Taimiyyah Zubair – Sahih al Bukhari – Kitab al Adab #36

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The conversation is about giving children a proper title when learning about theney. The speakers stress the importance of having a proper name for children, rather than just a nickname. They also discuss the use of "nails" for children, and mention that parents should teach them what children are supposed to be. The speakers briefly touch on the topic of the NTK ( National Teachers Alliance) and its implications for children's education.
AI: Transcript ©
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So I'm already Kumara De La Habra cattle

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are with the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Hilde Karim rubbish rocklea sadri were silly emri where he will rock the 10 melissani of Kahu Kohli Allahumma hadeel Colby was said that Lee Sani was ruled Sufi Mata Colby amenia Oberon Amin. inshallah, we will continue with our study of keytab will adopt from Sahih Bukhari, the book of etiquette or the book of manners and inshallah, we'll begin from BB number 103. And these two chapters that inshallah we'll be looking at are the first two topics that we'll be looking at, are about using certain expressions, that is the use of this kind of expressions permissible or not. So,

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the first is bb 103 BB only allegedly, for deck A B will mean the words of a man meaning a person saying the words which words for that guy, a B, will me that may make that may my father and my mother be your ransom. This is a very common expression that we come across, especially in Hadeeth study. When we when we you know, listen to the sila or anything about the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we see that the companions use this expression very frequently for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the question over here is that is it permissible to use this expression? Because if you look at the words for Dhaka abhi woombye, for that means that may they be

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ransomed for your sake, who a be my father, what, oh, me and my mother, meaning if harm must reach you, then May my father and my mother be a substitute for you, meaning may they take your place, so no harm reaches you instead, that harm or that suffering reaches my parents, though, so this is basically an expression of extreme love and adoration, where a person is basically saying that, you know, I don't want any harm to reach you. I don't mind if you know, someone else suffers in your place, I am willing to offer even the most, you know, the best of what I have a my, you know, most beloved people for your sake. So it's it's an expression and remember that when it comes to an

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expression expressions are not meant to be taken literally, if we were to take expressions literally, then no expression would be, you know, permissible, because we see that in expressions there is exaggeration or there is you know, such comparison which is which is not always 100% accurate. So, we must learn to differentiate between literal speech and figurative speech, a lot of times when you know, things are said in in a figurative sense, you know, people take those words or that figurative language in a literal way and when that is done, then yes, you can say that, you know, this is inaccurate, this is false, this is unfair, this is untrue. And yes, in a way, it is

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untrue, or it is unfair, or it is, you know, exaggerated. But language doesn't work like that. A lot of times strong language is used or, you know, comparisons are made in expressions, which are not 100% accurate always. But the end that's understood that the speaker doesn't mean to say literally what he said it is an expression. So when it comes to this expression for that a B will only then remember that, of course using it for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is completely permissible. Why because we should of course, love him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than we love our own parents Even so, you must be familiar with the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said that none of you can truly believe until I am more beloved to him than his father, his child and all people, you know, all of mankind basically. And there's different versions of this Hades in which basically what we learn is that we should love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even more than we love our parents. So for dakka be we're only using this for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam no problem at all, but using it for other people. This is a question now, which is going to be addressed over here. So first, a mumble hottie says Fie his Zubaydah or an obeah Salalah. Who are they?

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wasallam there is something regarding Zubaydah Do you love Mourinho from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. here remember Hades referring to the incident of the Battle of his Arab where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam asked his companions that who will go and find out about the news of Bhanu coryza meaning who will go basically risk his life in order to find out the news of a Nutella, meaning whether they have betrayed us or not. So tbaytel de la Mourinho, he said that I will, and he and the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and repeated the question and every single time is obaidul de la Horne, who said that I will. So then Zubaydah de la Horan, who went and he found

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out and then when he returned, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him that fee Dhaka abhi will owe me that may my father and mother be ransomed for you? Meaning the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm use this expression for Zubaydah de la Mourinho. So we see that yes, it is correct to use it for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but for someone other than Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is that valid? Of course from this hadith we see that it is valid because the Prophet sallallahu Urdu is that I'm used for his companion. But was it really common let's look at the next Heidi's had doesn't mo said didn't had this an idea here and Sophia had this and he saw

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the blue Ibrahim. And Abdullah had Nisha dad in an alien rhodiola horn who all of us America rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you find the hidden layer of sardine. So I did not do a lot more and Who said that? I never heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, saying that someone should be ransom for him. Except for Saad meaning he only use this expression for Sandra de la Mourinho. Samira, to who you're cool. I heard him saying it me throw the arrow for Dhaka or be with me. May my father and mother be your ransom aluna who yoma or her? I think that was in the Battle of her then yes, it was in the Battle of Aha. So we see that the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam used his expression in order to encourage sourdough de la Mourinho so that he would be brave because you all are familiar with what happened at the Battle of Ohio. That how all of a sudden, you know, there was an unexpected attack from the machete Cain, you know, where the Muslims thought that they had defeated the enemy, all of a sudden the enemy returned from a place where the Muslims never expected. And and so in that state where people were fleeing, saw that I'll do a lot more on who was with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would, you know give him you know, an error on sourdough de la Horne who would shoot it. So,

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the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said him use this expression for him so a lot for him but Ile de la Horne who in order to encourage him, so when it comes to you know the use of this expression we see that already they'll do a lot more and who said that he only heard the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said him use it once. Now of course this was as per you know, the knowledge and observation of Lila Lila Mourinho. You know, there are other narrations that indicate that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and used it for another companion as well and that was of course, Zubaydah de la Mourinho as we just saw, and then we see that you know, certain companions they did use this expression. So for

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example of the love in our best will deal with Mourinho. You know, he said to our comma, that, you know, when when alcamo recited the Quran before him, he said a lot till feedback A B will only tell meaning keep reciting, or recite beautifully with 13 May my father and mother be read some for you, meaning he really appreciated the way that he had recited the Quran. And then we see the Abubakar all day long Warren who also used it for all *, but remodeled the Longhorn who he did not like that this expression be used. So, mmm, no, we you know, he explains that yes, this is you know, the use of this expression in and of itself is permissible. And that is because when a person says it,

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it's of course not to be taken, literally it is just an expression of love, of, of adoration of admiration of respect. However yenni it's, it's befitting for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is the reason why we see that a lot of scholars disliked the use of this expression for of you know, for any other person like for example, if you were to use it for your teacher or your you know, your your friend or you know, your spouse or someone that you really love. Any if you were to use it, okay, you're not, you know, sinful for saying it. But is it really befitting that you say that may my father and my mother be ransom for you? Any out of all people? It is our parents

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that we should love right after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they deserve our best

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treatment. So to use this expression for, you know, ordinary people, no matter how lovable they are, uh, no matter how, how great they are any, it's it's almost unbefitting meaning a person should not, you know, lower himself so much nor should he, you know lower his parents so much. However, if a person were to say an expression like this, it would not be, you know he would not be sinful because it's not meant to be taken literally. The next is Bab Ollie Rajamouli geralyn illa houfy Dhaka, a man saying May Allah make me your ransom. So same kind of expression but here a person is saying that may Allah make me your ransom not my parents or you know my father only my mother only but me

