Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 039B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 284

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The concept of Islam's ability to cover and punish individual actions is discussed, as it is impossible to control physical actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself and avoiding negative emotions, as it is the root cause of happiness and negative emotions. They stress the need to focus on one's heart and avoid distractions, as it is the root cause of negative emotions and behavior. The importance of cleaning oneself and avoiding distractions is also emphasized.
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
that's number 39 Surah Al Baqarah ayah number 284 to 286. The last verses of the surah
Lilla Hema F is somewhere where T warmer fill up to Allah belongs, whatever that is in the skies. And whatever that is in the earth, everything that exists whether it is up in the skies, or it is in the earth, who owns it, Allah Who created it, Allah, who servants are they? Allah subhanaw taala servants, notice lil Lehi for Allah. When it says for Allah, and this is how the sentence begins. Then it means only for him, meaning he alone, only he owns, whatever that is in the earth, whatever that is in the skies. Meaning everything is his creation. Everything belongs to him and everything. He is the one who regulates it. He is the one who looks after it. He is the one who manages all of
its affairs. Not anyone else.
We're in trouble do and if you reveal, Murphy unfussy calm what is in yourselves out of Who who are you hide it? You have Sybil, Combi Allah, Allah can call you to account for it to do is from the letters bad al well and will do is to reveal to expose something. How do you expose something especially what is in the heart Murphy unfussy calm and forces implore enough knifes enough supplies to the person? The soul, the spirit, the self, the heart? So whatever is in the heart, how does a person expose it?
Either through his words, or through his actions, you could have a feeling you could have a thought you could have an intention about doing something. How would you expose it? How would you let it be known? Once you verbalize it, and once you act on it, so ALLAH says that whether you reveal what is in yourselves out of who, or you hide it, you conceal it, the full from the root letters coffee, yeah, coffee, that which is hidden that which is concealed, meaning what is in your heart and intention of feeling, you hide it, so you don't tell any person about it. You don't verbalize it, you don't act on it. Rather you resist that thought you control it, no matter how many times you
want to say it, you don't say it, you keep it to yourself. Still, Allah says he can call you to account for it, your husband can Villa you heard the WooCommerce from hisab has seen and what is that need to call someone to account to hold someone accountable for something. So in other words, whether you do something, or you just keep the intention in your heart, whether you verbalize some feelings, or you hide them in yourself, you don't share them with anyone, still, Allah can question you about them. Still, Allah can hold you accountable for them.
And what we learn from this is that Allah knows about what we do, and what we hide what we say, and what we feel nothing at all is hidden from Allah, because accountability can only come after knowledge, only if he knows about it, and he questioned us. So the point here is that whether you reveal something or you don't, it is the same to him.
Whether you act on it or you don't, it is the same to him, he knows you fully well. And when he knows you, he can question you, you have simple convenient law, meaning Allah who will inform you about what you did, and what you kept to yourself, what you expressed, and what you concealed, Allah will inform you. And remember that hisab over here does not necessarily mean that he will punish you. No, it means that he will question you he will hold you accountable. And there are two ways some will be asked that Why did you do it? And whoever is asked why that said he's done he's going to be punished. And the other is that Allah will della person Allah will question a person did you
do such and such? Did you feel such and such did you think about such and such? And the believer will confess and he will know that I'm in trouble now. But what will Allah say to him that I hid this for you in the dunya and today I forgive it for you. So you have said comprehend Allah that Allah knows. He can question you. Fail Fuli mania shirt, where you are the woman Yeshua
On questioning you and holding you accountable, it is up to him. He can forgive whomsoever He wills. And he can punish whomsoever He wills, your fellow rainfall or mafia law. And what does mafia mean? Forgiveness from the same root is the word mitfa, which is used for a helmet, a helmet that is worn by a warrior, a soldier. What does that helmet do? It protects, It shields the head. So it covers it. And it also protects it. It safeguards it. And forgiveness. This is what it does. It shields it covers it hides our sins. Meaning when Allah forgives a person, then his sin is hidden. And Allah Allah protects that person from the consequences of that sin. And what are the consequences in this
