Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 208B Tafsir Al-Rum 20
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AI: Transcript ©
Surah to rule we will listen to the recitation of the surah from the beginning and then inshallah we will continue
we'll be learning the SRI Banyuwangi Bismillah
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so, Miko the microphone loves me today. Yesterday during our lesson of sudo room, the first couple of eyes it reminded me of writing assignment I did in my class, and it from my writing program and I sent it to sister team just so that she could read. So then she came up to me as I was making the introduction for the workshop and she asked me to read it to the class. Um, usually when you do a public reading, you're supposed to practice what you're supposed to read. I didn't practice so if I stumble on my own sentences like please forgive me. So
the title of the story is called The messed up and it's a series of short stories and a project I'm writing about the niqab. It doesn't really have to do with specifically with sudo room in it of itself, but it just has a reflection of Masuda.
My fingers turn from the frigid November night air. I just missed the one C and Mississauga bus headed to Toronto. The next one arrives in 20 Min.
it but it doesn't matter. I'll be missing my 1030 bus in Toronto, which means my one hour trip just doubled, which means Hoya and Abu were all night until I get home because my phone is dead too. I rest my textbook heavy backpack on one of the seats of the bus shelter
nearby. For commerce students joke about how easy their term quiz was further down to biology students talk about an epic virtual duel that went down and World of Warcraft classes ended at 1pm today for me, but I spent the last eight hours working on my anthropology paper. due yesterday, I managed to write one page and a half out of the 10 page requirement. Every additional night that I passed the deadline. An extra 10% is top chopped off my mark.
Ever since my brother's accident, schoolwork stopped being a priority. It can second to last after feeding the kids and taking them to the library.
My parents couldn't leave Muhammad didn't I see you the ward where people die by the hour.
They didn't know when he would wake up from his coma. Or when the doctors would come around with news, good or bad or when family and friends could visit. My brother Monday night became defecto parents of three ages 610 and 12. Our university grades slid to the 50s My seasonal GPA fell from an A to D of demand engineering program dropped in for not meeting the minimum 60% requirement this semester. Holy cow I bought inhemeter home. They gave me all the time to do my work so I could graduate from university. No laundry, no dishes, no taking the kids to the library. But I still couldn't do it.
Pray, pray for help. Allah will help you hire reminds me every morning. If only hiring you all the painting I do.
From the west shelter, I glanced at the winter sky. The full moon radiance in all directions. I know Allah the All Hearing here's
the orange lights of a Mississauga transit bus fashion the distance I join the line of the other students. I joined the line the other students are forming. I pick a window seat at the back of the stuff the bus and place my cord and on my lap
method and travels with me wherever I go. And on the sad days I forget it. I scroll through the digital copy on my phone. Clear duct tape binds the cover and keeps the spine from the spine of the book from falling apart. The red ribbon bookmark opens to sutra a room. The chapter titled The Romans, my fingers run along the first six verses of Arabic
as if the mean was a better room. The Romans have been defeated. Fie Adnet out of body odor be himself to the bone in the nearest slide. But they after their defeat will overcome a fee bid lysing the learning and booming of learning that we all met eating your fresh meat on within three to nine years to Allah belongs as a command before and after, and the believers will rejoice the Nasri
or whoever it is or Rahim in the victory of Allah, the believers will rejoice in the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom he wills and He is exalted in My Merciful.
My lips quiver as I read the passage of the defeat, and a rising victory of the Byzantines in the sixth century. Tears flood my eyes I hold on to the tears as long as I can before that they trickle down my cheeks undermine
my fingers trace the line to Allah belongs to command before and after. Confirm how many things were great. And now will I rejoice in victory. I stream of such dribbles from my nose, the tears and snot flow and flow and flow until they meet at the bottom of my chin. The girls beside me talk about going to the mall for the sales on Black Friday.
My lungs heave as a dried deep breaths from my mouth. My eyes feel sore. My face feels sticky from the outpour my hands dig into my pocket for tissue or anything that could work as a tissue. Nothing. They return empty. I
inspect my reflection the window. My black neck lab ties perfectly behind my scarf, no traces of tears, no traces of sludge. I turned back to my foot and continue reading. Well, I Delilah, they're usually for law where I do what I can, X actor or NASA or the moon is a promise of Allah. Allah does not feel his promise, or most people do not know.
