Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #50 – V80-82 – A Flicker of Light

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the influence of Islam on people, including those who don't believe in Allah and those who are non-immigrant. They also touch on the secret meeting and secret council in Nigeria, where secret meetings are essentially a group of men hiding from. The speakers stress the importance of caution and making decisions based on what's right and wrong, including the secret meeting in Egypt where secret meetings refer to a woman who committed a crime and is facing the task of being translated in different ways. They also discuss the use of "has" and "has" in Korean cases and how they relate to the situation of a judge's actions. They plan to reconvene on Monday to discuss the story and discuss the upcoming session on the evil eye.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are all below him in a shame regime? Phelim mistake assuming who had also been a gene, or like a bee room and then move

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than any be comala holy war Hi y'all hacky mean energy.

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Be calm.

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Be calm Saku

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why Masha hidden in Bhima

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lawai Have you been was a little corny it was a little cornea 1081 8180 fi Ha. When in doubt saw the

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prohibition the surgery recently agreed to Dr. Tammy lasagna of cocoa leaf and hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah Rasool Allah, Allah Allah He was a huge Marine, I'm abroad once again every once in a while the camera to right hand over the cattle. It's a bit of a tall order today. But again, I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself and be in a rush to finish, we'll do what we can. But the ambitious goal today is to try to cover lessons from is number 8081 and 82. Now the conversation with Yusuf Ali Salaam is done, he's insisting that he's going to keep Binyamin with him. And this idea that we're about to get into has lots of components, it's a long if you're looking at the text

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in front of you, then you can see that. So what I'm going to do is kind of translated piece by piece and move the story along instead of giving you the overall translation first. So let's get started. I'm mostly assuming who, when they when eventually they lost all hope from him. So llama in Arabic, which is what I'm translating here is when I shifted the transition to eventually when, because lemma actually suggests karate. And the fight adds even more to that meaning. They they tried convincing use of honey slam one way or the other, please, we beg you, sir, anything, you know, any way you can get us to let Binyamin go. And he just wouldn't budge. And eventually they gave up all

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hope eventually. Now your issue means they give up hope is they sue the form that's used as the SD file pattern. And it's one of its benefits is mobile Aha. Which means they absolutely utterly lost hope. It was 100%. You know, it's like, I mean, he said no, but maybe he'll change his mind in an hour or two. Or maybe if we come back tomorrow, we beg him again, look like he wasn't totally saying no, you know, there's sometimes you kind of like somebody saying no, but it's not an emphatic absolutely not at all. But it's they assume means they had absolutely no hope left that you use of is going to budge from his position, at least. Incidentally, that reminds me of the previous I in

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number 79 there were three observations about the same phrase, the beginning phrase that I didn't make. And I'd like to share those with you real quick. When Yusuf Alayhi Salam said my other love that he clings to a lot. The first important thing to notice he is a the highest government official in a non Muslim society. So he's in this presidential or Prime Minister type position, sitting in that chair, everybody around him pretty much is non Muslim. And here he is invoking Allah's name in public office, in a place in an environment where nobody believes in his religion. In fact, his previous declaration from prison was, I have left the religion of people that don't believe in

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Allah, and they are in denial about the afterlife. So that's the fact of Egyptian society at the time, right? And yet, he is calling on Allah. And it's as if he is introducing people around him to Allah, without directly giving them that well, but the way in which he carries himself. That's the first observation that he had no hesitation, invoking a last name. This is important because you know, when people you know, lots of you listen to me from different parts of the world, in some parts of the world, you're in a Muslim society. So saying things like Assalamualaikum and Hamdulillah, Mashallah, I'm grateful to Allah. It's a blessing from Allah thing, saying things like

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that is completely normal. It's part of the culture, right? But then you are in an environment, maybe you're in an office, or you're in a university setting or you're in a corporate setting in a non Muslim country. And actually, it's even the case it was surprising to me. I went to certain Muslim countries where they were they said acting Muslim now in certain offices is weird. So Muslim countries will have Christian like Christmas holidays and the majority 80% Muslim country will have Christmas holidays.

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Christmas tree all the whole works. And if you don't go to the party you feel weird. And saying a salaam aleikum feels awkward and saying Hello, good morning is more normal. Like that's what's being done to Muslim society. So Islam is almost becoming alien, even in the Muslim world in some cases, right. But here you have a man who's holding on to Islam alone. And he doesn't feel awkward, invoking a last name. And even if people around him You can imagine many people don't know who this Allah is. They don't know they have other visions of gods and deities, maybe they haven't heard this name before. But the only time they hear this, this mention of this higher, unique one god that

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cannot be paralleled with anyone is on the tongue of Yusuf alayhi salam, which will make them inquisitive, isn't it? So he's actually using that platform, you know, to not necessarily to preach to them, but to let them know where he stands. And also it inspires curiosity in the people that work under him. They already look up to him for his moral principles, right? For his character from prison and onwards, the king is impressed. The prisoners are impressed. society's impressed. And he's even saying, Don't you see I always, you know, fulfill my fulfill the load. Don't you see that? I'm always fair. Everybody's convinced of his fairness. Right? And now he takes the opportunity to

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say, Where does my favorite fairness come from? Where does my sense of justice and my sense of doing the right thing every time? What's the source of it? What's the fuel behind it? And in the in the phrase where other law he invokes on the law, so that's one important observation. Another important observation here is by saying that other law he's saying I wouldn't do something wrong. Like I remember he said, if we did that we would be wrongdoers. Right. What that tells us is he's actually in use of Elisa wouldn't just say that to win an argument. When he speaks, he speaks genuinely he is acidic. He is absolutely truthful, which means even though he's tricking them, this is entirely

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endorsed by Allah. And he has no questions in his conscience, about hair hair, I am tricking these guys. And yet I'm invoking a last name, there's a contradiction in his mind and his heart, there's no contradiction. He can invoke on Allah's Name, he can call on the last name, and say that without giving it a second thought, because he understands that there is no contradiction, he is doing the right thing. In this case, he's not doing absolutely anything wrong. So that's another important observation about my other law. But the third, I think, is the most important observation. The law is that we are going to punish no one except the one who stole that's the law of the land, right?

