Mufti Menk – Qatar Tour 2012 – Tafseer of Surah Al Fathiha

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is highlighted, including the use of the "has" in the title and the importance of respect for individuals. The "has" is emphasized in the title, and learning the Arabic language is discussed as a way of learning. There is also a course on the topic at the end of the segment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Amina Sri banyuwangi Bismillah

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Liga jazza.

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Inca to Allah.

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whatever you believe

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Milan he will hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Oman Salah chapati, masala Ana de moda Aveda.

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We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala sending blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah bless him and his entire household. May Allah bless all his companions, and may He bless all of those who have struggled and strive

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to preserve the deen and to convey it in a way that it has come to us today. And may really be also from amongst those who learn it, put it into practice and convey to others such that our children be the torch bearers as well up to the final day.

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Bye bye beloved brothers and sisters in Islam.

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We are indeed very fortunate to be here in the city of Doha, which is a beautiful city in the Muslim world.

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And where we have so many massages, that it would be difficult for one who did not know the exact figure to actually just count them.

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And we are so fortunate to be from amongst those who can fulfill our Salah at the time of Salah without discrimination and without any hindrance. For indeed there are some people in other countries of the globe

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who find it so difficult to fulfill their duty of prayer and Salah because of the workplace and because of them living in countries where they are in minority. And with that hindrance, they still read their Salah why is it that with us without the hindrance, we still find ourselves lacking in Salah sometimes. It's just the point that I decided to start with seeing Mashallah the large number of brothers and sisters who are here this evening. So it's

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important for us to know that if we think it's difficult for us to fulfill Salah for some reason you should know that there are others who are fulfilling it with real difficulty. They are fulfilling it in a way that you know

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the surrounding does not actually assist in a lot of ways or facilitate the fact that they should be fulfilling this Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who realize the gift now, I started off by making mention of Salah. One of the primary reasons is the topic this evening as you and I know is regarding Surah Fatiha

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the opening surah of the Quran Al Fatiha which means the opening surah as it is and we've commenced our Salah with that surah to the degree that Salah is not correct for the one who does not read Surah Fatiha la sala de Lima Lamia, Rafi hobby fatty Hatem kita, I'm sure, we would be well aware with this idea of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, wherein he states that your Salah is not valid if you haven't read Surah Fatiha in it. That is how important the surah is. So why is it that we find ourselves

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knowing the surah of Bihar, but we pay lip service to it in Salah. And this happens to a lot of us if not all at some stage, the concentration levels on the meaning of Surah Fatiha is a child so low that it becomes a minimum it becomes bad. So we all would know sort of the Fatiha including the young children that are sitting here in front of me. But if I were to ask you when you fulfill the surah in Salah, do you actually concentrate on its meaning? Do you actually know what you're saying? Do you know the connotation the implication or do you know how serious a surah it is? If it was not so serious, and it was not such an important surah? Do you really think we would be asked to repeat

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it in every unit of our Salah in every Raka of Salah

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it has in it the core message of the entire Deen and religion that we follow

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the connotation the implication or do you know how serious a surah it is? If it was not so serious, and it was not such an important surah? Do you really think we would be asked to repeat it in every unit of our Salah in every Raka of Salah

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it has in it the core message of the entire Deen and religion that we follow.

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It has in it the different types of coheed. When we say tauheed we are talking of the oneness of Allah Islam is based on the oneness of Allah. We believe in one supreme deity that we worship, and there is none worthy of worship besides Him. We all utter the Shahada to Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah.

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And we reiterate that so many times by tongue,

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it's important that we follow through with our hearts and our actions. Because we need to know that to enter the fold of Islam one requires three main aspects, the utterance or the declaration of the Shahada to bear witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah, by tongue, and thereafter to believe is in the heart, and thereafter, to practice upon whatever it leads us to. Once I believe that Allah is the one whom there is none worthy of worship. Besides, I need to make sure that everything I do is in the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He sent me a book, he sent me a messenger, and he sent me a guide. And this is why it's important for me, to follow that guide.

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What's the point of saying, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and then I don't follow. And what's the point of bearing witness that Mohammed May peace be upon him is the final messenger, the messenger whom we are the oma or the nation of, and yet we don't follow.

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So this evening and shall live like to take a look or a stroll through the surah and I'd like to start off by making mention of one of the names of the surah we all know it as soon as

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it is also known as a Salah of Salah. That is one of the names of the surah

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perhaps after the fact that it is read in Salah so many times and it is repeated. And this is why, if you look at the ages of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam connected to sewer Fatiha, he says Allah subhanho wa Taala has said and this is known as Hadith could see which means it's a hadith which is

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related relating what Allah subhanho wa Taala has said, but obviously there is a difference between Hadith bootsy and or on in the sense that on we read in Salah we cannot change

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The even a single wording of it and so on. But when it comes to these Pudsey, we don't read Hadith in Salah, and at the same time, it comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Sometimes if you have a small wording which does not change the meaning instead of, you know, a little while you might, perhaps mistakenly say something which is slightly different for as long as the meaning is complete, you will not be as simple as if you were, as you were had you changed the word of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a deeper understanding. So he says some to sala sabini Baba in Aberdeen is fine. I have divided Susanka between myself and my worshiper into two. And this is very

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interesting because if you want to take a literal meaning of the term salah and you say the prayer, then that surah which is read in prayer all the time, Allah says I've divided this into two paths between myself and my worship.

