Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 043B Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 33-34

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of following the Sunless of the Prophet sall Drive is discussed, along with the importance of following the Sunless of the Prophet sall Drive. The transcript discusses the history and importance of Islam, including the selection of the first century and the origin of the second messengers and first messenger. The discussion also touches on the importance of accepting opportunities and avoiding things happen.
AI: Transcript ©
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So how was your morning routine different today?

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Compared to yesterday's morning routine, because we learned yesterday about the importance of following the Sunnah, right? That when a person follows the Sunnah, then what happens? His day to day actions also, they become a bother. Right? And through that he seeks what the love of Allah subhanaw taala because we all love Allah but we want to be loved by Allah as well. And if we want to be loved by Allah, then we have to follow the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So was your morning routine different or was it the same?

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Or you went home and you forgot?

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Or you went home and you thought, okay, how can I do this while following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam?

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Were you more conscious? more careful?

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One thing that I realized that really hit me yesterday was that we all claim to follow the Sunnah as well. We don't just claim to love Allah. But we also claim to follow the Sunnah, don't we? If we ask ourselves if somebody was to ask you, do you follow the Sunnah you'll say yeah, of course I do. I eat with my right hand. When I eat, you know, I say Bismillah you know, I say the Muslim doors. I follow the Sunnah.

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Isn't that what we think? Isn't that what we believe about ourselves?

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But the reality is that we don't follow the Sunnah as we should.

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We don't follow the Sunnah as much as we should be following

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and the first thing that can tell us whether or not we follow the Sunnah, is our salah. The most obvious sunnah is what? The Salah which is called sunnah,

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isn't it? So for example, before the budget for the two sunnah in Zoho four before the fourth and two after after maghrib, two after Isha, do you call that salah? sunnah, isn't it? You don't call it four. Do you say let me say my son. I will leave my son today. Okay, so if we don't perform that Sunnah prayer, then how do we think we follow the Sunnah in the rest of our lives? Do you see what I mean? That's the most obvious sunnah. So this is something that we have to start doing deliberately like we have to make ourselves do it. Even we are tired, we don't have our heart into it. We don't want to but still push yourself force yourself to do it. Because yes, we might say that, okay, I

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performed and that's sufficient.

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Okay. But a hadith tells us that a servant draws closer to Allah, how, by the performance of the obligations, that when a person performs blood flow, then he comes closer to Allah. But then he draws even closer to Allah, how? By performing extra righteous deeds and the extra righteous deeds. The first and foremost is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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Right? And being close to Allah, what does that mean that you love Allah and Allah loves you back?

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Right? So the first thing that we have to do is perform the suna Salah as well.

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And you can do it it's not too hard.

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We can all do it. It's not that hard. We just have to spend extra five minutes extra seven, eight minutes, but Shavon makes us so lazy and tired and we start remembering everything in this world that we think everything else is important and the Sunnah is not that important at that time. But we have to make ourselves do it and remind yourself at that time. I want Allah to love me. Okay, when you don't want to say the Sunnah. Tell yourself I want a lot to love me. This is why I'm gonna say this.

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Anything else you felt, you know, some Sooners that we tend to ignore, we don't pay much attention to and we could do them and earn the love of Allah.

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That there are Allahumma barik benei verbena, Hatha Yoga in Salah that almost no NDA, right. That's also part of Salman. So making that door.

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When we're done eating, we usually just, you know, wipe our hands or go wash our hands and we're done with the meal. But it's so not to praise Allah at that time to thank Allah not to say Alhamdulillah but the DA. Right. So that's ultimus noon. How about something such as drinking water?

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Can you make that Muslim? How can you do that?

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Sitting down and drinking in three sips

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because sometimes, like, you know what, let me just quickly finish it. Go Go Go, go, go go. And we just want to quickly finish, but force yourself to make it three sips and sometimes it happens that I'm drinking and I'm like, Oh my God, there's very little water left. I have to make

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Three somehow

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and I forced myself to do it.

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So where there's a will, there's a way you want to follow the Sunnah Allah will give you the opportunity he will make you remember as well

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that when we will do something like that and other people will also follow when we perform the sooner than others will also follow. Does it ever happen with you that you finished your asana and the person sitting next to you, they get up and they pray there so now you're like, I should also bring my son.

