Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 210E Tafsir Al-Rum 54-59

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the negative impact of weakness and birth on people's lives, as well as the importance of forgiveness and avoiding apologizing for mistakes. The Day of Judgment is discussed, emphasizing the need for forgiveness and the importance of laying down and apologizing for mistakes to avoid future negative consequences. The speakers also touch on the topic of older age and the potential for a darker future. The importance of using resources and knowledge to improve one's life is emphasized, along with the use of examples to explain concepts and their impact on one's perception.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allahu Allah the Allah is the One who halacha comb He created you minbar fin from weakness enough to open our eyes is reflection on our own selves. And what is that, that Allah is the One who created you from weakness, what weakness that your origin or human being? Was weakness Matt in Maheen water liquid is what you were created from. And really, if you think about it, your childhood as a little child, what were you? Could you walk with your feet? Could you bite with your teeth? Or you couldn't? Could you get something with your own hands? No, you couldn't. So weak, and then this weakness is in our nature also, that even the strongest people, they end up crying, isn't it? We

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have this buff in us, we have weakness in Us. So Allah has created you from weakness, meaning your origin was weakness. Initially, you were very weak. Sama then gyla He made mimbar the after barfing weakness or what then strength meaning after weakness he granted you strength, the strength of youth that physically you were stronger mentally, you were stronger, emotionally you're stronger, with age you go stronger, right and this is the best time to do anything that you want. Basically the time between puberty and around the age of 40 this is full. All right. So my then Gianna he made Mumbai the goal within after strength, barfing weakness,

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there is decline after youth is decline again, weakness, strength and then weakness again, what is this weakness decline in a person's strengths. So what so that every part of the body begins to feel weak, from the feet, to the knees, to the hands to the head to the eyes, to the nose to the ears, the whole body begins to deteriorate, even the heart, doesn't it? And not just that but even a person's mind, he begins to forget things that he used to know. And not just that, he's not able to memorize and study and learn and grasp things as easily as he could before. So weakness again after strength, but the second weakness is accompanied with what was Shaybah and Whitehair. What is

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Shaybah Shinyanga to become gray haired to be old. Yeah, hello, coma, yesha. He creates whatever He wills will, who will Eileen will Cuddy and he is the knowing the competent? What is this is showing to us that neither can you maintain and control each stage of your life. Nor can you prevent the next stage of life from coming. Can we? No we cannot we don't have any control over this. So again, there's a reminder over here Life is short. Do something the strength that you have right now is limited, it is temporary, do something before the strength goes away.

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It's not going to stay with you forever. While your woman and on the day when the almost to the Hour will be established the Hour will appear meaning the moment the time the Day of Judgment will appear. What will happen you see Moo he will swear alts this one awesome. What is awesome I swear such and such yep SEMO he will swear who almajiri Moon the criminals and what is it that they're going to swear Mallaby so that they did not remain? Leila other than sa an hour they will swear that they did not remain except for how long? For how long? an hour. That in the world we live for only an hour hardly went when we had to come back or in the grave. We were just buried and now we have

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been resurrected.

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Allah says Kedah Alika. Likewise can do they were you for Cohn they were deluded,

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meaning justice on the Day of Judgment. They are in this delusion that oh, we were in the world for only an hour. We were in the grave for only an hour. This is how they lived their lives in the world in delusion

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in deception.

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What was that deception, that just have fun, be marry, enjoy yourself Life is short. You know, have fun, you're not going to live again. Instead of preparing for the Athleta they lived with the deception of the dunya. Walk Allah and He will say I Lavina those who who tularemia they were given knowledge while Iman and Iman those who were given knowledge and faith they will speak

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Who are those who are given knowledge and faith?

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Prophets, believers, angels, they will say Laqad certainly Labus tomb usted fie kita Billahi PHY over here doesn't mean in it means according to, in a way in also Kitab Allah back of Allah meaning decree of Allah according to low Hallmark fools, meaning it's written in the law Hallmark fools

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that you stayed. Until when Isla yo woman birth until the Day of Resurrection, meaning you were in your graves until the day of resurrection. And it wasn't just an hour. How much was it different for each person depending on when he was buried, depending on when he died?

