Taimiyyah Zubair – Fahm al Qur’an Juz 02

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of avoiding footsteps and following fasting in driving toward health and well-being is emphasized in driving toward reward. Fasting is necessary for health and well-being, and avoiding sugar during fasting is crucial for marriage negotiation. The importance of learning from the church's teachings and practicing faith in order to achieve success in life is emphasized, and embracing the church's teachings is emphasized. It is crucial to practice and trust in the church to build faith in oneself and others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Since I'm already working with Allahu berkata Can you all hear me?

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Alhamdulillah that's great. So how's everyone doing today? How was your day one with demo Quran? Did you make any good notes? And hamdulillah? Did you try to reflect on some of the IRT yesterday? Were you good and handled? That's great. All right, so let's begin our today's session Namu uno Salli. ala rasulillah Kareem and Bella Bella Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim rubbished rationing surgery while you're certainly on the other melissani of the hill only Robin as a dinar enema Aloma for putting up a deed an email or give us the correct understanding of the deal. Yes, this class is going to be for seven days a week for an entire month so that we can cover the

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whole one just a day inshallah. Alright, so what did we do yesterday in our welcome Ramadan session in our shadow Ramadan session anyone remembers. So we looked at adara for moon sighting all of you remember that Alhamdulillah So today, as promised, we're going to look at another beautiful door. Now if you have tried to memorize the first one, you will be able to see the difference and you'll be able to see what else are we asking Allah subhana wa Taala for in this Torah. So yesterday, we asked for things. Yesterday the drought we looked at, we asked in that there are four things in this there are we adding one more thing, but that one more thing is very amazing. And that is the Wi Fi.

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But not just a random though feed for an you know, an average type of good deed we're talking about something so beautiful. So let's just look at this there are first before we move on, Allahu Akbar. So this one also has Allahu Akbar to it, which is making it even better and hamdulillah like your beginning by saying Allah is greater than any worries, any problems you have got. And then Allah home, Oh Allah, a hill level. Let the let this moon loom about us a hill Mr. Nina, let this present loom above us, Bill amny Well, he man, slight difference yesterday was your only right. So Bill, only with the safety while he man with a man with faith with belief was salamati and peace,

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security. Well, Islam and Islam. So we asked you're asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for four things in this month. And then fifth one is something which is new in this world which wasn't there in the other one, what though? Feedly and the ability Lima, the Hindu, the ability to do what you love Allah, whatever, and what you are pleased with Subhan Allah so we're asking Allah subhanaw taala for five things in this Torah that are all Allah grant us Amman which is safety Eman, which is faith Salama, which is peace and security when Islam which is our

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Deen. So we're asking for Dean safety, faith and everything. And then you're asking Allah subhanaw taala for the fifth thing, which is the fear, though fear, the ability to do what Allah loves and what he is pleased with suppiler many people they do many different types of good deeds right? But who knows they're going to be accepted. So this is a very, very beautiful way to secure your good deeds. There we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make them good enough, made them pleasing to Him and make us just do those good deeds which are going to be loved by Allah and we will be able to get his pleasure through those and Rob buena Raukawa. Oman your Lord and our Lord is Allah that's what it

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means. We have talked about it yet yesterday as well so we won't go over it again today. Okay, so why are we talking about good deeds in this era, so don't miss out this opportunity. And one more point, this door is not only for Ramadan moon sighting, this is for every moon sighting so you can make this offer every month of the year hamdulillah. So don't miss out this opportunity every year and the US are a beautiful way to get connected with Allah and also the eyes are a beautiful way to get good deeds. As we know the dogs are also worship. It's an act of a bada

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So why miss out on this easy act of a bother, which connects you with Allah, which makes you rely on Allah. And at the same time you're asking for many things like this is this is also very brief there are not very long, but as long as you're making the most of our there are by asking Allah for all of these hamdulillah. So this is just another view of the same there. If you want to take a screenshot for ease, you can and we're going to move on and talk about the baggage example we talked about last time, right? So Hamdulillah, the month of good deeds is coming. So inshallah, we will try to understand the month of good deeds with the help of an example of sales. When it comes to sales. We

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don't want to miss any deal, any offer any of the promotions of the products we love. So do we have any love for the good deeds like that?

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We should, right? So if we have the love for good deeds, then we need to pack a lot of good deeds in our bags, before we leave this world, because Subhanallah when we think about the baggage example when we travel when we go anywhere in this world, we can you know, find the basics no matter which country we are in. So let's say you forgot your toothpaste, or your toothbrush should be able to find another type of toothpaste or another type of toothbrush in another country, right. So even if we forget to pack something in our bags of dystonia, when we are traveling in this world, then we can easily find the replacements we can easily find another product or we can sometimes find even

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better than what we had back home right apparel. But when it comes to the bags for our Farrah wood, we have a chance to get something in our hair I didn't know that'd be too late to Panama. So we need to pack everything now before it's too late. And inshallah when we pack everything we need now we will be able to enjoy the fruits in our Hara in afterlife. So inshallah, the best part about the bads for our Farah is that there is no limit when it comes to baggage in this dunya there are limits, isn't it, you're not able to take everything be like, isn't it true, but Alhamdulillah for the bads of our era, we can fill them with as many good deeds as possible, we can fill them with

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variety of goodies, different types of goodies and there is no limit, there is no weight limit on them. So inshallah that is our goal for this Ramadan. We are going to make the most of this season of good deed sale and inshallah we are going to hold a lot of good deeds and mass a lot of good deeds, and take them all with us. And we're going to take them where we are, what kind of goodies are we going to take with us first of all, if we go back to our data, then the good deeds which Allah subhanaw taala loves and the good deeds which are going to get us the pleasure of Allah not the made of ones but the ones with authentic proofs backing them in sha Allah so we're going to take

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good quality good deeds with us in our Farah Alright, so inshallah now we're going to talk about the to the isles we have covered yesterday in sister Damien session. So I hope you have got them. Can anyone tell me which to the US did we talk about yesterday and they were really brief and easy to memorize and very short ones. Any idea? Can anyone type them one was to do with guidance and another one was to do with light

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wear and rabbanut a couple minutes that's a good guy as well. Yes. Very good. Mashallah. Yes, Allah geography call me Nora. Very good. Yes. It's just a Maya, Allah, my beanie. Very good. So let's just look at the first one first. So one, two, which was taught to us by sister Dania was Allahumma Dini was a DD it's not hard to memorize. It's only three words a panel up, what does it mean? Allah guide me and keep me upright. And this Hadees is mentioned in Sahih Muslim. And if you know the reference of this Hadees or just the context of the studies, it's going to make it easy for you to remember it, right. So hamdulillah this there are is taught to any rhodiola one by Rasulullah sallallahu

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Sallam so it or the other one he reported that Allah is messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, say, Oh Allah directly to the right path and make me adhere to the straight path. And when you make a mention of right path, or when you make a mention of Buddha guidance, then keep in mind the right back. And when you think about

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sir Disney straight path, then keep in mind the straightness of the arrow. Panda you

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All crooked no crookedness in it. It's straight just like an arrow. So, when you think of guidance, then think of the straight path. When you think of the straight path, then think of the straightness of the arrow. And this Hadees is mentioned into a Muslim had this number to seven to five, and this is the Arabic of that what we have just talked about. So when we look at the words of this Dora, we are asking Allah for guidance, do we need guidance?

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Yes, we need guidance all the time. And we need guidance more than anything in this life. Because upon Allah, through guidance, we're able to

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save ourselves from the eternal punishment, we can save ourselves from the

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humiliation of the big day. When it comes to other things, and other blessings in this world. We can live and survive without them as well. But without guidance, it will be a loss it will be a total loss. So that's why we need this there are a lot so all law guidance, and we need guidance, not just for you can say matters to do with the deen we also need guidance to do with the matters to do with dunya isn't it? We need guidance when we are not sure about something when we are always indecisive when we're not sure what to do what to take what to eat, where to take admission and Subhanallah which course to take. So we need guidance at every level. So in sha Allah, this is the door Are we

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going to make Allah guide me but guide me how to guide me in a way that I want the straight path so I don't lose my path in the quest of guidance. So this is an easy way to memorize this there are three words only word by word look at the translation along man translates into Oh Allah He Dini guide me right so at the end, he has heard our word hidden in it so easy for you to remember. And the year the end is referring to me and then was suck Did anyone means and so Didn't he means keep me on the straight back.

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So guide me, but not just guide me once and leave me hanging here in there? No, sir. Did he keep me on track. So now try to imagine a road and you want guidance you want you want to get to the road. But you don't want to be lost on the road either. Because you can go to the opposite side. You can go to the wrong direction. Three asking Allah put us on the road to Ghana and keep us on the straight path so that we keep walking in the right or correct direction. Beautiful right? hamdulillah So how many of you have it memorized already? type one Alhamdulillah That's beautiful. So if you did not know it before, today, you can memorize it right now. It's that simple. It's that

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easy of hamdulillah Alright, another beautiful there is Allahu Allah Allah is your idol make fee in ob my heart Nora alight, so Oh Allah please light in my heart. And this was a sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam when he would wake up, and there are many narrations about it. So one i'm quoting here, which is from Sahih Muslim. So let's just look at the Hadees.

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It talks about Abdullah bin abass that he spent one night in the house of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he noticed there was a lot of sellers and he got up, he brushed his teeth like he did sybok he performed Voodoo and then he recited the concluding Ayat of Surah Al Imran that was his routine. So inshallah, whenever we think about or whenever we hear about any Sunnah, this Ramadan, this should be our goal that we're going to include it in our to do list. Alright, so add this soon as well in your to do list that whenever you will wake up for the hazard for yourself or whoever you're going to recite the concluding Ayat of Surah Al Imran starting from iron number 190

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and then you will go all the way till the end. All right. So this is a beautiful so now and then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam after reciting those 10 IOD he stood up and he prayed to God standing doing Riku and so Jude and you know, making it long and beautiful. Then he, you know, prayed more the way he said the routine was he would pray a trade and then three with it and whatnot. And after that, when he heard and you went back to sleep and when he heard them other than calling the other one. He went out for prayer and he was saying while he was going for sulla destra. Alright, so from this Are we just going to memorize the first phrase for today because it's easy to memorize a lot of

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my own law age I'll make fee in all the money

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Heart, Nura alight and inshallah if our hearts are enlightened, we will be able to make the most of our life we won't waste any of our time and inshallah we will be able to benefit us and others will benefit us, our families and people around us. So May Allah make us beneficial people and also May Allah make this Ramadan a very beautiful one for all of us and we allow enable us to include as many centers in our routine as possible for us hamdulillah now just a quick reminder before we ask Mr Pena to enlighten us with just number two inshallah. So let's make the most of the hamirpur oncourse how are you going to do that first of all, listen attentively and quietly secondly, make sure you

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don't you jot down important points and gems and if you can share them inshallah on our social media that'd be great. And then highlight important points and your favorite IRA from every at least one private IRA from every Joe's even though every is beautiful, which is highlight one and review your notes at night because it will help you remember it for longer and then inshallah share share a gem share a reflection point shear and higher shear some type of you know quotes from panel crank and others. This is how you're going to make the most of these sessions dessert no pain Cassia bark Hello, Pika. Everyone inshallah see you all tomorrow sister thing is here. You ask her to enlighten

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us with just number two. A said Mr. De Kumara rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. So Kanika Lomo behind bigger eye shadow law in India and Esther Furukawa to really

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long, long, long,

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long long

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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100 illa

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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish Rahi Sabri were silly emri what Hello look better melissani yufka who Kohli Allah Maha the lobby was sadly Sani was sloth Sufi moto Colby amin uribl aalameen

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any deed that we begin with sincerity results in a beautiful outcome because remember that the result of an action depends on the intention. So if the action is beautiful, then the result will also be beautiful.

