Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 027B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 197
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of the billionaire should line redeem. So, how many pillars of Islam are there?
How many? Five? By the way? What are pillars of Islam? What does it mean by this term on canel? Islam pillars?
What's the role of pillars in a building?
They're the foundation of a structure. If those pillars are not there, then that structure cannot stand. Correct. And sometimes, if you remove even one pillar, then that will cause the structure to collapse.
You know, for example, if anybody has had their basement made, and then you have this awkward, weird pillar, right in the center, and you're like, what's the purpose of the spitter consciousness removed? That they're like, no, no, we can't remove that. If we remove that 1000s gonna fall it's only one pillar, but on that the entire house is standing.
So likewise, there are certain actions, five in particular, that a person has to do so that his Islam is valid, so that his Islam is acceptable. If he leaves even one, then Islam is not acceptable. So what are the pillars of Islam? First of all, shahada declaration, a person has to believe in his heart and he has to declare that yes, I believe that I testify that there is no God worthy of worship, but Allah and that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is his messenger,
second pillar, so that a person has to pray. third pillar. third pillar that a person has to give the mandatory charity given on specific kind of wealth at a specific time and it is a specific amount as well.
And then fourth, fasting in the month of Ramadan, and fifth is how much
so inshallah today we're going to learn about Hajj.
Now in southern Baccarat, we have learned about so many of the pillars right at the beginning, we learned Olivia, you, baby What's up Mona salah. Right, like as we have learned about women, mothers or chromium Fulltone. Right, a famous Senator will add to Jakarta. The car has been mentioned directly as well as indirectly,
that we also learned about fasting.
And now we're learning about Hajj. So we see the truth of dukkha is a very comprehensive surah. That in it, all of the pillars are mentioned some in a lot of detail and others and not that much detail, but they're all mentioned.
Now hedge is an act of worship that is very different from other acts of worship very unique.
In that a person has to physically, financially mentally devote himself to this act of worship.
A person has to take time out he has to actually travel to go for Hajj. Even if he's living in Makkah, still he has to take time out to go to midnight to go to Ottawa to go to his Delica you can't do Hajj while you're at work. You can't do Hajj while you're at home. Can you fast while you're at work? Of course you can. Can you fast when you're at home? Yes you can. You can pray for that as well. But how much you have to cut down everything you have to stop everything in your life and you have to go for how much
and how much is actually the right of Allah subhanaw taala
it is something that we are obligated to do and it is the right of Allah. In the Quran. We learn that while Illa here I'm a nursing, Beatty,
that it is the right of Allah that people must perform the hajj of the house, it is the right of Allah and people when they perform Hajj, they should do it for Rusick for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala.
At the end of the first jobs, we learned that Ibrahim alayhis salam when he constructed the Kaaba, he also made a DUA, and what was the DA were arena, monastic and an O Allah shows our ways of worship, teach us how we're supposed to worship you.
And Allah subhanaw taala taught him how he was to worship Allah and of those teachings as well how to perform Hajj as well. And Ibrahim Hassan was also commanded we learn in total, which is number 27. That Ibrahim Wilson was commanded were Elvin finesse, he will have yet to carry German wala Kalia blomidon. Yet Dena men Khalifa genomic and proclaim to the people the Hajj meaning call them to hatch, make the announcement for Hajj and the people will come to you on foot and on every lien camo and they will come from every distant pass. And this is true.
If you think about it, at hedge, all sorts of people come people who are very well off and people who
are not too well off.
People who will take literally a day to come. Others will take a few hours to come, and others will take weeks to come. People take different means different ways to get there. But people come to perform Hajj from every part of the world.
This is why sometimes when you're there you wondering what language people are speaking.
You have no idea your ears have never heard those sounds those words. You wonder what kind of clothes they're wearing, which country they're coming from, what food they're eating. All sorts of people come for how to there is no other place in this entire world, where you will see such variety in people except for at the time and place of Hajj.