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Does it happen? Yeah.

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So then you're drawing closer to Allah and you're also helping other people draw close to Allah.

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Okay, it has a great effect on others as well. Okay, let's begin our class. Lesson number 43 surah. Earlier Imran is number 33. To 44

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in Allah ha stuffer. Indeed, Allah Joe's. Who did he choose? Dharma. Adam? Were no han and nor were earlier Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim were earlier Imran And the Family of Imran Allah Allah Allah mean over the world's meaning he chose these individuals, their families over all the people of this world. In notice the verse in indeed, emphasis is being laid that certainly Allah chose these individuals. Why is emphasis being laid? Because it is only Allah who selects it is only Allah Who chooses and when Allah select someone when he chooses someone, when he gives them something special, then can anyone object? Can anyone have a problem with it? Can anyone question Allah's

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wisdom? His decision? No.

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Allah says in the Quran and Sunnah of Hajj is 75 that Allah who yes fluffy, Allah is the one who chooses Minal Mala Ekati from the angels Roussillon messengers Wamena nests and also from among the people, meaning it is only Allah who selects his messengers, it is only ye who makes this decision. So in Allaha, indeed, Allah, no one else but Allah, it is he who chose, he chose who Adam and Noah, the family of Ibrahim and the family of Enron, the word is tougher is from the root letters, thought firewall, and the word software. So four means to be pure to be clean, when something is cleaned from any kind of mixture. So for example, you have water, and it's clean. What does that mean? That

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it's clear, there is no sugar in it, no salt, no obvious germs or whatever in it. It is clean, pure crystal clear water, it's free from mixtures. And it's Leafa is to choose to select someone and make them the best, the purest. Okay? When someone is chosen, it means that they are separated from the rest.

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They're separated from the rest, they are distinct in their qualities, in their manner, in the gifts that Allah gave them. When there's a group of people, they're all mixed, and you can't tell one from another. Isn't that so? But if you separate an individual, and you put them separately, you take them away from that mixture, than you have chosen them, you have purified them, you understand? So from all the people, all that blend that mixture of people, different types of people, different levels of faith, different levels of righteousness, Allah subhanaw taala to select few, and he made them separate meaning he chose them. He made them distinct in their qualities and their

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characteristics in the gifts that Allah bestowed on them in the last buffer.

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So who did he choose? First of all, Adam or the salah?

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How did Allah subhanaw taala make him different distinct from the rest of humanity? What is it that Adam or his son um, has? Or what is it that he was given? That the rest of the people are not given? It's a question that I'm asking you not a rhetorical question, an actual question. So you have to answer me. What is it that are different Islam had that others did not have? What made him separate from the rest? Different from the rest of people? Yes, then he was the first human being no other person in all of humanity can be like either already set up. Why? Because every other individual has a father or a mother, you know, father and mother, someone from whom he or she came from, but other

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renesola he had no parents. Who was he? He was the first human

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Being and he's known as Abu Bashar the father of humanity.

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In what other way was he different? How else did Allah choose him?

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That Allah created other renesola with his own hands.

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Allah created Adam Allah salaam with his own hands. The rest of the people were created in the wombs of their mothers, right. But other than s&m Allah actually created his body, everything with his own hands. Isn't that amazing? I mean, that's special, very, very special.

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So Allah created him with his own hands. Allah did not evolve them or listen from another creation, meaning from monkeys, No, Allah created him from clay as Allah mentioned, the Quran that the human being was made from to rob from dust from clay, salt fall for hot so many words for Claire using the Quran that show that other restaurant was the first human being,

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meaning he was not evolved from another creation, but rather he was a first creation of his kind. So Allah created him in that manner. In what other way was he distinct from the rest of the people.

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He lived in Jannah.

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That after Allah created him with his own hands, a special creation didn't evolve in front of the creation, but actually made him the first of his kind, he blew into him His Spirit, He gave him the knowledge of the different objects, right, a smart we have learned earlier the knowledge of the names, he gave that knowledge to him, and he made him superior to the rest of the creation in the sense that he made the angels Prostrate to him. And then after that he gave him residents were in Jana. He provided him residents in Jamna. I mean, who else has been to Jana before coming to this world?