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So here we are doing something. So here we are studying the Quran

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Are you all able to hear clearly?

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Is the voice clear or is it cutting still? Is it clear now?

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Sit me you can continue on until it was clear.

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Long, long, long,

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long, long and long.

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A long. Wait.

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A long, long, long.

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Long, a long.

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A long

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way. Love.

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Long, long, long.

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Long, long, long.

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A long way. Wait.

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A long, long, long.

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Long, long,

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long, long, long,

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long, long, long along

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along with Santa Monica.

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Santa Monica Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

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I hope inshallah the voice is better now.

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are the Villa humulus show pleinair rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Julie Hill Karim rubbish raheel solder a wire Sidley Embry Wagner laroque data melissani yufka who Kohli Allahumma the Colby wasa deadly Sani Westlaw, Sophie Mata Colby amin, el roble, al Amin.

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So any action that we begin with sincerity, remember that it results in a very beautiful outcome also, because the result of an action depends on the intention on how that action began. So if we are spending so much time learning the Quran, reflecting upon the Quran, reading the Quran, what is it that we should intend? What should we intend with this effort of ours? First and foremost, it is important that we seek the approval of Allah subhanaw taala that we want to please Allah through this effort. Secondly, we want to spend time the Quran in order to increase in our righteous deeds. Remember that this is like an investment that will bring you benefit not just in this life, but also

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in the next life. Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, in alladhina at Luna Kitab Allah wa como Salah what unfuckin Mimosa canal home Sylvan wa ala Nia tan yo Juna tgr Atlanta rule, those who recite the book of Allah established prayer and spend out of what We have given them openly and secretly expect a trade, a profit, a gain will never perish. Thirdly, we should study the Quran in order to revive our heart, because remember, without the Quran, the heart is barren and desolate. So the Quran is like rain that brings life to empty to

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Dead land. And Allah subhanaw taala sends down rain from the sky, revive to revive the earth and he also sends down his verses to revive hearts. Then we should study the Quran in order to get contentment and peace in our hearts because Allah biblically Allah He taught my angel kulu unquestionably by the remembrance of Allah, hearts are assured. Also remember that when a person learns the Quran, they recite the Quran, the Quran is also a healing, because Allah says one Nunez de luminal co Anima who as she fell on, while I had too little meaning, and we sent down of the Quran, that which is healing and mercy for the believers. So as you spend time with the Quran right

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now have the intention of seeking healing, that Oh Allah, heal me my physical, spiritual, emotional ailments, all of them. Also, we should study the Quran for guidance, because the Quran has been sent to guide us we should study Quran in order to increase our Eman our faith, because the believers are such that when they listen to the verses of Allah, what either tulia to Allah him as to who that whom imana increases them in, in a man. Also, when a person spends time with the Quran, then this is actually an act of worship. We are reading, listening to the book of Allah, because this is an act of servitude to Allah, something by which we hope for reward, and we should study the Quran in order

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to be saved from the fire of *. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if the Quran was put in a skin and thrown in the fire, it would not burn. So by keeping the Quran by bringing the Quran in our lives, we are as though protecting ourselves from the fire of *. Also remember that when a person spends time with the Quran, then they will get the intercession of the Quran on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and Anna Masha Ferran wilmerhale, on Musa daquan the Quran is an intercessor it truthful prosecutor, meaning when a person will spend time with the Quran will allow the Quran to lead him, a person will follow the Quran and the Quran

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will also lead him to paradise on the Day of Judgment. And we should study the Quran to improve our lives to make our lives better, because the Quran is mobile rock, its blessing is abundant ignore him said that if people knew what is in the recitation of the Quran with contemplation, they would leave everything to occupy themselves with the recitation and reflection of the Quran. And finally, we should study the Quran, for worldly and for eternal benefits, especially genital for those, it will carry himself There is nothing more beneficial for the slave, neither for this life nor the next, nothing that will draw him closer to salvation than to double reflection on the Quran, and

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spending time reflecting upon it, and focusing all of his thoughts upon the meaning of its verses. So reciting the Quran, learning the Quran, listening to it, reflecting on its meaning, is one of the best things that a person can do. So with this intention, we will begin just number two

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are the Billahi min ash shaytaan of regime sayoko Lucifer ha Amina nurse malwa la hooman pipilotti haemolytica noir la her calella Hill machico Al Maghrib yahama Yasha Isla de la creme was sapim. The foolish among the people will certainly say what has turned them away from their Qibla which they used to face, say to them, to Allah belongs the east and the west, he guides whom He wills to a straight path. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina, then for the first 1617 months, he prayed facing the Kaaba, sorry, I'll begin again. When the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina, then for the first 16 or 17 months, he prayed Salah, facing the vital

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mark this which is in Jerusalem, and this was also the Qibla of the People of the Book. And then he was instructed to pray facing the Kaaba. And on this change of people, there was an uproar. There was a lot of criticism from the hypocrites from the People of the Book.

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And also the polytheists. And what was the criticism, that if this first Qibla was valid, then why change it, and if this and if the carpet is the right Qibla, then why face the previous one for so long. So Allah subhanaw taala responds, say a call of sofa, ha, the foolish will say, meaning, those who criticize say this, because of their foolishness, those who criticize, criticize because of their foolishness, because remember, it is not the direction of the East or the direction of the West that has virtue in it, the virtue is actually in obeying Allah, only Allah Hill machico rib, both the east and the west belong to Allah. Therefore, the main thing in worship is actually obeying

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law, soprano Donna, remember that ariba worship is to comply with the commands of Allah, whether the deed is internal or external, it is a word or an action. Riba is do it in the way that Allah subhanaw taala likes the way that he has legislated and this is the essence of worship. So if Allah commands his slave, that the slave should face the East in prayer than the servant who seeks Allah's approval, will turn towards the east without any hesitation. So the believing servant, who has surrendered to Allah is not in the place of criticizing the command of Allah. This goes against the very spirit of surrender. The person who objects who criticizes the commands and decrees of Allah is

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actually being called foolish over you. And this is something that teaches us a very important lesson, that if there are people who criticize Allah, then what do you think about yourself? Will people not criticize you? Sometimes you are 100% right? You are saying something that is true, yet people criticize you, they call you crazy. So what should a person do in this situation? Do not allow this toxicity to affect you do not pay attention to it. However, check yourself that am I doing this right? I am doing is it according to men law? If it is, then I should do it with full confidence and determination? And if it is not, then I should correct myself. Sometimes people

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comment on the different aspects of your life. Some comments are in fact, so hurtful, so painful, that they bring you to tears and the match is over which you don't always have control. for you. If a person is not married, people caring when you get married. If a person does not have children, well, why don't you have children? If a person went through the womb, your entire sad story. So learn ignore such comments. Because the time a lot of times the comments are actually coming from a place of foolishness, a place of safaga ignorance. So if we're not doing anything wrong, if the choices that we have made are in words with Allah's commands, then do not care about people say,

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because if we go the pleasure of people, and we will be miserable, the main thing is to seek the approval of Allah azza wa jal. So the person who rises above the criticism of people, only they can be consistent in doing good and such a person is intelligent. In contrast, the person who objects who criticizes the words of Allah, the commands of Allah and of His Messenger, than such a person is foolish. So are you going to listen to the fools? Are you going to be affected by what they say? Never Walk at Valley caja alaikum oma Tom Silva. And thus we have made he a just community. What's up also means best, an excellent oma. Why, so that you will be witnesses over the people and the

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messenger will be a witness over you. So if your people and their matters, in light of the knowledge that Allah has given you don't blindly imitate or everything, use the knowledge that Allah has given you. And remember that on the Day of Judgment, what Salallahu order he was Salah will be a witness over you. And we did not make the trip to us to face before, except that we might make evident who would follow the messenger from who would turn back on his heels, meaning this was just a test. So remember,

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But when circumstances in life change from easy difficulty, from health to sickness, free time to occupation, and vice versa. These are all different shades of trials in life. Remember that this entire leaf is in fact a test layer below a comb, a Yukon ascend where am Allah, that Allah is testing you with view is best. Indeed, this is the main thing, that regardless of how the circumstances are, one thing, one thing should not change. And that is our skewed to Allah, that we continue to worship Allah with righteous deeds. And remember that a deed is righteous, when it is done with sincerity is lost for Allah, and in the way that Allah subhanaw taala likes the way of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this is exactly what was being examined over here, that who is it that will obey Allah and follow the messenger? Who is it that will turn back on his heels, and indeed, is difficult? It is difficult, the change of Qibla like her things in life is actually hard for many people. The thing is, that change is something that people find hard. Why? Because we fall into set patterns, we fall into set routines, and we go on autopilot. And when things change, we get uncomfortable and we get frazzled. However, what in the halakha below, it is difficult, except for who except for those whom Allah has guided. So the person who is guided by Allah, the person who

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accept those changes, and remains obedient to Allah than that ain't is not difficult for him. And never would Allah have caused you to lose your faith. Salah is actually being called faith, amen over here, meaning the prayers they performed facing the previous Qibla. They're still valid. And this shows us how important Salah is, Allah has not. Allah will never allow to be lost. Allah will never cause you to lose your faith, meaning Allah will not waste your previous prayers. So the companions were assured over here, that your deeds have not gone to waste because you prayed in the previous direction, in obedience to Allah, just as now you will pray in this direction, in obedience

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to Allah. So the main thing is actually obedience to Allah. Indeed, Allah is to the people, meaning to all people, he is ever kind and ever Merciful. These are some names of Allah. And these names tell us that Allah patatas ever kind ever Merciful or woof Rahim

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comes after Rama when it is said so and so is Rahim. It means they're kind, but when they're very kind, they're also described as little Oof. And the fact is that Allah azza wa jal is truly kind to his servants. In fact, he is most kind to his servants, more than anyone else, is more affectionate to his servants than a mother is to her child. He is kind to his servants in this world, and also in the next, he opens ways of guidance for his servants, and provides ease to his servants. As he says in our back home, Laura, oh, four Rahim. Indeed your Lord is to you, surely affectionate and merciful. Now, some details of the change of Qibla are given, we have certainly seen the turning of

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your face to word the sky, because remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam expected this command, and in anticipation, he would look up to the sky, and we will surely turn you to a Qibla with which you will be pleased. So turn your face to word and masjidul how long, so command came. And wherever you believers are, turn your faces toward it. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture, well know that it is the truth from their Lord, and Allah is not unaware of what they do. And if you brought to those who given the Scripture, every sign, they would not follow your Kibler. So the fact is, that the people who don't want to believe you who don't want to accept you,

