Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P11 109C Tafsir Al-Tawbah 97-100

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The Bedouins live in the desert and search for food and water, but develop golf and play golf when they find food and water. They become selfish and tolerant, becoming tolerant and loving and forgiving. The importance of staying on the path of the right is emphasized, and avoiding regret and mistakes is emphasized. The segment also touches on the success of people achieving significant accomplishments and the importance of not giving up opportunities. The speaker emphasizes the need to stay on the path of being honest, avoiding regret and mistakes, and being the most honest possible.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hola, hola, boo.

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The Bedouins florala are alabi. And we have done this word earlier. It refers to the Bedouin Arabs, those who did not live in the cities, but rather they lived in the desert. So let's say they were traveling to found an oasis somewhere some water source of water. So what happened? They would camp over there. They would live over there. But then let's say there was a storm, and their animals killed some of their people lives lost, then what would they do? They would get up, back up and go elsewhere. So constantly moving about in the desert, they're not stationed in one place. They're just going about in search of food and water. Wherever they find food and water they will live as

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soon as that's finished. What will they do? Go elsewhere? Allah says over here Lrr boo, the Bedouins they are a shed do stronger go fun in disbelief when you Falcon and hypocrisy. They're stronger in their disbelief and hypocrisy were adorable and more likely from their letters Jean Dallara and Adonis to be more befitting of something more befitting of something more likely to do something more prone to doing something so they are ajar. Meaning it is more likely that Allah that Not Yet Allah who they know who do the, the limits mad that which under Allahu Allah has revealed or not, or solely on his messenger, Allah who are Linwood Hakeem and Allah is Knowing and wise. What is this is

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saying that the Bedouins who don't live close to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, who don't come to the masjid regularly, why, because they're far there in the desert, they're constantly traveling here, they're moving about in search of food and water, these people are more likely to develop golf. And if they're stronger in their golfer NFL, they're much worse in their disbelief. They're much worse in their hypocrisy compared to city dwellers.

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This is like a bias against them that because they're poor, and they're uneducated. That's why Allah subhanaw taala says that they are stronger in their disbelief and hypocrisy. What's the reason behind that?

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Because of their ignorance, basically, they don't know much. Right? Think about it. There were people who lived close to the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Right. So they learned from him. And because they learned from him, they saw his manners. They saw His dealings with other people. They had this Kia done also. Because one of the roles of the prophets of Allah seven was that we use a key, he would also purify the people, they're making a mistake, he would correct them in the best way.

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But if someone is far from the Prophet salallahu Salam, he doesn't even there's no one to point out as to what mistake he's making, how he's disobeying Allah subhanaw taala? How is that going to be fixed?

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You see, like, if there is a person who never goes to the doctor, never doesn't go for regular checkups, ever. So what's going to happen? Aren't they more likely to develop some illness and get worse in that

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because of a person is going for regular checkups. And what happens as soon as that illness, the signs of it are visible, the doctor will see it, and inshallah with treatment, it's going to be resolved. Right. But if a person refuses to go to the doctor, because while his head is hurting, there's a sharp pain in a particular spot. And he delays going to the doctor, he doesn't go at all a year goes by another year goes by. And finally he's forced by his family go to the doctor. And by the time you go to the doctor, he says there's a big tumor in your head, which has spread everywhere, and there's nothing really that can be done about it now.

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We can't help you now it's too late. If you had come to us when the band first started, perhaps we could have done something. But now it's gone too far. We can't do anything. Doesn't this happen?

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So this is why the rob the Bedouins they are stronger in their disbelief and their hypocrisy compared to the city dwellers. But this is not the only reason that because they're unaware. Another reason is that bedrooms, in their nature, in their nature, they were very harsh people, people who had very hard hearts in general, because desert life made them like that. All right. And as a result, what happened was that if they committed gopher much worse, and they felt much worse compared to that of other people. Have you ever?

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Let's say some of you if you've ever gone back to the country from where your parents came from, Has it ever happened that you visited and people are talking to you? You're like, why are they yelling at me?

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Has it ever happened? Any experience like that?