And we see that performing the hajj is actually an obligation on every believer who is capable of performing hajj
and Hadees we learned that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said he isn't going to Hajj meaning perform the duty quickly, don't delay it. As soon as you are able to go for Hajj, then go. Why? Because none of you knows what will happen in the future. No person knows what will happen in the future. You know, you could get seriously ill you could have certain obligations because of which even if you want to go you're not able to go because you don't know what's gonna happen in the future. Anything could happen that could prevent you from going
and what is it that you don't delay in life, whatever is very important to you.
So this is the right of Allah. And if Allah is important to a person, then he will not delay in performing Hajj.
Another Hadees tells us that whoever dies without performing Hajj, whoever dies without performing Hajj, and there was nothing that was preventing him, then let him die as a Judeo Christian, meaning it doesn't matter to Allah. Allah doesn't care about his Islam, that this person was able to perform hajj, and he chose not to perform hajj, that Allah doesn't care about him. In other words,
so this is a very serious matter is a very, very serious matter.
You know, when it comes to applying to university, applying to a certain school or applying to a particular program, people plan from months in advance. Sometimes people plan us in advance before, you know they want to get made. And girls especially they rush through their school, they rush through their studies, they rush through one thing after the other because they say my parents want me to get married.
So marriage is a priority. Everything else fits in place when hedge becomes priority that everything else will also fit in place. But we have to realize that this is something that is very, very important. How many people have actually been for Hutch
Okay, 100 love few of you have. Do you know what happens at hedge? What do people do at hedge?
What do people do a hedge talk quickly?
Raise your hand. What do people do at hedge? Yes.
There will be a Okay, as hedge people say that. LBMA they're constantly saying Lubbock Allahumma bake right. What else do people do at HUD?
Okay, you go to Mina. Where else do you go? You do for laugh? Okay, what else do you do? You go to our phone? What else do you do?
You go to miss telephone. What else do you do? You have to throw stones? That's called a Ramy. What else do you have to do? slaughter the animals all meaning offer sacrifice. So are you familiar with these words? Are you because I'm going to use these words a lot.
So I don't want you getting confused. Okay, what is this word? What was that word? Right, there are certain terms that we must be familiar with. Okay?
Now, just imagine you're going for a trip. Okay?
And the strip is not such that you're just going to go to your friend's house in another country, and you're going to stay there for two weeks, and then you're bored. And then you're like, Okay, I can't wait to like go back home. And you go back home. And when you come home, people ask you so what did you do? Nothing. We're just at their house. That's no fun trip. Right?
So how much is such a trip in which you go from place to place? There are certain things that you have to do at certain times at certain places. The appointments are already booked. The reservations are already made. So you have to be there. Because it's a very busy trip with a very fixed schedule.
And when people go for tours, or they take packages or whatever, then what happens if you're going from one theme park to the other to the hotel, to a shopping mall or whatever. So like this hedge it
is performed in maximum six days. So write this down. It's a six day long trip. Okay. And there are four places that people will visit in the six days. What are those four places? First of all a Masjid Al haram. I'm not talking about what people will do there. I'm just telling you about the places that people will visit in Hajj.
So first of all, I must do that. How long? What does it matter how long were the Kava is right. Secondly, Mina, what is Mina? Mina is a place that is close to muscle haram. It's an open place where people they spend their days and their nights in the open, intense. Okay, if you've ever seen images of *, you may have seen these white tents. Right? So that is Mina.
The third place that people will visit is artifacts. Okay, artifact is also an open plane.
And there are ultimately mountains over there. You may have seen images of hardware people are standing with their arms raised up. Okay, they're standing there at artifacts.
The fourth place that people visit is Mustafa.
Mustafa Mustafa is also another open plane.
So how many places do people have to visit for what are they muscular haram? Mina, our fat was deliver
how many days of Hajj maximum six days.
So let's begin the trip how it's going to be done. Okay, the schedule let's go over it.
The first day of hajj it is eight of the Hijjah by these data. Eight of the ledger is the first day of March. And this is known as yo moto we're not Tobia. Tao we Yeah.
Yamato we're, and this is the day when the Pilgrims they leave from Makkah and they go to Mina.
They go from Makkah to Mina and adminer. They spend the day and the night in open dance.
So they spent which day in Mina, they ate up the hijab.
Second day of Hajj is the ninth of the hijab.