world and also in the hereafter. So if I help fill in the minutiae, then Allah can forgive whomsoever He wills, when you're unable Manjusha and he can punish whomsoever He wills, meaning then it is up to him. It is his decision. If he wants, he can forgive, and if he wants, he can punish. Ultimately, the decision lies with him alone, will Allahu Allah luckily che encoded and Allah over all things is fully capable Cadiz have done wrong Qudra meaning he has full ability to do whatever he wants, if something is non existent, he can bring it to existence. If something is living, he can cause it to cease. Why? Because he is able to do anything and everything he wants into the filter I
have 44 Allah says, What am I can Allahu li urges a human che in for some I wear it when I fill in the hookah or Lehmann Khedira, that there is nothing in the heavens and the earth and can make Allah incapable, that can make Allah weak. Why? Because he is knowing and he's capable, he can do whatever he wants, he can execute his will, nothing at all can prevent him. Now what do we see in this ayah that everything that exists, whether it is up in the skies, or it is in the earth, or it is somewhere in between? It belongs to Allah subhana Darna? Where are we on the earth? So who do we belong to Allah. And Allah doesn't just own us, but He knows us. He knows every detail about us,
whether we hide something, or we reveal it. Sometimes it happens that people, especially children, if they have experienced some abuse, or something, those feelings are suppressed inside for years. And then eventually they come out. Eventually they show eventually, a person is not able to keep it in his heart, and it comes out in some form or the other. So whether you hide it, or you let it be known, Allah knows you.
This is why we don't just need to be worried about our apparent actions, but also about what we conceal in our hearts, because Allah can question us about what we keep in our hearts. Now, when this verse was revealed, when this ayah was revealed, the Sahaba the Companions, they got really worried. And they went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and they fell on their knees. They fell on their knees, and they said to him, O Messenger of Allah, we were asked to perform what we can bear of deeds, meaning we were asked to do some things that we could do. We were asked to pray, we prayed, we were asked to fast we kept fast, we were asked to go out in the way of Allah, we did that we were asked to give in charity. We did that, in total, Bukhara we have learned about so many commands, right? So they said that whatever we were asked to do, we did it. However, this idea was revealed to you. And we cannot bear it, meaning it's too difficult for us. We can control our physical actions. But when it comes to the feelings of our
hearts, the negative thoughts, the jealousy, the pride, the arrogance, sometimes the ill feelings, when we are hurt when we're unable to forgive. This is something that we don't have control over. But Allah says for you how simple can be Hila Allah can hold you accountable. But this is something that is beyond our ability. So what are we going to do?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Do you want to repeat what the people of the two scriptures before you said? That they said, Samir, now what are Celina that we have heard but sorry, we're not going to do it. We're going to disobey. Are you going to repeat what the people of the past said? That you say? It's too hard? It's too difficult, sorry, Allah, we cannot do this. Is this what you're going to say? Rather, you should say Samir inna what Alterna Lutheran aka Robina were illegal mislead, rather you should say or Allah. We have heard and
We will do our best to obey. But oh Allah you will pardon meaning we need your forgiveness or our Lord, to you is our return. We cannot run away from you. We are going back to you. So Allah we will do our best, but you forgive us. So the Sahaba they will repeat that statement, Samir, now we're up on the roof Ronica Robina we're in a con mostly. And when the people said this than Allah subhanaw taala revealed the following verses that M and Allah Sulu be met on Zillow, la Hema rugby, he will make me known that the messenger has believed in whatever was revealed to him from his Lord, as well as the believers call on Mr. Biller, he was eager to hear well Good to be here. Well, Rosalie all of
them have believed in Allah, His angels, his books and his messengers saying that Lana Federico Boehner had a miracle so they we don't differentiate between any of the messengers will call you somewhere in our alternate and they said, Oh Allah, we have heard, and we will also obey rule for Annika Robina were illegal mostly, we beg your pardon or our Lord and to you is our return. And then Allah also revealed the next verse that lay you can live Allahu nevsun Allah was our her that Allah does not overburden a soul more than what it can bear, Lucha Mikasa. But every person will get what it strove for meaning the good why are they hammock desolate and will suffer the consequences of the
sin that it acquired. And then a left off the people Adara which inshallah we will learn about in more detail. And when the people made the DUA, that Oh Allah, don't hold us accountable if we, if we forget. Or if we make a mistake, Allah said, I shall accept your supplication. And when the people said, Oh Allah don't lay upon us a burden, like it was laid upon the people before us. Allah said, I shall accept your supplication. And when the people said, Oh Allah don't lay upon us what we don't have the strength to bear. Allah said, I shall accept your supplication, when the people said, Oh Allah, pardon us, forgive us have mercy on us, you are our friend. So help us against the
disbelieving people that Allah said that I shall accept your supplication.
