Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 156C Tafsir Maryam 7-15
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Yeah Zachary yeah Oza. Korea in an Uber sroka Indeed we give you good news. Bill Amman have a boy is smooth his name. Yeah, it's going to be here. Amazing. He's given the good news that you're gonna have a child and not just that he stole. You're gonna have a column a boy. And then he's told that that son that boy's name is going to be
yeah here
nuber Shuka from Bushra Bucha is good news. The career in a salon quickly supplicated he didn't delay in making dua. And the response also came immediately it's more you're here learning under a level we have not made for him meaning for your hair. Men are blue from before semiya.
Any namesake meaning anyone having the same name as his semi is from their letters, while seeing me from the word isn't isn't means name. And for me, it's someone who has the same name as yours.
Anybody I'm over here, raise your hand. Okay, so all these mediums, they are semi of each other. Okay.
Now, you know sometimes some people they have, you can say very common names. Right? And they get offended with their parents that did you really have to choose such a common name for me? Right. And then if someone has a unique name there, they feel so happy about it.
So the Korea listen, I'm his son. His name was yeah, here. And Allah is the One who gave ya hear his name?
Can you imagine? Allah gave ya hear his name?
Your sometimes people ask you Who named you? And you're like, my parents. Some people say my uncle. Some people say my mother. Some people say my grandparents. Yeah. And so who named him? Allah subhanaw taala? What great honor.
The word semi doesn't just mean someone who shares the same name as yours, but also someone who shares the same characteristics as yours, meaning someone who's similar to you.
So in other words, yeah, here it is. Sam was
someone very unique, very different. Very different. His qualities, his habits, his interests, very different from the rest of the people.
It is sad that you're hairless and when he was still very young, like little boy, you know, people would, or other children would call him let's go play. And he would say, we have not been created for play. Can you imagine a child saying that?
If you see a child sitting and reading a book, and the rest of the children are causing a ruckus what would you say about that child? Wow, he's so different.
He saw different he's gonna grow up to be something
right? If you come across a child who at a very young age he knows the names of all the cars that he sees or he can you know name the continents or the countries or something like that you get very impressed very different. So you're here on SNL was also very very different loan ninja and a woman called Blue semiya
Carla is a career Allison when he was given this news that you're going to have a son and that son his name is going to be a hair very unique Son. The career Allison M says Robbie Oh my Lord. And now your coulomb How am I going to have a boy? What can I do with Jakob while my wife is very old wakad blocked when my condition is such that I have reached male Kibber of old age or at Yeah, extreme or at from my entire world, or to is to be of extreme, you know, for example, or to results or use for extreme disobedience or extreme pride. So everything Yeah, meaning extreme old age. Amazing. He is the one who said, Oh Allah you make away and you give me a son. And then when he's told you're going
to have a son, he says how?
My wife is old. I am extremely old. How's that going to happen? Is he doubting over here? What's going on over here?
What do you think? It's surprise. It's amazement. You know, for example, you are sitting with your friend in the car and you're driving home with her and you say, let's go out to eat. I really don't want to go home. And you have your eyes closed and then when you open your eyes you see you're not going home. She's actually taking you to a restaurant you're like really? Seriously? Well, obviously if you see that we're not going home. We're going to the restaurant and and you are the one who requested that we should go to the restaurant. Why are you saying really? Seriously Why are you saying that? Because you are happy surprised? Right?
And you were seeking assurance that I'm pretty sure we're not going home. But I want to confirm you're seeking assurance. So as a career SLM is not doubting Allah's ability,
but he's seeking assurance, he's just happy, surprised. He's happy, amazed. He's just wondering how it will be because physically it seemed impossible. All Academic, he was told, thus meaning this is how it will be. It will happen exactly how Allah has said, you are going to have a son whose name will be here. That is what's going to happen Quranic color a book, Your Lord has said, who are Elijah Hagin, it is upon me very high in very easy hanging from the letters how well known and high in means very simple. Something that's very easy to do. That is a little difficulty given the ability one has, you know, so for example, your brother who's very strong, who goes to gym regularly
for him to pick up a chair and take it upstairs is how easy and simple but for you, it might be very difficult. Why? Same action, easy for one person difficult for the other? Why is it easy for them? Because they have more ability. So Allah says that it is easy for me. It's hi in very simple wakad Haluk to come and call blue. Why is it simple? How can you understand that? Because I created you before I'm in Kabul before Willem Takushi. And you were nothing. The Korea remember. You weren't nothing. And I made you. So if the Korea can be made, then the careers child can also be made.