And on the ninth of the hijab, the Pilgrims they leave Minar to start to fidget. And they go to artifacts.
Where do they go out of offense? So from Mina, they go to Arafat.
And over there, they spent the day
and then after sunset without praying Maghrib salah they go to Moose deliver
something that means what now it will be nighttime and that means the date will change the next day has begun. Right.
So now you are in the third day of Hajj. Okay, so they left our fourth. They spent the entire day in our fourth the entire second day. After Mercury they went were to Miss Jennifer. So they get to miss Alpha when in the night. All right. So in the night, where we're going to do
standard proteome, no, they're going to sleep at Missouri River. That's what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did. That was a sunnah.
So they spent the night in was deliver.
Now, day three of hatch that is the 10th of the ledger.
What will people do? They spent the night in was deliver. Now as morning comes in, they will go to Mina.
They will go where? Back to Mina. So quick recap. People go from muscle haram from Makkah to Mina. They stay the day and the night over there the next morning they go to or a fat or fat to spend the day. At night. They go to Mr. Alpha, they spend the night over there. In morning, they go back to Mina.
Now in dinner, this is day three of Hajj and it's the 10th of the religion it is known as Yeoman. Now
it is the day when the pilgrims will slaughter their animals or for their sacrifice. They will also do the Romeo Jamel
okay and they will also either cut their hair or they will shave it for the men. And then the three days which are known as a yam with the sheep, they begin and what are they 1112 and 13 of the ledger
1112 and 13 of the ledger and these are known as a yarmulke Sheikh in these days were to pilgrims
go nowhere they stay in Manor they only go for the Romeo Jamel and the wife to the Kaaba and then they come back
is a complicated
you just have to understand where you're going from which place to which at what time on which date. That's it.
So starting from Masjid Al haram go to Mina go to Arafat's, go to miss Delica, go to Mina. That's it.
That's it, how many days? How many days, six days.
So I want you to read your notes to the person sitting next to you and make sure that you have the order, right?
You have to have the order, right.
There are a few things that have been mentioned to you there are, you can say the fine details of the trip. Okay. And if I start talking about those things, then it will get a little difficult. It's like if somebody says that we're going to spend the entire day at Niagara Falls, like okay, what are we going to do there? When are we going to go on the boat? And when are we going to go on the helicopter? And what are we going to go the wheel, the Ferris wheel, and on the double decker bus and whatever. So if you start going into all these details, it's gonna get a little complicated. If you know about those details, then you may consult your travel agent, right your trip planner. So
likewise, if you want to go into more details, you may consult any book of Hajj, but inshallah when you go for Hajj, you will be trained as to how to perform Hajj.
So for now, this much understanding is good enough inshallah do have an overview of what's happening so that we can understand the verses.
Okay, the question is that if the Hajj only takes six days and why do people go for months and weeks and several days inshallah we'll talk about that.
Okay, let's begin the verses of the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, Al hamdu Ashura mer Lumads, Al hamdu, the hajj it is asuran ashore is the plural of shelf and Shahan is a month Chien her ra so as her months my Lumads plan of Maluma Maluma that whose name is known meaning that thing which is known from mainland me so my Lumads ones that are known.
So hedge is to be performed in months that are well known. In other words, there are a few months that are dedicated for hedge. What are those months? I mentioned that you earlier once upon a time, what are those months?
Go back into your notes. What are they? Yes.
Well, hello, Raja boo cada, the hedger.
So four months of hurt. Now, somebody just asked a question how distribute performed in six days. And over here we learn and had you as rural Maluma not weeks, but months that are well known. Have is to be performed and well known months. What does it mean by this?
Meaning the entire season of Hajj is these months. Why are months dedicated for an act of worship that takes only a few days, for two reasons.
First of all, so that people have plenty of time to prepare for the trip, mentally, spiritually, physically, they can actually travel settle, and then perform the hajj and after that they can wrap up everything and then they can go back home.
All right. The thing is that hurt is a very spiritual journey.
And for you to be spiritually involved in something you have to be prepared from before.
This is the reason why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would not just fast in the month of Ramadan, he would fast before Ramadan as well in the month of charbon
he would fast before as well. Why? Because to enjoy fasting in the month of Ramadan, you have to be used to fasting from before.