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Either lesson I'm only right. So he was given many special things. And when he did make a mistake, other money sooner than Allah forgave him into the pa i 122. Allah says so much the belval Rabu photographer alayhi wa had, that Allah chose him again, accepted his repentance and guided him. And he was the one who received revelation. I mean, he was the first one to receive why the first human being ever to receive revelation. Allah spoke to him, Allah sent guidance to him, and he was the guide for the people who came after him until the people deviated and then Allah subhanaw taala sent new Halle Sinha

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so Allah chose Adam releasing and by the way, the word Adam is derived from the word Woodleigh oedema. Hamza dal mean and oedema means a color that is somewhere between black and white. Okay, so we see that other renaissance man, that was his color, I mean, you look at your white hijab and look at your black or via, okay, so a color that is somewhere between that we think of gray hair, but we're talking about the shades of brown. And if you think about it, all human beings, they are somewhere in those shades. Isn't it so? And we see the difference in siblings, even in parents and children even.

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So, Allah chose Adam, one who has and know how La Silla know how Islam was mentioned after Adam. Why? Because he was Dumisani or you can say abou Cerny, the second father of humanity.

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How was he the second father of humanity? Who was the first father the reason? Why because all people came from him. How is new Hellas around the second father of humanity.

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At his time, when the people did not believe that Allah subhanaw taala sent a punishment that came in the form of a huge flood that caused all people to be destroyed except only a few. And after new holy Salam, the people that came afterwards were from his children from his progeny, as Allah Subhana Allah says in surah TopHat i 7677 When a Jayna, who luminal curricular ly mature, another reata, who humble Berkeley we made his children his offspring, the remaining ones, meaning afterwards, all people all humanity came from his descendants.

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So this is how new hull Islam is different. He is distinct from the rest of the people, that he is the second father of humanity. No one else was like him.

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Any other way in which new honey Salam was special.

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He had a very, very long life. He didn't live for 50 years or 100 years or 150 or 200. No. We learned that he did Dawa. He called people to Allah for how long nine

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150 years, and we learn that prophets were given prophethood at the age of about 40 years. So if you think about it, 40 years he lived before prophethood and 950 afterwards that means his life was about 1000 years at least. Okay? So when Ohan Allah also chose him any other way in which he was different from the rest of the people one more way. He was the first messenger. He was the first Rasul. But you might say other really Salam was a first resort. He was not the first messenger. He was the first prophet, you can say, he received revelation, but he was not calling disbelievers to Allah. Okay, he was not calling people to worship Allah, Allah, people already worshipped Allah. You

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know, like we learned earlier, that all people all of humanity was one nation, meaning they were all upon to hate and later on the people differ. And then Allah sent messengers, so who was the first messenger to be sent? New early sunnah?

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Then what Erna Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim earliest Hello, by all means, family, descendants, followers, people off so Allah also chose the people of Ibrahim right Islam and over here, Allah Ibrahim, first and foremost includes Ibrahim alayhis, Salam himself. If you're talking about the family of someone, then first and foremost it includes who that someone himself, right? So it means that Allah chose Ibrahim Alayhi Salam. How did Allah choose Ibrahim relisten. And what was it that he was given that others were not given? What was special about him?

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He was the father of the prophets that all of the prophets thereafter came from his descendants because he was the father of who is Marineland is help or any Salam, and after Ibrahim Renison and all the prophets came from either the progeny of is how Christendom or off is married Ernest? Right. All of the messengers afterwards came from his descendants. But before that, how else was he chosen?

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He was Helene Allah, the friend of Allah. Allah tells us about Ibrahim Anissa was tougher than Allah who Ibrahima Holly Allah. Allah took Ibrahim as Helene as a friend. Now imagine, we are being told that if you love Allah, then follow the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and Allah will love you back. And imagine Ibrahim alayhis salam. Allah says that I am his friend, he is my friend.

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Our friendship with Allah, is it certain people claim that they love Allah? They even feel that Allah loves them, but at the same time, they're committing so much sin? Is there any guarantee? Is there something that can actually tell you for sure that Allah loves you? We are all in the state of fear, right? We hope that Allah will accept our deeds. We hope that Allah will forgive us but we can never say for sure

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that I'm on very good terms with my Lord. We can never say that for sure.

