Shady Alsuleiman – The Biography, Seerah, of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH #16

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history and character of the Prophet Muhammad sallama's marriage and multiple women. They also touch upon the importance of the Prophet's wife, Zama, in bringing up the idea of "The head" and the "has been a womanizer." The speaker also discusses the struggles of the Prophet's actions, including his marriage to a woman named Kadija dlo Thailand and his marriage to Kadija dlo Thailand. The speaker also talks about the church's actions during the time of Islam and the importance of learning from the Prophet's actions and listening to him.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad even our pa Idina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi remained rubbish at least Audrey recently Emily, Emily Sonia oleum, about all president Allah. And please be upon his prophet and messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Brothers and sisters once again Allah subhanaw taala blesses he to be from amongst those who get together in the house of Allah to remember Allah. And to learn more about the Messenger of Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And we've been talking about the zero of the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam and as much as we talk about the seed of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will never ever give it satisfaction will never ever give it satisfaction because the seed of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is one of the greatest resources, one of the greatest resources that Allah subhanaw taala had left for us and one

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of the greatest

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Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam that continues to live after the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. And last week we spoke about the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam losing his to his two strongest supporters, his uncle obatala, who died as a disbeliever and his wife, Khadija de la Donna, he died as a great believer.

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And obatala was that great support of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, particularly outside his house

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with the people of Quraysh were held back in escalating the attacks on the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Because obatala

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and these are the Lord Allah knows the spiritual, internal comfort for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu is a mother who passed away in one knee

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in the 10 fee

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after the revelation, which is three four years before the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam migrated from Mecca to Medina.

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For that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called the either of Hassan sorrow, sadness, losing a muttalib his uncle and his wife had

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the problem Hamad sallallahu wasallam himself says and the Sahaba also the Allahu taala say this, that the people of Quraysh

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did not take advantage of attacking the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as much as they did after the death of a baton.

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After the death of autolock de escalated the attacks on the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam before was one of those protecting the Prophet Muhammad Allah is salatu salam O Allah Allah azza wa jal is the Protector first and foremost, Barbuto levels I mean, those protecting the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and after the death of avatar of the people of Quran escalated their attacks abuse on the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and the Prophet Muhammad was on a filter by at least if there was the external attacks on the problem, Amazon Salah the prophet SAW Selim arrives home after a long, struggling, pressing hard day, Alicia needs to return back home

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Khadija is to be the she's to comfort him.

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She's to calm him down. Just looking at ah will bring comfort and peace to the problem. homosassa lamb but the problem Hamilton Lawson doesn't have that anymore.

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That's why Nabi sallallahu wasallam called it the off surah

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even the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Allah has not replaced me with anyone greater than Khadija. And that's after the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam had married or got married to numerous wives and women. After the death of Khadija.

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Few months after this interview, sallAllahu wasallam got married to his second wife, which she is his first wife. When I say first wife, these are the first wife

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but after death and Khadija Silva was the first one after the death of Khadija, Celebi, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got married to the second wife in aura, which was the early wife at that time, Zama

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so that bent Zama soda meant Zama.

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So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam few months after he gets married to so the bent Zama so that the daughter of Zama

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so that

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was the first one of the problem. hamazon gets to it gets married to after the death of Khadija she was from amongst the first of those who had embraced Islam and she migrated to a senior habitat with

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Her husband, his name is Sacra even armor, but he passed away in Abyssinia and then she returned back to Makkah. So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam got Meritor

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after Saldana visa loss of America, Asia after eyes and he's also got married to another woman. And then a third woman and a fourth and a fifth. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam got married to

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10 to 12 because these differences of opinions amongst scholars 10 to 12 different women after Khadija the Lord Allah

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and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had maximum at one given time, nine wives

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are we as Muslims, men

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weren't given time? Yes, you're right.

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As a Muslim man, yeah, Allah Allah allowed to have maximum four

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wives at one given time. I'm not here talking about polygamy or pushing full polygamy. I'm just talking about the Islamic perspective ever.