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they will never accept you. So stop worrying about their criticism, nor will you be a follower of their Qibla. So don't try to appease them, nor would nor would they be followers of one another Scribbler, ie the Jews would face one side the Christians would face another side. So when they're not united in there, how dare they point fingers at you

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So if you were to follow their desires, after what has come to you of knowledge, indeed, you would then be among the wrongdoers. So this shows us that following the desires of people, after gaining knowledge is actually a form of a form of wrongdoing. alladhina attina, homall Kitab yardi funa, who come out already for now a burner a home, those to whom we gave the Scripture, known as they know their own sons, and a person has no difficulty in recognizing their own child. But indeed, a party of them conceal the truth. While they know it. They recognize the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, yet they conceal the truth about him. So remember, concealing knowledge is actually a

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major crime. It's a major sin. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that he who is asked something he knows and he conceals, it will have a bridle of fire put on him on the Day of Resurrection, and help him he Robic The truth is from your Lord. So never be among the doubters, while he couldn't live with your head on who am overly her, for each is Russia to word which it faces, meaning each person has some center of life, a goal towards which they keep turning to. So what should be your center of life, what should be your goal, Allah tells us first a vehicle hierarchy. So race to good, meaning you Muslims should compete, should try to get ahead in doing

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good things. And this is something that we need to think about how we make use of our free time, when we are done our obligations? What is it that we tend to do? We tend to scroll our phones? And if that is what we do, what is it that we watch? What is it that we read? Is it just things of pastime, or also something that will increase us in good deeds? What is it that we share? What is it that we read? What is it that we watch, this is something that we need to think about? Allah says festival called higher art and sybok is to compete to race in something so rush, don't delay. And in general, also, we need to think about our lives that before we get to free time, what is it that we

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are always preoccupied with? For some people, their center of life is their work, or their home? Or their kids or their children? What is your center of life? What is it that is consuming you? What is it that is that your health, your wealth you are going into wherever you may be, Allah will bring you forth meaning for judgment, all together. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent. So from wherever you go out, meaning for prayer, then turn your face to word elestial held arm. And remember, there's a consensus on this, that for Salah for obligatory prayer facing the Qibla is a precondition ending without it. Prayer is not valid. And indeed, it is the truth from your Lord. And

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Allah is not unaware of what you do. And from wherever you go out for prayer, turn your face to word almost you will hold on and wherever you believers, maybe turn your faces to word it in order that the people will not have any argument against you. Except for those of them who commit wrong meaning some people will forever criticize you for that they'll show home so fear them not will show me but fear me, Do not fear people fear Allah. And remember that the person who fears Allah inclines to Allah and the person who lines towards Allah obeys Allah and Allah who will complete his blessings upon such a person what he owes him money or material Aiko calm and it is so I'm a computer upon

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you. Well Allah contacted on and that you may be guided. So this shows us that Allah will show such people the path of guidance. So remember, in the sign of the guided, that they fear Allah, the prophets of Allah. They feared only Allah way a show now who well I have shown a hidden Illa Allah they feared Allah and they did not fear anyone else except Allah. The angels also welcome in Hershey at he mushfiq Khun, they are fearful out of all of him, the righteous lady and I'll show naraba whom they are those who fear their Lord. So so the believers fear

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Allah, instead of fearing people, and especially in matters of religion, they should rely upon Allah and keep obeying Him. So when it is time to worship, obey Allah Do not fear people, whether it is the matter of Salah, of wearing the hijab of earning a lawful income of speaking the truth, Fear Allah, because in the fear of Allah is salvation, it ultimately saves a person. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said three things save a person, and one of them is Kasha to Allah Hafiz Siddeley well alanya, fearing Allah, in private and in public, and remember that the eyes that weep from the fear of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, such eyes will not enter the

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fire until the milk returns to the utter meaning it's impossible. Such eyes, such a person will certainly be saved, come out of Santa Fe calm, Rasulullah Minh calm, just as we have sent among you a messenger, another blessing that Allah has given us that He has sent a messenger to us, who is this messenger, he is from yourselves a human reciting to you our verses, and purifying you, and teaching you the book and wisdom and teaching you that which you did not know. So Allah has sent a role model for the guidance of the believers. And this role model, this messenger sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam did four things, what are those four things, he recited the verses he purified the people, he taught them the book and the Wisdom. So as part of his oma, this should be our goal also, that we learn the verses that he sallallahu alayhi, wasallam, recited, and we recite them to others, that we purify ourselves with the teachings that he brought, and we purify others, that we learned the book that he taught, and we teach it to others, that we learn the wisdom that he taught, and we teach it to others.

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For koroni calm what washko Lee well at foun So what is it that you should do in return for or in response to such a huge lefting? Remember me? I will remember you and be grateful to me and do not deny me? What is it that the believers have been commanded over here to remember Allah? Let us know Quran, Quran, Allah cathedra remember Allah much abundantly, a lot y la la come to flee Hoon, in order that you may be successful. Remember, that the vicar of Allah is one of the things that a person can do. And in fact, the best deed is that a person departs the world believe from this world, while they are remembering Allah. Allah says that I am with my servant, as long as he

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remembers me and move and moves his lips in my remembrance. And remember that the way that we remember Allah is the way that we will be remembered by him as gel of Allah is a source of reward, it increases a person in their faith increases them in the love of Allah and fear of Allah, it brings closer to Allah. And it is also a source. Ibrahim said of the benefits of wicked is that it gains strength to a person so that he is able to do the vicar of Allah, what he couldn't think of doing without it. So any fine hard then increase in IQ of Allah and Allah subhanaw taala will give you the strength that you need to do your

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and the best form of his Salah you Halina Oh, is there you know besides abreva Salah Oh, you who have believed, seek help through patient and prayer. Indeed, in Allah hamara sibylline Indeed, Allah is those who are patient, he held them. You see that after the end because cyberdemon Vic is to remember Allah sugar it'd be grateful for the blessings of Allah is to be patient over hardships. The way practice all of these is through Salah. So simple praise ends up remembering Allah and thanking Allah and is in fact observing patients and such people receive the help of Allah. They are successful in Lucha Mara sabreen This is why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, gradually unreal

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movement. Amazing is the state of the believer, meaning he went in every situation

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The most painful loss that a person can experience is death, the loss of a loved one, it is said and do not say about were killed in the way of Allah, they are dead, rough, they are alive, but you perceive it not knowing you do not know how it is life. You see, for patients, we really have to change the way we think when we change our thinking we can be patient, remember that everything has two sides to it. Even if something seems terribly painful in one way, there's certainly good for the believer in it and their way. So when you look at the glass as half full, and not half empty, when you realize that the departure from life, it's only the been there. Easy, it's because now you're

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not just viewing the loss, you're not just looking at what you have lost, you're actually looking at what you have gained. So someone is possible, with the shift in thinking with a change of perspective. And submit is something that we need throughout our lives, because in life, there will be many trials, what kind of trials will enable one netcom and we will surely test you with what with something of fear and hunger, and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits. Wabi Sabi green, but give tidings to those who didn't. So remember, that each person will be tested, tested, in a way or another, through these ma Hamza, the five trial which Allah has already told us about. So we should

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be prepared, that are these trials, sometimes there will be feared, like that of an enemy, or of what the future holds of a disease of loss. The mother of Musa alayhis salaam, feared for the safety of her child, the bunny is fine, we're afraid when fit our own came from behind them. Sometimes there will be Dewar hunger, literally having nothing to eat salt, there will be financial loss or the loss of death of a loved one. And sometimes there will last a fruit and fruit is the process. So, a person sees the product of their hard work, the fruit, their labor, this it ruined before very eyes. And this is something incredibly painful example, parents raise their child with so much love

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and effort, they invest so much in his or her upbringing, edges, right when the child is all not fully settled in their career, in their life, death comes knocking and true the loss of world is something very painful, with such a time this should not happen we cannot object. We cannot criticize the decree of Allah because the real owner only took back what rightfully belongs to our effort did not actually go waste our now this is time for us to be

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and those who patient will have measurable reward. As Allah says, In nama you will for sabi Runa, Adela home daily.

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Those who are patient will get the reward without and measure. Remember, losing something does not mean that it has ceased to exist. When a believer suffers loss, this patient that he has lost is actually sudo with Allah preserve or entity. So remember, inpatients is a lot of good thoughts on Allah who already you sell them Sir warland sobre la Mata Kra who hire on kathira and know that in being patient over what you dislike, much good but Is that good? and tells us in the Quran, that the men and women who are patient will saw Billina wasabi hot Allah has prepared for them are the LA hula Han Mulvihill Ratan edgerunner alima forgiveness and a reward. The question is, what is

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sublime? What does it look Sublime is in a person's response. It is in what a person says how a person behaves at the time disaster first strikes. So later on at the time when a person hauls that disaster through

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about it, the pay patient say, a levena either side mostly baton kalu in LA LA he were in LA urology your own who, when disaster sparks them, indeed long to Allah and need to Him we will return to what person remembers the Hereafter, and difficulties of this life athlete become bearable. You see, patience is hard. When a person thinks that this life is everything. And if person look only a fraction, a small percentage the entire story than the problem does seem unbearable. But when someone remembers the whole picture, sees things in their context, they realize that this world is not everything, and they're able to bear the pain.

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If a loved one has good, they remember that we too are going first we will follow soon. It's just a matter of time person who remembers the hereafter who remembers their return to Allah, then suffer them. So hides when a person is patient gives them the best compensation in the law. Also, I'm Salma rhodiola, who rang her when she lost her husband. She said in alila, who were in that era he Raji Rouen, Allahumma, dewdney, famously but he will flee high ramen ha, or Allah reward me in my hardship, replace it with it is better than it and what happened alive her the Prophet sallallahu earnings alum, her husband chughtai

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LA urology room, turn to Allah and also say unduly Allah. Why, why Alhamdulillah because there is good and in the loss that he experiences, what good is a lot of more what a person can imagine. The new son said that when the slave is new lessons, to alles to him, and they look what he says to his visitors. He says Allah and glorifies a link to him, they pick that up to even Allah already knows what his lesser and Allah says, If I make my slave by, I will mean enter Paradise if I heal him, I will replace his flesh with better flesh and blood with better blood, and I will if his evil deeds, this is the benefit of sobor This is the benefit, saying hamdullah at a time of loss when a person

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loses a child, and says in mallala he were in the labor room and praises assess to His angels build a house in paradise for my slave and name it the house of praise beta land, will Charolais him swear to Mila beam. Those are the upon whom our blessings from the Lord what a hammer and special mercy Bula iica who moon and it was who are the rightly guided three rewards for patients Salawat Allah's blessings, little Allah's mercy. Hey, Daya. Allah is dense, and a person is desperately in need of funds at a time like this. What do I do know? How do I navigate? How do I go about it? Me? Allah? Ma sorry, mostly, but nilla wama you mean? Billa? Yeah, the Calva Allah who be cliche in our lame, no

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disaster strikes except by permission of Allah, and whoever believes in Allah, Allah will guide his heart. And Allah is Knowing of all things. And now, an excellent example of patience is given in the next verse, the example of hijab, the woman who was left alone, in the barren and empty valley of Makkah, with a baby, basically, as a single mother, there was not a house, no source of water, or another soul in sight. How did she survive in that wilderness? How did she spend those lonely days and nights? She spent it with suburb with patience. And the thing is, that self pity is one of the most crippling things. self pity does not allow a person to be patient, to bear the hardship with

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somebody or to exert effort and do what they can do, and reap the rewards of patience. self compassion is necessary, but self pity is destructive. the patience of hotjar was so beautiful that Allah

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preserved the very steps she took and made it a ritual for the pilgrims. It is a walk that men have to take.