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When my worship has declared al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen when he says all praise and I'm sure we all know the meaning of sort of the fact he has well inshallah that correct he all the smiles which means yes, inshallah, it's correct. We know the meaning of civil society, in the English language. Today, we want to go deeper into it and we want to characterize it. Current sizing means how does it affect me today, that's what it means. So we want to bring it inshallah to the current time. So,

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if we say Alhamdulillah have been al amin All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala Lord of the world, that's a simple translation. But there is the response. Allah subhanho wa Taala says hamadani Abdi, my worshiper has declared my praise. So when you say Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen.

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Take a moment to think of what you said and ponder for a moment that as you have said that Allah has responded to say, my worship or has praised me, Allahu Akbar, look at how we appraise Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, sometimes when we are in a rush, and we start our Salah, there is a certain way that we started if I have a moment, I'll show you in a few minutes shala that would not be fair, we are actually plugging in with our maker, I am praising him and he is saying, for myself and yourselves. My worship has declared my praise. Then we continue to say to him, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

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and he says, my worship has declared My majesty Oh, my greatness. And then we say, Maliki a woman, the queen. And again, Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we say, Owner of the Day of Judgment, Owner of the Day of Judgment, he says, My wish for has declared my greatness or My majesty, amazing. So three responses, we got one with every verse, and there are seven verses of the surah.

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That is why then one of the names of the surah is also a sub rule metheny, which means those seven verses that are constantly repeated, the reason why it is cold that is because we repeat the surah so often, it has so much blessing in it. So it is also called the seven verses that are repeated often. Now there is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars as to whether the Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim at the beginning is a part of the surah or not, mainly to opinion and the opinion that says it is the first verse, they they would start counting from Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen, six verses down with the last portion as one and those who say it is not a part of the

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surah itself, they still read it, obviously, they would still read it. And they would say the last portion is one with the last portion instead of being one which is divided into two so it still makes seven verses a separate Madani The only reason I'm making mention of this. If you notice sometimes if you enter a Masjid sometimes the Imam says Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah allowed.

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Perhaps he is from those who believes in the opinion that that this Milan is a part of the surah so we need to read it aloud. There is nothing wrong with that. And we don't want to debate on that subject. when it all comes down to the same thing because even those who say it is not a part of the surah they will still tell you that you should read it may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the benefit of the best Mullah or the Bismillah.

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So if we have got the answers from Allah subhanho wa Taala thrice

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there is now a verse where we are saying

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the Ghana Budo Janice Daddy,

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amazing this way Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed to us this verse and we repeat it in Salah. yeah can I do? What can I say?

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You alone we worship and You alone. We seek help from

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When this verse is said, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, This is between myself and my worshiper and now, I will give my worshiper, whatever he asks for.

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He's saying, Now I will give my worshiper, whatever he asked for.

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we start making a drop, we've already been praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he has been making mention of how we have been praising him. And after we have read the three verses, the fourth one, which is the middle verse, Allah says, This is now between myself in my wish.

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And for him, is whatever he will ask for. So what is the most important prayer we have? What is it that we will ask for that after we asked for guidance, and steadfastness on the straight path, because that is the most important gift we can all have.

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So this is why we say is no sleep at all. Stephanie, Guide us to the straight path.

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Guide us to the path of steadfastness, you know allistic karma, which means steadfastness we want to be guided to the straight path that you are we make it so many times a day. And if I were to ask you, how many times did you pray for guidance brother or sister today, you would have to count

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you would have to say this Salah, this many units, this is how many times I repeated it. And this is what I said. The problem is a lot of us pay lip service to it. And we don't even think for a moment that after declaring so much praise to Allah, I am asking him for guidance. As soon as we walk out of the point of Salah, we begin to do things that are well within misguidance instead of guidance.

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So we come for Salah, we have fulfilled our salah and as soon as we walk out of the masjid, we already Our eyes are in places they're not supposed to be our feet are walking towards the direction it's not supposed to be walking, they're not supposed to be walking towards our ears or listening to that which they are not supposed to be listening to the way we speak to one another. It's the way we are not supposed to be speaking to one another. So why is it that we say Guide us to the straight path people critically, let's not be hypocrites.

