Taimiyyah Zubair – Indeed I am Near – Day 05

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of remembering Allah's actions and actions during the Torah meal is emphasized, along with practicing praying for Allah's actions and showing gratitude towards him. The speakers emphasize the need to practice praying for Allah's actions and show gratitude towards him, as it is crucial for health and family. The importance of sending blessings and protecting oneself from diseases and illnesses is also emphasized. The speakers stress the importance of praying for the Prophet sallama Alaihi wa sallam and not being held responsible for mistakes, and emphasize the power of words in influencing behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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a lot

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a lot

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Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa wabarakatuh who

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are with bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Hill Karim Furbish Riley Saudi where certainly Emery Washington rock that Emily Sani of coho Kohli along Matthew Colby was a deadly Sunni was sold Sufi Mata can be a meanie herbal Alameen

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wa either Celica Eva de or knee for in Neil Corrib. And when my slaves ask you about me then indeed I am near ever near OG Buddha with a diary either done. I respond to the call of the supplicant. Whenever he calls upon me, fall yesterday, bullies, so they should respond to me they should obey me, they should call upon me. While you mean it will be and they should believe in me, they should trust me they should have faith in me, Lila whom y'all should own, in order that they may be rightly guided. Allah subhanaw taala is cerebral Mujib. He is Ever near he is ever responsive. And so we should continue to call upon Him. And part of our supplication, our dua, because remember there is

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worship should be that we glorify Him and we praise him, meaning when we raise our hands before Allah, and when we think about putting our needs before Allah subhanaw taala we should begin from a place of gratitude, from a place of acknowledgement of His favors, acknowledgement of His greatness, his perfection. And this is why we should increase in in our praise and glorification of Our Lord or zoologia. Any we shouldn't just be thinking about what do I want? And what do I need. And you know, this is something that I want from Allah, our doors should not just be limited to demands and asks, rather, our doors should include words of praise and glorification. And the thing is that when a

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person glorifies and remembers Allah, to you know, is of those people who are a decade in Allah cathedra on with that, curate, those men and women who remember Allah a lot, then such people receive forgiveness from Allah, they receive huge rewards from Allah subhanaw taala. So the benefits of remembering Allah, are at times far greater than the benefits of simply asking Allah Oh Allah, give me this or give me that. And you can get so much more out of glorifying and praising Allah subhanaw taala then what you can get from putting your needs before Allah and asking Allah subhanaw taala to grant you certain things, because our asks are limited to what we can think of what we can

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imagine what we can wish for, or what we feel we need and our knowledge, our awareness is very limited. Allah subhanaw taala his treasures are vast, and he is able to give us more than what we can even imagine more than what we can even think we are in need of. So we should you know our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala when it comes to the Torah should not be limited to just asking Allah for things. Rather, our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala when it comes to the Torah should be based on should begin with glorification and praise of Allah. And as we learn about Massoud Radi Allahu Anhu. He said that when one of you intends to ask, then he should begin with the

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praise and glorification of Allah. And then he should sound solid on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he should ask for what he wishes to ask. So today in sha Allah, we will be talking about Salawat the

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prayers upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now, remember that when it comes to Salawat, the prayers upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is something that, you know we need to do in general also, because the favours of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on us are so many. So, we should be praying for him, we should be showing our gratitude for everything that he did. And especially when it comes to calling upon Allah subhanaw taala, making Daura then at that time also we should send solid on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we learned that earlier of the Longhorn, who he said that every Dora is veiled until solid is sent on Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning

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one of the scholars whenever he explained that every Dora is prevented from being granted until the supplicant sends solid on the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So sending salah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a was sila, it is a means of closeness to Allah, it is a means of having doors accepted, and so we should increase in our Salawat In fact, some Relena they said, that begin your Dora with salawat and then in the middle of your door also send salawat and at the end of the day are also sent Salawat meaning meaning continue to send salawat and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for as long as you are making dua, and in a hadith we learned that obey even

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Carrboro de la hora and who and obey even cara de la hora was a companion who was very well versed in the knowledge of the Quran. So much so that one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he asked him that what is the greatest ayah of the Quran? Just just just like that he asked Him and obey when cargo the Allahu Anhu he responded it could see and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam struck him on his chest and he said, Congratulations, on your knowledge may Allah bless you in your ILL In Hee hee hee the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam expressed his great joy. So Obi Wan Carbonell de la Mourinho was someone very, you know, he was someone of knowledge, someone who

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paid you know, great attention to the book of Allah. And he did a lot of the book, a lot of reflection. And so he was able to give the answer give the right answer so quickly, without any delay, and obey when cargado de la hora and who he asked the prophets of Allah who already he will send them that I send a great deal of solid upon you how much of my dua should be ascending salata upon you? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whatever you wish, obeys the law, one who asked one quarter, he said, Whatever you wish, and if you do more, that will be better for you. So he said, one half, he said, Whatever you wish, and if you do more, that will be better for you. He