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Yeah, I'm sure there have been many experiences like that. Why is she yelling at me? And why is he talking to me so rudely? And why is he like spitting in my face?

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And you get very offended? Like, why are they talking to me like that? What did I ever do? Who do they think they are?

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Right? Why? Because they come from a different background. Right? And their society is such that every person has to fend for himself. It's not like you can call on the police have you know, someone is threatening you, the stronger you are, you can survive survival of the fittest, basically, right. So what happens, these kinds of habits have become like second nature, they will become very tough and rude and harsh. I remember once I was in Pakistan, and we ended up in a car accident, which was not really a big accident, just like the car bumping into the other car. And I was just shocked, sitting there quiet, wondering what's going to happen. And before we know it,

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people from the other car, when we accidentally hit all those men, they're out of their car, and they're coming to literally open our doors, and pull us out and, you know, do something to us.

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Anyway, it was such a frightening experience, I cannot even explain to you. So frightening it was. But at hamdulillah the driver, he was very strong and firm and unhandled that he managed to close all the windows and lock the cars before they could come I remember the guy trying to put his hand in through the window law Hola. Hola, como de La Villa? I mean, over here, if something like that happens if there's an accident, what do people do? They come out of their car, or they stand on the side, you know, call the police. And then what happens? I mean, things are resolved. Even if a person is angry and yelling and shouting what happens the police comes, and everybody's supposed to

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calm down. Now.

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This doesn't happen everywhere in the world. So don't be surprised if you're somewhere else in the world. And you think that people are going to physically assault you because it's very likely they will. Why? Because that's just how they are.

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That's just how they are. So the Bedouins because of this desert life, they would talk loudly like we learned that some of them when they would come to visit Medina did come to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam looking for him. And they would go outside his house and they would say, Yeah, Muhammad. Oh, Hello, Dr. Elena. Yelling at the Prophet salallahu Salam O Muhammad Salah was gonna come out. Come on, we need to talk to you. We're here. Oh, Hello, Dr. Elena yelling one house after the other they would go around like this have been the Sahaba they won't even take the name of the prophets that a lot. They would say younger Soon Allah.

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Remember, in the first just what did we learn later, Kulu Arina will Kulu on what's Morrow, they would speak so softly they would speak with so much respect. And here, these Bedouins would come like they're just some big shot and yelling at the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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Remember how they would demand from him that he should give them money. Sometimes they would even choke him. I mean, Abu Bakr Agulla are now getting into arguments with these people. Because this was their nature, they would yell they will talk really loudly, very, very disrespectful. And you see someone whose concern is I need food, I need water I need my basic needs to be fulfilled. They don't care about courtesy. They don't care about how they should talk to people, they become very selfish. I need this. Even if I have to humiliate the other person, they don't care.

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So this is why their luck was very poor. And this is why they were stronger in their disbelief and in their hypocrisy. In a hadith we learn the Prophet sallallahu sallam said

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that he who lives in the desert becomes hardhearted

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he who adopts desert life becomes hardhearted. Why? Because the circumstances that they're living in are so harsh, that they will become harsh in their nature. Many times it happens with people. All right. So He who lives in the desert becomes hardhearted. He's living in a harsh environment, and he has no interest to learn. How is he going to, you know, like when you go out in the world, you interact with people, you learn so many things.

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Right? So many things. But if you are far from people, you're living by yourself and you're dealing with animals, and you're dealing with, you know, harsh climate, harsh living circumstances, and obviously it's going to affect your nature. You know, like people who work with children a lot. What happens they become very soft and gentle.

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They also develop patience, people will really work with the children, okay, meaning properly with children, then what happens? They become gentle, loving and forgiving. They become tolerant. And you'll see this and many teachers who teach young children, even if they're talking to adults, how are they talking in such a polite way,

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in such a comforting way, because they're dealing with children most of the time.

