Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 15 – L154C

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The Hadees lost everything and found the woman who made a mistake and lost everything. The Hades were patient with mistakes and followed the narrative. The Hades emphasized the importance of being truthful and following the narrative, as well as the need for patience with mistakes. The importance of being patient with students and following rules is emphasized, as it is crucial for learning and achieving knowledge. The Hades prioritize patient and obedient behavior and believe that being patient with students is crucial for learning and achieving knowledge.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah He said, who said,

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You shall be known when Musa Islam asked him to bring the food? You shall replied. Or

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did you see it away? Now? When we retired away now from the roof fetters hands? Oh, yeah. When we retired when we took shelter illa sokrati to the rock, a soccer from the roof every slot.

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And Saha is a huge rock. It's a boulder.

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And it's also said that it's very tough, solid rock.

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So do you remember Did you see when we stopped when we took shelter, when we took some rest by the rock for Indiana city,

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I forgot the fish.

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Meaning I forgot to mention to you about the fish. You were sleeping, I saw the fish leaving. And I forgot to tell you about it. And I had forgotten it until this point, warm and sunny who and Nan made me forget it in less shaytani except the shade on an earthquake that I should mention it to you shavon made me forget to mention it to you, when you woke up what the harder, and it took Sevilla who its way failed badly in the sea or Japan. Amazingly, the fish went into the sea and it made its way in a very amazing manner. So what the * is a veto fun very argument and what was that very amazing manner in which the fish swam away, making a tunnel. And it can also refer to that how the

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fish came out of the bucket itself out of the basket itself. And it just went into the sea and it began swimming, it was a dead fish as a cook fish, this dimension, cooked fish jumping out of the basket and into the sea and swimming away. Now we see in the side that a person is always tested in his journey of knowledge was our listener was also tested. How

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through his student that his student forgot to tell him.

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So tests are a part of learning more. And a person has tested sometimes through bad memory, that a person is not able to remember much. Sometimes missing the obvious that you have something in front of you, but you still don't get it or forgetting something that is extremely important.

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But all of these difficulties that come in a person's way when he's trying to learn something, what should he do? He should always reflect on them. He should take a lesson. And he should improve and you should continue. You should not dwell upon it that Oh, my memory is so bad, you know, I can't learn. He should think about it. How can I improve my memory? How can I improve in my learning? take a lesson from it and move on Continue. Like for example, we learned that when a person does is too far, then what happens? Allah makes his problems easy for him.

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Also, we learned that a student you should even when he was a student, he was a follower. He was also certain he should never conceal or lie about his mistakes. Because mistakes they happen. They're a part of life. Now when musala salam said, Where's the fish? Bring the food. You shall doesn't say what's not there? Maybe somebody stole it? No, he knew that he was guilty. He knew that he had forgotten to mention it to musasa. But he does not lie about it. He says you see I forgot any receipt symbol. So never conceal the mistake or lie about the mistakes. And at the same time we see that he's not arguing with musar listener. He's not blaming him, that he you slept for so long that

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I forgot to mention it to you by the time you woke up. No, he didn't say anything like that. He tells him exactly what happened very accurately. Because when a person is truthful, only then he can get some help.

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And it's possible that sometimes we make mistakes. Like honestly, you forget to bring the assignment. Honestly, you forget to do something very important. You've done it but you forget, tell the truth. Don't like not showing up to the class just because you forgot there was an assignment due because sometimes people do this that there is an assignment due they forgot to do it. They say okay, I'm not gonna go to school today because if I go they're gonna ask me, so I might as well not go listen online or request the recordings later. No mistake has happened. It has happened now on top of that don't make another mistake. Or that he said musasa Himself to you sure that he can I

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could never do. That is exactly what we were looking for. We don't see musar Listen, I'm scolding him, yelling at him. insulting him. No, he says Valley, Conoco Nana Valley, that's exactly what we were looking for. From that the so both of them returned for the they went back, either sad Hema upon their footsteps. As that is the plural of ourself.

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What is an ESA? The trace the remnant of something after it has gone. And the thought of a human being are also his footsteps. So they went back on their footsteps, Asafa retracing them following them. As us coughs outside literally means to follow.