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islamically a man is allowed to have four wives at one given time.

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But when you look at the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, he had nine. Now before Islam, all prophets and messengers came with one religion,

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but they had different they have different legislations.

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In some of those legislations, which is the religion of Islam, some of the prophets and messengers came with Islam and legislations that allowed them to have more than 100 wives at one given time. They were allowed to have that. But with the legislation of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Islam had limited to for maximum one given time, the Arabs during the time of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, these take American 10s and hundreds nilima. But the Sharia came in limited to four given times, Harry apply this when the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had mine at one given time, the problem homosassa is the problem the Messenger of Allah, because it's the

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province of the Messenger of Allah, he has a higher responsibility. That responsibility comes with extra with extra struggles, challenges, and part of that struggle and challenges that Allah subhanaw taala allows him to do things that others are not allowed to do some things which are considered to be haraam on the rest of the nation of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam halon to the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam. Some of the things which are held on to the Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Allah, Allah to the rest of the nature of the prophets, Allah. Some of the things I found on the prompts I sell them sooner to us, and some of the things are far too soon on him. For example,

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what's helpful for the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salim Hara for the rest of the nation of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam is the problem homosassa was allowed to have more than four words at one given time, but the rest of the nature of the problem homosassa are not allowed to have four words at one given time, which makes it to be hard on them Bahati what's hard on him halaal to the rest of the nation of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam a poor person, a poor Muslim is allowed to get Zakat, Zakat money, but that's haram on the Prophet Mohammed Salah, and the progeny of the profiler is also what sparked on the profiler is Salatu was Salam Suna to us is that the Prophet Mohammed

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Salalah alayhi wa sallam was obligated to get up for the novel pray that the head prayer, but for us, it's sooner for him it's

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so he's a prophet and a messenger of Allah say he has a bigger responsibility.

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So the President Mohamed Salah, Allahu alayhi, wa sallam

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got married to sada meant Zama as the first wife, he gets married to Africa, and then the problem hamazon got married to more than one wife.

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But I want to stop here and I want you to just to think with me.

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He had nine wives at one given time.

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You had no one was the one given time. You've got people trying to attack the Prophet Mohammed Salah zombot, saying, no Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was a womanizer, he had nine wives. It gives you the perception that this man is a womanizer cares about women. And he's more sexually orientated than your normal or average human being or your average person. I want to break this down because it doesn't make sense to me.

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Someone like Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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Jerry during his peak, his Pinnacle style of manhood, and that's 25 years old, all the way to 50. He only had one wife in his life. And there was Khadija

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after 50. The sexual orientation doesn't go up, starts to decline. It's a reality.

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It's a reality. After 50 years old, it's not gonna go up. It's gonna get down. So during the

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Pinnacle peak time of this man Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which was 25 years old to 50. He was married to only one woman, when he had the choice to get married to hundreds others, and that's before the is the before Islam. Whenever we saw some chose to stay with one woman that was older than him by 15 years, and previously married twice before him.

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It just doesn't make sense that if you want to climb or you want to Elijah, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was a womanizer, if he's really a womanizer, who would have probably got married to as many women that he wanted. And for him to fulfill that sexual urge during his Pinnacle time. When it was 25 3035 4045, no 150 and his first wife and anyone died. When the sexual urges on a decline, he goes and gets married to her number one, which means one, he's not a womanizer doesn't make sense.

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If he's really a womanizer, who don't get when I'm fulfilled that during his Pinnacle time,

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and the other words of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam got married to every single one of the promises and got married after death,

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was bought a command from a loss of Hamilton and not because the problem homosassa wanted.

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Not because the problem hematol allottee or Ceylon was searching for more women in his life. No.

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And every single woman the problem Hamilton was I'm not married to, though we're all non virgin, which means that we're all previously married except one.