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After Allah is telling us, this is between myself and my worship, we say

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Guide us to the straight path, we need to be saying it with a genuine heart. And this is why the rest of the surah is only connected to the deeper meaning of guide as to the straight path. If I if you were to say, Show me the path from here to say for example, the airport

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and someone showed you a path you would perhaps want to describe to say look, I want to know the shortest quickest path which has the least traffic or which would get me to the airport as soon as I can and so on. So all that is part of the description of the type of the road you want guidance upon in order to get to that airport. So if we look at sewer 231, we are asking for guidance. And after asking for guidance, we are telling Allah subhanho wa Taala what type of the path we would like to follow. And this is why we say why you didn't see

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me in the path of those whom you have favored, whom you have granted a gift upon, namely, the gift upon the path of those whom you have favored, not the path of those who have earned your anger, nor the path of those who have gone astray.

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So if we say not the path of those who have earned your anger, nor of those who have gone astray, we are talking of those. The first category those who knew the truth, but they rejected it, they did not follow it.

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And the second category, those who are stray

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neither did they know it nor were they bothered to know it. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala grants us protection.

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Now if we take a look at these three categories of people, the first those whom Allah has favored, who are they, in another place in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala is speaking about those whom he has grown to favor upon, for Ola la Vina Anima la

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mina, Gina was c d. Now shuhada he was saw the Allies making mention of a type of people who will be with those whom Allah has favored. And then Allah says, Those who we have favorite from amongst the messengers, so the messengers are the ones in my life, Steven, so every Salah, I'm asking Allah guide me to the path of the messengers

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and God guide me to the path of the truthful those who have accepted those who are truthful meaning when they

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say they believe they follow through that belief because it would be hypocritical to say I believe, and then we don't follow. This is why whenever we say I believe Allah says I will test you to see if you are telling the truth or you are just a liar.

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If you look at sudarsan Caboose at the beginning Allah subhanho wa Taala says, has even

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Taku Taku

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Ooh La,

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La La,

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La Nina mucho de, Bella lemon, Allahu la de la Sol de PUE, Walla, lemon caregiving. Allah says this men think that we are going to allow them to say that we are believers, and then they will have a happy life. Do you think oh man, that it is enough for you to say I'm a believer, and then you will not be tested. Allah says we have indeed tested those before you in order that we distinguish between who is truthful in their claim of belief, and who is actually false. So every one of us we claim to believe, we need to be truthful in that. And before we die, we will be tested by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Sometimes we are tested every day. In fact, to be honest with you, every moment

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of our lives is a test to see if we lead it in the obedience of our maker. Or if we obey the devil shavon.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from the devil. And May He grant us easy treading on that path, the path of the fruit for the path of the messengers, the power of those who have sacrificed their lives for the cause. When we say sacrifice their lives, take a look at the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu the companions of the prophet may peace be upon him. There was a time when they were so few in number. And they were facing

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such difficulty, so much challenge they were facing facing people who wanted to exterminate them at the time with had it not been for the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala they would have probably been exterminated as is narrated in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam at the time of battle, when he says yeah Allah, these are the people taking part in the Battle of battle.

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If you grant us victory, we will be victorious. And if you are not to be worshipped again after today, we will lose lo acaba which means a small number of people, by the help of Allah, they dedicated and sacrificed their lives, those were the truthful. You know, if you have a company, for example, and this is a an example, which we are just a current example, seeing that people like examples that fits within their brains. So if you have a company, and people tell you, you know, brother, I've opened a new company, and I'd like you to join me and you start thinking, you know what? Yeah, okay, you know, your plan sounds very good. Everything seems very, very rosy. And it

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seems like workable, but you know what, it's just you, and then it's gonna be me, the two of us? What if this thing flops? If it flops? Well, then let me tell you, we lose, don't worry. And if it doesn't work again. So I had an SMS a few days ago,

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telling me that if you invested $12, in Microsoft, many, many years ago, today, you would have $12 million.

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And this when we say many, many we're not talking of more than a decade or two, not even more than a decade, I think, I can't recall exactly. But those who invested at that time, good luck to them. They are big, big, big, wealthy people who have a big say Microsoft, don't they? Why am I giving you this example,

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to show you that the virtue of the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu is far greater than any example we can give you today.

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When the dean had come, and it was something new in that part of the world, those who sacrifice their lives, their investment multiplies far greater than the investment of those who followed later on.

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For us, it's laid on the table. We are spoon fed with the deal, and still we find it difficult for us to follow those people who sacrifice and struggle. Today you have certain people in the West, whose families are against Islam and they have accepted the faith May Allah grant us guidance. For them, sometimes

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the reward they will get for steadfastness on the path may be far greater than the reward we will get because of their sacrifice. And because of the condition Allah has kept them upon whereas with us, we sometimes have so much facility to follow the religion with nobody hindering us, but we

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Still don't want to dress properly. We still don't want to fulfill our prayer. What are we waiting for? There are countries on the globe where they won't want you to dress properly. And still our sisters May Allah grant him strength, they are dressing so appropriately facing all forms of flat, and all forms of challenge and difficulty. What a great sacrifice they have. Yet we are sitting in a country where it is open market free for you to dress properly, it's difficult for you not to dress properly and still we find ourselves wanting Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us.