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There's a great lesson for us to like people tend to buy houses at a cheaper rate outside the city and outskirts where there's no Masjid nothing. So they are also, you know, away from the dean. And then when their children grow up, they don't even know what Islam is. Yes, very true. Because if you're far from the center of Hidayah, okay, whatever it may be a masjid, an institute, a class, any you know, a person, whatever it may be, if you're far from it, you're going to become far from Hidayah, isn't it? Like, for example, if the mall is an hour's drive away from your house? How often are you going to go shopping?

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I mean, people who are crazy, they're critical. But normal people, they're not going to be going every week. They're going to think about it right? Every month or so they're gonna go or maybe less than that even. Right? So likewise, if the house is far from the masjid, how easy is it going to be to go for a shot? Really? How easy is it going to be to go for Jumar? How easy is it going to be to go to the masjid on a regular basis for a class for a Holika it's going to become very, very difficult. Alright, so the prophets of Allah Islam said He who lives in the desert becomes hard hearted, he who follows the game becomes heedless. What does it mean my game, I content game, a

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prey, meaning you who pursues follows the animal that he wants to catch? than what's going to happen? Meaning he who goes hunting a lot, he is going to become heedless.

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Often, he's going to put aside what is more important in life. Back then people used to go and run after deer or, you know, wild camels or something like that, so that they could catch those animals and eat them. These days, what is it that people follow? on their phones on their screens? Something else, like games that people play, whether it's a ball, or whatever it may be, aren't they so addictive games,

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even on your phone, aren't so addictive. You play one game, and you're like, let me try the next one. I'm pretty good at this.

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Like Angry Birds. You get angry until you actually manage to move on to the next level, right? And you go on to the next level, which makes you go to the next level and the next level and the next level. Have you ever played a video game or a game like that on your phone for just one minute?

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Or just once? What happens when you play once you want to play again? You said let me try it. I think I can do it. I'm getting pretty good at it. And then what happens is when you get good at it, you get bored of it. So then you have to try something else that's more challenging. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said he who follows the game becomes heedless, and he who associates with the rulers, rulers, meaning he wants to be good friends with people who are high in authority. He falls into fitna and will fall into fitna meaning fitna concerning his Deen that he will compromise many things in order to please them.

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So anyway, I'll elaborate a shadow from when he fell call. Remember that hadith where once the Prophet sallallahu sallam was sitting at a child came and he kissed him, and there was a Bedouin man and he said, You kiss your children.

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And the prophets Allah sounds like you have and the man's like, I got 10 Kids and I've never kissed even one of them.

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I've got 10 Kids and I've never kissed even one of them. Can you imagine what a heart heart that must be?

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I mean a baby you wanna kiss give a kiss the baby all over from the feet to the nose to every finger.

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So if Allah has pulled away mercy from somebody's heart, then what can be done alarum Abu, Usha Dukkha from one if we're at the root and they're more likely a layer Allah more hoodoo demons and Allahu Allah Rasool. They're far from the center of a diet. That's why they're ignorant and when they're ignorant, they're going to be obviously not know what their religion is, they're not going to be following it.

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So how can they be rightly guided?

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Many times people complain that you know what I knew I studied the Quran, but now I forgotten it.

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You know why? Because you didn't review it. You didn't revisit it? Because if you visited it again, you would not have forgotten it. Right? And what happens is that we think, Okay, I've studied the Quran once and 100 Allah, I can move on to doing something else but believe me, even if you scored 100%

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In your Quran study, if you don't keep reviewing the Quran, you're going to start forgetting things.

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You're going to stop remembering Allah, your Salah is going to lose its value in your life, you're not going to enjoy prayer anymore. You won't be able to open the Quran for many days. And that guilt is going to eat you away. And then eventually, a person thinks, Well, you know what, I'm so bad anyway. So what

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righteous company, it keeps you on the right path for righteous company keeps you on the right path. And where do you find righteous company, in the misogyny in the centers of knowledge, right. That's where you will find such people. And when you will go before them, they will remind you what you're doing

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is wrong. Hey, what happened? What's going on over here? How come you're doing this. But if a person keeps away from people of knowledge, then he is allowing himself to fall. He's allowing himself to make mistakes and not correct them.

