Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 159D Tafsir Ta-Ha 9-35
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We'll begin from Iowa. Number nine. What * adakah Hadith Musa, and has the story of Musa alayhis salam reached you? Who is being addressed over here? The prophets on Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Have you heard about the story of Musa? Do you know it? Do you remember it? And notice the word Hadith. It means over here, news story, right? And the word hadith is from Hadith that had the author. And handover literally means kono che la mia Khan, when something that did not exist before happens, it now exists. All right. This is why the word hadith is also used for speech. Because what was said those words did not exist before they were inside a person. They were his thoughts, his feelings,
and then he said them, right? hadith is also used for report, something that you did not know about before. But now it was reported to you so you came to know about it. Now the story of mozarella cinema the prophets on a lot isn't it was not unfamiliar with it. But the word Hadith has been used as if he's being told that even though you know it, even though you know it from before, there is always something new to learn. There's always something new to reflect on. There's always new lessons to derive for yourself. And this is something that you will find in the Quran, that even though you're familiar with something from before you've studied it before you know it really well.
But because of what you're going through in your life, when you come across those if you understand them very differently. It's as though you are learning them for the first time. Each time you review it. It brings a new message to you a new lesson to you. So what * attack a hadith of Musa Ibra neuron when he saw a fire in the distance when he was traveling from Meridian to Egypt for colony led him Cousteau. He said to his family stay here in the * to NARA. I have seen some fire, largely T caminhada. Cabazon. ogtr Allah Nury Houda stay here I'll go perhaps I can get some fire so that you may warm yourselves or if nothing, maybe I'll find some guidance. Maybe we'll find out
which way is a better way which route would be more better for us phenomena atika new The aim was when he reached the fire he was called Oh Musa. In the analog book, Allah subhanaw taala addressed him directly. Indeed I am your Lord fuck Lardner Lake remove your shoes. Why, because in the Kabul, Weddell Moppet this Etowah you are in the Sacred Valley of Booyah. And a sacred place deserves respect. Hence, when a person is doing something that is noble, that he must show respect to that how, by his clothing, by his behavior by his attitude, you know, for instance, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam how is it that he dressed up? Not necessarily in fancy clothes? But how was he
clean? Right, he was clean. Why? Because this is other. You know, the Prophet saw a lot of sentiment one occasion he was offered some vegetables that were cooked with garlic. All right. And the prophets Allah doesn't refuse to eat it. He was asked why is this haram? He said no, because I speak to someone that you don't speak to meaning Gibreel comes to me he brings a Quran to me and it is not appropriate that I have had garlic and I have garlic breath and I'm talking to Gibreel and Gibreel is giving me the Quran it's against the etiquette. So fast learner alake Because in Nikka Bellwether mocha does it over? Now, you know, there are many things which are generally I mean, they're okay,
it's hella, alright. It's permissible. For instance, chewing gum. Is there anything wrong with it? You know, you might argue it's not good for your health. Okay, but essentially, it is permissible. Correct. But if you go for an interview for a job interview, would you be chewing gum over there? Why?
Why it's not appropriate. Likewise, when we're sitting in a Quran class, do you think it's okay, that our mouth is constantly moving? We're chewing gum. Does it look good? Think about if a guest came to your house, and you've prepared like a nice proper dinner for them and you're serving them at the table. It's and then they're chewing gum, come on. Or if somebody comes to your house in pajamas, that doesn't look nice. Everything has its adult right. So this is something that we need to be careful about that a gathering of Quran for example, what other does it have? What other does it deserve from us?
And he would never eat anything like any type of vegetable that had like any smell like garlic, cloves, all that type of stuff. Yeah, or even raw onion for example. Right. So for instance, the Prophet said a lot of them do not allow that people should come to the masjid after having eaten raw garlic or raw onion, because it disturbs people.