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said two thirds, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam said, Whatever you wish, and if you do more, that will be better for you. He said, I will make all of my dua for you, then he said, then your concerns will be taken care of and your sins will be forgiven. Allahu Akbar. Now this hadith does not mean that a person should not make dua for themselves at all. And they should only send blessings upon the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. Now this is not what this what this hadith is teaching us, because this would be contrary to the practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because he would make so many different Dora's, and he would teach people so many different

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doors as well. So, what it means by I will make all of my door up for you is that I will spend the time I used to spend offering making a certain draw in sending blessings upon you and some of the scholars they explained that perhaps obey even carbonyl Dr. Horne who had a specific drop that he would make for himself, okay, he had he had a specific draw that he would make for himself. And he asked about replacing that Dora with Salah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, for example, maybe there's something that you ask for yourself on a regular basis. For instance, you ask ya Allah

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you know, grant me good health, grant my parents, well being, you know, protect me from such and such disease or from such and such thing from happening in the future, protect me from extreme old age.

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From being from becoming dependent on on my children on my family and things like that, you know, people have certain doors that they make regularly. So when even cara de la Horne who perhaps he also had some Dora that he would make for himself on a regular basis, and he was asking about that, Dora that should I

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replace half of it with solid on you, oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then at the end, he said, I will, I will replace it completely with solid on you, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that that that is better for you. Right? If you increase that is better for you. And when you will do that, then all of your concerns will be taken care of and your sins will be forgiven. Because you see, these are the concerns that we have. All right, that will Allah protect me from extreme old age, protect me from, you know, illness, protect me from such and such disease, protect me from, you know, being dependent on others, so on and so

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forth. There are so many concerns we have fears we have and apprehensions we have. So when you send Salah to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam once what happens, Allah subhanaw taala sends upon you 10 blessings, Allah subhanaw taala forgives your sins, Allah subhanaw taala raises your ranks. So if you were to ask for different things, how many things can you ask for? And what exactly are you asking for? You know, it's possible that you're asking for something like, for example, that Allah protects you from, from extreme old age or dependency on others, who knows, Allah subhanaw taala may have already decreed for you good health until the end of your life. So you know, you're spending

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time asking for something that does not apply to you and you don't know that. But if you ask Allah subhanaw taala, to send blessings upon the prophets of Allah who already knows that Allah will bless you and you know, 10 times more, Allah will forgive you, Allah will raise your ranks. So the DUA you make for the Prophet sallallahu or your Salah is far more beneficial for you than the Dora that you can make for yourself. And what this Hadith also means is that we should send a great deal of solid on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because of the benefit of sending Salah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and in this hadith we see that he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that

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then your concerns will be taken care of meaning if you spend all of the time in which you in which you ask Allah subhanaw taala for certain things that you you wish.

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If you spend all of that time in ascending salah, upon the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, then whatever concerns you have will be taken care of. And these concerns can be religious, they can be worldly, they could be related to you or your children, they could be related to your health, your wealth, your knowledge, your present your future, any your goals, right your your wishes, whatever it may be, Allah subhanaw taala will, will take care of those affairs, because when you will be preoccupied with with sending Salatin, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then Allah subhanaw taala will take care of all of your affairs, because you are busying yourself with something that is

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far more important.

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And this shows us that when you send Salah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam then you will attain something better than what you could ask Allah subhanaw taala for yourself for meaning what you get by sending solid and the Prophet sallallahu Arias is far better than what you can think of. And Imam will show Kenny explains that if Allah takes care of a person's concerns, then such a person will be free from trials and troubles in this world. Because every trial inevitably causes some concern even if it is little. And if Allah forgives a person sins, then he will be saved from the trials of the hereafter. So, when you sense Allah and the Prophet salallahu early you send them

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then you will get the benefits of this world benefits of the hereafter. You get protection, you get blessings, you get rewards, you get way more than you can think of you can imagine you can ask yourself now, there should of course be moderation. Some people based on this hadith, you know they will mandate on themselves or on their children that you must send

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Salah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at such and such occasion, this many times a day, and more and basically, they don't teach them other dogs, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught, so there must be moderation. We must, you know benefit from the Dora's that Allah subhanaw taala has taught us in the Quran that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam taught us otherwise, and we must also send Salah to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam we should do both. Now, when it comes to sending salat on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah azza wa jal tells us in the Quran, that in Allah Azza wa Mala Ekata who you saw Luna Island NaVi? Yeah, au

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Halina, Amanu Sallu alayhi wa salim Otis Lima, that indeed Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet and his angels ask him to do so. Or you will have believed, ask Allah to confer blessing upon him and ask Allah to grant him peace. You see, in this ayah, Allah subhanaw taala is showing us the status of his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Ne not only is Allah honoring his messenger SallAllahu Urdu sent them through this ayah in his life and also after his death. But Allah subhanaw taala is also telling us showing us what the status of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is before Allah, that Allah sends solid on His Messenger, and his angels send salat on him, said Allahu

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alayhi wa sallam. So, this is what happens in the mullah Arla in the highest assembly, that Allah and His messengers send Salah to the Prophet, sorry, Allah and His angels sent Salatin, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is what's happening in the highest assembly. And this is what the inhabitants of the heavens do the angels they send Surat and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, so all inhabitants of the world, you should also do the same. Because when you will do the same, when you will send a letter to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam then you will be conforming with an action that Allah azza wa jal does, you will be conforming with an action that his angels are doing,

