Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 074B Tafsir Al-Maidah 67-68

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of gradually conveying message and guidance is emphasized, as it is crucial for avoiding confusion. The Prophet sallahu's message is seen as a messenger who promised to send guidance to the people. The difficulty of practicing different ways of learning and not being perceived as Christian is also discussed, as it is difficult to read and write the Quran. The importance of uphold laws and uphold people is emphasized, as it is crucial for achieving success in life. The speaker also discusses the use of the Quran in proving people's actions and causing harm, and the need for individuals to uphold laws and people to act in a responsible and responsible way.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sounds a bit lame and she is on your team Bismillah AR Rahman Rahim lesson number 74 pseudotumor ADA is number 67 to 82 Yeah, are you homeless Zulu all messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam been live convey what? Ma on Zillow, la Camille robic that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, meaning everything that has been given to you from Allah. What should you do? convey it? Pass it on. Let the people know. The word Bell live from Bulava. Ubuntu who to believe bad lamb line below is also from the same route below is to convey and to believe, is to convey gradually, how gradually, one thing after the other in a way that the message is delivered to the heart of the recipient,

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meaning he understands it clearly. He knows it. There is nothing that he's in doubt about he has received it completely and fully. Just like the word terylene. Does it sound like that belief? Yeah, what is thoroughly to teach gradually, to give them one part after the other, so that the person who is learning he can learn properly. Because if a person has stopped, for example, a course in one day, then what happens he's not able to understand completely and he's not able to retain what he has learned either. It comes quickly, and it goes quickly. But there are lean is to teach gradually, step by step so that the person who's learning can learn properly.

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Likewise, the belief is to convey gradually, one thing after the other, so that the person who's receiving can receive property, so that he does not miss out on anything. He's not unsure about anything unclear about anything. So the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being commanded over here that you should believe convey gradually, how that as you receive gradually convey gradually, over a period of 23 years, the Quran was given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And as he received the Quran he was commanded to convey but what was he commanded to convey? Mounds era alaykum Arabic everything that has been revealed to you from your Lord, and what

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is it that he was given? What all was he given? Yes, he was given the Quran, but was that everything that he was given everything that he was stopped? No, there were many things that he was taught, which are not mentioned in the Quran, for example, Salah we learn about the command to pray, which is mentioned in the Quran over and over. But how to pray is that mentioned in the Quran, no, are the details given? No, you will find the details of Hajj you will find the details of fasting even and you will find the details of zakat even but when it comes to Salah, you will only learn about the timings of Salah from the Quran, the method of prayer that Allahu Akbar, then praise Allah then

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recite Surah Fatiha then recite part of the Quran then go down into ruku you don't find such details in the Quran. Yes, you will find the mention of record such the pm but not the step by step guide. Where is that found in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, did he make it up himself? No, he was taught how to pray. Allah subhanaw taala taught him so remember, the messenger SallAllahu sallam was given two things. First of all, what he that is Mutlu. What does Matthew mean? That which is done Tilawat of meaning that which is recited? So he was given revelation that we recite and what is that? What is it that we recite which revelation do we recite the Quran? So he was given first of

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all, the Quran. Secondly, he was given what he that is laid Mutlu where he that is not recited. And where's that? Where do we find that? In the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we find that in the Hadith.

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So he was told to convey everything, everything to who to all men, to all people and jinn. Because he was a messenger sent to everybody, and convey what the entire Quran and everything that was given to him besides that, how in wording and in meaning, he was commanded to convey the words the exact words that Allah revealed, and not just the words but also their meaning, their application, how to understand them, what they imply, how they should be practiced. So he conveyed all of this Why Why was

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He commanded to convey everything.