Right. Likewise, we see that on Friday, people would come from far off places to attend Juma and that Masjid of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and even though they had taken a bath or whatever, but by the time they would arrive at the masjid, their clothes would be sweaty and dirty. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that if only you would take a bath, if only you would come clean,
right? Why? Because there's other respect. Right? Just as you would make yourself presentable, you would make sure that you're not doing anything inappropriate when you go for a job interview. Likewise, when you come to Allah subhanaw taala, for Salah, do a gathering of Quran, then over there also, there are some other that we need to observe Fafner in our lake in the Kabul wagon Mikado? Scioto what an author took and I have chosen you faster merrily my you have so listen attentively. That's the first lesson in many and Hola, La ilaha illa Erna Farah Bodoni then the lesson off, though hate were upcoming salata lyric, Cree and what to do establish the prayer. Why do you
remember a last panel third. So the objective of prayer, the purpose of prayer, the purpose of sauna is what? To remember Allah. And if a person is performing the Salah, but he is not remembering Allah, then is he fulfilling the purpose of prayer? No, he's not. This is why the monastic would have been criticized in the Quran. While Al Quran, Allah, Allah kalila they come to the prayer lazily, and when they do pray, they hardly remember Allah. In a sourdough earthy tone. The moosari Salam is thought about the coming of the day of judgment. A candle of the liturgy is a coolant of simply mattes. Each person will be recompense for what it has been striving for. Follow your sudden
account can him allow me to be her whatever or whoever who fatawa even though you'll come across many people who don't believe in the hour, who don't believe in God, who don't believe that it's necessary to pray, don't get influenced by those people. Because if you get influenced by them for download data, you will be ruined, you will be destroyed. So take care of your email, protect your email, save your email, look after it, guard it. Don't put yourself in situations where your Eman will become weak. Don't do that guard your faith. Now over here, Musa Salam is basically being given prophethood This is where he's given the gift of prophethood, the responsibility of prophethood. And
when Allah subhanaw taala gives a responsibility to a servant, he also equips him. He also gives him the strength, the ability, the resources with which he can perform his job. So Mozartian Salam, he was chosen as a prophet. He was to go to Bani Israel he was supposed to go to fit our own. But Allah subhanaw taala also equipped him and over here we see in the following I the gifts that Allah's pound are to give to mozarella Salam wa Matilda wama. And what delkor Is that be a meaning in your right hand? Yeah, Musa Oh Musa. Oh Musa. What is that in your right hand? Allah is asking Musar listen and what's in your right hand? Does Allah not already know? Seriously? Allah knows already. I
mean, in the previous if we learned what integer horrible coal in the Huya almost zero alpha, right? Nothing is hidden from Allah. Allah knows about everything. Yet Allah is asking mozarella sunnah. What is this in your hand? Why?
Yes, to get mozarella salaams attention. And you see what most artists that I'm had in his hand was the stuff his stick, right? And Allah subhanaw taala was going to give him a miracle with that stick. So Musa Suriname's attention is being drawn towards his stuff. All right. Now, there is a very important lesson that we learned from this, that
you know, generally we see people, for instance, children or other people, and we take no interest in them.
We take no interest in them what they have, what they're doing, what they're studying, where they're going, no interest. We don't ask them about how they are, what they're doing. And when we don't take interest in people than what happens. They don't take interest in us. They don't care about what we have to say.
Allah subhanaw taala is asking Musa about Musa stick out of all things his stick.
You know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, once he asked a young boy whose bird had died? What happened to your bird? What happened to your bird? He took
interest in the bird of in the dead bird of that little boy.
Because when we show our concern for other people and we take interest in their lives, then they will be receptive of what we have to say to them of what we have to give them. So well Matthew Kirby Amin, aka Musa color here our soil. Musa alayhis salam said here it is our saya my stick it is my ASA.
He didn't stop there. He went on. He said at a worker or I lay her, I lean upon it at the worker or from the root letter as well calf Hamza, it dica is to lean against something. In the Quran, we learn about the people of Jana, with Turkey in Turkey own ones who are reclining. All right. So at a workable meaning I support myself. I lean against it when I'm standing or when I'm climbing. What a horseshoe. And I also Who should I bring down bring down what leaves for who I love on me who should be here with the stick. I bring down leaves our loved one me for my sheep who shows from the root letters Hasheem Chien Hush. Hush is basically something that is soft, that is easy to break.