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you will be conforming with a heavenly deed, with something that is done in in the heavens, by being hit by the inhabitants of the heavens. So you when you're on the earth, you should also do something that is heavenly, right because it will raise you in your ranks. And this shows us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is praised he is mentioned were in in the higher in the in the, in the heavens, in the in the higher world and also in the earth. The lower world, right in the world, because the Muslims also we we send Salatin, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now there is a question. What exactly does it mean by sending Salah to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam by the

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way Salawat is plural Salah is singular. Now the word Salaat linguistically, it means a Dora prayer. Rama, merci is the fall seeking forgiveness has an Athena good praise. All right. All of all of these are included in the meaning of solid. And so that also means prayer for forgiveness. All right, that if it's salah, that means you are praying for forgiveness. It also means Baraka, a blessing that Allah subhanaw taala bestows or Rama that Allah subhanaw taala bestows and it also means

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praise, good mention to commend someone. All of these meanings are, are included in the meaning of solid. Now, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that he sends solid on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what does that mean? That means that Allah bestows His Mercy upon him, that Allah praises him before His angels that Allah bestows His Ridhwan his approval on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when the angels sent Salatin, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, it means that they pray for His forgiveness. They praise Him and they ask Allah to bestow his mercy and his blessing upon him. sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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And some more lemma say that the word Salah is connected to the word sailor, Sailor as in reward or gift. And,

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of course, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, any he is forgiven. Allah subhanaw taala tells us himself that Leah Farah like Allahumma Takata women then become at the heart of the past the future since all of his sins were forgiven. So I mentioned you so that includes praying for forgiveness, while the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is already forgiven. So So what does it mean? It means that Oh Allah, You bestow your Salah, meaning your gift on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and what is that gift, that gift is of praise of good mention, of, of, you know, the fact that he will commend him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the highest gathering in the malarial Arla. And you see Ibraheem

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Alehissalaam he made dua, that would generally Lisanna say the king Fil A theory that Oh Allah, bestow me a good mention among the later people, meaning the people who come after me.

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Let them remember, we mentioned me in a good way. And everyone has this wish, that after I'm gone, when I'm no longer with people, whether it is that I have left them or I have left this world, when I depart from people, they should remember me in a good way. They should talk about me in a positive way. This doesn't mean that we are seeking the praise of people this means that we are hopeful that while we are with people, we do such good such excellent such beneficial things, that when we leave them, they don't have anything negative to talk about. Rather they they only have something positive to think about to talk about when it comes to us. So in other words, you are asking that he or Allah

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give me the ability to do good when I am among people, that give me the ability to benefit them to protect them from any harm. So Ebrahimian is Sam he prayed with Charlie Lisanna so Dukinfield alkylene and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was granted that anyway, Allah subhanaw taala has granted that to him, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned he is praised not only in this world, but also in the mineral Arleigh in the highest gathering. And this is shows us the high high status of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And Allah azza wa jal, he sent salat on him. sallallahu alayhi salam, so Allah praises him, and Allah exalts his status, and the angels sent Salatin on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they asked Allah to bestow His gifts, his good mention His rewards on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when we send Salatin, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, it means that we are not only praising him, but we are asking Allah to bestow his generous rewards to to mention him to praise Him, and to bestow his mercy, his blessings upon him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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sometimes we also in the ayah, Allah subhanaw taala says we're setting the mood, Taslima and sent Salam. Now when it comes to Salam, Salam is one of the names of Allah. Right. And it means soundness, perfection, safety. So when we ask Allah to bestow Salam on the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, this means that we are asking Allah to bestow soundness on him, so that he is preserved, he is safe during his lifetime, all right, but and this is relevant to the Companions, but after the prophets of Allah who already the cinema has departed from this world, how is this applicable? This means that we are asking Allah to bestow soundness

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on him on his deen and also, to bestow him with soundness on the Day of Judgment. Because the Day of Judgment is a day of terror. And the Day when even the prophets of Allah will say, Allahu wa salam, O Allah, O Allah grant safety or Allah grant safety. So the Day of Judgment is a day of terrorists a day of fear. So when we say that, Oh, Allah sent Salam on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it means Oh Allah, grant him safety on that day. grant him say

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safety and well being and calm in his heart on that day. And also, part of this is that we're asking Allah subhanaw taala to bestow safety and protection in the form of protecting his Sherea his Deen, his, his sunnah, his teachings, that they may be preserved, and people are not able to tamper them or, or or change them or, or harm the deen of Allah in any way because this is what the Prophet sallallahu already said I'm dedicated to conveyed himself to convey to us so yeah, Allah preserve his efforts, preserve his work. So solid on the Prophet sallallahu earlier, salam, and Salam on him, as well. And if you think about this, this shows us how very appreciative Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he, in the 23, in the short 23 years, that he lived in this world as a prophet,

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any 23 years he spent conveying the message of Allah.