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This is why we say a Latina and

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those whom Allah has favored upon me, Allah make us also from amongst those whom he has favored. He has indeed favored us by giving us the deen by making us people who are following the example of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam We are very fortunate, the biggest gift that we have is the gift of events, the gift of faith, sometimes we take it for granted. And sometimes we allow the glamour and the glitter of the dunya to overtake our hearts and minds. And we become people who get so engrossed in the dunya that we begin to drown in it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala says goddess, I am not saying at all that we should divorce ourselves from, you know that which is material, but the

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limits are set by Allah subhanho wa Taala we should know them. Our indulgence in that which is material should never be at least at the costs of our link with our own maker.

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We should never ever want to do something

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that would compromise our link with Allah Subhana Allah to Allah never

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala, grant us goodness, let's get back to this. And I'm telling him we said, Those who have sacrificed their lives

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and the pious, the good, a solid in those who are

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good and is if you say a solid person who is good, a person who has piety in him. So we are asking Allah so many times a day, Allah make me follow the path of those who whom you have different than those whom you have played with upon the path of the messengers The path of those who sacrifice their lives for your cause. And with us, it's not like we have to sacrifice a life for the cause of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We can't even sacrifice 10 minutes for Allah subhanho wa Taala five times a day sometimes.

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So where is the gap between us and then one is people who have sacrificed the entire life. And one is for us to sacrifice 10 minutes, five times a day, not even sometimes.

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And sometimes you have a talk of this nature. Or you have perhaps a program which might appear on television or a program that might be on the radio, or a cassette, a CD that you can just put into your vehicle whilst you're driving. And as you know, going to work and coming back from work you make use of that time. And still we don't do that. We cannot find ourselves sitting in front of you know, a screen that has a program in it which is beneficial to us. From a scholar of your choice. You choose him, you will find Him Who do you want to listen to tell yourself, ask yourself, today we have no excuse. You have technology at your fingertips, you can pick on YouTube, the topic you want

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from the scholar you want and listen to it, still not doing that. But if I were to tell you brother, there is 100,000 other EDL just out there being given I think we would all go perhaps I might even follow Allah protect

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Allah safeguard us. So, this is how a man has become, believe me, my brothers and sisters, the reason I raised this, I am encouraging myself and yourselves to make use of your time to make use of technology. And remember as good as technology is it is also destructive if you do not use it correctly. So who you want to listen to find out from those you trust. I want to listen to this person.

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How is it to listen to him? Or what they are saying is it based on that which is authentic? Or is it just fairy tale, if it is fairy tale, we want to stay away from it. If it is authentic, we would like to listen to it because fairy tale everybody is able everybody is able and capable to give you a fairy tale. But not everybody is able and capable to give you that which is authentic. Sometimes it might not be, you know, something that you

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would like to hear in the sense that people don't like to be told bluntly brother, this is a stray. You know, if someone were to tell you brother, this is a strange, it would be difficult to digest. But sometimes if that is the truth, we need to surrender to it. Just like the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu did. And this is where sort of infatti hat comes in. When we say all our guide has to have part of those who whom you have paved with upon those who are the ones whom when they heard the verse of the Quran being recited to them, they immediately surrendered. It tremble their heart, their skin, had goosebumps on it because of the instruction of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Take a look at the galleys and alleys of Madina munawwara at the time when alcohol was made prohibited, It is reported that everybody pulled out the alcohol completely because it became alarmed. And the announcers were announcing that alcohol has been made prohibited this day. Nobody said No, man, come on, where did you get that from? Nobody said that.

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It was made prohibited. They dropped it, they spat it out, they pulled it out, and it was gone. And that was the history. It's over. They had the power of surrendering to the decree of the maker, may Allah grant us that power. Today, we are told sister, your dress code, we say no, I'm still young, you know? I'm still young brother, you know what this bad company know? What will the company do? So what do you suggest young youngsters hanging about? You know, if they have bad habits, it's bad company, when Allah and His Messenger have warned you about your company. Yeah, are you and levena manos de la Hakuna mouse la de 18. The broader interpretation of that with all you who believe, be

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conscious of your maker, be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And ensure that you are in the company of

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those who are truthful, the righteous, make sure your company is correct, be with them. That is the broader meaning of this verse.

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So if Allah is warning us about that, how can I not want to change the my companionship, who wastes my time every day, sitting up to so long as nice and doing absolutely nothing.

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Allah grant us to benefit of our time, when we are sitting together, even if you are talking about business, let one statement in that meeting be something religious.

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It's not difficult. When you are sitting in your own meetings you have met your brothers or whoever it is sisters meeting each other, or even a family gathering. Before you get up from that meeting from that gathering, let one statement at least be a direct encouragement of something spiritual, something religious, you will add a new flavor to that whole meeting. And we don't want to we don't want to convey a message in a manner that you try to make them feel you know what you people are not even proper Muslims man. It happens sometimes. When people look at us and the way they look at us like you know what, I'm not even fit to be a Muslim, the way the brother is carrying on you know, no

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chance for you You're You Can't you feel the heat of janome already. Allah.

