Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 22 – L225B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam gives a command to the women of the believers, not just for the wives of the Prophet sallam. The command is specifically for the only ones responsible for the situation, not just for the wives of the Prophet sallam. The speakers discuss the meaning behind words like dinner, the meaning of "over" and "over and" on the head, and the meaning of "over and" on the head when wearing a shawl. The segment also touches on the confusion surrounding the idea that women should not be harassed and that men should not be seen as sexualized. The Prophet sallahu principle is also discussed, and how it is different for men and women.
AI: Transcript ©
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Probably let him in the shape language regime Bismillahirrahmanirrahim

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lesson number 225 solar to lab and number 59 to 73.

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Yeah Are you hungry you all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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only as well as you can say to your wives, weapon Attica, and your daughters.

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When you say meaning, and the women of the believers,

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or Prophet sallallahu Sallam say to,

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to your wives, secondly, to your daughters, and thirdly, to the women of the believers, if you think about it, the prophet said, a lot of time was being told called, say this to them, meaning instruct them.

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You give them the instruction.

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If you think about it, every single ayah that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was he not told to deliver that to the people,

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every command that he was told, that he was taught, was he not told to also pass it on to the people? Of course, he was. So when it is said coal, what does it show? It shows the obligation of what is mentioned in the air. And it also shows the immense importance of the command that is being given.

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What does it show, do things first of all obligation? And secondly, immense importance of the command.

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obligation. Why? Because a lot of penalties saying it, and he's telling his prophet sallallahu Sallam to say it as well. And what have we learned earlier, that when Allah and His Messenger have made a decision concerning a matter, then does a believer have any choice with regards to it? No choice Makana lahoma here

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and immense importance. Why Because Allah is telling the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to tell us. So this command is coming to us through two ways, from Allah, and also from his messenger.

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So old Prophet sallallahu Sallam call Li as magical, as well as the plural of Zoho. So say to your wives, the wives are given the command first. Why? Because once Leila, once possessiveness, protection for his wife, is much more than his leader for any other woman.

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The way a man is protective about his wife is equally protective about other women, not necessarily.

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And in fact, a person should be most protective about you, about his wife. Right? So say to your wives, because you must be most protective concerning them.

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You must be most protective concerning them. This is why I tell them first.

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And the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, who are they, on my head would mean the mothers of the believers. So the mother has to do whatever she wants her daughters to do first, isn't it? When the mother will do it, then the daughters will follow when the parents will do it, and the children will follow.

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so kindly as well, because say to your wives first, tell them to do this first. Because when they will do it, they will serve as an example for who

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for the rest of the women,

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their own daughters, and also other believing women

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and say to your wives, because begin from your own house, and the profits on a lot of Saddam's household was an example for the rest of the people. So say to your wives, and not just your wives but also who else weapon Attica and also your daughters. Banat is deplorable. Been, and who has been to me, who has been daughter, and the floor is Banat, this includes daughter as well as, as well as granddaughter. Okay, so this command is not just for your wives, but it's also for who

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it's also for who, for your daughters.

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Because some people say that the command that is being given in this ayah is only for the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because they were extremely noticeable. This is why this command was only for them. But what do we see over here, not just for the y's, but also for the daughters.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam had four daughters, Fatima, consume Zenith and Nokia.

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And he had granddaughters as well. Remember

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Soon and Dana,

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so say to your wives and also to your daughters, and also to Who else? When you say meaning, and the women of the believers, nessa women, of who believers? What does it mean by this? The women of the believers? Who are the women of the believers?

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the wives of the believers, the daughters of the believers, the Sisters of the believers, the mothers of the believers, right? So in other words, the believing man, whichever women he has under him,

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whichever women he is responsible for. He is a wife of

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typically, which women are their wives and daughters. But in some cases, it's also mother. And in some cases, it's also sister, right? In some cases, it's also

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in some cases, it's also nice.

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So nice, I mean, the women of the believers, meaning all believing women,

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that tell me something, the believers, are they limited to a particular era?

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a particular place? No. A believer is one who fulfills the conditions of a man,

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isn't it? So he could be someone who's living at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he could be someone who is living today. He could be someone who's living at the time of the gel, who is a believer, the one who fulfills the conditions of being a believer. So any woman who is under him,

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tell those women as well. What are they supposed to do?

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They're supposed to do something. And what is that? You do Nina? They should draw close. They should bring near

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or they hinder upon themselves. They should draw near upon themselves. What menjelang BB hinder from their outer garments? What does it mean by this? You the Nina la hiner mindjet ABB when they should draw closer to themselves from their outer garments?

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The word you Nina is from the roof letters. They're known. Well, do you know what does that mean?