Likewise, for you to perform hajj, easily. You have to be in Makkah from before you have to spend a few days over there from before so that you are in that routine. You can actually enjoy Hajj you can actually benefit from Hajj.
So this is the first reason
so that people have enough time to prepare physically mentally. They can take care of the travel whatever.
Secondly, to give importance to this great ritual well
Something is very important to you, you don't just dedicate a few minutes to it or a few hours to it, you dedicate days and weeks and months to it.
So hedge is a very important act of worship. And this is the reason why Allah soprano Tata has told us to dedicate months to it.
Now, it doesn't mean that a person has to go months in advance. But he may, it doesn't mean that a person has to go weeks in advance, but he may.
Again, he doesn't have to go days in advance, but he may. That allowance is there.
And if you think about it, if there was only one day, when all the Pilgrims had to reach Makkah, tell me how difficult would it be?
Already soon after Ramadan, the Hajj flights begin. Right. And by the time the days of Hajj, come in, it's packed, the Haram is back. Mina is back. Now imagine if all of those people were entering the Haram at the same time arriving at Makkah, at the same time, what would happen to those airports? What would happen to those airplanes? It would be very difficult.
So this is the reason why several months have been dedicated for this great act of worship. So I'll help you asuran Maluma and the point is that hajj can only be performed at this time, not at any other time. Maluma it's well known it's understood
for not forever. So whoever made incumbent whoever imposed
on himself what the hedge when fee hinda in these months
photo from the ludicrous fell robot and what this fold mean and obligation.
So over here, first of all, what it means is that he intends to perform the obligation of Hajj meaning he makes it incumbent on himself that now I am going to perform hajj,
he makes up his mind that this year
I am going to perform Hajj.
So in other words follow by means that he is making the intention.
Right, he is making the intention to perform Hajj. But the actual intention of performing hajj, when will that be made fi Hiner in the month of hajj.
So, can a person make the intention to perform Hajj in the month of Ramadan? Can they they can have an idea or plan. Okay, but the actual intention when will that be in the month of Hutch. Once that begins then a person has the intention of performing hajj.
But, more specifically, more specifically, follow the over here means that a person makes the intention of performing hajj and he enters the State of Iran.
And he enters the State of Iran because we know that when a person goes for Hajj or Umrah he is in the State of Iran, what is the State of Iran? Iran held army haram that's what you think of right. So how is the state in which certain things are haram? A person cannot do those things which are permitted otherwise?
So for example, for men, are they allowed to wear pants? Generally? Yes. Can they wear running shoes generally? Can they wear a hat on their heads? Generally? Yes, they can. What about socks? Yes, they can. What about a nicely stitched shirt? Yes, they can. But when they are in the State of Iran, can they were stitched clothing? No.
Can they wear running shoes? No. Can they wear dress shoes? No.
Then what do they wear sandals? Right, they wear sandals? So in Iran, they're not allowed to wear shoes that cover the top of their feet or that cover their ankles. Likewise, they cannot wear normal clothing they have to wear the haram. Right? Which is sheets that they have to wrap around themselves in a particular way. For women, what's their
what do they wear? What do they wear? Whatever they want, as long as it covers and properly. There is no particular kind of harm for women. For women. It's only the intention that matters. Okay. Otherwise as well. Besides the clothes, there are certain things that are forbidden for people to do in the State of Iran, such as cutting of the hair trimming of the nails, right?
Likewise, what else is forbidden wearing perfume. People cannot do that in the State of Iran.
So anyway over here from unfurl, Buffy hidden al Hajj, what does it mean? That whoever enters the State of Iran, and obviously that will be when at the time of Hajj.
I remember I told you about Hajj the motto before I told you about what's the matter what's the matter is what that a person in one trip performs or more and he also performs hatch, but he goes and he performs Aurora first and then he comes out to the State of Iran. And then when the time of Hajj comes then he puts on the Iran again.
Alright, so if you think about it, that are more could be performed a day before
the ledger, right the eighth of the ledger. It could also be performed 10 days before the ledger even begins. All right. So for man follow the female hedge meaning the moment a person comes in the State of Iran for Hutch. All right, and this could be in any time in the season of French.