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It is

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it is a ritual and Hajj, something that strong men have to do in her footsteps. Allah says enough of our Wilmer Waterman, Shara era Allah. Indeed, a Safa and Al miroir are among the symbols of Allah. So whoever makes Hajj to the house or performs aroma, there is no blame upon him for walking between them. And whoever volunteers good within Li does good, then Indeed Allah is shakin, Allah is appreciative. He is Arlene he is knowing.

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Indeed, those who conceal what we sent down have clear proofs and guidance, after we made it clear for the people in the Scripture. Those are cursed by Allah, and cursed by those who curse except for those who repent and correct themselves and make evident those I will accept their repentance, and I am the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful. Indeed, those who disbelieve and die, while they're disbelievers, upon them will be the curse of Allah, and of the angels and the people all together. Such people are deprived of Allah's mercy, who, those who leave this world while they reject Allah, or his books, or his prophets, or his angels, or the Hereafter, or Divine Decree, because remember,

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rejecting one pillar of faith is like rejecting all of them.

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abiding eternally there in the punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved. What ILA who Camila who were head, and your God is one God, there is no deity worthy of worship except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. So remember, the Lord have us all, the one whom all should worship is only one God, Allah, who has no partner no equal? And what is the evidence of this? What are the signs of his oneness of the fact that he alone deserves worship, look at the creation around you. Allah says, interview hope is somehow working well on all of this did not exist since forever, Allah created it. So indeed, in the creation of the heavens and

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earth, and the alternation of the night, and the day, and the great ships, which sail through the sea, with that which benefits people and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain, given life thereby to the earth, after it's lifelessness and disparate and dispersing, varying and dispersing there in every kind of moving creature, and his directing of the winds, and the clouds, control between the heaven and the earth are many signs for people who use reason. All of these things, draw our attention. They're inviting us that seek the one who has made all of this, who is making all of this happen. The one who has made all of this is the only one deserving of worship. So

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surrender to Him, humble yourself before him, remember him, pray to Him, seek His approval, with your sacrifice, your charity, you're fasting, your words and your deeds, and all of your righteous actions, they should be done out of love for him, in dedication to him, will mean unless he may have done he will mean don't lie and

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and yet, there are those among the people are those who take other than Allah as equals, equals to him, how you hate buena honka, who Billa they love them, as they should actually love Allah. So remember, that the love of creation, whether it is an idle, or a person, something inanimate, if it exceeds beyond proper bounds, and grows more than the loved one has for Allah. then this becomes schicke Phil Marhaba. And this kind of love should be avoided. Because Allah says when levina amanu Asha, do hubballi Allah, but those who believe are stronger in love for Allah. So we need to look into our hearts. Who is it that I think of the most? Who is it that I remember the most? Who is it

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that is most important to me? Who is it that I put my trust in? Who is it that when I talk to them or think of them, I become happy? I feel relieved? Who is it that

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I don't trust my affairs to that when I get hurt. Who is it that I remember? First? When I am happy? I received some good news, then who do I remember first, when I get some wealth? Who do I spend it on first? Who do I save it for?

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Who do I save it for? The one you do it for is in fact your mark booth, the one whom you worship. Remember, the one that a person loves the most is in fact, their Mar booth what they worship. So if we accept Allah as our Mar booth, then we must love him the most. And when a person loves someone, they give them preference over everything else. They're able to make great sacrifices. Allah says, and if only they who have wronged would consider that when they see the punishment, they will be certain that all power belongs to Allah, and that Allah is Severe in punishment. So remember, love shows, it is reflected in our words, in our deeds, and love for Allah is the same. It is visible in

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the way that a person interacts with people. It is visible in a person's lifestyle. When a person loves Allah, this tribe to worship Him, they're active, they're willing to serve the deen of Allah. They're eager to please Allah, there is a hidden a strong greed a yearning. Such a person finds joy in talking to Allah. They're pleased with the decrees of Allah. They're eager to meet Allah. A person who loves Allah finds peace, in the remembrance of Allah. And when Allah is not remembered, they feel extremely anxious, very uneasy. A person who loves Allah loves to be alone with Allah. So he runs away from people. Such a person prefers being alone, and the love of the world, leaves his

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And there is love for all whom Allah loves every person and every deed that Allah loves. And such a person gives preference to Allah over everyone besides Allah.

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And they should consider and they should consider that when those who have been followed, dissociate themselves from those who followed them, and they all see the punishment and cut off from them or the ties of relationship, meaning those whom they loved besides Allah, will be the same ones who will abandon them on the Day of Judgment, completely disowning them, and those who followed will say, If only we had another turn at worldly life, so that we could dissociate ourselves from them, as they have dissociated themselves from us, meaning we will abandon them the way they have abandoned us, we would never love them, the way that we did. This was such a huge mistake that we

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made. Thus will Allah show them their deeds as regrets upon them, and they're never to emerge from the fire. This is the outcome of those who are drowning in the love of dunya. Right now, the love of layer of law of other than Allah, that they will be forever in regret, regret at the time of death, regret in the grave, and certainly a lot of regret regret on the Day of Judgment.

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Now in the following verses some commands are given. And remember that sootel Baccarat is actually a very comprehensive soda. It contains commands are modeled along Warren who took 12 years to learn suitable Baccarat, and the day that he completed it, he slaughtered camel out of gratitude to Allah. Then we learned that his son even aroma he learned in eight years and we want to learn it in two and a half days. Alhamdulillah spending any amount of time with the Quran is excellent. But after this make the intention to study the surah in detail to spend more time learning what the sutra teaches us because the surah contains knowledge of what is lawful and unlawful. It also contains matters of

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Arpita our beliefs, and it also teaches us a HELOC manners, though, the way that we should deal with one another.

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Yeah, uh, you harness all mankind, all people are being addressed over here because this is something what is being sat over here is relevant to all people. what is being said, eat from whatever is on the earth that is lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of shaytaan it

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Indeed he is to you a clear enemy. Two rules pertaining to food have been given over here. The first that the food should be halal it should be lawful and second, it should be played. It should be good, clean, delicious and suitable for your health. And this is something that we should ask Allah for Allah Houma in the luchar illman erfahren What is compa uban where MLM with the Kabbalah that all I ask you for beneficial knowledge, I asked you for this company hibben pure provision and and deeds that are accepted by you. We should ask Allah for lawful risk, lawful provision, Allah homak Fini behala Attica and how long will elneny be fogli cartomancy work and we should pray what Zuko

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now we're antihero recipient, that will Allah you provide for us and you are the best of providers. Allah says over here,

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let well attribute Ottawa to shaitan do not follow the footsteps of shaitan Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy, how he only orders you to evil and immorality, and teaches you to say about Allah, what you do not know. And when it is set to them, follow what Allah has revealed. They say rather, we will follow that which we found our forefathers doing. Allah asks, even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided, will this still follow them. Be example of those who disbelieve is like that of a shepherd, who shouts at what here is nothing but calls and cries, meaning sheep. So calling upon other than Allah is like this. They're deaf, dumb and blind, so they

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will not understand. Now the people of men are specifically addressed or you will have believed, eat from the good things which we have provided for you and be grateful to Allah. If it is indeed him that you worship. Allah tells the believers over here, what he tells his messengers to do. Yeah, uh, you heard Russell kulu menapii back to our Malou solly her, all messengers, eat of the good things and do righteous deeds. So eat what is lawful, but also make sure that it is good. And when you eat what is good, can be grateful to Allah do righteous deeds. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the believer is like the honeybee. It eats what is good, it produces what is good, and it

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neither breaks nor ruins what it lands on. So eating good food is not wrong, but eating carefully and thanking Allah subhanaw taala This is important, not thanking the LASIK the provider that is wrong. So eat lawful, good. And then thank Allah. And remember that thankfulness sugar is a three levels. Remember three words, emote, express, and exercise, meaning, feel the emotion of gratitude in your hearts. feel gratitude in your heart. Secondly, express it verbally. And thirdly, exercise gratitude, meaning do good things out of gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala. And when a person eats what is lawful, and shows gratitude, then eating also becomes an act of worship something that is

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rewardable he has only forbidden to you dead animals blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah. But whoever is forced by necessity, neither desiring it nor transgressing its limit. There is no say upon him, there is no sin upon him. So if a person must eat what is unlawful to survive, in order to save themselves from dying, then they can eat what is unlawful, but they must not indulge, and they must not desire it. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Indeed, they who conceal what Allah has sent down of the book, and exchange it for a small price they consume not into their bellies except the fire, and Allah will not speak to them on the

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Day of Resurrection, nor will he purify them, and they will have a painful punishment. Those are the ones who have exchanged guidance for error and forgiveness for punishment, how patient they are in pursuit of the fire that is deserved by them, because Allah has sent out the book in truth. But Indeed, those who differ over the book are in extreme dissension than it is said, lay sell below unto a loo would you How come people all mushed up well mohareb, a very comprehensive description of piety is given over here. This is what

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This verse is called a little bit, the verse of piety. So if you want to know what piety really is, then learn this idea. Allah says, righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west. But true righteousness is in one who believes in Allah, the last day, the angels, the book and the prophets. So the first thing is that our belief should be correct, then be good to the creation, how, and who gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives gives wealth to the relatives, relatives first, why, because there's double reward in giving to the relatives, then orphans, why, because they're little, and they're also in need, then the needy, because they have

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unfulfilled needs, then the traveler, because they're tired from their journey, and are in need of hospitality. And then those who ask, even if they're not in need, because some people beg and you can see that they're not in need, but still give them and for freeing slaves, because this is a greatly virtuous deed, then the rights of Allah are mentioned, and who establishes prayer and gives the cat and then fulfill their promise when they promise this is especially mentioned over here, a mark of a righteous person is that they fulfill their commitments. they complete their contracts, and those who are patient in poverty and hardship, and during battle. Notice how patience is also

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highlighted over here, because it is the foundation of righteous deeds. The one who does not have patience, cannot do good deeds. And if he doesn't, if he does perform some good deeds, he is not able to remain consistent without patience, or nor is he able to preserve the reward of good deeds without patience. Because if a person does not have patience, it is very easy to give up. It is very easy to waste the reward of good deeds by showing off by reminding people by boasting. Those are the ones who have been true, this is truthfulness. And it is those who are the righteous. So these are the traits of the righteous, the people of taqwa, the people of Bill, who will be successful, then