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and when a person says me this means all of you know what I have everything I have. Everyone that I love, meaning me my family, my parents, my spouse, my children, my wealth, everything. Well, Carla Abubakar in Lin Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa selama for the NACA be a ballerina What? Oh, my hair Tina, Abubakar de la Mora, who said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that may our fathers and mothers be your ransom. Now, this is about Colonel Dillon Warren who said this when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. You know, on the member once he was standing, and he said, indeed a worshiper has been given a choice by Allah between basically, life and death, right and the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he was indicating that, you know, the time of his death was near, but he used figurative language over there and nobody really understood, but it will be called de la hora en who understood and so he said at that time, that for the NACA rasulillah he be a bear in our Omaha, Tina, that we will ransom our fathers and mothers for you, all messenger of Allah, meaning we're willing to give up anything in order to you know, save you from harm. We don't want any harm to even touch you. So Abubakar at Longhorn, who said you know on behalf of everybody that we give our parents basically as ransom free all of us. So expressions like this, are there

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permissible? Let's look at the Hadees had this an early human Abdullah had this an ambitious rule movable had that and I have no idea is how corn Anna Sydney malakian unknown aka Bella hula, Bhopal Hata, man Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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very interesting Hadees long story but a very beautiful story. So in this hadith we see Ernesto de la Mora and who said that him and I will tell her right about on how will you love Mourinho, they went along with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam meaning on a journey. Why am I going to be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Sophia to and at that time with the Prophet sallallahu Urdu send him was sophia La Jolla Mourinho, his wife, our mother, modify her Allah rahila T and she was sitting behind him on his on his right meaning on the camel the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting in the front and Sophia radula horn her in she was sitting in the back. Alright, so then

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what happened? philomela cannot be bothered, but he I thought it Nakatsu now what while they were, you know, while they had gone a part of the way meaning they had crossed a certain portion of the journey, what happened? I thought I did not go to the she camel stumbled. And when the camel stumbled for Surya under bu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ah well, Morocco. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the woman the lady meeting sulfuryl de la marinha both of them, they fell off of the camel. What about paletta on the Arecibo, Tama unburied, e and a butel. Hello de la Mourinho, immediately. He got off of his camel for a Tata suit Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he came

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to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right away for Kala Yana be Allah and he said oh prophet of Allah jerilyn illa houfy Dhaka May Allah make me a ransom for you. Hello Saba come in shade did anything reach you? Meaning Are you hurt at all? Call Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no, I'm not hurt What can I likeable Mara, but you must go check up on the lady meaning please go see if Sophia is okay. For Alka Bhopal Hata Silva who are a language he he so I will tell her, put his own cloth meaning he had some piece of cloth so he put it on his face for casada cost the her and he went to words Sophia radula marinha for a Luca Silva who are lay her and then he put that

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cloth of his on her for karma to Morocco. And then the lady got up meaning whenever she

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was able to, you know, fix her clothes etc. She got up fed the Allahumma Allah rahila t Hema for Kiba. And then I will tell her rhodiola horn who, you know, he, he, he set up their ride for them because you see, there's, you know, some kind of seat something on the camel so that had fallen so a butalbital della horn who fixed that? And then he made both of them, you know, sit on their ride for aucuba so both of them, you know, got on to the camel for saddle and then they traveled, they continued the journey had to either Kanu beloeil Medina tea until when they could see Medina they were very close to Medina. Oh Paula Ashleigh for en el Medina. Allah Antabuse sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at that time, a buena de la buena RB Duna Li rabina hammy Duna and this is a draw that he said a boon de boon, meaning we are ones who are returning we are ones who repent are we doing we are ones who worship Allah. lira Bina, we worship our Lord, how are we doing? We praise our Lord. Philomena xillia kulu Hector de Holland Medina and he continued to say this door until he entered Medina, meaning he didn't just say this door once or twice he continued to say it until he entered the city. So of course, somebody has brought this Hardee's over here to prove how a baton How will the Longhorn who use this expression, when he

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addressed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this shows us the right place of an expression like this that when you are really concerned when you when you are showing your love, you know for someone then you use an expression like this. And if the use of this expression was incorrect, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have corrected about that, how will you love Mourinho right away, but he did not he, he accepted it, which means that he permitted he allowed the use of such an expression. So, what this hadith teaches us is that the use of an expression like this is permissible. However, there are so many, you know, beautiful lessons in this Hadeeth for us to, you

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know, to take from to learn from, and the first thing that we see in this hadith is that you know, the fact that the that will not handle the long horn, who used an expression like this shows us that we should also use you know, loving, encouraging words, you know, we have differences, we have, you know, different opinions, we do get into disagreements, but any up harsh language, you know, putting people down is something that is very, very discouraging. I know if only if we are used to loving expressions, kind expressions, only then will such words come out of our mouth, in unpleasant and difficult situations as well. So, become accustomed to you know, get get used to, you know, good

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language, good expressions. Then we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam any, he he got hurt, right the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a human being this was a part of his humanity. And he, he fell from his camel, but Subhana Allah, even when something hurt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there's so much for, you know, for us to even learn from an incident like that. What do we learn from his response? We see that when it will not have yellow horn who came to check up on him right away. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he reassured him that I'm fine. But go check on Sofia rhodiola. Is she okay? So his immediate concern was who it

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was his wife, is she okay? You see, men are supposed to be a worm, and who is a worm Kawan is, you know, someone who is supposed to look after not just someone who's supposed to boss around, someone who's supposed to look after and we see that this is a prophetic trait. We see this in Musashi Salaam, was earlier on when he was traveling with his family. And when he saw, you know, a fire in the distance, he told his family and this has mentioned not once but multiple times in the Quran, that for Kali le him cusu in the * to narrow that he said to his wife, that you stay here, I have perceived some fire in the distance. So you stay here, I am going to go check over there. So that I

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can find out about you know about our journey, which which way we should go in, and if not, that perhaps I can get some, you know, some, you know, a piece of wood on fire or something in order that you may become worn. So Pamela musala, his cinemas traveling, he's saving his wife, his family, you know, the long walk all the way up to where he saw the fire, and he wants to bring some fire for them so that they may become more. Allahu Akbar. We see the Prophet sallallahu

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Listen, I'm over here, he has fallen from this camel, his wife has fallen from the camel. And his concern is his wife, is she okay? And where he is not able to go check himself? What does he do? He tells a book on how to do love Warren who that are they a couple more that meaning that you must go check on her You must see to her You must attend to her. So we see that the Prophet sallallahu or do send them you know, protective concern his legal, you know, for his wife did not mean that no one could go near her. Alright, our mother Sophia dilla horn had fallen, and perhaps she had gotten hurt, perhaps, you know, her clothes, her veil, etc, were out of place, you see a fall from a camel

