Taimiyyah Zubair – Stories from the Qur’an #12

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the negative impact of the coronavirus on the economy and oil and gas industry, including the use of knights and avoiding evil behavior. The speakers emphasize obeying one's knights and avoiding evil behavior, as well as the negative consequences of actions that lead to regret and negative emotions. They also touch on the negative consequences of cutting a wrist and causing a toothache, as well as the negative impact on the oil and gas industry, specifically on exploration and development. The speakers emphasize the need for forgiveness and blending emotions into others, as well as the potential impact on the economy overall.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam or Aleikum Warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah al Karim rubbish trochlea Saudi were silly Andy Warhol your octet and melissani of Kahu Kohli, along with the Kobe was sadly Sani was loads of Hema, the Kobe Amenia. But I mean,

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Inshallah, in today's final session of assassin Quran, we will go over the last and final part of the story of Habil and Kaabil, the two sons of Adam Alayhis Salam. In the previous verses, we learned that when Kaabil made it clear to his brother Hubby, that he was going to kill him, have been advised and warned him in a number of different ways. He said that if you have firmly resolved to kill me, I will not raise my hand to kill you. So that the killer and the one who is killed, both do not end up in *.

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And he also said that I am not going to try to kill you because I do not want that I end up doing something wrong. Because I fear a lot the Lord of the Worlds. So even if you are going to commit a great injustice against me, I am not going to commit an injustice against you. Because I fear Allah. And he said, If you kill me, then you will end up with my sins and your sins, and will end up in *. And that is the outcome of those who do wrong. So he did this. He said this only to give his brother a severe, very strong and powerful warning. But did the warning benefit his brother, we see that it did not benefit him. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in verse number 30 of pseudotumor ADA for

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the word Lahu Natsu Atla Fe for Katella for us. Bahang Minal ha serene, and his soul permitted him to the murder, sorry, and his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him, and became among the losers.

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Meaning in spite of the fact that had been able advised by Bill, Kane, Kane did not listen, he did not pay heed to the advice and the warnings of his brother. Even though if you think about it, the warning the advice was so powerful, it should have aroused the fear of God in Him, and it should have served as a deterrent. But he did not care for the fact that Allah only accepts from the righteous, that the one he was intending to kill was his own brother, whom he should protect and not killed. He did not care for the fact that if he killed his brother, he would incur a whole lot of sin and end up in *. Nothing of that aroused any fear of God, any any, you know, softening of the

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heart in him. And so he did not change his mind and he ended up killing his brother. He listened to his knifes instead of the sound advice that was given to him. Why? Because his heart was filled with rage, it was filled with jealousy. So let's look at this idea in detail. Allah subhanaw taala says for the word Allah Who Natsu his knifes permitted to him, permitted to him what? Cutler he he the killing of his brother. And when his soul permitted to him, the killing of his brother forgot Allah who he killed him.

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Now, the word the word is very interesting over here, the world that we're in is to make something obedient. Okay. So his soul, permitted to him, allowed for him, and he made it easy for him to kill his brother. Because to kill someone, even to strike someone to hit someone is something that is very huge. It's not it's not something small.

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So how is it that he was able to kill his brother, because inside his inner voice made it easy for him? It emboldened him to kill his brother. In spite of the clear and strong warnings, his naps aided him, right, it encouraged him and it complied with his wish to kill his brother. The thing is that when a person wants to do something that is wrong, right? That is bad.

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There's an inner voice that Allah subhanaw taala has put inside of us. That tells us not to do it. Right

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Eat. And this is enough slow wham there is naps. Amara Bisou and then there's also naps, la wham. Naps. Amara Misu is that which commands us to do evil? Okay, there's an inner voice that says do it. Okay. But then there is another voice

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lawanna, the reproaching soul, which tells us don't do it. Right. So there's an internal battle. One at one moment, you're like, do it another moment, you're like, No, don't do it. Do it? No, don't do it. Any there's an internal battle going on. So eventually, what happens is that whichever knifes a stronger inside of a person basically wins. So here, what happened with Kaabil? Is that his knifes, a model Bisou, that which commands to do evil that overcame him. And it convinced him to kill his brother, it encouraged him to kill his brother, it emboldened him to kill his brother.

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And, in the word, the word any there's effort over here. So and it also shows us that it took some time, any sometimes it happens that the moment you intend to do something, you do it right away. And other times there needs that you know that there is some convincing, that is required. And so there's an internal battle that goes on, and eventually, you decide what you want to do. So here the word law, who named Sue Cutler, he, he, it shows that there was an internal battle, and that there was some time before a qabil decided to kill his brother, and he acted on the impulse. And eventually, his nuts aided him in in committing such a huge crime. So what happened after he

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committed this crime for us? Bahaman, Aloha, serene, he became of the losers, Allahu Akbar. And he, he was, he wanted to kill his brother in order to seek some kind of internal satisfaction, right? He was angry that his brother's sacrifice was accepted. And he blamed him. And he wanted to kill him to feel some kind of internal satisfaction. But did he win after killing his brother? No, because killing his brother did not make, you know, his own sacrifice accepted now know, his his sacrifice was still rejected. Right? It didn't change the status quo. Secondly, he became of the losers, because he committed such a heinous crime, which only brings loss to a person in the on the surface,

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it seems like the killer one, the one who murdered has become victorious. But that is not the case. The one who commits injustice, even though momentarily he seems to be victorious. In reality, he is the greatest loser for us, Muhammad Al ha serene, because this life is not everything. Right? There you need this life is only a tiny, tiny fraction of our entire existence. So even if a person does something wrong today, and commits injustice, okay? And because of that, they enjoy some years of life, okay, here, eventually what's going to happen? Eventually they die. And for eternity, they suffer the consequences of their injustice. So is this person a winner or loser? Absolutely, they're

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a loser for us. Wilhemina has seen

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the other thing is that there are some sins for which there are consequences even in this world.

