Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 135B Tafsir Al-Nahl 22-27

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of protecting one's religion and avoiding negative comments in the face of false rumors. They stress the need to be more proud of one's heart and avoid disrespectful behavior. The speakers also touch on the negative impact of promoting shouldn't be on individuals, the failure of large tower projects, and the importance of protecting one's religion. They emphasize the need to be careful with what one says to others and avoid negative comments.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the sheer volume we're doing Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim.

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Once the class begins, then I expect that everyone in this class focuses on the lesson. And that means everybody and if someone is walking around or talking or checking their phone, I don't think they're focused on the lesson. And that is not just disrespect to the people who are here. But first and foremost it is disrespect to the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. So please, just a reminder to myself and everybody in this room, when we are here for the Quran, then let's leave everything for the Quran. It's just a little while, just a few hours that's it,

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we need to focus because if we do not focus, then we cannot absorb we cannot understand. So in order to help one another focus better, please I request every single person over here. Avoid any extra movement, avoid any extra conversation, anything that is unnecessary, please leave it forget it just a little while. Okay, inshallah. Lesson number 135. Similar to natural is number 22. To 14

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Isla Hohokam Isla, who were hit your God is one God, Your God, your Isla, meaning the one whom you should worship, the one whom you should love the one whom you should pay attention to the one whom you should fear. Your motherboard is who one God, who, the One who created you, the one who created everything, and the one who blessed you with everything that you have in your body, outside the world that you live in the food that you eat, the sky beneath that you live, everything, every blessing that you have has been given to you by who? That one God, so when he alone gave you everything, then who alone should you worship? Only him? Isla Hohokam illa huwa head, therefore none

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besides him should be worshipped. no person, no angel, no rock, no mountain, nothing only him for Lavina but those people who lay you know in a bill era who do not believe in the hereafter Unova home their hearts are mon Kira, one that rejects one that denies meaning their hearts are in denial. Their hearts don't accept, don't accept what reality, the reality that there is only one God worthy of worship. Why? Because we're homeless stuck in the room, and they are arrogant, their hearts are full of pride, which is why even if the oneness of God is made clear to them, they're too arrogant to give up their faults ways. They're too arrogant to admit that they were wrong, that they should

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now worship only one God. If you notice over here, two things are mentioned. One is the realization, this belief that there is only one God. And secondly, the disbelief of those who reject the hereafter is mentioned. So there are two primary beliefs and what are the belief in Allah and belief in the Hereafter? And both of these beliefs are deeply connected? When a person believes in Allah in creator, then he must believe in the concept of afterlife? Because obviously, if there is a Creator, then what does that mean that He created me, he sent me over here, he provided me everything. And then after I go from here, where do I go? Where am I going to go? Is it fair that people are living

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in different ways and at the end of them turned to dust? No, it cannot be possible that the creator who is so just and so kind he would not recompense people for what they have done. So belief in the Oneness of Allah leads to believe in a pharaoh also, both of these beliefs are deeply connected. And when both of these beliefs are there, then obviously believing in the angels, believing in the prophets, believing in fate, believing in the scriptures, all of that comes naturally. So over here, what is mentioned that people who do not believe in the hereafter who do not have this faith that one day they will go back to their Lord, the one who sent them here, they're going to go back to

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him. What is their attitude towards the hate towards the belief in Oneness of Allah Oberhelman Kira, their hearts are in utter denial. They don't want to accept that there is only one God. They don't want to accept that they will

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be questioned for what they have done. They don't want to accept that there is a law that God has given that they must follow Kulu boohooman Cara, they are constantly in denial. They cannot believe we're homeless that could be wrong. And the main problem is that they are arrogant. They're arrogant to words the One who created them. This is the Cabal this pride is what rejecting the truth and what is the greatest reality, the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala so they're too arrogant. The wishek Enough Maka, they used to believe in Allah subhanaw taala but at the same time, they used to associate many partners with him also. And whenever it was mentioned to them that there is only one

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God they would get very upset they would get agitated they would get angry, Intro to soft fat i a 35 it is mentioned in the home Kano either p de la home La Ilaha illa Allah, yes Deke be rude that these people whenever it was said to them, there is no God worthy of worship but Allah, what is their response? Yes, the Quran. They're arrogant. They don't want to accept. So what do we learn from this ayah belief in Allah necessitates belief in the hereafter. But those who reject the hereafter, they're too arrogant, then they're too arrogant to accept any command of Allah subhanaw taala, Ledger Rama, no doubt. Assuredly, certainly. The word ledger on it means of course, there is

