An-Nisa 36-50 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 46
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 05 – L058J

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The speakers discuss the concept of distorting words and phrases to fit in context, citing examples from the Bible and Times. They stress the importance of understanding the meaning of words and phrases in context, citing examples like "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted," "sted,
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among the Jews, among those people who became Jews, what do they do? You have referred in Colima.
There are those who distort words from their proper usages. Newman Latina dr begins with me and nearly over you gives a meaning of the theory of meaning some of not all, but some
and how they can be connected with the previous ayah. How did the I begin lm Tara, Have you not seen those people who go to nusseibeh who are given a portion of the book?
So, haven't you seen those people who are given a portion of the book among Nina Medina.
So this specifies that those were mentioned the previous aisles were who
they were and Latina hairdo, the Jews and what do they do such and such.
Secondly, we can also understand this as men giving the meaning of against
men giving the meaning of against that the previous I answered that Allah subhanaw taala is sufficient as a wedding. And also as if nothing against you.
Men and Latina hairdo what do they do you have the foreigner Kalima?
salmonella Lena, how do you have the photo kalama you have the former from however, you have the photo, which is to twist to distort. So what did they distort? What did they twist and calima the words and Kareem is a third of kalama. And the outcome is derived from the word come with the so called Mandela which literally means mood.
But is it useful a wound? What kind of a wound that cuts the skin or the flesh? So can I was called column Why? Because sometimes some calamity such that it literally cuts you It hurts you. And sometimes you can literally feel the words you know, somebody's saying something and you feel that when your skin Isn't it like you feel the effect, you feel the effect. Words can really affect you.
I mean, it's only sound, but what is it when you hear that sound you have goosebumps all over your body
or you start shivering or you start being very depressed or being very happy, totally sound, but words have an effect on you and sometimes it penetrates through you, they cut through you sometimes they hurt you, sometimes they are very effective.
So, alchemy is what right. So, you have a formal kalama they distort the words
from its proper places. Now, there is a form of mold there from the integer as well, but I work out what is what I need to play something to put something in the innovative Woody Allen nurse that was placed for the people
and model there is a place of putting something
so it is the position of something the location, the place the sight of something.
Over here a lot of panatela says that they you have the phone and Kadima
they distort the words from their positions, meaning from the proper contexts and from the proper usages
that a word is or a statement is mentioned in a particular context.
And what does a person do? He quotes it out of context.
Like for instance earlier we read the ayah here are you letting me know let Aqaba salado anthem soccer does it have a context? It does. Neither person says letter hobo salata. That's what the Quran says. Then approached us Allah, the Quran contradicts itself. That's what some people say.
So what is this, that you are distorting the word the statement from its actual context from its actual place?
So first of all, my weather, what does it mean? context? And secondly, usage. Every word has a particular usage.
By for instance, we learned the word Arina into the background is also mentioned in this if there is a particular usage of the word Why do you use it? Why did the people use it?
to say, I beg your pardon? Could you please repeat yourself? But what did they do? They distorted the proper usage, how they instead of saying Raveena, either they would care, you know, or they would actually mean another line. And this happens a lot with bilingual people.
That they're actually saying something else in one language with a mean something else in their own language because that word has a different meaning.
in different languages. So, first of all context, and secondly, the usage. And if you have the phone at the hip is of two types, as we learned earlier, that the Hey first of all the deaf loves, what does it mean? that a person mispronounces alters modifies the word.
So for instance, a word of Arina was changed into, or Arina.
was the word changed?
How the sound was created?
Similarly, instead of saying, Hector, what did they say? hinda? I mean, it sounds very similar, there's hardly any difference, but this is what the brief is about. So, sometimes, this actually changes the meaning as well. Sometimes it doesn't, but sometimes it does.
Secondly, is off minor. What does that mean? It has to miss interpret, Miss interpret the word,
it has to give an incorrect meaning to the word
like for instance, earlier at intuitiveness, at what did the Buddha strike them, what are some people say, Oh, it also means travel.
So, what is this misinterpreting giving a meaning that is not appropriate neither in the language nor in the center?
So you have the formal calima or maratea II? Now the question is, do they distort?
These words can refer to alkalyn can refer to the words that Allah Subhana Allah has revealed. So the words of the Scripture, they altered it, they changed it.
Similarly, in the book, they were the characteristics of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. What did they do? They altered them, they hid them, they conceal them, they gave a different meaning to them.