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Those 23 years, yes, you know, they're, they're quantifiable, right? It's 23 years you can quantify that. But look at the reward that Allah subhanaw taala is bestowing upon him Salallahu Alaihe Salam it is endless, endless anything about it. We are supposed to send so that in the prophets of Allah who already sent him in every seller, every Salah after every event, right? When we entered the masjid, and there are so many occasions when we sent her out to the Prophet sallallahu IRQs Allah subhanaw taala is instructing us that we should send Salah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah Himself censored out on him, his angels sent Salah out on him. So this is all

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praise for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this shows us how pleased Allah is with his messenger SallAllahu Urdu seven, how Allah azza wa jal appreciates his efforts. When you think about this, when you do something for the sake of Allah, yes, it is a measurable deed, okay, it is measurable, it is something small, it is something quantifiable, but the rewards that Allah subhanaw taala gives Subhanallah be lady hisab without measure, and you cannot count it, you cannot measure it.

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And so, this shows us that whatever we do, for the for Allah in obedience to Allah, let us do it for him alone with utmost sincerity. Let us seek His approval. Because when our deeds are sincere for the sake of Allah, then our deeds will be accepted. And let us do them in the best way that we can. Don't compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the guidelines that Allah has given that does my action does my effort match what Allah subhanaw taala has instructed? So for example, when you're praying salah, for instance, you're praying in the night, some some people from your family may be going to the masjid every night. It regards 20 dakara they're standing in camp for so long, they

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come home after two hours. And what did you manage to do in those two hours, maybe put a crying baby to sleep five to 10 times and maybe you managed to barely clean the kitchen? Maybe you managed to just pray your father and pray to the car. Okay, you got to do to the car for a car maybe very little compared to what other people are doing. But the way that you perform those today ACARA do them with their son. Do them in in you know with sincerity, or pay attention, recite Surah Fatiha with her? Sure. Ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept your little efforts. Because yes, your deeds are little. But when they are done with your son when they're done with a class, when they're done with

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the best of your ability, and they're done in a way in a manner that Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with, then the reward that Allah bestows is very, very generous. And the example of the prophets of Allah who already Salam is proof of that. He worked for 23 years, and look at all of this limitless reward that Allah subhanaw taala is bestowing upon him. Allahu Akbar. Now there is a question. Why should we send solid on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? A lot of people have difficulty understanding this, that you know, okay, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, you know, he was a messenger of Allah. He can read the Quran

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He taught us what to do. And all right, nice. You know why? Why do I have to send salat on him? And why do I have to do this? You know, in great quantity so that I can receive these benefits. And why has Allah azza wa jal promised so many benefits for sending Sadat on him?

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Well, there's a reason. The first reason is that it is the right of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that we that we pray for him,

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that we praise him, that we ask Allah to bestow his mercy and blessings and protection and safety on the prophets of Allah, who knows and then we ask Allah to mention him to praise Him. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam deserves this from us. This is a sign of love for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, this is a sign of a man off, off,

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off the off true faith. In a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that none of you will have faith until he loves me more than his father, his children and all of mankind. When a person sends out to the Prophet salallahu organization, this is a sign that they honor the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they respect him, they and that they do not hold him son Allah who are using them in light estimation. And he, they they have great love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Again, why, but what's the reason? Because look at the favours of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam on us. First of all, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was as Allah subhanaw taala says RZ is an LA Hema I need to grievous to him is what you suffer.

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How do you sooner I like him he is concerned over you. Bill more meaning are over Rahim. And to the believers he is kind and merciful. This is how the prophets of Allah who already said and felt for his OMA that it was very hard on him to see is almost suffer. He was very eager and greedy for reward for benefit for for his Oma. And he was very kind and merciful to the OMA. This is what he felt for us. This is what he wanted for us. Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran that an EBU Allah will move, meaning I mean and foresee him, the prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves, or that he is closer to the believers than they are to themselves. And in a hadith, the

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Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said that there is no believer, but I have all the people and the closest to him, both in this world and in the Hereafter. And then he recited this idea, and maybe you Oh level milenium and fusi him. And then he said that if there is a believer who dies, leaving some property, then his relatives will inherit that property. But if that believer dies, leaving a debt, or he leaves poor children, then let those creditors and children come to Me, and I will take care of them, meaning I will pay off the debt on behalf of that deceased believer, and I will take care of his children on his behalf. So this shows us first of all, that the prophets of Allah who

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already sent them was not just closest to the believers of his time, the Companions but also us all who believe in Him, because He said, There is no believer, but I have all people I'm the closest to him both in this world and in the Hereafter. And this includes all the believers of his time and also those who came later. Now think about this. Is there any leader who would say something like this? That whatever you leave off property that is for your family, but if you leave any debt, then I will take care of that Subhan Allah? Is there any leader any friend even who would say this?

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We see that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was so concerned for his OMA that he wept profusely for his OMA, in a hadith we learned is the Hadith in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and recited the Ayah or be in Hoonah Abdullah Al Nica Filomena nurse from Anta biani for in whom in the Ibrahim Ali Salam said, that oh my lord, indeed these idols have misled many among the people. So whoever follows me, meaning only worships Allah in my footsteps, then for in our money, then he

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He is of me, meaning that then he is of my Oma.