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And from the same route is a source meaning stories. Why? Because you're supposed to follow the lesson that you learn. And you follow the narrative as he tells you the story. So they went back onto their footsteps, retracing them following them, why were they following the footsteps that we had made,

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so that they could get back to the junction of the two seas so that they could get back to the exact place where the fish had left, because that is a place where they were supposed to meet. And if they went anywhere else, they would not be able to meet him. That was the place. And because it was the cost, why the See, this is why there were footsteps. And notice how faltered that they went back, immediately they returned. Why? Because just imagine if the tide became high,

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then those footsteps would be washed away. So musalla Center, and you should immediately data.

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Now what do we learn from this? Then it happens that a person when he makes promises, when he sets goals, when he has some ambitions, that Allah subhanaw taala will test him.

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When a person says big things, I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do that than a lesson. That is just saying, or does it really mean it?

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was our lesson I'm said only or hakuba? So let's ask him. Are you really going to spend centuries? Are you really going to spend a lot of time or are you just saying it.

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Similarly, when people made some high goals, when they set some high goals that I am going to inshallah complete this course, I'm going to memorize the entire Quran, I'm going to study this book cover to cover, then Allah will definitely test him if he is truthful. Or he's just saying, for example, it's possible that a girl she says that I'm going to wear this hijab, I'm going to wear this niqab no matter who no matter what anybody says, I'm going to keep it on. And then she goes to school. And there she finds it difficult to communicate with the people she finds a difficult that people are looking at her. And then she says, Okay, I think I should take it off. So this is what a

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test that came, she said she was going to do it regardless of what people say. But then Allah tested her. Similarly, we say we're going to do something, and Allah tests us

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musala salaam said he was going to continue for centuries. And Allah tested him by making him travel a bit extra. And because he was sincere, he did not complain, he did not yell, he did not become impatient. He did not give up, what did he do? He went back immediately. And this is the case with only the sincere once.

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Whenever you have some ambitions, Allah will test you. If you're sincere, you will be successful.

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Then we also see that a teacher should be patient with the mistakes with the forgetfulness of the student, any kind of teacher, whether it's a mother, or an older sibling, or a friend who was helping her friend learn, or a teacher who is instructing students, any kind of teacher, they should be patient with the mistakes of who their students,

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you see, dealing with other people's mistakes, that is what slavery is, when people they make mistakes, when they create problems for you, then you do suffer.

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If you look at it, what you shared it caused musasa me to spend extra time extra effort in doing something and there was a high possibility that they would completely lose the opportunity because the fish was gone, the sign was gone. And if they would not reach that place that said he would not be able to meet.

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But look at the suburb of musasa he does not yell at him. He does not shout at him. He doesn't say okay, you go back home now. I'll continue this journey myself. Thank you very much for your services. No, he's very patient with him. And this is the kind of patience that we also need. When other people make mistakes. When somebody else has to do something, they don't do it. And it has a domino effect on what you're supposed to do. You're unsuccessful because of their breaking their promises, your life becomes difficult because of their going against their commitments.

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That is what suffering is.

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If that is not telling them what is over what is over them.

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Then we also see that a person should not waste this time. Follow that the then immediately they returned. They didn't say Okay, forget about it. Or we'll just go you

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After we find some food and after we've taken some rest, no, immediately they went back.

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Now the Hadees continues, I mentioned to the Hadees that they went back retracing their steps until they reached the rock.

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So Messiah sermon you should even know they went back from that point retracing your footsteps until they found the rock, they reach that point where the fish had left. And there they found a man that was covered with a garment. musasa greeted him. And it'll hold it said, Is there such a greeting in your land,

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was already said and said, I am Moosa. He said, Are You the Messiah of the children of Israel? masala Sallam said, Yes.

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And then he added, I have come to you so that you may teach me something of that knowledge which you have been taught, I'll hold it said, you will not be able to have patience with me. You won't be able to learn that knowledge whoosah I have some of Allah's knowledge which he has bestowed upon me, but you do not know it. And you do have some of a lot of knowledge which he has bestowed upon you. But I do not know it was a lesson and said, if Allah wills, you will find the patient and I will not disobey you in any matter. So I'll have said to him, then if you should follow me, ask me not about anything until I myself mentioned it to you. So this was a condition that they had said. And then

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they continued on to the journey. We'll listen to the recitation and then we'll continue with the

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and then they found a servant

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says that when both of them went back moosari slam and you share a balloon. They went back, retracing their footsteps. They got back to the junction of the two seas where the rock was ferwerda both of them found are within a servant, missionary bad enough from our servants. He was a servant from our servants, who was a servant.