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In particular, talking about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Anyone would love to get married to the perfect

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woman, young or old would love to get married to the preferable homosassa lump. That means they had an opportunity for them to fulfill his sexual urge and sexual desire by getting married to a number of virgin young woman. But that's not the case.

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Every single woman the problem homicides got married to was previously married, some of them older than him except our issue.

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So when you really assess, it just doesn't make sense that someone who is a womanizer will do things like that.

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And we're talking about from a logical perspective, but he's Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is the greatest man to ever trade this earth. So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was so loyal to her these are the alota Allah and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam stayed with her these and did not get married to anyone during the time of Khadija until she passed away. She passed away 65 years of age, he was 15 years of age sallallahu alayhi wasallam that's when the Prophet Mohammed solemn, got married to his second marriage. And then the problem homosassa I'm stoked to have more than one one on one given time.

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And the Prophet Mohammed Salah son will continue to praise Khadija radi Allahu taala he was so loyal to Khadija.

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The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a loyal to her these are even after her death, some etc. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will continue to visit some friends of Khadija, after the death of Khadija as loyalty to her these are the Allahu taala

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when the Prophet Muhammad Allah sent me to talk about her deja deja deja deja improviser, I just start to become jealous.

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And then she told the problem homosassa one day, lock in at the tea enough Allah had given me some umbrella she's talking about herself. I'm young. I've never been married before.

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So the Prophet homosassa said no.

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To be frank, no.

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Allah hasn't given me someone better. She's the one that stood by me. Whenever I went against me. She gave me from her. Well, she supported me and she's the only woman that lots of panel data gave me kids from

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Subhan Allah these are the Alo Thailand.

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So Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after he lost his uncle that was supporting him and lost his wife. Her these are the lowdown and she was always there for him in the visa lesson A few months after that decides to get married to his first wife, and first marriage after Khadija dlo Thailand and that's soda, mint Zima.

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And so that was an young and she had kids.

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And she's been through a lot. She's one of those Muslim female companions that migrated from Mecca to Medina. from Mecca to a senior habit she returned back to Macau, and she lost her husband along the way. So the problem hamazon got married to

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but you could see how the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is persistent, steadfast, strong with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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The Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam continues to call to Allah subhanho wa Taala and continues to invite people to Allah azzawajal and continues to stand strong against all the challenges on odds, the

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of price of bringing forward against the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But then the problem I'm not sallallahu wasallam realized, like, he's calling and speaking to these people and calling as big into these people and going as being from these people, and that and resisting more and more and more, it's not like they are reducing their resistance against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam but the people of price are resisting the Prophet Mohammed Salah, Salah more and more and escalating the pressure on the Prophet Allah is the rest of it particularly after the death of Abu Talib. They've escalated the put more pressure on the Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn and became

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physical with a start to push the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam hit the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and the rest of the Sahaba and obviously, if they escalate the pressure on the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam by default, this would have been escalated upon the companions and the followers of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam among

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those amongst us I was getting bashed by the people of Pradesh, others

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have been tortured. Some were wrapped in carpet, a little a fire just to suffocate them, and Burnham, others noid

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and you could see the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam will continue to be strong. And Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to reveal to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam verses from the Quranic and him to come from the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam

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will all know that the Quranic game the scholars had divided and categorized the Quranic game to the Mackie verses and the madonie verses and the Maquis verses, those verses that were revealed before the migration, many verses are those verses that were revealed after the migration, but that Maquis verses, which are those verses that were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW some before the migration have a certain stall differently, the madonie verses and the star the Maquis verses are always inspirational and motivating the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, and focusing on Al Qaeda and creed and belief and persistence and steadfastness and perseverance. And Allah subhanaw

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taala continues to reveal those verses in bijela, talking about the Hellfire and the paradise and reminding the Prophet Muhammad, Allah promise for them the paradise stay strong, stay steadfast, they perseverance, Allah promised you the paradise, then disobey Allah, Allah, otherwise you find yourself in the hellfire.