Like for example, bread. All right, especially bread when it's dried. Then what happens you can easily break it up. Right? You can easily crush it to powder. This is how you made bread crumbs. I dried bread. You crush it up and you make bread crumbs with it has shattered Shudra what is struggle? A tree has shattered shadow is when the tree drops its leaves one by one. Have you seen that in Fall? Fall because the leaves fall, right one by one
has shot is to assault with a stick. So just imagine somebody with a stick going after someone. It is beating them. This is what Hashem is. So uh, who should I beat the branches or the tree or the shrubs? Why? In order to bring down leaves for my sheep? Right? Because sheep or goats, I mean, they eat leaves, right. But whatever leaves are at their level within their reach, they will eat them, but then many times they're beyond their reach. So what's the job of the shepherd bring down those leaves either beat the tree or bring the branches down so that the animals can eat whatever should be here I love on me
Wally and for me fee her in it meaning in the staff are Maddie boo uses okra many other it's a multipurpose stick, I do many things with it, I fulfill many of my needs with the stick. The word my added is a plural of rubber.
Rubber from the root letters Hamza Ra, but it
it means had a need, right a need, meaning the need or desire that has to be fulfilled. Right. And it's also said that it is a hydra or a need that is extreme meaning. You can't just fulfill it easily. But you have to do something you have to make a plan or something like that in order to fulfill that need. This is what it is. Right? And rebe Have you heard of the name Eddie
Adeeb is used for someone who is very skillful and expert.
Because they know how to fulfill their needs. They make great plans. They're very skillful. And they know how to fulfill their needs. So this is what a rib is. So you know any person who's named Eddie, okay, you can tell them what their name means. So my rubber, I need a want. And if you think about it, you need to be skillful in order to fulfill your needs. So mozarella salaam, is basically saying that this stuff of mine is very handy. It's very useful. I can get lots of things done with the stick, you know, it says to stick but so useful. And now Allah subhanaw taala is going to give him another very important thing that he can do with his stuff. You know, there are many things in our
lives which are useful, which are beneficial, that are handy that we use to fulfill our needs. But when you use it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala it will bring you much more benefit. Much more benefit Allah, Allah subhanaw taala said alakea Throw it yeah Musa Oh Musa. Such a useful stick and Allah is telling Musa salah, throw it, Musa sunnah without any hesitation without any question. He just threw it for an Aha. So he threw it for either. Then all of a sudden, either, either sometimes
gives the meaning of suddenly Fujii suddenly, immediately what happened here, it was meaning the staff, it turned into higher turn a snake that was dust that was running.
That's all from sorry. So just imagine he throws the stick and the stick turns into a snake that is littering that is moving. That's running. Allah, Allah subhanaw taala said hold her, take it, grab it, pick it up. Just think about it. If somebody's telling you to touch a snake even forget touch the snake go near it, would you be afraid? Of course you would be afraid. So Musa SNM installed Wallah the half and do not be afraid. The half from her well. Don't be afraid why? Because sonori Do ha. We are going to return it. New Ido meanwhile that we are going to return it. See what the heck it's seerah meaning its condition. An Ola. The first one. What was the previous condition off that
snake? What was it before? It was a stick? So Allah subhanaw taala said don't worry, pick it up, it will go back to how it was before. The word sera from the root letter Senora. What is Sierra,
the study of of the life of the prophet Sallallahu Sallam how he lived what he did? Right? Save Senora say literally means to travel. Right? So when you're studying the life of the Prophet salallahu salam to Zoo you are traveling through his life. You're taking a journey through his life when he was born, where he was born, what he did, what happened next where he traveled, right it's literally a journey through his life. And sila is the way the condition the manner of something or someone right it's not just to travel but also the way the manner the condition of something or someone how it is so Siraj its condition will return it to its former condition. So this was one
miracle that was given to him. Another miracle was given also well mum, lum blood Meme Meme bomb is to join to draw close together to bring together so what mom join yet aka your hand, ILA Jenna Hake to your side.
