Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 222B Tafsir Al-Ahzab 49-50

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The historical context of the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam is discussed, including the marriage of the Prophet and the importance of giving half of the divorce money to the woman who is going to divorce. The title used to symbolize a woman who was married to the Prophet's sister and the sister of the Prophet's sister. The history of the Prophet's actions, including false promises and accusations, and the use of the sallua sallam in religious practices and political activities are also discussed. The importance of not giving any celebrate rings to a woman who wants to be married to the Prophet is emphasized, and the need for witnesses to confirm their romantic relationship is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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These verses are about the marriages of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam we see that the theme is continuing over here. Earlier the Prophet sallallahu Salem's marriage to Zane Abdullah Juan Hmm, that was mentioned. And then a whole section of verses defending the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his reputation, why he did what he did? Because Allah subhanaw taala is the one who ordered him for the establishment of his religion, Allah subhanaw taala ordered the prophets on the lawn and set them to do certain things. And part of that was also his marriages. So these verses explain the marriages of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam the first idea, yeah, are you here? ladina Amanu

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all you who have believed, either when NACA Don't you have married Nagato meaning you have done Nika. All believers when you have done Nica with who? Almost Minette the believing women when you have gotten married to believing women. Now remember that even though marriage to Kitabi women meaning women from the allocator using the Christians, that is permissible, but here in particular, men women are mentioned why? Because marriage to a believing woman is preferable. All right, so either Nagatomo minute, when you do marry believing women, summer then meaning after the Nikka after the marriage contract. What happened for luck to move Hoonah you divorced them from the word

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fallout. What does Pollock mean? Divorce, whatever reasons behind divorce, so whatever reason that happened, because of that you divorce them, meaning mica happened, and then divorce happened. But this divorce It happened when men probably before on that the masu Hoonah, you touched them from the word mass. What does it mean by this? The divorce happened before any physical contact, meaning before the consummation of marriage. You understand? Divorce happened even before the marriage was consummated. And we have done the details of the consummation of marriage earlier on. In Surah Al Baqarah Surah, Nisa, and this is something that might happen. So for example, a man and woman they

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get married, the contract is made, you know, in the wedding hall or in the masjid. All right. And then what happened? The walima is supposed to be let's say three weeks later, big fight happened after a week, canceled everything, there is no walima there is no toxicity, there is no going to the husband's house, nothing, everything's canceled. The marriage was not consummated, meaning the two were not living together. All right, so the two did not even start living together, that the marriage ended, divorce happened. So what's the ruling then what should be done? Allah subhanaw taala says firmer so not luck on for you, I lay him now on them, meaning you do not have to count

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for the women. Men read that in any reader, that Tarta Duna that you count data Duna from the same route or in dalda as the word or EDA or the data Duna same route is what is read the reader literally is that which is counted and are in that refers to the time period after divorce, in which a woman is not to marry. All right, the time period the waiting period after divorce, during which time a woman is not to enter into another marriage contract. All right, and why is it called because those days are those weeks that period it has to be counted properly. And what is there a duffer divorced woman hurried there is Celeste data guru, it is three menstrual cycles. Right? So over

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here, Allah subhanaw taala says that if the divorce happened even before the marriage was consummated, there is no reader for the woman. You understand? There is no waiting period for the woman. Why? Because there was no consummation of marriage.

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Right? So if the woman wants she can get married even the next day.

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You understand it can happen. And this shows to us the wisdom the reason behind it, though. Why is it that a woman has to go through that waiting period for different reasons and the reasons are made clear over here, first of all, do get emotionally detached from the individual. All right, because once two people start living together, it's a different story completely. Once the marriage is consummated, there is a more

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motional attachment, there is physical attachment. And for a woman, she needs time to get over it

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before she enters another marriage contract, in fact, we see that majority of the people they need at least a year to even start thinking about another relationship. I'm not saying a year is legislated by the Quran and Sunnah. I'm just saying that typically, this is what happens after a divorce a year is minimum time. And then after that people think about your maybe I will think about getting married. And for some other people, it takes 235 years and some people they just never want to. And that's their decision. Right. So this is one of the wisdoms, another wisdom, which is more, you know, evident over here is that it is to ensure that the woman is not pregnant. Right? Because

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if she is pregnant, or she is not pregnant, that will be known within three months. And we might argue that, well, we know she can just take a pregnancy test and be done and over with, well, many people do take pregnancy tests, but it's not a guarantee. It's not a guarantee. Right? So three months, we'll definitely make it clear whether she is pregnant or not. So in this case, why not? Because there was no physical contact, the two didn't even live together. Right? So Allah says that there is no the over here, but the divorce happened. Right. And that was after the contract. And that contract also, even though the married was not consummated that contract itself that is