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But this servant was special how they are they know who we gave him?

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a mercy from Us a special favor, how they had been given by Allah xpander.

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What was this Rama? What was this mercy that had been given to him? Some have said that it refers to Prophethood

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others say ye others say close friendship. Allahu irlam. We do not know. All we know is that Allah gave him some special mercy from him.

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But one thing for sure is that we're alumna who and we got him Mila Dona from near us or illman knowledge. That alumna who Mila do now is specially from us, we gave him some knowledge, some knowledge, Allah subhanaw taala gives to his creation. How? By sending angels similarly by showing certain things by letting people discover so some knowledge is made open to the creation, they are able to learn about it.

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But there's some knowledge that Allah has kept with himself milodon some knowledge that Allah has kept with himself special knowledge with him in what is that knowledge?

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It's the knowledge of the unseen. It's the knowledge of very, very willingly.

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So Allah says that we're alumna who Mila do

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narina how there was given a special knowledge from Allah, which Allah does not give to every person. So what was his knowledge that he had been given the knowledge of the unseen, it does not mean that he was given the knowledge of all of the unseen, all of the matters related the unseen, but

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a certain knowledge, certain aspects, some parts, and with the story that will follow, it will be made quite obvious that, how did was given some knowledge of the unseen and this was not the knowledge of profit or this was not a mover,

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because the knowledge that he possessed cannot be learnt,

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it cannot be learned, the angel comes, and he teaches the knowledge to the messenger, the messenger, he teaches that knowledge to to the people. However, this knowledge that had been given, it cannot be learned, it's not possible that you can do it rock it rock is not possible, nor is it based on something tangible, that you can learn about it.

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And we see that how that he will do something based on the knowledge of future or the unseen. So, Allah subhanaw taala had given him information, he had given him some knowledge that he had not given to everyone else. Now, the question is, who is called it? Because there are many opinions with regards to him. Some say he was a prophet, some say he was God Allah, some say he was an angel, some say some other kind of creation. Who was he? What do we learn from this is?

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How does Allah subhanaw taala describe him as a servant and know that everything is a servant of Allah? What would it do Wilkie? amati, our Buddha, every single creature, whether a jinn a human being an angel, from the human beings, a prophet, or not a prophet, every person is who is servant of Allah. But what we do know is that he was a servant from the righteous servants of Allah.

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He could be of the Olia of Allah, who are blessed with keramat.

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You see, prophets if they do something extraordinary, what is that? A miracle? A mortiser. But if any other person who was not a prophet if something extraordinary happens with him or at his hands, what is that? A karma.

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So it's possible that he was of the Olia of Allah, who Allah had given some keramat.

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So all of this is possible. But the texts, the Quran and Sunnah, what do they show that he was just an he was a servant of Allah. And because it has not been specified exactly who he was, what his status was. Therefore, even we do not need to do that. It was really necessary, alone would have informed us, he would have.

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Many scholars say that he was a prophet, but others they disagree. That No, he was not a prophet. And if he was a prophet, think about it, his name would have been mentioned with the rest of the prophets. But we don't see his name being mentioned with the rest of the prophets.

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So again, this is a matter that Allah did not tell us about exactly, because the point is not to know about who it is. But the point of the story is to realize that there are people who have more knowledge than you

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will focus only the element. Or the

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other question is, why is he given this name called?

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There's a hadith and sekigahara in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that he was called a hoarder? Because he sat on a barren fatawa What is a photo? a patch of weathered vegetation, and it turned green, it turned Hydra beneath him.

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So from that he was given an input. Now, how could it turn green? How's that possible? Remember, again, what the profits do if it's something extraordinary what is that a mortgage is a anyone other than a profit? If he does something extraordinary, then what is that? A coma. So this was a coma if he was at the earlier Obama. However, since we do not know what exactly he was who exactly was there's no point in saying whether it was a more desirable column, the profit sort of audits and did not say that even we do not need to speculate.

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Khalid Abu Musa Musa Hassan said to him, hello, Erica, may I please follow you? It takes us permission,

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either upon unto Alemany that you teach me mimma from that which are limited, you have been taught or rush done of sound judgment,

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rushed is right and sensible conduct. It is different from reading.

