Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P11 112D Tafsir Yunus 11-14

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the concept of evil and how it can be quickly captured in media. It touches on the idea of a "good thing" that can happen quickly, where people try to avoid deaths and become evil quickly. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting oneself against evil behavior and strong faith in Islam to achieve material benefits. They also discuss the cycle of waste and the need for healthy lifestyles.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello and if you're a dude Allahu Allah was to hasten, Lin NASCI. For the people what a shanwa. The evil, you're a Jew is from iron Jeem learn from the word original, an original is to be hasty to rush to do something, and it's basically to do something before it's due time to do something before it's due time. So to hasten in that way, while you are doing Allahu Allah nurses sharp. What does this mean? That if Allah were to hasten evil for the people, in other words, he would give evil to the people quickly.

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He would give evil to the people and by evil what does it mean?

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Like punishment, right or evil consequences of their deeds, or the evil that people demand? If Allah were to give evil to the people quickly? Is their agenda home, as their hastening Bill Heidi with the good is their agenda home, they're seeking it to hasten meaning, just as people want good to come to them quickly.

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When people like something, in general, men in general people in general, when they like something, what do they want? That it should happen? Quickly, instantly, isn't it? So for example, you want to make a certain amount of money. And you realize that it's gonna take about a year to save up that much money? What do you want that year to move? To be over? Quickly, immediately, right? Likewise, you want to travel and meet somebody, and they're still three months left? What do you want those three months to pass? Very quickly, isn't it? So whatever we like, as human beings, it is our nature that we become impatient, right? So we want it to happen instantly, you're driving somewhere. And

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you know that that place is at least 30 minutes away. But what do you want? That you arrive at your destination? Within a minute? Right? Which is why you're constantly looking at the clock? How much time has it been how much time is left? Even though you know how much time is left? Still you keep looking hoping wishing that somehow that time would pass quickly. Now, this is within human nature. So what do people do when they see something clade when they want something clay, they do aesthetic gel? Meaning they hasten it? They really want it badly? And what do they do? The people who don't generally make their aura, what do they start doing at this moment? They start making Dora is in

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itself. For five months, they haven't made any doll. Right? They don't really remember Allah subhanaw taala. But when they want something good, they start making Dora as they're sitting as they're lying down as they're going outside every moment. They're remembering Allah making Dora. Right. So it's their agenda who will hide? But sometimes what happens that people are actually asking for something evil.

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They're not actually asking for something good. They're actually asking for something evil. So for example, a person is very angry, very frustrated with their life with the way things are going in their life. And what do they start praying for? Y'all just I want to die. They start praying for death. Right? Or they start praying for the death of other people. They're so sick and tired of a particular job that they say, You know what I want to get out of this place. Hmm. So what happens? They think that in reality, it's good for them, but Allah knows that it's actually shadow for them. So because of our impatience, because of our lack of knowledge, what do we do? We start asking for

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evil sometimes. Right? And what happens? A person is making their all but it's not being given that evil is not happening. And you might think that this is very strange, who would ask for evil, but actually people do.

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Like, for example, a woman is married to a particular person and she gets hurt because of one reason. And it's only natural that within a marriage, people will hurt one another. So from day one, that she gets hurt, she starts making the yellow make this end, make this end, make this end. And what happens 10 years down, it's still not ended. And she's still wishing somehow that it would come to an end. And then 15 years later, she realizes, you know what, I don't think I want it to end No.

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They're thinking changes later on. There is a woman, she has a baby, and she's like, I want him to grow quickly already.

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And then what happens when that child has grown up? She's like, Oh, I missed those times.

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When she's nursing, she's I'm sick and tired of this. I don't

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The nurse this baby anymore, and then what happens when the baby is weaned? I think I miss it. I miss nursing my baby. So what happens? We become hasty for something that we want. Sometimes what we want is good for us. But at other times, what is it? Shallow for us, but we become impatient. We start wishing for it to happen quickly, quickly, quickly. Sometimes women get so frustrated with their children, they literally start making the offer their death.