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Even in this world, and murder is one of those crimes, especially killing someone who is who is related to you your own blood culture, your article, Rahim and he severing the ties of kinship. This is something that brings punishment even in this world. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there is no wrong action, more likely to bring punishment in this world, in addition to what is stored up in the next world, then oppression and severing ties of kinship.

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And if you think about it, RBL committed both of these crimes. He committed a belly. He committed oppression against his own brother by killing him outrageously. And secondly, he also committed cochlear to Rahim severing ties of kinship. And he he was supposed to be protecting his brother. And instead of protecting his brother, he killed his brother.

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And so us Bahaman Aloha, serene he became of the losers in this world, and he was given consequences of this crime in this world even and what is going to come in the hereafter will be much worse.

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And this shows us that sin

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hands have an immediate impact on people all right, how was it that he suffered in this world? First of all, we see that he lost his brother. Okay and losing your brother losing your blood, okay? No matter any, whether you are close to them or not, whether you are very friendly with them or not having relatives, okay gives you a sense of security. Having your own blood, your own kith and kin around you, gives you a sense of security, a sense of belonging, and losing even one of them leaves a void in your life. So he he lost out by losing his brother. Right? Secondly, he, he became of the losers in this world because committing a heinous crime like this certainly leads to some kind of

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regret, or sadness or worry, or fear or insecurity, okay? Sometimes it happens with people that when they do something terribly wrong, and even if nobody finds out, they become very afraid, right? very self conscious, they begin to have nightmares all the time, they begin to isolate themselves, they're afraid to socialize with people, they're afraid to go out, or they're always on edge always on guard, they cannot relax, they cannot enjoy their life.

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So Allah subhanaw taala tells us, for example, about people who killed their own children called hasira ballerina Cthulhu, Allah the home suffer Humvee lady or that those who killed their own children have suffered immense loss, because this is going to lead them to some feelings of regret, some feelings of sadness and worry, it's going to make their life miserable. This is the direct, immediate consequence of committing such serious crimes. And for us, we're having a ha seen him he became of the losers because of course, in the hereafter for this crime, there will be loss upon loss for him, murder, any killing an innocent person. This is something that will bring a person

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the Wrath of Allah on the Day of Judgment, the curse of Allah, and also the punishment of *. So, from where did qabil When he did not, he managed to kill his brother, too, in order to seek some kind of satisfaction. But that satisfaction was momentary. And it did not last for more than a few seconds, because immediately he became a losers. And as we see, in the following verse, He became of the remorseful and he was just left left in eternal regret.

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So never think that causing someone damage causing someone harm or pressing someone is going to bring you success. It's never going to bring you success. Whether we cause harm to someone financially or emotionally, or physically, in any way. If we do learn, then we can never win, we will actually lose out. So there is a number of things that we can learn from this if first of all, we learn about how dangerous naps amount of Bisou is, how dangerous the NAPS is, which commands us to do evil and how we have to be aware of it. We have to be very careful and not not obey it. Because here for the word law, who Natsu cutlery, sometimes there are people around you who are

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advising you encouraging you telling you have to do something wrong. But here are Bill nobody was telling him to kill his brother. Nobody was inciting him against his brother. It was his own ups. So sometimes your greatest enemy is who your own knifes. So ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect you from the evil of your own ups are all to becoming shattered enough. See, oh my Lord, I seek refuge in You from the evil of my own soul. And the thing is that if there's someone outside, right, it is someone around us who is telling us to do something wrong. We don't want to listen to them. We don't listen to them. We go away from them. We tell them to go away. We block them. Right? There are ways

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to get rid of people, but your own knifes. That internal voice that is constantly urging you do this, do this do this. You said no. This is not okay. There's no way I should do this. But then again, it tells you do it, do it do it.

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So it's it can be very evil. So don't feed that knifes by obeying it because the more you obey Amara Bisou in it

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The knifes that are that prompts you to do evil that tells you to do evil the more you obey it, the weaker you become in front of it. For Tolworth law wound up Zhu, Li another thing is that this teaches us that we should not obey our naps all of the time.

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The thing is that when you obey your naps in every little matter,

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alright, then you become weak before your own naps. So, for example, the NEF says, Okay, put a heaping teaspoon of sugar in your coffee. Okay, or in your tea? Do you really have to you don't you don't have to? Right. So curb that wish and reduce that that sugar. Okay, you know that eating certain foods does not suit your health. Okay, for example, an increase in in sugar intake. This is something that you know is damaging for you. So the knob says have another chocolate Have another bite, have another piece of cake. Okay? So don't obey everything that the knobs tells you to do. The knob says keep sleeping, keep laying down, or, you know, respond to someone in a harsh way. No,

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don't listen to your naps all the time. You have to challenge the thoughts that arise from within you and see if they are beneficial for you if they are even true. If they if they are damaging for you or what Allah subhanaw taala told us in Surah two Javea that Offeror ate him and he took her the ILA who Hawa were Ebola, who Allahu Allah in will hurt them or Allah summary he will kalbi while we're Jarrah Allah, Allah Basa to use a shower. Have you considered the case of the one who has taken his own desire as his God, and he this person worships his own desire? What's what's gonna become of this person? Allah subhanaw taala describes the state of this person that Allah that this

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person's hearing is sealed, okay. And his heart is also sealed and he is on his eyes is recovering.

