Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 210D Tafsir Al-Rum 46-53

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the potential consequences of a wind chill on people's lives and health and well-being, including extreme temperatures and weather conditions. It also touches on the negative consequences of actions and reformulating one's affairs, including the importance of gratitude and acknowledging the need for improvement in one's behavior. The segment also touches on the success of Islam and its importance in helping people overcome suffering, including the importance of recognizing and not letting things happen to people.
AI: Transcript ©
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A woman at and off his signs, um, that you'll see that he sends a RIA the winds of His Signs is that he sends the winds and these winds are MOBA. Sheila tin delivers bringers of good news. MOBA shrugged is a portrayal of MOBA Shira and MOBA Sheila is she who gives Bashara Okay, she who gives good news who brings good news who delivers good news. All right. And it's she over here because yeah plural. Right is for that feminine is used. So a lot of His Signs is that he sends winds and these winds what do they bring? Good news. Good news of what

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of what are in a good weather cool weather. What are you the calm and to make you test li so that you the call he makes to test calm you, meaning he makes you test Milla Murthy he from his mercy, meaning he sends the winds in order to let you taste a little bit of His mercy. Because if you think about it, just the wind itself Do you enjoy it? Do you enjoy it? Yes, you do. You know when you're walking in nice cool breeze, so comforting. Just walking in that wind is so nice. I'm not talking about a wind chill. You're probably thinking wind. Yeah, these days. It's different. Okay, remember the Quran? It was revealed? Especially this is a mucky surah in that context. So over there in the

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desert wind is just nice. Okay, cool. Wind breeze is just beautiful. All right. So what are you the Akaka? Middle armata heat the wind itself is a blessing from Allah. Right? It's so cooling. It's so comforting. And the wind, it's basically giving you this weather forecast. All right, that there will be rain. And that is His mercy. middler Hemmati. And notice it's midroc Muthi, a little bit of His mercy, while he tragedia and so that it flows, alright, it moves, it proceeds, what proceeds what flows are Fulco the ships be Emery he, by His Command, meaning Allah sends the winds for another reason, also. So it's the third reason being mentioned now. And what is that? That the ships

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flow by His Command, meaning they sail by His Command? Because at sea, in a ship that uses sails, what do you need? What do you need? Wind right? In order to move in a certain direction? Or in order to move faster? If you think about it, even planes? Doesn't their speed get affected by the wind? All right. doesn't ever happen that the flight was meant to be four hours, but it happened to be three hours and 30 minutes, right? It was meant to be four hours, but it turned out to be over four hours. Why? What is it that affected the speed of the aircraft? It was the wind it was the weather right? So when the tragedy on a phone Kobe Emery he, while he tapped a woman fondly he and so that

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you may seek from his bowtie meaning when the ships will sail, you're able to travel to different places, and you can seek the bounty of Allah the favors of Allah, will Allah come touch Quran, and you have all of these reasons in order to be grateful. So one blessing as mentioned over here, which blessing is that wind that we don't even see with our eyes, we don't even touch with our hands. We only feel its effects. But this one blessing. Look at the effects of this blessing. If there was no wind, imagine, imagine how difficult it would be to travel by sea trade would be so difficult, right? Fishing would be so difficult. I mean, so many things would become difficult. So you will

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have all of these reasons for what to be grateful than Why do you deny because in the previous I have what was mentioned in Nola your herbal caffeine. So why do you do kufr Do you not recognize Allah's favours on you?

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And what did you do to deserve any of this anyway? Because we have this sense of entitlement I deserve I deserve this. I deserve this. Allah must give this to me. What did we do to deserve any of this? It's purely Allah's favor on us. One accord and certainly I will send now we sent min publica before you lose suelen messengers we send before Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam many messengers to who Isla comi him do their nations Fajr uhm, so they came to them, meaning the prophets came to their nations bill by unity with the clear evidences, miracles proofs, but what happened when the people persisted on their cover, fun, the calmness then we took retribution in

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Tacoma Indian

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I'm noon cough meme is basically to take revenge. When is it that you take revenge when some injustice was done?

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When what you deserve is not given. Right? So you, you punish the other. So find the commoner. Allah says We took revenge meaning we took retribution, we punished who mean Alladhina Adamu those who did do those who committed crimes? In other words, when the criminals were punished, this was something that they brought upon themselves. What can and it was happen in come incumbent necessary? Our Lena on us nostril Momineen support of the believers. Amazing. Allah says it has helped on us to help the believers. This is why we punish the criminals, we punish those who oppose their messengers who denied their messengers.

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If you think about it, cannot help on our Lena What does hack mean?