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He's allowing himself to go far away from guidance. So what is necessary? If Allah subhanaw taala has brought us on the right track? What is necessary that we remain on it? And how do we remain on it? By staying with the people by having a connection with the people who are on that path in one way or another?

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In some way or another because if we don't remember, we're gonna forget it. The Quran is very easy to forget,

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it's very, very easy to forget. So quickly, a person can forget it, like a camel that is not tethered. If it's let loose in the desert, what's going to happen, it's gone, you're never going to find that candle again, it's gone so quickly, out of your hands. And just like that a person can forget the Quran, if he loses his connection with it. So what is necessary, then?

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What is necessary, make yourself cling to something or the other?

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In order to make sure you're on the right track.

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You know, like sometimes, even in our hijab, we don't realize we're making a mistake. We think, yeah, I know how to wear hijab properly. Of course, I know. And this is right. But when you go in front of people of knowledge, they'll remind you that not, that's not correct.

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I remember once, just a couple of years ago, I went somewhere and I was wearing my hijab, and on top, I was wearing a jacket. So literally my head was like, you know, like what was being revealed, my shoulders, everything. And then from the front. Also what happens when you have a tight jacket on what happens? If you've zipped it up, your chest is also going to be exposed. And I thought it's fine.

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I have my first card, my hijab is on my jacket isn't on my mom, she just came and she took my hijab out on my jacket.

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And that really made me think that I think I'm doing my hijab, right?

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But there's a big mistake over here, my body is being exposed through my hijab, it's being exposed.

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So sometimes what happens is that we know because we don't see ourselves and we don't keep reviewing what we have learned, we are very prone to making mistakes. So what is important that, that we keep connected with people of knowledge, who will see our mistake and correct us. Because you see, one mistake leads to another which leads to another and a person, you know, he goes down the slippery road.

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And climbing that back is very difficult.

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Very difficult.

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I remember a long, long time ago, I wore my hair high under my hijab a long time ago.

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And this one, auntie, may Allah reward her generously. She's like, how long is your hair? Basically, she was trying to say that why do you have to dye your hair up so high? How long is your hair? I'm like, it's this long. She's like, well, you should wear your hair a little longer than that then it should not be too difficult for you. And that made me realize that I'm making a mistake here.

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Right? So what happens is that if we are surrounded with people who don't know the deen of Allah, you think they're gonna see our mistake and correct us

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using they're going to correct us no, because they don't know what we're doing wrong.

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And secondly, we should be okay with other people correcting us also, if they have some evidence, we should accept it. Not make excuses over there. Because sometimes what happens is that Allah subhanaw taala sent somebody to make us realize the mistake that we're making, and we say, okay,

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and we go our way, we don't even live

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If we don't even accept, who are we fooling?

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Who are we fooling over there ourselves, right? Because a mistake is a mistake and error is an error. And even if we close our eyes and say no, no, it's not wrong, it's perfectly right. Is it going to be right? Never.

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So keep connected with people who will correct you and allow others to correct you don't get offended and mad if other people correct you. Because then you're only allowing yourself to have a very low standard Wamena are a lobby.

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And among the Arabs, the meeting among the desert dwellers, the Bedouins man who yet who he takes Magan fickle, that which he spends many what he has to spend in the way of Allah. So for example, the cat, he takes that as Maga Rahman

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what is Mughal woman from the root letters ln ra meme? And Mowlem is basically a financial loss, financial loss, but what kind of financial loss is it?

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Like money that you have to give that you lose, basically, for no crime, no sin that you've committed, no mistake that you've made a

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financial loss that you incur on no error?

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Like, for example, if you're asked that submit this much money to, you know, the fee window, for instance, you'd be like, Why? Why do I have to be that? What did I ever do?

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So you know, when you have that feeling that why do I have to give this money? What did I ever do? Why do I have to pay the stacks?

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When you spend unwillingly, and you take that expenditure as a burden upon yourself? That you think it's not fair? Why do I have to give this money? Or why do I have to spend in this cause? It's like, if you're bearing save from today, you are paying for your phone bill yourself, and not just yours, but also your brothers and your sisters. What would your reaction be? Why me? What did I ever do that this privilege is being taken away from me? But is it really a privilege being taken away from you? No, you're being made responsible for yourself and also for your family. So they're some of the Bedouins who consider spending in the way of Allah as a Muslim as a tax as a fine as a burden.