Why would it be difficult for Allah? Nothing is difficult for Allah. So as a career, I listen to him when he's given this assurance that yes, he is going to have a son. Color. He says Robbie Oh my lord Aegiali I make for me a sign a sign a sign of what a sign that will tell me that yes, my wife has conceived.
Because in those days, no ultrasounds, no pregnancy tests, all right. And you see, when you're waiting for something, when you know that something is going to happen, and you're waiting for it, you are anxious. Right? Like for example, if your friend calls you and she says I'll be there in an hour.
And you know that her hour means anywhere between 15 minutes to five hours.
Then can you sleep? Can you go take a shower? Can you pray? Well, you can't Why? Because you have this fear she's gonna come any second. Right? So then what do you tell her? What do you tell her that when you're 15 minutes away, give me a call. Right? So it generally I make for me and if so that
you know I can be at peace and I can get busy and glorifying you and praising you and thanking you. It your ally I
call the Ayatollah He said your sign meaning the sign that your wife has conceived is Allah that not to Kalam, you will speak and NASA the people falafel Island three nights, so we Yeah. While being sound. Your sign is that when your wife will conceive Zakaria you won't be able to speak. You won't be able to speak for how long? Three nights and that includes the days in between.
And your condition will be so weak, so we from their letter seen Wailea. So we is that which is smooth. Okay, that which is smooth. And what it implies over here is that your condition will be perfectly fine. It's not that you will be very sick, or that you have some throat condition or something like that know, your body, your health is perfectly fine, you will be perfectly normal, but you will not be able to speak.
Think about it. Not being able to speak for three nights, three days in between out of all the signs that Allah could have given zakhary our listener why the sign you won't be able to speak
what happens when you're not able to speak?
You cannot communicate with people around you
know, when something you know good is going to happen. You're going somewhere, somebody's coming or your sister is expecting or maybe you're expecting that what happens people can't keep this to themselves, right? They just want to out of that excitement or talk about it, talk about it, talk about it.
Right going on and on.
on and on. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong in that. But the problem is that when we're busy talking, we forget to talk to the one who is giving us that gift in the first place.
We forget to remember him, we forget to thank him.
We forget to praise Him. So the criada salaam was told you might be able to speak for three nights.
For Hotjar, Allah told me he, so he went out to his people, meaning when that happened, he was not able to speak for three nights. He went out to this people middle met her up from the prayer chamber. Marhaba is used for the prayer place, a place that is designated for the purpose of prayer. So he was there. When he was given this news, he went out. And for OHA la him he was not able to speak to them. So he signaled to them Oh has from working, and why is to communicate with another in a very subtle way. So that others around you don't really know you're not using any words. But you communicate in a very subtle way. So he set out to them and sub Bihu that do this be glorify Allah
When bukata In the morning were Ashiya and afternoon,
book rotten. Morning, it's the time after sunrise until noon, and our Ashiya afternoon meeting after the sun begins to decline. Right. So after the time have known, that is what our she's so he basically instructed his people get busy in the remembrance of God.
Three nights, three days.
Why is it that he told his people to do that?
Because when everybody's waiting for something,
then what happens? Everybody starts talking, right. And sometimes, such conversations, they happen to be meaningless, or they happen to be very hurtful or they are a waste of time a person is collecting sins, as opposed to collecting reward. So he told them get busy in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala.
Now, the career lesson, remember that he was also a spiritual leader, right? So perhaps he addressed his people regularly. And now for three nights, three days, he's not talking to them.