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But then the Prophet Mohammed Salah lahardee, or Sallam start to think about other options.

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And the other options the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started to think about is, why don't I just walk out or come out of Mecca and start inviting people from outside Mecca to Islam? Maybe because I'm close to these people. I grew up with them. And you know, sometimes when someone is very close to you, they become more resisting in listening to you. That's why you struggle with the close people to you when it comes to Dawa, talking to him. Not all, but a lot of the times you're struggling to someone who's close to you to talk to them, because you're very close to them. Nevertheless, I'm starting to think of a different strategy, rather than me just focusing

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and talking to the people who are close to me in which I've been talking to them for the last 10 years. And I'm only I'm only seeing more resistance from them. in Ibiza. Last I'm thought of a new strategy and that is to come out on Mecca and start inviting people from outside login into Islam. Maybe you'll get support from outside, send me some loss and I'm thought of the closest place to Mecca the closest people team. Now the people have a thought if,

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say the enemy sallallahu wasallam decided to travel from Mecca to above above is about 100 kilometers away from Mecca. Apart f is a city that's about 100 kilometers away from McKenna because I'm traveled from Mecca to up life. The people have a thought if the word tribal tribes, one specific tribe that had leadership, the main leader passed away so the leadership was divided amongst three of his sons. In the reason Allah Allah said I've traveled from Mecca Tata, with one of the company's name is Aiden O'Hara, Tanzania, Mahalia was fostered by the prophet Muhammad Allah, Allah. And the prophet SAW some took care of him from a young age as aid was from amongst those who

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first embraced Islam.

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So now let me some Allah Allah said I'm trebles on food, from Mecca to above.

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Upon arriving, Tata, if the tribe that was resorting and inhabiting a Bible kotaki flogging gopura smackah then you've got the plague upon and Nabi sallallahu wasallam what's the beef? Here are the inhabitants of a bar every Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam met with their leaders. There were three brothers Abdallah and Massoud and Habib,

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though were the children of

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one of their primary chiefs that passed away his name is I'm an eminent domain.

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When the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam robbed the diviner and the problem was a lesson from the force and he says I'm sat down with

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The problem homosassa brought to them something new. There is believe in Allah and I am the messenger of Allah, abandon and forsake and leave the worship of your idols.

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Said Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called them to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they were listening. After the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had spoken, the start to make mockery of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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and they turned around them they said, You came all the way from Mecca to just to tell us about this new thing.

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This new innovation and you want to tell us that you are a prophet, a messenger of Allah, Quran Allah just one day no one else misheard you. If I'm next to the camera on our ripped the cover

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of the camera walks to me from Mecca t i won't even believe that you're a prophet, the Messenger of Allah, no one make a mockery to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam speaking down to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam despising the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam.

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This is Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam look what he went through Allah is Allah wa sallam.

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So those three leaders that's three brothers will continue to make mockery of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at the end the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw serious resistance from them.

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rejection, said Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If that's the case, you don't want to believe in me. And you don't want to believe that I'm the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah. As I came in here, in peace, let me walk out of he, in peace. I came in here in peace. Just let me walk out of him, please. I don't want any trouble. I came here for not trouble. I want to walk out of he without trouble.

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That didn't listen. They gather their young

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teenagers, their slaves, made them stand in lines of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam your prophet your messenger Muhammad Allah Allah the greatest human being to ever trade this f Allah is Salatu was set up while he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was walking out of a thought that his youngsters and slaves were casting rocks and studying the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam making mockery of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam

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calling your beloved Prophet Mohammed Salah is one of the most beloved one in your life more beloved than your parents and your children as the problem Amazon makes mention that we're starting the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam make a mockery of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spitting at the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And now the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam exits and walks out of a port.

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With a wounded body and a broken heart. Working out All I'm trying to do is good to these people. I'm trying to save him from Jehovah and look what they did to me.

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Zeid even how they tried to protect the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and cover the Prophet Muhammad Allah salatu wa salam, he was also harmed.