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Allah protect. If that is the type of behavior we have, we are not going to call people towards Islam. Rather, let me tell you what I have found very effective. When you make a sinful Muslim, he like a Muslim at least he will inshallah eradicate that sin because he begins to feel the identity. So when someone is sinful, and I come from a country where we are in the minority, the freedom is such that nobody's going to ask you a question if you did not come to the masjid besides those who care for you.

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So if we were to make people feel like they are not Muslim, just because they are simple Muslims, they might go further into the skin because of the freedom around them. But if we are to make them feel Brother, you know what my sister, Mashallah you are doing so well, you might even be a better person than me. Let me remind myself and yourselves about something very small. You know, let's never ever tell a lie. One thing you said. Whatever we say. And I'm not saying it because you've told a lie or because I have told a lie. It's just a reminder of the good word of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then we go away. We made it

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so simple, and we greet the brother or the sister, we made them feel like Muslims and tomorrow what will happen by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala they will feel the link, they will feel an identity, they will identify themselves as Muslims whereas as I said moments ago, the minute we draw such a big line, and we say no, these people are out of the fold. Allah subhanho wa Taala says God, we will actually chisel deeper and we minimize the chances of bringing them on to what is right now Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us steadfastness and goodness. So every day we make this draw so many times in Surah Fatiha, we need to think about it on a daily basis. Oh Allah, I'm asking you to guide

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me to such a powerful path. I'm asking you to guide me to the path of those whom you have favored. I am asking you to protect me from the path of those who have earned your anger hula de una hora, Kotaku, they are the ones who knew the truth and they left it. Sometimes we know the truth and we leave it. We might not be from amongst the same category as in what is mentioned in the surah. But some of our qualities begin to appear like those. Sometimes we know what is right and wrong, but we couldn't be bothered to follow it. You find brother what's happening. It's time for Juma Don't worry, the man speaks very long. So I will sleep until I hear

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Holy *, then I will get up.

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If that's the case, we are losers. For the you know what is right the Juma is our He is our day of happiness. Today we want to celebrate those parties that Islam does not even allow us to celebrate. And we make a big issue of it. Whereas on a Friday, it's not like it's a party, but it's a day of joy and happiness, you should take pride in the fact that you are coming to listen to the world to listen to the book, and you should be here early, there is so much encouragement for it in what the messenger May peace be upon him has said and still refined brothers. They're arriving late after the horrible stuff. That's when they get up. They say no, today is a holiday. Well, ah, he's a holiday

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from work, but it's not a holiday from Dean. And that is why whenever there is a good day of happiness and joy, there is an extra data as Muslims to show us that you know what, you don't ever have a holiday from religion. One day we had a young man. And boy, actually, he came up and he said, You know what?

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My father always tells me to pray everyday. Can we have a break?

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He's telling me Can we have a break? Now, something came to my mind quite immediately at that moment and hamdullah We thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for that, as the sun you can have a break. He said when I said when you stopped breathing, so if you have a break breathing, you can have a break pray.

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So he said, so if I hold my breath, I don't need to bring him boy.

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I told him we'll try it. Let's see how long you're going to hold your breath. He held it for less than a minute. He said okay, okay. I understand now, which means we have to pray for the one who gave us this life.

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We cannot say that today is a break. Look at the day of aid. There is an extra salah and look at the day of Juma there is an extra Salah. Or in fact, the solid there is an extra hook but the Salah is not actually extra, but there is a hook but that we come to listen to it's a day where we are going to listen to a message.

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And if we cannot take back

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some new Islamic knowledge on a weekly basis at least once. Why do we call ourselves Muslims? What's the point?

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I want to live my life without knowing more about my religion. Well, I go and look at the churches around you will find them more dedicated sometimes than us. From where I come, they sit in the evenings, hours on end studying the Bible and studying various other books. And they sit doing their own thing and they come from far and wide. And when it comes to us Subhan Allah, Allah to the pleasure and you find just a few people there by the way, some of them are yawning, we've obviously encourage them still. So even if you're young, you still come inshallah, and then inshallah we'll tackle the morning a little bit later on. But sometimes we find nobody's interested, you know, no,

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on brother told me from the UK a few days ago, he says, you know, here in the UK, we can leave Madrid, Asia and one time.

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He says, because you see the sun

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sets before it goes really down. It's up again.

