Suhaib Webb – AlRazi’s Foundations of The Sacred The Importance of Correct Interpretation

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The Bible's physical form and use of tafsir are discussed, along with its importance in various aspects of life, including education, cultural practices, and cultural interpretation. The importance of interpreting the hadith and preserving the Tex Tex Tex is emphasized, along with the guidance of the Prophet sallavi alaihi Wasallam, which means everything is based on intentions and forgetfulness has been removed from our assumptions. The guidance of the guidance of the guidance of the hadith is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah.

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We're going to read insha Allah a few

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harakas through this book, Assas and Takdis,

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sections of this book, the foundations of the

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written by Al Imam al Mujadid Al Alamma

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Fakhruddin Al Razi

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Well, Imam al Razi dies at the beginning

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of 7th century, 606 after hijri. He was

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murdered by the karamiya. That's very important for

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you to note, you should research who are

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the and what did they believe, who

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also called the

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those who believe that God had a physical

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They actually poisoned him and they also slandered

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him. So a lot of the things you

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hear about Imam al Razi, they're untrue

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and they come from, the origin comes from

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Al Karamiya.

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Imam Arazi Rahim MashaAllah

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Imam Asiyuti mentions him in his poem on

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the revivers of Islam, which we're gonna teach

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here Insha'Allah Ta'ala in the future and that's

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Khallaz, Imam Masiyuti who dies 9:11 after hijri,

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almost 300 years later,

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he praised

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Fafhuddin Arazi

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Go and read what Imam Taji

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he wrote in Tabooqatash

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about Imam Ar Razi

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Maybe some people will say well Imam ibn

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he wrote

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a book,

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it's a large book

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attacking Ar Razi. So what?

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People can write books about people all the

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time, doesn't mean what they wrote is correct.

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And it also doesn't equate to that one

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person's opinion

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being the final

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judgment on the other person, especially when we

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have the majority of Ahlus Sunnah,

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Hata Al Azhar,

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praising Imam al Razi

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and also being critical of Imam al Razi,

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like Imam al Nafi for example and his

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The point is, you want to be mature

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and avoid sectarian differences

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sectarian, excuse me, differences

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as much as you can and be someone

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that has an open heart, someone that is

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is emotionally centered,

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and that stuff hasn't done a lot for

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The second sort of criticism

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directed towards the imam is that, and I

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said this before years ago, may Allah forgive

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me, that everything

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is in his tafsir

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except tafsir. And I said that out of

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my ignorance over 20 years ago.

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And the reason that people say that, as

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I heard from one of our teachers

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in Azhar

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years ago,

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is that

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most of us don't have the skillset to

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appreciate what is real tafsir.

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It's like if you go to a really

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nice restaurant and you eat really, really nice

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food, you might not like the taste of

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it, because you and I, we're used to

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In N Out, or Chick Fil A, as

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long as it's halal or whatever. We're used

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that kind of street food.

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So we may not be able to appreciate

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fine dining, that's halal,

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because we never had it before. Well, that's

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on us. That's why the poet says, if

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the eye is infected, don't blame the painter.

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If the tongue is infected, don't blame the

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So nowadays what does tafsir mean? Tafsir has

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been reduced in the English language

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to gyms,

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to numerical miracles of the Quran,

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to how many times days appear

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in the Quran.

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These were never the purposes of tafsir, that

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was salt on the food.

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The purpose of tafsir was to bring the

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guidance of Islam

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into the different aspects of life so that

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people will see the light of Sayyidina Muhammad

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and follow that light

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until they worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. That's

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why just a 100 years ago, a Sheikh

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Mohammed Abu in Lebanon, he used to teach

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in a church, excuse me, in a mosque.

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And Christians would come to him

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in his tafsir,

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and people asked him, like, why are you

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here? They said, Nastafid, we benefit from the

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Now the reductivism

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and the need to turn knowledge into entertainment

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has reduced Islamic studies to the point that

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we may not recognize

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really what the ulama

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and our teachers are teaching. And so then

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we get frustrated. We are projecting our own

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secular modern state, if you will,

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Islamic studies.