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no doubt about this. That Anila her that indeed Allah Ya Allah mo he knows my you see Runa that which they conceal, meaning the arrogant ones conceal. When are you really known and whatever they reveal, meaning whatever they show, and the fact is that in the hula, you're Hepburn was stuck between Indeed, Allah does not like those people who are arrogant. So in the first tire, what was mentioned the arrogance of the disbelievers, that the one who disbelieves in Allah, the One who disbelieves in the Hereafter, then what is his problem? Pride. That is his problem. Because if he was humble before the One who created him, then he would not be in denial, he would accept. Now over

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here, what is mentioned that they can deny all they want, no matter what they say, no matter what they hide, everything is known to Allah subhanaw taala.

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You see pride, where is it?

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In the heart, it is in the heart, and then that pride is expressed through words, through actions through behavior, through body language through different ways. Sometimes a person, he shows through his words that he thinks very highly of himself or he looks down on others. It's very obvious by the way someone is treating the other, that this guy is full of arrogance. But at other times the person is very good at, you know, keeping that pride inside and showing humility on the outside. But what do we learn here? No matter what a person keeps inside his heart, no matter what he shows, everything is known to Allah subhanho wa taala. People only know what is on our surface, what is on

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our law hit, but Allah subhanaw taala knows what is on the law head and also what is in the Battlin what we show and what is also hidden. And this is why we should be equally and even more concerned about the state of our heart more than we are concerned about the state of our actions. Actions matter, words matter for sure, they do matter, but what is in the heart that matters much more, you know, why? Because the actions also they are judged according to what

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the intention, if the intention is pure, the action is good, and the action will be rewarded then, but the action is good and the intention is corrupted. Will that action matter? Will it bring reward to a person? No, it will be a source of punishment for him. So while we are so concerned about our outward, what do we learn from this idea that we should be more concerned about the state of our heart? We should be more concerned about correcting about reforming cleaning our hearts because where is this pride in the heart and what does Allah say in the who lay your head? Well, Mr. Clean, Allah does not like those who are arrogant.

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I want you to imagine this for a moment. Allah does not like those who are arrogant.

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Do we hear these words from people? I don't like arrogant people.

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Have you heard someone saying that? I don't like rude people. I cannot stand people who show off a lot. We say these things. We hear these things. But so what if one human being does not like this?

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certain individuals, if we don't like certain individuals, what's the big deal? Is it really going to harm them? No.

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Just because a person is not liked by other human beings, it's not a big deal. But when a person is not liked by Allah subhanaw taala, does that matter?

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Does that matter? Tell me. How much does it matter? A lot. Think about it. If there is a person whom Allah does not like, do you think Allah would admit him into Jana?

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into paradise? Is there any room for such a person who's disliked by Allah in Jannah? Know, what is Jana? Allah subhanaw taala made Jana and he said aunty, la Murthy, you are my mercy. And I will admit into you from my servants those whom Manisha whom I will, whom Allah subhanaw taala allows those in Jannah? Who are they? Those who are happy with Allah and Allah is happy with them. So what does this ayah show to us that in Jannah, there is no room for people who are arrogant. This is why we learn from Hadith that if a person has even the smallest amount of pride in his heart, the size of an atom, is he entering Jannah No, he's not that pride has to be gotten rid of why? Because pride

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is essentially what butler will help rejecting the truth and belittling people. This is what pride is. So in the hula, you horrible mistake when Allah does not like those who are arrogant. And this pride is not necessarily pride that is shown towards other people. This pride is that which is shown towards Allah subhanaw taala that a person is too proud to worship Allah, too proud to ask Allah, too proud to obey Allah to accept His commands to keep away from what Allah has forbidden. This kind of pride, especially is very dangerous arrogance towards the Lord. Instead of Lafayette is 60. Allah says in the Ladino you're stuck Bureau nunnery, Bertie, say the whole Luna Johanna MODAF 18 Verily

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those who scorn my worship to arrogant to worship me, they will surely enter * in humiliation.