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it is said, all you who have believed prescribe for you is legal retribution for those who have been murdered, the free for the free, the slave for the slave and the female for the female, meaning the killer will be killed, not anyone else in his place. But whoever overlooks from his brother, anything meaning of the air, pardons the murder, then there should be a suitable follow up and payment to him with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and mercy. But whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment. And there is for you in legal retribution, life, meaning a saving of life, when the cartel the murder is punished severely than the lives of

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many will be saved. Apparently, it seems as if another life is being lost. But in reality, many lives will be saved like this, or you people have understanding that you may become righteous. Now, when someone dies, they leave their property behind what should be done with that, it is said prescribed for you, when death approaches any one of you, if he leaves wealth, is that he should make a bequest, it will for the parents and near relatives according to what is acceptable, a duty upon the righteous, how can I deal with the pain, meaning those who have the core, make their wills and they also fulfill the wills of the deceased. Remember, that inheritance should only be

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distributed after the will of the deceased has been carried out because Allah says in the Quran mimbar they will say you can use our behalf after carrying out the will of the deceased when it comes to inheritance, then the legal heirs and their and when it comes to inheritance, then the legal heirs and their respective shares have all been appointed by Allah. So a person cannot choose which relative of theirs should inherit from them and which relative of theirs should not inherit. This is something that Allah subhanaw taala has already decided, but Allah has also given a gift to his servants, by allowing them to make a will Seiya a will in the favor of a non heir of up to a

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third of their property only and even a third has been described as a lot. Why has this permission been given? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Ziad the telecom fee are Malecon

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as a means of increasing you in your good deeds, so that a person can leave some of their estate for righteous, noble causes, Why? So that they may continue to receive reward, even after they have left this world. So in one's life, a person should spend their wealth in righteous causes, and also for after they have died, they should leave a will, it will see you, then whoever alters the bequest after he has heard it, the sin is only upon those who have altered it. Remember, altering the will of a deceased is something sinful. Indeed, Allah is hearing and knowing but if one fears from the bequeathing some error or sin and correct that which is between them, there is no sin upon him.

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Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

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Then it is said, Yeah, uh, you have levena amanu. All you who have believed quotevalet como cm, decreed upon you is fasting, as it was just as it was decreed upon those before you Why, what is the purpose, La La Quinta cocoon, that you may become righteous, so that you may be protected, you may be safeguarded. Remember, fasting is an act of worship. It is an obligation, which in the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is fuddled on mosey on, it is an obligation that will serve that will suffice a person in the hereafter. It is a very unique act of worship in the hula lilla. It has no equivalent. It is a Juna, a shield. When a person fasts with faith and expectation of

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reward, all their past sins are forgiven. It is a deed that is private between the servant and his Lord. This is why Allah says in the who Li what a dizzy Bay, it is for me, and I will give reward for it. And we learn in this ayah fasting produces duckula and the person who has taqwa, then all their affairs become easy. This is why fast happily, an entire month of fasting has been prescribed. Why? So that we can develop the core the ability to leave sin to avoid sin. Just as we leave our favorite foods and our favorite drinks while fasting. We should also leave sins that Allah subhanaw taala does not approve off deeds that Allah found out he does not like because taqwa means that a

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person does good. And taqwa also includes leaving sin,

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fasting for a limited number of days, not all year round. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey during them, then an equal number of days, meaning there to be made up later on. So missed fasts must be made up later in the year, and upon those who are able to fast but with great hardship, such as someone who is very old or is terminally ill, than they should give a ransom a substitute. And what is that feeding a poor person for each day of fasting. So the idea for one fast is feeding a poor person, one meal and whoever volunteers excess, so for example, they give two meals or feeds more people, it is better for him, so there is no limit to doing good, but too fast

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is better for you. If you only knew so at least try. shabu Ramadan or levy on Zilla fi hilker on the month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran? In fact, all divine scriptures were revealed in the month of Ramadan. So Ramadan is important because of the Quran. So what do you think about the Quran itself? What do you think about the blessings of the Quran, and the mercy that it brings, because of which this entire month was chosen for fasting, and the night in which it was revealed was made Laila to

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what is the Quran, it is a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever cites meaning the new moon of the month, then let him fast it and whoever is ill, or in a journey, then an equal number of other days, Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship. So when you're not able to fast in Ramadan because of a temporary condition, then make up the fasts later. This is the ease and he wants for you to complete the period. So make sure you complete the number of fasts and to glorify Allah for that to which he has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful. So another objective of fasting, besides the core is sugar.

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And remember, in the month of Ramadan, one should pay special attention to making the Torah so Allah says what either seller carry body or knee for any corrib and when my servants ask you concerning me

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But where's our Lord is in year is he far tell them indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon me there and then meaning Whenever you call upon Allah in the morning or in the evening, at home, or at home, because now there is no work from outside work from home also, wherever you are, night or day, any place when you call upon Allah, Allah responds, Allah says folia study Bulli. So let them respond to me. Because remember, a relationship is two ways. So if you want to be heard, you better hear and you listen to the other. Do not take anyone for granted. Don't just be a taker, also be a giver. And remember that sins actually become a barrier

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between the servant and his Lord. So if we want our daughters to be accepted, then we should also respond to Allah. We should accept Allah's commands, and they should believe in me, they should have hope, they should pray with determination that there may be rightly guided, the fact is that we need to make draws for our own benefit. We need guidance. So keep making there are in order that you may be guided by Allah throughout your life, no matter what you are going through. And Ramadan is one of the best times to make the raw, especially for those who are fasting, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there are three people whose raw is not rejected, and one of them is will

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sa mo Hector, you fled the fasting person until he breaks his fast. So as long as you're fasting, make there are now some more rules related to fasting are given. It has been made permissible for you, the night preceding fasting, to go to your wives, meaning for sexual relations, because during the fast this is not permissible, but during the night, it is their clothing for you, and you are clothing for them. And a person is in need of their clothes. Remember that clothes, cover a person, protect a person and beautify a person. So take care of this dress. This this garment that Allah has given value it value this relationship and give it the attention that it deserves. Allah knows that

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you use to deceive yourselves, meaning you were having relations in the night while you were initially unsure of its permissibility in the month of Ramadan. However, he has accepted your repentance and forgave you. So now have relations with them and seek that which Allah has decreed for you. Meaning the enjoyment that Allah has made permissible for you, then seek it without guilt, and eat and drink. Meaning in the night until the white thread of dawn becomes distinct to you from the black thread of the night meeting until the time that the fast begins. then complete the fast until the sunset and do not have relations with them. As long as you're staying for worship in the

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mosques. Meaning during erotica, if this is not allowed, these are the limits set by Allah, so do not approach them. Because if you approach them, then you will fall into them, you will violate them. Thus does Allah made clear his ordinances to the people that they may become righteous, they are saved from a bad outcome in this life and in the next and do not consume one another as wealth unjustly and how is that through theft or deception, cheating, robbery fraud. So do not do that. nor should you send it in bribery to the rulers in order that they might aid you to consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin. While you know meaning while you know that it is in that that it is

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unlawful for you don't do that.

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Yes, aluna Carnell, a hill, they ask you about the new moons, meaning about the changing form of the moon, how it increases decreases, its waxing and its waning. Tell them their measurements of time for the people and for Hajj. So they increase decrease of the moon. This is basically a calendar which Allah has given you, which allows you to determine the times of worship, when to go for Hajj went too fast in Ramadan when Ramadan begins and it ends and it is not righteousness to enter houses from the back. But righteousness is in one who fears Allah and enter houses from their doors and fear Allah that you may succeed enter houses from their doors because the Arabs they used to think

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that it would bring bad luck if they returned from Hajj and they entered the house from the main

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door so they would enter from the back door. So what is this idea teaching us that do things in the right way? Don't be superstitious. approach things from the right way, adopt the correct manner. fight in the way of Allah, those who fight you but do not transgress Why? Indeed, Allah does not like the transgressors. So do not transgress in the name of Allah's religion also. Because if you do that, you will lose Allah's love, and kill them wherever you overtake them, and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, meaning mucker and pfitzner is worse than killing their religion. They're persecuted you because of your religion that is worse than killing, and do not fight them at

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all. masjidul How long until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then you also kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. And if they seize, then Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. A lot of people will quote the previous idea, but they will not think about this idea. If they cease. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. fight them until there's no fitna. And until worship is for Allah. But if they seize, then there is to be no transgression, except against the oppressors. fighting in the sacred month is for aggression committed in the sacred month, meaning if someone fights you in it, then you may fight them back. Otherwise, this is not allowed, and for all

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violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then you assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you, you're allowed to take revenge, but fear Allah and fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him. So do not commit transgression in his name, do not violate his limits. If you want the help of Allah, then you better have the call of Allah, and spend in the way of Allah and do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction. Because remember, stinginess is something that leads to destruction and do good Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good. So if you wish to gain the love of Allah than be good, do good. We saw in the previous verses how we

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are encouraged to spend on relatives and on those who are in need and that is excellent. Here we are being told to spend in another way, which is fee Sabina Allah, for the deen of Allah for its advancement, promotion, its strength. Generally, when we think about charity, we only think about people in need, and that is certainly charity. But it is not the only way of spending for the pleasure of Allah. We must also think about spending on our massages on our mosques on our religious institutions. Why? Because if the massages are there, if the religious institutions are running, only then will we have our Deen and if our Deen is there, then we are safe. And if not, then we are

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Then Hajj is mentioned and complete the Hajj and Ramallah for Allah, purely for Allah's pleasure for his sake, not for the sake of getting a title had or had no for the sake of Allah. nor should you do it for the praise of people. We're a team will have Joel Rotella for the sake of Allah. But if you are prevented, then offer what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals, meaning if you are meaning if you intend to go for Hajj and you have left for Hajj already, but something has prevented you from completing the Hajj, then you have to offer a sacrificial animal and do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter. And whoever among you is ill

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or has an ailment of the head than a ransom of fasting three days or charity or sacrifice and when you are secure, then whoever performs omura during the Hajj months, followed by Hajj offers what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals and whoever cannot find or afford such an animal than a fast of three days during Hajj and of seven when you have returned home. Those are 10 complete days. This is for those this rule is for who those whose family is not in the area of and most of them hold on and fear Allah and no gain knowledge that Allah is severe in penalty. So in this ayah we learn about some rules related to Hajj. Remember, Hajj is an obligation and the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said consecutively performed Hajj and Umrah why, because doing so removes poverty and sins just as a furnace removes filth from iron.

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Hedge is during well known

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Once so whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon himself there in by entering the state of Iran, there is to be for him no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing during Hajj. So how does not a honeymoon nor is it a time to fight, the entire focus should be on Allah azza wa jal and whatever good you do in the journey of Hajj, Allah knows it. Whenever Salah you perform charity you give the raw you make Vicar you do. And some say that when you enter Makkah, then you should not leave it before the before completing the recitation of the entire Quran. So whatever. So whatever good you do, Allah knows it. And take provisions, whatever you need for the journey, take that along

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with you. But indeed, the best provision is fear of Allah. So go there with the fear of Allah so that you harm no one, and you also perform the rituals properly, and fear me all you have understanding, there is no blame upon you for seeking bounty from your Lord during Hajj. But when you depart from artifacts, then remember Allah at Alma shall hold on and remember him as he has guided you, not in your own made up ways. remember Allah, the way that he has instructed, for indeed you were before that among those astray, then depart from the place from where all people departs, you see the kurush, they would consider themselves too special to go out of the harem to our offer.