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That's dangerous, man.

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And vice versa, we also have

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to think critically in both ways, but you

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get the idea, Imam

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Ar Razi his tafsir, tafsir is really incredible.

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I remember, you know, a few years ago,

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there was a teacher who said,

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if, a great Hanafi scholar from Azhar, if

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I set,

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I'm trying to remember what he said,

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I could write 50 pages

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one verse of Quran and not repeat myself.

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And he used to say, I could sit

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and teach that one verse for a month

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every day, one lesson, and I would not

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repeat myself.

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SubhanAllah, so maybe the problem isn't

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maybe the problem is me. So let me

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start with myself.

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Imam al Razi, he here on page 135,

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he introduces us to something very important, he

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says, fee bayani

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afarq al islami

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la buddaminatwidhi

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He says that this section is going to

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clarify the fact

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that every sect of Islam

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has to acknowledge that there are certain

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texts in the Quran

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and certain texts from the sunnah of Sayyid

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Al Aqwal,

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which if we were to accept their explicit

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meaning will be a problem, meaning

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there has to be interpretation, what we call.

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We'll talk about tawil inshaAllah in the future.

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Tawil bayid, tawil kharib

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and so on and so forth.

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We have examples of this though, for example

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in the 5th chapter of the Quran

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verse 6,

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Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la says,

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All you who believe,

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if you stand to pray,

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then wash

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If you stand to pray, then wash.

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If you interpret that verse literally, that's what

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it means.

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That's why mashallah some of the ulama of

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Ulsuh they said taweeluhabhihi

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bi mountiqil aqal

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right. That this verse you have to interpret

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it because nobody goes Allahu

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aqbar Falsilu and then starts to make wudu.

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So if you were to interpret that verse

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as it is explicitly,

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as it exists explicitly in the Quran,

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you would be engaged in bidah.

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What's called dalada to iktildah, you have to

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interpret that.

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The statement of Sayyidina Nabi

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actions are by intentions, every single

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action right now I'm rocking back and forth

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because I'm old,

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am I having an intention for that? No,

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is the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam truthful?

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Without any doubt. So that means

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We have to interpret

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the hadith here, we cannot go to the

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explicit meaning of the hadith because that will

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mean every

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single thing we do, every single action that

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exists and happens

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is by niyyah,

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So here we

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say we have to make taweeel.

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So Imam al Razi is saying that there

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are going to be times in the Quran

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that every single group of Islam

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acknowledges a taweel. And we know that Ahlus

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Sunnah Alhamdulillah when it comes to this issue,

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they fall in the middle, alhamdulillah, between the

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There's also an example of the hadith of

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the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in his hadith

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where Allah

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will say to a person on the day

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of judgment, I was sick,

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right, and you didn't care for me.

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And the person will respond recognizing

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the transcendence of Allah, and say, how could

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I have visited you? And now we see

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if you would have visited

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someone who was sick you would have visited

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So we learn this not only from the

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principles of

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our usool, usoolulufik,

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but also in the text themselves,

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like the 6th verse of the 5th chapter

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of the Quran,

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if you interpret it literally,

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you'll become from Ahlul Bilah.

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And the Hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam another example, forgivefulness has been removed from

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my Umma,

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Forgiveness has been removed from my Umma Wallahi,

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I wish this was true, I'd tell my

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family this.

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I forget things all the time.

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So we have to interpret this hadith because

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of course we all forget, what does it

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mean? The sin

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of forgetfulness

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has been removed,

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is forgiven

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of my ummah. Laatu akhidna

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So we're gonna go through this and I

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think it's very important because oftentimes English speaking

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Muslims have only been exposed to one understanding,

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lil Asaf Shadid. And they assumed that the

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early Muslims never made tawil,

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that the early Muslims never interpreted texts.