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They think, What crime did we ever commit that we have to give the cats?

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And you know, when you have to spend in any cause in any way,

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as a burden, unwillingly, then it seems unfair to you. But if you spend, even if it's a huge amount, but you expect a reward from Allah, subhanaw taala, then what happens? It becomes easy. So the one who does not expect reward from Allah, for him, giving 2.5% annually even seems like a big burden.

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2.5% I mean, think about it. 2.5% of our income, perhaps we lose in change even.

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Isn't it possible? Yeah. I mean, if you have $2, what do they matter?

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They don't matter much. What do $3 matter? Not much. And how much is look at two and a half percent. But the one who doesn't expect a Jew from Allah, what does he think, Oh, my God, I have to give this much money in the cats.

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I have to give this much money. It's like God, why? What did I ever do? Why don't I deserve to use my money, however I want, he takes it as a Muslim with a lot of bustle and he waits become for you, or believers at the word it turns of misfortune. The way it is the plural of that era, that era from those that well raw, and though is to go around from the same root is a word though, what is doubt home? Because you go around everywhere. And where do you come back?

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Home? And when you're in your house? What are you doing basically going around your house, picking up things, cleaning up things using things right? So that Illa refers to a turn off events. All right? So for example, a person everything's fine, and then turn of events means disaster. So he is waiting for you that you should suffer from some disasters. They basically want you to die and perish, so that they can go back to how they were living previously, they can live their normal lives. There were literally some people who had accepted Islam just for material benefits. But when they had to give the cat, they didn't like that at all. They considered like a tax. They thought it

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was unfair. They had to give the cat and what were they waiting for? The day that the Prophet said a lot of them would die.

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that if only you would die, then we can go back to our ways. They were waiting for the Muslims to finish the OMA to finish. They were waiting for some external force to come and attack the Muslims and kill us. So the books seem to them like this is it the Muslims are gonna go face to Romans and that's it finished, where the boss will be come with the word it. Allah says I lay him the era to so on them will be a misfortune of evil will Allahu Samir on our name and Allah is Hearing annoying, he hears what you say in your heart, even if you don't voice it, and he knows about it. He knows what you want from your heart. It's like some people that literally wait for others to die.

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They do that if this person in my life, if they could just disappear, you know, just erase them out somehow I can't kill them, because life is going to be difficult for me. So they're wishing from the bottom of their heart if that individual could die. They want bad for others, just so that they can be happy.

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who is a believer, the one who wants for the other what he wants for himself. But what do we learn over here that the Manasa team, they want the believers to be struck by some disaster, so that they can live life as they want. Allah says I lay him down a lot too. So you want evil for others. Evil will fall upon you. You want others to suffer, and you will suffer? And isn't that true? That a person who wants bad for others? Others have no idea. They're happy in their lives? And here's this person living with that burning fire in his heart. When are they going to die? When are they going to go away?

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And nobody knows that they're living in this *.

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Right their heart, their ill feelings have literally made their life a * for them. Because they cannot be happy, ever. They're angry, they're upset, they're mad all the time. They can never be happy or lay him that you know too. So if we want bad for others, remember that we will be the first ones to suffer.

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We will be the first ones to suffer if a person is jealous of the other. The other has no idea. But who's suffering in that jealousy?

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The jealous person? Right? If a person has a grudge against the other, the other has got no idea he's happy enjoying his life trying one thing after the other. But the one who's got that grudge deep in his heart. He's the one who's every day every moment is horrible. They're suffocated in their life, so are letting him die no to so well. Love was Samira and Arnim. And we see that the Prophet saw on a sudden when he did pass away, there were some Arab tribes.

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Most of those people were hypocrites. What did they do? They refuse to give zakat.