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Because when Allah subhanaw taala sent them or his Salam to the dunya to this world, what did he say? What inmate dn Nico Mini, who then from Entebbe or who Daya Fela joven RLA him, whatever we known that when guidance comes to you from me. So Allah promised to send guidance to mankind. So Allah subhanaw taala fulfilled his responsibility by sending the Quran by sending the revelation due to the messenger, Allah fulfilled his promise. Now, it was the messengers responsibility to convey that guidance to convey that message to who to the people, and what is the responsibility of the people, that they accept it, they believe in it, they act upon it, and then what's the

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responsibility of the Muslim ummah, that they are proud of the Quran of their shit era, and they keep it a nice books on the shelves? Yeah, that's our responsibility. Or that if there are some people who are talking bad about the Quran, then we go on strike or we protest and we destroy our buildings and we kill our brothers and sisters. That's our responsibility. What's our responsibility when the messenger conveyed the Quran, the responsibility of the OMA is to take it, live by it and pass it on to others. This is our responsibility. So Allah fulfilled his responsibility, the messenger, so a lot of time is commanded over here, you fulfill your responsibility. The question

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is, did he fulfill his responsibility? Of course he did. He definitely fulfilled his responsibility, because if he hadn't conveyed everything, we would not have read the verse in Surah, toma either Alia women are commanded to Lacan, Dena CO, or atman to our lako near Mati that, today, I have completed the deen for you perfected my blessing upon you, this verse would not have been revealed the fact that the blessing of the Dean was completed, perfected is an evidence that the messenger SallAllahu wasallam conveyed, which is why we learn that it had Jethro Adar at the Farewell Pilgrimage when there were 1000s and 1000s of people before the Prophet salallahu Salam and he spoke

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to them. He asked the people that when Allah will ask you about me about my responsibility, whether I conveyed or not then what will you say? And the people replied, that we were witness that you have conveyed the message you have fulfilled the trust and offered sincere advice. So the Prophet salallahu Salam, he raised his finger up to the sky. And what did he say? Allahu Mahoba loved Allahumma Hal beloved in other narrations we find he said Allahumma fish had that Oh ALLAH bear witness that I did convey the message. So yeah, you have Rasul believe me ma on ZTE, they can convey everything that has been revealed to you from your Lord. Do not hide anything from it, do not keep

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anything from it. You have to convey everything what inlanta file and if you do not do so, that if you hide even a part of the Quran, even one ruling of the deen you don't pass it on from our beloved a desire letter, then you have not conveyed his message MALBA lofta You have not conveyed reselect that desire is what message meaning the message that Allah has given you, you have not conveyed it. Even if one detail is left out, yes. Because even if one detail is left out and the people will have incomplete understanding of the deen they will have incorrect understanding of the deen. So he had to convey everything. Now apparently this seems like a very simple thing that okay, he was given the

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Quran and the Sunnah everything and he was told to convey so yeah, of course he should convey. But is it really that simple? It wasn't that simple. It was actually very, very difficult. Think about it. Do we have the courage? Do we have the confidence today? To say to people who believe very firmly for example, in their era they Sena Do we have the courage to say to them that recite Islam is not God, he's not Son of God. We don't even touch these topics. We don't even talk about them.

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We know people who have different beliefs, who are practicing different ways, and we know that it clearly contradicts the Quran. We know that these are the ways that will lead people to hellfire, but yet we don't talk about them. We don't even bring them up in our conversations. And this is despite the fact that people are very respectful of differences. They will accept you the way you are

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And even if they disagree with you, okay, they'll market you. Maybe they'll make fun of you, but nobody's gonna come and physically attack you. Nobody's gonna do that. And if somebody tries to do that you can just call 911. You can just run and seek help from somewhere. But despite that we don't speak up for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to convey the message of Tawheed was the most daunting task. It was the most difficult thing to do. It was the most challenging thing to do. It was like making everybody your enemy. Because everybody practiced what shake. They were believers in idols. It was a society that was built on shake. They were not a secular society. They were not a secular

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nation. They were very, very religious people very devoted to their Deen to their idols, and for him to speak out against their idols. For him to say that these are not gods. For him to say that this is not acceptable was a big deal. This is why we see that when he started to Dawa when he started calling people to Allah subhanaw taala. What happened? Everybody accepted. Everybody was very happy. Everybody said yes, you're right. We believe in you will follow you know, the same people who respected him who called him Saudi, Amin now called him Sherrod Majnoon. They called him crazy. They called him a madman. They called him a poet. They called him a Khabib, a liar, the same people who

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called him truthful, trustworthy yesterday became his enemies, the same relatives, who got their children married to the daughters of the Prophet salallahu. Salam,