Janelle is the wing of a bird. But when the word Jenner is used for a human being, then it can refer to the side of a person it can refer to his hand, it can refer to his forearm, it can refer to his upper arm it can even refer to his armpit. Alright, the side of a person this is what Jenna is. So what mom yada, Elijah heck, draw your hand bring it close to or join it with what with your side with your side? What does that mean? Place your hand under the arm.
Okay, because in another place in the Quran, we learn what other Phyllida Vijay Bic insert your hand in your shirt into the opening of your shirt. So it seems like he was told to put place his hand on under his arm. All right. So welcome Yoda Elijah heck when you will do that. Raj, it will come out meaning when you will dry it out it will come out by a ball glowing white, shining.
By law, like almost bright men rainy Sue men from Lady without sue in any evil, meaning your hand will not be burning on fire. Or it's not that your hand is discolored or something like that. No, it's not like your hand is diseased. No, you will not be hurt. You will not suffer because of that apple mean lady Sue. I attend assign okra another this is another sign. This is another miracle that you have been given. And what was that? The glowing hand? Lena rica so that we may show you Minaya Tina, some of our signs with signs. I'll Cobra. The great ones. On Cobra it's the feminine have Akbar Akbar. Greatest Cobra also greatest. So these are some of the greatest signs great miracles
that we are giving you. Why it hub go elaphe in our own to fit our own in the whole door. Because indeed he has transgressed the law. Thought Lane Yeah. What is the Lian rebellion exceeding bounds? Go to finance
On because ferroan has exceeded all bounds how, by his oppressing the Bani Israel eel enslaving them and torturing them. And not just that he has also transgressed all bounds by claiming to be gone by demanding that people should worship Him by demanding that people should think he is God in Isla phenomena in the hotel Hall. So, this was a very heavy responsibility that was being given to Musa Sinha, it was not easy.
But like I mentioned to you earlier, whenever Allah gives a task to his slave, then he also equips him.
Whenever you are put in a situation, remember that you can go through that you can deal with it. And this is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala has placed you in that situation if you did not have the ability, Allah subhanaw taala would never have put you in that situation because Allah Allah moment Haluk the One who created Does he not know his creation? Does he not know what you are capable of? So why would he put you in a situation that you cannot handle that you cannot deal with?
And, you know, when we say oh, no, no, no, no, I can't do this is not possible for me. No way. Then we are basically objecting Allah's decision.
You know, that or we are implying that what Allah has decreed for me, is not okay.
What he has decreed for me, is not right. So we are criticizing Allah's judgment, we are criticizing his wisdom. This is what we're doing. Because think about it, if you have a phone, alright, if you have a phone, now the phone has a particular purpose for which it was built, right. And it can only fulfill that purpose. It cannot do something that it was not made for. A phone was made so that you can make phone calls with it. Right? And then you can send text messages and whatever features it has, you can use them. What if a person is using a phone as a coaster? Alright, to put his hot dishes on. Then if the phone breaks, that's whose fault that person's fault. Right? And what does it
show? When I mentioned this example, I saw smiles on your faces. What does it show? Foolishness? What were you thinking?
The phone is not meant to be a coaster. It's meant to be a phone. Right? So when we think like this, why is this happening to me? I don't think I can do this. I am not capable of doing this. We are criticizing. Oh, a lob. We are criticizing Allah subhanaw taala lay you can live Allahu nevsun Illa was ALLAH does not impose on any servant anything except that it is within its ability except that it can handle it. So Musa al Islam is told in have elaborated on it in the hoto.
Look at the responsible Saturday sinner, he realizes this is very heavy. This is very difficult for now not all people. So then he asks Allah for help. Yeah, Allah, you're sending me. You helped me. Allah, He said, Robbie. Oh, my Lord is SRE open, leave for Me Saturday, my chest, open my chest for me. It should have actually been Raha shadow how literally means to
cut meat.
But cut not as in, cut it into pieces. But cut as in, cut it in a way so that it becomes big. Remember, I showed you a video once upon a time.