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Right? Truth, right? Also, if you think about it, what is it that you say? It's my help?

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It's my hug. It's your hug, meaning? It's my right. It's your right. Right. So when you deserve something, the other person becomes responsible. Right? Which is why we learn about rights and responsibilities. Right? Because your rights are responsibilities of who of others in that relationship. Right? Their responsibilities are your rights. All right. Allah says kind of how can our Lena How can meaning responsibility on us do want to help the believers? Does Allah really have to help the believers? Is it really obligated to? If you think about it, because we just did this whole discussion we read these is about the fact that everything Allah gives us is purely a favor

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from him. So even when he helps when he aids when he supports the believers, this is also what a favor, but Allah calls it, how are they this has helped on him responsibility on him incumbent on him. What does this show more of Allah's favor?

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More of Allah's favor? Because if you think about it, when we have to do a favor to someone, right? When somebody says, Can you do me a huge favor? What does it mean? You don't have to, but if you would, that'll be really nice, I'd be very happy. You have the option right? Of either doing it or not doing it.

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So when somebody says, Can you do a huge favor for me? They know that either you will do it or you won't do it, there's a 5050 chance, right? You might give it you might not give it when Allah says gonna happen Eileen and Aslan macmini, what does it mean that he will definitely restore this favor. Don't doubt His promise, don't doubt His word. He bestows favors and he is very, very generous in bestowing His favors, to the point that he takes it as a responsibility as something incumbent as something necessary upon himself. What can I how can I Lena and Aslan macmini So how could we despair on what then how can we ever ever think something negative about Allah? Like really? Kind of

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how can our Lena Allahu Allah de So in this ayah basically, what do we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is being comforted? That yes, the situation in Makkah is very difficult, because remember the context of the surah but do not grieve. Why? Because look back, the people of New Alehissalaam, who was saved over there, who was assisted over there, it was the Prophet and those who believed people have AD who was saved over there, it was a prophet and those who believed, every nation, every prophet that was sent, who was aided, it was Allah's prophets, it was those who believed in the prophets that were aided. So the help of Allah comes to who comes to who can how can

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Elena slowly

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meaning so if we want Allah's help,

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in order to reform our affairs, whether they are worldly or religious, what is it that we need to fix it ourselves, improving ourselves strengthen in ourselves? It is our iman and Eman, remember is both actions and what's in your heart. The man includes that so the more we strengthened the more we increase our iman, the more help of Allah will come

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out hola hola. V Allah is the One who you will see Luria who sends the winds.

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Allah sends Allah dispatch

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Is the winds. Rhea has a floral off that he

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just one thing before we continue I've mentioned this to you before also the singular Ria, plural. All right? Generally when the word RIA is used when the singular form is used, which kind of wind is meant

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when that brings rain, know when that causes destruction all right, and the plural form of the Yeah, what kind of winds is meant over there? Oh, that bring rain mercy benefit, so on and so forth. So, Allah is the one who sends the winds and the winds what do they do for two zero? So they stir to zero sow raw I thought you zero right? I thought all you funeral is to stir up to take that which is at the bottom to the top. Okay, it's used for plowing the land also remember to the role of the Bukhara the cow that the Bani Israel were supposed to slaughter and they asked so many questions. Alright, so lad to zero out of it should not the cow should not be such that it plows the land. All

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right. So to Theodorou is basically to bring what was at the bottom to the top and over here for two Theodosia haben. The winds, they stir the clouds, meaning their rays, they form the clouds, because cloud formation is also by what? By winds, right for 207 and these clouds, what happens to them failure but sudo who first saw so you have a super whoo he spreads it

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you have a Soto best best simple to spread something out. So Allah spreads who meaning the clouds the sahab were for summer in the sky. How gave a Usher however he wills however he wills the clouds are formed, they're picked up all right, and then the when it blows them away to different places. And then the clouds are scattered in the sky. However, Allah wants different shapes, different sizes, different forms, some are tall, some are short, some are broad, some are thin, right? Some are dark, some are light, some on one side of the sky and some are on the other side of the sky. Kay fascia. You know, we think it's all random. Right? clouds in the sky. Well right now. Yeah, there

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are some if you look out the window, okay, few small gray clouds i can see in the distance. We think this is all random. It's not random. It's gave a a shot. Remember every detail in this universe, every detail is according to Allah's will. Because who is Alamosa? Where? Who is Alamosa? Wet? Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the one who gives the shape, the appearance, the form of something, even the texture, the location, the size, every detail, is by Allah's will. So if I ever sue for summer e k Fe Asscher however Allah wills and sometimes it happens that rain clouds there on one side but they're not on the other side.