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Abu Lahab, what did he do, he would go around following the Prophet sallallahu wasallam at Hajj, when he would be calling people to Allah, he would follow him around. And he would humiliate him in public say wrong things about him. And basically, he would be defaming him. So this was something very, very difficult. And this is the reason why he had to do hijra, he had to go to Medina, his life was in danger. And when he got to Medina to things got better. No, there was still so much opposition, so much opposition. So don't think that this was a very simple task. It was very difficult. And for him to be told that we're in lamda, foreign formidable love that he said, If you

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do not do so you are not conveying the message. This was something very serious. So imagine the burden on him the burden of this huge responsibility, but he did not give up. Despite the challenge, despite the difficulty. He didn't give up. What happens to us, when we see that something is getting too difficult, we say I can't do it, I quit. This is too hard. And we cry. And we feel pity for ourselves and we just walk away. We leave, we stopped doing what we're doing because we say it is too difficult. When we find things too difficult. Just remember the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam, the difficulties that he endured, but did he give up, he didn't give up.

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And the stress was so much because on the one hand, the people weren't accepting. And on the other hand, the verses were so severe, the command was so clear you have to convey, you know, we learned that once Abu Bakr widow and when he saw the Prophet salallahu Salam, and he noticed a lot of white in his hair that his hair had turned white. He noticed it one day, and he said, I see a lot of white in your hair. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said shea butter in the hood was a hello to her that Surah tooled, and its sister Solas have made me old have made me white in my hair, because they are so strong in their message, so strong in their message. And then the prophets of Allah said I'm had

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to take this message and pass it on to the people who weren't willing to accept. So this was very difficult, but it's amazing how he bore the difficulties. And he conveyed the message so much so that Allah subhanaw taala revealed a Leone a command from the convener. What at Memento Aleikum near mati so there's a big lesson over here, a big lesson for us that what you believe is right is true. What you know has to be done, then don't fear people don't fear, any difficulties, any challenges, there will be challenges on the way but ask Allah to help you overcome them.

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You know, for some people, learning the lesson is like climbing a mountain opening that just is like opening something that's 100 pounds. Maybe it's like lifting something that's 100 pounds in weight. Up the stairs. Literally. It's the most difficult thing to do. Do you agree with me or not? Do you agree with me or not? Yes, it is.

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Sometimes sitting down with the Quran opening it up and reciting it is so difficult, not because people are going to make fun of you know, there'll be happy if you do it. What's the challenge from inside? What's the challenge, the struggle that we endure in reading in memorizing, but just because it is very difficult doesn't mean that you cannot do it. No, tell yourself I can, and I will, I can, and I will. Nothing in this life is easy. Nothing that is worth something comes easy. Whatever is valuable, is difficult. It is very difficult. And you have to strive, you have to overcome the challenges on the way. And if you don't, it's your own loss. It's your own loss, what inlanta fall

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forever looked at is and then you're not conveying the message of Allah. You're not fulfilling your commitments. You're not fulfilling your responsibility. And at the end, you are going to suffer, not anybody else you are going to suffer. So no matter how difficult something seems, just because of the difficulty, don't tell yourself, I'm not going to do it. Make yourself do it. Tell yourself I can and I will, I can and I will and ask Allah for help to do it. Well, Allah Who Jarrell Similkameen and NAS Allah says that Allah will save you from the people in Allah halaya Delcom will carefully indeed Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. Because when the Prophet salallahu

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Salam, he started conveying as we discussed, his friends became his enemies, the people respected him, were ready to kill him. So there was this constant fear that he had. So much so that we learn when he was in Medina after the Hijrah, and remember how he did Angela, there were people surrounding his house waiting for him to come out so that they could kill him. And when he was on his way to Medina, people were out looking for him to find him to kill him. Right. And when he was finally in Medina, the Michigan came with 1000 men to fight the Muslims to kill the Prophet salallahu Salam, they came again, at so they came again and again in order to kill the prophets of

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Allah is in Medina that were in the Hood who were after his life. So constantly, his life was in danger. His life was in danger. So Allah told him that Allah will save you. Don't worry about the people don't fear them, they cannot harm you. Allah has given you this responsibility, and Allah will protect you. So in the third year of hijra, I shall deliver on her she said, that one night the Prophet salallahu Salam was not able to sleep. So you know, when a person is nervous, they're anxious than what happens. They're constantly tossing and turning, and every sound, they get startled by it. So he wasn't able to sleep. So she asked him, What is the matter or messenger of