This is a great lesson for us. This should be our attitude towards all of the commands of Allah soprano.
There are many things that we have learned in Surah, Baqarah some things we say, Yeah, I can do that. I'm already doing that. And there are other things, which we feel are huge mountains for us to climb and we feel intimidated, we feel afraid. And we don't even dare to take the challenge. We don't even dare to take the step forward. We say do hard. I'm not doing it. But what do these verses teach us that don't repeat what the people of the past repeated. Don't say, we have heard we know. But we're not going to do it. No, try. Give it your best. And beg Allah for forgiveness. And ask him for strength. Ask him to make things easier for you. Don't avoid face the challenge and go higher.
Now, when this is the first verse, there are a number of lessons that we learn. First of all, we learned in this verse, that Allah subhanaw taala he owns every single thing, whether it is in the earth, or it is in the skies. Now all that we know the existence the creation that we know exists, what is that it's either up in the sky as the universe or it is in the earth. So everything that is known to us, who owns it, Allah subhanaw taala. But a person might say, No, this book is mine. And I made this house myself and I made such and such myself. Allah did not make the machines, Allah did not make the aircraft so on and so forth. A person could could say things like that. But the thing
is, if people own anything, then what kind of ownership is it? It is partial and temporary. It is partial, that they don't have full control over it. What do you own, you don't have full control over it, it can break it can crack, it can fail on you. And likewise it is temporary. It is only for some time, sooner or later, we will lose that we will have to give it up when the angel of death comes. So everything whether it is in the skies, in the earth or in between, who owns it. Allah what is in the skies,
the stars, the moon, the galaxies, and in the summer word above the summer word, whether it is the courtesy of Allah, Allah, Allah or it is the angels or it is the souls of the children of Adam, whatever, wherever, up in the skies, who owns it, Allah, whatever is in between the clouds the stars, the galaxies on the earth, whether it is animate beings or inanimate, living or nonliving creation with intellect or creation without intellect, human being
Animals, plants, trees, rivers, mountains, everything belongs to Allah alone. Another very important thing that we learn here is that when Allah owns all of it, then that means he manages everything as well. He regulates the affairs of every creation, whether it is the sun, or it is the clouds, or it is the trees, or the answer the birds or the mountains, everything related to it, who manages it, who controls it? Only Allah,
a house, if a person owns a house, then do they not manage the affairs of the house, they pay the bills, they make sure everything is functioning properly, anything has to be fixed, replaced, repaired, they do it. Why? Because they are the owner, they are the one who's responsible. So the heavens and the earth, everything that is functioning, who manages all of that, Allah. And when that is the case, then it tells us about who Allah is what a perfect being he is. Because this whole function cannot exist, except by the one who is all knowing.