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So I said, Look, I the first time I'm hearing this, I do know of some Scandinavian countries that do have a problem. But to come to me and tell me the three Salah must be read together. It sounds very Islamic. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us and grunters goodness, obviously we'd have to study the sun and how it sits and so on. And I'm sure that Allah in that region have gone into it and what have you, but the point here is out of laziness. Sometimes we want to just join up Salawat and join them up where it is permissible, it's okay. But join them up where it is not permissible to join. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and opening and this is why we say sometimes you know, if you look

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at Surah Fatiha, and you look at the simple testier of it, it will say immediately, Alma dubya him, those are the ones who knew the truth. And they left it, they rejected it, they denied it, because it didn't suit them. And the people of the book and the Jewish people are made mention of. However, what we need to know

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is making this dry is very important. You know, people are quick to say, let's make the dog make the affirmation. But brother, you make a dua every day in every rock house, Allah, why don't you take that so seriously, as you do to say, make a dua, come let's make a dua. We don't make it it's not a part of something that you've got to make something and pour it

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you need to know you are calling out to Allah subhanho wa Taala add meaning to it. And I want to add an open word of encouragement for all of us here. If you have lived in the Arab world for more than a year, and you do not know the Arabic language. shame upon you.

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Did you hear what I said?

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Everyone's looking at me as though they want to beat me up. I'm being honest. If you have lived

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in the Arab world for more than a year, and you don't know the Arabic language, you are at a loss. Because all those who have gone to Britain and America who have lived there for a few months, or a year have come back with a lot of the English language.

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You follow what I say?

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Those who go

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Believe me learn the English language because they want to get on with the dunya. We need to learn the Arabic language because we want to get on with the archaea.

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We want to get on with the life after death. your level of immersion is compromised if you don't know the Arabic language period.

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And I'm telling you, it might sound harsh, but I am being honest with you. Your level of immersion is compromised if you don't taste the sweetness of that message in his language.

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And this is why if you look at the Bible and the Old Testaments and so on, what did they do? The language spoken by the prophet Jesus May peace be upon him was Aramaic. Today, where is the Aramaic scripture? They will tell you, we don't have it.

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And if they tell you here is the Hebrew Scripture, they have so many different versions of it. Some versions have more books than others. So where did it go? How did it get lost? Let me quickly explain in a different way.

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They adjusted the book of God, for them to understand it. We have to adjust ourselves to understand the book of God, the Book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is why when you find the translation of the Quran, and I see quite a few here, Mashallah,

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when you open it on one side, you find the word of Allah, in the Arabic language, the other side, the attempt of men to try and explain to you what it means that you are. So that is why sometimes you have people who might explain something slightly differently.

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But the word of Allah remains the same. So we will adjust ourselves to understand the word of Allah, we will not adjust the word of Allah for us to understand because then what happened to the previous books, they lost?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the point, and this is why I say and I'm going back to the Arabic language,

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when we say Alhamdulillah here have denied me and you know what it means and you know, exactly

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the interpretation of it and you have it in your mind, then you know, Mashallah the Salah is going to be beneficial for me more than if I don't know what it means. I'm just paying lip service to it. And sometimes, as I said, and I told you, I'll show you when we are in a rush, we don't even realize that Allah subhanho wa Taala responds with the verses.

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So you find the brother or sister

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is happening? The only thing you can hear is barley. Do you know what barley means?

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It means

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it means those who are straight. So why is it that we rush our salah and we received such a powerful surah in the Quran.

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That is a surah where tell heed of all his three categories is reiterated if you look at our names, you will find them there.

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If you look at our qualities, you will find them there.

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If you look at the the worship of Allah the the fact that he is the de P and the fact that he is the only one with your worship you find it that we say he cannot do what he can assign you alone we worship.

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We are declaring what is known as Ulu here, the fact that the deity is Allah alone, none is worthy of worship besides Him. We are saying you alone, we worship you alone, we ask for help. Amazing. We are asking him from his mercy. We say a man around him most benefits in most merciful. If you were to ask me what's the difference between the two, when they are both extracted from the same root word of the Arabic language I will tell you one has a broader meaning than the other. One is a specialized mercy for those who have believed and the other is a mercy for all creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala which includes those who have disbelieved as well. This is why Allah says in the

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Quran, what kind of mini Nara EMA It is Allah one of his qualities towards the believers is he has what is known as Oh, he is a he or he meaning a specific type of mercy, especially allocated for those who have believed.

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And we are asking this to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, come, you know, people say this guy worship His wife. Have you ever heard that statement? This guy worships his wife? I see a lot of brothers things. Yes, you know,

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that is not the meaning of it is not worship as in rendering an act of worship for No. All it means is he obeys his wife's instructions. That's what it means. And I can give you on a lighter note and I really like this because

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To the plugged in, we're all human beings. And we like a little bit of, you know, humans, sometimes they say there was a king. And he called all these subjects, the male, he says, anyone who is ruled by his wife

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come in this line, and whoever rules his wife, where, you know, the instructions are not obeyed, so to speak, or they come from you as a man, then you stand in this line. So the whole community stood in the wrong line.

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They all stood in a line say no, if my wife sees me in the other line, I'm dead meat.