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Allah? And he said, would that abayas person from my companions? guard me tonight? If only one person could come and guard me so that I could sleep? So she said, suddenly, we heard the clatter of arms and the prophets of Allah Islam said, Who is that? And then the man who was coming? He replied, I'm sorry, admin Malik, who was later called Sargon of Akkad. He said, I'm sorry that Malik the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked what brought you here? He said, I have come to guard you, or Allah's Messenger. And I shall live on her. She said, then the prophets of Allah said, I'm slept a deep sleep, so that I could hear him snoring, that finally he was able to sleep comfortably. Because

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until then, he was not able to sleep comfortably. Think about it. If because of the work that we're doing, our sleep is disturbed. What do we say, come to you with this anymore. I've had it. It's enough, do much. You know what the work the classes that we're doing the work that I'm doing? It should only be at the center at the institute should only be nine to five. If it's beyond that. It's interfering in my personal life, and it's too much to handle. I can't do it too stressful, that the prophets of Allah doesn't have that attitude. Did he have that attitude? No, he didn't. If he had that attitude, would we have the Quran? Would we have the deen? No. So the thing is, that when a

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person takes the deen seriously, then Allah will send difficulties in his way. Difficulties will come in his personal life, in many different forms in many different ways. Why? Because Allah is testing the person does he give up? Or does he stay firm? Does he do difficult can deal with it? Or did he say no, I can I will, and I will do it. So it's just a test. Allah assures the servant that He will protect you will Allah who you are asleep will come in and NAS and it is said that when this aisle was revealed that Allah will protect you from the people. Then what happened that the Prophet said a lot of Saddam said, oh, people go away, meaning you don't need to guard me anymore.

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Because Allah will protect me. So he stopped taking the protection of people even after this verse in Allah halaya Docomo caffeine, indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people, meaning those who reject, they do not benefit from the guidance that Allah has sent. Why? Because they don't accept. If they don't accept them, how can they benefit? So in summary, what do we learn from this is that Allah subhanaw taala. He fulfilled his responsibility. He sent the message he sent the revelation, guidance for the people, the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was commanded to fulfill his responsibility. did he fulfill it? Yes, he did. And Allah saved him from all the dangers

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in this path. And thus, the blessing of the deen was perfected. It was completed. But those who reject they do not benefit from it.

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Are you how was

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big war in lambda Fon fermob along 31 long we obviously will come in

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the new curfew.

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So how can you relate this idea with ourselves?

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Sometimes we do things and the reason that we get frustrated or fall short or whatever it is, is because that we're doing it expecting results. But the results are always in, in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala. So it's very important to start and begin for the sake of Allah, and to keep going no matter what, because it's your FYI, that almost exactly did the prophets of Allah Salam see the results immediately? No, in Makkah, the situation only got worse. I mean, you would think that as more people believe the situation should improve. But it got only worse, so much so that he had to send a group of Muslims to ever senior for the safety of their lives. And eventually, he had to

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leave himself as well, because he could not stay there anymore. The situation got only worse. In Medina, the things got better. No, they only got worse. And then eventually, he saw the results. Eventually, he saw his success. So yes, it will happen that for the first 1015, maybe 20 Jews, you'll struggle with your work toward a lot, but then eventually, you will see the results. And one thing we have to remember the Prophet sallallahu Sallam install, if you don't convey what you learned the file if you don't convey everything that you have not conveyed the message. So when you are being lazy in learning your lesson, and you say, let me skip half of this, let me just do two

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verses. Let me leave these five verses. Let me not do it today. And tell yourself if I don't learn this lesson that I have not completed my Quran.

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Right? Think about it. If you have missed even one ayat of the Quran, you have not learned its meaning. Then can you say that I have studied the Quran with its meaning? Can you say that I have learned the Quran with its meaning? Can you say that? No, you can't. Even if you have missed one lesson one if you do not have the right to say, I have studied the Quran with its meaning. You don't have the right to say that.

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So every time she had one was first you and tells you Okay, leave it

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doesn't matter. No big deal. What if it doesn't come on the test? And even if it does, it'll come with other verses from that Allah. I know many words, so I'll survive. I'll pass. I'll guess. No. Don't let yourself do that.