The one who is all capable, the one who is all wise, the one who is very merciful, the one who hears the one who sees the one who speaks the one who has honored and might and strength. Only Him, He is our Lord. And He is the one who tells us that whether you hide something, or you reveal it, he knows about it. So that leads us to the next lesson, which is the perfect knowledge of Allah, about everything that happens in the heavens and the earth, whether it is something very secret, very hidden in the darkness of the earth in the darkness of the night, or it is exposed in the brightness of the day, whether it is something done publicly, or it is done secretly, anything and everything,
Allah knows about it. And it teaches us that we should not keep in our hearts what Allah does not approve off. Now, if you think about it, our mind is constantly thinking, thoughts come and go, as you're sitting here. Probably you've thought about hundreds and hundreds of things. In the past few minutes. Many thoughts have crossed your mind. Sometimes we're trying to sleep but we cannot shut off our brain. We're trying to pray. And we want to focus but we cannot shut off our thoughts. We want to have a focused conversation with someone, but our mind goes everywhere. Our thoughts are spread everywhere, constantly something or the other is coming through our head. But what do we
learn here? That thoughts come? And they go, we think and we forget, we feel and we get over it. But you know what? Allah knows about it. And Allah can ask us, and Allah can question as he can punish us. Why did you think like this? How dare you feel like that? And what is it that we feel in our hearts, there are many things our mind will call the actions of the heart or many. It includes intention, the intention to do something or not do something, whether good or bad. It includes patients, it includes reliance, it includes hope it includes forgiveness, it includes positive thinking about others. It includes good thoughts about Allah, good thoughts about yourself good
thoughts about others, or negative, even bad even. So whatever is in the heart that comes and goes, we feel but we forget, we get over it. Yes, we might have gotten over it. We might have forgotten it. But you know what? Allah knows. It's recorded. And Allah can ask us, Allah can question us. So don't just guard your actions and your words, but guard what? Your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions. But what do we say, I can't control myself. I'm just so angry. I'm just so sad. I'm just so upset. I'm so hurt. I'm so frustrated. But the thing is that we have to control the heart as well. Why? Because if you don't control the heart, ultimately, those feelings will come where on the
tongue and on our limbs. It's not possible that a person is feeling happy in the heart, and that happiness will not show on the face. That excitement will not be visible by a person's body language. It's not possible. Whatever is in the heart is going to be mirrored on the outside.
Likewise, something negative it's not possible that you dislike someone and the feelings don't show by our actions by the way that we speak to them by the way that we deal with them. No, it will come out.
And the thing is that
We just focus on the outward, oh, you know, pretend that you're fine. Oh, give a fake smile, you know, show that you're very upset. And we don't worry about the heart. And what does this lead to hypocrisy lies, living a double life contradiction between heart and actions. And when there's a contradiction, such as this, then a person will be unhappy, then a person will feel hypocritical than a person will have strained relationships with other people, a person will be unhappy then. But we feel happiness is that you put a fake smile all the time, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to be happy. The thing is that you have to fix what is in the heart. That is the root cause. Because
it's just like Iman faith, where is it in the heart, Eman is in the heart. But then it doesn't just stay in the heart, it comes out through your actions through your words. So likewise, anything that is in the heart will come out on the surface. This is why we should also guard our feelings, our thoughts, the state of our heart, even that needs to be guarded.
Now, this tells us that a person will be held accountable over what is in the heart as well. But there are some exceptions.
There are some exceptions. One is that the negative thought the bad thought the West was out of shape on the whisperings of shape on a person fights such thoughts and feelings. A person resists them, he controls them, he fights them, he tries to avoid them.
You know, for example, a person has this feeling, they're looking at me like that. You know what, they're upset with me? You have those feelings? And you tell yourself No. How do you know they're upset, maybe they're very tired, maybe they had a very hard day. So you control yourself, don't let your thoughts wander, don't let your thoughts lead, you know, control them. And when you control them, when you curb those thoughts, those desires, those feelings, then in sha Allah, Allah will forgive you. Because you are striving, you are trying. And as long as you are trying in sha Allah, Allah will also help you and He will forgive you. So this teaches a very important thing.
Negative thoughts, don't let them grow bigger
ill feelings, don't let them grow stronger. Know, resist them, cut them off immediately. And the thing is, this is how we end up singing, we end up harming other people. This is the root cause. So cut the root cause finish that solve that problem, and then other problems will be solved.