So for example, you get a big piece of meat. Imagine a butcher shop, you see all those huge pieces of meat hanging there, right? So then what do they do? They slice it from the side. All right, they slice it and then they open it. Alright, so it was closed. They put a slit on the side. So now it becomes big and open. This is what Ishwara is sure that he or Allah, my chest, it feels very small. I don't think I have that capacity, that courage inside me to do this job. So you expand my chest for me, so that I am able to carry this responsibility.
I am able to do my best I'm able to fulfill this responsibility. Because I don't find myself capable. You expand my chest for me.
Because, you know sometimes when you're doing something you feel afraid. Right? You feel afraid. You don't think you can handle it.
So Musa
So now instead of feeling that fear he's turning to Allah Ishiura Holy Saturday Yeah, Allah opened my chest for me. And this law is very helpful when you are finding it difficult to do something when you are feeling afraid of doing something. When you feel that you don't comprehend something fully, you don't think you can retain some information this door is very helpful you know for instance, you're doing your lesson but it's not going in. So ya allah expand my chest so that the lesson goes in.
expand my chest so that I can comprehend. expand my chest so that I can retain and expand my chest so that I can deliver is roughly Saudi, were certainly Emery way a sin and make easy facilitate Lee for me, I'm Bree, my task. Yes, it is from faceid user.
In numeral three, you saw what is user is, right. But remember that user ease doesn't mean when something is very, very simple. That the difficulty level is very minimal. This is not user.
User. Yes, sir. All for us live roku. What as far as a horse? Yes. All false, meaning the horse has been trained, it has been equipped. For what purpose? For the purpose of writing.
Just imagine there's a wild horse, wild horse? And you're told go write it. Can you write it? No, you will be afraid even approaching it. But if there is a horse that is trained, that is tamed, the saddle is on everything is done. And you're told us go write it. Would you be able to write? Yeah. Does it mean that riding is easy? No, it's not easy, especially for beginners, it will still be difficult. But is it possible for them to ride on that horse? Yes. Is it possible for them to learn how to ride? Yes. Why? Because the horse is prepared.
Likewise, if somebody tells you, you know, here's a dictionary, Arabic to English dictionary, you figure it out.
Figure it out yourself. You're like I don't know what to do. I don't know how to do this. But if they say okay, this is a dictionary and this is how you use it. Alright, and they explain to you how the dictionary is arranged. How you can find the meanings, where you will find the meanings, then finding the meanings. That doesn't become simple, but it is possible for you because you know how to do it.
This is Stacey
yes, certainly Omni facilitate my task for me not make it simple. But give me the ability give me the courage to do it. Grant me success. Yes, certainly Andy Warhol and open untie rock that and not melissani From my tongue. What Hello, hello. Hello. Hello Al is also from the same route it literally means to untie a knot. So Washington, Iraq, the Iraq terrain of dal are not rock the tunica we learned earlier the knot of marriage because it's used for a contract also right? So we're hooked that melissani the knot which is in my tongue, untie that mozarella Salam is basically making dua for fluency in speech. Because it is said that Mozart is sunnah he was not able to speak
fluently. He was not able to speak fluently in sort of Zakharova 52 We learned that fear onset and a Cairo Minh had a lady who are Maheen Walia Corrado you been around criticize mozarella Salam that he hardly makes himself clear. He's not able to speak clearly into the Casa 34 it I said we're early Harun, who have Sahil Meneely Sanan Musar listen, I'm setting my brother How long is more fluent than me in speech? Intro The Sharada i a 13 it is said wildly equal Saudi Wella young politically Sunni masala Salam said that my chest feels tight, and my tongue is not fluent. My tongue is not fluent. That while talking I get stuck. I'm not able to express myself clearly I'm not able to speak
fluently. So what I looked at a melissani. But isn't that amazing? That despite that Allah subhanaw taala chose him despite the fact that he had difficulty in speech in talking. Allah still chose him. Because being able to speak well, yes, it's a very good skill to have when you are delivering a message to people, but it is not the only skill that is required. It is not the only skill that is required. When a person speaks from the heart, and they speak with knowledge, then you know what he
Even if they have an accent, and even if you don't fully understand what they're saying, their words will still hit you. Their words will still touch you. One sentence from them is sufficient to move you. Why? Because they're speaking from the heart. They know what they're talking about.