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So, there is no reasoning with this person, there is nothing that you will say

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nothing beneficial that you will say to this person, except that he will reject it

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nothing heart moving that you will say to this person except that he will reject it, nothing you no evidence you will show him except that he will reject it. Why because he is so full of his naps. His his his idol is inside of him, he worships his knifes and when he worships his desire his own knifes you cannot reason with this person, you cannot advise this person your advice is not going to benefit you. And this is why if you think about it, Harville Abel when he when he advised his brother Cain, and he his advice was so powerful. So moving, and he it should have it should have aroused the fear of God, it should have served as a deterrent. But Cain rejected all of that. And he

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and he listened to his knifes

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and look at what became of him he became a loser.

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So it's very important that we

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keep our knifes in control. Okay, it's a it's a wild beast inside of you that needs to be tamed. It needs to be controlled.

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And the thing about a wild beast is that if you do not discipline it, and if you do not starve it, okay? It's it can get out of control, it will come and destroy you. So the only way of keeping it in control is to starve it, starve it as in not feed it everything that it wishes for.

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And you have to discipline it.

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Then we also learn from this idea about what a terrible sin murder is.

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Right? And photowalk law who never sue Kotla ahi and he has an absurd to convince him and when he killed his brother, he became of the losers. So capital is something that leads to Cassara.

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Murder is something that leads to loss. And this is the reason why things that even lead to murder, okay are prohibited in our religion. For example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that none of you must point a weapon at his brother.

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And he not even in fun. Can you point a weapon at your brother and buy a weapon? I don't just mean like a gun or a sword. But even for example, a kitchen knife. Don't point it at a brother

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At any one else, even as a joke, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, For he does not know whether perhaps the devil may draw it out while it is in His hand as a result of which you will fall into a pit in *, meaning you could just take it out and point it towards your brother just for fun. And you don't know it might slip from your hand. If it's a bow and arrow, it might accidentally shoot from your hand and you might end up killing someone by accident.

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So things that even lead to murder are prohibited.

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Then in the next verse, Allah subhanaw taala says forbartha Allah Who Who Robin yerba had to fill out the urea who came for you when he so he, then Allah sent a CRO searching in the ground, to show him how to hide the disgrace the corpse of his brother, Allah Yahweh Letta. He said, Oh, woe to me, are just to an akuna with lucha de la hora have I failed to be like this crow for Umaria so at the LC, and hide the body of my brother,

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for us by Hermina, nerdy mean, and he became after regretful.

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So we learned in this ayah, that Allah subhanaw taala sent a curl to cane to Kaabil so that the curl would do something, specifically scratch the surface of the earth.

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And that would guide cane to knowing how he should dispose of how he should bury how he should hide the body of his brother.

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And seeing the curl.

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And realizing from the example of the crow from the action of the curl, that he should bury the body of his brother, he felt a great amount of regret and shame. He felt very humiliated. But that humiliation and regret did not turn into repentance and so that regret did not benefit him.

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So we see over here that for Bharath, Allah Who Who Robin

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that Allah sent a crow, okay, Allah subhanaw taala center crow now this is interesting because

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this shows us that when animals even go around doing things in the earth,

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this is because they're there. They're doing this as per the plan of Allah the Exalted. Okay, they're doing this because Allah subhanaw taala has sent them to do something in front of us so that we can learn from their example. Okay, so the actions of people we learn are under the will of Allah. Okay, meaning a person is only able to do something when Allah subhanaw taala lets them when Allah subhanaw taala allows them okay, this doesn't mean that Allah forces them know Allah allows them and so they're able to do it okay. Likewise the actions of the animals even they occur they happen by the will of Allah. So this crow came why because Allah sent it for Barth Allah who will

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Robin, Allah sent a crow a raven.

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And this Raven, what was it doing you ever had to fill out? It was scratching the Earth? Any with its

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foot, what was it doing, it was scratching the surface of the of the earth you ever had to fill our bath is to scratch, okay, like, for example of their soil that has hardened or that has solidified in it because it was wet. So it began to scratch the surface in order to soften it, or in order to or perhaps it was burying something, or it was digging something out. Allahu Arlen, it's not mentioned in the Quran why exactly the Raven was scratching the Earth, but you will think that you know, a raven would scratch the Earth in order to either hide something or in order to uncover something okay. And this was Lee Yuria who so that it shows him meaning the Raven would show or

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build K for you, where he so, he, how he should hide the corpse of his brother, the word so a means corpse and basically the word so a means disgrace or something that is a source of embarrassment. And those the same word is used for private party as well because exposing it is is it is a disgrace, okay. Likewise the entire body of of the deceased, any it is supposed to be covered. It should not be exposed and Subhanallah sometimes people will take photos of someone who has died and they will

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share them on social media and this is not correct. Just as you would not take a photo of a private part, you are not allowed to take the photo of a deceased person, the entire body of the deceased is supposed to be covered it is older. Okay, it should not be exposed. So the crawl showed him how to bury the dead body of his brother. Now, it's well known that crows sometimes bury their food, okay, and cover the food with in the ground, they will bury food, and they will cover it with leaves or grass. And sometimes, you know, they will use their foot to, to, you know, bury the food with something, they may scrape the earth even. And even leaves in order to cover their food with

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sometimes they're also seen covering the body of another crow with Earth, or leaves or grass or something like that. And it's curl funerals, okay, are actually well known. Any when a crow for example, dies