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But Ibrahim Rin is Cena imagine Allah said about him that he is my friend. What the Hon Allah Who Ibrahima kalila

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he was the halal of Allah. He was a bull on BIA. He was a father of the prophets. He was the Imam of all people. Allah said to him in Niger iuclid Nursey Imam, all people I'm going to make you their leader, all people who come after you, you are their leader. And the last messenger Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam came from his descendants. And also the rest of the messenger is After him came from his descendants. So what Allah Ibrahim what Allah Imran and Allah also chose who the Family of Imran it has said that earlier Imran refers to Abu Musa Musa alayhis salam you know, Musa Sinha from the Bani Israel. His father's name was Imran so earlier Imran means Abu Musa Amin Imran the father

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of Musa, Allah chose him and his family. Why is he mentioned over here? Because Musa alayhis salam was you can say the best of the prophets of Bani Israel. How was he the best of the prophets of Bani Israel? He is the one who by the permission of Allah took the Bani Israel out of slavery freed them from their own and then guided them as well. He was the one who was given the torah which the Bani Israel followed and they still follow today right. So, this is why Al Imran has mentioned meaning ALLAH chose Musa Elisa. Okay, so Abu Musa secondly it is said that Allah Imran it refers to Abu Maria Maria Maria salaam, the mother off who are isa or the salam. This refers to him because his

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name was altered. Allah says in surah Rahim I had 12 Well Molly, Emma vanetta Imran and Meriam the DA

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altar of Imran so her father's name was also Imran. Now why is he being mentioned? Because he was a grandfather of who your isa Alayhis Salam and recited Salam was the last messenger sent to the Bani Salah eel from the Bani Israel you was the last messenger to come. So whether either Imran refers to Musa alayhis salam or it refers to the family of the second Imran Madame the her son Risa Listen, in either case, in either case, Allah subhanaw taala selected who? them in one, both of them, okay, it doesn't matter who it refers to both seem appropriate in this context. So Allah subhanaw taala chose them why because they were from the chosen tribe. Allah subhanaw taala chose wasn't a Musar Lisanna

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he accomplished what he accomplished and restarted Islam he also did what Allah subhanaw taala gave him the Tawfeeq to do and this Surah Surah Al Imran, what kind of Surah is it? Machir Madani?

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Madani Surah right? And what is the context in which the surah was revealed?

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A group of Christians came from the Jalon to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And Christians they believe in who is our listener Medina renesola right. So, some scholars have said that because of the context in which the surah was revealed earlier in one refers to the family off the secondary one, okay? The father of Medea, the grandfather of recited.

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So Allah subhanaw taala chose them. Allah subhanaw taala selected them, how did he select them? How did he choose them? That if you think about it, they earlier Imran was from who I learned, one was from the descendants of Al Ibrahim. Right? Al Ibrahim was from the descendants of who knew La Silla and new Khalifa was from the descendants of who didn't really sell.

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Now, if you think about it, they were chosen. They were children of those who were chosen, who were children of those who were chosen, were children of the one who was chosen.

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So you see how they were the chosen of the chosen once? They were the very special people.

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How, how were they chosen, that Allah subhanaw taala chosen for prophethood? For scripture, for the great responsibility of calling people to Allah, of calling people to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. This is why they were chosen.

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This is how they were lucky. This is how they were fortunate. Who do we think is fortunate these days? What do we think which person is very fortunate?

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Someone who has a lot of money?

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Someone who was born in a very rich family. Okay, how else what other standards do we have today?

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Someone who is highly qualified, someone has a very good job someone who was born in a developed country, okay, who has the nationality of a developed country of the superpower country whatever.

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Right? This is what we think is being chosen being special.

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But look at the standard of Allah soprano who is chosen in his sight, the one who is calling people to Allah.

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Allah says no Quran woman, Aqsa, no Cola, maman da in Allah.

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Where Amina saleha we're calling in the middle Muslimeen, who is best in speech than the one who calls people to Allah, meaning the best speech is of the one who calls people to Allah.

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So someone who has been given the opportunity to serve the deen of Allah in a way that a small or in a way that is big, then he is special, then he is chosen.

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And all of us who are sitting here who are involved in the study of the Quran in any way, in any way, we all should feel special because Allah has given us something that is very, very special that he does not give to everyone. Does everyone get food? Does everyone get water? Does everyone have a body? Does everyone have a family? Is everyone able to walk? Yes, Allah has given this risk to all people across the world. But does everyone know the Quran?