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So according to the decree of Allah, you stayed until the Day of Resurrection and the Day of Resurrection. What are they saying that they don't want birth? Because they denied the Day of Resurrection, right? For Heather Yeoman birth. So this is the day of resurrection that you denied. What are kin Contin lat Allah moon, but you did not used to? No. What do we see over here? That those who lived in denial of the Day of Resurrection in this world who didn't believe in the hereafter who didn't prepare for the hereafter? How are they living right now in deception in delusion? If? Because if because what a lie to turn something from its original direction, right? So

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they lived in this lie. So on the Day of Judgment, what's going to happen, they will be in that same delusion that where has this come from? It's like, you know, when a person doesn't believe in something and doesn't expect it, and then it comes in front of them, they're in shock. They still don't understand what I can now come come to them later on the moon. And these ayat also show to us that on the Day of Judgment, literally, for these criminals, whatever they suffered in the grave, will appear like just an hour. Why? Because of the severity and the length of the Day of Judgment. This is why in sort of the casino 52 We learn they will say Yeah, well and I'm baffled I'm in my

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Kadena or what was who raised us from our beds we were sleeping, imagine the punishment of the grave will seem like sleep to them compare to the horrors of the Day of Judgment.

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For Yoma even so that de la Yun Pharaoh it shall not benefit Alladhina wala mu, those who did wrong, what will not benefit them Mara Vera, to whom their excuse, what is my idea behind the law, or that is basically an excuse something, an explanation that you give for why you did something so that you're not punished. You're not held responsible, and apology and explanation and excuse justification reason. So their excuses are not going to benefit them. In this world. Do excuses benefit us? Sometimes they do. But on the day of judgment, no excuses will work when our whom you start a boon, nor will they be allowed to appease who Allah you start a bonus from the root letters

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i into but it is to be upset, right at least to be upset. Ruth ba laka alert ba ba you may have heard of this earth by Earth is approval. It's the opposite of that right? To be upset or to be happy. All right, with somebody is stereotype is to try to remove displeasure from the other that someone's upset with you. And you do something in order to make that anger go away.

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Think about it. If your mom is upset with you, up against you. What you're going to do is Theertha you're going to try to remove that output from her how? I'm sorry, I love you. You're the best mom. Right? You will praise her. You will tell never do it again. But if she saw angry that you're scared to even go to talk to her. What are you going to do? You're going to ask your dad Can you please talk tomorrow? You're going to ask your brother can you please talk to her? Sister? Can you talk to her mom's best friend can you talk to her? You understand it you got to do something to make her happy yourself and if that doesn't work, you're gonna get somebody else to do that for you. On the

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Day of Judgment while home you start a boon if my relationship with my Lord is not good now,

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on the Day of Judgment, no one can fix it.

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No apologies can fix it.

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I have to fix it myself. Now. Now is my only chance because on the Day of Judgment, no person can do any

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thing to make that displeasure go away to make Allah happy, because the doors of repentance will be closed. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, repentance has a gate there's a gate for Toba. And it will remain open until the sunrises from the West, meaning when this sign of the Day of Judgment happens, then there's no more repentance after that. So on the Day of Judgment, is there any repentance then? Is there anything about them? No, there isn't.

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Allah is Allah foof. He doesn't benefit by forgiving us, nor does he suffer by not forgiving us. He has no need to forgive us. We need His forgiveness. And we need it now. Because on the Day of Judgment, Wallah home, Wallah home, you start a bone.

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So, if there's anything wrong that has been done, now, let us fix it. Now. Allah subhanaw taala will be pleased with some people on the day of judgment and he will be angry with others on the Day of Judgment. In a hadith we learn Allah subhanaw taala will say to the people of paradise, all people have Jana and they will sell a bake our Lord Sodexo, we are happy at your service and the good is in your hand. Allah will say, Are you pleased? Are you pleased? And they will say, Oh our Lord, why would we not be pleased? While you have given us what you have not given any other of your creation? Allah will say, Should I give you what is better than all of this? And they will say, Oh, Lord, what

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could be better than all of this? And Allah who will say, I will grant you My pleasure, and will never afterwards be angry with you. So some people, Allah's Ridhwan will be bestowed on them, that they have stamp of approval from Allah, Allah will never be upset with them. And there will be others that Allah will never be pleased with them. May Allah make us amongst those that he will never be upset with. What else one Allahu Akbar. recitation. A long ruler the follow up on

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the boxing

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shaver yeah hello BOMA.

