam was not just sent to the Arabs, he was sent to who were my AUTOSAR laka Illa Kapha Linas to all the people. So over here it is mentioned that certainly the word has come into effect against to majority of the people on the earth for whom law you may known. So they do not believe what does it mean by this helpful oluwo helper. The verb Helcom is from the word from the noun help, what does help mean truth and help up is when something becomes true as in it becomes do it becomes necessary

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it is incumbent

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right meaning what was said was true and now this is a must it must happen. So helpful polo, the goal has become helpful meaning the effect of that word, the consequences of that word of that statement are now necessary. It is due it must be applied.

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Which word? You see. We learn that

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when a loss of personal data created Adam Alayhis Salam and Allah subhanaw taala ordered the angels to prostrate to Adam on a sunnah amongst them was also a bliss. And what did a bliss to he refused Abba was stuck vara and then he blamed Allah subhanaw taala and then he showed extreme enmity to Adam. And then he asked for respite meaning to be allowed to live until the day of judgment and to be given the freedom to do what he wants to Alright, and then he challenged Allah subhanaw Daan that I am going to mislead the children of Adam. Right? So when he said that Allah has panel data he said in sort of solid 8485 We learn all of Al Hawk Allah said Philhealth so this is true. While he got a

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call and the truth I say,

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let em let a Niger hon NEMA Minca Huami Manta VR coming home Ultramarine no matter how many people you mislead, the know this for a fact that you and whoever you mislead, whoever follows you

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will be sent to *, * will be filled with you and your followers. So this is Allah's promise. You understand? This is Allah's promise that shaitan and his friends shaitan and his companions, despite their magnitude, where will they end up in hellfire? Despite their great numbers, they will end up in hellfire. We learned for example, that out of every 1999 people will go to *.

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These are the statistics from Hadith that says what we learned and the majority of those 999 will actually be from your Juden minute. All right. So let Allah Allah Jahannam

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This is the Cole Shavon challenged Allah. Allah was stone Allah, Allah is in no need of his creation because Allah is LUNNEY were untouchable for Quran we are the ones who are poor and are in need of Him, our worship, our denial, our gratitude, our ingratitude doesn't affect Allah.

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It only affects us. So over here, it is said love God, how can our Allah carry him? The Quran is the straight path. It is revelation from Allah, for people who are most needy for the instruction that is in the Quran. Yet majority of the people do not believe why because the word is justified against them. They are deserving of that word. Which one? The word that Allah said in response to chiffons challenge. And what is that sort of saga 8485 I mentioned to you earlier the amla and nurjahan number Minca woman Manta VR coming home as a Marine. So for whom law you may known, they do not believe meaning the people do not believe. In other words, they have made themselves worthy of this

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poll. How, by choosing to remain in heedlessness, even though the snow is here, even though the snow the light of Quran is here, the light of guidance is here. Think about it. Is light of benefit to the one who closes his eyes.

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Can it benefit him? No, it cannot.

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Are speed signs of benefit to the one who's not even looking at them? No, they're not.

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Warning can only benefit the one who pays attention. But what is the state of these people off alone? Laughing honest, like I don't care attitude. Basically, this is what it is. So even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was amongst them,

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the Quran was clearly it is clearly Allah speech. It is Al Hakim.

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And the truth of the Prophet salallahu Salam is not unclear. It's very evident. The message The warning is also very evident. But yet, if people don't want to pay attention, then how can you help them you cannot help them for whom law you mean own. And this is the sad reality of the majority of the people into the hood is 17 Allah says Allah King Abdullah NASCI lair you may know most of the people do not believe in through the sharara. So many times this is repeated in the fi Valley color if a woman can have a thorough home, meaning indeed and this is a sign is a lesson, but still majority of the people do not believe.

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Now their state of heedlessness or their state of denial, their stubbornness, their pride, that is explained in the following verses how Allah says in jhana. Indeed we have placed we have made as and we have placed we have put

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what's mentioned over here is an example. It's a description of the stubbornness of these people, of which people, those who deny the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that in Niger ulna fee are knocking him we have put in their necks or not, is a plural off, thrown up. And what is that neck? What is put in there next, I'll learn I'll learn is the plural of the word will, from the root letters ln lamb lamb and what does all mean? It's basically used for chain, right chains, fetters, right chains that are used for binding the hands to the neck.

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Meaning it's such a chain that locks up the hands and locks up the neck and connects the hands to the neck.

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So basically, a person is completely immobile.

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You understand? A person cannot move their hands you see, typically what happens. People when they're handcuffed. How are they handcuffed? The hands are behind them. Why is that done? Because it makes them a bit more immobile, as opposed to having their hands and coughed in front of them. Right? But imagine if the hands are locked in such a way that they're now locked with the neck. What does it mean? Do this, bring your hands to your neck? All right, do this. I mean, really, if imagine the hands are locked and then they're locked with the neck, even running would be difficult. Right? You wouldn't have your balance

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So, these are now are on their necks for here so it is meaning their hands or the shackles, they are either on right up to the chins and on is a plural off the one and that one is the chin.