Most people do not know but some people
do know. What do they know
that Allah's promise is true, that even
in the moment of or in times of extreme difficulty, in a believers life, there will always be hope, because defeat can be turned into victory. Hardship can be turned into ease, because the Lord is who Allah azza wa jal, who can bring the living from the dead, and who can bring the dead from the living, who can turn dead earth into living Earth, just by one incident. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who could change our state, who can change our failures into our victories, our losses into gains, our hardships into the greatest things, or the greatest moments that we can ever experience. So the main lesson of all of these verses is never, ever despair, never despair, no
matter what kind of difficulty a person is experiencing, whether it is physical pain, or it is in the family, or it is financial, or it is social, never despair, and never give up.
And it is those who hold on strong, who have faith in Allah subhanaw taala, who always have this hope that my Lord will not disappoint me that Allah subhanaw taala will certainly not disappoint them. He will grant them success. Just look at the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Hope is something that we can always have, we can always hold on to so never, ever despair. Let's continue with the vs. Are we the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim.
ayah number 20.
Woman yet de and all of his Aya from among Allah's ayat from among His Signs is what an Chanukah comb that He created you mentor Robin from dust, Suma, then either suddenly unknown, you are by Sharon men, people, then the she rune, you all disperse, you all have scattered you have dispersed everywhere on the earth. In this ayah Allah subhanaw taala says woman Aya t he among his Aya and while you were listening to the recitation of these verses, you heard woman Aya T, warming it in almost every idea that follows
I add is a plural off yeah, and what does I mean?
Assign a miracle.
I basically is a sign a token a mark by which something is known by which a person is known or by which a place is known. So for example, an idea is also a landmark. So for instance, if you are going to a particular place a particular house in the city, then what is it that you need to see to know whether the house isn't that street or not? The street sign, isn't it? The street name? So the name the sign? What is that and if it's a sign, a token a marked by which a thing is known by which even a person is known. So Allah's creation is many times referred to as Allah's idea. Because all of these creatures, this creation, what does it point towards? It points to the existence of the
Creator. It's an evidence of the power of the creator, the knowledge of the creator, the compassion of the creator, the wisdom and the justice of Allah subhanahu wa Thanhha. So from among His Signs, and it is also understood as a miracle an extraordinary event. Because an extraordinary event a miracle also proves something
Write it is an evidence of something. Likewise, Aya is also used for a verse of the Quran, right? Because every verse of the Quran is miraculous in its nature, it is miraculous in its content, in its style, in its very wordings, in its very letters, in its very sounds. And of course, in its message also, it is a miracle. And it points to the greatness of the one who has revealed it, of the one who has sent it. So women I T, amongst his if is such and such. Now, earlier in the Surah, in Surah, two room, we learned about a certain prediction. And what was that the victory of the Romans after their defeat the rise of the Romans after their defeat, and this prediction, it is a miracle.
Right? The Surah begins with the mention of a miracle. But here, Allah subhanaw taala draws our attention to even more miracles that are within us that are around us, miracles that we live amongst miracles that we experience on a daily basis, and miracles that sadly, we do not really appreciate enough. So women, it women it we want, you know, to see such big miracles in order to appreciate the beauty of the Quran, the truthfulness of the Quran. So when we learned that the obscene are, for example, the beginning verses of the Surah, were so amazed. But at the same time, there are so many miracles, so many signs, so many lessons, so many evidences that Allah Our Lord is indeed great,
Allah Our Lord is indeed the possessor of all power. So over here, some if are mentioned, and remember that I have are off two types. I had Kony and I had shutter, I had shutter II, those verses that Allah has revealed, right? And these are basically the verses of the Quran, the commands that Allah has given the instructions that he has revealed. And then I add, secondly, they're also County, they're also of the creation, because each creature, what does it point to the perfection of the creator, the ability and the power, the greatness, the knowledge, the wisdom of the Creator, so women teehee amongst his signs, is an Hala Kocoum that He created you mean to Robin from dust, he
created all of you people, all of you human beings, from what from to rob from dust, submit then either at once meaning so quickly, so soon what has happened, and don't all of you are Bashar on men, meaning human beings. Then Tashi rune, you all disperse the word tanta Sharon is from intitial noon sheen Ra. And in Tasha is when something spreads, like for example, news, when it spreads, this word is used, all right. And also anti Shah is when something spreads out, it unfolds diffuses This is anti Shah. So either unconventional on tanta Sharon, meaning Allah created you from dust from just one mother and father, and you are so many now, so many of you have been born from this one man
and one woman, and you've spread all over the earth, throughout the earth.