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I was thinking about Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam says how difficult for him. I was relating to myself for the day I wear niqab. I went outside. I was nobody's looking at me probably. But I was thinking everybody's looking at me. It's so difficult. It was so difficult to put it in a first time. And that's like personal stuff. That's my right where I need to if I want to wear a niqab like nobody can tell me don't wear it, but ice care. And it was so difficult in me and I was thinking about reflecting our trestle loss and how he did it Subhanallah

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only a person who has a deep conviction that what I am doing is right, it is true. Only they can do it. When you have this belief that what I'm doing is very important. It is necessary for me, only then you can do it.

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What is it that makes some people take their lesson so seriously who believe that for them to know every idea is important. And if a person is weakened this belief

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then what will happen? They will not bother to pay attention to every single idea

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that Allah says Alia al Kitab say all people have the book who are the People of the Book, the Jews and the Christians they are being addressed now. And they're being told that less Tamala che and you are not on anything. What does it mean? You are not in anything? Meaning you have no basis you have no Deen you believe yourself to be a religious folk or religious people. But you have no Deen You have no right to be called a religious people until when had to Kimoto rotta will injeel until you uphold the Torah and the Injeel what does it mean by to chemo? That you establish it, you live by it? You implement it in your lives?

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Why am I on Xena Eleiko Milla begun, and until you establish in your lives that which has been revealed to you from your Lord. And what is that? What else has been revealed by Allah besides the Torah and the Injeel the Quran. So in other words, the religion of the people of the book is being rejected, that it's not acceptable to Allah, it has no value, it doesn't carry anywhere. And it is not acceptable, until you establish the law of the Torah of the Injeel of the Quran in your lives now doesn't mean that they're being asked to practice it older and the people today know what is meant is that the main messages in it, the main teachings in it, and which ones are they have no

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heat of belief, and all of the messengers of preparing for the Day of Judgment, avoiding shake, you have to uphold them, you have to live by them. And if you contradict them, that the basic message of the heat you contradict that, by your belief of Trinity, by you're making the artery Sarna Sinha the main message off preparing for the offer. You don't practice that by saying that you know what doesn't matter, we can do whatever you want to we'll end up in Jannah anyway, and we live or go to hellfire. So you commit whatever crimes you want, whatever sins you want. So you have to practice the method of a thorough and the Injeel and especially the Quran,

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and until you hold on to the book, until you implement it, you cannot be religious enough, salvation is not possible, you cannot be saved from the fire, you cannot be successful in dunya and akhira.

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So what does this show that without the book of Allah, without a limb, a person cannot attain guidance and when he cannot obtain guidance, then he cannot be saved, he cannot be successful in this dunya and

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therefore, no matter who a person is, no matter what their background is, whether they are knowledgeable or not, whether they are wealthy or what whoever they are, whatever their background is, what do we learn that every person needs to know the book of Allah?

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Because until they know the book of Allah, they cannot establish it, they cannot live it. They cannot act according to it. They cannot implement it. And if they don't do so, they're not rightly guided. If they're not rightly guided, then salvation is not guaranteed.

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Because we see that many people they follow the deen they believe themselves to be practicing. Why? Because they perform certain rituals. They do certain things which things like for example, fasting Hajj or Umrah all of these definitely they are part of the deen definitely. They are highly rewardable deeds. But is this all that the deen is about? No. Yes, this is important. But there's also the Quran that Allah has sent until you connect yourself with the Quran. How can you know Allah?

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How can you find tranquility in every murder? How can you find peace in your lives? You cannot do that you cannot have that. So the connection with the Quran with the book of Allah is extremely important. So what do we see here the deen is with the book without the book of Allah.

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A person cannot be religious enough. So if we want to strengthen our deen if we want to strengthen our iman then we have to cling to this book. Well as Eden cathedral men home and surely it will definitely increase many of them. What will increase my own Zilla Iligan Arabic that which has been revealed to you from your Lord. And what is it that has been revealed the Quran so the Quran will definitely increase some of the people of the book in what into liana. What kufan in rebellion and

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disbelief, transgression and Kapha that instead of becoming better people, instead of increasing in their guidance instead of improving, you will see them becoming worse, that as they learn, as they become more aware of the Quran, they become worse and worse in their actions, they become more rebellious. Why is it that the Quran is teaching them this? Is it that the Quran is telling them to do prefer? Is it that the Quran is telling them to transgress against Allah and His people know, the Quran teaches the exact opposite. So why is it that the Quran increases some people in rebellion in transgression in sin? In gopher why? Because that's what the people are inclined to. That's what

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those people are inclined to. That's what they're looking for. That's where their heart is that what they're seeking. And whatever you're seeking, that's what you find.