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So they're told over here depart from the place from where all the people departs, meaning at hedge everyone is equal, and ask forgiveness of Allah, this should be our ultimate concern that Hajj Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. And when you have completed your rights, remember Allah, like your previous remembrance of your father's, or with much greater remembrance. Remember, a line a better way with more attentiveness. And among the people is He who says, are a burner, Tina for dunya our Lord give us in this world, meaning he only prays for the world and such a person will have in the Hereafter, no share at all. But among them is He Who says robina Tina for dunya has

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Santa Warfield, he has Santa working are either been

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among them is He Who says our Lord give us in this world that which is good health, safety, Eman taqwa, tawakkol love of Allah, mercy. And in the hereafter also that which is good forgiveness, seeing Allah genital for those, the company of the righteous or Allah give us good here in this life and also give us good in the next life in the hereafter and protect us from the punishment of the Fire, meaning take a safely and directly into paradise, not through *. So when you go for Hajj, when you make doors, don't just ask for dunya don't just go for worldly benefits have a greater goal, because Allah can give us both Allah can give us dunya and the Hara. And this Dora is the

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daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make very very frequently, because it combines all the good things of this life and of the next life, those will have a share of what they have earned. And Allah is swift in account. So each person will get what they have earned, whatever a person strives for, is what they will get. The thing is, that when a person becomes greedy for this world, then by default, they neglect the hereafter. And since the Hereafter is better than this world, this world is just like in a wink of a mosquito or less than that near Allah, then such a person is settling for what is less, and when they are lowering their standards, they also fall in

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the sight of Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us, the hour is drawing near, and people are only increasing in their greed for the world. And by that they're only increasing in their distance from Allah. So yes, it is fine to like the things of this world to want the things of this world to have worldly goals, but they should not become our ultimate concern. Our ultimate concern should be the success, the good things of the hereafter. And remember Allah during space, and remember Allah during specific numbered days, meaning the days of Hajj, then whoever, then whoever hastens his departure in two days, meaning for Mina, this isn't a Yamato shriek. There is no

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on him and whoever delays until the third

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There is no sin upon him. For him who fears Allah. Again, the main thing is the core, we give importance to the external aspect righteous deeds, and is also very important, and fear Allah and know that unto Him you will be gathered, and of the people is He Who speech pleases you in worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart. Yet he is ulladulla his arm, the fiercest of opponents. You see, there's some people who do sweet talk, but when you deal with them, they're quick to fight and argue. They want people to listen to their words only. They don't want to be criticized or told anything. And God forbid, if someone does, they get triggered, and they fight

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with all their might, overreacting, exploding in their rage, and Abdul Hassan. And this is something that needs to be changed, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the most despicable amongst people in the sight of Allah is the ruthless, argumentative person. People also avoid such individuals. And Allah also does not like them. Wahoo ulladulla Hassan, this is something that we need to avoid, do not argue, do not be stubborn. And when he goes away, he's tribes throughout the land, to cause corruption, they're in and destroy crops and animals. And Allah does not like corruption. What a destructive personality, with people also arguing, fighting, hurting, and outside

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also with the environment also destructive. And when it is said to him, Fear Allah, then what happens, pride in the same takes hold of him, meaning he gets worse than before. sufficient for him is *, and how wretched is the resting place, and of the people is He who sells himself seeking means to the approval of Allah, so humble, no ego problem whatsoever. Such a person is willing to give their life even to please Allah. This is how eager they are to please Allah. So if they're willing to sacrifice their life, what do you think? Will they not be able to control their tongue, they will bite their tongue instead of unleashing it, they will control their anger, instead of

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exploding with it will law hula ofone billary bird and such people who make such great sacrifices for the sake of Allah, that in order to protect themselves and others from a greater evil, they stop arguing than Allah is kind to his servants. Don't have the fear of missing out. Don't think you have to always fight for everything. Allah is compassionate. When you sacrifice for the sake of Allah. When you are humble for the sake of Allah, then Allah is kind towards his servants, expect his kindness. All you who have believed, enter into Islam care fatten completely and do not follow the footsteps of shaitan Indeed, he is to you it clear enemy. So whether it is the matter of marriage,

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or income, or food or divorce in every matter of life, follow the commands of Islam shaitan will distract you to other ways, but do not follow shaitan for insulin tome, but if you deviate, after clear proofs have come to you, the know that Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise, and he fear Allah, do they await but that Allah should come to them in covers of clouds and the angels as well. And the matter is then decided, and to Allah, all matters are returned.

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Ask the children of Israel, how many assign of evidence we have given them, and whoever exchanges the favor of Allah for disbelief after it has come to Him, then Indeed, Allah is severe in penalty. beautified for those who disbelieve is the life of this world. Why? Because this is all they know. And they ridicule those who believe they make fun of the Muslims. But this is not going to stay like this forever. This is not going to last forever. But those who fear Allah are above them on the Day of Resurrection, the tables will turn and Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account. Mankind was of one religion, meaning at the beginning, all people were upon the same religion. Then

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Allah sent the prophets as Bringers of good tidings and as Warner's and sat down with them the scripture in truth, why to judge between the people concerning that in which they differed, and non differed over the Scripture, except those who are given

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minute after the clear proofs came to them, why, out of jealous animosity among themselves? Many times, despite knowledge people differ with one another. The reason is not ignorance. It is not that they don't know. It is actually ego. It is jealousy. It is pride. And Allah guided those who believed to the truth concerning that over which they had differed in all of those differences. Those who asked Allah for guidance, those who did not harbor jealousy and pride in their hearts, Allah subhanaw taala guided them to the truth by his permission, and Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. This is why we should keep praying, he Dino slid off almost stuck him.

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Now, trials and tests are mentioned has the baton, or do you think that you will enter paradise? Do you think you will enter Jannah without any effort without exerting any effort? without doing any hard work? Do you think entry into Gemini is that easy? While such trial has not yet come to you, as that which came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until even their messenger and those who believed with him said, When is the help of Allah? Mata Nasrullah? What is Allah's response? Allah in nanosilica, Hikari. unquestionably, the help of Allah is near. What do we see in this ayah Allah tests, even his messengers, and his

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believing servants, and sometimes these tests, these hardships go on for a very long time, to a point that even the prophets wondered, when is the help of Allah coming? Isn't it about time that we got relief? And remember, that when in difficulty fields too long, it trial fields too long? Then remind yourself, Allah in an author Allah He corrib the help of Allah is just coming. So what does that mean? That when there is a trial, especially something that affects your deen, then remain firm and seek the help of Allah, through patience and through prayer and do not give up because the help of Allah is coming shortly? Yes, aluna kamada une fille Khun, they ask you, what is it that they

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should spend, say, whatever you spend of good is to be for parents, and other relatives, and orphans, and those in need, and the traveler, and whatever you do have good Indeed, Allah is Knowing of it. So spend in different causes of goodness, the opportunities are many, any good cause that you spend in Allah is Knowing of it. This is why whatever you good, this is why whatever you give, give it for him, give it for his sake, not as a favor to others.

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Then it is said, fighting has been enjoined upon you. While it is hateful to you. Were a Santa crochet yarn, wha hoo, highroller calm, but perhaps you hate a thing, and it is good for you were a sir unto her bush I was Sharla calm, and perhaps you love a thing. And in reality, it is bad for you. So who knows? Well love We are alemu and Allah knows we're unto laterna Moon, while you do not know the person who understands this idea, their life becomes easy.

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Think about the different things that you find hard.

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And remind yourself now that it is all about perspective, it is all about perspective, it's quite possible that what we find hard is in reality, good for us. And what we find easy is in reality, hard or difficult or in reality, bad for us. So who knows what is really good for us and what is really bad for us. Allah knows. This is why trust his decisions, trust his decrees when Allah decides something for you, then accept it. realize that there is good in it for you, no matter how painful that situation is for you. Sometimes there is something that you desperately desire. You believe that it is excellent for you. But it is just out of reach. It is unattainable. You are not

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able to get it. So don't remain sad over it. Don't be miserable over it. It looks pretty, it looks attractive. It looks like the best option for you. But remind yourself that every glittering thing is not gold, except the decree of Allah and the one who accepts the decree of Allah.

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believes in Allah, that Allah guides his heart when you mean biLlahi Yes, the caliber. And also remember that every trial for the believer is actually a blessing. How? Because a loss can become a means of expiation of sense. Patients over loss. Patients over hurt can become a means of great immeasurable reward for the believer. So for the believer, both hardship and ease are in reality, blessings, has an obesity said, Do not resent the tribulations in your life. Why? Because it is quite possible that your salvation lies in the very thing you hate. It is quite possible that what you hate what you dislike, what you find so painful, is the very way to your success. The obstacle

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is the way Yes, aluna Kearney Sherrill, how long you peterlin Fie. They ask you about the sacred month about fighting. They're in, say, fighting, they're in his great sin, but averting people from the way of Allah and disbelief in him and preventing access to all Masuda Haram, and the expulsion of its people there from our actually greater evil in the sight of Allah. And pfitzner persecution is greater than killing, and they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion, if they are able, and whoever Have you reverts from his religion to disbelief and dies while he's a disbeliever. For those their deeds have become worthless in this world, and in the

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Hereafter, and those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide there in eternally. This is the punishment for the apostate for the one who leaves Islam. This is why we should keep praying to Allah, Allah Subhana, Allah tozier kulu bana, our Lord do not allow our hearts to be deviated. Indeed, those who have believed and those who have immigrated, and fought in the cause of Allah, those who do something, they're the ones who expect the mercy of Allah, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. They ask you about wine and gambling? Are they permissible? Are they good, say in them is great sin. And if something is sinful, it is not allowed. And yet there is some benefit for people,

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but their sin is greater than their benefit. So whatever has more evil, more sin must be left. And when Allah has said that there are sin in wine, then how could it be permissible, and they ask you what they should spend, you see, a person ends up spending a lot of money, in gambling, and on wine, then they're not able to spend in good causes. So it is said they ask you what they should spend, say the excess, meaning beyond your needs, then spend that in the way of Allah. Thus, Allah makes clear to you the verses of Revelation, why that you may give thought to this world and the Hereafter, don't just think about now, don't just think about your immediate pleasure, also think

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about the hereafter. And they ask you about orphans say improvement for them is best. So ask yourself what is what is in the best interest of the orphans that are in your care. And if you mix your affairs with theirs, then they are your brothers. This is permissible. And Allah knows the corruptor from the offender, meaning he knows your intentions. And if Allah had willed, He could have put you in difficulty. And he would not have allowed you to mix the affairs of the orphans in your care with your own, but he has granted you that allowance for your ease. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. Now, some laws related to marriage are given and do not marry

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polytheistic women until they believe an unbelieving slave woman is better than a polytheist. Man, even sorry. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheistic woman, even though she might please you. So a Muslim man is not allowed to marry a mushrik woman until she embraces Islam, and do not marry polytheistic men meaning to your women until they believe the same rule is for for a Muslim woman. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist even though he might please you. Those polytheists invite you to the fire. But Allah invites you to paradise and to forgiveness by his permission. And he makes clear his verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.