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But he doesn't invoke the law of the land and say, I will never How dare I defy the king? How dare I defy the law of the land, he didn't invoke the law of the land and say, I will not be breaking the country's laws. He said, I will not be violating a law, I will seek the I will cling on to a law. In other words, breaking the principles of justice is actually a violation against who it's a violation against a law. And my morality doesn't come from the fact that the laws are written here. The laws could be anything, the laws can be fair, that's fine. But the reason I abide by those laws is actually because of a law. Not because of the laws, but because of a law. That's actually who I

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fear. I don't fear breaking the laws. I fear not having the protection of a law is really different mindset, isn't it? Like you, you know, in modern secular governments or pretend secular governments, there's this assumption that you have to abide by the law and religion is a separate entity. But even in the origin of founding documents of a nation like the United States, In God We Trust, you know, and there's a there's a constant invocation of God because they understood something. morality and justice, its origins are not going to be rules and regulations that that human beings create. In the at the end of the day, the reason someone will do the right thing is if they have a higher

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conscience, and that's their faith in Allah, that higher morality that comes from Allah xojo. So he's actually pointing out that source, because, you know, he's so different from everybody in Egypt. And he's in this most prominent position, he's already sticking out because he's so prominent, and on top of that, by character, he's so different. Well, what makes him so different? Must be a very common question. How is he this different? And how are people around him so influenced by him? And he kind of drops it here in their mother law, right? So it's a really beautiful not only a conversation with him and his brothers who don't know that's his brother, but

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actually with the entire nation. And so that's that those are just side observations. Now coming back, these brothers have lost complete hope that they're going to get anywhere with him. Okay. Hello, so Nigeria, so when they complete lost complete hope from him after lots of trying, they have also means they went into solitude. But it also has to mean

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Hello, so could mean they went somewhere where they could be alone. Right? So they're off the streets or they're out in an alley somewhere or they got themselves a room in some shady hotel or something and, you know, got in a corner so they could sit and talk and regroup. Basically, what are we going to do now? And they can't talk openly about it. Now, why cannot they talk openly about it? You remember previously, they had kind of become celebrities, they had been known. And even father was saying, coming from different doors, right word had spread about them. Now the wrong kind of word has spread about them. The news about them is one of them is a thief. And we don't know who

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else is in on it, maybe they were in on it, they just didn't get caught. And they let one of theirs get arrested. So now instead of having a good reputation in Egypt, they have a horrible reputation in Egypt. And if there's a scene standing somewhere, having a conversation everybody wants to hear and what else are they scheming? What else are they planning to do? So they're kind of, it's the opposite of what happened before now you imagine, they used to walk around with pride or spa, we are a band, everybody else should get intimidated from us, who's going to mess with us. And now there they are going into hiding to find a safe place where they can talk to each other, how the tables

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have turned. And then there's the word so and the other meaning of palasa. So hello, Sue is either they went You know, one meaning is they went alone somewhere right there by themselves. The other meaning of kalasa is that they come from the hollows they freed themselves for from every other concern, this was the only thing on their mind. This is all they're going to talk about. They've left every other idea caught with the became for food we came to get you know, you know fulfill the load for our families, all of those subjects have disappeared, this is the only item on the agenda. And this is what they need to discuss. And then the word that comes after that is Nigeria which is

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secret council right. So till medalla actually has an entire section on just najwa on secret Council on people meeting with each other privately, right and it can be different kinds of it is not an adjutant filata tenaya will if we will have one or another will be what taqwa Allah says when you're going to meet secretly don't meet to do sinful things. You know and have secret meetings to do good and to increase each other in taqwa to do to be more conscious of Allah. So and then in the same sort of lessons in number najwa shape on the secret meetings are actually from the shape on which what that tells you is secret meetings in and of themselves have more potential of being harmful

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than beneficial. And so when you do have, you know, usually you say something is beneficial. Something is innocent until proven harmful or proven guilty. Something is harmless until you add something harmful to it right? With secret meetings in the Quran definition are reverse reverse engineered, secret meetings are by default harmful. Unless you go out of your way to make sure that they are harmless. It's the it's flipped. And that's something I've talked about in detail in certain module and the principles behind you know, najwa. But anyway, the word Nigeria here again, two meanings. Nigeria could be a mustard, which means an infinitive. Now, what that means for the

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rest of you in human is, they got together alone for the purpose of a secret meeting, a secret meeting, so to have a council among each other that nobody else will hear about. We need to discuss this somewhere we can talk and nobody hears fine. Nigeria can also be an Islam, representing them. So energy can also be home energy. For example, we say in the Quran, we read his home najwa when they were making secret Council, they were najwa actually can represent people to in the GM can represent people to whom nygean means they're all sitting together, discussing secretly, so for the purpose of it, and while as they were sitting there discussing, so the the reason they wanted to be

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alone, is to have this exclusive conversation. Now, obviously, when they're having a secret conversation, that means they're saying things that can't be said out loud, or that if they people hear this, what do you say? Right? They're not saying something innocent. They're not saying something so politically correct. And you remember, there's different brothers and they all have different ideas. Remember the last time we saw a note from them, when they were when we saw lasuna Jia before the Quran said hello to Nigeria, when they were by themselves. They said dad loves him more. He's lost and confused. We should kill him. Those are not the kinds of things you want anybody

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else hearing, right? So they're having this conversation. We don't know all of that conversation. But what a lot does is he tells us the last part of this conversation. He says Kala kabiru home. Their big one said the big one, the big one among them said, Now what does that mean? The big one among them. One way of thinking about the big one among them is the eldest brother said, right, but the word could be in the Quran, like in suta, Lhasa albana in uttanasana wakulla Cobra Anna, for our Luna sebelah. on judgment day people are going to come to a lie and say all these we followed our leaders and our big ones

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We followed our leaders and our one big ones. So they made us lose the path. That's what people are gonna say on Judgement Day. Now why am I citing that if I'm sort of locked up about judgment a because it uses big ones. Right now what does that mean in the literary sense in the Quran and in ancient Arabic, one of the meanings of Kabir, we saw already someone who deserves respect. Isn't that what they call their father in law who have been shaken Kabira someone who deserves respect. But Kabir also means someone who commands authority, someone who's listened to someone who's responsible. And vac, Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam broke all the idols. And he left the axe, or the