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Really, I've heard such stories, where parents are like, You know what, I don't want this child anymore. I've had enough of him. I've had enough of her can't deal with them anymore. It's their agenda home Bill Hader. So just as they should be making the offer, hey, they start making the offer show in the same way. And if Allah were to give them that show, the way he gives them hate, what would happen who would survive? Would anyone survive? No, nobody would survive. Because if a person is upset and frustrated with a particular individual, and they say, You know what, they should die. You know what, this money? I don't want it anymore. You know what this house I hate it. You know

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what these people I hate them. And if because they hate them, everything is eliminated? What would be left? Really what would be left? Because it happens one day, we like something the next day we hate it. Right? So it happens. We're asking, we're asking, we're asking, but things are not changing. Allah subhanaw taala does not change those things. So remember, that if Allah were to do that, look, Gulia Surely it would be decreed la him to them a journal whom their term meaning their term. In other words, their life, their term of existence, would be finished Gulia meaning it would be concluded it would come to an end. In other words, not even a single person would survive.

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Because each person has a problem with another. All right, and remember that the people of Makkah, what would they say that all profitable long term, if you're really a true prophet, and we're not believing in you, then let there some punishment descend on us from the sky. They were demanding punishment, that oh Allah. If we're disbelieving, then punish us finish us. And if Allah were to punish them immediately, then would people like a crab in Abuja, * accept Islam eventually. Abu Sufian Khalid bin Walid Radi Allahu Anhu edge Marine, would they one day accept Islam? No.

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But what happened years ago before they accepted Islam, people were asking Allah for punishment. Did Allah send that punishment? No. It's like some people, you know, they set a condition that I you know, God, if you're really there, and I'm committing a sin, show me punish me. Literally people will say such things to test God, does he really exist or not? And that's exactly what the machine of maca did to test the truthfulness of the profits of a lot of them. But you know what? These requests are foolish. Right? They're foolish. This is why Allah says that if you were to fulfill them locally, or LA or Jerusalem, for another, so we live and Lavina those people who lay your Juna

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who do not hope who do not expect Lika Anna our meeting were futile Lionni him in their transgression, Yama Hoon. They wander blindly, meaning Allah subhanaw taala leaves them in their blindness. So they keep going about in their lives, thinking that they are upon truth, whereas in reality, they're far from truth. They say, You know what, if you were really a prophet, then something disastrous would have happened to us already. Like then we should have enough maca did. They're like it's been 13 years, you've been claiming that you're a prophet, and we've been denying you from day one. Nothing has happened. So we're not wrong. You are wrong. Like in the Quran, we

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learned that Allah says, you know, we are there been welfare, they came and demanded punishment from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that okay, if we're liars, if we're not on the truth, then bring the punishment on us already. But Allah subhanaw taala does not do that. He does not do that. He gives people time. Even though they're so hasty for evil. He gives them time. Has it ever happened with you? That somebody dares you? Okay, slap me. Go ahead, slap, be glad say something. And you're like, controlling yourself. And then what happens? You know, they're challenging you. Right? So what happens? You're like, yeah, you want me to show you. You really want me to show you what I can do

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what I'm capable of doing. It's like they're challenging you. They're daring you to do it. So what do we do? We do it we show it we show them the power that we have and the capacity that we have. But Allah subhanaw taala is helping people make the most craziest

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stuff requests all the time. All the time. They ask for death. They ask for illness, they ask for disaster. They ask for one evil thing after another. But does Allah subhanaw taala? Answer every prayer of theirs? No, he doesn't. Because he knows ultimately what is best for them. But in this is a lesson for us that we should not be asking for shall. Right? No matter how upset we are, how frustrated we are with life, never make dua for evil. Even when you're very angry, still say something good. Because you never know, if you say something good from your tongue at that time, and Allah subhanaw taala accepts your door, how good that could be for you. Right? I've read the story

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alone, and if it's true or not, but I've heard many people quoting it also, the story of this woman whose son used to bother her a lot, a lot. And she used to get very angry with him. But every time she would be angry with him, she would say, Go, may Allah make you imam of haram.

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It's like, she's so upset with him. And typically women, what do they say? Get lost, get out of my face, get out of the house. May you see this and made this happen to you? No matter how angry she was, you would say you know what, go away. May Allah make you the Imam of the haram.

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And one day, Allah did make that person the Imam of the huddle.

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So you never know. Always say something good. And be patient. Because Allah knows what in reality is good for us and what is bad for us? What either and when Messiah attached Al Insana, the human being of the evil, when something evil touches a person of the hardship, Laura is basically from their letters lol Dolla dolla means to harm and a blue is anything that harms a person. It's difficulty. It's hardship. It could be physical, it could be psychological, it could be emotional, right? And it could be with the matters of the swirled. So with regards to one's health with regards to one's family with regards to one's religion, could be different kinds of hardship. So whenever some

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difficulty strikes a person, Messiah touches him, it's not really a big deal. It just touches him. It's like he's slightly touched by some kind of adversity.