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You see a person takes on the effect of those that he lives with. This is why when it comes to marriage up

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person must pay special attention to the Dean of the other to the religion of the other because the because their religion, their religiosity will certainly impact yours with aluna, carnal Mohave and they ask you about menstruation, what does it say it is harm. It is something painful, but it is not a disease. So keep away from your wives during menstruation, meaning do not have sexual *. That's the only thing that is not allowed and do not approach them until they're pure, not because they're unclean, but for their health. And when they have purified themselves, taken a bath after the end of their period, then come to them from where Allah has ordained for you meeting then have

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sexual relations in the permissible way. Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves in the law Hey Buta wellbeing. When you have been multiple hearing, notice Toba is mentioned Toba brings about inner cleanliness, it purifies a person of their sins and bahara is of the body. Allah loves people who purify themselves from the inside and the outside. Nisa welcome how to local your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you. So treat them with due regard and due care. So come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth righteousness for yourselves and fear Allah, yes, fear him in the bedroom also, and know that you

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will meet him. So don't disobey Allah, even in this so don't disobey Allah, even in this very personal matter and give good tidings to those who believe well at the GR Luma hora, literally a Manny calm and do not make your oath by Allah and excuse against being righteous and fearing Allah and making peace amongst people. Meaning don't swear an oath that you will not do good, such as I will never pray, I will never fast etc, don't make such oaths and Allah is hearing and knowing Allah does not imply that Allah does not impose blame upon you for what is unintentional in your own words, but he imposes blame upon you for what your hearts have earned. And Allah is Forgiving, and

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forbearing for those who swear not to have sexual relations with their wives is a waiting time of four months. But if they return, then Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. This is a lap

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for which is a maximum duration of four months, meaning if a, if a man takes an oath that he will not be with his wife, he will not sleep with his wife, then there is a maximum duration for this period for months. He cannot keep his wife like that forever. And if they decide on divorce, then Indeed Allah is hearing and knowing

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one will fall apart. Now the rules related to divorce are mentioned. Divorced women remain in waiting for three periods, and eight. Divorced women remain in waiting for three periods. And it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. So when a man pronounces divorce against his wife, there is a waiting period, meaning she is not allowed to marry someone else right away, she has to wait for three menstrual cycles. Why? To reveal pregnancy, so that if she is pregnant, the paternity of the child is known. And their husbands have more right to take them back in this period of waiting, if they want reconciliation,

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meaning only if they intend to live properly and decently with them, then they should take back their wife. And if the waiting period is over, and there was no reconciliation than the two than the two shall separate and do to the wives is similar to what is expected of them according to what is reasonable. When a hoonah myth Lula de la hinda Bill Maher, Wolf, meaning there are similar rights of the husband and of the high end of the wife in a marriage. They're similar, even our best friend EULA Horton who said, I like that I should look nice for my wife. Just as I like that she should look nice for me, because Allah says Willa hoonah, Missoula de la hinda Bill Maher roof, and then it

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has also said, well, it really early Hina Dodger, but the men have a degree over them. This is not about piety, but in terms of responsibility and authority in the relationship of marriage, because there has to be one person to lead. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. Some people have a very hard time accepting this diraja that Allah has given to men. But if a person does not accept this knowledge at this rank, then there is double harm in this disobedience to Allah and also denial of reality.

02:00:00 --> 02:00:44

We see over here that within the laws of divorce, rights and responsibilities of marriage are given. Why? Because the marriage ends in divorce, when these rights and responsibilities are compromised apolar kumala turn revocable divorce is two times, then either keep her in an acceptable manner, or release her with good treatment. And it is not lawful for you to take anything of what you have given them, unless both fear that they will not be able to keep within the limits of Allah, meaning that if the man is giving divorce to his wife, then he cannot take back anything from her that he spent on her, no Ma, her, he cannot take back the gift that he gave her at the time of marriage, and

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he cannot take back anything that he gave her after that.

02:00:49 --> 02:01:37

Remember that Pollock is it remember, the Pollock means to release to set free. So it is to end the marriage so that a woman is free to marry someone else. And the correct way of giving Pollock of giving divorce, that it should be first of all, given at a time when a woman is in a state of purity, when she's not menstruating, and in a period in which there were no sexual relations with her. Secondly, it should be pronounced only once at a time. Even our best would you love more and who greatly reprimanded a person who gave his wife three divorces in one sitting? He said, I'll sleep on a book you have disobeyed your Lord. And Pollack should not be used to abuse women, neither

02:01:37 --> 02:02:20

to threaten them, nor to harm them. Because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam warned people against this. He said Allahumma in the * read you Huckleberry Finn Allahumma inni? Or how would you help a very fine Alia team well more than Oh Allah bear witness that I have issued a warning concerning the rights of the two weak ones, the orphans and the women. So the person who abuses a woman in this regard than Allah who will hold that person responsible. So if you fear that they will not keep within the limits of Allah, then there is no blame upon either of them concerning that by which he ransoms or herself, and this is referring to Hola, in which case, she will return the Maha that her

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husband gave her and these are the limits of Allah, so do not transgressed them, and whoever transgresses the limits of Allah, it is those who are the wrongdoers. And if he has divorced her, and this is referring to the third and final divorce, then she is not lawful to him afterward, until after she marries a husband other than Him, this is referring to halala. And that should not be done deliberately. This is something balloon, meaning something for which people are cursed, if they do it deliberately, all the parties involved. But if it happens coincidentally, then that is fine. And if the latter husband divorces her or dies, there is no blame upon the woman and her former husband

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for returning to each other, if they think that they can keep within the limits of Allah. Meaning if they think that if they marry again, and they can stay married, they will actually take their marriage seriously. Only then they should get back together. These are the limits of Allah, which he makes clear to people who No, we see that as emotionally overwhelming divorce is, it is still important to go through this process in the right way, according to the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has given with care and with attention because there is a due process. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a year come what jahannam a year come well, Whoa, dude, beware of *. Beware

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of the limits of Allah, meaning the commands that Allah has given, take them seriously.

02:03:52 --> 02:04:36

And when you divorce women, and they have nearly fulfilled their term, either retain them according to acceptable terms, or release them according to acceptable terms, and do not keep them intending harm to transgress against them. And whoever does that has certainly wronged himself before anyone else, he is bringing harm upon himself more harm than he is causing to others. And do not take the verses of Allah in just how is that by not following them properly. And remember the favor of Allah upon you, and what has been revealed to you of the book and wisdom by which he instructs you and fear Allah and know that Allah is Knowing of all things. And when you divorce women, and this is

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referring to the third time and they have fulfilled their term, then do not prevent them from re marrying their former or prospective husbands. If they agree among themselves on an acceptable basis, that is instructed to whoever of you believes in alone the last day that is better for you and pure, and Allah knows and you do not know. So we see in this ayah that a

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divorced woman has the right to remarry, she should not be prevented. Now, the children are mentioned, mothers may breastfeed their children to complete yours, for whoever wishes to complete the nursing period. During this time, it is upon the father to provide the mothers provision and clothing according to what is acceptable, meaning the man is supposed to give a stipend. That meaning the man is supposed to give a stipend to the mother of his child, even after he has divorced her. No person is charged with more than his capacity, and no mother should be harmed through her child, no father, through his child, amazing. The rights of both parties are preserved over here,

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because a lot of times after divorce, it is the children who are used to take revenge against the other party. And upon the father's air is a duty like that, like who like that of the Father. So if a father if the father dies or goes missing, than his family has to provide for his children. And if they both desire weaning through mutual consent from both of them, and consultation, there is no blame upon either of them. So a child may be weaned before two years, if necessary. And if you wish to have your children nursed by a substitute, there is no blame upon you. It is not wrong or sinful, as long as you give payment according to what is acceptable, and fear Allah and know that Allah is

02:06:33 --> 02:07:15

seeing of what you do. This is so beautiful. We see over here, that the rights of the child of the children are being preserved, the rights of the mother are, are being preserved, the rights of the father are also being preserved. You see, the breaking of a family is something painful, but it is still possible to be just and fair, even after divorce. It is possible that the children are not deprived of what they deserve. The mother is not deprived of what she deserves, and the father is not deprived of what he deserves. And those who are taken and death among you, and leave wives behind. Now the case of the widow is mentioned. So they meaning the widows should wait for four

02:07:15 --> 02:07:56

months and 10 days. This is according to the lunar calendar and this is the Hadar the waiting period for a widow in which she should not remarry. And when they have fulfilled their term, meaning the waiting period, then there is no blame upon you for what they do with themselves in an acceptable manner. Meaning when they wish to remarry, then let them re marry and Allah is fully acquainted with what you do. There is no blame upon you for that, to which you indirectly allude concerning a proposal to women, or for what you conceal within yourselves. Allah knows that you will have them in mind, but do not promise them secretly except for saying a proper saying, meaning when you are going

02:07:56 --> 02:08:42

to propose to a woman, then do so in the right manner. Do not slide into the DMS do not promise them secretly do so in the right manner, and do not determine to undertake a marriage contract until the decreed period reaches its end. Meaning if the woman was recently divorced, let her waiting period come to an end before she marries again. If she's a widow, again, let her waiting period come to an end before she remarries and know that Allah knows what is within yourself. So be aware of him. Allah knows what is in your heart and know that Allah is Forgiving and forbearing there is no blame upon you, if you divorce women, you have not touched nor specified for them and obligation, meaning

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neither did you have relations with them, nor did you appoint him or her and the divorce happened, no sin on this, because sometimes, there is a need, however, give them a gift of compensation, the wealthy according to his capability and the poor according to his capability, it provision according to what is acceptable, this is a duty upon the doers of good

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and if you divorce them before you have touched them, and you have already specified for them an obligation, then give half of what you specified unless they forego the right meaning the Maho or the one in whose hand the Wali, the one in whose hand is the marriage is the marriage, the or the one in whose hand is the marriage contract, meaning the Wali forgoes it and to forego is nearer to righteousness will attend so will fog lubaina calm and do not forget graciousness between you Subhan Allah Don't forget to do good at this time. At the time of divorce fuddle is to do more than what is do extra favor, meaning show kindness show generosity at the time of divorce. Yes, Latin Sowell

02:09:56 --> 02:09:59

fabula Bina calm because the upper hand is better

02:10:00 --> 02:10:43

heard in the lower hand. At the time of divorce, typically people become greedy. There are very few people who fear Allah and think about what is their duty. What is it that the other party deserves. Latins I will follow by in a comb. Indeed Allah of whatever you do is seeing. So when you do good, you do good to yourselves. So we see in this idea, neither forget the favors that others have done to you, nor forget to do favors to other people. You see, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never forgot the fuddle the favors of heavy Journal de la Mourinho, even years after she had passed away. Why? Because what in the husband olara demeanor he man, proper faithfulness, remembering the

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good treatment of others. This is part of a man and the person who forgets the favors of others is such that Allah does not care for them. A woman for example, who is not grateful to her husband, when she's fully dependent on him. We learned Heidi's lie young little Allahu la her Allah will not even look at her. Half Ulu Allah solo at maintain with care, the obligatory prayers, and in particular, the middle prayer, there are sort of prayer and stand before Allah, devoutly obedient like humbled servants. So we see in the middle of the laws related to divorce, Salah is mentioned What does that teach us that when it comes to domestic issues, family problems, do not forget your

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obligations, your duty to Allah, because if you fomka you guard your duty to Allah and Allah will guard you, you ensure that you are given the rights of Allah and Allah who will ensure that you are given your rights. Remember that missing the sort of prayer is a no matter what your Allahu Allahu It is as though a person has lost their entire family and their entire property. So pay attention to your prayers, do not be negligent regarding them. And if you fear meaning an enemy, then pray on foot or writing, but do not miss the prayer. Do not leave it. But when you are secure, then remember Allah as he has taught you that which you did not previously know. And those were taken and death

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among you, and leave wives behind for their wives is a bequest maintenance for one year without turning them out. This was also a law that was given prior to the inheritance law. Later on, it was abrogated, but if they leave of their own accord, then there is no blame upon you for what they do with themselves in an acceptable way. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise, and for divorce to women, all the divorced women is a provision according to what is acceptable, meaning they should be given something at the time of divorce, a duty upon the righteous. Thus does Allah make clear to you his verses that you might use reason?