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is something serious. So it's painful. And imagine if a person you know falls down then of course, their clothes are not, you know, in the right place. So, perhaps she needed some, you know, assistance, some kind of help, and a bottle of yellow horn who looked at his way, the way that he helped Sophia rhodiola warn her that he covered his face, alright, he put a cloth on his own face covering his eyes. Why? So that he does not see severe Radulov more on her right in case she needs to adjust her clothing. And besides, you know, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and we're supposed to be you know, from behind a hijab from behind a screen when they were to you

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know, speak with the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So, he covered his own eyes, so that he does not accidentally you know, see her and secondly, you know, he covers his eyes, why, so, that even Sophia radula horn her does not feel uncomfortable, right. So, we see that, you know, sometimes it happens that there is a situation of emergency where someone needs your help, or you know, there is a situation where, you know, you will come across, you know, someone who is not appropriately covered, that could be on purpose, that could be by accident, that could be you know, because of an emergency situation, whatever the reason may be, your responsibility is to guard

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yourself, your responsibility is to protect yourself. Yes, in the Quran, Allah xpanel Tada has instructed women, you know, to cover themselves up in in sudo to insert the * the eye other very clear, there is no doubt about that. But before the women are addressed, to cover themselves, men are told to guard their eyes. So it begins with, you know, individual responsibility that we can always be, you know, criticizing other people, why do you exist? And why do you have eyes? And you know, your eyes are showing, and, and you know, you shouldn't be in this space, and you should not even, you know, exist over here. You we go to such an extreme? That's not possible. Right? Nobody

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yelled at sulfuryl de la marinha. That why why did you even come on this journey? Right? Why? Why are you even here? You should be at home. No, she was traveling for whatever reason, Allah Who are you know, she was traveling, she was there, this incident happened. And at this moment, what was necessary was that each person, you know, take care of themselves, and do whatever they can to help the other. So obatala Hello, Dylan Warren who, in he guarded his eyes, he covered his eyes. And by that he also helped, you know, saphira de la hora in her where she felt comfortable enough to you know, gather herself together and get up and then the journey could resume. Another thing we see in

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this Heidi's a very beautiful Dora, which is a draw of returning from a journey. When it comes to the door of you know, travel, the door that we're supposed to say when we begin a journey that there is well known Subhanallah the Sahara Lana had a woman called Nana who mccreaney there is different doors, but they're all for return from a journey. Right when you're going back home. This there are a lot of people don't know. And it's such a short, beautiful door, and it is a boon to a boon. I'll be doing lira Bina hamidou. So basically, you have to learn four words. Alright, what are these four words a boon that a boon I'll be doing? And how many don't? four main words. And right before the

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last word you say lira Bina. So, what is the meaning of this?

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Before we look at the meaning the question is when exactly do you say this though? So we learned from different Heidi's about the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this dog on return journey, meaning on returning home from a certain you know, you know, journey or expedition or or, or wherever that he traveled to. So first of all, you say this door when you begin the return journey, so let's say you travel to a different country, and now you are traveling back home. So you leave for the

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airport you sit on the plane and the plane takes off at that time when you say Subhanallah de Sahaja Lana, you should also say a boon to a boon. I'll be doing the rabina hamedan why because now you are beginning your journey back home. Secondly, you say this Dora again, when you can see your city so for example, the plane is landing now. And at that time you say this door and you don't just say it once you continue to say it, for instance, until you land because the Prophet salallahu Urdu said I'm continued to repeat these words until he entered the city. So he began saying them when he saw Medina and he can and he only stopped when he had entered Medina.

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So now when we look at the words of this there are a boon that a boon I boon Abel is someone who returns so a boon meaning we are ones who are returning, meaning we are returning home, that a boon, those who repent meaning we are returning home, and we also return you know to Allah subhanaw taala in repentance, that may Allah subhanaw taala accept our repentance and forgive us and then I'll be doing that we are worshippers of Allah, we only worship Allah Hamadan, we are praising and thanking Allah. So what why are we praising and thanking Allah because Alhamdulillah we have returned home, and you know, anywhere that you travel to and no matter how important that trip was, and no matter

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how beneficial that trip was, any there's no place like home. So hamidou li rabina hamedan We thank and praise our Lord. So just as we return home, we return to Allah, we returned from sins, we do this for Allah, we we worship Allah, and we thank Allah subhanaw taala. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say this door on his return journey.

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Now, the next step web are the the next set of chapter headings topics are related to naming giving names to children, or to people, you know, which kind of names are are beloved to Allah subhanaw taala which kind of names are not you know, liked, and what to do if someone has a name that is not appropriate can it be changed, who can change it? What kind of names should be given to people? So this is what the next few topics are about. So the first topic in this section is Bab a habal usma e l Allah here are zoa gela, the most beloved names to Allah the Exalted meaning the names which Allah subhanaw taala loves the most, what are those themes in Hades in Abu Dawood and and other books of

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Hades also, we learn a helpful usma illa Allah He tala Abdullah, what are the Rockman that the most beloved names to Allah the Exalted are our Abdullah and Abdul Rahman. Abdullah, meaning the slave of Allah of the man meaning the slave off the Most Merciful, meaning the slave of Allah, the worshipper of Allah. So let's look at the Hadees had done so the paternal fugly Baran Abner Rena had done Abdul Mancha add on jabbing Raji Allahu Allah will Italia Julie Mina hula moon. So Jagger radula. Horan, who said that Willie Dolly Rajamouli Mina hula moon that a man among us had a boy meaning you know he had a child and what happened for some man who will pass him he named his child, Qasim he named

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his son cost him for cooler so we said to him, lamb neck Nika of Al Qasim, we are never going to give you the cornea of Abul Qasim we will never call you by saying I will cost him What a kurama and there is no honor at all. Meaning if you try to, you know you've named your son cost him and if you want to do that, so that you're called abou Qasim like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we don't accept it. We're not going to respect you for that at all. For about en nebia sallallahu alayhi wa selama for color, some maybe Nika at the right man. So the man went and told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that this is what my people have said. So the Prophet sallallahu Urdu

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said, I'm told that men that give your son the name are the right man. So in this hadith we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam suggested the most beloved name to Allah, you know, to this person, and that name is are the right man. Now, why is it that they said that, you know, if you if you give your son this name Qasim, we're never going to call you a blue person because I will pass him was the cornea of the Prophet sallallahu. Ernie was no and we'll talk about kuhnian in just a minute.

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But they did not like the idea that this man was going to have the same cornea, as that of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So they did not they did not appreciate this, you know, this imitation, that, you know, this is almost disrespectful, that How dare you, you know, try to have the same name as that of the Prophet sallallahu already have sent him or rather the same cornea, the same title, as that of the Prophet sallallahu Ernie who was sending, so the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him, told him to give his son the name of the Rama. And as I mentioned earlier, in the Hadees, we learned that the most beloved of names to Allah is, is Abdullah and Abdullah. Now, this

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does not mean that if a person has this name of the law or the regiment, then they are Allah's Beloved, no, because there are people whose name is Abdullah, but they're not necessarily loved by Allah exalted. You know, we have the example of our beloved obey, who was the chief of the hypocrites, any about him, it is said in the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu earlier sentiments addressed that whether you seek forgiveness for them or you do not seek forgiveness for them, Allah will never forgive these people. A stuffit Allah ne This is a man whose name is Abdullah. Right? But any that man was not loved by Allah. He was your name alone is not going to save you your name. Your

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good name is not enough for you. Right? It's about your actions. Yes, a name is important, but that's not the only thing that defines a person. So.