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And then he recited into Aviva home for in the home arriba Doku interval Fetullah home for indica and Tiller Aziz al Hakim, the statement of a Saturday's center, that Oh ALLAH if you punish them, meaning the people who who worshipped recited salaam who claimed that he was son of God, if you punish them, then indeed they are your slaves. And if you forgive them, then indeed you are the mighty the wise. And then the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, on recitation of these verses, he raised his hands and he said, Allah, almighty, almighty, or Allah, my OMA, my OMA and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wept, he began crying. So Allah azza wa jal said to Gibreel that go to

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and even though your Lord is Most annoying, ask him what is it that's making you cry? So Gibreel came to him, and he asked him, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him Almighty Almighty, I am concerned for my OMA, because look at what happened in the OMA Ibrahim, there were people who went back to idolatry and look at what happened to the followers of Eastern Islam. They ended up committing schicke so what will happen to my ummah, my ummah. So Gibreel went back to Allah azza wa jal, and Allah subhanaw taala already knew about what the Prophet sallallahu earlier Salam said. So Allah said, or Jibreel go to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, and

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say, that indeed we will please you in regard to your OMA and we will not let you be upset, we will not displease you. Meaning we will preserve your OMA and we will reward your OMA with with with such that you will be pleased with your OMA will make you happy. Now, this is how eager the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was for our salvation, for our protection, that that we his ummah should not suffer punishment in the hereafter.

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Think about this, the Prophet salallahu Urdu Sena was more concerned for us and more compassionate to us than even our our own parents are. Because most of the time our parents, what are they concerned about? They're concerned for our dunya right? Our health, our wealth, our worldly future, but the prophets of Allah who earlier said he was worried for our dunya and our hero, our salvation.

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We learn that at one occasion, I Chateau de la horn her she saw that the Prophet sallallahu Reyes and was you know, happy he was in a good mood. So she asked him that O Messenger of Allah make dua for me. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allahumma Ophelia, Isha Murdock at the moment when we have met a hot woman, a separate woman Arlette that Oh Allah, forgive her Isha all of her sins, whatever that she did first, and whatever that she did afterwards, and whatever she did, secretly and whatever she has done openly. So I showed the Longhorn who was so happy that she began to laugh and as she left, she dropped her head in the lap of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam asked her that does my dog make you happy? And she said, why would it not make me happy? The Prophet sallallahu Urdu said and replied with Allah He in the heladera with Healy Murthy, frequently Salah that by Allah, this is my Dora for my oma in every Salah

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in every Salah, the prophets of Allah, Who are you sending me this dua for us, for us, that Oh Allah, forgive my OMA their sins, whatever they have done first, whatever they did later, whatever they did, secretly, whatever they did openly.

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These are his favors on us. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In another Hadith we learn that at one occasion the prophets of Allah who raised him was told that ask meaning ask Allah for something special because every Prophet asked, every prophet was given a was granted a unique request. For example, Solomon early sunnah he may dorada Oh Allah grant me a kingdom that will exclusively be for me and nothing like it will be given to anyone after me. And that drought was accepted. So the Prophet sallallahu Urdu son was also told that make dua because every prophet has a request that is granted. So what did the Prophet salallahu Salam do? He said for a hug to masala tea ala yo Milka

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Yama. I have saved mine for

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For the Day of Judgment, when the man for he and a comb, so it is for you, meaning my Dora is going to be for you on the Day of Judgment. He did not ask for anything for himself in this world, he saved that da, for who for his OMA on the day of judgment. And for those who bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship, but Allah.

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And he tried to understand the love and the concern that he had for his OMA for you and I, who will never saw him. I mean, what did the prophets of Allah who already said and get from us?

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He had so much love for his Alma, we learn that on the Day of Judgment, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam will be granted Shiva the chance to intercede for his OMA and In another Hadith we learn that at one occasion, the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Sana was praying in the night. And throughout his night prayer, he was reciting the ayah into Idlib, home for in the Horiba duck were integral Fetullah home for in the Intel Aziz Hakeem that Oh ALLAH if you punish them, the words of Israelis Salam that if you punish them, then indeed they're your slaves. And if you forgive them, then indeed you are the mighty the wise. And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam continue to recite the saya throughout the

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night prayer.

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So in the morning,

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he was asked that how come you know you were just reciting this ayah throughout the night prayer? And he said that I asked my lord for the ability to intercede for my ummah, on the day of judgment. And I was granted that I was granted that request, meaning he prayed for so long. Why? What was his ask that night that yeah, Allah give me the ability to intercede for my OMA on the day of judgment and that Dora was fulfilled, he was granted that so he will intercede for his ummah, on the Day of Judgment. In other Hadith we learned in the law at the jail was a Li, or an ummah till hada our Miss Jana Wilma, Stokely, who ally that Allah has forgiven for me, my nation, meaning has forgiven my

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nation, because of me, because of my dua because of my request, forgiven them for what Allah has forgiven them for their errors Kappa, for their UCN, for their forgetfulness, and for what they are forced to do.