You know, whenever there's a problem, like for example, you feel that a particular person, their attitude with you is very strange. Then don't just say, Oh, I don't like that person. I don't get along with them, no, get to the root cause? Are they hurt? Do they have higher expectations? Do you have high expectations of them that they cannot achieve?
Are you just angry with them for some reason that they don't even know, get to the root cause and solve that first, and then the rest of the things will fall in place? So when we have bad thoughts about someone, what do we need to do?
Replace them with positive give them the benefit of doubt that you feel, Oh, she doesn't care about me. He doesn't care about me. My husband doesn't love me. Look, I've never seen anything good from him. My parents they hate me. No. Why would you think like that? Even if there is a reason to think like that still replace that with positive. You know, if somebody has done something wrong, give them 50 excuses that perhaps this is why they made this mistake. Perhaps this is why this at such and such, give them a list of reasons one after the other.
Somebody didn't do something that they were supposed to give them a list of reasons. Tell yourself you know what, I also make the same mistake.
In a hadith we learn that the Sahaba they once came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam a companion once he came and he complained that sometimes you know there's such thoughts that come to my mind to my heart that I wish I would burn to call than anyone else finding out about those thoughts.
I hate those thoughts. I hate such feelings. And sometimes it happens a chip on makes you think, what if there is no God? What if Islam is not true? What if this Quran is false?
Like children if you what if I'm adopted and my parents are not really my real parents? This is why they're treating me like that. What if my husband's having an affair with someone else?
Negative thoughts
that you don't even want to tell anybody about
you'd rather die than express those thoughts. Then say those things. You know, a mother gets frustrated with her children and she says, Why do I have kids? My so and so relative? I hate her. Why doesn't she die? Why doesn't he die? Why don't I just die? We don't shit on bring such thoughts, and you won't dare mention them. You won't dare let anyone know about them.
So, let's uh, how would they complain to the Prophet salallahu Salam? And he said, We'll cut the budget to woowoo meaning do you really find such thoughts in your heart? They said yes. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, That is the sign of Eman. That is the sign of true faith. How? Because Shavon will only go where there is Iman
that when a person has emerged, Shelton wants to corrupt that when a person is positive and strong willed and you know he has good feelings about others. He's being patient. He's relying on Allah he's being hopeful that obviously Chapin will attack him. If somebody's already thinking negative thoughts will shape on bother about him. No. Because that person is already on his track. Chant lawn will come where there is treasure, where there is faith.
And another version we learned the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Alhamdulillah he led me about the Qaeda who ill was wasa the Praise be to Allah, that he rebelled the case the plot of shaitan He reduced it to only a wasa to only a negative thought meaning all the children can do to us is just put a negative thought in our hearts. And that said he can't make us do anything else beyond that. So be grateful that it's only a negative thought. But what do you need to do? resist it, get rid of it, replace it with something positive, replace that negative thought with something hopeful?
Replace that hatred with love, replace that animosity with friendship? Replace that frustration with relaxation. Take it easy.
Another exception is that when a person intends to do something wrong, he wants to do something bad. But then he doesn't do it. So for example, negative feeling comes into your heart. You know what, I'm gonna go yell at him. I'm gonna go give it to her. I'm gonna say this and this and this. How dare she say like that to me. You have that intention, that firm? Will you know what next time I see her. I'm gonna teach her a lesson. But the next time you see her, you say, you know, we learn to forgive and forget pardon. So you know what, it's okay. I let it go. Hopefully Allah will forgive me. So you intend to do something bad. But then you don't do it. And this is a various types, why
you don't do it. This is a various types and the consequences are different. One is that a person doesn't do it for the sake of Allah.
So the moment you see the person, you're like, you know what, they're older than me. They're younger than me. I know, they're related to me. They've done so much good to me. You know, Allah likes those people who are forgiving and merciful. So you know what, for the sake of Allah, I'll forgive them. I let it go this time, Allah will reward me Allah is watching. He knows what I'm going through. So you let it go for the sake of Allah, you change your mind. Why? For the sake of Allah, and when a person does this, then you know what he's actually rewarded for deciding to do something wrong, but not doing it for the sake of Allah, he gets rewarded, he gets a complete good deed for that. In a hadith
we learn that when a person intends to do something bad, but he doesn't do it, Allah tells the angels to record a good deed for him. Why? Because Allah says the unknown Tanaka, Herman Jezza II, because he left it from my sake, when he left it for my sake, then I will reward him.