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you will see how all of a sudden, a lot of crows will gather. And you will hear a lot of noise, sometimes silence sometimes noise in it this whole you know thing will go on for at least 15 to 20 minutes. There's a lot of back and forth crows flying from one place to the other. Any there's a lot of commotion in the air, all because one crow has died. Okay, and then all of a sudden, they all go away. I myself have witnessed this many times in my life. So crows are very socially aware. Now, someone might say that while Kobe had killed his brother, he saw the two girls came they fought one kill the other. And then the one who killed him buried buried the other girl and this short copy how

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to bury his brother, but this is not mentioned in the Quran. Okay, this is not mentioned in the Quran that the CRO killed another CRO and then it buried the CRO and that is what made kabhi realize how he should bury the dead body of his brother. What the Quran mentions is that the CRO showed him how to bury the corpse of his brother how by scratching by scraping the surface of the earth. Okay, and crows do that, like I mentioned in order to hide their food in order to retrieve their food in order to even bury their dead hide at least the body of their dead. So this watching the crow made kabhi realize how he should bury his brother. And upon realizing that he felt very humiliated. And

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he said Allah Yahweh Allah He said oh war to me are just to an akuna Metlakatla Hora have I failed to be like this curl for Awatea so at earthy so that I hide the body of my brother

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and he became of the regretful so we see that he said, Yeah, well I thought oh, woe to me. way later whaler is destruction, punishment. perdition in embarrassment and humiliation also.

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So he said Yeah, way later or war to me and this is something that a criminal would say when he's in clear in trouble. Okay, this is something that the people the criminals will say on the Day of Judgment era lotta Maliha al Kitab sorry, Yawei Latina, Molly huddle Kitab or wall to us what is with this book in the book of deeds? Everything small and big is recorded in it.

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So this is a word an expression that is said out of regret out of embarrassment out of humiliation when someone is struck by some huge disaster so he was expressing you need that that feeling of frustration and embarrassment and humiliation This way your way later? And then he said are just do an akuna Mithila huddle hoorah

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Am I

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Am I so

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unable that I'm not even like this curl? Any have I failed to be like this curl. Meaning this curl is better than me. It knows what to do. And I don't need I am learning from a curl.

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I'm learning from a curl any This is not a statement of

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of regret, but rather it is a is a statement that is coming from a place of arrogance. Okay, it is

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coming from a place of arrogance that I have failed to be have I failed to be like this curl. How come Okay, and he this is coming from a place of arrogance, because he felt very humiliated here. Okay, he felt very humiliated. Typically when a person finds themselves confused about, you know, about some matter, they don't know what to do and they learn by watching someone, they would feel very relieved. They will be very thankful and they would rejoice. He's not rejoicing over here that are Hamdulillah I know what to do with the body of my brother. No, he's not rejoicing over here. He's feeling humiliated.

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Because he was very arrogant. An Akula with Lucha Libre lobby for Ovadiah. So early

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for us, Muhammad and nadie mean, so he became off the remorseful. He had a lot of Natoma. Okay. Now Gobeil felt regret. Okay. But remember that regret is of different kinds. And not all types of regret, lead to

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repentance, and reform.

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Some people when they do something wrong, and they realize they've done something wrong, they regret their mistake, they feel ashamed. They regret their mistake. And they are forward thinking. So they want to see, they want to know what they can do to move ahead, what amends they can make, what changes they can bring, and how can they move forward, in order to not repeat the mistake and in order to make the rest of their life better than you know what has happened so far?

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This is basically tilba This is repentance. This is regret that leads to repentance. And this is excellent, this is exactly how we should be.

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Right. But then there is another type of regret where

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a person does not feel

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remorseful over the fact that they've done something wrong. No, they are remorseful because they are just, they're pitying the state that they are in, they're pitting the condition that they find themselves in.

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Okay? And this means that now a person is just stuck in shame. They're just stuck in shame and humiliation. And they're just stuck in their past. And they're not forward thinking they're not thinking about how they can make amends and how they can improve the remainder of their life. They're just stuck in the past and they're just stuck in a state of shame and and humiliation and and regret. Okay, so for us Bahaman Anna demean he became of the regretful what kind of regretted qabil feel over here.

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He was regretful over the fact that he had lost his brother. Okay, he had regretful because he was regretful because he could not figure out how to hide the body of his brother right away. He had to learn that lesson from a crow. Okay. And of course, he was regretful because you can imagine his family was now upset with him. Okay. He was not regretful because he realized he had done something wrong. And he felt ashamed of that. No.

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Even Ambassador the Longhorn who said that if this, if he was regretful over the fact that he had killed his brother, then this would be considered repentance. But this is not repentance, because he did not feel regret over the fact that he killed his brother, he realized he had done something wrong. And this is why this nudged them this regret was not, it did not lead him to repentance. And instead, it Let him remain Stuck in regret. So he remained in regret for the rest of his life.

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Has an imbecile he said that Allah subhanaw taala caused regret to take over him after loss. In the previous Ira we learned that he became of the losers. In this ayat, he said that he became other regretful uni forever regretful.

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So Tabia was not regretful over the fact that he had killed his brother that he had done something terribly wrong. He did not feel remorse and shame over you know, disobeying Allah committing such a crime. He was not afraid of the punishment of Allah.