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Woodward and Ali mukajee way Oh Matt up almost to your pussy Moogerah Munna man I

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you start

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from Iowa number 54 Allahu Allah the Halacha come min Darphin Allah is the One Who has created you from weakness, meaning the origin of man is what weakness meaning initially, when man was created, when every human being is created at the beginning of his creation is what weakness, the start of his existence is with weakness, it is not with strength, and color Capcom member or Finn also means so member meaning first of all in man's origin. And secondly, that weakness is in man's nature, it is within men, because man has been created from weakness a weakness is something that is part of men. All right, that no matter how strong or how knowledgeable or how emotionally stable a person

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may become, there is still some kind of weakness within him. Because as human beings you know, for instance, we could be in a situation where we're trying to be very strong, very tough, you know, very stable, we're trying to keep our cool we're trying to keep our ourselves calm, but what happens eventually there comes a point where we break Alright, so hello, Coco mimbar Finn, and each and every one

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All of us experienced this in our lives that we are weak. Allah says in the Quran well holy call Insano. The ephah man has been created weak. I mean, if you think about it our bodies even they're so fragile, isn't it? Our hearts our feelings. so fragile, isn't it? Somebody gives one common and that ruins our day. Somebody looks at us in a certain way, and we feel like, you know, we've been shattered from inside, isn't it? In Hadith we learned that align the evil eye. It is real, isn't it? Now just imagine we're so weak that somebody's eyes can

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affect us, isn't it? So? Hola. Hola the holla Coco min Darphin. Allah has created you from weakness. If you think about it, if something is weak, if someone is weak, what does it mean? Can they survive on their own? Can they know they need external support? Isn't it so as human beings, who is it that we need for strength? Someone other than us someone who's greater than us. So hello Coco memberof. We have been created week we have been created needy of Allah, needy before Allah. We need Allah. Yeah. Are you a nurse and tunnel Fukuhara you are poor, you are needy, you are desperate. Before who in Allah Allah to Allah and Allah is lanique He is rich, He is the giver. So Allahu Allah the Hello

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kakum mimbar Finn, He created you from weakness, and then after weakness comes strength and the strength is also not perfect, that is also deficient it has its own deficiencies. And then that strength also declines, that after strength is weakness again, and this weakness is accompanied with old age, Allah creates whatever He wills and he is the knowing and the capable into other more solid and number 20 Allah says alumna Hello comer in my hen did we not create you from a liquid that is disdained that our origin is what liquid and such liquid that is this day that is to be washed off that is not to be spoken about even intro to natural I have for Allah says hello call in Santa may

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not fatten for either who are Hosley Momo been? Allah has created man from a not far from a sperm draw. And what happens to men at one sees a clear adversary. This is a lesson that is being given here. That we are weak we are nothing before Allah, needy before Allah. If we have any strength, even that goes away, even that declines with time, then how dare we stand against Allah? How dare we stand, you know, contradicting Allah's commands, his laws, the fitrah that he has created into the natural is 70 Allah says Allah Who halacha comb, some marital affair come, Allah created you and then he will give you death. Women command Euro do Isla de la Romo. And some of you are those who

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are reversed to the most decrepit old age, meaning if someone doesn't die in their youth, then what happens they end up growing up to be extremely old. And this extreme old age is such that Li kala ja Allama bar there Illman che that a person doesn't know a thing, after having known so much. He had so much knowledge and now he doesn't know he cannot even recall his own name. He cannot even recall his the names of his own children.

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Sometimes a person cannot even tell where they are, you know, they think they're in a certain country, but they're actually in a different country. Sometimes they think that they're in the bathroom, whereas they're actually in the bedroom. They're sitting on a chair and to think that they're sitting on the toilet. It happens with extreme old age that a person doesn't even know dementia. Li que la Jana my brother Illman che i mean this really shows to us how weak we are and how high we think of ourselves really. I mean one slight pain in the body you know the pinch of just one nerve is enough to just enough to put you to bed really that you cannot even move it's amazing.

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This is how we are Hello Koco min Darphin but how great we think of ourselves that we are some big shots something so mighty someone so great that whatever I say should go whatever I think should happen whatever I want should happen no we're nothing. Insert yeah Cena 68 We learn one man no amid who not kiss who Phil

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Hello, whoever we give long life to, we reverse him in creation.

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We reverse him in creation, that there comes a point where a person from which point onwards a person begins to decline in every capacity in every way. You know, it's amazing how a person has gained so much education, so much experience in a work for so long. And there comes a point where they're told now you're retired,

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or retired, that you're of no use to us basically anymore. All right, thank you for all that you've done. But now you're of no use. So now you just stay at home and wait for your death, basically.

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Right? Because you cannot be a part of the society anymore. The workplace anymore, the company anymore. Isn't that sad?