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What either appeal Allah home and when it is set to them set to who, to these arrogant people, those who do not wish to accept the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala who reject after these people when it is set to them. Mother ends a lot of Bukom what is it that your Lord has sent down? What is it that this man Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam claims to have received from God? What do you say about that? What do you think about it? Is he true? Is he pretending? Is he a magician? Is he a prophet? What is he Kalu their response is a South ladle a welline just stories off the former people in don't pay any attention to what this man is saying. It's just stories of the former

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people. Now, the people of Makkah, they were highly respected by who? Who respected them a lot.

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All the Arabs. Why? Because the people of Makkah, were the caretakers of the Kaaba. So whatever the people of Makkah would say, especially the leaders amongst them, that would be accepted by not just the ordinary people of Makkah. But all over Arabia, it was accepted by everybody. So when the people would come for Hajj, and they would hear about Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that there is this man who claims to be a prophet, and he says you should not worship idols, you should worship only one Allah, and that there's hereafter where everyone will have to be questioned about their deeds. Everyone will be recompense for what they have done. The people will go and ask the leaders of the Quraysh

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the leaders of Makkah, that what do you think about this man? What do you think about this Quran that he's reciting? What is your opinion on this? So what would their response be? It's just a South little of welling, it's just stories. Now, this is an arrogant response. Is Quran really just stories? Is it just stories? No. Yes, the Quran has many stories in which are beautiful lessons. But at the same time, the Quran also has warning and good news. But this kind of response is just stories. What does it tell us about the attitude of the people of Makkah? Arrogance, look at their pride towards the book of Allah, that they call it just stories and they belittle the book, they

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belittle the Scripture.

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Now, what does it mean by a set?

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Athletes have wiliness athlete as a plural of was thorough and was thorough is used for a story. And it's from the root letter seen for raw set thorough. Set Bara thought with a shudder set bar is to compose lies, to fabricate lies to make things up. And as thorough as thorough is when someone makes a mistake, when a person makes a mistake is or is thought to make a mistake. And from the same root is the word subtle also, and subtle is used for a line. A line like for example, a line of words, or a roll off trees, or a roll off people, this is called a setup also. Now when someone is not standing in the line, they're not standing in the line, they're standing a step away from it, or a

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person is not sitting in the line rather they are, you know, a step forward or a step behind, then are they making a mistake? Are they making a mistake? Yes, they are. So if Bob is Joe was a subtle and lady who if he he is when someone is not standing in the line that he's supposed to be standing. So in other words, he's making a mistake.

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Now from this, the word was thorough comes, I understand the background, making a mistake, was thorough, is used for a story that has no foundation that is embellished with lies, that has clear errors in it. Clear errors. It's like you see a line, and it's not going straight?

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You can see it from far and tell yeah, there's something wrong with this line. It's not a straight line.

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It's not a straight line, you can tell. So likewise, Ostara is such a story, which when you hear about, you know, it is not true. You know, it is fictional. You know, it's just a myth.

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It's just, you know, made up.

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So they said about the Quran itself. Little unwilling stories of who are willing or willing can be interested in two ways, meaning stories of the people of the past, stories that are far from reality, or stories that were invented by an unwilling. So for example, many people who don't believe in the concept of prophethood, in the concept of miracles, when they would hear about the story of Musa alayhis salam, and the fact that he threw a stick and that turned into a snake, what would they say, Oh, can't be true, cannot be true. When people hear about the prophets that have autism splitting the moon and to have what do they say, cannot be true.

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So the same, it's just stories that people have invented.

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And if you think about it, many people today, this is what they say about religious scriptures, those who don't believe in Africa, or those who don't believe in the concept of God, those who don't believe in adhering to any religion, what is their attitude towards scripture in general, whatever it may be, whether true or not, this is what they say, right? People say that religions are just made up by people, or the story of the creation, the story of the creation of Adam, it's just a myth is just, you know, what people made up long time ago, and it was transferred from one generation to the other. And over time, it got more embellished with lies. So this is the attitude of who

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arrogant people most stuck between what either Tila, whomever that ends on a book on Kanoa, sadly, you who are willing, and when they say such things about the Quran, what happens people accept, people accept them that oh, this person is so knowledgeable. He has so many degrees. He's so influential, if he's saying about the Quran, that it is just stories that you must be right.