And secondly, these words can also refer to the words of other people, by for instance, they would come to the modulus of the Prophet serovar Islam and the Sahaba. And the words that were common within the Muslims, what would they do, they will change them by for instance, or Arina. They will change it As salam o aleikum, Sam, Annika.
So the unclean can refer to I had the words that are not revealed in the Scripture. And their own scripture as well that they change that they altered. And in coming can also refer to the words of other people.
And this is something that is very inappropriate, very wrong, you can say that a person changes and distorts the words of other people.
Like for instance, a person says something in a completely different context and you caught them out of context.
Like for example, you know, we learned that what we do, and we don't generally things about that. Now person says, As a conclusion of the class, that Oh, look, we learned that men should hit their women, men should hit their wives. This is what the Quran says. Is that what we taught you? Is that what the Quran says? Is that the only thing that the Quran says, So what is this, that a person destroys the words of other people? Got them out of context, gives an inappropriate, incorrect meaning.
So you're having fun kalama armillary?
Were colonna, some Samira, now what a signer. And they say that we have heard, but we have disagreed.
Who says this?
And Medina, how do
they say the string to the Prophet said
that when he commanded them with something they will test Submariner? We have heard that we'll say no, we're not going to be you.
And me, that doesn't just mean that I have heard the sound, but what does it mean I have accepted me I have understood.
that we have heard but still we are going to disobey, what is his behavior? For example, a person tells another, you know, are you praying? No, no, I have to pray. Mind your own business. So semana assignor.
Similarly, a group of people are told about the rules of a particular place. What do they say? Yeah, I know. Okay. I'm not gonna do it. What is this samina? Well, I say that in Arabic, it's somewhere else I know. But in our language could be different statements. I know. I know better. I don't want to do it. Who are you to tell me
semana was say that I know, but I'm not going to accept.
So they said this with the Prophet sallallaahu. Salah
was smart. And they also said he was smart and listen to them as smart as other than one who is heard.
was smart later, other than not Muslim who is more smart. One who is made to hear one who is enabled to hear
now, they would say this to the prophets that have autism.
And what does it mean by this was Martin
Almost Mark was Molina was smart, It functions as an insult. And it also functions as a prayer against someone.
So they will take the profits out of all the sudden that here, may You not here. Here, very normal, smart meaning less America may you're not here. So in other words, may you be deaf. So there were two were smart to him. And in their hearts, they would say that you're almost smart. So when they would talk to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam You know, when you're talking to someone you like, can you please listen to me?
Can I please ask you something? Can you please talk to me for a minute. So look at the way that they are addressing him. First of all, that was my is my Listen, any I'm so important, do everything that you're doing and pay attention to me listen to what I have to say. So this itself is very derogatory, is smart. So they would say out loud and smart in their hearts, they would say that, may you be deaf, may you not hear me you'll never hear less America.
And it smells smart is also understood as that hear me what you say is not heard.
Smart meaning what you say may if not be heard, may it not be accepted?
Because the prophets are a lot of a sudden you would recite the Quran to people he would instruct us However, he would admonish the people. So at that time, what would they say if I was smart meaning may what you say is not accepted? May what you say is not heard.
So what smart homes smart, what else what they say? What are you know? And also Raveena
whereas previously we learned that the Sahaba what were they told
the first address in sort of Baccarat WITH YOU ARE YOU Alina Amano? What was it?
Like akula Arina don't say arena and instead say instead say.
So there continue to say Marina, whereas clearly Allah subhanaw taala had forbidden the usage of the word webinar.
And even when they did say, what they meant was different from what the Sahaba meant. Remember the meaning of the word Raveena?
First of all, it can be derived from the word Larry, from Romania, and what does it mean? To take care to look after another name?
And in conversation Arabic If a person missed what the speaker was saying, what would you say are our inner meaning, please take care of me. And please consider me I beg your pardon? Could you please repeat what you just said? So there's a habit This is what they're meant for our inner meaning, please excuse us. Could you please go along with our speed?
Secondly, Rhino can be derived from the word Runa. And what does that mean?
thoughtlessness, hammock foolishness, stupidity.
So when the Jews when they said, No, what did they mean?
We beg your pardon? No, what did they meant? The most foolish one amongst us now.
So they would say no, whereas previously it was revealed that don't say loreena.
And all these statements, all of these words, and many more, they were too late. You can be seen at him by twisting their tongues. Liam, we read the word here earlier. From lamb Well, yeah, what does it mean?
to twist to turn to bend? What
do things
either the neck or the tank? Do things this is what the word lohia is used for. So over here, layan be alternating and what does it mean that it was their tongues? Why, in order to do the haIf in order to alter the words in order to modify the words?