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baseball bat, whatever it was in the in the palm of the biggest idol. And then he said, as the big one as the cubbies, right? Because he's, he's responsible for all of your livelihoods. He's responsible for the skies in the earth, according to you. He's responsible for all the many action figure Gods you guys have. So, and he's responsible for all of you, you should be definitely responsible for the temple. Right? So ask him, that's what he said. So the word Kabbalah was used for someone who is held responsible. Now, what does that teach us? Well, the one who is in the end, the eldest or the, maybe it's the same person. Not only is he the oldest, he's the one at the end

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responsible. He's the one who convinced dad to let Binyamin go. And when they go back, that's not going to ask everybody he's gonna ask the one responsible. Weren't you the one who told him? Weren't you the one who took responsibility in the end, everybody else chimed in with you, but you're the leader, de facto leader. So the word cubbies suggests that one has to take chief responsibility. They there's there's a group of them. And they're all throwing their opinions. But now he's saying the final word. Now his final word is interesting. Because when you pay attention to what somebody's saying, you can actually decipher that they're not speaking in a vacuum. What I mean by that is,

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somebody could say something, and you can tell what they're saying is a response to something else. Please give me an example. Let me make it super simple. If you just walked by, and you hear somebody on the phone, and they say, Yes, absolutely. You know, that they didn't call someone. And the first thing they said was, yes, absolutely. They heard something. And they're responding to it by saying what? Yes, absolutely. So those words are not the initial conversation. They are a response to something that already happened, right? That's a very basic example. But hear from the way that the language is carried or captured of his speech. You can tell other conversation has happened. And

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he's responding to other things that are being thrown around. So what is let's first hear what he says and then decipher what could be thrown around before it okay. So, he says, so called Bala kabiru, whom the big one among them said.

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And under Alamo and na abakada, Allah Kumasi, camino, Allah.

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Don't you already know? Haven't you already known that your father has already taken a call a covenant is a sacred promise, from a law meaning invoking Allah? Woman cob Luma? For toffee usofa? Actually, I'll do that part later. Don't you already know that your father has taken a promise, invoking a law from you?

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You don't know that? Why would he talk like that? You don't know that you took a promise with Allah? Don't you already know that? What you did did not happen. Did you forget? When somebody says Don't you know? Don't you know this is different from Don't you remember? Don't you remember it said when someone forgets something?

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Don't you know? It said when someone pretends they don't know it at all? Like they don't know it exists? Do you not know this is our address? Do you not know this is here? This is a much more critical way of saying Don't you remember Did you forget? Did you forget as soon as innocence? But if you said seriously, you don't know? You don't? And that's actually your incriminating somebody. You know what that means? Maybe because what do we know so far? When vineya means accusation came out? What did they say? Well, what a surprise. I mean, if he's still

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not entirely shocked, he had a brother with the same problem. Remember that? And it's not like they're they're coming out and trying to rescue him for himself. But they're only pleading on behalf of who? The Father, they don't really care for him. So some of them in this private meeting are like, Well, I mean, we tried but, you know, I'm not that broken up about it. If you're asking me if I'm gonna cry about it. I'm not because Good riddance. Seriously, this was like use of 2.0. So I mean, it's not that bad. Oh, well, like I mean, we have we're not lying this time. So it's okay. I mean, what are you gonna do? And some of them are like, you know, okay, we've we tried. It's okay,

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no big deal, and they're about to kind of

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brushed it off. And they're, they're letting this slide off like it doesn't, doesn't affect them in any way. But one of them, the responsible one, something is happening. And this is actually the crux of these ions, something is happening to him. He has disobeyed his father, and he has heard his father's feelings for so long.

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And he has seen the pain and suffering of his father for so long. And he's over, you know, you know, sometimes you do the wrong thing, and you try not to think about it.

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And so long as you you know, you put it in a shelf in the back of your mind somewhere and you close that shelf, you can compartmentalize it, you can carry on, you don't have to think about it, you don't have to deal with it, you just have to ignore it, and deliberately ignore it and shove it to the side. And you can actually function and everything else and be completely fine. It won't bother your conscience because you don't have to face it. And sometimes for people like that, if they are confronted with it, they get very uncomfortable. If they're confronted with what is bothering their conscious, hey, I don't want to have this conversation.

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Can we stop? You know what I'm walking away? Because it's something that they know they're doing wrong, but they don't want to face it. Right? It seems the oldest brother has knows he's done a lot of wrong. But he tells himself, I'm doing this to, you know, provide for the family. This is what we have to do. Okay, whatever happened happened, we have to look ahead, I have too much responsibility to think about what happened in the past. I can't deal with that. Right. I have too many other responsibilities. He is their career. Right. But now in Binyamin has gone something in him, that shelf the lock that it had broke.

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And now the pain that he's causing his father is confronting him,

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even though Dad's not in front of him, the pain that he's about to cause his father, and the hurt that he's caused him is hitting him. And maybe he was the one who told you so we have an old father, who's very respectable. And you know, even if you're saying that to convince us of sometimes when you're talking to somebody else, you don't realize you end up talking to yourself, too.

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Right? So your mouth is saying it, but now for the first time your heart is hearing it. Because sometimes we say things and they're not coming from our heart, right? But sometimes, and sometimes somebody else has something and it hits our heart. But you know, what's crazy? Sometimes you're saying something and it hits your own heart. It comes out of your mouth and hits your own heart. Maybe that's happened to him, and it's shaking in. And for the first time when they're throwing about oh, well, you know, it is what it is. I mean, one less, one less burden for us. We know which one of you liked him?

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Nobody liked him anyway. So it's okay. That we'll get over it. That's, you know, he's crying about use of all the time anyway. It's not like he's happy. So it's not like anything's changed. So they're justifying, and now he couldn't take it. We're not going to do this to our Father, I can't do it anymore. You guys, whatever you do. So he turns to them in a critical way. And he says, Don't? Didn't you already know that he took a covenant our father took a covenant from you. he invoked alarm in Allah.

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You don't know that? How can you talk like that? How can you think like that? Now, in his words, what I noticed is, there's a couple of things here that are worthy of notice from a psychological point of view. And from what I can, I mean, it's a big word, but I'll make it easy for you guys to understand. It's called intertextuality. Now intertextuality means that when you're reading a text, in this case, sort of use of is one text. Yeah. You're reading something later on in the text that is connected to something previously in the text. So there's a there's a connection in the text, not just from the i o before, or the IR right after, or the phrase right afterwards, something way back.