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So out of all the names that people can have, which names are beloved to Allah, it is Abdullah and Abdul Rahman. Why? What is the reason? The reason is that when you call someone Abdullah, a worshipper of Allah, then what are you really? What is it that you are acknowledging the fact that this person is a worshiper, a slave is servant of Allah. Right? And our purpose of existence is what to worship Allah subhanaw taala. And, and what is, you know, the greatest honor for us, that that we that we worship Allah subhanaw taala that we become true slaves to Allah. So names that reflect servitude to Allah are liked by Allah, names that reflect that, that a person is a, you know

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worshipper of Allah, then this is something that is appreciated by Allah exalted. So we see that in the Quran. We have the name Abdullah mentioned where he sallallahu Sallam said in Nia Abdullah, that I am aguadilla, the servant of Allah. And then we see that our little man is also mentioned where Allah subhanaw taala praises His servants, when he calls them were a bad rap man, the slaves of a rock man in the plural form it is mentioned about the slaves of a Rama and the singular form of that would be are the Redman. So these names they're mentioned in the Quran, and we see that any name that reflects or Buddha to Allah, any they are the best. And we see that the primary Name of Allah

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the Exalted of course is Allah. So Abdullah slave of Allah and then after his Mugello, Allah you have a rough man, which is also a primary Name of Allah. So we see in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says could either Allah a widow of Raj man, call upon Allah meaning say Allah or say, a man, a matadero fella who a smell hustler, whichever name you take Allah subhanaw taala has all you know beautiful, most excellent names. So you know people can be given the name, such as Abdur Rahim because a Rahim is also a name Allah, Abdullah Eileen.

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Eileen is also one of the names of Allah Abdul Jabbar, you know Abdul Latif, any name of Allah, when you say are the dual meaning the slave of Allah and you know, you met you mentioned his, you mentioned one of the names of Allah than such a name reflects servitude to Allah and therefore, a name like that is excellent, right it is, it is loved by Allah it is liked by Allah.

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The next is Bab olan Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has some more bismi will attack 10 will be community. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, name yourselves with my name, but do not use my cornea. Meaning you may use my name, but you cannot use my cornea. What was his name? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam so and any, you know synonym of that, like for example, Ahmed or Mahmoud, or or any other name like that. So, using a name like that giving a name of the Prophet sallallahu radiosonde

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To someone that is permissible, but when it comes to the cornea of the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him and what was his cornea, Abu Qasim, this cannot be given to someone else, right? This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said. Now let's look at the concept of cornea. What is a cornea? A cornea is basically when you call someone abou so and so meaning the father of so and so. Or, I'm so and so the mother of so and so. Right. And a cornea any the the purpose of calling someone by a cornea is basically addressing them with respect, okay, it's it's a way of respectfully addressing them.

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And this is why we see that a cornea also becomes a unique, you know, identity of a person. Right. It's not just a way of honoring them, it is also a way of distinguishing them from the rest of the people. Okay. And it was customary at that time for people to give Konya to, to, uh, to address, you know, people by their cornea and and this is something that has always been a part of the Muslim tradition,

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not just within the errors of Arabs, but it has also expanded to you know, other Muslim cultures anyway.

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Now, a cornea typically, but not always, is given after once eldest child. So for example, if a person has three children, right, the first is the eldest is a daughter named Medea. Right? And then there is a son named Abdullah. And then there's a daughter named Ayesha, right. So the father of these children and he would be called a boomerang. Right? I boomerang. Why? Because mme is the name of his eldest child. Now, this is typically the case but not always. All right, because we see that a cornea can also be given to a person when they are still a child meaning even before they're married, and even before they have children. And we have multiple examples of this from from the

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life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. And then we see that a cornea can also be given to a person, you know, after a name that is not a name of their child. Okay. So for example, we see that in the in the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. You know, there was that child about remade the younger brother off on this little deal on Mourinho, who was a little child whose bird had died and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam addressed him, you know, he said to him, yet about roommate, McFarland knew a roommate, what happened to the bird, right? So it's a child, he doesn't have a son named roommate, but his kunia was a bhoot roommate. Alright, then we have our own

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harlot, who was a little girl now on Khalid literally means Mother of Khalid, right. She was a little girl, and she had come from Ibis, India, right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gifted her some clothes as well. Beautiful a hadith about her, but any Her name is well known on Khalid, right. Then we have for example, among the companions, Abu Bakar, Ile de la hora hubo, could have did not have a son named Bucky, right. abou Huff's. This was the cornea of Romano de la Mourinho, he did not have a son named Huff's Abood, I don't know de la Mourinho and he did not have a son named hudaydah abou, the rodilla horn who did not have a son named the right, we see our

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Chateau de la hora in her and he she was called Omar Abdullah and she did not have a son named Abdullah. So remember that the purpose of a cornea is to honor a person and also distinguish them from the rest of the people. This is important for us to understand in order to realize why the Prophet sallallahu earlier said them, you know, he he said that people should not give his Konya right they should not use his cornea. So a cornea mainly for two reasons. I know Anna sooner anunoby sallallahu alayhi wa sallam unnecessarily long horn who said that relating from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning an astrologer lamorne who related that in a Hadees what that the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you can use my name but you cannot use my cornea. And this is remember how he is referring to another Hadith which he has reported in in his collection. So he in another place. And that Hadith is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once in the marketplace, and a man said, Yeah, Ebell Qasim or Abul Qasim. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned around in order to speak to that man or in order to answer him, but the man said to him, I didn't mean to call you I was actually calling someone else.