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And the problem homosassa must have more. So the Prophet Mohammed sallallahu wasallam exits a

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bleeding, and his heart was also bleeding to see that same day saw from people that he's trying to save at that moment, with full service at that moment, with full sadness, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raised his hands to Allah makes this beautiful dog Allahumma Eliza. Dushku, Botha poverty Oh Allah, I complain to you the weakness of my strength.

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My weakness I complain to young,

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working lotta haloti my lack of resources. Well, hawan Allah nurse and the disrespect of these people to me, how am I going to complain to you Allah? I'm complaining to you your hammer. I mean, you're the most Merciful, the Most Gracious. And

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you ARE THE LORD OF THE WEEK ones Well, I'm therapy and you are my Lord. ala man tequilana you're gonna let me gotcha he's gonna let me rely on elaborate hemani to a distant person. No will take advantage of me and mock me. I'm in our doin Malacca armory alter an enemy that will have full authority over me Illa Mia combi Kala Robin Fela O'Malley the part that blows me away.

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Oh Allah. If you're not angry from me, regardless what just happened to me right now? I don't care as long as you're happy for me. If what happened to me in there pleases you. I'm happy. So Pamela, when do you ever say that?

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The moment that you feel the pressure because you're a Muslim straightaway Islam. Why Islam is doing this to me. It's my bed that's doing this my hijab is doing this to me. It's my Salah, in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through

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A very challenging

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moment a big struggle and then the problem hammer salesman says yeah, Allah, what happened to me in there? If it pleases you, I'm happy as long as you're happy for me what I can offer you, here also only as long as your pattern comes upon me that's more important to me than it feels also be naughty magic Allah the

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Aussie Griffey age, in a lot of your face that had spread and taken over all darkness was aloha la amla. Dunya. Well, and the matters of this world and the Hereafter is depending on men and tuna Zilla, be

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internationally be heard about, you know, Allah seek refuge near the event center and your anger and wrath on me. Oh * Allah Sato and your anger to come upon me like a toda la quwata illa

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your Allah, I'll continue seeking refuge in you and ask you until you are pleased. And there's no strength and power except in you.

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Somehow in the law, amazing. Look what happened to him right now. And it turns out, he says yeah, Allah.

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Just what happened to me as long as you're happy for me.

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You just got stoned and marked as spam aspera.

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And now you turn around, say Allah.

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As long as you're happy for me, that's what you call faith.

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reliance on Allah, depending on Allah, loving Allah, striving for Allah, and giving up what you love most for Allah. And that's the character of a believer. He must stay strong regardless where you see an encounter. You must stay steadfast and perseverance. regardless what he experienced in life, at the end of the day, it's for Allah.

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And you want to seek the pleasure of Allah so make sure you acquire the pleasure of Allah.

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So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shocked.

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He was amazed to see what he just saw, shocked

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that later on after the battle, I told the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, I'm a messenger of Allah. Have you ever experienced that? That was the No, he said, Yes, the five or the people of five did to me.

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This event.

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What happened to the Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim and I thought what is one of the worst events the problem Hammersmith ever encountered? So Allah Subhana Allah sent down to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Then on day, two angels, Angel jabril and Angel, a mountain.

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Angel debris comes down. And the angel of mountains, comes down to the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah Angel Gabriel said to the Prophet Muhammad, Allah is Salatu was salam, O Muhammad, Allah had seen and heard, well, the people I've talked to don't hear. And he said that with me, the Angel of mountains for you to order him anything that you want, and he'll do. So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam speaks to the angel of mountains and he says to Mohammed, Allah had seen and Allah had heard was the people of time had done to you. And Allah had commanded me that whatever he came in me the old day and act upon it,

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and if you want right now Mohammed have grabbed three big messy mountains and pressure on them, and he can do it.

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So what does the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam say, during the grieving moment? After these people just armed him? There's a lot of rage and anger and emotions. But he just, he just humiliated me just hit me. And I've got the opportunity back.