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Well, man, no, I'm Midha, not Kisu Phil Hulk, FLIR Clune, will they not understand life is fleeting, even our body is ever decaying, our body is declining. And the fact that our body is declining, the fact that we feel this weakness in our body, this lack of strength in our body, this diminishing strength daily that we experience in our lives. What is that a proof off? We don't have control over ourselves, we belong to someone, life is slipping away. So do something before it runs out. And then the Day of Judgment is mentioned in the next is that how, you know in our day to day we think that life is long, have fun, chill. You know, I've got so many years to figure things out, to improve

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myself, to change myself. But what happens? We keep waiting, waiting, waiting.

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We think life is long. But on the day of judgment, what is it that people will say life was so short. This is the deception that we're living in. We think life is long. But in reality, it is not very long. We delay things that are necessary until tomorrow. And who knows, tomorrow might not even come.

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Now an equal human child is the only one who when he bought, he is dependent he cannot we cannot feed he can change himself. And when we add, she's still on the bed and it is the same procedure. Like you change the diaper of a baby, and you change her diaper to she doesn't. And I used to love reading, I used to love to lie down and read since my eyesight is weak. Now, Doctor said don't lie down while you're cheating. And I'm stuck. My studies are limited, ya know, my reading is limited. So I want you to advise these girls that avail this physicality of the eyes and read as much as possible. Because after some age, you won't be able to read even with this justice, you will be

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I mean, really, if you think about it, we experienced this. We don't have to become old to understand this. You know, when you have limited time and you want to get something done, right? Can you do it? Like for example, you have half an hour before you have to leave and there's a YouTube video that you're watching and it's 45 minutes, can you watch that 45 minute video and half an hour. You can't. Why because time is limited resources are limited. And this is how every resource is every faculty is every strength is it is limited. It's going to run out.

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Salam Alaikum it just reminded me of what I'm going through now.

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I'm just sitting here.

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I'm just sitting here and I'm thinking

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how my surrounding people are able to take their notes without even realizing how lucky they are.

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And I'm having difficulties just sitting here.

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Let alone taking the notes.

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So I always tell my kids and I want to tell you guys most of you are my kids age. I want to tell you how lucky you are.

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That you're able to take the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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not even realize that it's a precious it's it's a precious Not long ago I was just like you last year I was able to sit down here and take all my notes without me noticing. And I realized the here that I was away

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that I was not thankful enough all the time. You know for what the things that I've been given to we take you take you take

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we take grant

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it for how lucky we are when you have your help 100%. So please

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make use of it. Like the sister said, it's going to take time, it's not going to be here forever. If your health is 100% For now, you will reach a stage where the ante was just talking about that her aunt is in bed, and now she's losing her sight.

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You know?

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If you think about it, we have no control over our bodies.

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No control.

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You know that feeling of when you catch a cold?

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Right? And then people ask you, how did it happen? And then you say, I think maybe it was because I went outside without a jacket. Or maybe because I shook hands with the person who had a cold, or maybe because of the fact that I had ice cream. Maybe because of this, maybe because of that. They're all maybes, right? Because there could be so many factors. You don't know which one,

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isn't it? Because anytime, you know, anything can get into our body and destroy us from inside. Viruses, infections, you know bacterial infections, skin infections, I mean, all of these things are literally beyond our control. Because Allah has created us from weakness in a state of dependency. We are not independent, we are completely dependent on who on Allah subhanaw taala. We are not self reliant. We cannot rely on ourselves. We're not self subsisting, we cannot sustain ourselves. Allah Yom is only who? Allah subhanaw taala we cannot even look after ourselves. And the essence, the main lesson from this is, first of all, realize our dependency on Allah, and therefore remain humble

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before him. And secondly, do something with the time with the resources, the abilities that Allah has given us, before they're taken away from us. Because every blessing in this world is temporary. Blessings in Jannah are eternal in this world. They are not eternal at all. So we need to do something with our lives before they finish. We need to do something with the strengths that Allah has given us before we run out of them. Because on the Day of Judgment, this will be the regret Young will have Surah why is it the day of regret? I could have done more but I didn't I could have done this but I didn't.

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Well, my Takuma Sato, you simile moody moon, criminals were will swear all they will say by Allah, I swear, we were only in the world for an hour. We were there for a very short amount of time Gallica can who you for Kuhn, when is it that we swear oaths that we say by Allah for sure. When do we say that when we are certain about something when we have no doubt about it? Or a person who is lying? Right, he will swear an oath in order to cover up his lies. So there are two reasons for this awesome on the Day of Judgment, either because they're lying in order to be saved from punishment, that we were in the world for just a brief amount of time, how could we have discovered the truth?