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So they will not be held responsible, they will not be punished for these matters, that if they make an error, and they don't even realize or they forget something, or they are compelled to do something wrong, they will not be held sinful. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam made that request, look at his favors on us, we see that the Prophet sallallahu Erlandsson was eager to convey

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you know, goods to us and to encourage us to do good, but at the same time, he did not wish to burden us. So for example, he said that if it was not hard on my alma, I would have commanded them to make wudu for every salah, but he did not give that instruction, he did not give that command why? Because to make will do before every Salah is difficult. So if you have will do from before that did not become invalidated, you can pray this Allah, but the prophets of Allah who are it isn't him even though he wanted this for his OMA that, you know they should make fresh will do for every Salah he did not give that command. We learn about the night prayer, that how you know in Ramadan,

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when the Companions prayed behind him salAllahu alayhi salam, they enjoyed it so much, but the Prophet sallallahu ergotism did not do that every night of Ramadan. Why? Because he was afraid that this might become mandatory on the OMA. And if it became mandatory, then how would every person be able to pray to emulate every single night of Ramadan? It would be hard on them. Then we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so eager to to save us from the fire of *. He said my example and the example of the people is that of a man who made a fire and when it liked it, what was around it. moths and other insects began falling into the fire. And the man tried his best to

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prevent them from falling into the fire. But they overpowered him and rushed into the fire. The Prophet sallallahu where it is and I've said similarly, I take hold of the knots at your wastes, meeting the waistbelt I am trying to grab you to prevent you from falling into the fire, but you insist on falling into it. The prophets of Allah

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oralism was so eager to save us. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam expressed his love for his Alma also, there is a beautiful Hadith in which he said that I wish I could have met my brothers. And the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that are we not your brothers in brothers and faith like we are with you, you've met us and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, You are my companions. My brothers are those who believe in me, and they have not even seen me.

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They have not even seen me, the Prophet sallallahu earlier sentiments so much love for his OMA, even those people whom he had not met those people who would come much later. So why should we not have that love for him? sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and why should we not send solid on him Salallahu Alaihe was sallam. Because when we send Salatin, the Prophet salallahu Salam, we are the ones who benefit, amazing.

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He we benefit, how in Hadith we learn that if anyone sends on that on the Prophet sallallahu or you send them once Allah sends Salah out on him meaning on that person 10 times, Allah blesses that person 10 times. In another Hadith we learn that 10 sins are forgiven 10 ranks are raised 10 Good deeds are recorded, meaning you can instant benefit he wants to receive Baraka, in a hadith we learn for insalata Kumar, Allah has the cattle comb, that when you send Sadat on me, that is the cat for you, meaning that as a means of purification, and growth, meaning increase and reward for you. So you will get forgiveness and you will also receive benefits and rewards, blessings from Allah

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subhanho wa taala. We learn in no time said that, sending Salah to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is a means of acquiring blessing. Blessing in what in one's actions, in one's life, in one's goals. Why? Because when you sense it the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam then this is a direct that is Mr. Jab, that is certainly accepted. And Allah subhanaw taala gives reward for this. You're asking Allah to bless the prophet Sall Allahu Allah will bless you. You're asking Allah to raise the ranks of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, Allah will raise your ranks, you're asking Allah to protect him, Allah will protect you.

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Even had you said that of the most effective things that repel

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Barun. Tharun is basically a plague, meaning it's a disease that spreads very quickly among people.

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One of the most effective things to repel it, and to repel other tribulations, is to increase in ascending Salaat on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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You see, one is that a person suffers at a personal level, or they're they're experiencing tribulation, in their personal life. But another is that the entire community is suffering the entire nation is suffering. Or as today we see people the world over are struggling because of this pandemic. So when we ask Allah subhanaw taala as a community to send his blessings on the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, Allah subhanaw taala will bless the entire community with more blessings. Allah subhanaw taala will grant more forgiveness, right. So this is how you repel tribulation. Not just at a personal level, but at a community level also that you send salat, and the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so increase in sending Salatin him and remind one another to send Salah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though Josie said that when Allah intends good for a slave, he makes it easy for him to send Salah to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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Allahu Akbar, because when you easily sense a lot of the prophets of Allah who already asylum, then you receive so much benefit. So much reward imagine sins are erased, rewards are earned, levels are raised. Their safety so much benefit. And when you send so that in the Prophet sallallahu earlier sentiment is actually conveyed to him. No matter where in the world you are. When you sent a light on him SallAllahu Sallam it is conveyed to him. Angels are appointed to convey that solid to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we also learned that the people who send salat on the Prophet sallallahu early USA

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them a lot, then they will be worthy of His intercession on the day of judgment. And they will also be close to him salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And this is why, and some are lemma. They said that it is the people of Hadith who will be closest to him Salallahu Alaihe Salam on the day of judgment, because those who study Hadith those who write Hadith, those who research it, those who you know, listen to it, read it, teach it, then they send a lot of solid on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because you come across his name so much, and every time you mentioned his name, or you read it, you write it, you say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the people of Hadith will be the closest to the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of judgment, and they will also receive His, his intercession. So make the NIA with the intention to join some halacha some class where hadith is studied, so that you can be

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you know, of those people who receive these blessings in sha Allah. Then the person who does not send out to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually truly stingy and miserly. He is a Bahai that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned, and he does not send salat on him. This is this is stinginess, we learn in a hadith that once the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was ascending the member. And he said, I mean, I mean, I mean, and the people asked him that, how come you said this, he said, Gibreel came to me. And he said, that may his nose be soiled with dust, who finds one or both of his parents both are or one of his parents in old age, and he does not enter

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Paradise, or he's not protected from the fire because of not taking care of his parents, meaning when he found his parents all this was an excellent chance for him, to serve them to take care of them and be admitted into paradise and be saved from hellfire but he did not avail that chance. So may such a person be ruined. And the Prophet sallallahu ergotism said Amin.