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He did not feel regret in that sense, because if he felt it in that sense, then yes, another Matoba regret is repentance. Because real act

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You'll regret it leads to reform. Okay, it leads to acknowledge to, to the acknowledgement of the sin, it leads to leaving the sin, it leads to seeking forgiveness, it leads to the result that I'm never going to commit that sin again, it leads to making some kind of amends. Right. And when regret is of this nature, then it is considered repentance.

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But Kaabil did not feel regret of this nature, that I have disobeyed Allah, I should not have done this, I should not have killed my brother, what was I thinking, Oh ALLAH forgive me, this was not the kind of regret that he had.

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He just felt humiliated and ashamed. Sorry, he just felt he just felt humiliated. Okay, and he felt sad and upset. But that sadness and feelings of, you know, upset did not cause him to make any reforms.

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So there's a number of lessons that we can take from this IO.

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First of all, we see that the human being can be very, very unjust against his own self.

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And we see how Kaabil was unjust to himself, by committing such a crime against his brother, yes, he harmed his brother, but he inflicted a greater harm upon himself.

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Right, a greater, much greater harm upon himself.

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And this teaches us that when we have the intention to do something wrong,

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then let's not act on that intention. Because if we act on it, it's only going to lead to regret and shame and embarrassment

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and greater trouble. Sometimes we want to say something rude and harsh to someone. Sometimes we want to hit someone, sometimes we want to, indeed become aggressive. Blame, send a very harsh and rude text

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or backbite someone, be very careful. When you have the intention, the desire to do something wrong, to do something that Allah subhanaw taala dislikes, then, don't feed that desire. Don't act on it, bury it right there.

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Then we also learn from this is about how at times people learn from the example of animals. Right?

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Allah subhanaw taala center Raven in order to show our bill how to bury the body of his brother.

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Then we also learn from this ayah how Allah subhanaw taala is so merciful to people in spite of their wrongdoing. Albina is the one who killed his brother. It was his problem to figure out what to do with the body of his brother. But Allah subhanaw taala did not leave him in that state. Allah subhanaw taala showed him how to dispose off the body of his brother how to bury it properly. And for that Allah subhanaw taala sent a crow, how merciful is Allah that we are the ones who do something wrong? Okay, we are the ones who are at fault. And Allah subhanaw taala is the one who's still guides us who still shows us the way out.

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So we should never think that about Allah. We we have no right to ever think negatively about Allah azza wa jal. We are the ones who put ourselves in dangerous difficult situations. And Allah subhanaw taala is the one who rescues us. We have no one to blame but ourselves and no one to thank but Allah.

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Then we also learn from this ayah about how it is necessary that the dead any the dead body of a human being should be buried, whether it is the body of a Muslim or a non Muslim, because we learned that even when the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam Abu Talib when he died is a mushrik the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told

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our little de la morning to go and bury him.

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Right? Any go the prophets of Allah who already said I'm told him that go and bury your father. So, that is what our little Tila horn who did so, whether the body is of a Muslim or non Muslim, the human body, when is deceased, it should be buried it should not be left out in the open so that animals come and eat it. No, this is this is disrespect to the human body it should be buried properly. Then we also learn from this idea that regret

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alone does not

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protect a person from the consequence of their sin, okay, because qabil was regretful for us Wilhemina demean, but that regret first of all was not the right kind. And secondly, it was not enough

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and this is why it did not remove the punishment it did not remove the guilt from him

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which kind of regret removes guilt, it is the regret that is sincere,

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that is with repentance, okay, that leads to acknowledging that this was wrong, this was a sin I should not have done it. It leads to it is such regret that leads to

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the resolve to not repeat it again. It is the regret that leads to seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala it is the regret that leads to making amends with people.

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So when a person repents like this, when a person regrets like this, then Toba is complete. Okay, and then the punishment is removed, guilt is removed.

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But if a person is just Stuck in regret, man, I shouldn't have done, man, this was so bad of me, my bad, my bad. And the person doesn't say I'm sorry. And then a person doesn't say, I'm never going to do this again. A person does not make amends. This this kind of regret is not real regret, and it's it doesn't remove guilt from a person it does not benefit him. In fact, it only increases a person in

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in feelings of shame and and negativity and then people don't even want to live anymore. Sometimes people end up killing themselves. So

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the thing is that when we when we feel remorse, over something we have done, that we should have, we we must turn to Allah, we could have made the world's worst mistake ever. Okay. But we must realize that Allah is at the web, He is the One Who accepts repentance. So the only way out, is if we turn to Allah. So turn to Allah and have hope in His forgiveness, have hope in his in his blessing in his favor, that he is able to, to mend your situation. Right have hope and His mercy, that he will pardon you and that He will bless you and he will fix your situation for you. So, the moment you realize you've done something wrong, don't delay repentance. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the

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Quran, that the Toba the repentance, which he accepts is from those people who do evil out of ignorance out of foolishness, and then they repent right away.

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The moment they realize they've done something wrong, they repent right away. So repent sincerely. And make a firm resolve to never return to the sin again. Acknowledge your sin before Allah acknowledge your mistake. Humble yourself before Allah and seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala and be afraid lest you may repeat the sin again. So ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect you in the future.

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Now Allah subhanaw taala tells us in verse number 32 That mean agilely Valley come because of that, Katana Allah Bani Israel eel, we decreed upon the children of Israel and now who min Katella NatCen that whoever kills a soul

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belayed enough sin unless for a soul Oh facade and fill out or for corruption done in the land

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fucka a Namo batalla nursery Jumeirah than it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. Woman here her fucker and Nima are here nurse EJ Amira.

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And whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved mankind entirely.