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The Prophet sallallahu someone passed away and what happened to those were nothing. They refuse to give zakat. So Abu Bakar, although I knew he actually waged a war against those tribes, because he considered that if a person is not giving look at, he's not a Muslim. Because one of the pillars of Islam is what Zakat and they did not differentiate between prayer and zakat. If someone's not praying, if someone's not giving zakat, they're not Muslim. So we'll come up with our own who sent armies of Muslims against such people, that if you refuse to give them that you're not Muslim anymore, this is rebellion against the Muslims. You're trying to change the religion of Allah and

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that's not acceptable. So he fought against them and really are laying him that you know, too, so they really suffered a lot of terrible consequences in their lives. On the other hand, Allah says women and from our lobby the Bedouin Arabs, man who you may not believe he will, you will, and he believes in a line the last day, don't generalize. All Bedouins are not like that.

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Yes, they live in difficult circumstances, harsh life situations, but they are always in need of food and water going from one place to the other. They're generally very ignorant, but are all of them. Hypocrites? Know, Allah says woman al Arabi. Mejor Minami Allah he will you will ask if he truly sincerely honestly believes in Allah and the Last Day, where does he do and he takes meaning he considers may you'll feel that which he has to spend in the way of Allah whether it's a cat or Sadako anything that he gives in the way of Allah. He considers that to be guru beds, Kuru baths, plural of Kumba and what is CORBA? from Bari? What does that mean to be near? So kuruva being a

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means of attaining closeness and nearness to Allah Kuru baton are in the law near Allah. They consider that there is sadaqa there is a cat is going to draw them close

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ser to Allah, they willingly and happily spend in the way of Allah. And they consider their spendings in the way of Allah as well Salah to Rasul, meaning a means of attaining the prayers of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Salawat plural up Salah da. Remember that Salah a human being means dua, so they hope that when they will spend in the way of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is going to make dua for them.

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So you see two things over here, the spend in the way of Allah, hoping to draw near to Allah, and hoping that they will receive the doors of the prophets of Allah who Salam, Allah says Allah, beware, know this, that in the house corbetta Allah home Indeed, it is a Kuba for them, definitely. It will draw them close to Allah. Because if a person does even a very small deed for the sake of Allah, then what happens? It can draw him very close to Allah. A small deed done with sincerity, done with sincerity can draw a person very close to Allah.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:24

You know, like, remember in Sahih Bukhari we learn about this man. In other reports, we learned about this woman that was passing by, you know, a desert or something, there was no water and very thirsty and saw a dog licking on what wet mud.

00:31:25 --> 00:32:01

So what happened, he felt pity for that dog. So he went down that well put water in his shoe and brought it up and fed it to the dog and ALLAH forgive him because of that. In other version, we learned that this was not a man, it was a woman and she was a prostitute. But she gave charity felt pity for Allah's creation, and did something for the sake of Allah. Even if it was something small as feeding a thirsty dog. What happened? It drew that person near Allah subhanaw taala, Allah in now koruba to Allah.

00:32:02 --> 00:32:07

Remember that sadaqa will always bring the person closer to Allah subhanaw taala.

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Because as soon as you spend something in the way of Allah and you spend with a class, then it will make you happy in your heart. Even if it's very little, we know that even if it's 25 cents, very little, when you will put it in a box, for example, hoping that Allah will be happy with you, you will experience true joy in your heart, true happiness that you can never experience by spending $2,500 on a bag even.

00:32:41 --> 00:32:51

Really, it's not the same there is no comparison. There is no comparison. You go to the mall, you spend, spend, spend, and you come back with your stuff. And you're like, that's it

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all that time, all that money I spent I thought it was so much you know, all those bags. And when you come home and you take all the tags off, you're like, that's it.

00:33:00 --> 00:33:06

You were very happy when you were buying everything but later on when you see your bill, you're like, oh my god, what was I thinking?