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something that affects a woman it's hurtful for her you know to have gone through this contract and then the divorce so what should you do to make up for it from a dear ruhuna so give them some matar. Material Honda, meaning give the woman the divorced woman some matar matar meaning some monetary gift

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was suddenly who who now and release them. The three literally is to set free let go, meaning send them away to their homes, how sarahan a release that is Jamila. That is beautiful, gracious, meaning when they're leaving, when they're going send them how honorably elegantly with dignity and respect without creating any difficulties for them.

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So three things are mentioned in this IO. Three rulings are given over here for a divorce of this nature. What are the three rulings? First is there's no ID the second is that at the time of divorce, some metadata must be given some monetary gift must be given into dakara IRA to 41. Allah subhanaw taala says, well, Lily Motala Katsumata on Bill malroux, for all divorced women, meaning any woman when she's given divorce, regardless of what the situation was, when she's given a divorce, and she's going than the man must give something to her. This is how fun is talking and obligation on the people of taqwa. What happens in the society, it's the exact opposite. Right? That

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whatever she owns, even that is snatched away from her. What does Allah subhanaw taala say, Give her something. And the third ruling is that as they're going, send them away with, with honor, with dignity with respect, not that you kick them out of the house and you insult them and you humiliate them, and you rush them out and they run from there to save their lives to save their honor. No, send them away with dignity. Now, instead of in Bukhara, 236 and 237 It's made clear, further explained this matter that if the Mahal was set, it was fixed. Okay. Nikka happened, Mahara was fixed. Marriage was not consumated. All right, divorce happened, then how much Mahara should be

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given half Furness full. All right, half of it should be given. Allah says in the ayah 237 of swords and bahawa in Falaknuma, Windham and cuddly anthem Asuna were called for up to Luna for the ABA, then Furness format, then you must give half of the month.

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And in the case where the MaHA was not fixed, then how much matar should demand give at the time of divorce? He should give according to his capacity, and that is mentioned in our 236 absoluto Bacara that were material Hoonah ol mu theory kadavu While mokhtari Cuddle that each person must give according to his capacity, the one who's got a lot of money you should give a lot the one who's got a little money than he should give a little according to his capacity he must give something but this is something that has happened idle more sin and obligation on the mercy need and in the eye number 241.

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We have sort of Bukhara Allah says how can Island muda pain. So a man who has Taqwa a man of your son will definitely give to the woman at the time of divorce in obedience to Allah azza wa jal. Now, these verses were supposed to be about the marriages of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam right? Why is the site over here? Why is the site over here, especially when the ruling is explained in greater detail in total? Baqarah? Right, several verses are dedicated to this topic. Why is this I have mentioned over here in the context of the marriages of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Exactly. Good. In the hottie, right? We learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married a woman, and her name was omega. All right.

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And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he married her. And when he went to her when he went to see her, what happened, she didn't accept the prophets that Allah has on them for whatever reason, she didn't want him. All right. And basically, the woman said, Oh, the villa human, right, that she wasn't ready for it. Whatever the reason why some have said she was when Africa Allahu Allah, whatever the reason was, she didn't want that marriage. She wasn't comfortable. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, You have sought refuge with the one who gives refuge, you have sought refuge with the one meeting with Allah Who gives refuge and the Prophet sallallaahu

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Salam didn't get offended over here at all. What did he do? Immediately? He went out and he said, to one of his companions, or his servants or whoever was there, to give that lady some clothing? All right, as Mata, and let her go back to her family. This has mentioned in Behati. Now, what do we learn from this incident?

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What do we learn from this incident?

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Anything that came to your mind?

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The honor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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what a beautiful man he was. After marriage, the contract has happened. Nika has happened. All right. But if this woman didn't want the Prophet salallahu Salam as her husband, for whatever reason, we don't need to be judgmental over here. If she didn't want that marriage, the Prophet salallahu Salam honored her decision. So how can we then say that the Prophet salallahu Salam had so many wives and I don't even want to say the words that people use to describe him?

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How can we say that? This one woman, she doesn't want him as a husband? And the Prophet salallahu Salam, he's fine. I was just thinking,

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you know, when we go to, for example, our friend or somebody and we sit next to them, you know, we give them something or we tell them to do something. And they say, No. Do we get offended?