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What happens that honor, he calls upon us meaning he makes the Legion be Lee meaning Act. In other words, when he's lying down, JUMPY jump beside. So when he's lying down, when he's on his side, reclining lying down, what does he do? He remembers his pain and he makes czar to Allah, Allah, please remove this difficulty for me. I will carry than or sitting, he's sitting at the dinner table, sitting and driving. And he remembers his misery. They said, Yeah, Allah, please make this easy for me. Oh God, a man or standing. He's standing in prayer or you standing in line waiting for something. And he's making the meaning. Because he's experiencing that book. It's constantly

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bothering him. And he realizes that no one can help him but Allah subhanaw taala. So because that blood is constantly bothering him, it's constantly on his mind. He remembers Allah all the time. And he keeps making dua. By the way, is it a good thing that a person is in difficulty? And he's making dua lying down sitting standing? Is that a good thing? It's a very good thing.

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But what happens Allah says Philomathean when the chef now we removed from Cushcraft, Shiva to remove something, and when you remove, let's say, a cover, then what is underneath is exposed. This is why the word cache was also used for exposing something but literally it means to remove so philon Mica Schaffner and who then when we remove from him Leura who his adversity what does he do? When that affliction is removed? McGraw he passes get n as if lamb not yet Aruna. He called us Isla to build in any harm any hardship muscle, it touched him. He passes beating he goes on in his life, as if he never made dua to us, asking us to remove some hardship from him. In other words, when he's

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in pain, he remembers Allah. But as soon as that pain goes away, he goes back to how he was before. He forgets a lot.

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It's like a person is begging you in front of you. It's like you have children, they want something. So they just beg you beg you and they scream and cry. And you're like, Okay, fine, whatever, and you just give it to them. You'd be

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Give it to them. And they just take it and run away. You're like,

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what are you supposed to say? Thank you. Where did your thank you go? Where did your manners go? What do we expect that if somebody is asking us for something, once we give it to them, at least

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say thanks, right? If someone behaves with us in this way, what do we think extremely rude. Next time I'm not giving him anything. First, he was begging me, now that I give it to him. He goes as if nothing happened before. And that is something that people do with ALLAH SubhanA data all the time, because notice the word an insane. It's not just one particular human being. This is something very common in people. Very common in people, regardless of their spiritual status. Many times it happens that a person who generally doesn't pray, doesn't fast doesn't remember ALLAH, when he's going through hardship, he will remember Allah he will start making girl. And you know what, sometimes

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Allah subhanaw taala actually puts us in difficulty so that we remember him.

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You know that. Like, for example, a person who would not generally give sadaqa he's in a situation where you will think about giving sadaqa giving, so the code become easier for him. And these situations that Allah subhanaw taala puts us in, there is supposed to be an opportunity for us to get closer to Allah. But many people what do they do? They turn to Allah at that time. They asked him, they give charity, they pray, they're in a waffle, they go for their hygiene or Mala even to get that help. But then as soon as things go back to normal, what happens they also go back to how they were. They also forget Allah Mala, he passes along the other owner as if you never met door to

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us. Gallica thus zoo unanimous Serophene it is adorned for those who do a straw for the extravagant what is adorned for the extravagant mechanical yarn balloon, that which they do.

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Now remember that it is something very natural that when a person is in difficulty, he is in a desperate state, he does more ABA and the intensity of his rebuttal also increases. So for example, in Salah there is more crucial, right? He's more concerned about reciting Quran daily, right? He didn't read is the hara for so long, but now he's reading it with every Salah hurry. He didn't give sadaqa for so long, but now he's giving it almost every day. This is something natural, and it's actually something good. However, it does not befit a believer that he turns to Allah in times of need. And when he doesn't have any need, he forgets Allah. This is not the way of the believer, what

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is the way of the believer, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, amazing is the case of the believer. And what is that? That when some difficulty touches him, he is patient. Right? And that is good for him. And for two patients as what? That you make the art to Allah, you don't give up? Right? And when some good touches him, then what does he do?