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How could we have done anything? It's not fair. So they're just lying, or Secondly, simply because that's all they can recall. They can understand. This is really how life in the world will feel on the Day of Judgment, that it was basically an hour. But what happens right now we think this hour is eternal. And we think the hereafter Yeah, it's coming whenever let's see what happens.

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And this is why we prefer the temporary over the eternal. We'll call it levena O'Toole or Ilma. Well, Iman, Luca della bestem fie kita Billahi. Li Yong will Barth no need to lie over here, no need to swear oaths over here. You remained in your graves, according to Allah's decree, meaning according to low homophobe until when, until the day of resurrection, that was not an hour. That was many, many years, many centuries. For Heather Yom will birth. This is the day of resurrection that you denied. What are kin Nakum quantum letter on the moon but you did not use to know what do we see over here? You did not know you were ignorant.

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Ignorance, is it a problem then?

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Is it a problem then? It's a huge problem for young man even so those who live in ignorance in denial on the Day of Judgment what will happen? layin Pharaoh leadin Allah Allah Muammar the law to whom, what to whom you start a boon, no excuses will benefit them and they won't be able to make Allah happy with them. They won't be able to do anything to please Allah to take anger away from

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Allah to cause Allah to be happy with them, because that time is over, nor will they have any intercessor the door of Toba will be closed

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into it firstly that ayah 24 Allah says what E A star t Boo from our home Meenal mortar been, if they asked to appease Allah, if they try to appease Allah and appeases basically to try to make someone happy right after they were upset with you, if they try to do that, they will not be of those who are allowed to appease. They won't even be given a chance to do something to make Allah happy. They won't be given a chance even to apologize to say sorry to make amends. Because we learned that some people Allah will not even speak to on the day of judgment, He will not even look at them. He will be so angry that he will not even look at them, he will not even speak to them. So

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how could they even try to appease Allah, whatever Yeah, the villa. This is why this life is for what purpose? Striving to what, to Allah's pleasure, that should be our goal. If the law what Allah seeking Allah space, His pleasure, while awkward, and certainly by robbing out we have struck, we have hips, le NASCI for the people, fee haggle Quran in this Quran mean clearly methan from every example, in this forearm, every example has been struck,

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struck struck to her to a nurse meaning for people.

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Why? Why are examples given so that people can understand? Right? But notice the word barraba? Now we have struck examples. Linux, it's other people are hit with examples. You know, for example, you see the word BB? What does that mean? To hit? Right? Basically, it means to stick to attach. All right. So Bob, when you hit somebody with something, right, you are making the object touch them, isn't it? You're making the object touch them? Why touch? Is there a difference when something touches you?

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Is there any impact that you feel? You do, right? Because it's possible that there's something being said, but you don't really hear it? Right? Something is being done in front of you, but you don't notice it, you don't observe it, you don't really see it, you don't really get it. But if something touches you by, for example, you're out somewhere. And there is a friend of yours who sees you. And they look at you. They're trying to wave at you. And you don't see them. They call out to you. You don't hear them. So then what do they do? They come and give you a push or something. You know, touch you on your shoulder tap you on your shoulder slap you on your back? Hey, What world are you

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in? Look at me. I'm here. I've been trying to get your attention. You know what I mean? Why do they have to come in? touch you? Why?

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Because when they touch you, they hit you then you wake up.

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So it's as if people don't wake up. So examples are thrown there, wake up, wake up.

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It's like if a person is sleeping, and you turn the lights on, they don't wake up. You call them they don't wake up, then what do you do? You go to them and you shrug them, you shake them? Isn't it? You touch them. This is how the examples are in the Quran, Wallah called the robin early Nursey fee handle Qurani min queenly method, every example. Every example meaning every example that is needed, that is relevant that is necessary. If you think about it, examples have been given in the Quran about what what examples have we learned so far in the Quran? About who about what?

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recall some of the examples that we have learned.

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Okay, but what's the purpose of those examples to explain what concept to us? Which concepts?

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Cover? Yes.