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When we are refused in any way, do we get offended?

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And because we are offended, what do we do?

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You're refusing me. Let me show you.

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Let me show you. Who's the boss here. Right? We use our power, our authority, our dominance over there. Law School, allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't do that here. So we can never say about the wives of the prophets on a lot of time that they were forced into these marriages. No, they were willingly in this marriage. They were willingly the wives of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Anything else that you learn from this incident?

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His status, his nobility. And the fact that she refused.

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He didn't throw a tantrum. He didn't he didn't get upset. He didn't go out to them and go, Who does she think she is? He humbly on top of this, he gave her gift Subhanallah

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This is really beautiful. Because typically what happens, you know, in marriage, many men, they try to force their will or their power over their wives. And the wives they don't have any choice to even say anything. And there is no respect for their decision. Look at the grave, you know, character of the Prophet sallallahu is I don't know, he's not forcing his way here. He's not getting offended. He is respecting this woman's decision, whatever it is, and he's even giving her a gift on top of that.

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I think for me, what's really powerful is, especially what you just said is, for whatever reason, don't judge her. She had the right to reject that offer. So the idea that women have given that opportunity, I mean, even you can reject the profits or loss. I mean, of course that's, you know, her loss. For sure. Her loss. I mean, I feel bad for her. But the fact that the prophets of Allah

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So I'm accepted that

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you know, it only shows us his great rank. I think Mashallah. I mean, I wasn't aware of this thing that you have just described and it has so much wisdom in it for today's people are at all the times because first of all, Nick, I happen with both parties. They were willing to do it. So it seemed like it happened whatever happened after marriage or before change of mind afterwards Yeah. And it's totally like we're looking at the physical component of it. And so it shows us first of all, it kind of make a puja that all the other wives they stayed with their own willingness so that mean if any of them would have refused they had the choice to bless it chose to like there are so many books out

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there we were just talking about that. People say that because what they hear and what they see and I mean, Islam is perfect but I'm sorry to save Muslims are not and the practices that we are doing are not right. We have messed up big time and people see those messed up practices and that's the version they know we even being Muslims we even don't know the right version either. Like as we study we get to know because all the time I know about Pakistan, even if the marriage happened we take all the bad customs even with the marriage happened and people have been married. That's why they have all those dramas that they do not treat them right if divorce happened both families are

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making each other look bad and saying all the bad feelings literally. Right? And not even nevermind giving the girl stuff they will not even give it back and then putting the blame so the girl will not get married again. So it mashallah when you look at it, that's how much dignity Allah Tala has given it. Give them the women the right, exactly. And one more thing we learned from here it is, you know, the Prophet saw the last time he divorced this lady. All right. Even the Prophet salallahu Salam divorced a lady. Okay. We think of divorce as something very, very evil.

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All right, very, very evil, that if somebody is divorced, then both the people are extremely evil. No, it's not necessary.

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The prophets of Allah Islam, you could say he was divorced in this respect, right? And that's fine. Because this lady didn't want the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as her husband. Her last but any. It's something that happens to people and we shouldn't think of people as bad. Just because they are divorced. You understand? Go ahead.

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Salam Alikum. I think this is a it's clear to see that women have a right to ask for a divorce. Because in many cultures, women, you know, don't get that choice and people men don't honor when their wife said no. You say okay, then I want to force you and I know in many cultures

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Yeah, you wanna be you all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In this ayah. The marriages of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are described the different marriages or the different women that he were married to. They're mentioned over here. And remember that the marriages of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they were unique. All right, just as the prophets of Allah Islam status is unique, the status of his wives was unique. Right? For the family of the prophets of Allah descendant there were certain rules certain guidelines. So his marriage was also unique. Basically, the detail of his marriages are given over here. So yeah, you have to be you Oh, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in that indeed, we are Hillel. Now. We have made halal. We

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have made lawful Leca for you, as well. jakka your wives, your wives are lawful for you. Which wives allottee those who plural of the word allottee. At data you give Oduro Hoonah. there who do who do plural of the word adjure. Literally means compensation. But here it's referring to Maha

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Maha. What is Maha bridal gift, a gift that is given to a woman by the husband at the time of marriage.