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So what happened is, they all got one egg, each an egg, they were given one egg. And there was one man who stood in the light, and the man, you know, the house, I'm the man. So the king was so happy, at least amongst my subjects, there is one man who has such greatness, you know, meaning he has the quality of a jeweler, you know, he's a man, you know. So now the king gave him a horse, brown horse. And in fact, the king told him choose from the horses you want. So he chose the brown one and left the black one. And he rode home galloping away, everyone else went home with one egg.

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So when he got home, he his wife, he looked at her and says, You know what? She says, What? Today I got a horse because I am the boss. You see, I got a horse because I'm the boss. He says, Okay, that's good. Excellent. So you're the boss. He says, You know, I was told to choose from three horses, there was white one, a black one. And this brown one drive actually come with this was the best one. She says, Oh, you look great in it. You look great in the book, but you look great in the black one. This is not a problem, I had a choice, I can go back and get the black. So he goes back into the carpet.

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And he says, Okay, here's what's happening. I just want to swap my horse. This is why when I went home, my wife told me that

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the teacher has no problem. He took the horse and gave him money.

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So the moral of the story is obedience. obedience. People say you worship someone when you obey them. You know, people say this man wishes right? Because he obeyed. We don't even understand that the example of a guy is higher, we can never, ever equate a law with any human being. But we need to know that the burden of Allah subhanho wa Taala, is also connected to obeying His instructions. And Allah will not tell you to do something that is detrimental for you. He won't.

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Whatever Allah has instructed you to do, and whatever he has asked you to abstain from. All of that is for your benefit. Oh, man, why is it that we want to look at it and think that this is very difficult when if someone were to tell us to do something that is not beneficial for us, because we love them, we might end up doing it. Why is it that we don't show higher love for Allah subhanho wa,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala opened our doors, and may He really make us realize that we call upon His mercy, we say, All praise is due to Allah, you know that Alhamdulillah when we say unhemmed, we're talking of all praise, because the alarm in the Arabic language is not always for one meaning it actually sometimes comes in order to to cover every single aspect of the item that is connected to it. So when we say Alam do, we are saying All praise is due and no matter how much we praise Allah, it's not enough. And this is why we make dua that Allah will use praise for as long as much praise as would make you happy, as much praise as

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would make you pleased up to when you are pleased and even beyond the point that pleases you. You still own all the praise? Allah subhanho wa Taala really pleased with us and May he accept the statement from us Alhamdulillah Allah.

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And when we say, what are we claiming, we are confirming you see the term Robin, it's a very simple Arabic term, meaning will fill a whole booklet in the English language, believe me, when you say it includes the one who nourishes, cherishes, sustained, provides for protect, you know, the Sustainer, the one who is in absolute control of every aspect of the existence of myself is my that is the meaning of the term I've got just to start off with. So when I say what I mean, which means the one who is in absolute control of every aspect of All the Worlds, all the worlds means, you know, you could say mankind, mankind, all the creatures you can also go beyond that and say this world and if

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there is any other galaxy or Milky Way Besides this, Allah knows best, he is still the hub of everything that is in creation. All creatures are absolutely dependent upon dependence upon the Creator Himself. We declare in such great greatness in in Salah in Surah Fatiha and this is

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Why it is also known as

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one of the names of the surah. You know, we say the mother of the Quran in the Arabic language is the term Mother of is used in order to portray how serious and it is, you know the mother of all For example, some things you might want to say the mother of this or that meaning something very important, something very big. And here we say this is one of the most important sources of the whole Quran because it is called Quran. Allah it is so rich and meaning that we would not be doing justice to it. If we just spoke for half an hour or one hour,

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but this is only a synopsis.

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This is why Allah subhanho wa Taala immediately after that makes mention of the qualities of this of Amanda Rahim. So you find Ruby which means Allah subhanho wa Taala is the nourisher cherishes sustainer provide the protector, he is the rod. And then you find the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the same surah nobody is to be associated with Allah subhanho wa Taala as a partner

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in worship that is, ooo here. No in any of his names or qualities, that is known as a smart was the fact the names and the qualities of Allah, He is unique in them, he is singular in them, he is the only one

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who has those qualities and names of that level. And we will never associate a partner with him in that. And we will not associate partnership in worship, because we worship Allah alone. And this is why we say he cannot do what he can us during you alone. We worship and you alone, we seek help from today when we make it to us. If we were in the corner of our our homes, in the darkest hours of the night, to call out to our maker,

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we would only be allowed to call out to Him and none else no tree, no stick, no Stone, no grave, no saints, no creature at all. We don't call out to any profit. And we don't render any acts of worship for anybody besides the one who made me for your information. That is what makes Islam so palatable. That is what makes Islam so acceptable amongst those who are non Muslims. Today, if you ask the non Muslims who turned to Islam, what is it that drove you to Islam? The majority will answer you and say, the concept of godhood in Islam,

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I plug into my naked I don't need to go and confess to a pastor. I don't need to go and confess to an archbishop. Because to be honest, that pastor and that Archbishop might be worse than me secretly behind closed doors.