Over here, what has been mentioned as a miracle, the origin of mankind, and their very existence on the earth. And really, this is a miracle, what is a miracle, the origin of mankind, and their very existence on the earth. If you think about it, the entire human race the entire human species, all right,
has come about from who two people,
just two people, Adam and Hawa. In fact, it came about from who only Adam, Allah subhanaw taala created Adam from Torah, from dust, and from Adam, Allah subhanaw taala created her work. And then the to Adam and her work were sent to the earth. And now, wherever you go on this planet, who is it that you will find human beings, isn't it? No matter what part of this earth you go to an island
or maybe the North Pole or the South Pole, ice fields, deserts, mountains, forests, no matter what part of this planet you go to? What you will certainly find what you will certainly come across is who humans
NGS they're everywhere on this earth, literally everywhere. And this is a miracle, because all of them have come from WHO? Just two people Adam and Hawa in Surah Nisa Iowan Allah says yeah, a Johan NAS it Dakota bacame. Allah the Halacha Coleman nevsun Wahida wahala comin, huzzah. Jaha. We're both Salman humare JAL and Cathedral on. One is
that all mankind Fear your Lord, Who created you from a single soul, and he created from it, it's made it spouse. And then he spared from both of them, many men and many women. And also, the miracle over here is the fact that Adam and his son was created from mud from to rob. And we, his children, by extension are also from where, from mud? And of course, our nutrition. Where does that come from? Sunlight from the earth from the soil, we live in this earth, right? And our nutrition, it comes from the earth from the soil. And it's amazing, because if you think about it, to rock on its own, does it have any apple? Does it have any intellect? To rock dust? Does it have a mind of its own?
No, Can it move by itself? Does it walk? Does it talk? No, it doesn't. But the human being whose origin is clay, whose nutrition and development comes from clay is so different, is so different. I mean, think about it, if you just you know, analyze the chemical components within a human body, right? What different chemicals or materials or elements, you know, make up the human body. Like, for example, this percentage of water, this percentage of calcium, this percentage of this thing and that thing and that thing, if you take all of these materials in the exact same percentage and put them together and blend them in a food processor, would you have a human being at the end? Would you
know you wouldn't? You couldn't. So this is amazing that from to rob, Allah has created human beings and this human being has life. It's amazing what it was before and what it is now. So the very existence the very creation of human beings is amazing. It is a miracle woman at how did all of this happen, hope of life in that Taarab who created man, Allah subhanaw taala. So the existence of man, it points to the existence of who of the creator of man, the existence of man points to the perfection of man's creator, the perfection of his knowledge, the perfection of his ability, the perfection of his wisdom, Sama, Eva and timber, Sharon tanta, Sharon. And this word either either
means suddenly, suddenly, meaning so quickly, human beings have spread, they've multiplied, they've scattered all over this planet so quickly. And really, if you look at human history, how old are human beings? They're not that old compared to how old the Earth itself is. Right? How old this universe is estimated to be. But it's amazing how human beings have taken over this entire planet that this earth is referred to as the human planet now, right. So either unconventional 10, Tashi rune and tanta Sharon can also be understood as that look at you, you are mud. And now look at you, you don't stay put, you just scatter you just move everywhere. And really, it's amazing. If you have
a bucket of mud, is it going to move? It's not going to move? But if you have a human being that weighs less than that bucket of mud, is that human being that little child? Is that child going to sit in one place. Never. Never. You try to hold the baby cuddle you know with a baby. And then what happens constantly pushing and kicking and punching and, you know, you're like, Get away from me. I love you, but I need my space. You move too much. Hi, thank you, Sharon. And it's amazing how human beings they travel. They go around everywhere. But we have been created for mud, which is so different. This is a miracle. recitation, well, I mean, D and follow up on
says you