So all of these words, they would say How? By distorting them by twisting their tongues by mispronouncing them.
For example, they will tell samina, what are signer instead of saying what?
Sanjana Alterna? What did we learn to cover color? Savannah, Atlanta. So instead of saying somewhere in our Atlanta, what did they say Sayonara Selena.
Similarly, this was a smart Pharaoh Muslim *, that they said out loud in the VEDA mismo in their hearts,
or they should have just stopped after say is smart and not say anything after that, such as later muslimah. But they continued, and they said later Muslim. Similarly they said araucana by pretending to say the same way that the Sahara were saying.
So all of this they said How may him be alternative him by twisting their tongues. What are and then fifth Dean and for the purpose of slandering in religion
done is from Paul. I mean and what the start
Need to abuse
analysts to abuse how verbally
it is to slander, defame to hurt someone verbally.
So they said all of this Why? For the purpose of partanen 15, meaning all of these words, they were not mistakes. You see, for example, a person is reading, and genuinely makes a mistake. Because he's tired, he doesn't know. He didn't realize he genuinely made a mistake. And that mistake we made, we made the door opener led to Africa in Messina our partner.
But every person deliberately, intentionally, he says this, then what is it? This is turned 50. This is slandering, abusing the religion?
What religion, the religion of Islam
over here, that all of these words that they said they were abusive towards the province or of autism, correct. All these words are so you know, what's my ultimate smell? Or Arina? All of these words were abusive towards the prophets or vice versa. But unless has gotten in deep, because abusing the Prophet, insulting the Prophet is like insulting the dean.
So if someone dares to insult the Prophet, what should we take it as? an insult to him at all? No. It's an insult to the dean and because it is an insult to the dean, it is an insult to me, because I am of this Deen, 14 and 15. And they said all of these statements, in rejection of the out of this slide for the team, they weren't happy with it. They didn't want this thing, which is why they're not at it. Because a person who is contempt and satisfied with something will never say Samir Nawaz Lena, was my lead on this a lot. You know, he will never use these words.
But as of last year when unknown kalu severe in our Aparna. And if they had said, Samir, no, Athena was smart. And if they had said only a smart, and they had not said the right on the smart ones. And instead of saying Greiner, they would have said one zona, look at us, as Allah subhanaw taala had commanded the kind of highroller whom this would have been better for them.
Meaning saying all of these words instead would have been much better for them. Instead of saying what,
instead of saying what they said,
so it would be better for them, better for them in what way
in their demeanor in the ad, as well as they
are calm, and also most upright, more correct.
More sound more proper meaning versus what would suit and vicious what is more suitable for them. It doesn't suit a person to be of the type of the People of the Book, to be knowledgeable of the book, and then still insult people like that.
It doesn't refer to a person. So if they uttered these words, it would have been much better for them. And it was also more suitable, more proper, more just
when I could learn a whole lot more because for him, but they said these words, why? Because Allah has cursed them. So because a lot of parents Allah has cursed them. They're far from the mercy of Allah. They are far from the tofield to do any good, as well.
But I can now know whom Allah has cursed them. What does it mean by the line of Allah, that a person is far away from the mercy of Allah? When a person is far from the mercy of Allah? Will he have any trophy to do good? No.
So because Allah has cursed them as a result of that, they say these words, but now the question is, why did a lot
of law says Because? Because of their cough, because of their disbelief, what was your disbelief,
their disbelief in the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So, it was a COVID in Akita in their belief, that they actually denied the profits or about a center. Similarly, it was also covered in their,
in their actions, in their behavior towards the profits are provided to them, and also in their acquire in their savings in their statements. So Allah has cursed them, because of their coffee, because of what they have uttered, because they have demonstrated coffee
and as a result of this fellow human Luna, so they will not believe in their carnelian except the devil. What does it mean by this phenomenon in Nevada? This is understood in two ways. First of all, that from the people from Medina, how do they imagine that they will have is only going to be studied.
Meaning the amount that these people have is
very, very little
meaning that their Eman is incomplete. What they have is a man that is not not fluid, meaning they don't fulfill their
requirements of email, their email is not acceptable.
It is as if they don't have email.
You understand? Because when something is very cloudy it is if it's not there, very tiny, very tiny amount it is if it's not there. Like for example, if you own water and somebody brings you a glass of water or just a drop of water inside, they say this is water drink it. But is that drop of water of any use?
