Shadee Elmasry – Ownership & Wealth Distribution in Islam

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the two themes of ownership and wealth in Islam. They explore the idea of ownership, where individuals are allowed to use and exploit wealth in a manner similar to what Islam is giving them. They also mention the importance of being able to claim ownership in a way that is not just for individuals, but also for the collective.
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Number one is that it says Melilla, it's Allah's wealth. He

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owns it, however, he gave it to you, and let the attack come.

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Alright, so we, unlike capitalism, and unlike socialism, socialism,

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almost wants to take away a lot of elements besides consumer goods of

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human ownership of wealth. Capitalism observes an absolute

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ownership. Whereas Islam, the truth, it finds itself actually,

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right in the middle, where you're not the owner, but you're allowed

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to utilize it and exploit it. But how you have to remember that the

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rights of wealth, the true heirs of wealth, are not just the

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producers of the wealth, but also those whom Allah has commanded you

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from. And we can glean that from the word where to whom he's

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telling you

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give them right. And so the two themes here is that it's a manner

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that Allah is giving us ownership, we're allowed to have ownership.

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It's not ours, but we're allowed to have ownership. And because

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it's not ours, it makes sense in my mind, that I can be told what

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to do with it by the real owner. And it's fair. So the second point

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being that

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who has the right to wealth, and both socialism and capitalism,

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they're both actually in the same set here is that they are only

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talk about the producers of wealth. Okay, so cap, capitalism

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is capital, its labor, its land, and it's the entrepreneurs in

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socialism, it's the labor and the other three are the collective.

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But Islam comes and says, no, no, no. There's a second category of a

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rightful owner of wealth, which is namely that the rightful owner of

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wealth is the producer and those who have been assigned the

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obligation to receive that wealth, which is the recipients of Zika

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NEFA. And we can I want to get to that point later.

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