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But he is the one that Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, my other son naka de la Motta, Liliana mean, you're the one that we sent a mercy to the entire mankind. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replies and says, No,

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no retaliation, not crushing mountains on them. But rather ask Allah to guide them even if it's one person, maybe one person level guide on their hands.

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Maybe one person Allah will guide and bring to Islam, just one. So pound Allah.

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Amazing. You just, you just got attacked, you got smashed, and now you've got an opportunity for you to retaliate. And then you say that

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that's a character of a prophet Muhammad Rahmatullah alameen mercy to the entire mankind. And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes near a farm that's owned by two men from the people of Porsche. So Pamela, who was Sydney, that would they

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they saw the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam for sitting down,

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breaking her

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her cup.

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They felt sorry to the problem homosassa even though they were against the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam

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who are against the Prophet Mohammed, from the people of price a little bit far against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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So they feel sorry for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. So they sent one of their slaves, his name is others. He's a non Arab from Babylon, which is iraq up north, and that time it was an Arab place. So they sent one of their slaves with a platter of food to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam or a plethora of fruits.

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So when others came and offered the platter of fruit, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam what's the first thing they do when you want to start eating? He say Bismillah so the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after appreciating the slaves offer through his masters or from his masters. in Ibiza, la Molina reached out to the food and he said, Bismillah

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others, he is the slave.

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He was shocked to hear Bismillah he turned around until the problem homosassa and said Bismillah people in this town in this province, then say Bismillah, where did you get it from? So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam told him and where you from?

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And what's your religion? He says, I'm a Christian. I'm from Nineveh, which is, you know, in northern Iraq, around the Babylon area.

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So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam says, okay, so you are from Nineveh, ninawa, Nineveh, which is the city and the term of the great prophet

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SAW the great prophet and sila which is Rogers Prophet, Yunus. Min Mehta. You're from the same city as prophet Yunus. Allah Islam adus Freetown. What do you know about you knows, people in this town never heard of you knows no one knows anything about Christianity or even know specifically about Yunus. So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam said, He's my brother, and he was a prophet, and I am a prophet. So when I first heard that, he went down to the free of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam kissing the feet of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sabich is in the hands of the problem. I'ma tell Allah Allah wa sallam, and from fire his masters. This two Arabs from Croatia and

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Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam have fought against the prophet SAW set up as seeing others kissing the hands on the face of the problem. My mother in law centers and I called him told him what did you just do? He said, This man is a righteous man and he's a prophet and a messenger. So they told them listen, others your religion is better than he's trying to manipulate him.

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Lots of Hannah love the fruits start to harvest the fruit start to a piece of handelian straightaway nebby salsa lamb just went through a very rough time. And then Allah subhanaw taala shows him the fruits.

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And the Prophet homosassa lamb returns back to Mecca. Along the way in Ibiza, la Sonam stops at a station when I say a station, not a petrol station, or a place

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in the middle of the desert. And they're the problem homicides and price that loss of Hannah Montana and then the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem gets surrounded by the gene and the gene our creation of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala created them with responsibility.

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So they listen to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and then the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam preaches to them.

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So they're returned back to their people saying in parts a manner or earn a hijab. We heard an amazing Koran. Yeah de la rushed, it guides you to guidance, it guide you to goodness, the same recitation as Moosa because there was a follow Musa so Allah subhanaw taala gave the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam another fruit. And that's the jinn embracing Islam because the jinn are responsible and following prophets and messengers. Then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returns back to Makkah under the protection of one of the people of pradesh where Allah subhanaw taala nutshells the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam fruits and amongst us fruit is the

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great miracle and journey of the Islam and Mirage in which insha Allah will talk about in the following weeks Allah subhanaw taala od an excerpt from your mega from amongst those who listen they act upon or they listen he is a radical on him they know shadow Allah Allah Allah stuff Roca, one adobo like

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