So he's concerned, they're going to waste their time. He tells them get busy in the worship of God. Do this be in the morning and in the evening? Don't waste your time talking, expressing your assumptions, commenting on the current situation, make use of this time, and remember Allah. Yeah, yeah, here. And then what happened? Yeah, here on his son was born.
How? How long was a pregnancy? How was the pregnancy? There is no detail about that. Something that we're interested in for sure. That's not mentioned over here. Why? Because it's not relevant.
It's not relevant. What is relevant over here is what Allah is telling us. And that is what we need to focus on in order to derive beneficial lessons for ourselves.
Yeah, here it is. And I was born. Yeah, here. Oh, yeah. Here who do Kitabi Kuwa. Hold on to the book with strength firmly. Which book? Is this? Any idea? Which book was it?
The Torah. All right. Because remember, that the prophets, if they were given a new scripture, that is what they were supposed to observe. But if they were not given a new scripture, then which scripture were there to observe? The previous one? All right. So yeah, I heard this and I was told, yeah, yeah, here holding Kitab Abiko. Well hold on to the book with firmness with determination. This is both in the physical sense, meaning hold on to it firmly, strongly. And it can also be in the intangible sense meaning hold on to it with determination with sincerity. Know It, well observe it well as it should be observed. What attina Who, and we gave him a hokhmah wisdom slubby Yeah,
while he was still very young sabe is used for a child, a child who has not yet reached the age of puberty. So you're talking about a child anywhere between zero to 910 1112, depending on when they reach puberty.
So, such a young child and Allah says, We gave him How come what is hokum? It's generally translated as wisdom. What is wisdom? Wisdom is the ability to understand the situation and do the right thing.
You see, many people have knowledge, a lot of information, right, but how to apply that knowledge in a particular situation, what does that require?
What does that require wisdom, it requires understanding of that knowledge and of the situation, what to do when and how this is hokum. And how is it that you gain this through experience?
That's right as you make mistakes, you learn. But yeah, here it is Santa was gifted hukum. And in the Quran we are told well, may you tell Hekmatyar. hikmah is gifted it is given. So he was given wisdom at a very young age. What are they now? hookman Slovenia. Now what is it sure that you don't have to be very old, in order to learn the book in order to read the book.
You can also do that at a young age. Is it possible? Of course it's possible.
Children, little children, especially their memory is impressive. Impressive. I mean, you'll see how little kids will imitate you. The way you speak, how you speak, the words you say, the manner in which you say them, they literally imitate you. Have you seen those videos of students from Dr. Zakir Naik school. They're adorable. You should just Google them and seen okay. They're adorable how little children they literally imitating you. They're giving lectures as if you know, for example, one is speaking like Dr. Zakir Naik. Or hey, I mean, that's something that those children were taught. But generally also, you'll see how children will copy you. They'll imitate you.
Recently, there was this machine video that I played for my kids. And somehow they pick it up very quickly. Right. So my daughter said, I want to read it, I want to read it. So she raised her hands exactly the way that machine artist was raising his hands. And I'm like, I didn't even notice that. But she noticed it. You know, there's a study that shows that by age one, children understand about 70 words. They understand. They're not able to speak them, but they understand. And this is age one.
And at about 18 months. He said that a child's vocabulary, it literally begins to explode, and they add new words at a rate of one word every two hours.
So their vocabulary, how does it increase? Every two hours, one word is added to their vocabulary.
And this is by 18 months, and by the time they're six, they'll probably understand about 13,000 words. There's an average child
13,000 words, a six year old can understand easily, even though they're not able to speak many.
So yeah, earliest Anam. He was given the book at a young age. So what does that show to us that we don't need to wait until children are very old in order to give them the Scripture.