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To be less than also to be near to be close? The word dunya is from the same root Why? Because it is close to us. Right? And then a year Dini, what does that mean? When something lowers down? What Gentle, gentle, tiny Dan in that the fruit of the two gardens meaning of paradise? How will they be? Low? Why low, then in close low, so that the people can easily pick them? They can easily eat them? Because if the fruit is up high, can you reach it? No, you just keep looking at it and admiring it and keep wishing that you could eat it. Right? So when it's close by when it's down, then it's easier to take it

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and eat dinner. The word you dinner. What's the master? At dinner? You didn't eat dinner, either. Now, Ethernet means the clip. What does it mean?

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To draw something close to draw something near

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to draw something near to draw something close

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and over here we see that you Dineen is being followed by what

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I lay in remember that many verbs when they're followed by such prepositions like eila Isla de so on and so forth, then the meaning slightly changes doesn't doesn't change. it slightly changes. So eat dinner Allah

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eat dinner Allah you the Nina la hin. What does it mean? It means to bring something down from above.

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To bring something down from above something is up high. You the Nina La Nina What does it mean? Pull it down. Draw it down.

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Okay, so you the Nina La Nina, they should bring down our la hiner.

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What does it mean by la hiner

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upon themselves, meaning upon their entire bodies. It hasn't been said over here that they should bring down upon their faces. They should bring down upon their chest. They should bring down

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Upon their neck, they should bring down upon their shoulders, they should bring down down to their elbows, they should bring down down to their fingertips know what has been said or lay when and what does early hinder me

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on of themselves entirely?

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You understand? Are they hinda means the entire body they should draw down over their entire body. What should they draw down over their entire body? men from men over years of the summer

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meaning some of their what jollibee behind their outer garments? July VB is a plural of jilbab. Okay, and Gil Bab is a reader

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focal kheema of

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a reader meaning a shawl

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that is worn over what?

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On top of the female, what is a female?

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What is a female the headscarf, right? And this has different versions in different cultures. Some people put it on their head, some people wear it on their necks. Some people have it on their sides. Some people they tied very tightly around their necks, right? It varies from culture to culture. But typically, the mind is one that which is used to cover the head.

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So the Gil Bab What is it about? What's the definition of the that focal femur? The shawl that is worn on top of the femur? Why would you wear something on top of the femur?

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Think about it?

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Why would you wear something on top of the femur? I'm not saying the same ideas on the head. Okay.

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It could be in the neck could be tied very neatly around the neck, like a silk scarf. But what's the purpose of wearing a Jew Bab on top of the female

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to completely cover? Okay, because the female is something that's small. Okay, came out of something that's more like you may have noticed many of your scarves are very small. Okay, so a female is something that is small, but it will Bab is what like a huge sheet a huge shawl

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that is used as an outer garment.

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And the purpose of this is to completely or mostly cover the woman

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completely, or mostly cover the woman.

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Drill bag does not mean loose clothing.

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Nor does it mean modest clothing. What does your bag mean? a garment that is worn on top of the cloth pads. Why? In order to cover the entire body or in order to cover most of the body? Okay, which is why we see that in some cultures a jilbab is what a huge hall that we will will wear and whatever they're wearing on their legs, like some pants or something that will show only a little bit from underneath. Okay, but some women, their version of jilbab is what like a stitched long, loose dress, which covers them down to their feet, even including their feet, isn't it so you understand what I'm talking about? So don't just think of jilbab as your Avaya. Okay, that's not the

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only type of gender. Okay,

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so Allah subhanaw taala says over here you the Nina la hinda men July baby when they should draw down over themselves from their outer garments. Why are they hidden in order to completely cover themselves?

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this outer garment that they're already wearing, what should they do? They should take min apart of it. They should pull it down. Why? So that their entire body is covered so that nothing of their body is showing

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the customary practice at the time when this I was revealed was that the women when they would step out of the house, they would have an outer garment with them.

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Meaning on top of their normal house clothes, they would be wearing an outer garment. But this outer garment how would the women wear it? Like for instance, they would put it on their head and they would leave it at the back. They would throw it behind their shoulders. So what would it cover it would cover their heads, it would cover the back of the neck it would cover basically the entire backside and perhaps some of the front side as well. However, what would show the face, the neck, the chest, you understand that would show

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this is how some women would wear it

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Other women, how would they wear the job? That they would cover themselves with it entirely completely. But remember that the customary practice at the time was that women would wear aged but

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there was no, you know, tradition of women stepping out of the house and just their normal clothes know, when they would step out, they would step out with a job back.