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There's connections, right? And sometimes I show you those intertextual kinds of connections. There's lots of intertextuality in his words. Now, why is that important to note, it seems even though he is on he was, he's been on the wrong side of this for a while, the words of his father have started to you know, it's like water dripping on a rock. And the rock is hard and the water is soft, and it can't do anything. Oh, and water drips enough. It can even make a hole over time in a rock and can make the surface of a rock bald, it can do that. Right? It seems the water has gone through. So why am I saying that? Listen to this. And I'm back on a Kumasi come in Allah. Haven't

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you known that your father already took a covenant from you from Allah? Mostly can mean Allah. Most even when Allah What did his father say? jacoba Islamic Ayah number 66 before they left on this trip, learn or Sila humara calm I will not send him with you have to know mosey amin Allah until you give me a covenant beseeching or invoking Allah from Allah. Save

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Exact phrasing echoed by the father is now being echoed by the son. He's saying the words that he heard the father say they're still ringing in his head. And now he's making his brother's ears ring with those words, Mohammed amin, Allah. He's repeating those words. And then he says,

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you know, Philomena Tomasi Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah wa T, when they gave him that when they, when they all gave him their word, their covenant, what did jacobellis Some say? Allah is watching over Allah is that the disposer? over what we have said, a level watch over what we said, Allah is the reliable party over what we said, You don't realize you invoked a lot. And you made this promise, promise with your father. Have you just forgotten and by the way, there's two things that have happened here. He brought up his concern for dad. And he brought up his concern that we've made a sacred promise that sources back to Allah. So there's an emotional reconnection with Father that

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we're noticing now, in this young in this older brother. But we're also noticing there's a spiritual awakening.

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He's connecting back to a light and just say dad made us promise. He repeated that that promise was guaranteed. And he made us take this promise seriously, because he invoked a line that promise motive can mean a lot.

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But he doesn't stop there. He says, well for rotten,

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woman problema for rotten for use of now this is where there's lots to talk about. But I'm in it, because I'm on the subject of echoes. I'll deal with that first. So one of its translations. Don't you know what you did? You don't you know, your transgressions, what what lines you crossed, and how you went? What you what you fell short of in what you did with use of

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he's reminding them of not Binyamin but of use of so long ago, men kaabil.

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So now these people, do they ever talk about yourself? No, the only time they talked about use of is what when they call them a thief.

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That's the only time we saw them referenced use of artists around and now he's saying, remember the violation you did against use of the line you crossed against use of the crime you committed when it came to use of so long ago, Min kaabil. He's reminding them of the crime they committed with use of guess what that means. That means he put that in a shelf for a long time. He put it away. But he couldn't keep it in there. It came back and hit him. When he imagined the father's pain. He really he relived the father's pain the first time he relived the father's words will LaHood will start on Isla moto seafood only at large help can be sought against what you're describing, meaning you are

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on one side and allies on the other. I don't want to be on the opposite side with a statement made about a lot. I can't do that anymore. And I can't do that to my dad anymore. Remember what we do not even Do you know what you even did to us? And if you go back to the wording of the IRA, do you not know?

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Have you not known? Do they know what to do to you, sir? Yeah, but there's two kinds of knowing, isn't it?

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There's knowing and then there's realizing, you know, when you say somebody when they mess up?

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Do you even know what you've done? You ever heard that? Do you even know what you've done?

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And you know what that means? Do you realize how serious it is? What you did? What a grave sin it is that you committed? how evil it was that you did? Were you not in your senses? was a part of you just unaware? Did you put a part of your you know, like your workers to do it alone. I know when you talk to people who left Islam for a poet, and they got impressed with his fake Koran. And he heard some of their put on it was so absurd.

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He said, Hey, if I ever have will be gunicorn How did he get rid of your intellects?

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How can you remove your brains? Did you not know? How did you not know? And now he's saying that to them as if I'm actually coming to terms with the fact that I committed a great evil with you guys. But are you guys still blind? You guys still not know? I don't know. We'll come back to Atlanta demo. Now what did he say? what you did wrong with use of and this is again, an echo from the father's words before the father left them because before they left for Egypt, the father says Allah Hi, Manu Kumar li la cama I mean to come Allah He even COVID should I trust him with you? Should I entrust you with Binyamin the way I entrusted you with his brother so long ago, so long ago men

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called Blue and what do you say women call Blue monferrato the use of and by the way, the father jacoba didn't say you didn't use him. He said his brother. He said what his brother, but you know nowadays even there's a campaign say his name, say her name. Say the victim's name. Face what you did.

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He's facing when he says use his name. He doesn't say his brother. Now notice previously in the text, we saw what when they were talking about Binyamin being a thief, they said he used to have a brother that was a thief to that stole also, they didn't say use of name, did they? Man, that would have been interesting, right? beside his name, that would have been a different situation.

00:30:24 --> 00:30:27

But here, he's not just saying his brother.

00:30:28 --> 00:30:49

He's not saying his brother, he's saying his name. He's acknowledging something that he did wrong. He's having a very profound moment of coming back. This is what you call a flicker. Right? You're in the dark for so long. Allah describes, sometimes people can spiral into darkness for so long, and keep going deep and deep. He describes it, he compares it to like somebody drowning in the ocean.

00:30:50 --> 00:31:28

And as you drown in the ocean, light refracts, right, so there's lesser and lesser and lesser light as you get deeper and deeper in the ocean, right. And then he says, there are clouds, and on top of that cloud, there's a massive wave. And above that wave, there are dark clouds, the sun isn't getting through anyway. And whatever sun would get through, there's a dark cloud, and under that dark cloud are waves upon and there's a massive wave. And there's a wave of that as a person way deep inside feedback into G. And what does the law say when someone's in the bottom of that depth? You know, there's absolutely zero light down there, zero light. What, what that means is if you move

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your hand like that, you wouldn't see it. Right? I'll let him say that. He said, Raja, yada, yada, yada. He said, when he takes his hand out, it's almost as if he can't see it.

00:31:41 --> 00:32:16

You see, inside to know we expected the words, when he takes his hand out, he can't see it. He's blind. Allah says when he takes this handout, he almost can't see it. You know what it is telling us, you could be in the depths of sin, you could be so far gone for so many years, you could have done something and never thought about it never repented, never shut it here never had any remorse for years and years and years. But there's some part of your conscience, some light that Allah put inside you, that will not give up because that light is the one that's going to testify against you on Judgement Day.