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Reading is knowledge information, what something is how something is but rushed you can say is how to use it.

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Or you can say rush is the more refined form of it.

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For example or in we can understand this as raw gold. For example, not that which is actually that I'm just giving an example so you can understand.

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So you can say knowledge is like raw gold. But Russia is like gold that has been turned into some beautiful jewelry, a beautiful necklace that your way. Is there a difference between the two?

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If you have raw gold? What are you going to do with it? Carry it in your hand, to decorate yourself to adorn yourself? No, you can't do that. If you want to wear it, what will you have to do, you will have to turn it into a bracelet or a ring or whatever you can.

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Similarly or enemies just to know what something is how something is why it's like that. It's just information. However rushed is sensible conduct, how to use it, how to apply it, where is it relevant? Where is it not relevant, it's good sense. It's the majority of mind.

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And remember, that rushed a person develops after him or with him as a first step, and then comes rushed

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and rushed only comes with experience.

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You cannot learn rushed from books, you cannot learn Russian from just taking one class, you learn by experience dealing with people applying the knowledge, this is how sensible conduct develops University. So we see that musala Sam says to him, that May I follow you on the condition that you teach me of what you have been taught of sound judgment. He does not say over here, because musasa already had.

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He was being taught, rushed. Now we see over here from the manner of musasa, that this request that he made is extremely polite. This request is extremely humble. He's making a request. First of all, he does not say I'm Moosa I've come from the profit of but he's right and I have come here please tell me what you know.

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He requests May I follow you? May I learn from you? Could you please teach me?

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So what is the chore to us? What is it show the etiquettes of learning.

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We see that Musashi Salaam, he was in a way superior to hold it, how

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was it sound was a prophet, then he was a human being.

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If we say if, hypothetically, if how there was an angel, if even then we would be better musasa because a righteous human being is better than angels. And on top of that, he was a prophet of Allah. So even if there was a human being still whose status was higher musala center and on top of that, musala snam How does the law describing what kinda in the law what g her that he was very honorable musala Sam is very honorable, near last musasa was a calima, Allah, Allah spoke to him. But still we see how respectful and how polite he is, when he speaks to her.

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Because very soon, Musa Salam was going to learn from him, he was going to learn from him what he did not know about, this is why he is polite and respectful towards his teacher, although he may be in some other ways lesser than him.

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But still he is respectful, what does this teach us that first of all, the student,

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the person who is learning, he must be polite, and he must be respectful towards the one whom he is learning from.

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Because if there is no other, if there is no respect, then a person cannot gain anything.

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Only when there is respect, then a person can gain and if a person does not respect, then he will not be able to get anything. So we see that the learner he should treat the one who is teaching him with respect and honor. Sometimes in the name of friendship, in the name of frankness, we tend to forget our proper etiquettes. Sometimes it's possible that there's perhaps a group in charge who may be related to us when we know from before, or perhaps we are family, friends with them. And because of the frankness that we have with them, sometimes it's possible that we do not treat them in the proper way.

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Remember that where there is a person who is teaching you something

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no matter how you may be superior to them. It could be an age, it could be in status. It could be that you have more knowledge than them in some other aspect. But because they are teaching you here right now, what does that show

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that you have to be respectful, you have to be polite. musasa was better than harder in so many ways.

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But still, we see he is very polite. And this is something that we have to do as well.

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It is said that you'll be urbane and he will Kimberley knowledge, it gets wasted between

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shyness and arrogance, when a person is too shy to ask, or when he is too arrogant, then what happens, he will not be able to learn.

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Think about it.

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If you want to get some water out of the jug, and you want to pour it into the glass, where will the glass be

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above the jug are lower than the lower.

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If you make it equal, or if you make it higher, you won't be able to pour the water into the glass.

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So in order to receive, you have to lower yourself, it does not mean that you show yourself as someone who does not have any self respect, no.

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What it means is that you have to be polite and respectful.

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We see that musar listener he does not say things like Well, I have nothing I don't have any knowledge, I'm so ignorant, no, he just says, may I please accompany you, could you please teach me

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This is the kind of respect that is required.

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We also see that musar listener, his vision is focused, he has come to learn. So he asks him directly,

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he does not go here and there he does not accompany you know, he just says to him directly, could you please let me accompany you so that I can learn from you simple. So that the teacher he does not begin to doubt this person.