So from unfollow Buffy and Al hajj, there are certain things that a person is not allowed to do.
Fela Firth, walla walla Geodon fill Hutch
law office there should be no law office.
What is the roughest? roughest is from the doctor's office and referred is used for sexual * but also any kind of sexual conduct that is between a husband and wife. So such is not allowed for a couple at hatch? A man a woman neither of them if they're performing hedge they cannot engage in such activity. law refers and if a person does, then there are serious consequences. He has to give the penalty he has to give the Kafala his heart just cancelled he cannot continue his heart anymore and he actually has to repeat the Hajj again. So Allah refers it's not allowed at all. Whenever So, no facade either for soup is not allowed. What is for soup? Is for ludicrous. Fasten
cough and Fisk forsake you have sukoon right? What is this, to commit disobedience
to cross the limits of obedience and enter into the realm of disobedience meaning to disobey Allah? In simple words,
so Laughter So there should be no disobedience. Because you are taking time out of your schedule, you're spending so much money you're actually physically present at a particular place to perform Hajj. Why for the sake of Allah, then how can you disobey Allah at that time?
When after so there should be no sinning?
And when people gather together,
are there opportunities to disobey Allah? Yes.
They're multiplied. When a person is alone, can he do libre? Can he? backbite?
No, you can't, unless you start it on your phone.
Okay, on your computer, right? But otherwise, when you're alone, you can't do many wrong things.
You can't lie, you can't cheat, you can't backbite but when you are with people, then the chances of sinning they increase.
So I've had there are many people that have gathered together. So this is why Allah subhanaw taala makes it very clear whatever so there should be no sinning no disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala
likewise, we see that it had there could be many unpleasant things that may happen
right. So this could lead to showing impatience this could lead to fighting which is why the next thing is well as you dial and there should be no fighting at home either. Yes.
trial was just a test of our patience. Yes. Anyone who's gone for hurt for a while will tell you some stories, right? That because it's a trip where you're telling Allah subhanaw taala I'm here for you live bake of Muhammad Allah bake I'm here for you. And when a person goes to Allah, then Allah will test him right? Are you really here for me?
So Allah will test him. So this is why when a person goes for Hajj, then he is tested throughout the journey, many unpleasant things happen, that normally would not happen. Many things go wrong, that normally never go wrong.
So every person is tested.
This is where Allah says whenever su quality dial, there should be no sinning and there should be no fighting.
Also, you see that on Hajj segregation between men and women is not possible. Right? It's not
possible. So some people that take advantage of this, they look at others, they tease others, they harass others, unfortunately, even in the most holiest of places, and people have their belongings with them. And many times it happens that people are in a hurry. And let's say they forget something of theirs, or a person sitting reading Quran in their bag is open, and other could easily pick their pocket or take something from their bag, they could commit theft, you know, there are many opportunities to do something wrong when there are people together.
So Allah tells us well after so there should be no sinning at all, Don't disobey Allah at all. While Elijah and no fighting Judah Jean dal.
Dal is argument to dispute. And it's basically a verbal dispute in which people are fighting with each other in order to win in order to prove themselves right. So when I do that,
now, it helps them any opportunities to fight.
Unfortunately, how, in different ways, first of all, in the matters of religion, stranger,
you go to perform an act of worship, and people argue in the matters of religion? How people will say, No, no, no, no, you're not supposed to wear your hair on like this. He says, No, who are you to tell me, my chef told me I'm supposed to wear my home like this. You mind your own business, and people become very abusive verbally?
So in the matters of religion, in fic, because it happens that when you have so many different people over there, you wonder, why is she praying like this? And why is he standing like this? And why is he talking like this? And why is he reciting Quran like that? And what dua is he making? Oh, he's doing the DA she's doing with her. And people, they start arguing and fighting in the matters of religion. But it's not just limited the matters of religion. Also, in other day to day matters, people end up fighting a lot. Excuse me, this is my spot.
And the other person's like, What language are you speaking? I don't understand you. Right?