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Literally, you'll speak to somebody in Toronto they're like oh it's raining so much like seriously it's clear sky over here right and how far apart are these two places hardly hardly any distance can you find a sharp way a dry loo and he makes it kisser fun kisser fun fragments he suffers a plural off Gijsbert gap seen for his face as a piece of something. So the clouds they're not just one mass but they're scattered scattered pieces. Fatah then you see a word called the rain. What what is used for rain drops that are fine. Okay, find raindrops, not heavy, but fine and you see fine. It's very soft rain. Alright and soft rain is very peaceful. It's very calming effect on whether you call your

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hood you it comes out Millfield early he from its midst who's midst the midst of the clouds meaning raindrops fall from the clouds. And you don't even see those holes in the clouds do you? Well, you don't. But what happens when water comes out of your shower? Your showerhead?

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Is it what?

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Is it gentle? No. Sometimes it can be really harsh. It hurts. And sometimes it could be so slow that it kind of it bothers you.

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So what do you feel

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Only sometimes what happens those holes in the showerhead they get blocked. The other day our dishwasher wasn't working properly. And we found out the problem was basically when the water is hard, okay, hard water, what happens is that the holes somewhere, they get clogged, so you have to clean them. So you have to clean them. Otherwise the dishes don't get washed properly. Right. So yes, rudimentary Dolly. So many raindrops, they fall from the clouds and you don't see them falling for either. So then I'll Saba be a Saba he reaches be with it, meaning he makes the rainfall were on who? Man whoever Yasha Oh, he wills minute Reba de from His servants. Meaning just because there are

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clouds, it doesn't mean that there will definitely be rain on us. And just because it's raining, it doesn't mean that the rain will definitely fall on our property. No, this is also by whose will by Allah's Will, he decides where how much rain should fall.

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There's a hadith in which we learned the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, while a man was walking through a barren land, he heard a voice coming out of a cloud saying, irrigate the garden of so and so. So what happened the cloud, it drifted in a certain direction. And over there, the water fell right over a rocky plane. And from there, the water it reached the land of that particular man.

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And we learned this from the Hadith. And we witnessed this in our lives also, literally these past few weeks, you know, when the weather was changing, I saw with my own eyes,

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one window, we looked outside, there was rain, the other window we looked outside, no rain Wallahi I'm not lying.

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And I actually opened the backyard door and went outside and checked is it just my eyes or is it actually happening like this that there is rain on this side and there is no rain on the side?

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And was actually like that one part is when the other is dry.

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And then it just kept moving like that. So this is by Allah's will. What does this show to us?

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Allah subhanaw taala is doing Fabula Alene and he gives his funnel to whomever he wants. And he can give whatever to whoever that he wants was an Allah min fugly. So ask Allah of His Bounty. The winds come they lift the water from the oceans to the sky, the form clouds Allah spreads them across the sky in different directions. You know complete control over the weather system is who's who's Allah's control, he decides, Okay for your shirt.

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Either home yesterday, she ruined when the rain does fall that what happens to people either suddenly home they yesterday she ruined they rejoice. Meaning those who do receive the rain, they become so happy. So overjoyed, they celebrate even, you know, with special treats and festivities, I've seen this. I grew up in a certain part of Pakistan where rain was something very normal on Hamdulillah. And then I moved to a different part of Pakistan where rain was rare. Okay. And I remember my first year there, after a very long time, when it finally rained, I happen to be outside somewhere in the car. And people were outside, you know, driving and listening to songs and music

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and there's, you know, samosas and pakoras and whatnot. It's like, something to celebrate. It was an I thought it was really strange. But really, this idea makes you feel that it is something to feel happy about not through the wrong ways. You don't celebrate in a wrong way. You celebrate the right way. Either homea step Sharon, that people become so happy when they receive the blessings of Allah, even in our lives, when we receive something we want, do we get happy?

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We do right? And sometimes not just a little bit happy, extremely overjoyed. And just like if a person manages to buy something on Black Friday, they're like, I'm so lucky. I mean, you have to show off to the whole world. Take a picture posted online you know something, I bought this I bought that yes, that should own but Allah says what in and indeed Kano there were men probably before and that you necessarily him it was sent down on them, meaning before the rain was sent down on them, men probably before it. What were the law Mobley seen? Surely ones in despair will be seen plural of mobilis one who's suffering from eblasts a blesser. All right, to despair basically, to be this

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doomed to give up of any relief. So just before the rain fell, how are they despairing? So much so that even when they saw the clouds, they thought it wouldn't rain.

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This was the level of their despair.