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Okay, example of shit was given through what? The spider, the spider's web, right? And literally, that example hits you,

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doesn't it? It really hits you that if a spider's web is not reliable,

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then why am I turning to these unreliable things, unreliable beings for support, whether it's emotional support, or, you know, financial support or anything? Why am I turning to it? Why am I reaching out for it? It's a spider's web. It's not going to aid me it's only going to bother me.

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How to become old and yes, I mean, this example that we just learned this description that we've just learned about our own reality that HELOC home in Darphin Allah

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is created you from weakness and it hits you. It hits you it wakes you up. We have learned the example of Allah's nor Martha Louis that also hits you that also wakes you up the example of the hypocrites very early on in the Quran in surah baqarah right. So, every type of example is given to make us understand concepts that are necessary, whether in and surely if the home you came to them be I attend with an IRA. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was being addressed that if you were to come to the people with an IRA, an IRA, meaning a verse of the Quran, all right, and a verse that they haven't heard before that has just been revealed, lair cool, and surely you will definitely say who

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Alladhina Kapha who those who disbelieve what is it that they will say in anthem Illa mobile alone, you are not except fortifiers, mobile cleadon, plural of the word mobile, mobile. What's the route bout all battling? Alright, mobile clean is one who believes in battling one who follows battling, meaning one who's a follower of falsehood, of something that's wrong. So those who disbelieve What do they say to the Prophet saw a lot of seven? What do they say to the believers that you are only following falsehood? You are only mobile Clune meaning you're only lying. You're making this if you've made it up, and you say that it is from Allah. So instead of believing, instead of accepting

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instead of being woken up by that example, by that idea, what do they do? They accuse the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the believers the Quran of being false. So they don't believe Gallica thus Yato baru, he sets a seal for ba to set a seal. Allahu Allah, Allah sets a seal Allah on cannubi hearts of who? Allah then Allah Allah moon, a Lavina Lai Jana moon, those who do not know, those who are ignorant.

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A seal is set up on their hearts. What does it mean by this, a seal is set up on their hearts when a car is put on something, it means nothing is going in, nothing's gonna come out. It's closed. Right? So their hearts are closed, meaning now no matter what i No matter what example, is struck at them is thrown at them. They're hit with it. It doesn't wake them up. They don't understand it. They don't accept it. So basically, they do not perceive the truth. Why notice the word Gallica Gallica likewise, thus, meaning it's because of their denial. It's because of their persistent denial because at the end of the previous IO, what do we learn any idea that is brought to them they say,

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You are like the accused the Prophet sallallahu Sallam of line, meaning they don't even look at the ayah they don't even reflect on it. They don't even think about it. They just accused the Prophet sallallahu Sallam of lying. So basically, in their ignorance, they are denying and because of this persistent denial, blind denial, what happens? Their hearts are sealed

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and in their hearts, how are they ignorant, they don't have any URL. Again, you see layer on a moon earlier we learned well I can now calm control later on the moon, you did not use to know and over here, layer Allah moon. Ignorance has mentioned two times over here. Ignorance is a huge problem. Because not having knowledge is a means of making the heart heedless. Meaning keeping the heart ignorant makes the heart heedless.

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If you think about it, what is it that makes you sensitive that makes you careful that makes you

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you know, really notice observe things and really do something about it. What makes you aware what brings you awareness? Knowledge, isn't it? Like for example, if somebody is trying to wake you up, they turn the lights on, they call you they even shake you. You don't wake up. But if they tell you there's five minutes until the bus leaves, what are you going to do?

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jump out of bed. Right grab your toothbrush or something, grab your bag, just put your bike on, you know on top of your pajamas and run out the door and run to the bus stop. What made you jump and run? That person was trying to wake you up for so long. It didn't work. What made you jump in? Knowledge of what that the bus is going to leave you

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is newer, isn't it? Great Smilla Salam Alikum I was watching interview this shell he was interviewing this Australian man, he's a Muslim. And he the doctors tell him you have only seven months to die. So Allah No, but they just give him the time and then he's very rich but he gets rid of all of his money and he's repent to Allah subhanaw taala because he have the knowledge or he may die in this seven months. And I was saying Subhanallah like for us also Allah tell us you're gonna die. We have to prepare. Yeah, I mean, knowledge of anything makes you change, isn't it? So, majority of people, their golfer is based on what? It's based on ignorance. Then what is our

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to inform, to educate?

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Don't we come across people don't we hear about people who have misunderstandings about Islam? Why? Because they don't know a thing about Islam.

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Is it

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so it really is cure and ignorance is a disease recitation on Alfonso Maddalena

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is up

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tune in

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to be lazy

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