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All right, so the hands are literally reaching up to their chins or the neck collar is reaching up to the chin, meaning there's no room for the head. All right to move around freely. A person who's locked in this way is not able to bend down.

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Have you ever seen or have you ever worn a neck collar? Have you ever seen somebody wearing a neck collar?

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Neck collar for the purpose of maybe some neck pain or back pain or some neck injury right or some head injury maybe it prevents mobility doesn't it does not allow you to look down

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you cannot bend your neck

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in Alcon. So as a result for home look my home. So they are my home, meaning ones with their heads kept aloft. Mock Mahone is a plural of the word Ma. What's the root? Off meme? Ha. All right. That's a very interesting word. And if we go really deep, and its meaning there's a lot to it, but just to make it short and sweet and easy to understand. Look MA from a coma. Coma is said of a camel or a man. All right, meaning this word is used for a camel or a person when he or it is made to raise his head and contract the ice. Right? Just think of an animal like a camel. And there's a tether on its mouth and if it's bold, what's going to happen? If it's bold, the neck is straight. Alright, it's

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jerked back. It's straightened up. And as it straightened up. What does the animal do usually contracts its eyes. This is a comma. All right. And it's also used to describe camels when they drink water. Because when a camel gathers of water in its mouth, firstly it has to bend its neck down because it's a tall animal. Right? And once it gathers up the water in its mouth jerks up its neck its head up and then it Dirks the head a little bit more in order to swallow the water. This is Ithamar

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All right, it is said Akuma Hoon wall.

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Acoma who,

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what a LoL meaning hole as in the color, meaning the rain or the color for the neck and hands caused his head to be raised.

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Meaning the the chain was so tight or the way the person was locked or the animals lock was so tight that it did not allow him to lower his head to bend his neck.

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Now look at this idea again in Nirjala. Indeed, we have put fee or nappy him in there next Allah Allen chains. For here l Athan so they are up to their chins for whom mahkamah hoon. So they are with their heads kept aloft, meaning their shackles don't let them bend.

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Their chains don't allow them to look down. And if they cannot look down, if they cannot bend their neck, their head can see where they're going.

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Can they see where they're going? Can they read what is right in front of them. Now they cannot, if they have to read anything, they have to lift it up and bring it right before their eyes. Just imagine, maybe you've experienced, you know, a pinched nerve or something on your neck. It's just frozen frozen shoulder or something. It's just frozen. It's fixed in one place. You know a slight movement like bending your head, you know, up or down even becomes impossible.

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So something as as simple as looking towards someone when talking to them. You have to move your entire body

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isn't it? So this is basically a description of their stubbornness and their pride.

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That how stubborn and arrogant they are. That the truth is right in front of them. But their ego, their bias their heedlessness. It just doesn't allow them to humble themselves even a little

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too, Ben

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They even a little.

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So they don't even see the truth that is in front of them. And you see what this description? They're also being insulted in a way, because they're being compared with what? With what with camels? And isn't that humiliating for a person?

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Because in reality, what are they doing with the stubbornness, they're actually behaving like animals? Because they're not even looking at the truth, which is right in front of them. They're behaving like animals. Have you ever come across a stubborn animal that doesn't move?

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I think I've mentioned this to you before once I was traveling somewhere in Pakistan and we were stuck on the road traffic jam for a very long time. And finally, somebody went out of their car and walked all the way to see what was happening. And they found out there was a donkey standing on the road refusing to move, no matter how much the people were, you know, trying to move it it was refusing to move.

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Stubborn, stuck in one place.

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not budging even a little bit. Imagine there are massive trucks behind it. People honking honking so much noise so many people gathered around the donkey with the donkey.

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Refusing to move, but this is a sad reality of many people. The Quran is Hakeem Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is Allah slaughtering was the theme yet? Do they even pay attention to the Quran? Do they even bother to see what the Quran says? Do they even bother to find out? Who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was what he actually taught what he actually did. Do they pay attention to that? No, they don't. Why they're laughing alone. They're stuck in their pride. What do y'all know? And we have put men ID him before them in front of them. Sudden a barrier. Said what is said, seen doll doll. It's a barrier like a wall. So right before them is a wall, woman 100 feet

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himself. And behind them is also a barrier a wall.

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In front of them is a wall behind them. It's also a wall. Now if you think about it, firstly, they're immobile. Right in their pride, they don't bend down, they don't even look where they're going. They don't even see what is in front of them. And on top of that, there is a wall in front of them, and a wall behind them. For O'Shea now home. And so we have covered them, meaning their eyes are also covered, for whom lay you will sleep alone, so they do not see at all. Before them is a barrier behind them is a barrier, total complete ignorance. Firstly, they're immobile. Secondly, the gates of hedaya are also closed, they cannot see far. They're just stuck where they are.