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Which is why we see that there are people who read the Quran, who probably know the Quran better than you and I, which is why they will quote verses from here and there. But are there more submissive to Allah? No.

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The same verses of the Quran they will use to prove they're wrong, to prove their evil to prove their cover. And we see that there are people who are not Muslim like recently only I read an email of this one sister who had written to a Christian priest or whoever, I don't know what who exactly he was. But basically, he had made a video and he had conducted several sessions in his local area about why the Quran is not true. And why Allah is not God and ye Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is not the messenger. And he had used evidence from the Quran. He had used evidences from the Sunnah, but how completely out of context. Completely wrong interpretation. So the same Quran, it's increasing

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them in there to Leon and Coco. Why? Because that's what they want. They don't want guidance. That's not why they're learning the Quran. If a person reads the Quran to seek guidance, then you will definitely find it. And if he's reading the Quran to find the error, that's what you will find is my personal experience one of my neighbors, they were having like two dogs in the house. I was not going to the house because I really decided when I'm not going to offer salad and I'm gonna go into the house you know? So her husband is Hafez Al Quran, and I asked one day why you having the dogs inside the house while you're lying there. She said look, and circa half the dog was sleeping with

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these guys. So it means it is already mentioned in the Quran, that like dog can go inside the house. This is the way how they interpreted the Quran.

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So they will use the Quran

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to prove their actions to justify their deeds. Remember, every time that an evidence has taken Quran and Sunnah, you have to look at two things. First of all, is it authentic? And secondly, is it relevant?

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People will take authentic from the Quran, how can you reject it? But is it relevant? Does it actually justify does it actually prove? No, it doesn't always. So you have to see, because first of all, the dog, it was not sleeping with the US harika where was it? At the entrance of the cave? And what was that dog doing over there? It was a guard dog. Okay, so having a dog as a guard, that's permissible, the where there is a need. But having it as a fence, I mean, there are many references from the Quran and Sunnah. That's a different discussion altogether. But the point over here is that the Quran some people when they read it, they increase in their wrongdoing, not because there's a

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problem with the Quran, but because that's what they're seeking. And the main problem is that when the people believe when a certain person believes that what he's doing is right, and he knows everything, then no matter what evidence is given, no matter what he reads, He doesn't accept it, it doesn't make any sense to him, because he believes that I am right. And this is worse than an ignorant person because an ignorant person, when he will find out when he will learn he will accept and change there is hope, but when a person has knowledge and he thinks I know everything and I am right, then even when he will find out he will misinterpret it or you will give some other

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explanation to it. So the problem is not with the Quran, rather the problem is with the person.

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This is just like if a person is let's say diabetic

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Certain foods, which may be perfectly fine, but if they eat them, what will happen? What will happen? They'll become unwell. But at that same food, if another person eats it and they're not diabetic, then it's not going to bother them at all. If a person is allergic to certain foods, and they eat it, it can kill them. And there is another person who's not allergic and he eats that same food, it's not going to bother him at all. In fact, it's going to make him better. So the problem is not with the Quran, the problem is with the people, for the silo khanwilkar fit in the Prophet salallahu Salam installed so you do not grieve over disbelieving people, don't feel bad for them.

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Because you have conveyed you have fulfilled your responsibility. Because when a person is telling others, and then they don't listen, in fact, they just become worse than you feel that you have not done your job correctly. You feel like you have fallen short in your responsibility. So that's how the Prophet salallahu Salam felt, He really really wanted the people to believe to accept because he wanted to save them from the hellfire. But when he saw that the people weren't accepting that what would happen he would feel extremely distressed which is why we don't insert Okay, have fun. I like a bell here enough. So Carla 30 Illa, mute middleby here that add a sofa that perhaps you would kill

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yourself through grief over them because these people are not believing. So the prophets of Allah Islam install that you do not feel bad about them. For that, that's our little coal mill caffeine. You have fulfilled your responsibility. It's not your fault. If they're not believing. When they will return to us then we will deal with them.

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