00:32:18 --> 00:32:52

That little nut bulb has got very weak battery, but it's still got battery. And when you see our actions, there's a flicker that tells you this is wrong. There's still and what that tells you is it doesn't matter how deep a person goes into sin, there's still hope for them. They can still find them, they're not blind, yet. They're still not blind, they can still see some of their hand, which means they can see their actions by hand is a pretty interesting analogy there. Right? Let me look at the raw. What I'm trying to say is he's seeing his hand. And now he's telling you don't see it. You don't see what you did to us.

00:32:53 --> 00:33:18

And that's again, an echo from the you know, the father's words. And then he adds Fallon Avraham, I'll come back to that. But filan, Abraham Alda because I want to finish this echo discussion, then I will not depart from the land. I'm translating briefly without going into detail right now, I will not give up this land. I'm not leaving here. I'm gonna stick here I'm standing my ground has to be

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until my Father gives me permission.

00:33:22 --> 00:33:34

I will not leave this land until my Father gives me permission. This is also an echo. Why? Because the father made the promise in law and you have to become, you will bring him back to me unless you get surrounded. Remember that?

00:33:35 --> 00:34:14

And I don't know if dad will consider this as an excuse enough. And so if I can't justify this, and dad doesn't say it's okay for you to come home, I'm not even coming home. Because I consider myself breaking the violet. I'm scared that I'm violating that. That covenant I made with my father. The thing is, this time he actually it would be okay to for him to go back, wouldn't it? It would be okay for him to go back because he didn't break the rule. The rule was if you get surrounded, you can't do anything. Where are they surrounded by the authorities? Yeah. So he didn't break the rule that the Father set. But now when the conscience has woken up, you're even thinking twice. If you're

00:34:14 --> 00:34:15

doing the right thing.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:24

You want to be on the side of caution. Even if you're technically okay. I just want to make double sure triple assured that I'm okay.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:57

There's a big difference between someone who just wants something to be helpful. And someone else who wants to double check, check, triple check, quadruple check, and just wanted to make sure that it's completely allowed before I engage in something. Right? It's a difference, isn't it? There are some people that just want to look at something and just say how can I make this Hello. That's one attitude. And the other is it's some people are telling me it's Hello. But I just want to make sure I just really want to make sure. I want to make sure I'm not on the wrong side have a less pleasure. I just so I'm not going to step into that. I'm not going to console myself as Oh, it's all it's

00:34:57 --> 00:35:00

okay. Allah understands. Oh, he understands. Yeah, that's

00:35:00 --> 00:35:00

I told us what to do.

00:35:02 --> 00:35:43

So you don't use Allah, Allah understands to justify that you don't want to understand. Right? That's what people do sometimes. So we're melanin makers from those kinds of people. So now, he is siding with caution. What does that tell you? He has yet another step towards his awakening. He's becoming more conscious about what is right and what is wrong. And I want to make sure I do right by dad this time. So until dad says, I can come back, I'm not leaving Egypt, you guys go ahead. And he's the one in charge. We already read that he's the one in charge. So he's making this tape and then again, this is an echo of the father's condition. And now look at what he says at the end. Oh,

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yeah, kumala hooli. Or, unless the only way I'll come back is if that allows me to and says it's okay for me to come back or a law makes a decision for me. And he is the best of all who can make decisions, or a low luck, we decide something for me, a lot opens a verdict for me, meaning a lot decreased something like for example, maybe miraculously, Binyamin is released, right. But that will be a less decision or less decision, there's a dark side to it too. Maybe Allah decides that I'll die here, because the title of a law can also be white death. So either alone will make this easy for me and he will open the doors for Binyamin to get out and I can come back with him. That will be

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a loss decree or I will die here. If I don't get dad's permission. That will be a loss decree. But Allah is the best of all who makes decisions. Notice how he's leaving the matter in a law's hands. This is unique, isn't it? We haven't heard the brothers talk like this anybody. And now he's invoking a line this way. And this statement alone, oh yeah Kuma law, who Lee will who will hierarchy me or Allah will make a verdict for me. And he's the best of all that makes verdicts. That statement itself is actually an echo for what what the Father said, when the father told him and his Salaam to go into Egypt from different doors. Remember, the end of that statement was in in Pokemon

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in la de la, the verdict belongs to nobody except Allah, or they hate our culture on him alone. I rely What are they? What are they here for yet our club otaku and for those people that are going to put their trust, they should absolutely put their trust in a lot and look at this older son. Now he's putting his trust in Allah.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:49

Isn't that remarkable? Like every statement is now in some way or the other going back to the Father going back to the Father and going back to a lot to entities he's making, right so what does it mean when someone finds their way back to a law? It means they do right by the people that they hurt. And they do right by a lot. Because you violated two you didn't violate one you didn't commit a crime against one you committed a crime against two. And there's never just one is you know, if you if you hurt someone, you heard a less creation. So you committed a crime against the law too.

00:37:50 --> 00:38:26

Right? So he has to go back to a lot and to his father. He has to make it right. But he has to do right by a law do right by his father. Right. And he that's the way back for someone who's drowned. And it's a remarkable if you if you study or if you've been listening and you know getting some good sleep from the beginning of this series. You've heard me talk about the brothers and not the most glaring terms. And you've I've tried to paint a picture as the Quran paints and no Quran is not very kind in depicting their wrongdoings. It depicts them, you know, very blatantly and I've tried to describe that to you very blatantly. But yet when they are when one of them is having a moment of

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redemption, and there's a flicker of light and he can see his hand, the Quran gives credit where it's due. You know what that means? A lot does not consider people black and white, good and evil.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:45

Illa considers people can have evil episodes, maybe those episodes can last years. But until you're drawing breath, a judgment has not been passed on you.