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So all Prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, indeed we have made lawfull to your wives, to whom You have given their Maha like for example, I shuffled the law more on her when he married her he gave her her mug so though the law more on her on Santa model the law more on her right the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave them their Maha

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warmer and also that which meaning also lawful for you is that which Malakut it possessed yummy Nuka it owned yummy Nuka your right hand man Malacca yum Enoch what does it refer to? Slave? Right men

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Now from among those who are fair, Allahu Allah has returned our Laker to you. Alpha. Alpha is from the word faith failure, Hamza? All right. And fate is used for booty war booty. All right, but remember that Fae, in particular is used for that wealth that falls in the hands of the Muslims without any battle. All right, without any battle aneema is after battle. All right, and a Fae, is without battle. So well now Melaka to Yameen, aka mimma FL, Allahu our lake. Remember that at the time of the prophets of Allah Islam? The general rule was that if, you know one group of people defeated their enemy, all right, in some cases, the enemy the people would fall as prisoners

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prisoners of war. All right.

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And in the life of the prophet Sallallahu, sudden we see for example, after the Battle of Hiber. Right Sophia, or the Longhorn her, she was from the noble women. She was a war captive. All right. Do you wait here we'll do a lot more on her. She was also a word captive after the expedition have been almost Allah

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what did he do? He set them free and he married them. But he, of course he asked them, Okay. So for example, you waited a little while until we have a very beautiful story about her to at the blower and her her tribe, her people, the animals stuck. There's a whole history behind why the Muslims attacked that particular group of people. And the main reason is that these people were preparing to attack the Muslims. Right? And and hamdulillah you've studied this Iran, you know that how every community was out to get Muslim blood, right? So the Muslims had to be proactive, in many cases, that before the enemy attack, they would go and

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break the strength of the enemy. So what happened? This particular group of people, the animal stuck, they were preparing to attack the Muslims with the Muslims, they attack them first. And when they did, the men, they actually all fled. They actually all got away. And what happened? Whoever could get away, he got away. What happened who was left behind? It was the children and the women. All right, and some weak people or some people who got caught. So they were all brought in as captives now, juhayna glow on her, she had a very high status amongst her people. So she went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she said, I'm a princess. Okay, I need money. Please help me I

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need money. I want to buy my freedom. I can't be a slave to somebody. All right, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, What if I were to set you free and marry you? You have that option? Or I can help you by your freedom. It's your choice. It's up to you. Duany or doula one, huh? She chose to marry the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam. Now, we might wonder why did the Prophet sallallahu gonna even make that offer? Right?

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You know what the benefit was? When she became the wife of the Prophet salallahu Salam, her entire tribe was set free. Why? Because the Muslims said, how can we have people who are the inlaws of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as war captives? How can we do that? This is not right. These are the in laws of the prophets on the lawn is. And then what happened? Even the booty that was brought in it was returned, because this entire tribe, all of a sudden, they became who the in laws of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And because of this reason, the men when they finally you know, had this hire, we should go and think about negotiating because our families are there. When they finally had the hire

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to go and do that they came and they see what happened here. Everything's changed. So they actually were so amazed by the treatment of the prophets of Allah, Islam by the treatment of the Muslims, they all accepted Islam, their wealth was returned to them. And they went back, and everything was back to normal for this entire tribe. But what was the difference? Now they were all Muslim.

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And this whole change happened. Why? Because the prophets on a lot of Salam offered Julia if you want, you can marry me. And if you marry me, you know, of course, you're free. You're not just free, you're gonna get such a high status. She chose that.

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Alright, so over here, what is mentioned when Emma Lechat Yameen, aka Mimosa Allahu our lake. All right, so the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made you waited a blow on her he ultimate sulfuryl de la noir, and I'm not going to go into the detail of every xojo Because if we were to do that this class would turn into you know, the topic should be the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam anyway. Then more marriages of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam are mentioned webinar T and the DA

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First off, I'm Mica have your paternal uncles were Bennati and the daughters of ematic your paternal aunts. All right, meaning, you may also marry the women of the Quraysh the women from Polish

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because the prophets Allah was and was from Kurdish. So the daughters of his paternal uncle, paternal aunts, who would they be his cousins, right, his relatives, and they would be from Kurdish. So, for example, oh, Habiba. It'll be a long war on her. Okay. The Prophet sallallahu sunnah married her, who was ohm Habiba. She was the daughter of Abu Sufyan.

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Abu Sufyan, who was I was a fan.

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He was one of the leaders of Makkah. And in fact, he became the topmost leader. Why? Because over time, all the leaders that either died or they converted to Islam, most of them actually they died, like, for example, Abu Jamal, Abu Lahab, all of these big names, they all died. And then eventually, like, for example, Khalid bin Walid Rabelo, on who he accepted Islam. All right. So Elizabeth Yan, his daughter, if she's married to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam remember, in Arab society, this would be just wrong. How can you wage war against your own son in law?