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They are fixed, stubborn, where they are stuck where they are heedless of where they're headed, do ignorant of the consequences of their actions, not taking heat from the past either, because what is before them, that is to come the hereafter. What is behind them examples from history, right? And then if they were to look down what would they see themselves, but they don't even see themselves. And the fact is that Allah subhanaw taala has placed signs for the guidance of mankind, where Phil felt Wolfie unfussy him in the horizons, meaning in the world that is around people. So in front, behind, around and also with the unforeseen in themselves, meaning if the people were to reflect on

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the world around them, and if they were to reflect on their own selves, they will find enough science to guide them.

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But these people, what do we see? The gates of guidance are closed upon them. And this is an example of their arrogance, their heedlessness their stubbornness. You see many times when we come across these verses, we think, well if Allah has, you know, closed the doors of guidance for them, what's their fault? Right because Allah says, in Agile now we have made we have put, so if Allah has put them in this situation, how is it their fault? You tell me how is it their fault?

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Exactly. If you think about it, before this description, what is mentioned the guidance of the Quran, the guidance of the prophets on Allah Julio Salam.

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This is not describing that Allah subhanaw taala has forced them to become like this. No, this is disk

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Driving the response of these people to the truth and to the light that has come to them.

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The light has come in the form of the book in the form of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But if someone is so stubborn in his arrogance that he doesn't even look down, doesn't even look into himself doesn't even look beyond the present beyond the moment that he's in. He's just stuck in his ways, then who can guide him who can guide him, none can guide him. So these verses are a description of the arrogance and the heedlessness of these people. Allah subhanaw taala is criticizing them over here for their lack of desire to follow the truth for their arrogance. Because the sloth is before them, yet they remain stuck due to their arrogance due to their pride, and then

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their eyes are covered. They're not even looking at the truth. Rather, they are milk Mahone their heads are jolted upwards and pride. So then it doesn't matter how clear the slit off is. how strong the invalid is. Such people will not move. Salam Alikum Allah subhanaw taala ECF Allah Maha Mudra Raha Taqwa so the people they should know, Allah subhanho wa Taala he put these things in humans heart, right? My daughter, she was five years old when she was small. I was telling her about Prophet is story on this, and what have been on with her mood and add on all these things. And then she told me, Mommy, why they need miracle why they don't look at yourself. That's a miracle. And she

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was only five and in dasa. palha, foodora Hautala. Yes, Mashallah.

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00:36:47 --> 00:37:22

So many recently in the news, a huge example of a Scottish man who converted, I'm pretty sure a lot of people already heard of it the example like the what, basically what happened is that he was visiting Turkey one time, and here at the other end for the first time ever, and he had never had any interaction with any Muslim person, or had ever been taught or even knew anything about Islam. But just because he heard the other and he went home, back to Scotland, and he researched all of this all of it on his own. And it's an example of how it's not, you don't need like, it's a lesson or that guides you because of your will, he went back, he searched everything up. Like he wrote

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examples of how he debated with himself about, you know, certain rulings or the Quran and he, you know, made himself understand that he read the entire Quran in English three or four times. And that is what convinced him of the truth. It was just the words of the Quran. He didn't have anyone around him, but it's because he wanted to be guided to Allah subhanaw taala give it to him. Yeah. And it all started from where listening to the other, but if you think about it, so many people hear the event. They listen to the other, isn't it? But some people they remain in their life law in their position where they are stuck, not even paying attention to those words. And some people they get

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out of that stubbornness, they're not mock Mahone they pay attention they think they reflect and once a person reflects then doors of guidance are open for him.

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If Allah doesn't want to guide you then how would you be guided and sort of Baca in the beginning it comes to the same same message and it's so similar to what Sister said that was you don't have to be Muslim you could be Muslim and you could be misguided too. But anybody in the world I think as long as your heart seek for the guidance, Allah Tala find a way and open the door until anybody become arrogant and doesn't really want to be guided than those doors. It seemed like the closed otherwise, Allah Tala is a saw just he wouldn't close the door until there is a will. There is a veil there. Then Allah Tala does open the door or otherwise Allah Tala has shown us that even prophets who have

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guided people all their life, their own children didn't get guided as Prophet no Allah Islam or Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam 's father, so they had the best way of guiding it, but they didn't have no control over it. That was all in Allah's hands. Yes. I mean, if Allah did not wish to guide people, firstly, it's wrong to even think like that about Allah. But if Allah did not wish to guide people, why would he send guidance in the first place? Why would he send a Quran Al Hakim and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah slaughtered Mr. King. So really, this is also reminds me of the answers such that we see that Allah subhanaw taala gives us small reminders, small

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difficulties so that we return to Him and we stay humble. So anytime like we get feedback, or it's always important to keep an open mind and be receptive to that and stay humble. Very true.

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