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Likewise, the leaders of Makkah, when they would say Quran is just a sad little unwilling people who had come from far and wide, what would they say? Yes, they are right? Don't bother to pay any attention to the Quran. So in other words, they go astray themselves and then they also lead others astray. But when they're leading others astray, Allah says Leah Miu lamb over here shows Lamb of consequence that as a result, what will happen Yeah, me Lou. They will carry Oh, Zara home their burdens. Oza is the plural of wizard and Wizard is a burden on the Day of Judgment, what is going to be a burden for a person

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which kind of deeds, since sins are going to be a physical burden on the Day of Judgment. It's up to us how much burden we want to take with us and how much burden we want to get rid off today. So that over there, we have no burden to carry.

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Has it ever happened with you that you're traveling and you just happen to have a lot of

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hand luggage.

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I mean, I'm sure many people are known for carrying extra hand luggage as much as possible. So then what happens at the airport? What do you want to do? When you're waiting in line and there's a bag on your shoulder and a bag, you know that you're dragging behind you? And another bag on your shoulder? What do you want to do? Just want to throw it, literally you just want to throw it.

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Why? Because you've been carrying it for how many hours just a couple of hours. The Day of Judgment is how long 50,000 years. And on that day, we have to carry the burden of our sins. So wouldn't it be smart if we got that burden erased today? Forgiven today, so that on that day, we are free? We are light. Leah mean oh Zara home, they will carry their own burdens, their own sense Kameelah 10 Completely meaning no one is going to help them. No follower, no servant, no supporter, no animal, nothing is going to help them carry that burden. It's going to be on them alone. yomo Qiyamah on the day of judgment, but just that burden they will carry no in addition to the burden of their own

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sins, because their leaders, they will also carry the burden off the sins of those people whom they led astray. were men and from Ozark burdens, Alladhina, Hughley, Luna, homie, lady, and of those whom they led astray without any knowledge. Sir, am I as your own unquestionably evil is that which they carry? How horrible is that which they carry? Because it is so painful to carry that it is so humiliating and embarrassing to be carrying those burdens your own and alter the burdens of others? So what do we learn from this, that each person is going to bear the burden of his sins on the Day of Judgment, himself, Kameelah, no one is going to help him. In fact, father, mother, brother,

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friend, spouse, each is going to run away from a person, you people are going to be running away from each other.

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But if a person has led another astray, meaning someone committed a sin, someone did something wrong, because you told them

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because you advise them,

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then you know what that burden is also going to be on us.

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So be very careful about what you say to others, what advice you give to others, what you encourage others to do, be very careful.

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Because if a person encourages someone to do something good, then what is that sadaqa jariya, meaning a continuous charity because of which a person will keep receiving reward. But at the same time, if a person promotes something evil, if a person promotes a sin, even if it's by just doing a like and it showing on your wall, and then there's a music video, and then five people watch it because of you. You know what that means you got the sin, of listening to haram yourself, but the five people who watched it through you,

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their sin is also on you.

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To be very careful, when we say something, when we share something when we like something, when we retweet something, whatever it may be, be careful.

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Because everything is being recorded.

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Those who lead others leaders will carry double burden. And each one of us in some capacity is a leader.

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Like for example, if you have an older sister, she says a bad word in front of her little brother. And the little brother sounds so cute saying that, okay, that bad word. And he says it. And she has a good laugh. And He says it again. And He says it again. And He says it again. Now for the rest of his life, whenever he's going to say that word and people are hurt. Guess who's getting the sin.

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The one who taught that child,

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the son of Adam or who sent him he was the first one to kill, to commit murder. So now, every person who commits murder until the Day of Judgment, that sin is also going to him because he started that he initiated that practice.

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That could look I'm robbing each one of you as a shepherd, and we're called Local Missoula and Andreotti, each one of you is going to be questioned about his flock. So whether we are a shepherd as an older sister, as a mother, as the eldest cousin or a friend or a mentor, whatever capacity we're in when other people are learning from us anything than remember if it's good in sha Allah good will be recorded for us. But if it's something bad than bad, is going to be recorded for us. Allah sir ma as your own

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that if any wrong action, you know, we

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We are facilitating it. We are facilitating a wrong action, oppression, injustice, then we have a hand in it. And that means we are going to be held responsible for it as well. This doesn't mean that those who are following others, they are not going to be responsible. No, they are going to carry their own burden also, why? Because Allah subhanaw taala gave them an intellect, a brain by which they could decide what was right and worth following and what was wrong and not worth following. So it's the duty of every person, the one who is telling others that he better be careful. And the one who's following others that you also better be careful, don't just follow

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blindly. Just because someone has promoted a music video doesn't mean you have to watch it.