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Does everyone get a chance to help others learn the Quran? No. Does everyone get the chance to recite the Quran every week?

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In the way you are reading know, there are people who are who have the exact same time but what are they doing in this time sleeping, watching television, taking a long shower,

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going through their, you know stuff, this is what they're doing that time is going but Allah has chosen you to spend this time with his book to be of the people of the Quran. Now isn't that being special, that special.

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So don't take this as something very small, don't take this lightly. And Chapin will attack you saying that you could be doing something else you could be doing something different. Take it easy on yourself. You have such a long week and then you are busy on the weekend as well. Chevonne will attack you because obviously he doesn't want you to be of the chosen ones. At one point he will bring one excuse to you and another point another excuse to you, he will depress you make you sad, make you feel that you are a failure, that you're not experiencing the sweetness of ima blah, blah, blah, many things. But keep telling yourself, Allah has chosen me for this.

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I could not have come here myself. Allah gave me the Tofik and I cannot turn this away. Imagine Allah give someone something special that he does not give to others. And the person says, Thank you. I don't want it.

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Later on in the story of money, Mr. Hudson and we will learn that how the mother of Madame offered her daughter to Allah for the service of the deen and Allah says for the Kabbalah, Robu herbal Kabbalah and Hassanein than Allah accepted her beautifully graciously. When we perform a good deed we want that Allah should accept it, isn't it?

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But why is it that when Allah gifts us with a special opportunity, we don't want to accept it.

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This is not fair. We want Allah to accept all our deeds. But when Allah gives us an opportunity, we don't want to accept it. That's not right. Thank we learn to learn it has to be both ways, right? You love Allah, you want Allah love you back. Likewise, you want Allah to accept your good deeds, whatever Allah gives you, you should also accept that.

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So Allah chose these people, Allah, Allah, Allah mean, above the worlds of the people of their time. There were so many people who could have been made prophets, but Allah did not make them prophets. Allah made no harness and and the Prophet Allah made Ibrahim or they sound the Prophet, you might say why, why him and not someone else. Because there was something in Ibrahim there was something inner,

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which is why Allah gave them the chance. Now likewise, there has to be some potential in you that Allah has given you this chance. So don't take that lightly.

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You have the opportunity to go really far to excel in this path. But it's up to you if you want to excel or not.

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What is the Hadees tell us that Jairo calm Manta Alam Al Quran who are Lama who the best of you, the best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.

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There has to be something good, there has to be some kind of potential. There has to be some kind of, you know, ability which is why ALLAH blessed you.

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So don't take that lightly. ask Allah for tofield and keep reminding yourself that this is really a special blessing of Allah upon me. So Allah chose them Allah Allah mean he selected them over the people of the world's

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Allah says Zuri yet and children Bartlow have some of them may embolden of others. The return from the root letters, their raw Hamza Zara, and them are a means to create the RIA is creation.

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Okay, the RIA creation all right, but this word is not just used for any creation, it's used in a specific sense, how it refers to Ascendance and descendants, because both are created by Allah subhanaw taala picture your family tree, think about your grandfather, your father yourself. And if you have children, your children as well, okay. So some are at the top of the family tree and somewhere at the bottom. Isn't that so? Now the word is of the year one of the meanings of the words RIA is all the people who are related to each other whether they are at the top of the tree or at the bottom

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or in the middle. Why because all of them are created. And there are a means to create.

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Okay, so the idea, then what does it mean a sentence and the sentence.

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It means relatives, people who are related to each other

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Okay, so Allah says the vignette on Barbu hummingbird. They were relatives, some of them from others. So some of them came first and others came later. Some of them were great grandfather and others were great grandchildren. Like we see the relisten was the father. Much after him Cain knew her Alyssa much After him came Ibrahim renesola ma chatrium kin Imran recited sunnah much after Yom Kippur Mohamed Salah. So we see that they were all related to each other, some were fathers, others were children, the reaction Bow to her member.

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Another meaning of the word is Riga is when it is derived from the root letter as well that rock whether whether it means dark to live,

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what does it mean to live?