00:38:46 --> 00:39:23

Your there's still room for you to come back. And that's on you. That's entirely on you. It also means that the father who was a prophet who's giving them sermon and trying to give them advice and giving them wisdom, and it falls on deaf ears, maybe you think it fell on deaf ears but eventually trickled in, didn't it. And it just had to come out at the right moment. And it's it's pretty crazy, that it came out at a moment where he's farthest away from his father. He's not even in front of his father right now. And his conscience has woken up. He's just become a different person. He's a completely different character from the from the brothers that what we've been used to seeing. He's

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even scolding them as we saw. So now, what I want to do is go back a little bit in this ayah and just some things. I'll try to go through this rather quickly. But I want you guys to appreciate some things about the language of this ayah first thing in the language of the side that's very unique. This only happens twice in the Quran is when he says about conquered Ahava la como frequent Aleikum multiclient multicol Ahava, most econ or other mythical in Arabic to take a covenant comes with the preposition min. So I have no min. bunnies.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:41

In Mexico, okay, well I have an amine comienza con vallila. The preposition uses men which means from which means take a promise from someone. The word is from men. But here we don't find men we find Allah and Allah is used here. And it's used only once and sootel are off every other instance of a huddle meetup. us or our head or anything like that. uses the preposition Minh. So it's a different preposition. So so hibben I, today, I brought this question up to him. Hey, it's our that here, isn't it men all the time and no, hold on. Well, what happened? Is there anybody talked about this? So we looked at him for Dino raazi. And we didn't find anything that we looked at. And we

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didn't find anything. There. We looked at MPT. And we didn't find anything. And then we looked at Lucy and we didn't find anything. I really like that It cost me Ashoka money if you can see poverty, Partovi. I just went on a tear today in my library just Hey, you look at this one I'll look at this one that he says something basis. And eventually when we exhausted the fancy, I'm like, let me look at the audio sources. See if they said anything. So look at motherhood Are you motherfucker on? I mean, I said a slice of the book Ron didn't find anything that okay, maybe our books because the books are just breaking down the grammar right. So I have a problem of a Celica tabula hillmorton

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open up the grammatical analysis, open it up. No, it just says geometry rheumatological will fail. It doesn't tell us why. It just says it's and they just move on from this part. And so we're both scratching our heads like what happened here? Like, nobody talked about this. But why is it bugging us because everywhere else and caught on it's made, and I didn't know for sure if it's everywhere in men, so we went to this website, inshallah, eventually, when many of you become Quran, students and Arabic students of mind, and I'll introduce you to some of these sources, how to use them. So I had him go to with me, and we looked up all the I have alpha in them, and scan through all

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51 instances, and found only two I had this one and an iron solid, and RF. And so here are some of our conclusions based on the word Allah, not based on what we read into fear. Okay, so this is a disclaimer. So instead of saying, he the brother saying he, your father took a promise from you, I'll put this in literal English. Your, your father took a covenant, sacred covenant over you. Instead of from you. What did he say? over you? You know what that means? Listen, it's hanging over your heads. This is something binding. You didn't just make a promise to him and it disappeared. It's like a cloud over you. It's gonna follow you everywhere you go. It's, it's an obligation you

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have, you can't escape it. It's on top of you. It's right there. Don't pretend that you're free. You know, it's a very powerful use of that preposition. It's an unusual usage of that preposition, and a lot calling special attention to his awakening, and how when someone wakes up, they realize that they didn't just make a promise to Allah, or Allah just didn't take a promise from them. But Allah took a promise that hangs over them. They just didn't look up. They didn't realize that it was there, that they're they're still responsible. You can act like you're not responsible, but you still are.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:36

You need to wake up. So that's inside the word Allah. The other remarkable thing is long discussions about women Kakuma forgotten for use of now I'm going to make you feel only a little bit bad. I'll translate easily, but I will make you feel a little bit bad, at least

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about not starting your Arabic studies yet. You don't have to be an expert. But you got to start. There's no excuse for not starting. Well, I mean, called Luma forgotten for use of them if you don't have three grammatical explanations. What is it doing here? One explanation is the MA is this is our Lucy's inclination than ma is that and others before him. I've also said that what that means in translation is that the MA wouldn't be translated. Okay, so and the way we would translate that is then is Don't you know, that didn't you know, that your father has taken a promise from you sacred from a lie that hangs over you? Not to mention, you had done so much wrong to use of so long ago?

00:44:21 --> 00:44:58

Not to mention so long ago you did so much wrong to use of his mouth off like that. And I didn't say the word what I didn't say not to mention what you did to us. I didn't say that. So the word what is emitted because it's either now the grammar students would say if my design now what is it doing there? Because there's nothing Zeid in the Quran. The thing is, this is this is why you have to get out of kindergarten in Arabic grammar, and go to elementary school in Arabic grammar, the MA that exactly that and know who does not mean design. Voila. So it's just something is what's called superfluids meaning the sentence would work without it. Then why is it there? It's like extra Well,

00:44:58 --> 00:44:59

I thought nothing in the Quran is extra

00:45:00 --> 00:45:14

Listen student the my hair means mobile haha. And your the way you would translate that is the furusato would have an exclamation mark what violations you did not to mention the violations you did when it came to use of so long ago.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:55

Is it because it's been so long you forgot. So there's a yelling going on if you consider ma Ziba, and that also gives you the intensity with which this brother is speaking, and how his awakening is like a pretty serious awakening. The second interpretation of ma is that this is enough Ruby. And there's two ways to look at it. It's Ruby Hema muscaria and Ruby Hema masala one day, all of this will make sense to you and you'll love it. Right now usually the feel bad a little bit, but I'll get to the easy translations in a sec. Then there will be more for will be here. And I'm alone. If it's masuria it would be Island de la Mota. frita can be used to five min COVID or for us to farming

00:45:55 --> 00:46:10

COVID meaning Don't you know, a and don't you know be what's Don't you know, a Don't you know, your father made a promise that hangs over you. That's a and don't you know what you did with use of so long ago.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:26

In the matter of what wrong you committed? The you know how you fell short when it came to use of how you shortchange them. That would be B so there's Don't you know, has two objects Don't you know, and don't you know, be that would be a muffler will be

00:46:28 --> 00:47:09

the mystery and the muscle are very similar. One transition would be your violations, or your wrongdoings, that would be the mastery or transition. And what you did wrong would be the masuleh translations. They're similar in English anyway, then finally, this could be that the MA here monferrato is actually fee Mahalia refer, it's not the madness of love Ruby aseema has often looked at that. And the main cobble is metallic, Adam, and the use of his metallic will cover. What that means is, here's how I would translate that, don't you know that your father has taken a promise from you sacred from a law that hangs over you? That's one part. And then the he adds a new

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sentence, this would be a completely new sentence. And

00:47:14 --> 00:47:17

what you did with use of was so long ago,

00:47:18 --> 00:47:59

and so long ago is what you had done with use of Do you not remember, like it's a separate sentence. And he adds that in at the end, when Cobb Luma forgotten for use of. So those are the three ways. And each of them kind of highlights a different dimension, right? So if you look at the first one that I said, By the time he got to use of he combined these two as if it's one crime, if you look at Mazda, if you look at him a through B, he, he's actually saying you had done this, and you had done this before. So he's not combining them. But he's saying you're committing a crime. And you know what, long time ago, you forgot that you've done this already, maybe I need to remind you, and in

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the third case, he's just reminding them of this crime. And by the way, so long ago, what did you do with yourself?