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meaning there's someone else also over here whose name whose kunia is Abul Qasim I was calling him I wasn't calling you. So at this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, some will bismi will attack 10 will be cornetti you can take my name, meaning you can give my name to your children, etc, but you cannot take my cornea, this is not permissible. Why is it not permissible? There's different reasons for this, but of course, from this high these you know, we understand that the reason is so that people do not get confused, right, that which I will pass him is this is this will pass him as in the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or is this some other little possum and it

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would cause confusion. And we see that the purpose of a cornea is to distinguish a person from the rest of the people, and it is also an honorific, then why should the honorific or the unique title of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam be given to others because that would be, you know, a way of competing with him sallallahu alayhi wasallam and in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala says Lata Gerardo da soli Vina con cada ibaby comparable that do not, you know, call the Prophet sallallahu earlier said that the way you call one another, right meaning, you know his his title, his honorific should be unique for him, don't use that for other people. Now, it will claim said that the dislike

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for using the cornea of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam has three reasons. The first reason is that giving the meaning of the name Qasim right. You see, I will call him the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a son whose name was awesome. Therefore, he was called a bull possum, but not just that awesome also means one who distributes, right one who distributes and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that that Allah is the one who gives and I am the one who distributes. Okay. So I will pass him would be, you know, the one who really distributes properly. So no claims at the first reason is giving the name of giving the meaning of the name Qasim to those

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who do not deserve it. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if he's called a bill awesome, that's because when he divided things between people he divided, you know, with justice, right as per the commands of Allah, but when people divide, you know, for example, wealth between people, are they always fair, especially people who are in a position of authority? They're not always fair, right? So it doesn't Be Fit anyone else to be called a bill Qasim. Secondly, he said the second reason is concerned about confusing between the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and someone else when addressing or calling him. So for example, we learned in this incident where a man called

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another person he said I will call him and the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm the thought that he was being called. So this would cause confusion. Now, when it comes to ordinary people, if you get confused as to which, you know, medium it was who called you? No problem, right? Because it's okay things can be, you know, clarified later and it's really not a big deal. But when it comes to the identity of the Prophet salallahu, Urdu suddenly it cannot be mixed with someone else's identity, it cannot be confused with someone else's identity, because if the prophets of Allah who are using them as instructed us to do something, then we have to do it and if he is forbidden us

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from something, then we must refrain from it. Right? The matter of our eternity depends on this. So, this is a reason why any of the the identity of the Prophet sallallahu earlier Selim cannot be confused with someone else's identity. And the third reason is even okay him said using both of the Prophet sallallahu organism's name and kunia removes the benefit of having a distinction in name for him, meaning if someone has the exact same name and then any the prophets of Allah who already have some does not have that unique distinction anymore. Meaning again, it would be confusing as to who who you know, which will cost him is this. Now let's look at the Hadees herbison mo sadoun had that

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in a haledon had doesn't have Hussein on Salomon on jabon and will de la Mourinho, kala will eagerly Rajamouli Mina hula mon for summer who will cause him for kalu learn acne. He had that as a hedonist ala nabina sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Jabara de la Mancha reported that a man among us had a son, and he named him Qasim. So his people said that we will never, you know, give him his cornea, meaning we're never going to call him a bull Qasim until we asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and when they asked him for Allah, He said some more bismi will ask Dr know because deity you can give my name, name yourselves with it, but do not use my cornea. So so using his name is permissible using his cornea not permissible

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had nothing not really you've not Abdullah had done a sufian on a YouTube or anybody serien Sameera to Abba hooray Tata Allah Abul Qasim sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Assam moobus me will attack Daniel b konia. t even serene said from Abu huraira that Abril Qasim said me and I will cost him his will the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that name yourselves with my name but do not use my cornea, some movies me will let Dr know, because it and there's another report in which we learn

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that a person he had a son, right and he named him what Hamlet, okay? And when he named his child Muhammad Sallallahu End Of course we're talking about

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam now when this man gave the name of the Prophet sallallahu Ernestina meeting Mohammed to his son, what happened is that his people were not pleased with that at all, they were upset that How dare you give the name of our Prophet sallallahu already and send them to your son. So the man went to the Prophet salallahu Urdu send them with his son, right? And he told him, that he also Allah, I had this I had my baby and I gave him your name. And this is what my people said. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that give him my name, but do not give him my cornea, meaning you can call him Muhammad, but you cannot call him I will cost him

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right. So, this teaches us an important lesson, which is that Muhammad and I will cost him both the name and the cornea of the Prophet sallallahu earlier send them together cannot be given to a person okay. So some say that together, they cannot be given right, either can be given to a person. Right? Some say that this prohibition was only in the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because the reason for the prohibition was, you know, confusion. So after the death of the Prophet sallallahu already have some it is permissible to give his cornea to others and others say that no, it is not permissible, you know, to give his cornea to anyone at all. So there is a difference of

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opinion regarding this matter, had this in Abdullah Huebner Mohammed had done a sofian called a Samaritan el Mancha de pollo, similar to Jabba Ragnar Abdullah radula. More in Houma, willy nilly, Roger de Mina, who Lamin for Summerhill Qasim of Apollo lenok Nika be a bill Kasim Willa No. nury Mu Karina

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so Jabara de la Mourinho, he reported that a man among us had a son and he named him cost him so the people said to him, we're never going to give you the cornea of herbal Qasim, and we're never going to delight your eye by that, right? Look at this land no near mo Kareena we're never going to give you the delight of the eyes, meaning we're not going to let you be happy with this. You You want it to be happy with this cornea, we're never going to let you have this question. And this shows us you know, the the love and the end that protective, you know, concern that the companions had for the Prophet sallallahu already who is for attendant BSL Allah, Who are they USA lemma for dakka dakka

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Allahu, for color asmi bonica of the Raj man. So the man came to the Prophet sallallahu ooredoo sentiment mentioned that to him and he said, Give your son the name, our blue rock man. So we see that when you know, the name Muhammad was given to a child, the Prophet sallallahu early and sent him approved of it. But when the name Kasim was given, he did not approve of it, why did he not approve of it? Because now the father will be called a bull person, right? And that would mean that that man now has the same cornea, as that of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that would be incorrect. So, I mentioned to you earlier about how there is a difference of opinion regarding

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this matter. Now, we see that any years after the Prophet sallallahu earning sentiment among you know, the the scholars of earlier and later times, we have, you know, scholars who who were actually given the cornea, I will cost him and that cornea was used. Why? Because nobody criticized it. Why? Because it's very obvious now that this Abril costume is not is not referring to any the name of the costume is not referring to the Prophet sallallahu early he was sadhana Yeti, the identity of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is distinct from that of other people, it would not cause confusion. So in summary, what we see is that giving the name Mohammed or its, you know, synonyms to

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children is something permissible, giving the cornea with the name, meaning calling someone Muhammad and then giving them the name of will cost him giving them the cornea will cost him that is not permissible.

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And where there is a chance of confusion of course to should be avoided, and it is definitely safer to, you know, avoid the cornea of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because like I mentioned earlier cornea is not just for identification, it is also an honorific right it is also, you know, a title and honorific and when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know mentioned that do not use my cornea, he said, and of course, the moon appsumo bainer comm that I am the cost me the one who divides who distributes, you know the wealth of Allah among you. So, again the cornea of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a descriptive one, it was a meaningful one, it wasn't just a

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random cornea, therefore, it is not appropriate to use it. However any if someone has that cornea, it's it's not like they are being sinful because we see that there are people who practiced it and nobody condemned them.