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He is grateful to Allah, and that is good for him. Some people, they remember this idea when they're going through some difficulty and they say, You know what, because I was not making dua last week. I shouldn't be making dua right now,

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is this is telling us that if you don't usually worship Allah subhanaw taala that much then don't worship him extra in times of difficulty. Is this what the is telling us? No. It's telling us remember Allah in hard times, and also in good times. Remember Allah all the time, just think about what you're doing. Think about your attitude towards your Lord. If we were to behave like this with people, would they pay any attention to us with that, whenever we're desperate, we call them up, we go see them, right? We ask them to come over. And when everything's fine, we don't even call them for like a whole week. Two months go by and we haven't even exchanged any text messages. And the day

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we're going through some distress, we're texting them like every five minutes. What's going to happen the next time you try to do that they're going to ignore you. Right? They're going to ignore you. Because when you feel like you're being used, it's not a good feeling at all. Right? None of us want to feel as though we're being used by others. Yes.

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Just a small point of reflection. Think about the last time you had a runny nose like after a time it just becomes annoying. It's not even that you're sick. It's just Oh, no, my nose is a little small. Yeah, it's just something small. And after a while you wake up and your nose isn't runny. And have we ever stopped to think in that moment how grateful we are that it isn't runny like I can breathe properly. My sinuses are clear. So just small things. It's just something

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To be grateful about very true that whether it's a small cut on our hand or you know something small that happens in our body, physical pain, we think about Allah subhana authority, right? We make dua, if not a long dua, even something small like yeah Allah please write just Yeah, Allah please. And then what happens when that door is over? When it's gone? We move on in our lives as though we never called upon Allah for help. And this kind of behavior, it does not fit a believer. And notice what is mentioned over here, Cavalli, kazoo Unilin was Rufina McCann ohyama loon who are mostly feed those who is true of those who are extravagant, what is extravagance? So for example, in material

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things using material things, what would be extravagance?

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Okay, so for example, a person is just hoarding things buying buying shopping, collecting and hoarding, not sharing, not spending, okay?

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Wasting on her arm, okay? Basically, it is to, for example, to spend beyond the need, all right, a person's need can be fulfilled, in fact, not just need, but even the luxury can be fulfilled with a decent amount. But what happens many times we go beyond that decent amount of budget, right? This is sort of, so for example, we're having a party, we're having a get together in our house, and we have food. Alright, how much food should be enough to serve, let's say 20 people,

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you know, 20 servings, okay. 30 servings, maybe. But what happens? We always want extra extra extra food. All right? If we have five different dishes, we want more, right? We think it's not enough. We want the appetizers we want the main meal and we want the desserts. And the desert should also be a couple of options, right? And then what happens? People eat a little bit little bit little bit, because everyone is concerned about their body. All right? And then what happens all that food that is sitting there? What do we do with it? What happens to it? Or we pour so much on our plates that we cannot finish it? And then what do we do with the food that is left? We just throw it right we

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just got rid of it isn't that it's rough, that is rough, that the money that we are literally throwing away in the form of food that is bought and then gotten rid off? That money could have been used for something more beneficial. But that's not our way. We think differently. We just want to fulfill our desires. And when a person is spending money like that wasting money like that, when do they ever feel guilty? They don't they think oh, wow, that was a nice party. You know what I impressed my guests. That's it. I want them today. Yeah.

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It's done most in Ramadan. If you think about it, so much of this is done in the month of Ramadan. We want a whole variety of dishes, and we cannot finish it no matter how much we try to eat no matter how much you try to stuff ourselves. It's not possible. And then where does it go? Waste? Because the next day when you open your fast you don't want to eat leftover food from like three days ago. Who wants to eat that? But when we do Astrov do we really feel guilty? No cuz Alakazoo unit and mustafina McConnell Yara Milan, their Islam is adorned for them beautified for them. So they're so happy about what they're doing. They think what they're doing is right. And it's such a

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vicious cycle. It's literally like quicksand. Like you put your step your foot in it and you're just sucked by it literally. So this kind of lifestyle of extravagance, there's really no end to it. What are called uncertainly luck. Now we have destroyed al karuna, the generations plural of fun. What does color mean? People over time. So for example, all of us over here, what are we it from 50 years ago? There were different people living over here. Yes, there are some people who were young back then and now they're slightly old. But if you think about it, think about your grandparents were their parents today. Alright, where are their grandparents today gone? So generation. Allah says

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Welaka Alekna full moon. We have destroyed before you many gurus many generations. Think about it. How many people lived on this planet before us. So many men Copley come before you Lamaze llamo when they oppressed when they committed injustice when they became oppressive towards others and part of oppression is that you have something that you can give them but you don't give them you waste it instead of feeding it to somebody else. So this is one. So when they committed injustice when they were unfair what