02:12:55 --> 02:13:40

Now some important lessons are taught through some stories of the past. And I'm Tara Illa, Latina, horrid human dare him, Have you not considered those who left their homes in many 1000s? Why did they leave fearing death. So Allah said to them die, and they all died, then he restored them to life, and Allah is full of bounty to the people, but most of the people do not show gratitude and fight in the cause of Allah and know that Allah is hearing a knowing who is it that would loan Allah good liloan Allah is asking us to encourage us why why alone, so Allah who will multiplied for him many times over? This is a great investment opportunity. And it is Allah who withholds and grants

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abundance, and to Him you will be returned. Remember, this is a Madani surah and every few months the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam had to face another battle. The Muslims were being attacked from everywhere. So the Muslims were encouraged over here to spend in the way of Allah. And this was not just for that time, or only for one cause. But Karla Hassan, a goodly load, remember, it is what a person gives to Allah, in the way of Allah, for the religion of Allah. And Allah takes it as a loan upon himself, meaning something, that he will certainly return to the giver, in this life and in the next

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person is to give in the way of Allah, while expecting reward from Allah, it is to give happily, and then our person is to give from lawful wealth, or the person is to give in the way of Allah without reminding of the favor later on, or causing hurt. Then another story is mentioned. Have you not considered the assembly of the children of Israel in this was after the time of Musa when they said to a prophet of there is a point for us a king, and we will fight in the way of Allah. Their Prophet said, Would you perhaps refrain from fighting if fighting was prescribed for you? They said, No.

02:15:00 --> 02:15:44

Why should we not fight in the cause of Allah when we have been driven out from our homes and from our children, but when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away except for a few of them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers and their profits set to them. Indeed, Allah has sent to you, for loot as a king. They said, How can he have kingship over us, while we are more worthy of kingship than him, and he has not been given any measure of wealth. According to them, a leader must be wealthy. The Prophet replied, Indeed, Allah has chosen him over you, and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and in stature, and Allah gives His sovereignty to whom He wills, and Allah

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is all encompassing in favor and knowing. So they said this about pollute, because they expected that they would be given that position. Instead, instead of followed, they wanted that position of authority. And remember, that it is actually disliked that a person should seek a position of authority. But if a person is given a position of authority, then they should accept it, and they should seek Allah's help over it, and use that position to draw closer to Allah not far away. The verse also shows us that those who have knowledge have given

02:16:21 --> 02:17:09

the verse also shows us that those of knowledge have pref have preference over those who do not have knowledge. Why was palu chosen because of Israel? Allah says cool, * yes the will levena Yala moon, one Latina Lai Allah moon, those who know can they ever be equal to those who do not know. And secondly, he was chosen, because he had the strength that was needed for this position. So a leader must possess these two qualities, knowledge and strength, and their profits set to them. Indeed, a sign of his kingship is that the chest will come to you in which is Sakina assurance from your Lord, and a remnant of what the family of Moosa and the family of How long had left carried by the angels,

02:17:09 --> 02:18:04

indeed, and that is a sign for you, if you are believers, Sakina is mentioned over here. Sakina is the contentment and peace that Allah places in the hearts of his servants. Sakina brings calmness and courage at a time of fear, it gives strength to the heart of the believer, so that a person does not become weak or panic in the face of trial. Rather, they increase in their conviction, they increase in their faith, if no claim says Sakina is actually a station, it is a rank of nearness to Allah, that is given by Allah, meaning a person cannot acquire it by themselves, they cannot get there by themselves. This is something given by Allah. This is why a person must pray for Sakina and

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recite the verses of the Quran that mentioned Sakina. And these are six verses, one verse in Surah Baqarah verse 248, two verses instead of the Toba verses, 26 and 40, and three times in total fat, three verses in certain fatter verses 418 and 26. So recite these verses, and listen to them, so that Allah will give you Sakina and when you will have Sakina you will be protected from the onslaught of of satanic whispers, you will be protected from the onslaught of satanic whispers, you will be when you recite these verses, and you have Sakina

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they will uplift you at a time when you will, you will feel sad. They will remove your anxiety and your depression.

02:19:00 --> 02:19:48

And they will remove your fear. They will replace your fear with courage and they will strengthen your faith. Recite these verses so that you can get Sakina from Allah azza wa jal. And when Talu went forth with the soldiers, he said, Indeed, Allah who will be testing you with a river, a test in the way of Allah. So whoever drinks from this river is not of me. And whoever does not taste it is indeed of me, accepting one who takes from it in the hollow of his hand. This was a test of self control, but they drank from it except a very few of them. Then when he had crossed it, along with those who believed with him, they said there is no power for us today against Joe loot and his

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soldiers. Why did they say this? Because overindulgence is something that makes a person weak, but those who are certain that they would meet Allah. They said how

02:20:00 --> 02:20:46

Many a small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah. So get up and do your part. And Allah is with the patients. And when they went forth to face dilute and his soldiers, they said Rob burner afraid arlena Sabra, our Lord, pour upon his patients with a bit awkward Amana and plant firmly our feet one sort of now our little coal mill Catherine and give us victory over the disbelieving people with utmost effort and struggle, they made their odds also. So they defeated them by permission of Allah and would killed jr loot. And Allah gave him the kingship and Prophethood and taught him from that which He willed. And if it were not for Allah, checking,

02:20:46 --> 02:21:36

meaning removing some people by means of others, the Earth would have been corrupted, but Allah is full of bounty to the worlds. So we see in this idea that Allah protects his servants himself. He defends them, he saves them from the oppression of oppression of oppressors, because if the oppressors have all their freedom, they will cross all limits. So this is the way of Allah, that he breaks the power of the oppressors. How? By bringing others even though genyouth was so mighty, he was defeated by Thor loot and his army and award. This is the early salon he killed Duluth. So we see that success is not just with our resources, success is with a man it is with the help of Allah.

02:21:36 --> 02:22:25

So instead of relying upon one's own strength, one should rely on the power of Allah tilka idea to mahina to her Allah will help the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reassured here. These are the verses of Allah which we recite to you in truth, there is no doubt about them. And indeed, you are among the messengers were in the colonial mursaleen so don't believe the deniers don't pay heed to their rejection. Don't listen to those who criticize you. Your goal should not be to appease them, your goal should be to please Allah azza wa jal inshallah, we will conclude over here subhanak Allahumma will be handed a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta a stone fuuka were to buoy Lake wa Salam

02:22:25 --> 02:22:27

alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

02:22:33 --> 02:22:45

how to be legna shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Muslim oligarch with the labour better. Godot does SR thinking for an excellent session. Do you have some time for questions?

02:22:49 --> 02:22:53

Sure, and shall I can take a few. Okay. So one question

02:22:54 --> 02:22:58

what would be the better time to offer therapy prayers now that we are at home.

02:23:00 --> 02:23:30

So it really depends on what is easy for you. Because remember that the entire night is such that you can pray pm if it's easy for you to pray right after a shot so that you can get to rest in the night and then get up easily for some more worship just before so hold then that is good. And if you feel that you should only pray later on in the last third of the night, that is also good. Try different things and see what is easy for you inshallah.

02:23:32 --> 02:24:09

Okay. And someone's asking that if someone is has been getting pregnant and nursing continuously for about six years, and they haven't been able to make up any fast, what should they do? Should they make up the fast or can they give you the So technically, missed fasts should be completed within the year meaning before next Ramadan. And this is why there's actually a difference of opinion regarding this matter. There's two schools of thought Some say that, a pregnant nursing woman, if she misses some of her fasts, she should make them up

02:24:10 --> 02:24:51

whenever that she can, and others say that since it is not possible for her to complete them before the next Ramadan. And because there are so many, it would be nearly impossible for her to complete those fasts, then she should just get video. So what you should do is, first of all, try to fast in the month of Ramadan, see what your health allows, Mashallah, there are many women who are able to fast, but if, let's say after trying, you realize that it's not working for you, it's affecting your health, it's affecting the health of your child, then in that case, you do not fast and you try to make up as many fast as possible before the next Ramadan. And if you're not able to make them up,

02:24:52 --> 02:24:59

then try to make them up within the next few years. But if the fast are just piling up, and now they're in the hundreds, and so now you're worried that

02:25:00 --> 02:25:13

Should I focus on the current fasts? Or should I be worrying about the previous hundreds of fasts that I have missed? Then in that case, it would be best to give Vidya so that you're not guilty before Allah?

02:25:14 --> 02:25:18

Allah whoredom just go there. And one last question and shout, look,

02:25:20 --> 02:25:25

Allah Spanner does not do injustice, but why is it that Allah Allah guides only a few?

02:25:27 --> 02:25:58

Allah offers guidance to all people. The Quran is for everybody. But it is up to people if they want to accept that guidance or not. If you think about it, did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not convey the message of the Quran beautifully to the people of Makkah? He did over and over again so patiently but those who did not believe it was their choice. So Allah has offered guidance to all it is up to people if they want to accept or not.

02:26:00 --> 02:26:04

Okay, and is this with any a lot of requests for the IRS of Zykina?

02:26:05 --> 02:26:10

for their numbers? Yes, shall I can I can inshallah, write them in the chat box. Okay.

02:26:12 --> 02:26:15

And Shawn, so we'll conclude here and

02:26:17 --> 02:26:43

inshallah those students who have questions about the course. We'll just go over questions about the course inshallah. Okay. So, just a little higher and everyone for your attendance, panic alone will be a sugar lie in and stuff we're going to blue lake. Islam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Okay, so I'm going to enable chat, and those of you who have questions about the course inshallah, we'll answer them

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