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Welaka Jaya at home rasuna bill of 100 and our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs, meaning to the Bani Israel

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to the children of Israel, some in the cathedral minhang Bertha Delica fill out the Lusophone there are indeed many of them even after that, throughout the land, we're transgressors.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us over here that min Edgerly valid because of that, because of what because of

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Kaabil killing his brother hubby

00:44:51 --> 00:44:59

because of the fact that Cain killed his brother Abel, out of jealousy outrageously, okay.

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and because of the outcome of such crime, any killing an innocent person leads to many negative consequences in this life. And of course, in the next what happened Allah subhanaw taala decreed upon the Bani Israel eel, that basically killing an innocent is something that is prohibited

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it is not allowed for people to kill an innocent person, you can be angry, you can be very upset.

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You could be you could be in the right but it does not give you the right to killed someone. unjustly

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The only situation where killing someone is permissible is what Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Iron Man autoland Epson builiding apps

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Okay. Meaning in in in retribution. First of all, the only situation where killing someone is permissible is what retribution that that one person killed another so he will be killed in return killing him killing the murder is permissible. Secondly, Elvis had been filled out or for some punishment for a certain kind of corruption in the leg. corruption in the land is of different kinds. Okay.

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And, you know, certain types of corruption are more severe than others, and facade fill out corruption in the land includes certain sins, certain major sins for which the punishment is subtle.

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So I'm not going to go into the detail of that, but there are certain crimes for which the punishment is murder, okay. So, these are the two cases where killing someone is permissible, other than that, it is not permissible.

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Okay, this is what is mentioned in this if

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so, what this is teaching us is that because

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killing an innocent person leads to so many negative consequences for people in this life and the next Allah subhanaw taala forbade upon the Bani Israel

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to kill an innocent person.

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Okay, any killing murder is something that Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden.

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This is something that people are not allowed to do.

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This is something that we do not have the right to do.

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Because Allah is the one who creates life and He is the one who gives death and we do not have the right to dis to decide when someone should die. And we do not have the right to inflict such violence on someone that we go and try to take their life away from them.

00:47:58 --> 00:48:22

So when actually Delica Katana Allah Bani Israel and Qatar mera la Bani Israel it means that we decreed upon the children of Israel and he this was a law that Allah subhanaw taala gave to the Bani Israel. And what is this law that under who men Katalin Epson that whoever killed a soul believe enough's without

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any without

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punishment for killing a soul? Okay, oh for sudden fill out or for causing corruption in the land. Meaning if someone kills an innocent person,

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then fucker, Annamma Katella, Nurse edge Amira, then it is as if he has killed all of mankind.

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killing an innocent person is like killing all of mankind.

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This is the gravity the seriousness of killing an innocent person.

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This is how severe of a crime it is near Allah or zoologia that killing one person is like killing all of humanity. fucka Anna Katella NASA Jamia?

00:49:13 --> 00:49:15

This is similar to how

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rejecting one messenger not believing in one messenger is

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equal to not believing in all of them rejecting all of them.

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Right? Not believing in one angel is like not believing in all of them.

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Because who is the one who sent the messengers? It is Allah subhanaw taala. Right. So if a person rejects one messenger, then it's very easy for them to reject another one and then another one and then another one.

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So likewise, when a person killed one innocent soul,

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then it's as if they have killed all of humanity, because they have lost respect for human life.

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They have lost respect for human life. And today they're killing one person tomorrow, they'll kill another no problem the day after, they'll kill another no problem. And this is what happens with people, that one crime leads to another which leads to another. Any that sense of

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that awareness inside of a person that this is something wrong, it just dies. Right? It just, it just gets destroyed.

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So this is one interpretation that killing an innocent person is killing all of humanity. Okay, there's another interpretation of this, that killing certain individuals is like killing many people. Why? Because certain individuals are such that if they're killed,

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their murder would lead to a lot of bloodshed. Like, for example, if there's a person in power,

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okay. And if people kill him, what do you think? Will that murder lead to more violence? Absolutely. Sometimes, such murders lead to Civil War lead to a lot of internal violence between people, and so many people are killed. And if you go down to the root of it all, it started where with the death with the murder of one person

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fucka anima, Pata NASA Jumeirah.

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And there's other interpretations of this as well. But the main thing is, we've learned from this is about the sanctity of human life.

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That killing an innocent person killing people unjustly is something very serious near Allah or Zoda. You see the deen that Allah subhanaw taala has given us it guarantees

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safety for people. Right? And people cannot live in safety. If they know that just randomly someone can come and kill them.

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Okay, our deen stops corruption

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because Allah does not like corruption. And this is why such murder of innocent people this is something that is prohibited.

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The believer is supposed to be someone who is a source of security for others, not a source of threat for others that others are not safe from him. Right and Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands other Muslims are safe.

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Right? And the believer the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is almost me no man Armineh who Nasser Allah Dima, even more unwisely, him, the believer is the one

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whom people feel secure with in regard to their blood and their property. And he they know that this person is not going to

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inflict any harm on them in regard to their life in regards to their property. The believer is someone who's supposed to show compassion to others, not loyal on others, because Lauren, is something that Allah has forbidden.

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And this is why we see that the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said and forbade us from things that even lead to bloodshed. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it the kosher, beware of extreme selfishness, because it is extreme selfishness that destroyed the people before you, it led them to cause bloodshed.

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It led them to cause bloodshed, and also to,

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00:53:40 --> 00:53:43

indulge in things that Allah subhanaw taala had prohibited on them.