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He does not become suspicious of him. And at the same time, it's very clear between the two why they are together. What's the objective, the objective is that this person wants to learn and this person has to teach. So musallam is very focused, and he tells her that directly I have come here to learn not that I have come here to eat your food and drink your juice and etc, etc. No, I have just come here to learn, please teach me. He does not have any hidden motives, any hidden agenda. He's very direct. So they're called it also does not become suspicious of him.

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And if you tell somebody I want to learn from you, then what's going to happen? They're going to be very happy with you, isn't it? So?

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If somebody asks you, can I please learn this from you? Could you please teach me this? Aren't you going to be so excited, you're going to be excited, you're going to want to teach him. So this is why musallam said to him that may accompany us so that you can teach me because if you ask someone to teach something to you, they will be happy. Especially if they have in. And if there are a person who is of the military.

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Because a person who has him he wants that there should benefit people, because it's one of the things that will continue to bring him reward even when he is best doing.

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So what was the response that was satisfied and received? Father, how they've said, in Thailand, that's Dr. Maria sobre, LA, you will never be able to have patience with me. You can't be patient with me. You don't have patience for this journey. You don't have patience for this knowledge. It's too difficult for you, it's too tough for you. What do we see over here that the student has to request the teacher

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and the teacher has the right to reject.

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If a person asks the other, could you please teach me this? They don't have a right over it. It's a request that they're making.

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However, the person who is teaching the teacher, he should not refuse except for a genuine reason.

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Like for example, if a person comes and he says, You know, I would like to get enrolled in this course.

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What are the basic requirements of doing this course that a person should be able to read Arabic? You should be able to read a little bit of the Quran because if a person cannot even read alabanza How will he be able to continue? So he's not rejected. But what is said that you have to sit in a particular group until you're capable of continuing with the rest of the class. The person should not feel offended at that time. That this is not fair. They're refusing This is not right. Because a person who refuses to give knowledge old Gemma yo Wilkie Amity very jameelah. Now, he will be riddled with a bottle of fire on the Day of Judgment. But if the teacher knows that the student does

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not have the ability, he does not have the capacity. And if he tries to learn this, he will be disappointed then in that case, he can discourage the student from continuing to understand.

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So we see that how did what does he say to our listener? Lundestad, Dr. Maria Sabra you don't have the ability to be patient over this. This is too difficult.

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And he gives him the reason behind that that why can you not have someone over this will pay for the speedo and how can you have patience

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are over mad at which lump to handle the Cobra that you cannot encompass in knowledge, meaning something that you're not aware of something that you cannot encompass in your knowledge, how can you be patient over it? When you do not know something fully when you don't know the depth of it, then you can not be patient with it. And this is something that is true.

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For example, if you're cooking, somebody is teaching you how to cook. And they tell you don't add the meat until the oil separates.

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Like, why what's the big deal? And like, No, no, forget it, they're just making it so complicated, you put it what's gonna happen, it's not gonna turn out right? Or it's gonna take you very long in order to cook it properly. So something that you don't understand fully, you don't have patience with it.

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If a child is misbehaving, if a child is screaming, and you don't know why he's misbehaving, you will not be able to have suffered with the child. If you think that the child is an adult, and he should be behaving properly and you treat him like an adult, you will not be able to have patience with him, you will not be able to have tolerance with him.

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So he says to musar Listen, I'm okay for the spirit lm lm to her to the Cobra, it's not that you're very impatient. It's just that you don't know about this stuff. And because you don't know you will not be able to have patience, okay.

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Now how to how to know that musala sam did not encompass whatever he knew in knowledge, because mozarella Sallam said to him and to eliminate you teach me I do not know you teach me so this proves that he did not have knowledge that he had.

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But musala salaam, he was determined to learn.

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So he did not give up.

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And he responded, and he said, on a Saturday dooney soon you will find me in sha Allah if Allah wills, cyber on patient, when arcilla camera and I will not disobey you in any affair in sha Allah. This is my intention, I hope that Allah will give me the topic, you will find the patient and I will not disobey you concerning any matter.

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You see, initial refusal sometimes makes you more determined

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when you're rejected at the beginning, that it makes you more determined. So masala Sam says I will be patient and I will not disobey you.

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Now we see over here that musallam says insha Allah

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is it because he did not intend to be patient? No, he intended to be patient. Many times people say inshallah when they don't intend to do something.