In fact, the Salah the pious predecessors, they would say that teach your children the Quran at a young age, because whoever reads the Quran while he's still a child, then the Quran will be mixed with his flesh and blood. What does that mean? Not literally. What that means is that the Quran will become like a part of them. It will become like a part of them it will never leave them which is why things that you've memorized in your childhood. They don't leave you on you don't leave them even if you try to leave them you don't leave them you cannot forget them they become a part of you
Uranus and um besides being very knowledgeable he also had many other amazing qualities what were they were Hi Nana Mila, Dona and he was affectionate from us. Meaning this characteristic also he was given by Allah, very affectionate Hannah and from handle known. Her Nan is mercy, tenderness, gentleness, love, compassion, motherly love. So he was Hannah and he had a lot of Hannah he was very compassionate towards people was a captain. And also purity meaning was also very pure, pure from sin pure in mind pure and his character, what cannot appear and he was also fearing of Allah being someone who had a lot of taqwa, very obedient, and someone who abstained from sins and all that was
Three qualities are mentioned over here. Compassion, purity, and God consciousness.
Very important characteristics, especially for someone who's going to be a leader for people compassion, be merciful. And secondly,
pure in heart. Don't keep negative feelings in your heart for others, forgive them overlook their mistakes. Don't keep jealousy in your heart. And also God conscious
fearful of Allah. Will Bagram be wild today he and dutiful towards his parents, meaning someone who did their son towards his parents. When I'm the icon and he was not Jabbar on someone who was a tyrant, oppressive, arrogant Irish, someone who doesn't care about the rights of others are free Yeah, disobedient, neither was he disobedient to his parents, nor was he disobedient to Allah. Notice how out of all things what is mentioned, his being dutiful towards his parents. Why? Because if a person is dutiful towards his parents, then yes, he will be good to the rest of mankind also. But if a person's relationship with his parents is not good, he's not obedient, he's not helpful,
then no matter what he does with the rest of the world, that's hypocrisy. pure hypocrisy. What shows a person's good character the hallmark of a person's good character is his attitude with his parents wassalam on ILA he and peace on him yo mama Walidah on the day he was born way Oh, Maya mu two and the day that he will die way Oh my You bar to higher and the day that he will be raised alive. Three days are mentioned over here which day is the day of birth, the day of death and the Day of Resurrection? Three days, three times when a person is alone, he has to go through the pains the difficulties of these three days all by himself, no one can share that pain with you. No one can
take it away from you. You know when a child is being born, generally our focus is on the mother but also she's going through a lot of pain but you know even the poor child is going through a lot of pain for the child coming out of the womb is quite distressing which is why they have to monitor the child's heartbeat and make sure that the that the baby is not in distress.
Right because it's very painful but also think about it the place where the child has grown is being expelled from there
I mean, those contractions are so intense and who is being squeezed by those contractions it's the baby right but yeah hairless and upset and when our Lady peace on him if he will save that day safety for him on the day he was born on the day he died and the day that he will be raised alive
so listen to the recitation of these verses
you can
to keep everything
all I can
all be John Lee
we fall Rajala
yeah for the
Sophie and Ben arena, one of the scholars, he said that the loneliest that a man will ever feel is in three situations. The first situation is on the day he was born when he sees himself coming out of what he was in. The second situation is on the day that he dies when he sees people that he will not see anymore. The third situation is on the day when he is resurrected when he sees himself in the Great Gathering.
And if you think about it, I mean our birthday I mean, that's gone. Okay, that's over. We're through it. But the day of our death, I mean, whenever you think about it, it kind of gives you goosebumps, you you're afraid.
Right? How will it be how
Will I die? When will I die? Will it be painful?
What kind of angels are going to come to take my soul in? These are big question marks
and the Day of Resurrection, that also is frightening even thinking about it. But what are we told over here that yeah, here.
Salam on early and salam means two things. One is that peace be on him so he will be saved from any harm. Any fear? And secondly, greetings, Salam meaning the greetings of peace. When you're greeted somewhere, then how do you feel welcomed? Right? You go to a new place, strangers, but when someone greets you, you feel welcomed. You feel comfortable? So yeah, we'll be greeted. Why? What's the reason?
Think about it. What's the reason given the qualities of his that are mentioned over here? What's the reason?