00:33:07 --> 00:33:51

Right? And when you have to show those receipts to your husband or to your mother or to your father, you're like, Please don't ask me anything. So one of the questions about one thing even what happens all that joy, colors, but if you give in the way of Allah that will bring you happiness like nothing else brings Allah in combat to LA home. So you do hello home Allahu. Allah will admit them into his mercy in Allah Allah photo Rahim. Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. And every time that people brought sadaqa was a cat, the prophets Allah lorrison was instructed that he should pray for those believers. He should make dua for them. We learned that this was the way of the Prophet sallallahu

00:33:51 --> 00:34:34

sallam, any person who is appointed to collect whether it is a cat or it is any kind of money that people are spending in the way of Allah. What should that person do? He should make dua for the people who are spending in the way of Allah, the person who was made in charge of collecting the funds, what should he do? What should he do make dua for those who are spending make dua for them so Allah in the Hakko but Allah, Allah says was Serbia Kunal a Wiluna, middle mu hygiene was Serbia con and those who are ahead the foreigners, the first ones savvy Qunar, who from Sabah call to go ahead. For some people what they do is they wait for others to do something first.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:44

But there are others who like doesn't matter. So what if other people are not doing it? I'm going to do it was sabya cone and it's always difficult to be the first one to do something.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:52

I'm sure with some people, you know they've set conditions like a cello when my sister does her job. I will do it. Do we both do it together.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

When my friend does it in shallow I'll do it they will both do it together. She's not ready so I have to wait for her you know

00:35:01 --> 00:35:41

She's delaying it. So I have to wait too bad for me. For some people that wait for others. When she gets out of bed, I will also get out of bed. When she will get up to pray, I will also get up to pray Saba cone, either others are doing it or they're not doing it. They do it they are the first ones was savvy on a one on the first ones. They are ahead of others and they're the first ones to do it. They don't wait for others to do it. They're the first ones to do it. Who are they? Allah says minimal hygiene from the immigrants those that had Hijra from Mecca to Medina will onsolve and the helpers, those who were in Medina and who helped the people who migrated to them. So the Mohammed

00:35:41 --> 00:36:14

union and the unsought who were the first ones to accept Islam first wants to go with the Prophet salallahu Salam, Abu Bakar didn't wait for anybody to bring their entire money. He just went forward whatever he had, he brought it right. I'm gonna do our annual what was his plan at the occasion of the book that he was going to out do have a bucket a window or no, so he said, You know what, perhaps a bucket will not bring everything. I'll take half of everything I have, and I'm sure this time I'm going to be able to beat every bucket but what happened when he gets there quicker is already there with everything.

00:36:15 --> 00:37:03

They don't wait for others was savage goon and uh, well, but sometimes, we try to decide what we're going to do by checking what others are doing. Let me see what she does. Let me see what he does. And I will also consider doing something don't wait for others be the first one was savvy Kunal of aluminium hygiene will answer well, ladina taruhan Be yourself and those who follow them with your son meeting will follow the companions with their son meaning in an excellent way. They do what the companions did the same manner, same kind of actions. And Alladhina, Toblerone bearson refers to the people who came after the sahaba. But not just them, until the day of judgment. All the believers

00:37:03 --> 00:37:26

will come after the Sahaba who follow them with their son, who follow the way of the companions? Allah says it only Allah who are on whom Allah has pleased with them will do and who and they're pleased with him. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with him. Why? Because they don't delay. They don't procrastinate.

00:37:27 --> 00:38:07

They don't have low standards for themselves. They're the first ones to go out. And they look for opportunities. So they see an opportunity to do good. They don't wait to see, okay, who's going to do it? No, they go for it. They leap forward, they jump forward, they grab that opportunity? Does it ever happen that you are waiting in line for some food? And you see, okay, there's only two slices of pizza left. So before somebody else grabs it, how much is it for? You grab it and sandwiches at four? Because you don't want to lose it? You don't want to miss it, especially if you're really really hungry. If there's a good sale somewhere. What do people do? Even if it's not the right size

00:38:07 --> 00:38:22

and the color they're looking for? You know what, pick it up. You never know why the time you come back, you might not find it and they take a whole lot of things with them to the cash register and as they're standing in line, then they go through everything. Okay, this is not my size. Okay? This is not what any look at this is what I don't need. But why did they