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But Musa Hassan says inshallah, I will be patient Why? So that it does not come out as though he's taking credit for his patients, or that he is praising himself.

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if Allah wills then I will be patient, I have the intention. And if Allah wills I will be patient.

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And this is just like his Mariela Islam. He said to Abraham or Islam that said that you do need insha Allah, who, when a celebrity when his father told him that I'm going to slaughter you, I have been told, so he said, If I matter more, inshallah, you will find me of those who are patient. So we see that masala Salaam promised his teacher two things, and what are they patience. And secondly, obedience. And these two things are extremely important for the student of knowledge, patience, why? Because sometimes, the journey is long as sometimes things don't make sense.

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Sometimes things are too difficult. Sometimes you don't understand what the person is saying. Sometimes you cannot tolerate their behavior, or the way that they're explaining certain things. It's a clash of personalities. And at that time, when the person says, I don't like the way this person speaks, I'm leaving, who is going to get deprived the student. So patience is extremely necessary. When you want to learn, especially from a teacher.

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It's extremely important, just as if you go to a doctor, and you know that the doctor is the only option you have. It's possible that some things about the doctor may not please you,

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but still you will go Why?

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Why? Because you need that doctor. And if you don't go, you will suffer. Therefore, you have to compromise on many things. Sub and the second thing that is necessary is obedience. You have to obey the instructor. You have to listen to those who are teaching you something. Because if we don't listen, if we don't do the homework, if we don't follow the instructions, then we are missing out. We are harming ourselves. Because remember that anything

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command that an instructor gives the teacher gives an in charge gifts. It's always for the good of

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the student. And if a student does not obey if he does not follow, he's only going to harm himself. So these two things are necessary.

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Now, how did he set one condition? He says, Carla, he said for any divorce attorney, then if you have to follow me further, earlier and che in then do not ask me about anything, had the fella come into the car until I mentioned to you men who about it, the current I mentioned.

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So do not ask me about anything that I do. Until I mentioned it to you.

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In other words, until I tell you something, do not ask

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anything that I'm doing, do not give any comment. Do not ask a question. Just observe, just watch, do not ask, do not object do not suggest. So what do we see over here that first of all, a teacher can set whatever condition he wishes for the student. Because the student is the one who wishes to gain something. Just as if you go to any company, if you go to any place, and you want to get some benefit from that you have to follow the rules. They have set the rules, you have to follow them, they will accommodate you. But you have to follow the rules as well.

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And the student should accept those rules, if he wishes to remain a student. And if he wishes to excel as a student, he must accept those rules and he must abide by them.

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Second, we also learned in this ayah, that of the etiquettes of the student of knowledge with his teacher is that he should not begin questioning and objecting until the teacher has fully explained himself.

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We see over here head off the fella come in who they don't say anything until I mentioned.

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So wait for the teacher wait for the instructor to complete. When he has completed when he has said what he has said, then ask them object, then suggest then say something. Because it's possible that if you say something before he has finished, then what's going to happen? Think about it. If you say something before he has finished, you're going to interrupt his thought process. Similarly, if you question before he has finished, then this may also come out as very disrespectful. Think about it, somebody has not finished what they're saying and you begin questioning them in the middle. So it comes out as very disrespectful. And at the same time, it may be very rude. And at the same time it

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may disturb the instructor as well. So this is something that we must remember.

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remember that asking questions is not something that is forbidden, giving comments as well. It's not something that is forbidden. It's something that is encouraged. In fact, it is said that asking questions is like half of knowledge. Because many things you gain you learn about when you ask a question. However, this is a condition that Hubbard had set for musasa. Because what they were going to do what he was going to show him was something very difficult to comprehend. And if you begin questioning before the lesson is complete, then you will not be able to get anywhere. Some concepts, you have to wait until the entire concept has been explained. Then you will be able to grasp it. If

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you question in the middle, then what's going to happen. You're neither here nor there. You're going to confuse yourself. You might confuse other people. You may discourage yourself and you may discourage other people as well. And this comes with what? Sabbath, right. So patience is necessary.

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Like we learned that Mr. Malik, he had these strong men whom he would have in his gathering. And if there was anybody who would ask some deviant type of questions, you would just indicate to them and they would come in. Take that person away.

Al-Kahf 60-82 Word Analysis and Tafsir 63-70

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