Suhaib Webb – Ibn Qayyim On Who Is A Faqih

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the benefits of using the internet for knowledge generation, including access to papers and a machine called Audio-Hanson. They also mention the importance of the physical environment for students, particularly in regards to the grip of the pencil and the number of glasses needed for knowledge generation. The discussion then transitions to answering questions about the benefits of using the internet for student satisfaction.
AI: Transcript ©
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Incredible advice from Imam Ibn Qayyim about answering

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questions and serving the people. When he said,

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the true fakih, is the one who pairs

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his or her context with what Allah

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has obligated

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upon him or her.

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Marrying the heavens and the earth, and the

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earth with the heavens. With that in mind,

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looking forward to answering your questions tomorrow, as

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well as Saturday. We're gonna start it now

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just so we can build that bank up

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and be ready to go.

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But remember this, especially for the students of

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knowledge, and for those of you looking for

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answers, the Fakih is the one

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