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Then Gibreel said that they may his nose be soiled with dust, in whose presence I am, you are mentioned, and he does not supplicate for you. And the Prophet sallallahu Bredesen have said Amin and Gibreel said, may his soil may his nose be soiled with dust, who finds the month of Ramadan, but then he does not receive Allah's forgiveness.

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And the prophets of Allah who doesn't upset me, may Allah protect us. So every time that we hear the name of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we should send Salah out on him and do not get bored, do not get tired, because every time you send salah, you are the one who benefits even when you're writing the name of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then make sure to write sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the event. Then at that time, make the doora which is to be said after the event, and also sends out on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When you enter the masjid Allahu Allah fiddly. The newbie with takhli a Weber armortek and also send Salah to the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we learn in Hadith, in Salah in that the Shah hood, then we should send salat on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even in Andhra when we're doing sorry, at that time, we should send Salatin, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, and especially on the day of Friday, the Prophet sallallahu where it is that I'm told us that we should send a lot of Salah on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the funeral prayer after the second duckweed, we should send solid when we are praying pollute. At that time also, we should sound solid when we're making thorough. And this is one of the reasons why we're studying this topic in so much detail. When we're

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making Dora then at that time also we should send salat on the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, when we're in a gathering, we should send sought out to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a hadith we learn that when people gather together and they do not remember Allah in that gathering, and they do not send solid on their prophet, then that gathering will be a means of loss for them. And it is up to Allah to punish them or forgive them. In another Hadith, we learn that

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Such a gathering will be a means of regret for them on the Day of Judgment. So make it a habit Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina, Muhammad Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad, make it a habit that you say this frequently. When you say this frequently, then even in your gatherings, for example, you sit together, you know, with your family, friends, for if law and you're talking about different things, make sure to say Sadat and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as well. And remember that were we sent out to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, we should also send solid on all of the prophets of Allah, meaning when they're when their names are mentioned, we should say, Allah His

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Salam or sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, both sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, two things are here, solid, solid, and salam. So we should do that for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and also other prophets of Allah. Now how can we send salat and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, what are the words that we can use? The best words are the words that we have been taught by the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam himself, because, you know, some people they have basically invented their own ways of sending Salah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and

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even in even if you know in their meaning, those wordings may be correct.

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The best words are the words that the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sent him Himself taught us. So what are these words? The first Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in why Allah early Muhammad and this means or Allah, send your blessings since Allah upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad.

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We learned that they had been hostage a lot de la Mourinho, he said, he reported that he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam any how to send salat on him, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Son luar Layyah, which you do figure out that sense of Allah upon me and strive hard in supplication. Meaning when you're when you're making dua, strive hard in making dua. Don't be so

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you know, weak in your determination, or lazy or,

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you know, don't don't lack eagerness and vigor, when you are making dogs strive hard, and sometimes striving hard and making God means that you have to be you have to strive hard in being attentive, you have to strive hard in showing humility in bringing tears in your eyes. Right, so strive hard in making dua. And and he said what call no and you should say Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad in wa ala early Muhammad. So, we should also say this, when we are making dua and we discussed the meaning earlier, that, that oh Allah sent Salaat on Muhammad, meaning Oh Allah, praising him among the higher group among the angels, who are close to you, commend him, send your blessings upon him,

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bestow Your approval and mercy upon him, grant him protection and safety. And notice here, that we're not just asking Allah to censor that and Muhammad Sallallahu Razan, but also on his Al, who is Al Al includes two things First of all, family and then followers, and this is how the word Al has been used in the Quran, for the family of someone and also their followers. So, Al, the Ali Mohammed includes his family store, his so his wives, his children, and also his his relatives, but it also includes his followers. Another way in which we can send Salah to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is that we say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in in EBU or me who are early Muhammad, that Oh Allah,

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send blessings, send solid on Mohammed, who is the unlettered prophet and upon the family of Mohammed, the followers of Mohammed. And then there is the solid Ibrahimi, which is Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed come also later Allah Ibrahim why the early Ibrahim in the kami the Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala early Mohammed come about Okta, Allah Ibrahim while early Ibrahim indica Homido machi that Oh Allah, bestow Your favor on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad, as you have restored your favorite on Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim, you are praiseworthy, most glorious. Oh Allah bless Muhammad in the family of Muhammad as you have blessed

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Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, you are praiseworthy.