So remember that when you want to do any work for Allah subhanaw taala.
Then what is the way that what the hola where you are live, welcome Allah, you fear Allah, and do your best. While you are a limo come Allah, and Allah will teach you, Allah will give you the necessary skills.
What is our focus on? Let me first complete this degree in that degree in that degree in this and then I'll do something for Allah soprano third. But then what happens we get so caught up in that, that we forget to do the work of Dean. I'm not saying that studying other different things is unimportant, it is necessary the skills are necessary because they enhance you, they improve you, they make you more effective in your work. But our focus should not just be on material things. It should not just be on outward things. Our focus should be where on our heart. And if you look at the door of Masada Sarah, rubbish rally Saturday, where sanely Emery, then he comes to the tongue what
looked at me listening. And if he wants fluency in speech, it's not because he wants to leave a good impression on people, or because he's afraid that he will embarrass himself. No, what is the reason? What's the next aisle? What's the next I read it? Yes, Bo poli, you have Kaho from fake, to understand that they understand my words, what I'm saying to them.
He's not focused on himself. He's focused on the people that he has to deliver the message to, that he or Allah, if I am not able to speak fluently, they will not understand what I'm telling them. I don't want fluency in speech for myself, for my ego, for my good image, no, I want fluency in speech so that I can deliver the message properly.
And from this, we learn a very important lesson, that whenever you're doing anything, shift the focus from yourself to your audience, shift the focus from yourself to those whom you are talking to.
You know, for instance, many people they're afraid to speak on the mic.
They're afraid to go on the stage. Why? Because they're like, oh, everybody's gonna be looking at me. And what if I make a mistake, and I'm going to look like a fool? I'm gonna embarrass myself. I'm never gonna touch that mic. Right? These are the kinds of things we say. But why do we think like this, because we're concerned about ourselves, I don't want to look like a fool.
Whereas our focus should be on who?
On who? People, I want to give something to them. I have to give something to them, I want good for them. Forget about me, I care for them. And when you will care for others, then Allah will give you skills, Allah will enable you, Allah will give you the strength, Allah will give you the ability.
And this is how sincerity comes out. So if loss comes, because when you're constantly looking at yourself, what about me, my image, I should look nice, I should sound good, I should sound beautiful, then what happens, your intention is corrupted, then you begin to expect praise, or you want people to notice you and you want people to appreciate your efforts. So this is a very good way of keeping your intentions. Good. So Michael, I went to a workshop once where they're teaching how to give Dawa. And the instructor was telling us about this man who works on the dollar team. And he has a really, like, he has a accent that you would laugh at. But he like, makes people revert, like
more than anyone else, or help facilitate that process. So it's not that he was afraid that he has an accent, but he does the work and he's not afraid to do it. Yes. Very true. And you'll find numerous examples of this numerous examples that were, you know, for instance, my mother also, she does not like to speak in English at all. She doesn't like it. But when she would sit in your class, all she had to say was just one or two sentences in English and literally everybody would be like, That makes so much sense.
That makes so much sense. You know, a few sentences from her were enough.
Because mashallah the hikma? The, the wisdom that you can see
ie that you can feel, in the words of a learned person the words of a scholar that's incomparable to a person who might be very fluent in their speech using big fancy English words, and doesn't touch you.
So, focus should be on the heart. This Mala Salam Alikum I remember once when I was a student, I really afraid of mic I really didn't want to talk in the mic. How about my accent in English? And then once I hear this man, he's converted Muslim and he stopped the shift from the hotbar to share Surah Al Fatiha and then I said to myself, This man he knows only Surah Al Fatiha and I know maybe half of the Quran, and like I'm not sharing so I don't really care about my accent I will share maybe because of that Allah will forgive my sin. Yes. So always be greedy for reward from Allah subhanaw taala because you know if Allah guides even one person through you, that is better for you,
then red candles.
So forget about yourself. Forget about your image, that you will embarrass yourself. Think about what you have to convey focus on the message