00:53:45 --> 00:54:05

So whoever killed a soul, meaning an innocent soul, it's as if he has killed all humanity woman, or here, her fucka Anoma, or here NASA Amira, and whoever saves the life, then it is as if he has saved all of humanity. And this is an encouragement to us that we should be of those people who saved the lives of others.

00:54:06 --> 00:54:41

Okay, who saved the lives of others, not those who put other people in danger. Now men are Hiya, whoever saves a life this is interpreted in a number of ways. First of all, it is said that this means that the person initially intended to kill someone but then backed off, but then decided to not kill him. Right? The fear of Allah prevented him from killing the other person. He was able to kill him intended to kill him was going to kill him. But then he changed his mind. He said, No, I'm not going to do this. This is not okay. Allah does not like that.

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Okay. So when he restrains his hand when he backs off, then it says if he has saved all of humanity, that's the reward that he gets.

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Another interpretation of this is that men are hiya whoever saves a life that

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When one is about to be killed by another, but what does he do, he steps forward and he stops the the aggressor and prevents him from committing murder.

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This is similar to how when the two people were fighting, Musa Ali Salam came in and he he, he saved the person from being killed. Right and most artists did not have the intention to kill the aggressor. He just punched him and that man ended up dying. But that was not the intention of moosari slam the intention was heartless and I was just to save the other person. So men are here fucka anima are here NASA Jamia meaning stopped the volume. When you see someone committing aggression against someone, then you stop them. Okay? Another interpretation of this as whoever saves a life then this, this means the saving

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a person who is about to die because of some

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you know fire or illness or you know they're about to drown. Or maybe they're about to commit suicide or something like that, but you do something in order to rescue them. So you rescue them, you save them from dying, then this is as if you have saved all of humanity.

00:56:27 --> 00:56:39

This is how much Allah subhanaw taala likes it likes it when people save the lives of others Willa Caja Tom Russo. Luna will buy unit and certainly our messengers came to them

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came to the Bani Israel. Many messengers of Allah came to the Bani Israel taught them about the sanctity of human life, urged them to respect human life, to not be of those who kill others unjustly, but to be of those who save others to they should be of those who should have respect for human life and save humans. But did they listen to their Messengers know, Allah says some inner cathedral minhang BARDA, Delica, Phil Aldila, mostly phone, then indeed, many of them after that, even after that meaning even after the fact that they know about the sanctity of human life, and even after their messengers came to them and warn them, yet after that, throughout the land, they

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were transgressors. They were those who commit Israel have commit access, they commit a transgression, how, by, by killing so many people unjustly and by not having any respect for human life. And in this is a huge lesson for us that any we should not be of those who infringe upon the rights of others, make the lives of people miserable for them. You see, sometimes a person is not actively trying to kill another with a knife or with a weapon with the sword. Sometimes, by the words that we say to others, the bullying that we do, we make the lives of other people so miserable, so uncomfortable, that they no longer want to stay alive.

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Any we people don't want to stay in the home that they're in, in the workplace that they're in, in the school that they're in. They're uncomfortable in their own bodies now, why because of the bullying that they are experiencing.

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So this is transgression against people.

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We should be of those who, who promote a culture of safety, right and security that people feel safe and secure in our presence, not that they feel threatened and under attack and insecure and ashamed and violated and humiliated in our presence.

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So there's a number of lessons that we can learn from this ayah first of all, we learn about the prohibition of cartel of murder. Cartel is something that is a crime in the sight of Allah that is cursed by Allah that brings about the Wrath of Allah.

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We see in the Quran it is mentioned with the crime of Sheikh when Medina Leia Drona number Allah 11 Aha, those who do not call upon another god with Allah while I opportune absolutely have them Allahu Allah will help and they do not kill a soul which Allah has forbidden except with the right to do so. So this is how serious a crime of murder is that it's mentioned with, along with Sheikh associating partner with Allah.

00:59:36 --> 00:59:43

Right. And we learned in Hadees that the killing of a believer is worse than the destruction of the whole world.

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Cotton is a major sin. Right and it can lead to cover. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said letter G robar. decofurn do not return to being disbelievers after me that you begin to

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strike the necks of one another.

01:00:02 --> 01:00:15

Because striking the necks of one another attempting to kill one another, this is something that can eventually any, this is a Cuffley act. This is something that does not befit a believer. Well Kitale will cover

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it is one of the seven destructive sins. Right? killing an innocent person is one of the seven destructive sins. And we learn in Hadith about how

01:00:27 --> 01:00:31

the sanctity of a believers life is more than

01:00:32 --> 01:00:49

the sanctity of the Kaaba. Imagine if someone were to attack the Kaaba, what would happen, we would lose it, and we would not tolerate that at all. But these days Subhanallah so until gets killed, another person gets killed, another person gets killed and people are not affected at all.

01:00:51 --> 01:00:56

Human life is sacred, the believers life is sacred, someone who believes in Allah, their life is even more sacred.

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And especially human life, any, whether it is the life of an adult, or the life of a child or the life of a fetus. Once the rule, the soul is in the fetus, then it doesn't matter what the reason is, you don't have the right to kill, just because someone has a certain abnormality, or a health condition doesn't mean that you kill them. That's not a right that Allah has given you.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:28


01:01:30 --> 01:01:54

when it comes to killing, in in committing murder, this is something that has many consequences in this life. Also, look at the consequence for Kaabil all the people who commit murder after Kaabil until the Day of Judgment, we learned in Hadith that COVID will have a share of that sin. Why? Because he initiated the murder.

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Then we also learn from this idea about Islam. Okay, it's rough

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excess, committing excess and transgression.