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happen their time came to an end Allah subhanaw taala held them accountable they were punished. But it's not that they were punished unwarned No, they were warned before they were told about what they were doing. What just at home Rasulullah biloba YNet their messengers came to them with clear proofs warning them when I can only help me know, but they did not believe Kelly can address it'll Komal Majidi mean thus do We recommend a criminal people? So what's the lesson in this I have for us that how long can a person really ignore Allah? How long can he ignore Allah? He's in distress today he calls upon Allah things go back to normal. Next week he forgets Allah next week again missing

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budget, delaying Zoho mohareb Skipped completely right. And then like this, each day goes by back to those bad habits. But then what are we thinking? Things are going to remain good forever? Or they know Allah subhanaw taala can hold us accountable any moment. Look at history what happened to the people before us think about for their own and his nation every time they were struck with some calamity to the knock request most artists and I'm pleased make dua to Allah and if this difficulty is removed, then we will believe in you that for our own not do that he did. But then what happened? He did this once he did this again. He did this again multiple times until his chance was finished.

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And that's it, he was surrounded by the waves and he was finished when I can only look Minoo can barely can I drizzle Coleman would you remain. So Madonna come then we have made you or people holler if successors color if plural off Khalifa and who is Khalifa someone who is appointed somewhere but for how long temporarily Califa the term Khalifa itself shows that they have come after someone and they will be replaced by someone they're replacing someone and they will be replaced by someone and tell me which human being is not like that. Every human being is like that right? That think about it as people are dying, there are other people who are being born right. But

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those who are born they will live their lives and then they will be the ones who are dying. And then who will come more people will come so from Majora Lancome holla if I feel ugly mimbar the hem we have appointed you as successors and the earth after them after who the previous generations. In other words, now is your time on the earth why lindora so that we may see K for thermolon How is it that you perform what kind of animal is it that you do? Do you do is Slav like the previous nations? Do you forget Allah like the previous people

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that if a person keeps behaving like that, using DUA and worship and difficult times in order to get material gain in order to get material benefit, okay, he may enjoy for some time. But then ultimately, he has to face his end in the

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so this time that we have right now why are we here? Why are we here? To collect dunya?

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To collect dunya to be happy, happy Muslim to be happy over here? Is that our ultimate goal? Really? Is that our ultimate goal? Allah has sent us over here, linens hola que Fatah balloon. He is watching us, what is it that we do? How is it that we perform what kind of actions we do, not what we pretend. But what we actually do. That is what is being observed. So we're sent to this world for a purpose. Our time in this life is very, very precious. People use religion in order to get more material benefits. But we have been given this life and religion not to collect duniya but in order to make our Jana linens Lulu K for dark maroon, because no matter what a person amasses right now

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what is going to happen? It's going to come to an end. Today we own something tomorrow, as somebody replaces us, they will own it. Right. And you may have seen this with your own eyes, the clothes that fit you so well.

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What happened the next year, it didn't fit you anymore. So your mom gave it to your cousin in front of you. That never happened with you are like your bike

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that you were so proud of the way you bought it with your dad and you wrote it for a whole year and the next year you're trying to write it but it just doesn't

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It's not your right size anymore. And then you're told now it's time to give it to your brother. Yes.

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Someone will be known, like, as the funny one in their family and then like, the new generations will come and like there'll be a new funny person of the family. Yes, it happens. Someone is known as a generous person of the family. But then in the 50 years later, they're nowhere to be seen. And somebody else has that title, somebody else has that authority. So remember, whatever we have right now, any physical material thing that is temporarily with us, what matters is not what we collect. What matters is what we do because a man will balloon, Xena toolhead duniya. wealth and children are just the beauty of this life. Right off this worldly life while back he had a solid had what will

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remain are actually good deeds. In a hadith we learned the prophets of Allah Islam said the world is indeed sweet and green.

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What does it mean? Sweet, it's fun. It's fun, green. It's beautiful. You enjoy it. And verily, Allah is going to install you generations after generations in it. Why? In order to see how you act in order to see what you do, so guard yourselves against the world meaning Be careful.

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Be careful, guard yourself against it, because it's very tempting. It can lead you astray. It can deceive you. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

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While you are law Holy

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See Shalom was

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journal boom. Fernando

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will either

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bow down Legion baby boy or

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muesli feed

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one lucky

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Ben Bain

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You mean

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he can

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move Jeremy

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