Likewise, you think there's gonna be a nice decent line and you're standing and waiting in line. And the next thing you know, you've been standing there for an hour and there is no line.
And you go to a store, you're trying to buy some groceries as soon as you reach out for an apple. And the next thing you know, somebody else grabbed that apple before and you just feel like yelling at them.
So what does Allah subhanaw taala say, learn to dial no fighting.
Don't fight at Hajj, because you didn't go there to fight you went there to worship Allah subhanaw taala. And you don't want to ruin your hedge by fighting with others.
So three things people are not allowed to do. Law Office. Were there forsook when I didn't fill hedge?
What are the follow and whatever you do min Hayden of any good meaning, any good deed that you perform?
Yeah, Allahu Allah, Allah knows it. Yeah, Allahu Allah knows about it, any good deed that you do.
If you think about it, three don't I mentioned over here, three doors, three prohibitions.
And the list of do's it's endless.
Three don'ts. Don't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this. But well, not the following hide in whatever good that you do. There is no limit to that. The limit to doing good is the limit that you set for yourself. You can do a lot of good, but it's up to you how much you want to do. And you're like it was mentioned that every person is tested at Hutch. Everything that goes apparently wrong at hedge is an opportunity to either do good or to do evil. It's up to you how you look at it.
It's up to you how you look at it. For example, when it comes to cyber, what's the reward of cyber, Allah subhanaw taala says that he will reward those people who are patient without any measure. And there are many times it hurts when a person has to do something. But some people they don't do summer. Instead they go and fight and they go and argue with others.
It happens that you want to buy food and you can't find any food. It happens that your agent told you or your leader, your hudge leader, they told you that certain things will happen at certain times and you're nothing like that is happening. Why did you charge us all that money for this? Right? So people get very angry at certain times. Now that time either you do suffer or you display impatience. I have seen myself that had there were certain things that didn't go perfectly fine. And it happens in every group. Even if it's the most expensive group that baggage that you can get. There will be things that are unpleasant, and I witnessed myself that add her
Ah, there were some people who were furious. Instead of reciting Quran making dua worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. You know what they were doing, fighting with each other, fighting with each other, literally angry, their faces full of anger, going read, literally. And there were others who were in the same group who were suffering the same problem. But they were sitting reading Quran making dua, whatever they had to do.
So it's up to you how you look at it, right? There are certain things that are forbidden, you have to stay away from them. And the more you stay away from them, the more opportunity you will find to do good. Well, not the final when hiring and remember any good deed that you're doing? Who knows it? Yeah, Allahu Allah, Allah knows about it.
Because other people may never understand the difficulty that you're experiencing in your heart.
how upset you are, how angry you may be, how hurt you are, how worried and concerned you are, how tired you are, other people may never understand. Who knows. Allah knows.
So well that the fun woman Hayden? Yeah, Allahu Allah.
What is the word do? And take provision? For who? for yourselves? For what for the journey?
does or what do is from the letters ze? Well, then and that result is to take provisions for a trip.
That for example, you are going with your friend do Ottawa, okay? And you say, oh, nevermind, I'll leave my wallet at home. Okay? I mean, she's paying for the gas anywhere. All right, you go without your wallet without any cash, what's going to happen when you're hungry?
What's going to happen when you have to pay for the hotel? What's going to happen when you have to refill the gas? Can you expect your friend to pay for everything to take care of everything? And if your friend has to what will they say I'm never going with this person again? Never ever.
And it's going to ruin your friendship with them.
So what is that? That is the provision that a person takes that a traveler takes with him to suffice him for the journey to suffice him for the journey.
Many times that happens when people are going for a trip, either they take too much stuff, or they take very little stuff. Has it ever happened with you? That you go somewhere? You're like, Why did I bring all these clothes for just three days? What was I thinking? And another trip that you take and you wonder, why did I bring more clothes? What was I thinking? Why deny? So either we take too much or too little? And when does that happen when we're not thinking about the trip?
So Allah subhanaw taala says when you go for Hajj, then there's a word do take something with yourself take with you what will suffice you for the journey, because who is Hodge obligatory on anyway those who can afford it.