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They have their children. And when they go, who do they leave behind them? Who do they leave behind them? Their children. Okay, so then the words of the year would mean descendants only. So one meaning is Ascendance and descendants. The second meaning is descendants only. And this is the more common meaning of the words of the year.

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Which is why in the word tour translation, what do you see? Offspring children descendants.

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Okay, so the return Babu hummingbird. They were relatives from each other, meaning they were all related to each other. They were children of one another. Some were fathers, others were children. Some came earlier, others came later, bow to him and bow

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and bow to him. And borrow also means that there were similar to each other. They were from one another meaning they were alike, each other were similar to each other. How in their manners, in their faith in their mission in their character. And isn't that true? That despite the fact that there was a difference of 1000s of years between new Hala Salam and recited Silla, but we knew Khalifa Mohamed Salah Salam, yet their mission was the same. And what was that calling people to Allah, their mission was the same, their attitude was the same, calling people to Allah.

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You know, recently, I mentioned to you just yesterday about the book, the book blew by Nakaya.

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I was reading that book recently with someone and

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it was amazing the kinds of things that they had written in the book. I mean, he will think that somebody wrote them today.

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You will think that somebody wrote them today, like the kind of diseases of the heart, the kind of feelings that people go through today. I mean, you think that these are new problems that did not exist in the past, but the author had mentioned all those things. So it was amazing, that the thinking is the same. So Barbara, Herman, Bob, will know who Sameer and Arlene and Allah is all hearing, all knowing he heard what they said. And he knows of what they did listen to the recitation and reflect

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on last

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April, he emailed

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me in

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law, who sent me on Friday, Nadi.

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So what do we learn in these verses? That Allah chooses, whoever he wants, for the service of his religion? Allah says, What up Buka lucuma Yasha Oh, way. In Soto cosas. Isaac's Creator, Allah creates whatever He wills, and he also chooses meaning he selects whomsoever He wills, because he knows who deserves to be chosen.

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He knows who deserves to be chosen. Another very important lesson we learn in these ayat is that

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people are different meaning they differ from one another in many different ways.

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To individuals cannot be identical.

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How do people differ from one another? In what way? In what way? Think about you and your sister? How are you guys different? First of all, in age, one is younger, the others older, how old are you different

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physical appearance. One looks like the mother the other looks like the father.

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Our fingerprints they differ as well.

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Personality. One is super hyper and the other is super nerdy. There are different right?

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Manners one is so loud and the other is very

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quiet and silent. Right? One likes to make a mess. And the other is always, you know, she's a clean freak. Right? How else do you differ from your sister? Education, you're done your high school and she's in grade eight.

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So people differ from one another. Right? Some differences, you can say there are material when it comes to the body when it comes to health when it comes to looks, okay? And others are non material differences. Like I've been telling you before I see and Marner with tangible and intangible right.

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And the difference that matters in the sight of Allah. The difference that matters in the sight of Allah is what the actions of a person, the actions of a person, that is what really matters.

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Your beauty, your age, your height, the size of your eyes, the size of your nose, whatever, it doesn't matter the size of your waist, it doesn't matter. What matters is the actions.

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That is what matters. So people differ from one another. Allah tells us that ALLAH chose some, some individuals over the rest of humanity, how their actions were better.

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Their accomplishments were far greater. The mission that they had, the purpose they had, that they live for, was much more valuable.

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So whenever you compare yourself with other people, which we always do, right, is she looking nicer? Am I looking nicer? Did she get 28.5? Because I got 28.25. Right? We always compare. She's driving faster, and I'm driving slower. She has this license and I have the other license. We're always comparing right between ourselves and other people.

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Don't go for material things, because they don't matter much. At the end of the day, she'll survive and you'll survive. What matters more is our actions in the sight of Allah. That is what makes us better.

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So compete in good deeds. I have a question for you. Have you ever seen someone and you thought, wow, I want to be like them?

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Yeah. Okay.

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It might be someone you saw, you know, dressed up like a really beautiful bride.

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And you think to yourself, yeah, when I get married, I'm going to dress up like that. I'm going to do this slightly different or that slightly different. When we look at successful people, we want to be like them.

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Allah subhanaw taala is giving us an example of those people whom we should aspire to be like. These are the ones whom ALLAH chose, whom Allah selected. Now when you read about them, when you listen about them, then say wow, I want to be like them. Or Allah make me like them.

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