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And you may have seen this, even in some other cultures, even in some other religions, like for example, sometimes you will go outside you will find a woman who's wearing the baton her head and you won't know if she's a Muslim or if she's a Sikh or a Hindu isn't itself. And if you go to their countries, you will find them wearing shorts as well. Okay, so it wasn't just in the Arabian culture, but it has been in various cultures.

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Now, what does Allah subhanaw taala say to the believing women, you are already wearing a job? What are you supposed to do with it? You the Nina la hin, draw it down over your entire body.

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Take a part of the Juba and make sure that with it you're covering even that part of the body that is still being exposed.

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To understand min min is very important over here that take a part of the job

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and cover even that part of the body which is still being exposed.

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So for instance, a woman is going outside she's wearing a job that her head is covered, her shoulders are covered, her body is covered, but her neck, her face, her chest is being exposed. So what does this mean? Then draw it down to cover even that which is being exposed?

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What does it mean? Use it to cover even the face the neck and the chest?

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Do you understand

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you the Nina la hin and La hiner is also important over here because some people say it means everything but the face and the hands. But it hasn't been specified. What does la hinami

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hinda means themselves meaning entirely their entire bodies. Okay, so you Dineen, Arlene hinda menginap bB hiner.

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And if you don't understand it to be this meaning, then what does this ayah mean?

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Tell me if using the jilbab to cover the face, the neck, the chest? If this is not what the meaning then what else does it mean? Can you understand it in any other way?

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Can you a woman is already wearing the Juba Allah subhanaw taala saying dried down.

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Dry down what to cover the part which is still being exposed. What is being exposed the face, the chest, the neck cover that even you the Nina la hinda in it now allow? What does it mean? Hold down, hang down. Don't let it stay up. Do you get it? So you the Nina la hinda mindjet lbv him? If you don't understand this meaning a low arland what this phrase means then

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vaniqa. That is what does that refer to? drawing down the Gil back to cover that which is still being exposed? This is Edna This is closer, this is more suitable.

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As it is more suitable. It is more likely that when they observe their hijab in this way, and you're off, they will be recognized. They will be recognized. What does it mean by this they'll be recognized, meaning they will be recognized as normal women. They will be recognized as Muslim women. They'll be recognized as free women.

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Because if a woman goes out, flaunting her beauty, showing her neck, showing her chest showing her face that's adorned, then is she being recognized as a decent woman in the sense that someone who is very chaste?

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Or is she being recognized as someone who is very free? Someone who's very open, you can go and have any conversation with her. Do you understand? When a woman has her body completely covered, then she's recognized the zoo as a noble woman

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as a Muslim woman.

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And again, remember, if the objective of this ayah was not to demonstrate the covering of the face, then there are many other women who are not Muslim, but they still cover their heads, isn't it?

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They still cover their bodies. I gave you the example earlier as well. So you Dineen, Arlene hinnom Angela BBN Delica Edna and you're off now they should be recognized as Muslim women. Some people they misinterpret this, and they say that this is more likely that they will be recognized, recognized as soon as Fatima's Ayesha as Madame.

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So they said that if you cover the face you cannot be recognized.

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You understand that if you cover the face and you cannot be recognized

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So, they've used this part of the IRA to prove that this idea does not mean covering up the face.

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But this is incorrect interpretation, then he got adnet and your offner

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they should observe this kind of hijab saw that it is more likely that they will be recognized as believing women.

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There is a report, there is a wire that is reported in several books, in which it says that there were some facade some extremely sinful people in Medina, some hypocrites, who, during the nighttime, when women would go out of their houses in order to answer the call of nature, they would harass them,

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why would they harass them, thinking that they are, who would step out of the house at nighttime, like a prostitute, right? Or someone who was not just someone who was looking for something, so they would harass them,

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and some noble women, Muslim women, even they got harassed in this way. So then this ayah was revealed, telling the women that when you step out of the house, step out in this way,

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that yes, you are dressed decently, but your job should be such the take apart of it and cover even that part, which is being exposed. So if a person is seeing your face, and he's tempted because of that, hide that face, you understand, if a person is seeing your neck, and he's attracted by your chest attracted by cover that even with your job, yes, you're already wearing an outer garment, but use it to further cover yourself, then you can Edna and your offner, they should be recognized. So one of the objectives of hijab of observing proper hijab is what? That the Muslim identity is known.

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Wherever a woman is, whether she is at the mall, whether she's at the library, whether she's at the bark, or the bank.

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And remember that there are many women who are not Muslim, who even wear a headscarf like many Muslim women, do you know that? They do that? People who wear headscarves like we do, but they don't cover their face.

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So what distinguishes a Muslim woman?