00:48:08 --> 00:48:47

Please, adding that as an added slap at the end, and that will be the third. So there is a relationship between grammar and meaning. Every time you have a particular kind of grammatical interpretation, analysis, it leads to a different flavor in translation, which is why translating Quran is such a beautiful challenge. a translator has to pick one, like they've got a lot of seeing many things in one. And you have to pick one. And you have to be honest about the fact that you had to let other things go. Because English translation you can't possibly capture everything one of the projects. So when I have one day, our dream in the future, is to actually do a work on the wind of

00:48:47 --> 00:49:20

life on meaning how an IRA can be translated in these several different ways grammatically possible with an explanation of source code behind each. If you consider this grammatical explanation, this would be the meaning if you consider b, this would be the meaning if you consider c this would be the meaning and knowing the kind of Geek that he is Mashallah. He'd actually go back and say, Well, this scholar agrees with this one more, this one with this one more, this one with this one more, and this one criticizes this one for ABC, and this one, four D E F, and by that time my brain melts and I just want to play Street Fighter or something to recover my humanity. But anyway, that's what

00:49:20 --> 00:49:29

I wanted to share with you about the monferrato for use of public okay or make use of now Fallon Abra has a little bit about

00:49:31 --> 00:50:00

that I will not leave the land. He says I will not leave that. Buddy. How are Bara in Arabic is used for the soil or sand that the winds blow far and wide. Something that moves far and wide is called Bara. That's why even the sun changing its positions in ancient Arabic was also called Bara. Actually. From it the the verb has there's a noxious or an incomplete verb and a complete verb and to be

00:50:00 --> 00:50:25

Kamala Abra who like ensuited krafla Avraham know how much mazarine on the hook Ba, la abre who means I will not shift from my place. Remember the imageries of the sand shifting? I will be. It's like, it's like saying, I will not be like the sand that shifts or the sun that moves from its position. I will stand my ground. And they use this and then add a verb to it. Right, I will stay. So here he says, learn

00:50:27 --> 00:51:11

felina blah, blah, I will not shift from this land. I am not budging one foot. I'm staying put here. I'm not moving until Father gives me permission until my Father gives me permission. So that's actually interesting. By the way, it should be noted that Yeah, then only Abby has three subtleties. Yeah, when he says My Father gives me permission. The first subtlety is, Lee is macadam, meaning my father specifically gives me permission. Not because it's brothers could come and say, Well, he said, if you're surrounded, it's fine. So he has given you permission, bro. No, he needs to give explicit permission exclusively to me. It needs to be specific to me, not the general conversation

00:51:11 --> 00:51:27

we had before we left. So that's the lemo condom. It was mentioned earlier. You wouldn't get that? If you say yes, then I'd be Lee. But you will get that if you say yes, then I Li A B, which is what the Quran says. The other interesting thing is, remember when they were talking about the father, they said he has a father.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:30

What's he calling him now?

00:51:31 --> 00:51:38

My father. He's calling him my father. And if you notice, right before that, he said, your father took a promise from you.

00:51:39 --> 00:51:55

He's your dad, you need to be loyal to your dad. Well, if you're not going to be loyal to your Dad, I'm not moving until my dad gives me permission. If you don't want to act like he's your Dad, I'm still gonna respect him as if he's my dad. He didn't say our father. Because clearly we don't see him the same.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:05

So you have your version of dad in your mind. I have mine. And the way I see my father, I will seek His permission for Alan Alda.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:10

Donnelly is really beautiful, that he says that.

00:52:12 --> 00:52:25

Yeah, then it has two dimensions to give permission, and also to give an ear from other than right. So maybe even implied that until I know for a fact that that has said this in my ear here verified, because he knows his brothers are liars, too.

00:52:26 --> 00:52:49

You know, so there's that dimension in that too now? Fine, he says he's already now you've got two brothers who've made up their mind. Yusef has made up his mind. I'm not giving up any I mean, the oldest one has given made up his mind. I'm not I'm not leaving this group. I'm not leaving this land. Until whatever happens, I've explained that to you. Now. It's almost as if they say, what do you want us to do?

00:52:50 --> 00:53:26

You're not going to leave? What are we going to do? So now he gives them instructions in 81. In July become go back to your father. He's just he just said my father. And now he's going back to what your father go back to your father has two dimensions physically go back to your father. And make things right go back to your dad. When you say go back to someone also means make things right with with them. So go back to him and be honest with him this time. You know, there's the beginning of the story, we saw that they went back to that in line, remember, so go back to dead and be honest this time. So go back to that and say this

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is your lobby, kung fu can say your abana Edna castle in Nagasaki, our Father. There's no doubt about it, your son has stolen, your son has stolen. It's interesting. They don't say go back and say our brother has stolen or Binyamin has stolen. It's your son has stolen meaning this is not our fault. He did this the thing came out of his bag. This is why he's there's no doubt about it. He's stolen. Okay, so when they say this now, even though there's flickers of light and he's having redemption, we're not going to paint him entirely as black or entirely as white. There's a gray so here he's still throwing his brother under the bus yes or no. Go back and tell him your son, your

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beloved son that you love so much and trust so much and never wanted to let go well, he got out in the first thing he did is he stole in Nevada, Colorado, without a doubt. So present this as a fact now. Well, Marcia hit the Alabama, Alabama and we can we can testify. We were not testifying to anything except what we know.

00:54:30 --> 00:55:00

Okay, we're not witness. We're not bearing witness to anything except that what we know. Now what does that mean? All we know is the bag was the cup was found in his bag. All we know is everybody saw it. All we're testifying to you is what we saw what we what we came to know. We don't know anymore. How did the you know the cup end up there? When was it put there? When did he steal it? Did he steal? We don't know any of that, by the way, even in that in those words. We're only testifying. We're not testifying to anything except what we've created.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:03

To know, isn't there any isn't there some doubt in those words?