01:02:06 --> 01:02:07

This is basically

01:02:10 --> 01:02:21

any ISAF is that a person does not remain within the boundaries of what is acceptable. They commit excess. Okay, excess can be

01:02:22 --> 01:02:47

bad, even if it isn't good things by for example, loving someone excessively too much. So much so that you're smothering them and you're not giving them any space to live. And you are forgetting about everyone else in your life. You forget about the rights of Allah, the rights of other people. And you're just focused on this one individual that you love too much. This is unhealthy. This is rough.

01:02:48 --> 01:02:53

Right? And it's it's very dangerous for us. And it's rough has been condemned in this aisle.

01:02:55 --> 01:03:09

Right so so my inner cathedra minimum BARDA Delica will have the llamas reformed. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we're under most Rufina, homeless horrible now, that those who are who commit excess, they will be the Companions of the Fire.

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01:03:12 --> 01:03:40

you see the religion that Allah has given has given us, Allah Subhana Allah has given us boundaries with regard to everything. And if we overstep those boundaries, then we are violating the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has set for us. So leaving the halal going into Haram is rough. Okay, being excessive, even in doing something that is permissible, can lead to wasteful less and can lead to

01:03:41 --> 01:03:56

you know, sins and can also lead to depriving people of their rights. All right, so Allah subhanaw taala tells us that in the hula, you humble Pacific indeed he does not like those who are wasteful, those who who commit excess

01:03:57 --> 01:04:04

and the one who commits excess is deprived of guidance in the Lucha Libre demon homeless refund confab.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:33

Such people go astray such people their deeds, the wrong deeds are adorned for them beautified for them. So, sometimes people commit excess because they are ignorant and they're unaware, right? Sometimes they commit excess because of just imitating others any they just see someone doing something and without even thinking, they copied them, they imitate them.

01:04:34 --> 01:04:59

Sometimes people commit access because they think that they have a lot at their disposal. So for example, this because the person has access to running water, they think that they can be wasteful in regard to the use of water or that they have money they have food. So they can spend it however they want. They can buy whatever they can store whatever they can throw whatever they can eat whatever, leave whatever. And they become very wasteful like this and sometimes

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As people are becoming access because they are negligent of the alcohol

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right in it, they're not thinking about their afterlife because of which they begin to commit excesses in this life.

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And your companionship also affects you it's rough can be in the form of committing haram okay overstepping the boundaries of what is permissible, this is one type of Israel, another type of Israelites excess is where a person

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commits excess in regard to the rights of the slaves, okay. So, for example, a person does not give to people what they deserve from him, like he does not treat them properly does not speak to them nicely does not give them the rights that they deserve. Okay, is not thankful is not appreciative, or,

01:05:55 --> 01:06:33

you know, not not paying them what they deserve. Okay? Another form of Islam is in regard to one's wealth, where a person commits excess in, in the use in the spending of wealth. Okay, where they become wasteful, they begin to spend excessively, on haram even, and spending in such a way that the money is being wasted. Right there just because, you know, they can afford to buy things, they buy things, and then they bring them all home, and then they're just sitting and decaying and rotting. Whereas there are so many people out there in the world who are in need, and a person does not give them.

01:06:34 --> 01:07:12

Alright, so this is another form of Islam. Another type of a Seraph is that which is in food. So for example, a person wastes food eats, eats excessively, okay, or brings too much food and then is not able to eat it. And then so much of it is thrown Subhanallah Ramadan is supposed to be a time when we eat less. But what happens in Ramadan, people prepare too much food, right, and then when they can't eat it, majority of it gets thrown away, what happens I'd have thought, people fill up their plates with so much food and they're not able to eat at all, and then they throw so much of it away.

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Think about it, if there's something edible on your plate, how can you throw it? Why did you put it in your plate in the first place, if you knew that you would not be able to eat it.

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So start with the little bit, you don't have to make a mountain on your plate, start with a little bit of food, finish it. And if you think you need more, go get some more. But if you put so much food, and then you don't eat it, and some people Subhanallah they never, they never grow up, you know, little children, they fuss about, you know, peas in their food or

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you know, carrots in their food or a certain type of foods that they don't like. And so they leave it but Subhanallah some adults, they also become very picky, they they remain picky for the rest of their lives. And you see in their plates that they leave so much good food, because they don't like it. So, don't if you don't like it, don't take it. But if you take it if you put something on your plate, then please eat it. Because when you throw food, you're not just throwing food, you're throwing someone's hard earned income. You're throwing away someone's hard work, someone stood and prepare that food and worked really hard to bring that food to you at the table. And now you just

01:08:32 --> 01:08:54

leave it on your plate and you throw it in the garbage. This is not fair. This is a kind of a soft, so it's rough can be in food in terms of food, it can also be in one speech where a person talks too much excessively. And then when they talk too much excessively, then they you know, talk about

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other people in a negative way like backbiting, okay? Or mocking, teasing, okay? Sometimes lying, then they have to make other people laugh. And in order to make them laugh, they will start fabricating things. So it's rough can also be in one speech. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from all forms of Islam. And we should ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive us Robina Filipina do know Birna what is Rolf and FE and Brina with a bit of Kodama Anna when sadhana a little Camille caffeine or our Lord forgive us for all of our sins and all of our excesses in our affairs and make our feet firm and help us against those who disbelieve. I mean, inshallah we will conclude over here

01:09:43 --> 01:09:53

about a calligraphy comb Subhanak Allahumma will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta a stone Fuuka lake was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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