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What distinguishes a Muslim woman? What is it? Is it just a headpiece? is a just a big shock? What is it? It's the face wheel. It's when she covers her face, Danica, Donna, and your offner this is what will make them known as Muslim women follow them. And when they recognizes that, then they will not be hurt, they will not be harassed. What does it mean by this fella, you then you then from the root letters Hamza that Yeah.

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And other is what hurt, causing her to someone.

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So when they are recognized as Muslim women, they will not be harassed. I mentioned to you about that report, in which these men would harass the women. Right? So if they have themselves covered, nothing is being seen, not even the face, will they be harassed? Will somebody look at them and say, oh, what nice lips you have. Can somebody say that? They cannot say that.

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If a woman is wearing a job that is loose, that's covering her finger, even hiding her finger even Can someone pass any comment on her beauty on her finger on her body? They cannot.

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And even if they try to look okay, what will they find? Think about it, what will they find? They won't find anything. So follow you then they will not be harassed in this way.

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Now, some people argue that if a woman wears a hijab and she's harassed, therefore, she should not wear hijab.

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You understand? Some people say that if a woman wears a hijab, or for instance, even if she wears in the club, then she will be harassed. Allah says follow you, then

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they should not be harassed.

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Tell me something. Is it only the women who wear hijab who get harassed? No. It's also women who don't wear hijab who get harassed. Is it only women who wear the niqab who get harassed? No. It's also women who wear only the headscarf who get harassed, people who want to harass you, they'll harass you regardless.

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But when a woman has her body covered, then the chances of being harassed are they reduced, they are reduced. Definitely, they're reduced.

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So they're Lika Edna and your offner fellow you think they will not be hurt. In this way, they will not be harassed because of this.

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there are so many studies that show that men how they get tempted because of women, when they see their beauty when they see their body when they see their finger. They get tempted because of that, and this is something that does not even need a discussion, right? It's something that

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Understood its effect. So for now you think they will not be hurt in this way. And many times it happens that women they're passing by, and how are men staring at them? How are men whistling at them? Talking about them in such a derogatory manner, but a Muslim woman is who she's a noble woman. No one should be able to talk about her in that manner. Therefore, Allah is protecting the Muslim woman over here fillet you then.

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What can Allahu Allah Allah is Ever the food on rahima he is most forgiving, and he's most merciful. forgiving for what? Then if despite a woman covering herself, the best that she can, if still, something wrong happens without her intending anything. Then is she blameworthy? Is she blameworthy? She's not blameworthy. Like for example, a woman has her face covered. Only your eyes are showing. But still someone looks up in her eyes and says something bad. Is she blame ready? She's not Eliza food. And he's Rahim. He's merciful as well.

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And so Hebrew honey, it has been recorded that NSF and medical Dillard who said that or whatever they'll hook Bob literally learn who he said O Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam

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both righteous and immoral people enter upon you. All types of people come to your house, righteous people, immoral people, believers hypocrites. So why not instruct the Omaha meaning to observe hijab?

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Why don't you tell your wives to observe hijab? Why did he say that?

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Why did he say that? He was concerned about the way

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that what if someone comes, talks to them has evil feelings, and then there's something wrong, right? So he was protective concerning them. And he suggested that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam but he did not take any action until the ayat of hijab revealed earlier we learned that the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam were specifically instructed that there should be a barrier between them and the rest of the men. And remember that hijab over there does not mean a headscarf, it does not mean an above what does it mean? a barrier, a curtain avail, okay, which gives the meaning of segregation.

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All right. And over here in this ayah is what that when they step out of the house, obviously, they can't, you know, walk in something like a closet with, you know, curtains all around them, right? So how will they go?

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How will they go, they should go outside wearing a job ad.

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So the AI that we learned earlier, which mentions the hijab, that is with regards to the house, okay, that when men come to the house, the wife of the Prophet, son alone, Islam should always have a barrier between them and the rest of the men.

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And this is speaks about how the wives should be when they step out of the house, you understand?

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And when they step out of the house, then the command is equal for who, for them, and also the rest of the believing women.

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Do you understand? Because some people differentiate between the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the rest of the believing women saying that the command of niqab was only for them. And what do they use the eye that was studied previously, but that is not really talking about niqab. What is it talking about? segregation, this ayah talks about Nepal, and who has mentioned in this ayah just the Omaha mini know along with them, Mr. meanor also mentioned, all believing women are mentioned. So the command is equal for all of them.

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You understand?

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Now, how do we understand the Quran? The way that the Sahaba implemented it,

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isn't it? So? How do we understand the Quran the way that this habit implemented it?

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And if it's something with regards to women, we see how did the women of that time implement this command

Al-Ahzab 59-73 Tafsir 59-62

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