00:55:05 --> 00:55:21

So firstly came out and said, What no doubt your dad Your son has stolen. But another thing but what I mean, that's all we saw. We can only tell you what we know from what we saw. That's all we could say. So they're as short as they are. They're also not sure they can because the father didn't buy it.

00:55:22 --> 00:55:29

Because the oldest son is saying, when you go tell father, there's no doubt about it. Your son has stolen, I can tell you, he's not going to believe you.

00:55:30 --> 00:55:52

And when he doesn't believe you, you need to say, we can only testify to what we came to know. Here's the facts. Here's what we know. Marlin now, well, not good. No little baby halfling. And we are not guardians over the unseen by the way, there's a subtle pun that may be may or may not be intended by the text Alo alum. But you know how they said, Well, if he stole we kind of knew it.

00:55:53 --> 00:56:27

So we're only testifying to something we kind of already knew he was gonna do anyway. He's the he's I mean, he's from the thief side of the family. So there's a little bit of a dig may be involved in, you know, Marcia hiddenite illa Allah, but then they say well, Makana little baby, hopefully, we are not, we can we can we couldn't possibly be guarding something that is in the unseen. What does that mean? We can't possibly guard what is in the unseen or be guardians of the unseen? Well, one thing it means is we didn't know he was gonna steal. So how are we supposed to guard against that? We guarded him against thieves and robbers and whatever else, but we didn't know he was gonna be a

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thief himself. How could we have known that was completely unknown to us? It was gave to us. The judge says an old Arabic gray can also mean nighttime. We can't guard what happens at nighttime. Maybe they maybe still at nighttime, when we were all asleep. How are we supposed to watch over that? So that's another interpretation of what might be happening. Then, you know,

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already brother wasn't always under our watch, you know, use have I taken him with him. And there's we didn't have access to him. Because he was with use of ice. I remember when they were in private, and they had this conversation. And they're in the vape. From that they're in the unseen from that because they don't have access to those quarters. And those, you know, special authorized rooms. So what happened there? How can we safeguard something we had no access to? There's no way we could have done that. And it's interesting that they say the word Have you lean? Because they come back and they're actually responding to what they said earlier. This is important now when they were

00:57:25 --> 00:57:52

taking Binyamin they said we're in Allahu Allah half ivone we will be guardians over him, we will be what? guardians over him. And then when the dad insisted, no, they said enough of ohana, we will guard our brother. And now they're using the same word word guard when you go back to that and say, we can't guard what we can't see. And how you expect us to guard that that's not our fault. So we're not to blame here was a little Korea, dad asked the town.

00:57:53 --> 00:58:37

Because I would venture to say that I am number 82 could be the brothers talking to father. But it could also be you remember in number 81 the ISS tell father this tell father, quote, and the quote is continuing. So the code could be continuing until the end of 82 or it's just 81. And in 82 they're now talking to dad, there's a you know, switch have seen happening. I'll explain that to you guys tomorrow, inshallah. But anyway, what's under Korea as the town, which means was an added Korea as the people of the town. You know, when you say ask the city, what does that mean in any language as the city means what? asked the people of the city? what others say they were being dramatic and

00:58:37 --> 00:58:44

their language, asked the walls asked the streets, they will testify that we're telling the truth. Ask the trees.

00:58:45 --> 00:59:06

And then what is what is the town? It's Egypt, according to most of us, don't ask all of Egypt as the city in which we were, what will it be? Okay, if I ask anybody in the city, okay. You don't have access to the city? How are you going to go back all the way to Egypt and ask, you know what, whether you're allowed to Bolivia, and even ask anybody in the caravan

00:59:07 --> 00:59:44

among whom we came back, and among whom we turned around when the cop said, hey, you're thieves and we all turned around. It wasn't just us. It was like a couple of 100 people. You can pick any one of them and ask What happened? Because remember, they were part of a larger caravan. And you're either lithia cabana cabana How could be a duality one, the caravan that turned back when the cops called us out. They were all witness you can pick any of them. And but not fear could be you can ask the caravan that just came back with us. Because I felt lucky to have both of those meanings. Because they It was a Kabbalah right, and that they turn back and face them. So the caravan that has come

00:59:44 --> 00:59:53

back was actually witness to that event to you can go ask any of them. Why are they adding that because we know that our testimony is probably not enough for you.

00:59:54 --> 00:59:59

And the brother smart enough to know when you go back to Dad, you need to let him know that I we realized that

01:00:00 --> 01:00:13

We don't exactly earn your trust. So we're letting you know, this is what happened. But if you don't believe us, you can ask the town. You can ask anybody in the city, this is no news now. And you can ask anybody who came in that caravan.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:19

This is them. This is, you know, the older brother letting them know, listen, you have no credibility with dad.

01:00:20 --> 01:00:56

Tell him what happened. But also tell him the credibility to your statements will not come from you. It's okay. You can find whatever witnesses because we are telling the truth. And look at the final words, and we'll end with that we're in the hole. And there's no doubt about it. We're telling the truth. We're absolutely telling the truth. Why is this important guys? Because so many years ago, they came back with a shirt with blood on it. And they said, You're not going to believe us. Well, we saw the key. Even if he we'd been telling the truth, you wouldn't believe us. And now they say, and we're definitely telling the truth, as if they're saying but this time we're telling the truth.

01:00:58 --> 01:01:00

Which is kind of incriminating about the last time isn't it?

01:01:02 --> 01:01:24

You know what, dad, we're actually telling the truth This time when Nanos harpoon, go tell dad all of this. This is this is not what the brother has told them. They're going to come all the way back to Egypt and or to canon to Canon and then we're going to have this conversation with jacobellis Allah, and inshallah we'll pick up from where, you know, this carries on actually tomorrow. I'm not going to talk to you guys about

01:01:26 --> 01:01:49

about the next ayah. tomorrow. We'll have a session on this portion of the story, as talked about in the Bible. So we'll we'll finish that portion and then reconvene on Monday with the CEO of the rest of the park. Hello, Lee. Welcome again, whenever anyone can bring it with him, and I know I promised you guys a session on the evil eye. It's coming maybe Thursday, inshallah. So don't worry

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