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The next is Bab Ismail has any the name and hasn't

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and hasn't is the opposite of Sal. Sal means is and hasn't meaning difficult or rough. Basically Sahil is used for soft Earth soft ground and hasn't is used for rough hard ground. So imagine if you're you know, walking on a very rocky terrain, that would be hasn't right. And Sal is what easy ground any there is nothing pokey. There's no rocks, very easy to walk on, easy to cross, and then also easy to dig, etc. So giving the name and hasn't rough hard difficult. Any is is such a name appropriate is such a name correct? had nothing that is helpful. nurseline had nothing of the result. Barona murmur on his reggy I never will Masaya be on a be he under about houjicha Elan Nabi

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have a call must smoke. So here we see that almost a related that his father went to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Prophet sallallahu where it is and I'm asked him that what is your name? So his father replied, Allah has known, he said hasn't meaning My name is hasn't. Allah and the salon, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you are Sal meaning change your name. You should not call yourself hasn you should call yourself Sal. Allah He said, love Allah use man, some man he abhi he said, I am not going to change a name that my father gave me. My father gave me this name, I'm not changing it. All of them will say Joby.

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So, everyone will say I have said from asila till has una to feanor berdoo. That we have had roughness in us ever since any my father refused to change his name. And he kept that name hasn't. And therefore we have only experienced roughness and difficulty since that time meeting. He's basically expressing that I wish my father had changed his name, as per the recommendation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had done early human Abdullah who Mahmoud Allah had doesn't have the result of boron Mr. Moran is really unable to say Joby and be here and get the heebie hada. So, another narration of this.

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Now, we see in this Hadees that when the man sorry, the man was the grandfather of evil Messiah, okay, not the father but the grandfather of Edwin Messiah. So you can see in two generations basically the that difficulty that harshness is being experienced. Now, this man his name was hasn't Alright, and hasn't any Of course, it's not a positive name. it's it's a it's a name with a with a very bad meaning. Right? It's it's unbefitting to give such a name to a human being. And this is why when the Prophet salallahu Urdu seldom heard it, he actually suggested that the name be changed. But the man refused to accept that suggestion. He liked the name that his father had given him or he did

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not want to disrespect his father. And this is why he kept that name, even though that name had a bad meaning. Now, what this teaches us is that first of all, when we give names to our children, those names should be meaningful, meaning the meaning should be something positive, right? Something good, not something negative. You know, because names definitely, you know, they have an impact, right? They have an impact on the personality on as we can see over here. It was

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Are you upset that we experienced difficulty ever since, right? So, names certainly have an impact. And then we see that

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any if someone has been given a name that is unbefitting, or that has a wrong meaning, or that has a negative meaning, there is nothing wrong in changing that name. Even if a person is now an adult, and they have children of their own it there's there's no harm in that. Because once we find out that, you know, we've made a mistake, then Jani, we should correct that mistake instead of becoming stubborn on it. Alright. So when it comes to, you know, giving names to children, then remember that it is the right of a child to be given a good name, right, and this is something that we learned should not be delayed. Or, you know, it's not something that we should delay for very long, meaning

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by the seventh day, the child should be given a name. That doesn't mean that it can only be on the seventh day, it can also be on the day that the child is born, the very moment that the child is born, it's perfectly fine. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam named his son Ibrahim the night that he was born, so it is permissible. But when naming the child it is necessary that a good name is given. And then we see that there are names which are recommended. And some of the names we saw names that reflect are Buddha servitude to Allah subhana wa Tada. And then also we see that the Prophet sallallahu earlier Salah mentioned that was loco her el haritha wahama that the most truthful names

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mean the most accurate or correct names we know for people are which ones had his cultivator and her mom, meaning someone who plans intense contemplates because this is what people do, every person every human being cultivates. This doesn't mean that every human being is a farmer, what this means is that every human being does something, something or the other and they reap what they sow, right. And then her mom, meaning someone who is thinking and this is what people do. So, these kinds of names, you know, which reflect servitude, which are accurate, which have a good positive meaning, these kind of names are are good, and names should be of course, you know realistic, we see that we

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should also give names after you know the prophets of Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam named his son, Ibrahim after Prophet Ibrahim or his son am names can also be given after you know righteous people. But when it comes to, you know, names which are not appreciated, then we see that this you know, these kinds of names are names that don't have a good meaning, right names that don't have a positive meaning, or names that reflect shidduch. Right? associating partners to Allah, or names that reflect perfection, right. Like for example, we will see how someone was called Barbara, Barbara means someone who is very righteous, right, extremely righteous. The Prophet sallallahu,

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Urdu, some change that because any, it's it's not right to you know, boast of your piety. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not, you know, except that and then we see names that have ugly meanings. These kinds of names also should not be given to children. So for example, the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him said, well, Baba hoo ha, how to Buddha, the worst or the ugliest of names are held and Mura, how to means war, okay? And moolah means bitter. So these kinds of names the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam did not like. So, in your sometimes, when it comes to naming children, our only concern at times is to give a fancy name or a unique name, right or a word

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that just sounds very, you know, exotic, or very unique, and very different. And we don't, you know, think about reflect over the practicality of that name, or the meaning of that name. Or, you know, if that name even has a meaning, right, and if it does have a meaning, is it is it a positive one, right? So be careful about these matters. Don't just go after, you know what sounds nice and what sounds unique, but go for, you know, words that have names that have a positive good meaning.

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The next is burb the wheel is me either sorry, the wheel is

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Mi l azmin sentimiento changing a name to a name that is better than it. Okay? We see that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him did that very frequently Why? Because the Prophet salallahu Urdu center was not just sent to, you know, teach people or inform them, but he was also sent to us a key him, right to purify them to make them better people. And part of that is that, you know, if someone has a name that is unbefitting, that is incorrect, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would change it. So, it is reported that whenever a person would come to the Prophet sallallahu already who was sent them, and that person had a name, which was, you know, not liked by the prophet

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sallallahu aarnio send them how Allah who he would change it? And of course, he would not like it because there would be something wrong with that name, not because it didn't sound nice to him or was not his personal preference. That's not the case. When it was, you know, there was something wrong with it, then he would change it. I should I'll do a lot more on how to report it something similar, that if you know someone had a small hobby, meaning, meaning a bad name than the Prophet sallallahu or his son would change it to alisma lesson, meaning a good name. And then we see in our model the Longhorn who, yeah Yanni he also reported something similar.

