Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 159A Translation Ta-Ha 1-40

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including proposals to stop a war, proposals to stop a proposal, proposals to stop a proposal, and proposals to stop a proposal. There is uncertainty among the speakers, but they all mention various names and phrases. The group discusses various topics, including death, relationships, and family, and mentions various characters such as women, stormtrooper, and Kathy.
AI: Transcript ©
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I said I'm already gonna have to lie here but I got through

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no matter who went to Saudi Arabia Saudi Hill Kareem and my birth Pharaoh the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Rubbish Rouhani Saudi were silly. Emery Wagner looked at me listening Tony Robbins in our email.

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Lesson number 160 Sutopo her I am number one to 40 Bismillah Rahmani Raheem translation

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for her for her. MO Not and Zelner We have sent down our Laker upon you on the Quran leadership call, so that you are distressed, so that you become miserable

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in there, except that Q rotten, a reminder. Lehman for who? Yorkshire, he fears. Then Zealand a gradual revelation. May man from who Holika he created Allah the earth was somehow worth and the heavens Allah ruler, the highest ones

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a rush man, the Most Merciful. Allah upon a lush The throne is the word he established. Law who for him, man whatever fists summer word in the heavens warmer and whatever fill up in the earth warmer and whatever Boehner Houma is between them to warmer and whatever

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is underneath a settle the soil

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we're in and if that you hope you are allowed Bill Cohn in the speech for inner who then indeed he Yara Allah will he knows a sizzler the secret one alpha and more hidden.

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Allahu Allah. La not Isla her any god Illa except Hua he LA who for him a smart the names and fastener the most beautiful

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one and has a darker it came to you Hadith story Musa of Musa alayhis salam is when he saw now on a fire for color. So he said li li to his wife, uncle. So, you all stay You all wait in ni indeed I NS two I have noticed now run a fire law only perhaps I can add decom one who comes to you minha from it because a person with a burning brand o or a G do I will find Arla upon a nerdy the fire who the guidance for nama. But when utter her he came to it, no dia he was called. Yeah. All Musa Musa they said in the indeed i N i am Rob Booker. You're Rob Fowler. Then remove take off. Now Lake your two sandals, your two shoes in Mecca indeed you bill worthy in the valley. El Mercado is the sacred one.

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To have to.

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What Anna and I Estelle Tucker I have chosen you faster mirror than you listen carefully. Lima for what you have. It is revealed

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in many indeed I enter I m Allahu Allah, La Notte Isla her any god Illa except an eye for Bodoni so worship Me, WA and UK in establish a solid the salah Lydic the for my remembrance in the indeed Asara the our dia tune one that is coming. Okay I do I almost nearly bofi her. I hide it. I can see it little desert so it is recompensed good Lou every nevsun saw Bhima with what does it strives Fela so should not he also Danica he definitely hinder you and her from it man who loves not you let me know he believes be her in it whatever and he followed however who his desire for total death then consequently you would bearish

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Wilma and what Tilka is that be

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armeniaca in your right hand yamasa or Musa? Allah He said here it are Sawyer my stick at the worker, Eileen, I recline

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or lay her upon it

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What or who shoot and I bring down

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a Who should I bring down? Be her with it either upon one me my sheep. Well yeah, and for me fee her in it Marie boo uses purposes we'll have other

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Allah He said LP her through it yeah oh Musa Musa Salah

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so I'll call her then he threw it for either then instantly here it Heyyo to a snake does it moves quickly.

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Allah He said hold her, take it sees it Wallah and do not the half you fear son or II do her soon we will return it. Sierra to her its condition Gula the former

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what mom and you join yet DACA your hand ILA to Jenna Sheikha your side, dark road it will come out by law white men from Lady other than sue in any evil I assign

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linear reoccur so we show you men from a Latina our signs el Cobra, the greatest ones

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in her Hugo Isla to fit her own and fit her own inner who indeed he thought he has transgressed on he said Robbie Oh my Rob issue you open you expand leave for me suddenly my chest what and yes sir make easy leave for me Emery my task wash loom and you untie Roca that and not men from listening my tongue yes to who they understand only my speech why Jarrell and appoint make li for me was Iran. A helper men from Lee my family her own her own ally my brother Bush did you increase you strengthen be with him through him as the my back my strength

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what a shriek who? And let him share fi in somebody might ask guys so that Musa B hacker we exalt you cathedra much one ad Kuraki and we remember you cathedra much in indeed you content you are Bina with us basura one who is ever seen

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he said odd in fact Oh theta you have been given so lucky your request yeah Musa Musa

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one occurred and certainly my Nana we have favored or Laker upon you. Medulla 10 a time.

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Another is when Oh Hanaa We inspired Isla to omega your mother. Man what you heard it was inspired. And that is to the fee. You cast him fee in a taboo at the chest. Soccer the fee, then cast it fee in a Lea make the river fell up. Then it should cast it along the river beside him at the bank yet who he will take him or the one enemy leave for me where are the one and enemy law who for him? What else they do and I have put a Laker upon you know hot button love mini from me, work and little snare so that you are brought up

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little snare, so that you are brought up. You are made Arla upon our AMI my eye is when dumb she she walks off Toka your sister further Kulu then she said How shall I do local I direct you. I lead you Allah upon man who you follow who he will be responsible for him

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or he will be guardian for him for Roger NACA. Then we returned you ILA to omega

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Your mother's day so that the camera it cools or you know her her eye Wallah and not the Zen. You grieve. Or she greets walk or delta and you killed Knutsen. So funner Jane Erica, then we saved you men from alarm, the grief, the distress was at a NACA and we tried you we tested you Fotona a severe trial filibuster then you remain see Nina many years fee in a holy people Medina of muy bien some then you have come Allah upon other in a decreed time yeah Musa Musa

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let's listen to the recitation of these ayat

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AR he bought

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a bottle earner the dish all at the pure water

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man caught up on bounce

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washed man she's down level 97 hour Do you wanna be the one

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we're here to help will be LuPone in

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Hola Hola. Hola.

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Hola Hola

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hottie Musa is

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in the tuna or the i Li D mean have you followed by seen

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in me

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in Gavin Why do this?

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Why enough to be able to stand me on Lima

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in any analog hola Isla

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moodini You are our team is led beauty in a SATA aunty I don't

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know not to be mad.

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But I also

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mean Obi

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Wan carry me at

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all and he also got why they should be on me what he

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bought at

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the airport. EDA he told us all

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sunray do ha see

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what Lumia DECA Isla Jana he got

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a resume. So in

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renewer Ian came in.

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At the ILA in

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Palm Beach Rashmi in solidarity Why are suddenly angry Emery Washington Luna me Lisa here for who only watch I was here on

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how to fish do they be sad or I should eat healthy angry K lucep. Bianca, Kathy,

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or other ot PT and so

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they you cannot

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anybody happy he booted up on TV he

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up the movie sachet area. Do

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I have that done.

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mean your It was not me at the time she took a

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of wine

00:15:20 --> 00:15:21

wild turnips

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Dana like me, no one knew what

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kind of

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testing IV saline idea and I thought

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very moves

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