You could say that? Yes, he was a prophet of Allah. So special treatment for special people. Okay. But besides that, if you reflect on his qualities, what are they?
Yeah, so that the word his father that he wanted someone to preserve his religion. And so that's when I got a blessed yeah, here in.
Okay. But that also makes sense. But look at the qualities of your head that I mentioned over here. Let's look at them at play now, hook Masaba, someone who had the knowledge of the NG from a very young age.
You see, if a person is calm inside, then what happens no matter how stressful apparently stressful the situation may be, they are at peace.
Right? Why because they are happy and peaceful inside.
And faith, remembrance of Allah. Knowledge of Allah is what brings contentment. It brings you confidence, at times of fear.
And then another quality of is that is mentioned over here. And then someone who's compassionate.
If you think about it, in a hadith we learn that be merciful to those who are on the earth, and the one who is above you, meaning Allah, He will be merciful to you.
So it's not possible that a person is merciful, compassionate to others, and Allah is not merciful to him, Allah will also be kind towards him.
And then was a captain, someone who's pure in his mind and his character and his actions will cannot Akia someone who's fearful of Allah conscious of Allah abstains from sin. Well Bowron, the wily Devi, someone who's good towards his parents.
You know, once there was a man, a young boy at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam, and he was basically at the verge of death. And he was not dying. It was like someone who was very close to death in a lot of pain, you will think they will die any second, but that boy was not dying.
So the people instantly brought that case to the province of the lungs and said, Look, we're here we have a situation what to do.
And when the Prophet saw a lot of some inquired about him, he learned that this boy was extremely disobedient to his mother and he made his mother unhappy,
unhappy, she was hurt. She was very, very upset with her son. So she was requested, forgive your son,
forgive him. She said, No. I cannot forgive him. Because he's really offended me. He's really hurt me. I cannot forgive him.
So then to make her feel, you know, some mercy for her son. It was said that, okay, collect firewood and just burn this boy so that at least he's over this pain. So when the mother started, this will be done with my son. So she said, Okay, fine, fine. I forgive him. Disobedience to parents making them unhappy is something quite serious. This is something that hurts us throughout our lives. And it will also hurt us at the end of our life.
webinar on B Wiley day, he will be a contributor on Ursa he was not arrogant, a tyrant, he was not disobedient. Rather, he was an obedient, humble servant. So those who are good, they're treated with good. You get what you give. right the way you treat others that is how you are going to be treated in return. So if we want a good end, we better live a
good life.
It doesn't happen by chance. You die how you live.
All right.
Okay, now you share a reflection with the person standing next to you.
I want everybody to talk
Anybody would like to share their friend's reflection, not your own anybody.
This just speaking to us giving an example of one of her family members, who has been on the, I guess deathbed for a very long time, and she was feeling scared about it. But we remembered how you know, we can never actually judge what the situation is that a person is going through. And that for a believer, every situation can be good, even if it is a difficult situation, it could still be the betterment for them, even the young boy who was at least forgiven in this world, rather than having to face you know, not being forgiven and hereafter by his mother, so at least he was forgiven Now, despite the difficulty of his death. So even now, we can't judge what a person's situation is. We
just have to pray for them and assume that Inshallah, in the long run, it'll be better for them. Exactly. Exactly. Okay. That was a very good reminder. Anybody else?
Oh, when it comes, the person I was speaking with was really touched by what you mentioned earlier, the fact that when you make dua, you have to be in presence, you have to be conscious of who you're speaking with, and put your heart into it. That's the one lesson she mentioned.
Because a person who is making law but his heart is not in it.
Then such to us, they're not responded to, as we learned from Heidi's I mean, think about it, if somebody's talking to you, but they're not really talking to you. What do you do?
You just pick up your phone and you start going through it?
Right? If you're trying your best to have a conversation with someone, you're giving them all your attention, but they're lost in their phone. What are you going to do? Fine, I'll do the same thing. Right. So if we want our dogs to be accepted, what is it that we need to do? Make our hearts present? All right. Okay.