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We just said, Well, I didn't have a choice. You know, it just happened. And we put the blame on others, whether it's a human being or shaitan. But the fact is that we did have a choice. We did have a choice. And this is why we are responsible. Leah Milou Zara home CAMI Latin el mal piano, woman Ozeri Latina UB Luna hombre later in Ella sir ma as your own.

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I remember I read a story. Once Allahu Allah if it's true or not, it's been a long time I read the story about this man who had basically signed up for some really bad nasty websites, okay, * websites. And it was like, what he would do is add forward, you know those things to his group of friends regularly. And then basically, it went on auto like it was all done automatically, that he wouldn't have to get all those images and everything and send them individually, but it was like an automated process. This man died.

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And then the next day, his friend opens up his email. And he finds an email from his friend. Okay, the one who had died,

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you know, *, images, and so on and so forth. And everyday, he's receiving that man is lying in his grave. He's lying in his grave. But everyday emails are being sent. Emails are being sent with haram images with sin. Why? Because it's automated.

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And they tried to have that email shut down Allah Who asked him if it worked or not. But this is quite scary,

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that sometimes we don't even realize the impact of our actions, that how it can carry on even after we are gone and how dangerous it is that we are gone, but sins are being entered.

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They actually said that, you know, he had like a five year subscription. So they couldn't shut it down until five years. So he was getting this in for five years.

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So, be careful whenever we are cooperating with anybody in doing something wrong, whether we are giving it or receiving it. Keep away from this because promoting wrong receiving wrong, both are evil. Both are evil, or the Mecca Alladhina min Cobley him certainly those before them also plotted the people of Makkah, this was basically their plot, right? That when people would come and ask them about Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam about the Quran, they had all decided to say it's just a South little of wheeling, this was a massacre. This was a plot to defeat the cause of the prophets Allah Allah. So Allah says that the people before them also plotted against their prophets. They also

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planned to lead people astray you think this is the first time people have attempted to do something like this? No, it's always happened before but what happened? For at Allah Who so Allah came banana home to their building bananas building me now collaborate from the foundations Hawaii, there's a Florida arida arida is foundation bases. So kawaii foundations bases. So Allah subhanaw taala came to their building from where from the foundation. What does this mean? That the foundations were targeted. Allah subhanaw taala brought them their destruction how? By destroying their foundation. So as a result when the foundation was collapsed for homeless so it fell I lay him upon them a

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sucker for the roof, menfolk him from above them will utter Humala either and the punishment came to them in high two layers are gone from where they could not even perceive they never thought that the punishment would come from there. Now, what does this I mean, what's this building referring to? In our bustled? Hello, I knew he said that this refers to num, Ruth num, Ruth, the ancient king who built a tower. Okay, well built a Boolean, a huge building where this huge building constructed and he said that build it so that I can ascend it and reach the heavens and see who is this God of Ibrahim and I will wage war against him and defeat him.

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Does that remind you of someone fit our own? What did fit our own say? For open today? Yeah, man. Well, I love cleaning that make for me from clay Ohama and meaning a building for jolly Farhan, Lolly AppFolio Illa Illa he Musa make a huge tower for me so that I can go up and see who does God have Musa. And if he's really there, then you know what I'll do with him. Such pride. So what happened to these kings fit our own in the route they had these buildings made. But what happened these buildings, they collapsed from where from the foundation, when the foundation it collapsed, it was targeted, then the entire building from the roof came down on them, and their entire market

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collapsed. Now for our Nimrod, they literally built towers. But there were many other people who built not physical towers, but huge, massive plans and plots to oppose their messengers, to defeat their messengers to spread false rumors about them so that the people would not believe in them. In other words to misguide people, and no matter how strong their plots were, no matter how strong and detailed their schemes were, what happened, they were destroyed from the very foundations.

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You know what this reminds me of? That companion who came to Makkah, and he was told, there's a shattered here, aboard here. And if you listen to him, this bawtry will affect you like magic. So what did he do? Available? dosi? What did he do? He put cotton in his ears so that he wouldn't even accidentally hear the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then what happened? That he said, You know what, I'm a man who has some reason some intellect, let me just give it a shot. Let me just try it. And he listened. And he knew that it wasn't magic. So this huge plan that the people of Makkah had made, will call Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam this and that and will scare people and will warn them and will

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frighten them so that they will not even listen to him. Did it work? No. Their plans turned against them. If a to fail of an Amana dosi had not been warned so much, perhaps he wouldn't have bothered to pay any attention. Anyway, he came for his hedge, you would have done that and gone back. But because he was told repeatedly, be careful, be careful, be careful. So what happened? He was careful initially, but then he's like, What is this big hype? Let me check it out myself. So their plan, failed their plan let them to their destruction.