But it's still a drop. But is it of any use at all? It's not. So what they have in their heart is Eman and cadila. Meaning very, very little minimal Eman which is not acceptable. So it is as though their disbelievers their images are acceptable at all. Secondly, phileo Muna illa COVID. And what this means is that from among alladhina hairdo, only a few people will become believers, from the advocator, only a few people will become believers. And if you look at it, especially in Medina, the population of Athena of the Arabs, almost everybody became Muslim,
but from the load hardly, very few of them. So for now,
what do we learn from this ayah?
First of all, we learn about the justice of Allah Subhana, Allah, that Allah does not generalize. What did he say? Me, men, ladies?
The same people? Not everybody, there is some. So what is it true that those people who are afraid those who will who were rightly guided, they did not do this? They believe in the prophets of Allah, Salah. And those who did not believe the prophets are among many of them, what do they do these actions that are mentioned in the area.
Also, we learn from this idea that those people who distort who change who misinterpret the words of others, who twist the words of others who go the words of others out of context, they resemble who are Latina, even if they claim to be Muslim, and even if they have a good intention,
because many times people, they try to have a new interpretation of the Quran, a modern interpretation of the Quran.
And in that process, then very good intention. They want Islam to be acceptable to everybody. They want everybody to like Islam.
So they have a good intention, if you think of it. However, what they're doing is not acceptable.
And they have resemblance to, to alladhina do even if they claim to be believers, and such a person is imitating the incorrect ways of the previous people. And thus his end is going to be the same. What happened to Alina do Allah subhanaw taala curse them?
And such actions such statements are
there are this belief.
And as a result, a person does not have enough.
Thirdly, we also learned about the lack of Eman of the person who twists and distorts the words of others. What does it show that he doesn't have even
when you hear somebody's words, it's a manner to convey them as they were taught to you. If you distort them, if you change them, what does that show that a person does not have? email and
then also teaches us about the fact that someone who hears something, but still doesn't do it. He says semana la Selena? What does it mean? What does it show that such a person lacks in his email? Because how does the eye and follow you mean una de la kalila? It's because of the weakness of their Eman. It's because of almost the non existence of their event that they say these words. So if a person distorts and changes the word of others, or person says Sameera or Selena he knows, but still he doesn't do. What does it show?
That there is no because if you know something, if you truly believe in it, it's going to automatically come into your actions. And if it doesn't come into the actions, where does it show that what is in the heart is not.
For instance, if a person really and truly believes in a las panatela in the book of Allah, and if he learns that karma to Salah is a condition of being a believer, then what is he going to do? Not performed the seller properly. know he is going to pay properly. Why? Because he has even
if he's not praying properly, what does it show that there's something wrong in the heart? There's something wrong in the email.
We also learned that upon hearing the command, what should we say? So merna welter now
what else did the People of the Book say? was smart? vedamo smart. And we learned that this address is an address off
And it also shows pride and arrogance on the part of the person who is saying these words,
we see that they are good. They used to look down upon the Arabs, because the Arabs were only you. So they will look down upon them. So if there is a person amongst the Arabs who is a prophet, they also look down upon him, which is why they didn't accept them in the first place. So, we learn from this, that it is greatly disliked in our religion, that a person becomes arrogant and he looks down upon others. Because when a person thinks himself to be superior, then what is he going to do? He is going to treat others disrespectfully.
We also learned that whatever is in the heart is demonstrated by the words and actions of a person. You cannot hide what is in your heart, it is going to come out.
They have pride in their heart, which is why they said was smart later on this month. They had disbelief in their hearts, which is why they said Samir, no assignor which is why they said Arina.
So, whatever is in the heart, is going to come out through the actions through the words of a person.
We also learned that upon seeing someone do mooncup do something that is incorrect, what should we do? Stop them? Where do we learn this from?
They said these words and what does Allah say? What? Unknown cargo and if they had such such and such, so first of all, we should stop them. And secondly, we should also give them an alternate
by for example, sometimes young children, young people, they have habit of saying some words that are inappropriate in normal conversations, something very small happens and a big swear word, or a word that is not really a swear word, but it's inappropriate and why should you say * * all the time? Why?
So every person has a habit of saying incorrect words, if you see somebody doing one call, then yes, you should stop them, but also give them an alternate. Instead of saying this, if you say this, this is much better.
What does Allah say over here, that instead of saying these words have they said semana Aparna had this ad was more have the side ones or no, it would have been better for them.
So this teaches us and other that if we are correcting somebody, we should also show them the other side, we should also show them the alternate