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That he the Prophet sallallahu earlier sudden changed the name Morales Leah into jameelah right meaning a girl was named I'll see I'll see a means one who disobeys right. So he changed it to jameelah that no beautiful, alright, the thing is that, you know, your name is your identity, right and when when you are, you know, called addressed by something, that that has a good meaning. Then, of course, you know, you, you, you you tend to take on that identity in the sense that, you know, for example, if somebody were to call you constantly I'll see you, right, I'll see you as someone who disobeys then what does that mean that okay fine I disobey, but look at how the Prophet

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sallallahu RSM changed No, you are jameelah You are beautiful, right. So, you you you sort of take on the character and the the traits of you know the name that is given to you, right, it has an impact on your personality. So this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would change, change such names, a man came his name was she had she had means a flame. Right? And the Prophet sallallahu already said and said, well, Anthony Sham, rather you are a sham. So it doesn't mean that all of these names are forbidden, right? That they're impermissible? No, they're not impermissible, but it's just that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said them at times change the name to a name that

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was better. And this is what Mr. Bahari mentioned in the Bab the wheel is SMI LS min sentimiento to a name that is better than it

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and we see that even if you know someone was elderly the Prophet salallahu already you send them any change the name so for example we learn about you know the lady whose name was Jeff Amma and Gemma doesn't have a you know a very nice meaning. She came visited the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he said well Auntie has Santa rather you are Hassan, Hassan meaning you are very good right so he he changed his he changed her name. Let's look at the headaches now had this unnecessary the Millennium had this Anna Abu Hassan Kala her destiny Evo has him in and Sakhalin Kala OTL munzee rebny Abby who say the Elan Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mahina will either

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have or hasn't related that Sal said that when almanza even Abby Hussein was born, he was brought to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning as a child, this baby is brought to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam for what are who I love fahidi he and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam put this baby you know on his lap, what abou say then jellison and Abu Zaid was sitting fellahin abou sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a BA in beignet they he and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was you know, occupied with something in his hand meaning in front of him. You need the Prophet sallallahu early Sunnah was busy with something at that time. So what happened for a mana

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Abou sadan bibiani he fertomid I mean for feeding the beast sallallahu alayhi wa selama first the Falcon Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have a call.

01:04:43 --> 01:04:49

So what happened? Abu said told someone to take his son from the thigh of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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because the Prophet sallallahu arisin it was busy at that time, and then when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam finished what he was doing. Allah He said * ubu where's the child

01:05:00 --> 01:05:44

For Karla Abu sadan Abou saidsaid colourbond, Ahuja rasulillah we sent him home or messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah smuggle the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, What is his name? Allah, Allah known. So we'll say it said such and such meaning he mentioned the name that he had given him, Allah wacking asmi hilman Zed, the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and said, rather give him the name and munzer First, the man who you met even in Monday, so, on that day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam named him almanza beautiful story, we see that a child is born, all right, and immediately the child is brought to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this shows, you know,

01:05:44 --> 01:06:22

how, what kind of love the companions had for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they didn't just take instruction from him, right. They also, you know, shared their lives with him, they shared, you know, their good news with him, they shared their, you know, happy moments with him sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Prophet sallallahu ariosa was also not just focused on you know, just take instructions from me, and you know, everybody just, you know, mind your own lives, know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was busy with something, and therefore, he could not attend to the child at that at that time. But then later on, in he asked, Where is the child and he

01:06:22 --> 01:07:03

the Prophet sallallahu Urdu cinema also took interest in the lives of his companions, right? And then he asked what is the name of the child and when they mentioned the name, and that name was not appropriate the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no, give him the name and once it So, the the, you know that same day, the Prophet sallallahu Urdu suddenly changed the name. Now, what does almanzora mean? almanzar means one who warns right one who warns and this is something that, you know, the prophets of Allah did, meaning they were sent to warn their people, you know of what Allah subhanaw taala does not like in order to protect them in order to save them in order to rescue them.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:49

So, a good name was given, so that that name would have you know, a positive impact on the child. Right. You know, for example, if a child has the name, aroma, right, that child grows up thinking, you know, having that close connection with remodel de la Mourinho. Right, if a child has the name, Earth men, then they can relate with Earth Mendel, doula Horner they have this the sense of you know, pride, that that sense of happiness that you know, I have the same name and he was like this. So I am also going to be like this, right, you know, people whose name is mentioned in the Quran, they feel, you know, a certain sense of joy and pride that you know, my name is from the Quran. So,

01:07:51 --> 01:07:51


01:07:52 --> 01:07:57

this is the reason why positive names should be given right Good, good names should be given.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:06

And then we see that perhaps the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave this name to the child so that that child would become a monster. Right?

01:08:08 --> 01:08:53

So give good names to your children, named them after righteous people, and hope that in sha Allah, your children will be like the righteous, that they were named after. Had this and also the horrible fogli Barona mohammadu Darfur and sure better and Arthur evening a be my monitor, and a B RAF hearing on a bee hooray Lata Anna Xena but Canis Mahabharata, for Peter to the king of Saha, a Buddha reported the Dana Mattila Horan, her her name used to be Barbara and Barbara means very righteous, very pious for PETA, so it was said to the kin of Saha, she claims purity for herself for summerhall Rasulullah sallallahu early he was cinema Zeynep so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

01:08:53 --> 01:09:43

sallam named her Zeynep. Now who is this? This could be Zen a bit geohash or Xena bent or be selama or both. And we see that it wasn't just, you know, these two who had the name barabara was quite a common name. We see that even Mei monado de la Mourinho, her name used to be Barbara Gwadar, Julia de la Mourinho, her name also used to be Burma, and the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sent him changed their names as well, why, because that was a coup and full circle, do not claim yourselves to be pure, and he do not claim perfection. So, a name that reflects perfection in these names should also be avoided, because that leads to another extreme. So we see for example, you know, in certain

01:09:43 --> 01:09:59

cultures the name Muna zda is very common and Vanessa means one who is completely you know, purified and free from you know, any any fault or deficiency and anything like that. Now, in a way, when as

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

Okay, pure.

01:10:02 --> 01:10:25

It's a very good concept, but any it doesn't be fit that we describe a human being like that. Right? Because every every human being is such that you know, we we make mistakes. So, when the name bumrah, the Prophet sallallahu early cinema found out about it, and he he changed it. Right he changed it to something that was better.

01:10:26 --> 01:10:44

Next Hardee's had this Ebrahim of new Moosa, harder than a sham and I'm not your agent, Bara home Kala Bharani Abdul Hamid IGNOU debatably shea butter calendulas to Illa sorry, the bill musubi for her destiny and ajet the who hasn't? Or the Marlin Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:10:45 --> 01:11:27

so sorry the men will say you said that his grandfather, whose name was hasn went to the Prophet sallallahu early he was a lemma for column a smoke the Prophet sallallahu urges and asked him what is your name Carlos me hasn't. He said my name is hasn't callable. undersaddle he said rather you are settled change your name. Halima Anna be movie renouncement some money he maybe he said I'm not going to change the name that my father gave me. parliamentary Masaya for my Salat phenol has una to berdoo even to say you have said that we have had roughness in us ever since meaning we have experienced difficulty ever since. So, any This is the consequence of not accepting the advice of

01:11:27 --> 01:12:21

the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not any insisted not argue it's at our shows that it is not impermissible and it is not how long that a person has a name like this like husband right? Because when the man refused any he was left right the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Sena did not insist nothing like that happened. So, it is not any unlawful that a person have a name that means you know roughness and no such names. However, these names are not liked. So in a way a person is missing out. Right. And the other thing is that any look at what even will say you upset that we have experienced roughness since then you need that,

01:12:21 --> 01:13:11

that has affected us for so many years. So this was the consequence of not any accepting the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and not you know, changing the name to to a name that is better, but Manson maybe asthma ill ambia those who named after the names of profits, is that permissible? We'll call it an arson or Bella Naboo sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Ibrahima yarny ibnu an asset that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm kissed Ibrahim meaning his son. So the the Prophet sallallahu Arneson him named his son Ibrahim, after the name of Prophet Ibrahim already has Silla had doesn't have no nomade had this no Mohammed Derbyshire had that Anna is married to live