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You understand? You could not wage war against your daughter's husband, what kind of a man are you to do that? So this kind of changed a Luciferians hostility towards the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and not just the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but Muslims in general.

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And Omar Habiba was happily married to the prophets of Allah. so happily married that at one occasion when Abu Sufian came to Medina, and this was after he broke the Treaty of her labia when the machine violated the Treaty of Arabia by attacking the allies of the Muslims. So it was a Fianna he came to Medina to talk to negotiate with the Prophet sallallahu sunnah. All right. But when he came, he wasn't welcomed. You know, there's no room for any negotiation because we made a treaty, you violated it. You don't even respect the treaty. So how can we trust your word now? So anyway, I was a fan made many attempts and then in his attempts, he also went to visit his daughter, the wife

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of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam. And when he went to do that, and he sat down on the cushion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on Habiba said,

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This cushion is my husband's cushion.

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It belongs to the prophets of Allah who already has allah

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and You are his enemy.

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That you're my father, I love you as my father, however, you are the enemy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so please don't sit here. You may sit somewhere else.

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I mean, what does this show also

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on Habiba? Was she happily married to the Sunnah Lhasa along with your Salah? Yes, she was. Right. So I'm Habiba. She was from the family of the paternal uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and Xena little dilemma and husband had been Josh, who was she? She was the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu CEMs paternal aunt. All right. So Benetti I'm Miko Abernathy. ematic wa Benetti and the doctors off colic, your maternal uncle Wabanaki and daughters of Hala attic, your maternal aunts.

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All right, meaning the women from bunu Zahara. When was okra were the maternal relatives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And then there's a condition set over here that those women only you can marry allottee those who had Jana monka hijama, they have done hijra, Malka with you.

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Those who have done hijra,

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you should marry those women. Why? Because they have a special status in the sight of Allah. They are more deserving of this privilege, that they be your wives. Because a woman who has accepted Islam, and who has done hijra, who has sacrificed in the way of Allah, she is worthy of this privilege. And we see that, for example, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam married him Selma. Right, she did hit it up, didn't she? She was one of the first you know, I'm Sonoma Abu Salah mother was one of the first people to do her job. And I'm Selena, when she became a widow who wants to look after her. She was somebody who embraced Islam at such an early stage and then she sacrificed so much in the

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way of Allah. She was worthy of this high status of being the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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when Martin and a woman Minato believing meaning also allowed for marriage for you is who a believing woman in it.

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What habit? She gifts nappsa herself Linda b to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. What habit from the root letters? Well, her bell Heba what is HIV? I mean, gift. Basically Heba is to give something without seeking anything in return. This is HIPAA. Right? The problem with our gift is that when we give a gift, we also expect to gift in return. So that's not really a pure HIPAA. A pure hereby is when you give it, you don't expect nothing in return. All right. So, over here, what HIPAA is referring to is that if a woman were to marry the Prophet, sallAllahu, alayhi, wasallam, without taking any money, I

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understand that she herself says, I want to be married to you, and she does not take any money.

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But imagine if this was the case, how many women would say,

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you know, I would like to be the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I don't want any Maha. Right? Too many women would come to the prophets of Allah, something like that. I mean, who at that time wouldn't want to have that honor that privilege to be the wife of the Prophet sallallahu sadhana so a condition is set in if our raw than EBU if the Prophet wanted on that. Yes, then key haha, he should do Nica to her.

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All right. So there's two things over here. She does Heba. She says, I don't want any Maha. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also agrees that yes, okay, he accepts it. All right. So for example, we learned that there's a narration in Buhari, as well as Muslim Adama that a woman came to the Prophet salallahu Salam, and she said, O Messenger of Allah, I offer myself to you for marriage. I want to marry you, and I won't take any Muhammad in return. You don't need to worry about anything. And the Prophet salallahu Salam he didn't say anything. Okay, meaning he didn't say yes he didn't say no. All right, until somebody else you know the conversation was changed something else was done. But

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the prophets of Allah Islam didn't accept this all right. So in a rather than EBU A Yes, thank you. Haha. It is said there is a narration that may move out of the law one her she got married to the Prophet salallahu Salam this way, meaning she didn't want any Maha but still the profits or loss of them gave her something.