Another is that a person intends to do something bad, but then he leaves it. Because, you know, he just changes his mind. Not for the sake of Allah. But as he didn't get to, or he just changes his mind. He's like, No, you know, what doesn't make a difference there so going to be bad. It's going to lead to more problems, forget it, not for the sake of Allah that Allah will forgive me or that Allah will be happy. No, for some other reason, he changes his mind. So when a person got rewarded for that, no,
will the person be punished for that negative that evil intention? No. Why? Because he didn't do it. So as long as a person does not follow up a negative thought with an action, Inshallah, that person is not held accountable. But what does this teach us? That if we ever decide to do something wrong, something bad, and such intentions do come in our heart, yelling at someone taking revenge
and talking to someone Liba breaking a promise not fulfilling a commitment, not giving the assignment on time, right not doing the lesson such intentions come in our hearts. But we should not follow them up with action for whose sake for the sake of Allah so that that also becomes a good deed. Another is that a person desires, he wishes to do something bad. He has that yearning, that desire, I wish, I could also be like that, I wish I could also do such and such. But he doesn't do anything to actually get there, to be able to do it. He's not taking any action. He just has that strong burning desire, that wish that craving that yearning, but he doesn't follow it up by any
effort, any action, nothing.
Then that person will be held accountable because of his knee. Yeah, because of his intention.
Like in a hadith, we learn that a person who is wasteful, he spends his wealth on wrong things on bad things in disobedience to Allah. And there's another person who watches him, he sees him. And he's like, Oh, I wish I could also do that.
So that person will be punished because of his bad intention.
So this means that if we ever see someone doing something bad don't even wish to be like them, do we? Do we wish to be like them? Sometimes we wonder, Oh, that person got away. By lying. That person got away when the stole such and such, maybe I should give it a try to that person didn't do their lesson. And the group in charge, never asked them. And look, here I am doing my lesson seven times over and over and over again. I'm tired. Tomorrow, I'm not going to do it next week, I'm not going to do it.
Or I will say I wish I didn't have to wear hijab, but I will also wear my hair like that and go out in this manner, or dress up like that and go out in this way. I would look better than any of these people. We have that wish, I wish I couldn't. But then you tell yourself, say I'm a Muslim, so I have to wear hijab, and my parents that never let me walk out like that.
So don't even have that desire. Because for that desire that wish that intention, Allah can punish you.
Then the next is that a person, he wants to do something, right, he has that burning desire. He even strives to do it. He adopts the means. But then he feels he badly feels
like for example, a girl says, You know what, I'm not going to wear hijab to such and such. And I'm going to sneak out and my parents don't know. And then she tries to sneak out but then the playing fields, the dad walks in or something. So she's unable to go out like that, for example, then that person will get the same of the one who actually does the whole thing.
Why? Because it was not just intention and desire, but also, he followed up by some action. So he will be sinful as though he did it. He did all of it.
So again, what does this teach us? The heart, focus on the heart, we focus a lot on the outward, we want to fix our hijab put the pin perfectly. Our via everything has to look perfectly fine. When we're praying in front of others, we've become so conscious, so careful. Or even not in front of others. We're so careful, oh, I have to pay my loan, I have to pay my hustle. I'm done my photo car, I'm done my two sooner, so on and so forth. You know, we focus on the outward Yes, very important. But we also need to focus on the heart, clean the heart, and you know what the heart you need to focus on it all the time.
You know, for example, prayers, Salah, you just read the whole time done, you prayed or sometimes done.