00:38:23 --> 00:38:25

take everything because they didn't want to

00:38:26 --> 00:39:17

miss out, just in case I need it. So people who are eager for more, they never miss opportunities. Some people they're eager for more duniya and others. They're eager for more Hassan ads. Such people are happy with Allah Allah is happy with them. What are the home Jannette Allah has prepared for them gardens tragedy title and how underneath which rivers flow, call it in a fear about the abiding there and eternally, that Ecole Fosun Aleem and that is great success. That is real achievement that is called success. Not having a little bit doing a little bit here there. That's not really success. Success is when a person has really achieved something, something substantial, something solid, a

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solid achievement. And such people will be ahead in the hereafter on the Day of Judgment also was Serbia, kona servicon, una Ecole. Makara boom, those who are ahead in this world on the Day of Judgment, they will be ahead also they will be closer to Allah subhanaw taala brought near to Allah, like a person who give sadaqa so secretly, that his left hand doesn't know what his right hand gave. Where will he be? Where will he be under the special shade that Allah will grant him? Right. He doesn't wait for others to give. Because one of the interpretations of this his left hand doesn't know what the right hand gave that a person gives all spontaneously so quickly. He didn't think can

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meditate and they

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Think about Okay should I give it should I not know spontaneously our procedure given the wave Allah, okay?

00:40:06 --> 00:40:48

Took it out and gave it Saba cone, a well known such people, they're happy with Allah and Allah is happy with them. Now the following I describe more about them when I feel clean, and also about the people who remain behind. So far, what did we learn about which kind of people who did not have a valid excuse they remained behind and when the profits of a lot of them returned, they made excuses. And we also learned about some of the Bedouin Arabs, who we learned earlier about them that they didn't even bother to come and offer an excuse. The Prophet said, a lot of them didn't even bother to take permission to stay behind. And when the prophets of Allah some returned, lies, clear lies,

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trying to prove themselves to be innocent. But what do we learn that even if a person comes up with the best stories to excuse himself, who knows the reality? Who knows the reality? Allah knows. So we need to become honest with ourselves first, in order to become honest with Allah subhanaw taala.

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And even if the whole world is happy with us, because of our lies, and dishonesty, doesn't matter. That's not success. That's failure. That's absolute failure, because these lies are going to take a person to the lowest levels of hellfire. They're going to make him regret.

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And you see, some matters are so private that nobody knows about them except you.

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And in those matters, we need to become honest with ourselves and with Allah subhanaw taala like for example, that if a person is praying Salah and they break their will do who knows about it?

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The mother who's watching you pray that she No, no. So one is that a person says it's okay, doesn't matter. I can't bother praying. My full rocker again, I was in my last Jakara into shahada and I lost my will do come on, I'm gonna have to go do will do again and pray my entire prayer, do difficult. But if at that time a person remembers that in the grave, in the grave, an angel will be appointed to punish a person and he will strike the person so hard, that the person will scream out and he will say, why are you doing this to me? And the angel will say, do you remember that prayer which you performed without? Although

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Do you remember that prayer which you performed without will do

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so if a person remembers that time that in the grave I might be punished because of this and Allah knows I can't hide from Allah. Then this will help him be honest with himself. So be honest with yourself, be honest with Allah, you know your reality Allah knows your reality.

00:42:57 --> 00:42:58

Recitation of desire

00:43:00 --> 00:43:05

all boy Dooku fallone For

00:43:13 --> 00:43:22

a long while. Schooling will longlining kaki Halki Wamena

00:43:27 --> 00:43:28

people melawan

00:43:30 --> 00:43:31

bells will be cool mood

00:43:34 --> 00:43:46

Alinda your to sell oh one long semi or gnarly or mean

00:43:48 --> 00:43:50

be me You mean OB

00:43:54 --> 00:43:55

GYN that is Oh my

00:43:56 --> 00:43:57


00:44:00 --> 00:44:04

don't long you also know if you want to

00:44:12 --> 00:44:19

know more Morphe merging in law how awful

00:44:22 --> 00:44:24

was savvy

00:44:30 --> 00:44:31

Do you want to learn

00:44:34 --> 00:44:40

be lovely along one more on one.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:43

long one.

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