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Many times the media portrays Islam or Muslims in a very wrong way and in an incorrect way, but that becomes a cause of people, you know, coming to Islam.

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Because Islam has many times portrayed as a very weird kind of religion, oppressive religion, terrorist religion. So people wonder, what is this book? What is this Quran that promotes so much terror? What is it? Let me find out and when they open it up, what do they find something completely different. And that becomes a source of their coming to Islam.

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So what at that woman or that woman Heito Leia Sharon,

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through my old mill piano then on the day of judgment, you'll see him Allah will humiliate them, the same people who have been plotting to oppose the prophets to lead people astray on the Day of Judgment, what's going to happen, you see him Allah will humiliate these people how we are Kulu and he will say Aina Shabaka II Where are my partners Alladhina Kontum those which you use to to shop owner fee him you would oppose fee him in there cause where are those shanaka Where are those gods whom you associated with me? For whose sake to share Hakuna to share Hakuna fie meaning to shockula visability him make it for their cause for the cause of these idols for the cause of these gods. And

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to show Hakuna from Chicago opposition meeting you opposed. My messengers, you oppose those who believe in me, you opposed My servants so much. You went to such great lengths, in opposition to My prophets for the sake of those gods in order to protect your idolatry in order to preserve your religion. So tell me, where are your gods today?

00:34:41 --> 00:34:59

If you think about it, why was it the wish Deakin were so hostile towards the Prophet sallallahu sallam? Why was there something wrong in what you were saying? No. But the spread of the heat was what a threat to their religion. They love their gods, they love their idols, and they were afraid

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

If though hate spreads, who's going to pay attention to our gods? How is our business going to continue?

00:35:06 --> 00:35:46

So on the Day of Judgment, they will be asked, So where are those Shoraka? Where are they today? Obviously, the machine will not be able to answer they will be embarrassed to even speak up. Because if someone has been guilty, someone has been doing something wrong, and then they're asked, okay, so what do you have to show up? Where is your, your cause that you were promoting? And you were striving to preserve it? Where is it? Where is it now? They'll be absolutely silent, unable to speak. Then who will speak Paula, he will speak who Alladhina otter in those who have been given knowledge and who are they, the prophets and the heirs of the prophets, they will speak and they

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will say in his year indeed, humiliation, utter humiliation aroma today was so an evil is going to be on who IOL care feeding on the disbelievers. Meaning today, those who disbelieve are going to be utterly humiliated, and something so something terrible is going to happen to them. Now evil is going to be upon them. Now, in other words, punishment is going to befall them.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:21

What do we learn from this? What's the lesson in this for us? Be careful about what you hold on to?

00:36:23 --> 00:36:35

What you hold on to what you are living for, be careful about it, that what is it? That is the goal of our life, that we are striving to promote? Preserve? What is it

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because look at them, we should again how much money they spent in the preservation of their religion, how many lives they lost, how many relationships discovered, just to preserve their religion of idolatry. But at the end, what happened? What will happen on the day of gentlemen, those Gods Will there be any sign of them, no throne and hellfire right before their eyes.

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Anything, anything that we run after, in this world that we strive to preserve, remember, it's not worth it.

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It's not worth it. Don't give your life don't spend your life on anything, unless it takes you to the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala

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unless it takes you to Jannah unless it is one of those things that Allah subhanaw taala likes and he approves off, otherwise it's not worth it.

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Because things of this world no matter how much we strive to preserve them ultimately they'll finish

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they'll finish literally they will finish

00:37:41 --> 00:37:50

and what is done for Allah subhanaw taala to earn his pleasure that will remain that will help a person that will take a person to the home of the Hereafter

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will listen to the recitation of these verses

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the Levina Allah

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tech baby we're either

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although sadly wordy Lea meant to

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00:38:54 --> 00:38:55

I mean I was

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sample for

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Philippine Foreign

00:39:25 --> 00:39:26

cell phone

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mean Hi

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