01:13:11 --> 01:13:16

near be alpha, greater Ibrahim of Namibia. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah Matta severen

01:13:18 --> 01:13:57

is very ill said, I asked even at the ofa Did you see Ibrahim the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So even at the ofa said that matters of Iran, that he actually died very young. Well kuliah a akuna Baraka Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a billion Asha bnu. Well, I can learn to be your Varda who if there had been decreed that there'll be a prophet after Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his son would have lived, but there is no prophet after him. So in this hadith we see that the prophets of Allah who already sent him gave the name Ibrahim to his son had this and so they might not know how to hold on a Sherpa to honor it. Even the saboten call us

01:13:57 --> 01:14:17

American barah on alumni matter Ibrahim alayhis salam ala rasulillah he sallallahu Ernie He will send them in Allah who were there and Phil Jana barra de la Morgan, who said that when Ibrahim died, and remember he died in his infancy, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he has a wet nurse in Jenna. All right.

01:14:18 --> 01:15:00

So we see over here that naming children after the names of the Prophets are at his Salaam is something that is actually a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so there's benefit upon benefit. One benefit is that you're giving a good name to your child. And another benefit is that you're following the example of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in naming your child. So we see that are the Libin, Salaam rhodiola Horne who his son use of he was given his name by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, meaning the Prophet sallallahu oralism gave him that name use of after prophet

01:15:00 --> 01:15:38

Yusuf Alayhi Salam had nothing to Adam had nothing to share but to earn her slain up out of the ramen and Salim Nia bill grd and jab at me Abdullah hid Ansari he Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam some will be well attacked and will be cornea tea for enema and of course him on oxy mobile Unicom what Allahu Allah sooner I need to be sallallahu early he was sending same Hadees the Prophet sallallahu earlier send them set the name yourselves with my name, but not with my Konya, I am the divider who divides between you and this is why people should not have the cornea of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and where he said some moobus me that give you know take my

01:15:38 --> 01:16:27

name. This means that you know, like I mentioned earlier, that the name Mohammed can be given to children, right? And it's synonyms can also be given. And it synonyms are for example, Ahmed Mahmoud, homemade, etc. These are all good names, and they should be given. However, there are some, you know, narrations in which the virtue or the benefit of giving the name Mohammed you know is reported and these narrations are not not authentic. So there isn't any special virtue other than the virtue that the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sent him gave this instruction that some will be speak that give my name so it is perfectly fine to give children the name Mohammed or its synonyms.

01:16:28 --> 01:16:45

The next is had this and I must have noticed Mary had this an Attaboy Ariana had this Anna Abu Hussein Abu Hassan on any of you slyly him and Abby who rate authority Allahu anhu I need to be sallallahu early he was selling McCauley some moobus me will attack 10 will be cornetti he said

01:16:46 --> 01:17:16

he said name yourselves with my name but do not. But do not take my Konya woman watch any film on me for other Annie. And whoever sees me in a dream has indeed seen me for in the shape planner layer to my fellow sarathi because shaitan does not take on my form. Woman cutterbar Allah Yamato Ramadan folia turbowash Mercado homina now and whoever deliberately lies about me, should take his seat in the fire.

01:17:18 --> 01:17:58

Though the Hadith is very clear, the reason why mumble Hadi brought this hadith here is also very obvious. One thing new in this hadith is that whoever sees the Prophet sallallahu early Islam in their dream has in fact seen the Prophet sallallahu already who has said no. Why because shaitan cannot come in, in the form of the Prophet sallallahu are they who said no, but remember, that when it comes to seeing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what you see should match his description. salallahu alayhi wasallam you know, for example, sometimes people will say that there was a man and you know, a man, a very old man with a white beard, and, you know, very righteous

01:17:58 --> 01:18:43

looking. And you know, he was talking to me, and he said, You know, I'm so sure that it was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam any that is not correct. Why because the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sent him did not have a white beard, okay, when he passed away, there was only a few strands of white hair in his beard. So, if a person he claims to see the Prophet salallahu early Islam in their dream, and he the the description of what this should actually meet the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then we see a warning is given that whoever lies about me, then he can take his seat in Hellfire in lying about the Prophet sallallahu or is that a means for example,

01:18:44 --> 01:19:24

that a person invents something says something, and then he attributes it to the Prophet sallallahu to set up any to give weight to, you know, their statement, they attribute it to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam so this is something that will take a person to Hellfire, what every other Billa had this, Mohammed Abdullah, Allah had the Sunnah Abu sametha, unbraid, even Abdullah halvening, a Buddha and the Buddha and Abu Musab Kala willy nilly who now on a day to be in the BS Allah who already he was setting him up for summer who Ibrahim Abu Musa said that I had a son, and I brought him to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he named him Ibrahim, for Hanukkah, who

01:19:24 --> 01:19:59

become rotten. And he gave him technique with a date, meaning the prophets of Allah who are an essential piece of a date, and he put that in the mouth of the baby with the eila, who bill Baraka, and he made doll for a blessing for him with the Father who Elijah, and then he returned the baby to me, what kind of acabado weleda what kind of Akbar Allah d a b Musa. And this was the eldest son of Abu Musab who, Ibrahim. So we see over here, that as soon as a child was born, he was brought to the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and the name was given me

01:20:00 --> 01:20:33

mmediately so it's not necessary that we wait until you know the seventh day in order to name the child. The seventh is the latest any by the seventh day the child better have a name and you have a whole week to finalize to decide, but any don't don't delay beyond that. Had doesn't that Apple Waleed had that as either to had that idea to blu ray Lakota Samaritan movie errata even ashara better. Allah in Casa petition su yo mamatha Ibrahim Rama who Abubakar Otto Roboto Abubakar Mata and in the beast sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:20:35 --> 01:21:28

Ziad amenorrhoea cos related that he heard Emily's Robin Sharma say that the sun was eclipsed on the day that Ibrahim died and who was Ibrahim the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we see that the Prophet sallallahu already said I'm not only gave this name to his own child, but he also he gave this name to the the child of abou Moosa. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gave this name to several children. So, this shows us that any It is good to give the names of the Prophets to children to give the names of the righteous to to children, why, because the children will identify with them, right and the name and charlo will have a positive impact but the

01:21:28 --> 01:21:51

name alone cannot save the child meaning it is not enough for you know the parent to give the best unique name to the child and then neglect the child and not you know, teach or or train or, you know, focus on their upbringing, their tarbiyah any that that has its place, but giving a good name also has its place and it's very important on the last panel to

01:21:52 --> 01:22:10

give us wisdom and the ability to follow the footsteps of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Giacomo Hayden inshallah will conclude over here so practical lahoma would be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta as the Furukawa to La cosa Moray Kumara, Toma here wabarakatuh

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