00:32:28 --> 00:33:14

So in a rather nubby un Yes, thank you. Haha. Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear. Hi, Liz Phyton exclusively laka for you mean Dune, Elmo meaning other than the believers, meaning this is only only an exception that is being made for who? For Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, meaning this is not something that is allowed for other believers. What is not allowed for other believers, that first of all, they have more than four wives. All right. And secondly, that they marry a woman in this way of HIPAA, that a woman goes to a man and she says, You know what, I give myself as HIPAA to you. In other words, you don't need to give me any Maha. And the man says, I accept and the marriage

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takes place. No, no, this doesn't work for anybody else, okay. This is only an exception for who? For Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam All right. For other people, the law of Nica, the laws pertaining Nica, they have been detailed in the Quran and Sunnah. So this is an exception that is made for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam only. Allah says, God, certainly I live now we know mad that which follow up now we have obligated I lay him on them on who on the believers, Allah knows. And you know, what has been obligated on the believers concerning Nikka mean the laws of Nikka they are clear fee as YG him concerning their wives. All right. And also remember that the Prophet salallahu

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Salam, many exceptions were made for him concerning marriage. So for example, one was that he wasn't obligated to spend on his wives. As we learned earlier, in Surah, Taha All right, why we had this whole discussion about, you know, the profits of a lot of systems responsibility was different. Right? He was to convey his primary responsibility was not to look after his family, because if he were to do that, then he wouldn't be able to do His work, which was to convey the message of Allah. And this is why the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sunnah when they agreed to this, Allah subhanaw taala exalted their status greatly also, so called the Aileen nama for Ragna Allah him fee as YG

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him, woman Melaka and that which owned a man whom their right hands meaning concerning their slaves. Also, the law has been made clear elsewhere in the Quran, and we don't need to go into the details of that at this time.

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Lika Illa now, why are all of these exceptions made for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam li Kala, so that not your kupuna it is alayka on you, hydrogen, any discomfort,

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these exceptions, these are made for you the restrictions are lifted from you. Why? So that you do not have any difficulty. The restrictions are for hula for the believers. All right regarding marriage therefore, hula for the believers, not for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, when it comes to marriage, for example of the restrictions is that a man may only marry up to how many women at a time for. Secondly, he must seek permission from the legal guardian, the Wali. The Nica must happen in the presence of witnesses, the man must give him a hug. But all of these restrictions were lifted from the Prophet salallahu Salam, why, due to his status, due to the great responsibility?

00:36:04 --> 00:36:10

What can Allah Who and Allah is ever offered or Rahima, forgiving and merciful,

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forgiving and merciful. Now, in this idea, the restrictions of marriage are removed from the Prophet sallallahu. He was. Why, because his marriages were not for personal reason. His marriages were for the benefit of the of the OMA. I just gave you the example of his marriage with Joe ADEA or the Lavorgna his marriage with him Habiba didn't that benefit the OMA

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think about it.

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So the Prophet salallahu Salam, because of his great responsibility, all right, these restrictions were removed from him.

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So that he could focus on his mission to convey all right now,

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even though these restrictions were removed from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, still, what do we see? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam he gave to his wives,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he didn't marry anybody without her consent.

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You understand? The marriage was not without consent, the consent was there.

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All right. Likewise, in the following verses, we will see that it wasn't obligatory on him to be equal with all his wives.

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You understand? Allah subhanaw taala even to bad burden away from him? Why is it that there is no Holige on him? No difficulty on him because he didn't choose to marry all these women. Allah ordered him. So for example, his marriage to Xena will deliver on him he was trying to avoid it wasn't me. And Allah subhanaw taala he said the word Janaka when Allah said zawa Janaka was there any avoiding that marriage? No, there wasn't. But with marriage comes a lot of responsibility, doesn't it? But Allah subhanaw taala took those responsibilities away from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to make the burden lighter for him. Because already he was doing so much. All right, but still the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did his best. He still gave him a hug. He took consent. And he also tried his best to be as fair and as equal as possible amongst all his wives.

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This is the nobility of his character the greatness of his character that even though Allah removed all these obligations from him, still he did essa still he was good he was fair to his wives. That's this is the recitation of these verses

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a human love you

00:38:59 --> 00:39:00

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00:39:20 --> 00:39:20


00:39:37 --> 00:39:39

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00:39:54 --> 00:39:56

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00:40:08 --> 00:40:14

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00:40:25 --> 00:40:27

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00:40:30 --> 00:40:31

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00:40:33 --> 00:40:37

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00:40:40 --> 00:40:43

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00:40:47 --> 00:40:55

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00:40:57 --> 00:40:58

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