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And voila, it has happened. I know of an incident where they had hidden cameras

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expose the certain pastor of a church who used to say I forgive you, my child to everybody else. And he said he was a bigger criminal than what was happening. So he was forgiving people of a sin that he was guilty of an even greater one then Allah subhanho wa Taala says God, imagine with us, if you have committed a sin. Your sin is your secret between you and your maker He will forgive it

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by the

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in the law, Phil Zulu by Jamia in

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Omaha masala, tell my worshipers who have transgressed against themselves. Never lose hope in the mercy of your maker. For Indeed Allah will forgive all your sins. He is most forgiving, Most Merciful, who will forgive your sins. A tree, a great another man know Allah. He is most forgiving, Most Merciful. So you confess your sin to Allah, meaning you admitted to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And you feel the remorse regret.

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And you ask Allah subhanho wa Taala His forgiveness and you promise not to do it again. With those conditions your sin is wiped out. Your sin is wiped out. We believe very firmly that the one who has sought forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is completely sinless if Allah has accepted the tilbyr and the signs of acceptance of Toba of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If he accepts the Toba, one of the signs of acceptance of repentance is our lives have changed.

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Your life changes. You can't say You know what? I

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went to the nightclub. So Allah forgive me

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And tomorrow already you have planned to go there tomorrow night. What type of foolish behavior is that? If you were dealing with a human being, some people can do that because the human being doesn't know. But you cannot cheat Allah, you cannot cheat Allah subhanho wa Taala. So May Allah grant us forgiveness.

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This is why we have

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the discussion of all three aspects of tau is in the same surah because we don't associate partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. In any of these names or qualities, in rendering any act of worship.

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We don't associate partnership with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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In any of his names or qualities, as we said, in rendering any act of worship, and in confirming the fact that he is the maker, the creator, the nourisher, the cherishes the Sustainer, the provider, the protector, what someone gives you, if they if Allah has given them the power to give it to you, they have given it to you because Allah has given them the power to do so for example, if I were to ask you, brother, can I please have that water? If Allah doesn't want that to happen, it won't happen. It won't happen.

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But within visible means, when when I say visible means here we talk about visibly, I can see that it's very near to him, he has a hand and he can pass it to me very easily. Then I can ask him for that knowing that ultimately Allah subhanho wa Taala can either allow it to disallow it.

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But for me to render any act of worship, any act of worship for anyone besides Allah, what makes me different from the Christians?

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What makes me different from those who have worshipped the messenger. In fact, perhaps they have rendered an act of worship for someone better than the one that others have ended in and rendered an act of worship for, but it makes it unacceptable, it is still unacceptable.

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So May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us, indeed, this issue of the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala is driven home in Surah, to Satya and this is why sometimes you have people saying, you know, it's a surah that I haven't understood, and you think to yourself, how can you not have understood our society, when it has the core of belief, it guides you the way it will lead you to the path and it will ensure that you do not render an act of worship for anyone but Allah subhanho wa Taala, I wish to end by saying that there is a very fine line between respect and worship.

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Some people respect another human being.

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And they crossed the line to worship

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without really sometimes pondering over it. So remember, no matter how knowledgeable I may be, or anyone else may be, we respect them, but we don't worship them. There is a difference. Very big difference, but it's a fine line at the same time. So sometimes you find people they treat a knowledgeable person, as though he is a God, it happens. And it happens in a lot of societies and communities, we would say, if you are in getting an act of worship, or if you have superstitious beliefs that this man knows the unseen, or this man has this and that then we are heading in the wrong direction.

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It is Allah alone, whom we run the acts of worship for. And the reason I chose to end in that way, is because no matter

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how advanced the person can have got in this world, we will not render an act of worship for anyone but Allah subhanho wa Taala may open our doors, and May He grant us really ease of learning the Arabic language, we have to reiterate that make an intention now that I will do my best to learn people are paying to do courses to learn, you know, diploma in this subject in that subject. Why don't we do an online course of the Arabic language even if you have to pay? Why don't we visit our Arabic friends and tell them listen, Brother, do not speak to me in any other language but Arabic. Sometimes you have friends or have friends who will tell you I speak to you in English because you

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are my friend. Tell them when you visit my country you can speak in my language today I am in this country. I will speak in years love UCLA.

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And the idea is only only to understand the revelation better and to develop our own Eman that Allah subhanho wa Taala opened our doors until we meet again we see sallallahu wasallam albaraka and Amina Mohammed Subhan Allah Subhana Allah homovanillic the shadow Allah Allah Allah and

00:59:21 --> 00:59:25

Simone lectures, we see it sl

Mufti Menk explains Surah Al-Fatiha and discusses its significance during his special series “Roots of Knowledge” held at Fanar – Qatar Islamic Cultural Center from May 24th to May 26th 2012.

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