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If you think about it, rain is something that falls everywhere, on Hamdulillah. Right? In some places a lot in other places little yet when it doesn't rain, you know, for some time, then what happens to people? They begin to despair, right? They begin to wonder, is it ever going to rain?

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Is it ever going to change? Are things ever going to improve? And bringing this to our context? In general life? What happens? There's so many things that we see Allah subhanaw taala giving people every day, you know, a person is sick, they're cured. A person didn't have a job, they got a job. A person didn't have a spouse, they got married. A person wanted long hair for the longest time and now how old are they love? They have long hair. But seriously, it happens. We see this how Allah blesses people in so many different ways. But what happens when we want something and it's not coming our way when we want it? How do we feel inside? I wonder if it's ever gonna happen.

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I wonder if I will ever receive this. I wonder if I'll ever get this how easily we despair. When can woman calmly and universally him and cuddly la Mobley seen their despair is amazing. This is why in Hadith we learn the Hadith and ascensor to Sahaba that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said, but he caught up buena Azzawajal min kono theory that he will put biliary that our Lord the exalted laughs Allah loves because of what because of the despair of his servants, while relief or change is so close to them. Meaning the people are despairing because of the situation that they're in. Whereas that situation is going to change so soon, but they're despairing.

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Allah finds this amazing. In another Hadith we learn RG Bala Boone Amman Knut everybody will be hiree that how near is his claim the hate that he's going to give them how close it is yet

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people despair and when they despair this is something that I mean he says Allah

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young little econ as a lien, can you please file one lujah the Heroku URL mu n nephrology calm Caribbean knows that your relief is near?

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So what should this make us feel? And

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what's the lesson in these? If? Yes,

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always, always, always be hopeful. Always. You want something unlucky and give it

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so don't give up. Don't despair. Trust in Him, ask Him. He can bring that change. He can restore it.

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Exactly have personal learn about Allah positive thought about Allah. fondle. So look, Isla to Allah 30 traces effects of what Rahmatullah he of Allah's mercy, look at the effects of Allah's mercy, I thought is a plural of a thought and what is a thought Mark trace that which remains behind an impression and the mercy of Allah Rama is rain, meaning it rains and the rain is gone. It's over now. But still, the effects are lasting. One thing you see the effects of rain the next day also the following week also, and what are the effects okay for how you heal Allah He gives life to the earth. BARDA motiva after its lifelessness that how the earth land was barren, it was dead,

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lifeless. And now it's back to life. In the Licola Mahila Mota indeed that meaning the same one is surely more ye one who gives high art one who gives life to a moto the dead ones plural of the word may yet Allah revives dead land, and he will also revive that people will who are cliche in comedy, and he is over all things capable, so don't despair. Allah will send the rain of relief in your life and change your situation. Also have hope in Him. Wallah in and surely if I will sell now we sent Rehan a win now notice the word over here it's not real. It is real. So if we sent a wind what kind of a wind a bad one hot disastrous for our oh who? I

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And they saw it. They saw what their land, the orb, their crop, most fun one turned yellow sod fall all must follow one that is turned yellow. So if we sent a wind which basically turned everything that yellow, then what would happen to people love aloo surely they would remain meaning they would continue to be main body after it yak falloon They deny

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one wind that caused a little bit of disaster.

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What would happen to people, they would remain even after that wind is gone, and its effects are over.

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For such a long time, that people will remain what yuck photo they will continue to deny continue to be ungrateful, meaning they will remember the bad times forever. One problem happens and they remember it for years and years and they talk about it for life. They don't get over it.

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You understand love Allah because Allah is to remain in a certain condition.

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And mimbar the he even after the wind, the hot wind, it came it went, the effects are over things are Bactrim. Still, they will remember that disaster that happened 25 years ago.

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And really, if you think about it in our lives also, what is it that we remember? Which memories? Can we recall good ones or bad ones? Typically,

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typically, because, well at that you do axon, shackling Lavon lumen by the UK Foreign. So their despair is quite astonishing. It's ever growing.

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Over here lowvolume embody after it. This is also understood as despite it, despite what the first when that was a good one that bought rain.

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Meaning the good that they enjoyed previously.