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The wahir of the nusus,

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the explicit text. So we're going to address

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that InshaAllah

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And again, I'm not here to argue and

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fight with people, I don't have time for

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I'm just here to share information, feel free

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to differ, that's no problem

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but you're not gonna find me engaging it

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back and forth and all that stuff,

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Qala al imam Ar Razi Rahimullah

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Badam Qala after he said, feebayani

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ana janmaa forakal islami mukrunabi

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ana hulaabuddamina

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So the reason I'm reading this Arabic is

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for my students,

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and some of, also my teachers to engage

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me later on, we can continue these discussions,

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and some of my colleagues.

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But Imam Marazi says,

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this introduction here, we have to recognize

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that every group of Islam admits that there

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are certain times that they have to make

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the explicit meaning of text. Why? Think about

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what the book is talking about, to preserve

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the syncede.

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If we were not going to interpret

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every single action is based on an intention,

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and forgetfulness has been removed from my ummah,

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if we were to take those hadith literally,

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that would imply

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that we did not believe the prophet was

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truthful because that's not the truth, we forget,

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and everything we do is not based on

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intention. So there is what called Dalada tu

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we have to interpret.

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So the whole purpose of this,

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from the framework of Ahlus Sunnah, as learned

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from the sahaba and the salif, as we'll

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see soon,

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was to preserve the transcendence of Allah

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in our minds,

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because Allah doesn't need preserving,

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and the Prophet

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other things, and

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take this as a slow ride, this is

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a process and I think it'll be more

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than 2 halaqa insha Allah.

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And it's important to note that the salaf

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as the Imam Al Nawawi mentions and the

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Imam Al Khattabi and the Imam Al Bayhafi

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and others,

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they had

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two ways to do this when it came

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to running into problematic

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The first is

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to suspend the meaning to Allah, Allah knows.

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The second, taweel, to interpret it in a

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way which preserves the majesty of Allah. Now

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we're talking specifically about an Allah, not about

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wudu and salah

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or in regards to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi

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to interpret his words in a way that

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preserves his isma,

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his isma.

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So with

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the purpose here is to preserve his taqdis,

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his transcendence, his

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does distance him from idolatry or any comparisons.

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With the Prophets,

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saying the purpose of this is

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to preserve their esma,

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that they have been protected from doing anything

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that would contradict their responsibilities

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and roles as prophets.

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And now the Sheikh, we're gonna move on

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to the text

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So now he's going to give examples where

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interpretation of the explicit meaning has to happen

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or it will contradict a major principle of

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Al Islaam. So the interpretation

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he says

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So the Sheikh, he says first

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is that in the Quran we find words

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in the context of talking about Allah Subhana

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Wa Ta'la like alwaj, face, an eye,

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a cheek,

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a shin, one shin.

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He said,

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If we were to take the literal meaning

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of those words

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We would have to then assume

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that this we would be

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a person

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has one face,

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and on that face are many eyes,

00:15:55 --> 00:15:58

and one cheek, and many hands,

00:15:58 --> 00:15:59

and one shin

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and there is no

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person on the face of the earth that

00:16:11 --> 00:16:12

is ugly as that description.

00:16:22 --> 00:16:24

There's no way I could accept or believe

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or contend

00:16:26 --> 00:16:28

that anyone with any semblance of intelligence

00:16:29 --> 00:16:31

would be pleased to describe their Lord like

00:16:31 --> 00:16:33

this. So he's giving now, this is of

00:16:33 --> 00:16:35

course like a logical argument that if you

00:16:35 --> 00:16:36

were to interpret

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all of those texts in the Quran

00:16:39 --> 00:16:39


00:16:40 --> 00:16:41

what type of

00:16:42 --> 00:16:43

literal creation would you have

00:16:46 --> 00:16:48

And the prophet said,

00:16:49 --> 00:16:51

Allah is beautiful, he loves beauty.

00:16:51 --> 00:16:53

So we'll stop here and then next time

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we're going to start to move through the

00:16:55 --> 00:16:59

different ayat that Sayyidna Imam al Razi uses

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for examples to teach this important principle.

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