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most glorious. There is a beautiful Hadith in which we learned that the man had been a bee Laila. He met carbon Audra. Sorry. Yes, he met carbon Audra and Cara, even Audra asked him that Shall I give you a gift?

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Can I give you a gift? Would you like to get a gift from me? And of course, the other expressed his willingness. So he gave him the gift, what was the gift? He said, once the Prophet sallallahu wasallam came to us, and we said, O Allah's Messenger, we know how to greet you, but how should we send Salah out on you? Because Allah tells us that Solu RLA So the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him said, you should say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Anwar the early Muhammad Kamasan. Later on Brahim or early Ibrahim in the Hamid Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad while earning Muhammad come about Okta, Allah Ibrahim while early Ibrahim in Lucca Hamid emoji. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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salam taught these words, and they're a gift for us. How because when we say this, we are not only praying for the prophets of Allah who already sent him and his followers, we are essentially praying for ourselves, because we're saying that Oh, Allah bless the Ali Mohammed, his family and his followers and we are His followers. So we're asking Allah, to mention us to forgive us to bestow His approval, His mercy, His blessings on us, Allahu Akbar. And specifically in this we say, as you have bestowed blessing on Ibrahim on Islam, as you have sent solid on Ibraheem Alehissalaam and his family, and the favorites that are Lopez stone and Ibrahim Al Islam are well known. Right? He is the

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father of the prophets. He is

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the Helene, the close friend of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala tested him and he, he passed all of those tests. He showed perfect obedience for Ibrahim Alayhi Wafaa. He fulfilled every command that he was given. So Allah subhanaw taala was pleased with him. So we're asking Allah to send the same or even more because the word karma doesn't just mean just as it also means because that because you have sent blessings on Ibrahim and his and you are able to send even more blessings on Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and his URL.

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Then another way in which we can censor that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is that we say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadan was where G with Rhea t come also later on Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim, were Baddeck Allah Muhammad was where g with the reality he come about Abdullah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim in the hematology that Oh Allah, bestow Your favor on Muhammad and upon his wives and progeny. As you have bestowed Your favor upon the family of Ibrahim, and bless Muhammad and his wives and his progeny. As you have blessed the family of Ibrahim, you are full of praise, you are Hamid, praise worthy, you are most glorious. And why are we asking Allah subhanaw taala to send his blessings upon

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the wives of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and the families specifically the children of the prophets of Allah who already sent them, because they played a huge role in the mission of the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre. You see the wife of No, Elisa Lam, the wife of Lutheranism, and they they betrayed these women betrayed their husbands. All right, the son of new Harley's and did not believe in him. But the family the wives of the Prophet sallallahu earlier said no. And he you can see how Khadija de la marinha supported him from day one, how the daughters of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, they took care of him from the beginning. And then how later on the other wives of the

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prophets of Allah who earlier said them, how they believed in Him, they supported him, they took care of him, and then they played such a huge role in in teaching his his Sona I shall de la Mourinho on Santa Marta de la Mourinho, any they played a huge role in teaching the OMA. So Allah bless them also. And you see, when any person does some work their family, you know, supports them, right without the support of the family, without the sacrifice of the family, and sometimes without the suffering of the family. A person cannot do much work, any look at the poverty that the family of the prophets of Allah who already sent him endured Fatima de la marinha she was exhausted with

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housework. She had little children. She

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would work so hard. And her husband, our little de la Mourinho did not have much to, to provide to her with. So she went to the Prophet sallallahu where it is, and I'm asking him for a slave, a servant who could, who could help her who could who would do the work, and the Prophet sallallahu oryzalin did not give that slate did not give a sermon to her. Why? Because other people were in greater need.

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And so the Prophet salallahu already sent a made his daughter sacrifice for the benefit of the ummah. Instead, he taught her some words of the Quran that she would say at night, right 444 E's. So, the sacrifice of the family of the prophets of Allah who already said it was understood I should have de la marina, she said that I know for many days, that the oven would not be lit, the fire would not be lit because there was nothing to cook. And the family of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would survive on the two black things, water and dates. So the family of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, they also deserve that we love them, that we remember their sacrifice, we honor their

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sacrifice their efforts, and we pray to Allah subhanaw taala for them also Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in what as YG with the reality, just as the family of Ibrahim Ali Salam was blessed, and we are asking Allah to reward them abundantly and to raise their ranks. So when we make Torah, we should send solid on the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and sending Salah to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is a means of great blessing, great benefit for us in dunya and akhira. And it is a means of relief from worry and grief and anxiety and troubles increase insalata on the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and it is good that we vary the phrases that we use the wordings that we

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use. So the different versions that I've shared with you

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try to memorize the version that you do not know and use that also, you know, you may be accustomed to just using one type of salad, use the different versions that we have learned from the Sunnah, because if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam taught us these words then every single one of them is worthy of being recited and each one brings a different benefit. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all to Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala early Muhammad in Come on sir later Allah Ibrahim, while early Ibrahim in the Hamidah Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad and while early Muhammad in come about Okta, Allah Ibrahim, while early Ibrahim in the hurry, the Majid Subhana Allah Houma will

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be handicapped a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Astok Furukawa tuberculate was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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