So if you can afford it, then take whatever you need for that trip. What is overdue
for England For indeed, higher Azadi. The best provision is what a Taqwa that
the best thing that you could take with yourself for Hajj is what it is that
you know, sometimes we say, oh, you know what, this water bottle, it helped me so much throughout the trip. These shoes, I love them. They were so good throughout the trip. This form, it helped me so much it saved my trip. We say these kinds of things, right?
Because we benefited from them a lot. And we think that if we didn't have that particular object, our trip would have been a total fail or it would be extremely hard. Now, what is the most important thing that you need for hij?
De quoi
that's the most essential thing that you need to take along with yourself. Because hedge is not a vacation. It's not a holiday. It's far from a holiday far from a typical vacation very far. Because it's an extremely difficult journey that is full of tests. Right? And if you think you're going for fun, you're gonna be very disappointed. It's a journey that you're taking for who for your soul. It's rabada
and your soul, your
your heart, what does it need the core. That is nourishment, that is food for the soul.
If you're going for mountain climbing you
What do you need the proper gear, the proper equipment.
Without it, you can't do mountain climbing property.
Likewise, when you're going for Hajj, you're going there not just to sit in buses, and watch other people and eat food and go sleep at your hotel. No, you're going there, to worship Allah, you're going there to make dua, you're going there, to recite the Quran, to stand in prayer. And for that, your soul needs to be well nourished.
Your heart needs to have energy. Because if you don't have the right equipment, then you won't be able to worship Allah subhanaw taala properly.
So the most important thing that people need for Hajj is what? The quoi that is most important. And this is the reason why we see that if a person goes for Hajj, and yet he is fighting, what's the problem?
Where's the problem? The right
Likewise, if a person is going and he says, I don't feel like praying, I don't feel like making dua. Everybody standing at autofab making their own this person is lying down, talking to other people
checking his phone, wasting his time. Why? Why is he doing that? Why isn't he taking advantage of Hajj because what is missing? The qua
I remember the sister she went for hajj when she came back. I was asking her how her experience was and she was saying that she noticed that people who weren't used to praying from before they couldn't enjoy Hajj. People who weren't used to reciting Quran from before they couldn't enjoy Hajj
for them had was difficult. And other people you know who are in that habit of praying to Allah praying Salah reciting the Quran they fully enjoy Hajj.
So the highest the best provision that a person needs for Hajj is the core for in the hara, taqwa and you see the coins what the fear of Allah that stops you from doing wrong and makes you do good.
And it hides that is exactly what you need to do. Stay away from those things that are forbidden and do good. So for that the koi is essential for in the high Rosetta Taqwa
what Taccone and fear me meaning fear Allah. Yeah, oil bag or people of intellect or those who have looked alive as a plaintiff. Look, or people who have intellect, fear of law.
What is the true
that the more intelligent a person is? The more God conscious he is, the more Taqwa he has.
What do we think, though far from religion a person is the more intelligent he is. It's the exact opposite.
The more religious a person is, the more intelligent he is. That is true intelligence.
So what the only yes or ill BAP fear me or people of intellect.
Scholars have said this part of the I O with a zoo for Taqwa this part of the eye was revealed concerning the people of Yemen, the people of Yemen when they would go for Hajj, they wouldn't take anything with themselves, they wouldn't take their supplies.
And they will say, we are here for Allah and we trust on Allah and Allah will take care of us. And you know what they will do at hedge they would back before other people, they would ask them, you got some food, you got some money, you got some this you got some that they will say we are the Motorola Chiune we are those who trust on Allah.
They will bring nothing with themselves. So this verse was revealed that with us we do take stuff with you that you need. But don't just get so busy in preparing the physical needs, the physical things that you would need for the trip, but also focus on developing your taqwa. Because that is what will help you.
Sometimes it happens that some people they don't think about where they're going what they have to do, and when they get to the masjid or to wherever. They're wondering, okay, I don't have this. I don't have that and they're looking at other people. They're expecting that other people should help them. And they start depending on others, they make things difficult for themselves and they make things difficult for others.
So you have to take with you what you need, but don't get so caught up in that that you forget the main thing Taqwa. Focus on that as well take that with you as well.