But when it comes to the heart, you can never be distracted from it. You know, just like children, little children, can you ever leave them unattended? Can you ever leave them unattended? You cannot? Because even little babies you don't know when they will roll over the first time. You don't know? What if they happen to roll over from the bed the first time when you were away. That's it. So you can never leave them unattended even for a moment.
Your heart is just like that. Your mind is just like that you can never be distracted from it never. You always have to check yourself always filter yourself, always critically analyze your heart, your feelings. Why am I saying this? Why am I feeling like that? Do I have the right to expect such and such from this person? Who am I to judge them? Who am I to pass such comments about them?
And you know when is it that we think negatively when we're idle when we don't have anything better to do when we're not busy in good things?
When we're busy and good things to busy, we don't with good work, then we don't have time to think about negative things. You have to shove them aside. You have to let them go. Because otherwise you cannot grow you cannot progress.
And we learn in a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that when two people, they intend to fight each other, and they come against each other with their swords, and they end up fighting each other and one person killed the other than both the cartel and the mock tool, the killer and the one who was killed, both will be in the fire. So the people said that yeah, the killer the murderer understood because he killed another. But why the murdered person? Why does he go to fire? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, because he intended to kill the other person, and he didn't just intend but he also adopted the means in order to kill him, he picked up the weapon.
He tried to attack but he failed. So he will also be in the fire. So it starts from the heart. If you don't control it right there and then then it will come into the action, it will lead you to doing something wrong. You know, like when you have negative thoughts building up against someone in your heart, then what will happen? It will lead you to saying something negative about them to another person. It will lead you to saying something bad to them on their face. Libor, backbiting, sometimes accusation false accusation, being judgmental. It leads to a chain of problems that has a domino effect. So stop it right there, got the root, don't let it grow, pull it out, pull the weed
out. Don't let it grow. Because if it does, it's going to destroy you.
Then we also learn in this idea that people will be held accountable because Allah says for you how simple comprehend Allah, Allah will hold you accountable. So people will be held accountable, all of us will be questioned.
All of us will be questioned about what we do what we say what we feel what we intend. This is why remodel dillow Earn who he said has Cebu and full circle cobbler and to hassle. Call yourself to account before you are called to account. before Allah calls you to account. hold yourself accountable right now. Check yourself. Ask yourself, you know, when it comes to worldly matters, we're always checking what's coming in what's going out from the bank account, what's coming in what's going out, always checking constantly at the end of the day, at the end of the week at the end of the month. But when it comes to our actual matters, we become very negligent. And this is a
serious error. Because this is what makes a person negligent. Because we think oh, I'm fine. I'm such a good person. Everyone's happy with me. I smile all the time. And look, I gave a gift to so and so. And look, I gave sort of a yesterday. We all think I'm very good. I'm perfectly fine. But you know what? Ask others and they'll tell you how you really are.
Ask others and you won't dare to ask them because you know how you really are deep down. But you don't want to acknowledge it. You don't want to admit it? Isn't it'll
ask your siblings, ask your spouse, ask your close friends. We have wishful thinking, you know, we think very falsely about ourselves that everything is fine. We're gonna go to Jana. You know, Allah will forgive me, I'm doing so much good things. But if we truly analyze ourselves, we are full of faults, we are full of deficiencies, we are full of mistakes and errors.
Allah will hold us accountable. This is why we need to keep cleaning ourselves so that we can keep improving and we can keep earning the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala
then Allah says at the end of the ayah that Allah is Able to do everything after saying that he will hold you accountable it is up to him fire throughly my shirt while you're available. My shirt. Well, Allahu Allah, militia encoded. Why do you think the eye ends with this that Allah is over all things capable and not that Allah is merciful, or that Allah has should either akov Allah punishes very severely. Why isn't this mentioned? Why is this mentioned that Allah is capable over everything
that he is competent, over holding you accountable, that will be when after resurrection. So he is fully able to bring about the Day of Judgment, the resurrection, and he is fully capable to hold you accountable because he knows you. And then he has the ability to forgive you. He has the ability to even punish you. So don't run away from him. Run to him. Don't avoid him. Go to him.
leave him
for your fast
being in
the moment
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