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Okay, because what happens is that when something bad happens, we remember it. And we focus so much on it, that we forget everything good that we enjoyed before that incident before that occasion, before that one occasion of pain and suffering. So these ayat, What are they showing to us? That? Will we be grateful only when we get what we want? And if we don't get it, we will despair? Is this how touchy we are? Is this how moody we are? Is this how dependent we are on circumstances, really, that we will forget all of the loss favors that he has bestowed on us. And we will only remember the problems. And just because of one problem, we will forget everything good that's happening in our

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lives and not be grateful for those things, but complain about one thing that is going wrong. If you think about it, there are difficulties in life. Right. But even when a person is in difficulty, Has Allah deprived us completely? No. Because in mercy, you saw with difficulty is ease. So this is a fact that even when we are suffering, there are blessings at the same time because Allah has not deprived us entirely. You know, this last week, I got a pinched nerve in my neck. Okay, I don't know if any one of you have experienced it. It is

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painful, okay. And it's been a week, but I still feel it. And it was a very interesting experience for me very interesting. Because, you know, when you are in so much pain, then all you can think of is pain, right? Especially when you're alone at home, and you can't even reach the Tylenol, right? Because you've hidden it from the kids. You've kept it away. And now the kids are home, but you can't even ask them to bring it because they can't reach it. You know what I mean? And I was thinking, I've had this pain before a year or so ago. And so focused, I was on the pain that oh my god, I'm in pain, I'm in pain, I'm in pain. I'm like, for the whole past year, I didn't experience

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this. And humbling that I was fine. Why am I sitting with the spin as if it's the only thing that's there in my life? No, it's not the only thing there in my life. There's so many other things that are still there in my life. And when you start focusing on things that are right, on things that you can do, despite the pain with the pain, then it makes the pain easier to deal with, easier to accept. But when we focus on the one thing that is, you know, hurting us that it's very easy to become ungrateful, very easy.

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So Allah has decisions, remember, they're just his favorites are many. And when we are suffering, that is of course

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As His justice, but even in that there is blessing to even in times of loss, we need to remember what we have gained what we have gained in the past what we are still gaining today. So even when we are suffering let's not forget the numerous times that Allah subhanaw taala has favored us for a Nikka. So indeed you laugh not too smooth you can make to hear and Mota the dead ones, meaning those who are dead, you can make them hear one or two smooth, nor can you make to hear a summer the Deaf ones meaning those who are deaf, you can't even make them a year. What a dua the call either when one no, they have turned moody, beteen retreating, showing their backs. Meaning if there is a person

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who is dead, can you make them here?

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Can you talk to them? No, you can't. You know, when a person is dead in your bathing their body? Can you ask them to lift up their arm and move their hand a little bit, lift their weight? You can't.

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No matter how much you talk to them. It's not going to work. If a person is deaf, they cannot hear from their ears and they're not even facing you. They're not even looking at you. Can you deliver a message to them? Can you talk to them? No. Especially when they're not even looking?

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What's the connection over here? People who don't see blessings, you can't make them feel grateful. We have to see blessings ourselves. We have to notice them ourselves. We have to bring gratitude ourselves wama Anta and you are not be heard the at all one who guides alone me the blind ones. I'm bollati him from their error, meaning if there's a blind person, and he's in Molalla, he's an error.

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He's an error. Like, for example, he is walking on the main road. He's not on the crosswalk anymore. He's actually walking on the main road. He's in Bala, can you guide him?

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No, you can't. Why? Because you can't make him see his error.

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So he has to accept what you're telling him right? If he doesn't trust you, can you guide him? You can't guide him into Smeargle you cannot make to hear Illa except man who you mean OB is Tina who believes in our I ad? For whom Muslim on so they are ones who surrender those who submit to Allah, such people? Yes. You can deliver a message to them. Yes, you can tell them and yes, such people they will find support and Shaka in every situation who? The one who believes in Allah as I am. And so he surrenders to Allah. So those who believe they can see in difficulties also, what can they see? Good.

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They can hear in difficulties also, what can they hear good? It's not all doom and gloom for them. Who those who believe. So what happens? They surrender to Allah's decree? How would somebody with sugar primarily desireth are about the people of Makkah, who are in constant denial of the prophets of Allah is Allah. So the prophets Allah loves him has been comforted over here. It's not your fault. You're doing your job. They're not willing to listen. And what's the problem here? They don't believe in Allah. recitation. Well, I mean, yeah, D your sealer via hammelmann shear on to you

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one using him

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for could be angry he was

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fumbling you

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Barbary Coast rollin call me

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Wakana help one Nyla you know, stole me along, Lenny opcion Leah halfa to see us

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Firebase Oh, all

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freelancing for either

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baby me Asha.

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Mee Mee establish your home

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have Baba

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colletion in the water in outsell Nari

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to smear

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00:35:58 --> 00:36:01

very well known

00:36:05 --> 00:36:06

Tabby had me

00:36:11 --> 00:36:11

to smear

00:36:12 --> 00:36:14

me You mean OB

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